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Warning/Request: Please don't come across MacKensie in the trees, as my post is a setup for her next post. Thanks xD

Well, there goes my plan to have Adam build a tree fort in her vicinity :P
"Good call, I can't speak for everyone but with the kind of luck I've had today....well I'm surprised nothing has tried anything yet."

Adam was mildly surprised to hear someone besides Lillianna, partially because she was the one he was talking to, and partially because Arthur hadn't said much of anything to him so far. The Druid wasn't complaining though; he was glad someone as formidable as the large man had the awareness to anticipate danger. Adam thought he heard Arthur say something else, but it was quieter than before, so the Druid assumed it wasn't meant for him. Instead, the man responded to the first part of Arthur's statement.

"True, I think most of us have had a good amount of danger today. I think we'll be okay if we work together." Adam had doubts about his own capabilities, but he felt that everyone here had something they could contribute to the cause. MacKensie's archery, Arthur's strength, and James's magic-

"Hey Adam! Do you remember the whole buff thing? I got to spend an hour inside a body of water before I can use it again so could we make camp beside a stream or a river? You seem to know a thing or two about camping and I don't want to die to a snake or something"

Oh, speak of the devil Adam thought with a slight smile. Was James referring to common snakes from Earth or to something more magical located here? The former wasn't an issue at all; the latter was probably beyond the range of his plant magic unless he could slam a tree on it to kill it. The water thing definitely was a magical thing though, based on what James said, and Adam was happy to provide a non-magical solution for his teammate.

"I remember it more than you know; I'd be glad to help," Adam replied, making sure he was loud enough for the healer to hear, "I'll do my best to find a good spot for us." Now it was time to focus on the map and keep his word. Considering they had maybe two or three more hours of travel left at the most, it would have to be somewhere nearby…

Oh, this could work! Yes, the Druid located a suitable location on the map. It was a small hill, higher than the surrounding land so they would have visibility and a terrain advantage if they were attacked. There was also a stream that wrapped around half of the hill so that James could get in the water like he had asked. Trees were around the hill as well, providing a way for Adam to help the team in case something happened. The Druid smiled, happy he could help the man who might have saved his life. Adam was about to let James know this when Lillianna replied to him.

"Well, it feels as if some of the knowledge was shoehorned into my mind, so I can certainly tell you types I can use at least. Spirit Magic and Lightning Magic. As for the 'elements' involved in those schools of magic, as worlds like this seem to be inclined to classify things under this sort of manner in various forms of fantasy fiction back on Earth, so I can't actually say.

You seem dressed for the woods, but lack a visible weapon skill like swords or bows as I've noticed in the case of the others. Are you a pure magic user, perchance?"

Interesting. Lightning Magic was pretty self-explanatory, but what was Spirit Magic? Could she control people's spirits somehow? Those were questions for later. Right now, Adam would answer Lillianna's question.

"I think so, yes. Everything I have is stuff I'd have used before I, uh, arrived here. The fishing pole, a knife, these clothes…well, all of it except this." Saying that, the Druid took out the orb with the rainbow-colored leaf and showed it to his fellow mage. "I have no clue what this does. I think it's important, but that's all I know." He was putting the item away when he heard Jojo's response to his earlier answer. It was good that this guy seemed to be reasonable, and Adam agreed with the sentiment of what he was saying, replying with "of course, though we can't just rush there either. We're already on the fastest route there, so we're doing as well as we can. I'll do my best to guide us all to Valheim." He meant it; MacKensie, Lillianna, James, everyone - they'd all make it to the city alive.
By the way, we have over 100 posts now! I'm happy to see this RP progress and I look forward to writing more here.
@Crimson Flame good CS, it is approved; go ahead and post it in the characters tab!
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Brain not working, explain please

I think he may be confusing me with Saiyan, but I'm pretty confused myself so I could be wrong.
"You are just as bad as eachother, to tease me so horribly. I have a feeling you will be two peas in a pod before long. Go and flirt with him yourself."

