Avatar of Zeroth


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20 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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When Roy apologized, Kenichi crossed his arms behind his head and grinned, closing his eyes as he did so.

"Hey man, don't sweat it! Sometimes, we bros just gotta talk it out the only way we know how, right?"

With his eyes closed, he didn't see the table floating. When Kiyoko suddenly screamed, Kenichi gave a start and grimaced, covering both his ears as the table crashed. He started to turn around slowly--after all, it wasn't a big deal that a lot of noise happened. 1-A was the wild child class, right? He sighed as he scratched the inside of one ear with his pinky, hoping that shout hadn't given him hearing damage. He still hadn't opened his eyes yet.

"Whats up...Kiyoko? I uh don't mean to be rude but who exactly are you and what are you doing in our dorm?" He heard Roy saying.

"Oh, we get another one? Sheesh, at this point Komei might as well have not bothered with an entrance exam..." Kenichi opened his eyes. And then opened them wider. Wider. Wider--too wide. Okay yeah that wide.

A girl fully dressed in white with white hair, a pure color which rivaled that of actual snow, red eyes and matching earrings which looked like crystals. The only thing not white about her were her black pants and matching shoes. The girl's skin was equally pale! She was floating in the air.

"What's up 1-A!"

"EVIL SPIRITS BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE!" Kenichi roared, suddenly looking panicked as he grabbed Roy by the waist and, with a quick inhalation, lifting the blonde literally off the ground and holding him above his own head. "QUICK ROY-KUN, UNDEAD ARE WEAK TO HOLY LIGHT!" He then threw Roy at Kiyoko at, quite frankly, an unsafe velocity. "USE SMITE!!"

The bluette then leaped to the nearest wall mounted phone, snatching it up before his finger paused. He hovered over the keypad for a moment before turning to the rest of the room. Was he supposed to...get a teacher? A pro Hero? ...An exorcist?

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

Skill Gain: Alert I! (0.9 > 1.0)!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill.

The System is already tracking Progress for Developing Skill:Soil Manipulation.

When Ed and Asteria looked up from their work--not just up from the tunnel, at the shadow on the ground next to them, but actually up into the sky--they saw the bug that was making that large shadow. Mother Rat poked her head out from the burrow as well, and gave a startled squeak. Enormous black scaled wings with spiraling purple patterns beat up and down, casting reflections from the sunlight that looked like all the colors of an oil slick. A dark purple, furry body between the wings was split into three segments, with a long abdomen ending in a barbed stinger. On its head, a large V shaped pair of antennae looked like they were formed of much harder stuff than a normal insect's sensory organs, almost like horns. They curved backwards like a mountain goat's, forming dual crescents over its rounded head. Two sets of compound eyes bulged from it, just above a curled probiscis with a needle like a syringe at its tip. The creature's six legs dangled limply from it as it circled, now getting closer, and they were each tipped with three claws evenly spaced from one another like the letter Y.

Asteria let fly a stone, and the insect's head darted as soon as her tail whipped around. It did a barrel roll to escape, its wings beating rapidly before it swooped down over them--not close enough for them to hit it with melee attacks, but close enough to make one duck uncomfortably. It zoomed across the grass, getting lower until its fuzzy body was brushed by the top of the stalks, before it circled around and came towards the rats again, getting faster every second...

Jason and Danny

"Ja-Soon, needa get outta here!"
"Dat's a Venture! Super strong one, run run run!"

As Jason creeped around the knight, the man kept looking at the spot where he had been for a few moments...before his head slowly started to follow Jason's path. So it didn't seem like he could outright "see" Jason, and he certainly didn't react to the spirit's speech...but he could sense something, he knew something was there. And after another tense second, he turned back towards the cave...

"Transformed is the best way to describe it, I remember being a human in a different world and dying which resulted in me being reborn as a Wisp. Now I don't know how accurate those memories are but seeing as I can talk to you they're likely to be real."

"Re...Reborn?" The boy's eyes got wider, and continued to dart between Danny and his master. His mouth moved without any sound coming out, until he finally seemed to find the words he wanted to say. He tensed up. "Th-that's not p-possible! Only, only True Heroes can be Reborn! And, and only the Chosen Heroes can come from different worlds! And none of them are ever Monsters! That can't happen, even with Avatar Incar--"

"Squire!" The boy practically bit his tongue he shut his mouth so fast. Still holding a blade towards Danny in a shaking hand, he turned to the knight.

