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Zell: "To have such strength and skill. To be in such a dangerous situation where one wrong move would be the end of you. To fight to the death in the defence of innocent people. It was intoxicating. No winning any football cup final could even compare to this. Nothing in his world could."

Also Zell: no fair everyone else has cool stuff, I just have a sword

I joke of course @Saiyan I enjoy reading your posts
@Zapdos I was thinking of some spells being combinations of different anime. Turn small objects into bombs, JoJo style. Or a gigantic middle finger of an explosion, Konosuba style. Course it’s all going to be balanced for the current setting. Maybe small mana orbs that my character launches that explode when they hit something, minor to no homing.

I've never seen either of those series, but if you can translate those abilities into the setting, cool. The mana orb thing could work, I think.
@Zapdos Quite an interesting, if somewhat, simple idea which is perfect.

Do you have any hard-limits on what races will you allow in the roleplay? I don't mean in terms of power but in terms of weirdness. Say, the blobs from DnD (or was it Pathfinder) or tiny fairies that fly and have strong magic but strength-wise, they're...well...

Thank you! I kept it simple on purpose so the RP could be malleable based on what the players want out of it. I like collaborating with my fellow writers!

To answer your question, I think it would depend on context. E.g. I'd probably not allow the blob because of things like measuring how it takes damage, that sort of thing. Maybe the fairy, depending on how they're structured. It might be easier if they're at least the size of small children, but I'm open to discussing whatever ideas you may have.

@Zapdos How do you feel about explosives in this setting? Handmade and/or magic.

I think explosives could work; again, it's about context. If they just lock on to the enemy and autohit them, that's boring, but if there's more nuance it's more interesting. I'd lean more towards magic explosives in this kind of setting though.

@Timemaster @Darkmoon Angel by the way, it's fine if you both are magic users. I can make a city guard type character to be the meat shield, if it is needed. Or if we get a ton of interest, I can just not make a PC in the first place. Whatever makes sense for the RP!
Adam watched the scene around him as everyone tried helping this new woman in their own way. Joji was one he’d have to be wary of; the way he ordered the soldier to get the water seemed brutish and unnecessary. At least he showed some kindness to the lady, so maybe this Japanese-looking man could work together with everyone else effectively, but he’d have to wait and see how things went. With Zell’s introduction, he simply rolled his eyes. Not at the part about James being good at tactics; that much could be possible. The Druid hadn’t interacted with him much, but he seemed to be a decent sort so far, being the first to help out the newbie in the first place. The part about “saving MacKensie four times already” was what led to the reaction. Based on her aim earlier and her behavior versus his, Adam was not impressed by the swordsman.

"I'll have you know, it was I who saved his life."

Yeah, that sounded right, but MacKensie sounded like she was unsatisfied by the interaction. Adam patted her shoulder and smiled in what he hoped would be seen as an act of support. There was too much going on to say more and he didn’t want to confuse this new girl. Arthur seemed to introduce himself cordially; it was good that this giant of a man wasn’t a stereotypical “big dumb man.” Having the time to contemplate it now, the Druid was impressed at how the anchor wielder took on an ogre basically by himself. Perhaps they could talk later about their respective battles, but right now wasn’t the time for this. Right now it was time to help this woman, Lillianna Steiner she said her name was, as she asked MacKensie what was going on.

Adam smiled as Lillianna accepted the canteen and drank the water. She introduced herself again, then took the staff with a nod. So it was hers. Good. She seemed to be in tune with it, like he was with the plants he controlled. Maybe she was some kind of magic user?

"Well, waking up in a large stone sarcophagus, being dressed for a ren faire, and somehow using magic for the first time can be a tad panic-inducing I would think."

Yeah, she was, and she seemed stressed out. Understandable, given the circumstances. Adam knew he certainly wasn't calm when he arrived in this new world. The man took a step back to give the woman some room.

"...Apologies, all. I was a bit snappy there. But this is all...I can't even fully fathom it right now. What's next, a necromanc-"

The Druid followed Lillianna’s eyes to the skeletons that were there. MacKensie did her best to reassure the woman, speaking kindly and factually. Hopefully that helped, but Adam wasn’t about to leave the poor lady more confused than she had to be.

“No problem. What you see is the remains of a battle. These creatures attacked the town, so we helped defend it. If it helps at all, I have some kind of plant magic, so I understand the shock of it all. I know it’s a scary situation, so if you need any help, please let me know. We’re all in this together.” Adam smiled, having spoken sincerely, hoping his words helped the mage at least a little.
Sorry for the long post, all, was just trying to catch up with Lillianna's reactions to everyone rushing to her and the situation around her.

All topped off with a badly-timed attempt to exasperatedly comment "what's next, a necromancer?" and noticing the dead bodies.

No apologies necessary for quality writing! You've given me a few ideas for a post as well, though I give no promises regarding how long it will be :P
In Howdy 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy your time here!
The world is a wonderful place, filled with brave warriors, powerful magic, and a variety of peoples and locations. The small human town of Centerville, located between two large cities on the continent, is one such place. It is a calm, peaceful area, perfect for those who are looking for a rest stop. You are one such person; an adventurer. Whether you're a mage, barbarian, ⁷ranger, or something else, you do things like go on quests and explore dungeons to make a living. Today, for whatever reason, you find yourself in this town. And you've heard good things about a local drinking establishment, or maybe you've been there before and liked it, so you find yourself at The Silver Angel. Despite the name, the wooden construction and furniture of the tavern is very typical of places like this. Whatever the activity may be that you're engaged in there, you're interrupted by a local man slamming the door open and yelling.

"The beast has attacked again! Are any of you adventurers? We need your help! Come with me to the mayor's office, he'll give you a good reward for your help."

Whether for the money, out of altruism, or another reason entirely, you decide to go with this person. Now you are on your way to this government official's place, ready to work with this group of strangers to get this job done. Will you be able to succeed?


So to summarize the prompt above, you are a group of adventurers in a typical medieval fantasy setting who will be working together for the first time to defeat a powerful creature. Your skill level would be between a novice and mid-level; you have experience, but there's still room for growth. The idea behind this is to have battles with real stakes and excitement; just destroying everything in your path isn't fun writing. I structured the plot so that there is room for collaborative worldbuilding and a larger plot if there is demand for it. If not, this can be a more episodic RP; it just depends on what you all want.

Here are a few rules to help make this a good place to write for everyone:

1) Posts should be at least two or three quality paragraphs each. Often times, it will be smart to write more than that, and that is encouraged if it makes sense! Not all posts need to do this though; quality beats quantity every time.

2) Please use proper spelling and grammar. I’m not the grammar police, but it makes writing look so much nicer. I recommend using a Google or Word document for your initial drafts, not just because of this but also because you'll have a saved copy of your writing if something happens.

3) If you have a concern about the RP, please let me know. Remember, I am only human, so I can’t read minds and I will likely make mistakes as well.

4) If you need to leave the RP, just let me know. I understand life happens and it's easier to be told than to wonder why someone disappeared.

5) No smut, extremely graphic torture, or gore please. A common-sense PG-13 rating is what I’m going for. If people have sex or something, fade to black. I’m not looking to write an episode of Teletubbies, just use common sense.

6) Most importantly, have fun! The whole point of this is to have fun writing, so it's a good thing to keep in mind.

The CS is located below. I'd there are details you'd like to collaborate on or need clarified, let me know!

If you have any questions, let me know. I do have a Discord server we can use for the RP if people want to do so. I look forward to writing with you!
@Darkmoon Angel awesome! If you have any other questions, let me know. I'm looking forward to getting the OOC up and running!
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