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And here I am, still using the regular font :P
There really isn't anything I need to write until xenon's next post unless @Crusader Lord wanted Lillianna to interact with Adam before then, since that's where he was when I last posted.
@Duckie I like your character idea and backstory! The one thing I think could be modified is the orb thing, since it sounds pretty close to the magic @Darkmoon Angel wants to use. Maybe some kind of fairy glitter instead?

@deso that could work, though I'd like a visual as to what you mean by "giant balls" so I'd have an idea of what it looks like in practice. The backstory works as well.
@Timemaster of those three, I think the first would work the best. It's more versatile, it seems balanced and you seem to have a good backstory in mind. The second would just be boring, given the story established so far; either they succeed with their power and the beast is neutralized, or they don't and they're useless. For the third, the first one seems interesting but I'm not sure how it'd play out RP-wise. The second would probably work better in a D&D sort of combat system than in a writing-based play by post sort of thing going on here.

I'm not trying to be overly negative, so my apologies if the second or third ideas were the ones you preferred. Just trying to provide an interesting writing environment!
@Zapdos Thank you for the answer. I won't be doing either of those, it was more to see what other people might. Got into one too many RPs where the setting was loose and people ruined it with custom races that were...too much or at least made me lose interest.

I've got a few ideas.

1. Orc, Templar class - inspired from the templars from Dragon Age (anti-magic people)

2. A Changeling Siren class

3. Whatever race, Luck Mage which I'm already playing in a different RP. The least likely from the 3.

No problem! Yeah, I don't want it to be too crazy, but I do want some flexibility for the writers.

I never played Dragon Age, so based on a quick web search your first idea would be an orc who hunts magic users? And your second idea is a siren (I'm assuming this is based on the sea creature mythology) that was swapped with a human baby? I'm just not familiar with some of the concepts you mentioned so I just want to be sure I know what you mean before offering my insight.

How would you write out the magic of a luck mage? It could be interesting, or a frustrating experience for you, depending on how it's done.
Welcome to the site! I had a NationStates account years ago based on Kuriboh from Yugioh, but I never RPed there. Enjoy your time here!
I get how you feel @Teyao, I've done dumb things in my posts in the past, and I'm sure I will do them in the future as well :P
@ORXC and @Duckie I appreciate your interest, let me know if you have any questions!
<Snipped quote by Zapdos>

To be fair I think this was before he saw what everyone else could do

Technically he never saw Adam use his powers once, he was too busy stabbing an ogre at the time :P
@ZapdosHe is a giant toddler lol He'll stop crying when he finally figures out he has a power too. It'll probably have levelled up 3 times before he even knows it's there lol

Yes, the power of annoying MacKensie :P
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