"Y-yes, Master Zieglar!"

"You were right about this Dungeon being Undead--I can feel weaker Spirits leaving it, probably to avoid being consumed by the Core. But if anything is coming out of it at all, that means you need to seal it up, quickly! So make your decision to deal with the Poltergeist!" The knight now turned his head upwards, sniffing the air. He grimaced in the direction of the growing black clouds of smoke. "I'd wager those damn goblins set the grasslands on fire for some reason...I'll deal with that. I trust you to handle yourself, Trent!"

"Y-yes sir!"

In the short time of this conversation, Jason had floated closer to Danny, and Danny pulled out his Source Crystal Shard to use while observing Trent.

You used Source Crystal Shard!
(Immature) Human [(Apprentice) Knight]
All stats are superior to your own
Possesses Combat Skills: Slash, Skewer, Cleave, Defender, Blade Charge
Possesses Spell Skills: Minor Heal, Mana Shape, Mana Orb
Possesses Equipment: Steel Shortsword, Rawhide Targe, Leather Gloves, Leather Boots, Thick Gambeson, Forest Traveler's Cloak, Cotton Undershirt, Wool Pants, Cotton Underpants, Wool Socks, Leather Belt, Steel Hunting Knife
---Charge Empty---

Do you wish to use your MP to recharge the Source Crystal Shard?

"Poltergeist!" The boy turned back to the talking monster and steeled himself. "If, if you're not lying to me, which I bet you are, then get away from here! Don't hurt any humans, and...j-just go away for now! Don't come back to this cave! And d-don't follow me or my Master! Or, or else I'll have to kill you!" He looked back at the cave, and then at the tree he had chosen to cut down to make his barrier. "Hurry up! I've got to seal the Dungeon off so we can get back to camp before nightfall!"


Oberon raised his hand and produced a Mana Orb, before he closed his eyes and expanded his focus. He could feel the Mana circulating throughout his body, ending at his hand, spilling out into a natural shape. Like fluids in zero-gravity, it took the shape of the orb. He then sought to expand his mind beyond himself, as he did in Meditation, to feel the Mana within everything. His Mana Orb began to flicker, as if it were losing cohesion--the Meditation skill couldn't be used in conjunction with another, after all. But Oberon didn't intend to Meditate. This tottering state, trying to walk the line within his own concentration, felt vulnerable and abstract. As if, if he actually concentrated on it too hard, he might lose whatever it was he was looking for. But he could feel it, and knew it was there. So now he did not try to feel the Mana around him, but only Mana within the air. He was seeking something specific, reaching for it with his own senses while still trying to maintain the flickering Mana Orb...

This mindset, trying to expand one's awareness, and then softly guide it back...this form of mindfulness brought a certain peace. He could feel the Mana circulating through him. He could feel the buzz of background static, the ambient Mana of all types mingling together around him. He could feel the light falling across his body, its gentle heat on his skin...and the breeze in his hair...

A gentle breeze, yet somehow much louder in his ears. A different sensation, something like the feeling of being at the bottom of a pool and pushing off, that rush before you broke the surface--being submerged, but in reverse--

When Oberon opened his eyes, his Mana Orb had grown even flimsier, weaker, but it hadn't dissolved yet...because it was spinning. Was some kind of centrifugal force keeping it together? It spun faster and faster, and it began to break apart at its center but it was still somehow holding together along the edges, and pressure of some sort was building in two different directions--

Oberon hadn't realized he was holding his breath, and when he could do so no longer on reflex he gasped and dragged for air--and when he did the spinning Mana Orb burst like a balloon, complete with the flatulating sound of rapidly escaping air.


Skill Gain: Mana Vision I (1.0)!
Concentrate MP in your eyes to see the fluctuations of Mana. The level of detail and other qualities of your Mana Vision depend not only on the Rank of this Skill, but also on your physical sense of sight. Depending on the strength of your concentration, having a lesser sense of vision may also consume Stamina when using this Skill. At your current Rank, you can only see strange fluctations of magic energies and shapes that are not easily understood...

Skill Gain: Mana Sense I (1.0)!
You have sharpened our mental and spiritual senses! By focusing upon a single creature or object, you will be able to sense its magical nature in some fashion. Different creatures may perceive this in different ways--some may see a colored aura, others may catch unique scents, etc. This is not an Analysis skill, though it may synergize with some of them. The range of this skill is limited to that of your other physical senses, though in some cases a mana signature may become easier or more difficult to detect depending on factors such as strength, amount, etc. By touching an object or creature, even if they are somehow suppressing their magical power, you have a chance to learn whether or not magic is present. At this rank you must activate this skill in order for it to take effect. While active it will consume MP.

