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Today, Second Chance learned why they shouldn't annoy their Druid too much :P
Adam felt cautiously optimistic, seeing the overall results of the attack on the water ninja by himself, Fenna and Barracker. The latter being severely injured wasn't a contribution to this emotion of course; the Druid was obviously concerned for his friend, but deep down he knew the Paladin would be okay. No, it was the results of their combined assault, and more importantly nobody dying that made the red-eyed man feel that everything would be okay. He wouldn't let down his guard, but the sheer terror of the last fight wasn't there right now.

What should I do now? Zigmund is still very-wait, what is that? It sounded like a horse, but nobody in Second Chance had one. A villager, perhaps? Adam would have to-

Suddenly, he heard a whinny and did a double-take at what he just saw - a certain Texan that he thought was dead. 


The incredulous fisherman wondered if this was some kind of dark magic Zigmund used until the horseman proceeded to punch their common enemy. Okay, not an enemy. We can address everything else later, Adam thought, wiping a single tear from his eye. And James and MacKensie had kept their focus on the villain, successfully assaulting him with their own abilities and weapons. Yes, this will hopefully end soon.


When the ninja struck the Ranger, the Druid struck a defensive pose, ready to cast. Growing some roots like last time would probably be sufficient. But as Zigmund advanced towards him, Adam realized that a very different sort of magic would be required now. It wasn't ideal timing, though what in battle was ever ideal?

Preparing himself mentally in the seconds that he had to spare, the shrill voice of Gilligan rang out in his head. “The shapeshifting transformation won't be easy the first few times. You'll struggle to think rationally and logically, and be yourself mentally.” Yes, Adam knew that he would have to fight in more ways than one right now. He sighed, then cast the spell. A green aura enveloped the Druid as he changed form, taking the shape of a black bear. Zigmund attempted to harm the newly transformed man with a boosted, gauntlet-powered fist, but it would do no good; the latter shifted his body, easily blocking the punch with his left foreleg before slamming his opponent down to the ground with his right paw.

After this, the ninja tried attacking once again, attempting to kick his adversary into submission. It would not connect though; instead, the bear forcefully bit Zigmund's helmet, denting it and lifting the elemental into the air. Unable to maneuver, the evil one was completely unprepared as the shapeshifter let go of his head, only to expose him to a barrage of bear claw slashes. Even with the endurance boost, these attacks would damage and chip his armor significantly, including adding a new five-line scar to his helmet. Adam followed up on this with a terrifying roar, feeling more like a beast than a human at that point. Focus, Adam. This isn't you. He then knocked his opponent a considerable distance away with a final strike of his paw before ending his transformation early, returning to his original form.
I've got a good portion of my post written and should be done, at the very latest, by the end of the day (EST) though I'll likely be done before then. I don't like asking this normally, but if everyone could wait until I post to post anything, I would appreciate it. Without spoiling anything, I've got a good setup here and just want to be sure everything flows well.

Thanks in advance, I look forward to showing the finished product to everyone here!
I should hopefully have something posted later today. And yes, good post Zool! (And everyone else of course.)
Glad to see this moving forward. I look forward to playing the game!
And - not to rain on your parade, but...

<Snipped quote by Zool>

Too late, we're flooding the OOC!

Pour Zool, having to endure the puns :P Everyone, water you waiting for, the puns must flow!
It never takes much to start you guys off on your puns smh lol.

Start? I never finished, I am punstoppable :P
<Snipped quote by Zool>

The beautiful symphony of Fenna, Barracker and Adam was so amazing, it made the Boss Post easily and elegantly come into form! Thanks!

The boss post rooted itself into your mind, so you took a stab at it and succeeded!
Adam hadn't actually expected those roots to be enough to defeat Zigmund. No, this water ninja would be tougher than that. However, the Druid was grateful that his magic was able to support MacKensie and prevent her from being ambushed. When she said his name, he couldn't help smiling at her, an effort at reassurance perhaps. This wasn't the time to be distracted though; their enemy had thrown a blade at him, and he had to move out of the way.

Compared to the easy task of avoiding one weapon, Adam knew his teammates were dealing with much more. Barracker and Fenna were successfully battling the ninja while Zell-

What is he doing!?

The red-eyed man, while far from an expert on weapons, had seen enough of the “party idiot's” combat to know that this was not his usual competent self. This was a recipe for disaster, and the Druid had to do something. He began growing a tree, one that would…end up not being needed for that! In a swift and decisive move, James Sirius saved the group's Fighter from certain death. Adam sighed, thankful for the Cleric's intervention. 

Zigmund was not done though, manifesting water javelins to inflict more pain on Second Chance. I guess this is good for something after all, Adam thought as he moved the tree he had just grown to block the weapon aimed at Zell. However, in his haste to defend the Fighter, the Druid left himself open for an attack and ended up getting hit by the water weapon. The pain wasn't pleasant, but he knew he had dealt with far worse before. It would be okay.

Better to focus on how to defeat this enemy once and for all. Fenna and Barracker were fighting him now, so Adam didn't want to risk harming either of them with his magic. Instead, he prepared himself to grow roots below the ninja, ready to cast like someone with his finger on a gun's trigger. If Zigmund turned to water or overpowered his friends, Adam would attempt to ensnare the villain with his magic in order to prevent him from hurting anyone else. 
Shelly leads you to the front door of an ornate-loiking mansion. Seeing a doorbell, you do the polite thing and ring it.
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