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@Timemaster I don't care for the mind control aspect, though that's just one part of the character as a whole so I don't want to give the impression I'm just judging just based off of that.

Besides that, I'm not sure the vampire possessed lady really differentiates itself much from just an average rookie healer/fighter. It's not like it's an OP concept, maybe it just needs to be fleshed out more. (Also I'm not sure what blood magic would be here.) Or go with your orc idea, that could also work.

Is that helpful?
I like the first idea - something of an underground scholar, gaining their magic through obscure books, if I'm getting your idea right? The second one would probably require more of my input than would be fun for you, so I can't recommend it for the RP.
@Eviledd1984@GoblinguyOur guys need to find a shady tavern in Valhiem and start some arm wrestling or cage fighting action. Make some extra cash. Arthur and Joji with the muscle. Zell talking in the suckers-ahem-challengers, taking bets. You two in?

Adam: I must do my best to get everyone to Valheim alive!

Zell: let's hurry up and get to Valheim so we can make money

This is a fun RP lol
Adam Phillips kept a vigilant eye on the map, his surroundings, and his team as he led them through Central Southern Mytheria. He felt somewhat out of place here for the past hour or so; the Druid did not feel like he deserved the responsibility of leadership and he was kind of surprised he was the only one who had asked for a map. James, who had apparently saved multiple lives, or MacKensie, who seemed so brave, felt like better choices. However, the man also knew why he was doing this in the first place. Many days spent in the nature of northern Michigan in one world and being able to perform some kind of plant magic in this one had prepared him for this sort of task. Whatever world he was in, Adam knew nature, and he knew that he would do his best to ensure that everyone in the group made it to Valheim alive.

So far, the route had been one conductive to that goal. Light woodlands were what everyone had been walking through, with no other creatures besides ordinary forest critters seen so far. Of course, that had been by design. Adam had studied the map before this trip even began, planning to ensure they had a safe path in this new world. And that wasn't the only plan he had.

"Once the sun starts to set, we should prepare a camp for the night. We can sleep when it's dark and resume our trip in the morning. We've been active all day and could use some rest, and without sunlight we'll probably get lost," Adam said to his fellow coffin arrivals. "I doubt these things glow in the dark." He lightly waved the map and compass to indicate he was referring to them. "Does that sound good to everyone?"

It was an honest question; Adam would certainly do his best to guide the group, but he couldn't force them to stay together. Whatever happened next was up to everyone who fell from the sky.
@xenon you've given me some good ideas for a post, and it seems Adam is the unofficial guide right now it seems fitting that I write something. I'm excited for the next part of the RP!
@Timemaster regarding your vampire idea, I suppose it would depend on the idea's execution. What powers would they have?
@Duckie I see, well you've got it narrowed down a little, I suppose. Sand isn't necessarily salty, but yeah there's definitely a lot of potential with the sand and desert theme. It could be symbolic too, not necessarily strictly literal sand being part of the spells e.g. warmth in a desert translating to a healing spell, perhaps.

Not a problem, I think you'll be able to think of a CS!
@Duckie no problem! I was concerned about overlap because of the orbs you had mentioned, not really them being sand, so I could have written that better. Your ideas seem interesting, but also a little all over the place. That's okay when brainstorming, but depending on the implementation it might not give other writers a chance to do much.

When I think of a support role, I imagine perhaps magic that strengthens others or maybe healing magic. You're describing offensive magic with a few other different ideas thrown in. I think you could go either way, but it would be helpful to narrow down your idea for your character. Some kind of desert fairy could be a unique approach, or maybe they are a more traditional fairy, depending on what you prefer.

I'd probably have to say no to sleep spells for the same reason I said mo to the siren bard, but there's a lot of potential here and we can certainly talk more about it.
<Snipped quote>


Even if I did have the fancy banner, I could never have the character icon because I never included one with my CS :P
@deso that sounds good to me!

@ORXC I'm not really sure if there are stakes if he can heal himself, especially without repercussions, and if there are consequences why haven't they manifested yet if he's presumably been alive a while? I don't object to two tank characters, and I'm open to being proven wrong, but I'm skeptical of the healing tank concept.
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