Skill Gain: Minor Heal I (1.0)!
The most basic of healing spells. In most cases, only surface level wounds are affected. Cannot cure diseases. May even accelerate certain conditions not healed by the body's natural recovery. Cast upon a single target within eyesight.

You used Monster Analysis II!
You used Material Analysis II!
You used Alchemy II!
---Pixie Wings---
The wings of a Pixie monster, plucked cruelly from its back. Pixies, though humanoid in shape, are tiny and relatively unintelligent Monsters. Intelligent enough to use Magic, they are very physically weak. They are also quite mischevious, however, and lack empathy for other creatures.

Their Wings are formed of thin, membranous structures interlaced with hair-thin blood vessels. They are too fragile for any form of physical use, but they hold some semi-magical properties. A pixie's mana naturally tends towards Energy and Nature elements. If crumbled up and applied to a wound, a Pixie Wing is known to somehow slow or stop bleeding. If eaten they are somewhat nutritious, but their small size and the fact that they are known to irritate the throat makes this a less potent usage. There may be other uses you haven't discovered yet...

These Pixie Wings are of Below Average Quality. They are Membranous, Fragile, Organic, Non-toxic, Coagulate, Edible, and Slightly Magical.
---Dire Rat Fur---
The fur of a Dire Rat, still carrying its distinctive musk. Beast-type monsters, they are very physically strong and have sharp senses. They sometimes hunt in packs.

Their fur is of medium length by comparison to their body size, and often coarse or dirty. Though their hides can be tanned or otherwise used in crafting, their fur by itself is of limited use. It is surprisingly soft to the touch, though. It has no magical properties, but may carry certain diseases or parasites from the rat. Dissolving a strand of Dire Rat Fur may make a solution more toxic. There may be other uses you haven't discovered yet...

This Dire Rat Fur is of Below Average Quality. It is Fibrous, Organic, Fragile, Slightly Toxic, Non-edible, non-magical, and Insulating.
---??? Leg---
The leg of an insectoid Monster, still coated in its hard exoskeleton. Its end comes to a few short digits with hard tips, and rough spines are present on the lower half. The interior consists of an open circulatory system and deteriorated muscle mass. It seems rather useless given its state, but perhaps creativity could discover other uses...

This object is of Poor Quality. It is Chitinous, Organic, Hard, Slightly Sharp, Non-toxic, Somewhat Edible, and Non Magical.
---Rubber Frog Skin---
The elastic skin of a Rubber Frog. It can stretch up to twenty times its original size, but as it begins to dry this quality lessens. To properly preserve it will require a treatment method of some sort. When stretched, it does not usually maintain the shape for long, and if forced to do so the skin becomes more likely to tear and less durable. It doesn't hold any magical properties. If eaten it has limited nutrition, but the difficulty in chewing it makes it troublesome. There may be other uses you haven't discovered yet...

This Rubber Frog Skin is of High Quality. It is Elastic, Organic, Insulating, Slightly Acidic, Somewhat Edible, Non-Magical, and Durable.
---Rubber Frog Stomach---
The stretchy gut sac of a Rubber Frog. Its outer membrane is fairly durable for an internal organ, but when the Rubber Frog swallows something harmful it actually inverts this sac and temporarily disgorges it, brushing away the offending object before swallowing the stomach again. The interior lining, compared to the outer, is actually stronger while sharing the same elasticity--even with a sharp tip, a mundane or dull weapon might have some trouble piercing it. The acids within the stomach are actually not all that strong. Many of the insects the Rubber Frog eats have an acidic body composition of their own, and it is actually an accumulation of the prey's bodily fluids that helps the frog digest its own meals. Once the acid has been neutralized and the interior cleaned, this sac could make a very useful pouch, or be used for a variety of other things...

This Rubber Frog Stomach is of Poor Quality due to damage. It has High Elasticity, it is Organic, Insulating, Somewhat Edible, Water Resistant, Non-Magical, and Very Durable.
---Rubber Frog Tongue---
This muscular organ, once detached from the body, can still stretch up to twenty feet long before it begins to strain--so long as it is kept moist. If stretched to its full extent before being allowed to dry, the resulting cord would be significantly weaker than normal rope but still serviceable. So long as it is properly preserved, however, it is several times stronger and more durable than most forms of cordage. While it is quite difficult to tear and won't fray, it is very vulnerable to being cut or pierced.