You heard it here first, James x Zell OTP :P @Teyao @Saiyan
@Crusader Lord I'm mentioning you here because I forgot to do so in my post, which is now up! I feel like I wrote a little too much, but I hope it's an enjoyable read all the same.
Adam was surprised that more people in this group besides MacKensie and Lillianna didn't have an opinion on whether they should camp or keep moving. Something as important as the logistics of transporting a cube that might hold the secret to saving innocent lives and winning a war seemed more worthy of discussion to him. Or maybe their silence was meant to be confidence in his plan, and therefore the Druid should just not worry about it so much? This was flattering, if true. Yes, unless someone made a serious complaint based on strategic merit, he would-

His thoughts were interrupted by Jojo, asking how long it would be until they reached their destination. A reasonable question. Adam worried about potentially upsetting the large man who could cut him up; the man had an intimidating aura about him. However, this was a good time to see how reasonable he was anyway. If something happened, it would be better for it to happen now than in a truly dangerous situation, and lying now wouldn't help the team anyway.

Adam directed his answer to the group as a whole, figuring it would be easier to answer the question once instead of ten times. "It should be two day's travel to Valheim, assuming we aren't delayed by a fight or something. And given that we just fought a small army an hour ago and we know fairly little about this world, it's likely we're going to run into some kind of trouble before we arrive, so it'll probably be longer than that. On that note, please stay alert everyone. I don't want anyone dying out here."

It was as good a reminder for himself as it was for everyone else. The strike from the ogre still weighed on the man. Adam had an idea or two on how to make their camp safer when everyone was settled, starting with-

"Adam, is it? Ah, I wanted to ask you something while we try to get settled in a spot to camp for the night. Mostly I wanted to ask if I could carefully examine that odd cube for a bit. I would like to see if we can learn anything about it in the meantime from that and such, ah, if that is ok with you of course.

It...is an odd request to someone I've just met here, but if we could learn anything about it then maybe we could at least better understand why it had the effect it did back there at the village. Admittedly I wasn't there for the battle, but I did glean some basic information about what had happened as we got ready to leave at least."

Lillianna's question was unexpected, but not unwelcome. The Druid really didn't really know anyone in the group besides MacKensie, so this was a good chance to change that. And the cube, the whole reason they were hiking to begin with, that was certainly important.

"It is, and no problem! I think everything about this situation has been odd," Adam joked with a smile as he grabbed the metal object and held it out, examining it as he spoke further. "I haven't had the chance to look at it much myself, being preoccupied with creatures who wanted to kill me at the time, but I'm not sure if it really is the 'heart of the skeleton' like Vadim thought. If it was, why would it scare away its allies? That's just a theory though, I think these people at Valheim will know more than I would. Anyway, please feel free to inspect this as long as you'd like."

As the man gave the cube to Lillianna, the man had another thought. What if the purple light didn't scare off the skeletons, but was some kind of "evil homing device" that would let them return to their location later with more powerful allies? Adam remembered Lillianna's panic when she first arrived though, and decided not to share this particular guess with her. No use in scaring her over a hypothetical scenario. Instead, the Druid asked her a question, partially to get to know her and partially to ensure he didn't accidentally alarm this woman. "By the way, if you know, what sort of magic do you have?"

Adam would have to talk strategy with the team at some point to ensure they were prepared for any threats, but right now he would talk magic with Lillianna. Or whatever else she wanted to discuss, really. Only an hour or so ago, the Druid was new to Mytheria and extremely scared by everything that was going on. The situation still was far from perfect, but Adam figured what the woman was feeling now had to be similar to what he felt back then, so he wanted to do whatever he could to get her to a better place.
@Timemaster I like the characterization, so if that's the direction you want to go in, okay.

I think as long as the blood magic isn't bring used to control people (think blood bending from Avatar) it sounds good to me.
<Snipped quote> by @Teyao

Also, this hit me square in the feels. Something about the word composition, maybe the strikethrough, I dunno but BAM! Man down! Too... much... feels

I liked the characterization of it, personally. I like that our characters are processing these events differently.

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