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Damn, you guys are writting a lot, I will post tonight

Living the dream lol

I look forward to your post, it should be good!
Adam woke up early in the morning, surprised he didn't sleep in further. It had been a tough battle yesterday, so why wasn't he more tired? It was a mystery, one the Druid decided wasn't that big of a deal. Instead, he went to the kitchen and focused his energy on eating a breakfast consisting of a few sliced apples and a bowl of oatmeal. Nothing exciting to be sure, but he didn't want to risk waking anyone else up. Everyone had been brave and risked their lives to complete the mission; they deserved to sleep in as much as they wanted.

Having decided to wait on his team, Adam walked outside the temple only to find MacKensie Trydant curled up in her cloak against a pillar. He warmly smiled, his fondness for the Ranger evoked without a single word. The cloth had apparently loosened overnight though, and the red-eyed man thought she seemed a little cold, or at least less comfortable than she should be. Therefore, he took off his jacket and slowly placed it around her, careful not to wake the woman up. 

Glancing around after this, the Druid saw a small cobblestone path. With not much else to do, he decided to quietly walk down it and see where it led to. And Adam's curiosity was rewarded; at the end of the path was a nice garden, with a small stone shrine in the center made in dedication to Hades, maybe big enough for one person to fit inside. It seemed to be designed so someone can comfortably kneel and pray, so the fisherman guessed that the temple's normal inhabitants or parishioners use this place for quiet reflection or prayer.

There was also a stone bench nearby, where he decided to sit instead of the shrine. It seemed disrespectful to occupy a place of a god that he didn't know much about. Maybe he could ask Barracker or James to fill in that knowledge gap, Adam thought.

There was a lot to think about, actually. Where would the group go after the “Source comm” message was revealed? What sort of missions would higher-ranked teams get? What if more members of the group fell? How were his parents, brother, and friends doing?

…would he ever go home?

These sorts of questions took up an uncertain amount of time in Adam's head. Unfortunately, there was no way of knowing without moving forward and facing it head-on. The uncertainty wasn't the greatest, but the Druid knew he would do his best to overcome any-


Her voice rang clear as the day in Adam’s head. Immediately he knew there was no time for questions now; her and the rest of the team were in danger. It was time for action! The red-eyed man jumped off the bench and ran back towards the temple. As he got closer though, he heard a huge explosion! A cloud of dust started to rise in the air, concerning him even more. Approaching the scene of the battle, Adam saw the cause; Zigmund Mugba-Zarak. 

Time for action, indeed. After making sure nobody was in immediate danger, the Druid magically manifested some roots around the water ninja, attempting to entangle the being and restrain him. The same roots that had been effective the last time they had met. Adam didn't have any illusions of beating this creature easily but he knew he would do his best to do so.
@Jay009 offhand, I've written "the vampire" enough to where it isn't possible (versus just really, incredibly improbable lol) for Adam to not know Barracker's race, but it would be great for the two of them to converse and learn about each other like you said, including the vampirism. Adam's small town upbringing would be appealing to Barracker, I think.

EDIT: I made a post. The time frames are somewhat flexible so that everyone else's plans aren't impacted. Let me know if you have any questions or ideas for the fight!
Seeing a patch of fur on the ground, I hold it up to Shelly and ask her to track Bigfoot like a bloodhound. Her species is known for that, after all.
This looks like fun!
@Jay009 your most recent post reminded me of something I was originally going to do. I was originally going to have Adam think Barracker was just really pale instead of a vampire. It was too much of a stretch to really have worked, but it would have been kinda funny and shown a little insight into Adam's thought process.
@Loksfjoer cool new content for Mytheria! Always nice to see the world expand and become more fleshed out.
I might be interested in this.
<Snipped quote by Saiyan>

Ahem! MacKensie is of high moral character too, thank you very much! ;P

MacKensie put it best, I think :P

Adam: A young man as straight-laced as MacKensie had always been, showing her how she ought to act. What an individual, indeed. His willingness to put aside everything for a solid answer about the cube they'd promise to safeguard, made her already-high respect for him grow another notch. Whether he noticed or not, as Lucy put the envelope down in front of the Druid, MacKensie held a fist to her stomach as she smiled at him in admiration. Adam: trustworthy to a fault.
@Saiyan lol he's better than that but we can agree to disagree

I try to write Adam as a fish out of water, so to speak. Fantasy mechanics are mostly new to him aside from bits and pieces he's heard from his brother. He's a good person so he tries to do the right thing and his connection to nature stems (har har) from a lifetime spent outdoors in rural Michigan. He's powerful because of his abilities and he's going to grow; however, he isn't going to overshadow everyone else.

Btw, that scene with Glee was something I had suggested to xenon ages ago :P The writing was great though and worth the wait!
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