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@ZapdosCheers sham! I'll keep an eye out for it xD

My name is Zapdos, not sham :P

(Actually I don't know what a sham is in this context.)
@Zool good post, I'll start working on mine tomorrow! You gave me a good setup for it.
I just wanted to see if anyone was working on a CS before I post, since it will be easier to have new players join prior to this. Let me know, thanks!
@Bright_Ops it is not too late to join, we have one slot left. I do want to start writing my response to everyone though, so if you could get a CS in quickly, that would be appreciated. Otherwise I'll have to think of a way to put your character into the story after the start and that would require some thinking.
Adam began reinforcing his makeshift bridge with vines while he watched MacKensie and Zell cross it. It might have been overkill, but overkill was better than an actual person being killed because he wasn't careful. The swordsman, however, apparently did not share the Druid's sentiment in this regard, as Zell looked over the edge of the death pit and proceeded to almost fall into it. A combination of a little anger and concern arose in the red-eyed man as he started to prepare a spell, but MacKensie was quicker and she was able to save the armored man. Certainly impressive on her part; the woman had displayed her ability to use this new weaponry ability (magic? superpower? whatever it was) earlier and it seemed like she had quickly mastered it.

James' reaction was a much more vulgar approximation of what had been in the Druid's head earlier. His heart was in the right place, which made Adam trust him more with strategic decisions. Heck, the man's decision earlier to charge forward had proven to be correct. Maybe he could-

Just then, MacKensie interrupted his thoughts with news of half-eaten corpses and overgrown flies in the rightmost passage. Definitely not going there, the man thought. He was grateful somebody was taking all of this seriously, as Zell certainly wasn't. His life gets saved and he jokes about it? Yeah, James wasn't going to be the only one to give him a few words of advice today. That would have to wait though, as Lillianna saying the left path wasn't a good one and then proceeding to talk to herself seemed to be more of an immediate concern. What was that all about?

"Ok, so one of the dead spirits here just let me know there is a small pack of direwolves coming from the south. I don't care if I sound crazy, and I don't know if these wolves followed us here or are from here already, but we need to get ready for an attack from our rear. 


"Right, the 'Spirit Magic' you mentioned. I was wondering what that was about." Adam's tone in his response indicated that he didn't find the idea of being told by a ghost that they were in danger of being attacked crazy at all. "Well, I should-"

MacKensie accidentally spoke at the same time, suggesting he destroy the bridge.

"Do exactly that, yes" the man continued with a chuckle. Great minds thought alike, he supposed.

"I've got work to do. Be smart, everyone. This last, he said while looking directly at Zell. That was all the attention he could spare the swordsman for now; blocking the path that monsters could use to attack the team seemed like the higher priority. True to that purpose, Adam went to the bridge and began the process of dismantling it. First, he would attempt to remove any supplemental vines that were there, the smaller plants being easier to manipulate. Then, if that succeeded, the man would try to pull the trees out of the ground, one at a time. This would take somewhat more focus and concentration, as the Druid had purposely given them strong root systems so they could carry the weight of humans while being horizontal. If this worked, the nature manipulator would join his group again, ready to help as needed, whether it be with navigating the Hillocks or fighting the creatures within it.
It was a typical evening in Viridian City for most. This, however, did not include a certain Pokemon. Gray, the scarred Machop, has just heard some terrific news! Thanks to a heist Team Rocket was going to attempt on a Silph Corporation package later, there was a great chance to get some resources for him and his friends. The problem was, they were all asleep! It had been a busy day though, so he could take on this job by himself. Besides, just how consequential could it be?

The next morning…

At this moment, Gray was in a back alley of the city talking with a group of Pokemon, his trusted friends. The results of last night's work were beyond anything he had expected. The Machop had a plan on how to capitalize on this and he knew they would listen. Somehow he had become a "leader" of sorts to them; it would have been kind of a laughable concept to control free Pokemon, but Gray appreciated the sentiment and trust that this implied, so he allowed it. In any case, he was excited to share the details of what he was thinking with them.

"My friends, look at us. We live on the streets, surviving off scraps, while the humans live in fancy houses and can get whatever meals they want. Today, we take the first step in our journey towards gaining what we desire. Behold!" The Machop then pulled a curtain off of a nearby object, revealing what seemed to be some kind of humanoid robot. Male in appearance and the size of a typical teenager, it almost looked like an actual person. Black hair, blue eyes, and what could be mistaken for white skin could be seen on the "naked person." Nonetheless, the lack of any anatomical features revealed that this was not, in fact, a real person. A Silph Corporation logo on the stomach revealed the origin of this robot as well.

"You…you stole their stuff!" one Pokemon exclaimed in disbelief. After a moment, they added "so what, we're selling this or something?"

The Machop shook his head. "Nonono, you're thinking too small. We're not selling this thing, we're gonna use it. We're gonna enter the Pokemon League! Think about it; these humans pay each other to have us fight for them. Why not get paid instead?" The Pokemon's excitement rose as he continued his pitch. "We can train each other better than some random person ever could! Put some baggy clothes on the bot and it'll look like any other guy, one that listens to us instead of the other way around. We go on an adventure, save some money, and live the rest of our lives in luxury!

What do you guys say, are you in?"
It seems when one person leaves, another takes their place lol. @Courtaud I'm fine with you submitting a CS, but right now we have one open slot and Skwint did want to be notified when that happened, so I did that earlier today. In the interest of fairness, you both can submit CSes if you'd like. That being said, I do want to start the RP today or tomorrow (edit: the first IC post is up) so promptly submitting a CS will be appreciated so you can post with everyone else.
So TinyKiwi ended up withdrawing from the RP, so if you want to make a CS @Skwint you are welcome to! I do want to get the first IC post up today or tomorrow though, so let me know if you are interested asap please.

Also, I posted my CS in the Characters tab. I'm not super thrilled with the name but I didn't want to keep everyone waiting because of that and I felt it tied in well with the naming convention of the original games.
@Zool we all have special abilities, I'm not worried about MacKensie being a master acrobat lol
@Skwint I understand, I've been in that sort of spot before. Would you like me to let you know if someone leaves or I can otherwise think of a way for you to be in the RP?
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