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I think Sil learned a trick from Zell: bring two enemies together and disappear.

Next, Zell teaches Sil how to drink :P
Thanks Zool!

Barracker and Zell: epic fighting
Adam: hides behind a tree

Why did I not have Adam block the main entrance? The first round of the fight, I kinda thought there was only one way jn for some reason and/or the idea was to just block that one route. The second round was a combination of me thinking that Adam would be more focused on protecting his teammate than anything else, plus if one tree can be burned, so can other stuff he would send to the main entrance (especially when he isn't close enough to move things as quickly).

He's out of beam spells, btw, not that anyone else's character knows this.
I'm on vacation today through Thursday, so I wanted to make a post in case things were too busy later. My original idea was to have Adam move the walking stick while James held onto it tightly to fly him out of danger. What I ended up going with seemed more practical though :P

Also, we have 500 IC posts now! It's been fun writing in this RP with you all.
Adam was kind of impressed by the level of skill the enemy leader used to block his tree. Even if he was an opponent, this display showed that he was not to be taken lightly. The feeling did not last long though, being replaced with annoyance at the new wraiths that the listener summoned to attack him and James. The Druid knew that his options were limited, both by the fact that he was indoors and that most of his attacks would not work on the new creatures. However, this did not discourage him; he knew that he was part of a strong group and Second Chance could defeat these and the other enemies somehow.

That did not mean that Adam intended to do nothing though. He had formed an idea in his head, thinking ...I just need to wait for the right moment to do it. In the meantime, I can defend my teammate. The Druid grabbed two more acorns, turning them into trees. He wasn't going to leave things to chance, especially not when the Cleric was injured and vulnerable to-


The dark energy beam headed towards the team leader certainly was certainly something that needed to be dealt with. So with his powers, Adam tossed one of the oak trees at the beam, hopefully blocking it from inflicting damage to James. And while the listener was hopefully distracted by the tree-and-magic fireworks show, the red-eyed man fired a natural energy beam at the barrier blocking the cabinets. Hopefully it would destroy them, allowing Second Chance to execute the Cleric's shouted plan.

The other tree was reserved for blocking whatever attacks the nearby wraiths would create, or at least delaying them for a few seconds so someone else could kill them. Hopefully they wouldn't be anything serious, but Adam wanted to be prepared for whatever the enemy would do, along with giving the Mexican the opportunity to plan what they should do next.

“Are you okay, James? What do you need?” If the Cleric was injured, the fisherman would do his best to help him be safe. If not, the focus would be more strategic so they could defeat their opponents. Either way, Adam would do his best to help his team succeed.
As Adam blocked the doors, he couldn't help thinking of the Lincoln Logs he got for Christmas years ago, arranging multiple trees in neat rows like the present he received. Sizing each piece of wood so that it was just as large as the passageway behind the team, it would take a great deal of force for any enemies to make their way to Second Chance. Toys and decorating a tree while combating a cult - this was turning into a strange, bloody day. Christmas on Earth was definitely preferable to this.

This wasn't something the Druid wanted to dwell on though. Running to catch up to the others, he arrived just in time to see the opposing forces beginning to charge their way. James had instructed them to find the “phylactery” - whatever that was - but Adam didn't think it made sense to expose his un-armored self to enemy strikes. And the Cleric was too busy casting for the fisherman to ask what it would even look like anyway. Yeah, a different tactic would be needed, at least for now.

Instead, he grabbed two more acorns, growing them into full sized trees. Who would be the best targets though? Certainly not the wraiths, the ghostly stuff was better left to people that could actually hurt them. Skeletons though, the Druid knew from direct experience that they could be hurt. So with that in mind, he found a group of three or four of them that his partners weren't handling and sent an oak their way. It wasn't elegant, but they wouldn't be getting up again.

Seeing no more bones on the field, Adam knew he had to do something with the other tree he possessed. And seeing as the cult leader was a very real threat, the Druid sent his plant towards the Listener, hoping it would have a literal positive impact on the fight.
Once a couple of people post, I'll have Adam continue barring the doors with the trees and maybe a set up for shooting the big bad wraith with a magical laser beam. Just sharing in case it impacts anyone's plans!
Adam was grateful that everyone seemed to be okay. “Okay” being used loosely in James’ case, but he was intact and slowly healing his wounds. As long as Second Chance kept an eye on him, everyone would be able to escape this temple alive. 

The group's youngest member returned Barracker's embrace, smiling in response to his compliment. The Druid wasn't completely adjusted to the idea of hugging on a battlefield, but then again he wasn't completely adjusted to battle period. When in Rome, he supposed. When the Paladin suggested a course of action for their advance, the red-eyed man agreed.

“Right, or at least delay them a little. They might have another fire mage, so they could just burn their way in. We'll need to stay alert.”

Looking at the team's leader, Adam had another idea. Well, two ideas technically. The first was to pull the book so that the secret passage would be revealed, which he did. The second took place shortly thereafter; when he made the first tree to barricade the route with, he made sure to grab a sturdy stick from it, one strong enough to be used for support. He then offered it to the Cleric, not wanting him to fall over in his effort to keep everyone else fully healed. He had no doubt that MacKensie would help James as long as he needed it, but if another fight broke out,  the Ranger would be more useful in combat than as furniture.
@Jay009 I was thinking of having Adam block the way also, funny how great minds think alike
It was unusual to feel pain going away as he inflicted it upon his opponents, but Adam was not complaining. Quite the opposite really, as he agreed to the Cleric's request and thanked James for his spell, grateful to no longer feel like he was one strike away from death. The Druid would need to thank Barracker as well once all of this chaos was over. It wasn't the best time now though; everyone was in the middle of fighting, after all.

And then, suddenly, they were not. It seemed like their efforts had paid off, and the best part was that nobody died this time. Of course, the knowledge that there were more creatures to fight deflated the man somewhat, but he was grateful all the same. Second Chance would need to advance to their next destination; however, there was something more important to ask first.

“Is everyone alright?”

Looking at Zell, Adam shook his head in a combination of amusement and confoundment, knowing at least one of them was okay for sure. He was a little tempted to tip the couch over - the Druid could sense a wooden frame underneath the couch - but he decided that the “party idiot” had earned his time on the sofa. MacKensie did not look as relaxed, though the red-eyed man knew she was tenacious enough to make it through whatever this temple could throw at her. It was part of her charm, even.

Once he knew everyone was alright, Adam went to the vampire and spoke. “Barracker, thank you for that barrier spell. It probably saved my life.” No days-long wait this time, just sincere gratitude. 
It seemed this new natural energy beam - or what Eric might call a “Kamehameha” - was effective, judging by how the Wraith proceeded to run into a suit of armor. Not the kill Adam was hoping for, but it was good enough. However, the dark bolts heading his way? Not good. At least thinking of his brother had brought to mind something else that would be relevant right now. Seeing as Barracker's barrier was still there and these blasts were homing in on him, the Druid waited until the last second, then jumped behind the magical shield, letting it take the hit instead of himself. 

Whatever game he had done that in, Eric's example probably saved his brother's life at that moment. 

What now, what now…

The field of battle was truly chaotic, with everyone in what seemed to be life-or-death situations. As he saw his team bravely battle, Adam was determined to do the same. Not hand-to-hand like most of the others, but the Druid saw where the two injured wraiths had gone and hoped he could stop them from inflicting any more damage. Moving a group of heavy-looking bookshelves, he positioned them so they would be above the possessed suits of armor and the mage they were surrounding. Then, after being sure that Zell and Sil were out of the way, the red-eyed man repeatedly slammed the enemies with the furniture like a hammer pounding a nail.
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