This Rubber Frong Tongue is of High Quality. It has High Elasticity, it is Organic, Edible, Slimy, Absorbant, Non-Magical, Non-Toxic, and Durable.
---Rubber Frog Eyes---
These ocular organs aren't that different in composition from other amphibians, and have no inherent magical qualities. While edible, the mucus produced by the frog to keep them from drying out gives them a slimy, slippery texture and a rather sour taste. Despite this, they are packed with nutrition and especially high in protein.

These Rubber Frog Eyes are of Average Quality. They are Organic, Edible, Slimy, Non-Magical, Chewy, Sour, Slightly Acidic, and Non-Toxic.
---Rubber Frog Heart---
It seems even the circulatory system of a Rubber Frog is stretchy. This blood pumping organ is capable of drawing and distributing an incredibly large amount of blood in comparison with other creatures of larger size, likely so that a Rubber Frog that inflated itself to maximum size wouldn't immediately pass out due to anemia, or suffer an aneurysm upon rapid deflation. As a result the heart is almost balloon-like, after being drained of its blood and properly cleaned. Using it as a bellows or even a filter pump of some sort might be possible, or as a sac. Cutting it open to spread it out to its full size, then properly treating it might even yield decent leather despite it being an internal organ. There might even be other uses...

This Rubber Frog Heart is of High Quality. It has High Elasticity, it is Organic, Edible, Non-Magical, Slightly Acidic, Slightly Toxic, Very Durable, and Blood-Rich.
---Rubber Frog Liver---
Less elastic than other parts of the Rubber Frog, this Liver only stretches enough to compensate large amounts of bile that must be processed. The Rubber Frog's heavily insectivorous diet means it often eats creatures with poisonous stings or bites, acidic spit, or dirt-and-who-knows-what covered bodies. All of these impurities are safely filtered out by this organ. Its secretions contain several chemicals capable of neutralizing various poisons--at least ones that have been internally ingested.

This Rubber Frog Liver is of Average Quality. It has Very Low Elasticity, it is Organic, Somewhat Edible, Non-Magical, Strongly Anti-toxic, Slightly Acidic, Somewhat Durable, Slimy, Chewy, and Blood-Rich.
---Rubber Frog Intestines---
Because the Rubber Frog often swallows prey whole, their intestines are just as elastic as their stomach in order to compensate large portions of semi-digested food. The gut flora and natural acid secretions in the intestinal track are much stronger than in the stomach, however, and get even stronger as the Rubber Frog adapts to any poisons or acids contained in its prey. The inner and outer linings are equally durable, and once completely cleaned out the intestines could conceivably serve as a strong rubber rope or some kind of tubing. They won't stand up to sharp objects very well and are more susceptible to bludgeoning due to their size. If allowed to dry out completely their use would rapidly degrade. One must also be careful to consider all the...mess...contained inside them...

This Rubber Frog Intestine is of Poor Quality due to Damage. It has High Elasticity, it is Organic, Slightly Non-edible, Highly Toxic, Highly Acidic, Somewhat Durable, Slimy, Chewy, Disgusting, Absorbant, and Blood-Rich.
---Rubber Frog Bones---
Unlike the rest of its body, the Rubber Frog's bones are not elastic. Their makeup, strength, and size are comparable to other creatures of the Rubber Frog's proportions. They can still be somewhat useful in crafting, especially the larger bones such as a the rear legs and the ribcage.

These Rubber Frog Bones are of Above Average Quality. They are Organic, Somewhat Dense, Somewhat Hard, Slightly Brittle, Light Weight, Mineral Composite, and Durable.
---Analysis Complete!---

Skill Rank Up: Material Analysis I (1.6) > Material Analysis II (2.2)!
Your growing familiarity with various materials allows you to pick up more details about objects and may even bring up a subconscious recognition of what Craftable Objects might be the most suitable for a given item, compared to your own experience with any items you have crafted. You will also be able to more accurately compare different materials to one another.

After separating out various materials from the Rubber Frog, Ash was left with several pounds of meat. Eating it raw, the texture seemed quite oily like that of a fish, but the flavor brought to mind a very fattened chicken. Even after eating enough to more than fill her stomach, Ash was left with at least six pounds of flesh left over. Still being raw and full of juices, she could probably only compress or ball up a pound of it at a time if she intended to fit it into her throat pouch--but if she did that, how would she carry all of the materials back as well? She would either need to make multiple trips, risking that some scavenging predator would be attracted to what was left of her loot in the mean time, or figure out some way to signal the others...


