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<Snipped quote by Saiyan>

Nah, it was Zell throwing another dude

So Zell won the arm wrestling match? I want to be sure I got that right.
Adam with his own version of the pocket-sand attack lesgooooo! Cool af

I'm glad you said that. I was thinking about referencing that - maybe his brother had mentioned it to him in the past - but I couldn't think of a good place for it to be mentioned without it undercutting the seriousness of the battle.
Oh my God, it actually worked! Can I actually win?

"You've got this, Adam!"

"That's it, Adam!  Show it who's boss!"

Yes, I can do this.

"Keep it up!"

Good plan, thought the younger Druid as he briefly smiled at the Ranger and took up an impromptu fighting stance, trying to prepare for an attack on the bear. Before he could though, the animal charged at him, striking his chest with a mighty slash.

Yeah, this is painful. I'll take an ogre strike over this, thanks.

The force of the attack knocked Adam down, though still with red eyes facing the beast that wanted to kill him. And the bear planned on doing this with its powerful right paw. How to stop this?

With his left hand on the ground, Adam realized he had a useful attack of his own. Not a claw, but it could be deadly all the same. He grabbed the dirt with that same hand and threw it right at the spirit creature's eyes, then if that worked he would push himself off the ground and charge at the beast, ignoring the pain he was feeling and the risk of being attacked again. All for the chance to punch the bear in the face again. It worked well the first time, so why not try it again? He didn't really think he was good at combat like this, but MacKensie believed otherwise, and that was good enough for him.
Gildor: welcome to my store! What brings you here?
James: my friend Zell recommended you.
Gildor: oh God damn it.


Barracker: Fenna here killed Aurok.
Everyone else in Second Chance: are we a joke to you?
I've put too many hours into WC3 custom games lol, I'll be watching this.
Adam got up like Gilligan said to, listening to his further instructions. Fight a bear? With no magic? Is he actually insane? Even in his former world, people without a death wish did not look for that sort of experience. The younger man opened his eyes, ready to say something, but was interrupted by the sight of the bear and the sound of it growling and charging at him.

Oh dear God I have to live somehow, he thought in a panic, narrowly dodging the first strike. The second attempt was far more successful, with the result being pain in the shoulder and a trip to the floor. Never mind, I guess this is how I die. He glanced over at MacKensie momentarily before deciding no, I have to at least try as the beast attempted to go for his head. The Druid somehow dodged the attack, rolling to the side as the bear's claw made contact with the dirt instead of his skin. Getting up, Adam wasn't sure what the best idea for fighting a spirit animal was, but it wasn't giving the thing time to maul him. And maybe any magic would power up his enemy or something. Instead, he charged at the beast, attempting to punch it in the face. It was a move made out of desperation to be sure, and it even showed on his face as he did so, but it was better than nothing. 
Glad to see some interest!

Regarding the first idea, I'm not saying it has to be fantasy, but it gives the a good amount of flexibility for player GMs to make their own scenarios when it is their turn to do so. I am open to other ideas of course.
@Birby it is, yes. I just posted it to get an idea which of these, if any of them, people might want to write.
Hi there! I want to write more, but I'm not sure how precisely I should do so. I have a few ideas though. What would you be interested in?

-An episodic type of RP where we take turns creating adventures for characters to overcome; essentially, we would take turns GMing. A fantasy style RP would work well for this, I think.

-A RP where we all write for all of the characters, taking turns writing to create a story.

-A group of people all contribute a few things they would like to see in a RP, then I combine all of those ideas into a traditional RP concept. This would likely be the silliest option here and I'd probably do a shorter RP if this is what was chosen.

If any of these ideas interest you, let me know!
"Aw, offend your mommy, did I?  Or is she your girly?"

Adam wasn't sure whether to be offended, embarrassed, or both. For the second time in what felt like as many minutes, he was left to process his thoughts. He may not have known what to think, but he did know how he felt when Gilligan rudely told MacKensie to sit down and shut up; terrible for bringing her along on this hike. As she left for the spot with an audible "Hmph!" the Druid did what he was told and sat down also, removing the articles of clothing the grumpy elf had asked him to.

Okay, meditation. That made some kind of sense, he thought as he listened to the explanation, maybe he won't be-

The red-eyed man felt the impact of Gilligan's spell as it hit him; he was visibly startled, wondering if this bitter man had snapped before calming down once the old elf's further instructions indicated that yes, he was still in possession of his mental faculties, even if he didn't care about his capacity for kindness. Close my eyes. Okay, I can do that.

The concept of a "spirit animal" was completely new for Adam. If clearing his head was what it took, then he would do his best to do that. It certainly wasn't an easy process, but it was helped by two things; the first was that he had worked through most of his issues related to the Hillocks last night. The second was that Gilligan was actually helping him. For someone "not interested" in teaching, he had done exactly as Glee said and took a chance on someone who had only been casting for a few days. The older Druid would probably tell him to "let it go" though, so that is exactly what the younger one did.

Yes, it was tough to be completely meditative. Thoughts popped up in his mind, from the more serious "what if the water ninja comes back?" to the less life-or-death question of "what does MacKensie think of how I look without a shirt on?" Less life-or-death to those not named Adam Phillips, at least. He felt like he would make it though; he just had to keep trying. There would be time to consider all of these things after he learned to shapeshift. And apologized to MacKensie for not insisting she stay at the inn.

And the effort paid off. As the sun set, what rose up in the younger Druid's field of vision was quite surreal, even for Mytheria; a black bear, just like the ones he had seen back home. The difference was that those ones weren't translucent with a light blue color. A "black" bear in name only, he might have joked if this was less serious. Instead, with his eyes shut and complete certainty, he spoke.

"You're my spirit animal."
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