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Wow, what a night.

Sneaking into Valheim proved to be more frustrating than anticipated. Not that Adam expected it to be easy to cross a militarized border; he just didn't think that there would be so many close calls. It was fortunate that Second Chance had entered Valheim already, since the memory of that peaceful crossing had helped the Druid create convincing enough plant life to fool the enemies into thinking they weren't there. Maybe James could have healed Fenna's arm and made everything easier, but there had to be a reason he didn't. Adam trusted his judgment. 

Besides, the team was guided to the hospital now, escorted by another team.

That, in of itself, was frustrating for a different reason - Xavier Johnson, self-proclaimed gnome genius Druid of Silver Arrow and bearer of a curly mustache. He had spent an inordinate amount of time talking to the 18-year old about himself, and once he learned the red-eyed man was also a Druid, the short being fired off a series of questions as if to compare the two of them. He only finished once the fisherman briefly mentioned a friend of his…only to go on about that instead with a tone of obvious skepticism and derision.

“...and so, red-eyes, it is impossible that someone as skilled as Glee John Artorius would ever associate with Bronze Tier trash like yourself. Frankly, I don't see why Lucy cares about Second Chance at all, but we must all do what we must.” Twirling his facial hair with a look of smug superiority, Xavier grinned as he concluded his tirade against the newer Druid.

For his part, all Adam did was roll his eyes and walk away from the arrogant caster as the hospital approached. Red-eyes. Funny, he had been called that once, but it was by Eric and he was doing a silly, exaggerated Brooklyn accent at the time. When the younger brother explained that it was a reference to something called “Yugioh,” the older brother just took his word for it and forgot about it until now. 

Strange how memories can pop up, and stranger still how a simple thing like eye color could be regarded with such suspicion in this world. Annoying, though in the scheme of things less so than things like water ninjas and ogres that want to kill you. With that in mind, Adam went inside the hospital, grateful to be getting healing for his injuries.

And on the way to the Citadel, the Druid started up a conversation with Fenna, grateful to be away from the gnome.

“Thank you for getting that message to Lucy, and for, well, everything you've done for the team so far. How's your arm?”
@Teyao sorry to hear about your ankle, I hope it heals up soon.
Adam woke up from his rest, grateful to not feel like he was on the verge of collapse every five seconds. Sure, he wasn't completely pain-free, but at least now things were now more coherent. The Druid took a few seconds to remember what had happened before his sleep; Fenna confirming that her bird could deliver messages, MacKensie confirming that he did need rest (and likely more than she knew), and James confirming if everyone could swim. Yes, the fisherman knew he could do so. Pretend or otherwise, Zell would not need to save him.

How long had he been asleep for? The sight of a spectral horse returning to camp indicated that it had, in fact, been a long rest. Adam could feel that his shapeshifting capacity was restored also. If anyone was in danger, the red-eyed man knew he would transform to distract the enemy or help anyone in trouble. 

It made sense. Bears can swim, after all.
Clive: Do I detect a tiny something other than concern in that sweet little voice o' yours Mac?
MacKensie: Jeez, this love triangle is already complicated enough as it is.

Life has been keeping me preoccupied, though I have kept up to date on everyone's posts as you can see :P
“The war in the East has come to us.”

Yeah, that was a fair assessment. And when Adam overheard Barracker state they had to get inside, he agreed, smiling at the Paladin. Very noble, as usual. And Zell's analysis of everything was spot on, and the Druid indicated his agreement with a nod. The small rest on the wagon had helped, but he was still too tired to think strategically. Still, an idea or two presented themselves in the fog that was currently his mind.

“Once we find a good vantage point like Zell says, I can create some foliage for natural stealth, pun not intended,” Adam said, “it's unlikely we'll be noticed, but better safe than sorry.” Now turning his attention to Fenna, the Druid asked “could Sil…”he paused for thought, still clearly in need of sleep, “deliver a letter to someone in Valheim, like Lucy or Clarissa? Then we can coordinate us getting in without being mistaken for the enemy.” After getting an answer, the fisherman would continue. “And if we really need a distraction, I can serve that purpose with my shapeshifting spell.”

Hearing Clive volunteer to ride back to Cherrad seemed to be a decent addition to the plan as well. Get word out faster and such with that ghost horse of his - Adam would have to ask about that at some point. And only once the team had found a better place to gather for some time, and Adam had helped hide them more effectively, would the Druid allow himself to rest. Again.
@Zool I can relate, this week has been busy and I really haven't been able to post at all. Just do what you can, I'm sure it will be good!
I like option four as well, Undaya blessing grants waterbreathing so we should be able to sneak under the river.

We could also divide into two groups, a ranger, a bruiser and a mage for each, half sneaks into Vallheim and the other half move for reinforcements, Sil should be able to keep us communicated

If Clive can call for reinforcements on Daisy faster than anyone else, and he comes back to Second Chance by the evening before the sneaking begins, then I think having others with him would only slow him down for no real benefit. I could be missing something though.

Waterbending could potentially work, especially if Clarissa or Lucy is able to tell the stationed defenders to be on the lookout for it. Then what we would have to mainly worry about are the Witch Queen's forces.
In option four, Adam could do that and be a distraction through shapeshifting (less bear attack and more along the lines of scaring the enemy away), since James would get his healing magic back.

We can definitely use Sil for distractions (her Loud Screech can distract enemies) and for sending messages. With real enemies approaching, guards aren't going to pay much attention to a bird of prey.

A bear and a bird, huh...Banjo-Kazooie anyone? :P


Clive getting reinforcements and/or extra distractions would compliment option four, though.
In character I know Adam would not like options five, six or seven. He already thinks that Second Chance has information that could be of value and that the city needs help. Option one seems reckless also, considering there are injured members of the team. Option three is somewhat better, but the risk of friendly fire and the fact that not everyone would be able to swim well make it impractical.

Options two and four seem the most practical, given the story so far. In option two, Adam could create cover and camouflage with his magic. In option four, Adam could do that and be a distraction through shapeshifting (less bear attack and more along the lines of scaring the enemy away), since James would get his healing magic back.

My vote is for option four, with Sil flying letters to and from Lucy (or some other trusted person in Valheim) to plan and coordinate a successful infiltration. Option two would be my second favorite. In any scenario, I would also ask the wagon driver to have someone ride to the capital to deliver news of the seige, paying him if needed for speedy delivery of the news.

Of course discussion of this is cool also, those are just my thoughts.

By the way, if anyone wants to use my most recent post as a springboard for theirs, feel free! I set it up so people would have flexibility in that regard.
"Real life" has been keeping my mind preoccupied lately, but I got a little post out. Enjoy!
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