As Digbie backed away from the Dire Rat, it continued to growl and hiss at him. It too began to edge backwards, one slow step at a time. The tension in the air was palpable, and had to burst at some point...then it did, as Digbie's foot barely crunched down on a dry twig. The Dire Rat immediately turned and bolted off, at almost the same time as Digbie took another step backwards. Out here in the wilderness, the only time it seemed these animals didn't want to avoid conflict was when their survival was on the line. They might charge an intruder in their territory, or put on a show of howling and stomping, but at the end of the day if one just turned around and left most of the time it wasn't worth the risk to the other creature to engage in a pursuit...at least, not for fellow prey creatures. Digbie had yet to run into any real predators...

After a short search, the Demiblin was able to retrace his steps and find his previous trail. Following it back through the forest, it took only a few minutes before he began to recognize other landmarks. The only other creature he encountered was a Rubber Frog that leaped out from under a pile of leaves as he approached. With a croak it fled further into the woods. Soon Digbie found the stream. As he approached it, and began to follow it back to the campsite, he noticed Torrent on the opposite side of it. She looked somewhat battered, but if she had been fighting with something then she must have obviously won.


Skill Gain: Dual Cast I (1.0)!
Splitting one's focus is a difficult task, but like playing the drums it can be learned. Casting different spells with different effects or requirements increases the difficulty and the MP required, but the caster's mindset can also affect this Skill. A Caster at this Rank may Dual Cast by: (1) Cast the same spell simultaneously, usually within two hands. Example using Current Skills: Fireball. This expends twice the MP cost, and both versions of the spell must be the same Rank, but the Casting time is only that of a single cast.(2) Prepare two spells simultaneously, to be used one at a time. Example using Known Skills: Digbie's Rock Spire and your Fireball. Rock Spire is prepared but not cast; the Earth Mana shines under the targeted area. Fireball is cast at a target, knocking it into Rock Spire's prepared area. Rock Spire is released. Both spells can be no higher than Rank I. Delayed Spells can be held no longer than 10 seconds at this rank. Certain spells that might require rituals, components, or other complexities might not be Dual Cast in this manner even at Rank I. This use consumes twice the MP for a Delayed Spell plus the normal MP cost for the other spell. (3) Cast a single instance of two different spells, usually within two hands. Example using Known Skills: Your Fireball and Ash's Mana Slice. You cast Fireball at a target to your right and Mana Slice at a target to your left, at the same time. This usage expends the sum of both spells' MP cost, and requires a slightly longer casting time, but both spells can be used at the same time or one after the other. Both spells must be Rank I. Certain spells with more complexities may not be Dual Cast even at Rank I. Certain spells that synergize well may increase in power or cause new effects when Dual Cast in this way.

There are several drawbacks to the Dual Cast Skill. Passive Skills can already be used together unless they contradict or otherwise interfere with one another; Dual Cast cannot be used to combine Passive and Active Skills. Example using Current Skills: Meditate and Fireball. Casting Fireball would cancel Meditation immediately. Dual Cast requires that the caster split their focus; it cannot be used with your <Unusable>Focus skill or similar abilities. Dual Cast only works on Spell Type Skills, it cannot combine Spells with your Physical Skills. It also cannot combine Pure Spell skills with Battle Spell Skills, but Battle Spell Skills can be Dual Cast. Dual Cast and <Unusable>Spell Chant cannot be used together at the Current Rank. Even when the caster has higher proficiency with both of these abilities, the amount of MP consumed and the increased chance of error within the Chants make such a combination risky.

Skill Gain: Guidance I (1.0)!
Your pleas have been heard. Offer up a portion of your MP in prayer, and gain a chance to receive supernatural guidance. The effectiveness of the teachings depends on your faith--and your ability to read the signs. Does rustling grass along the path show your way, or reveal danger? Was that a whispered voice, or just the wind? Your faith will shape your journey. The better your relation with a particular deity, the more likely you are to receive their guidance.

