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Sorry for the double post, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made my post so things would be set up in case anyone has any ideas involving Adam, or if not, that is also fine.

Starting from when George explained how the wand worked and continuing even after he had left, the main thing on Adam's mind was the mage from Florida, his fellow American. Sure, the Druid had picked up on everything the mustached man told him, but it didn't seem as important as that woman's fate. Was she okay? Had she been able to finish her quest? Would they ever see each other again? He didn't have the answers to these questions, but he hoped for the best. And the fisherman decided to keep the wand; if he ended up meeting Lillianna in the future, the fisherman knew she could make good use of this item.

Perhaps it was good luck or a sign; whatever it was, seeing Sil fly out of the temple right after the resolution was made caused Adam to feel good about his course of action. Come to think of it, he hadn't really spent much time with Fenna. Both the Ranger and her bird were valued by him, so the Druid felt he should make that clearer at some point. The Dutch woman didn't stay out long though, so the two of them were only able to have a cursory conversation. 

After she left, the red-eyed man decided it would be a good idea to practice his magic. One thing in particular commanded his attention, and he felt that this time he could cast it completely. So after finishing that up, Adam Phillips went back inside the temple. If someone wanted to talk or something, he would be glad to do so. If not, he would get some rest, thankful for the calm after the recent violence that had occurred. 
@Saiyan sounds good! I think Zell doesn't act like a side character though, he's too engaging for that :P

Haha well I have to leave enemies for the rest of the team to kill, the Fortnite bear would be too powerful! I've tried not to powergame Adam's abilities too much, it makes it more interesting imo.
@Saiyan get better soon!

The convenient part of being a Druid is that all my upgrades can involve magic :P

Offhand, maybe Zell's sword can contain extra abilities that were previously unknown because he lacked the potential to use them? Like, now that he's ascended twice, Zell can deflect magical strikes with the sword as if they were physical objects.
@Jay009 Also...

<Snipped quote>

<Snipped quote>

<Snipped quote>

It is so awesome having the most Paladin-y of all Paladins on the squad lol. Barracker is such a great addition to Second Chance xD

I agree! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your writing and for interactions between our characters @Jay009
Zool: I'll write a short post
Also Zool: writes an engaging, interesting lengthy post exploring MacKensie's feelings towards the other characters

Well done!

In case it's unclear, I had Adam go outside to resolve a few plot points from earlier, not to avoid the rest of the team. If anyone has any ideas for things they want to involve Adam in, let me know! :)

Also, I'm glad the multiple magical weapon attack killed the wraith. I'd have been disappointed if it didn't. It was a cool scene and good writing!
It was finally over. After one impressive assault using multiple magically-powered weapons, the battle was finally over. The wraith was dead. So was his lich. Adam was grateful for the peace, and more so for the fact that nobody in Second Chance had died today. Also, as he heard the horrified exclamations of various former cultists, that the group's enemies had returned to normal and nobody else would need to lose their lives. What they were all thinking was something the Druid could only imagine. What he knew, however, was that there were people in a worse place than these ones were. Literally, since being stuck in a tree jail was probably worse than being outside of it.

After talking with his allies to be absolutely certain everyone was okay and discussing the fate of the brainwashed with the team - the consensus being that their former opponents should go home - Adam left the temple to go free the ones that were trapped. And compared to what had just transpired, this task was pretty straightforward. 

No, we aren't going to hurt you. Yes, you can go home.

The shift from “death cultist” to “remorseful citizen” did take a little getting used to though. Even the one who was disdainful to the Druid earlier seemed regretful, seeming to worry about what the red-eyed man could only assume were misdeeds he committed while under the wraith's command. Hardul, on the other hand, was happy that the cult that had been threatening him had been dealt with and he could resume a more normal existence. Adam wished him well as the dwarf took his leave. And speaking of people who threatened others…

The last person to be freed was George, the leader of the ambush outside the temple. The Druid couldn't help feeling a little awkward having a conversation with their onetime foe, but the red-eyed man knew his course of action was the right thing to do.

“I believe this is yours. You had it when we, uh, met earlier.” Saying this, Adam took out the wand he had taken earlier and presented it to the mustached man.
<Snipped quote by Loksfjoer>

Sil has really come along way. You have done a mint job with her. I love to hear her thoughts.

True. She's very resilient
So much was happening on the battlefield. Barracker saved Fenna's life, and still had the energy to take out two of the wraiths near the Druid and Cleric. Adam thanked the Paladin before asking him, like the group's leader, if he was okay. Then Zell yelled at the red-eyed man, telling him to make a barricade…before proceeding to do so himself. Confusing, but what James said next drew his attention away from the Fighter bravely combating the enemy.

"If I pass out you better catch me”

The red-eyed man nodded, being sure to stay close to the injured one in case he really did lose consciousness. Based on the Cleric's appearance, this was a very real possibility. And despite being impressed by the magical fire that was created, the Druid was more concerned that James would pass out. He somehow looked worse after casting his spell than before. Some kind of cost for the magic? The red-eyed man might have to ask about it later, but right now the priority was on “crowd control” if it was possible.

Examining the field to see what the best targets were, he instead saw MacKensie kill the remaining wraiths, followed by her  zipping across the battlefield and smashing the phylactery. Awesome. This seemed to weaken the lich considerably - great news for the good guys. The bad guys, however, summoned six more wraiths! Certainly not the sort of enemies that wood could block.

Instead, Adam trusted his team with those, and turned his focus to a different task. Time was of the essence - the barricade was weakening quickly - and that meant that the Druid had to work faster than that. Refusing to let his group be in any more danger than necessary, he focused on the task at hand, lifting multiple wooden pews at once, moving them towards the door. Then the fisherman arranged them in order to efficiently reinforce Zell's barricade. It was a little overwhelming doing all of that, but when was battle ever easy? Satisfied at blocking the cultists, the fisherman then took the tree that had been on wraith guard duty and used it to slam the Listener, moving it around the ward before doing so.

Was the spell the big wraith charging the bigger threat? Yes, but Adam trusted his team to deal with that. And with a toss of her spear, Fenna rewarded the man's faith in his allies.
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