You used Monster Analysis I!
You used Magic Analysis I!
You used Material Analysis I!
You used Plant Analysis I!
---Dead Blood Snare Plant---
A large plant that, for some strange reason, forms its flowers and many other parts from tissue very similar to flesh rather than wood or greenery. Perhaps being made of the muscular substance is why its vines are so strong. It is a carnivorous plant, lashing out at prey, but it has very little stamina. It thus waits for a chance to surprise the unwary herbivore, but otherwise displays no intelligence. Its strength and aggressiveness, however, causes some academics to insist it be classified as a Monster. It typically appears in dense deciduous forests, but has occasionally been found outside this environment. It doesn't grow well in domestication. It can often be found in places with higher populations of Monsters; blood spilled on the ground from their conflicts becomes an easy source of nutrition for it, as it doesn't have to kill and digest the prey before its roots can absorb the food. Blood triggers a strong reaction from the vines that search for prey, causing them to instantly lash out or constrict around the source. This plant's petals are actually closer in structure to animal tissues than plant fibers, which may also be a form of bait for meat eating animals. When separated from the plant they can be cooked and eaten much like a soft, fatty meat, but they burn quite easily and if dried out too much or smoked they lose the majority of their flavor. The vines make good cordage, but once they dry out they may rot away quickly if not properly preserved. Dipping them in blood occasionally even keeps them "alive," though once cut off from the root system they won't bloom anymore. This plant was killed by fire magic.

The plant's body has been burned too badly to use the majority of it for most purposes.
---Grilled Flesh Leaf---
A leaf that looks more like meat than a plant, from the Blood Snare. It's been quickly cooked with a flash of intense heat in the open air, rendering it much safer to eat and sealing in the juicy flavor. The blood hasn't been drained though--this kind of steak should be considered the rarest of the rare! Beware any diseases!

This item is Organic, Blood Rich, Chewy, and Nutritious. It is of Above Average Quality.
---Blood Snare Vine---
A thick red vine from a Blood Snare plant. When exposed to fresh blood, tissues under the outer layer of the vine contract similarly to muscles. The original plant most likely uses this to constrain creatures for some purpose. It is Fibrous, Elastic, Tough, Organic, Flammable, and Water Absorbant. It is of Below Average Quality due to damage.

After resting up for a moment to recover some of her MP, Torrent took her loot and headed back upstream towards the camp. About halfway there, she saw Digbie coming out of the forest. It wouldn't be long before they would reach the campsite again to find Oberon, but where was Ash...?

As Oberon used his two Passive Mana Regeneration skills to restore his energy reserves, not only did his MP rise much faster but he also began to feel more "refreshed" in some way--much like an athlete that has recovered from pushing their body past the limit. He had been using these two skills quite frequently lately, and though he had pushed his experimentation fairly far he was careful not to keep overusing his spells. Rather than wait until his MP was used up, he kept it at a decent level, "topping off" every so often rather than waiting until he needed a complete refuel.

Your Mana Burn has subsided.
Natural Mana Recovery restored to 100%. External Mana Recovery restored to 100%.

When he let the water of the shallow stream run over his hand and began channeling his Mana, without much effort on his part only a soft glow appeared in his palm. Like a flashlight with a weak battery, this unformed spell took a circular shape--but then, the water began to sweep it away. It was almost like holding sand between his fingers. The water simply swept it right along...But when the Sprite put conscious effort into holding his mana there, and trying to draw the water into it rather than letting it pass by, a proper Mana Orb began to form--except now, it didn't look so much like a crackling ball of light. It became transparent, much like the water, and its light was highly diffused. It looked more like foaming bubbles than anything else. But after a few moments, if Oberon didn't put any further effort into either maintaining the Orb or trying to drain power from the water, it too would simply be carried away by the current until the small amount of mana he had gathered in his hand was all gone.


Ash struggled valiantly against the monster's gullet, and though she drew blood with her claws many of her swipes slid off the creature's rubbery, saliva-coated innards. The frog's toothless mouth pressed down harder around her...until she released a Poison Glob right down the amphibian's throat.

The fumes from the acidic reaction even burned Ash's own nostrils in this confined space, but the writhing body around her immediately began to spasm. Bright light erupted around her before she tumbled back onto the forest floor, covered in frog mucus. Her attacker continued to vomit, even expelling a long, pulsating sack. Like a frog back in her own world that had eaten a bee or some other harmful creature, it had thrown up its own stomach in an attempt to dislodge the offender! But her glob had coated its insides already--as she watched, the creature seized and screamed in agony as the stomach sac was burned through, and the Rubber Frog's entire body seemed to shrivel up even after it had completely deflated.

Eventually this show of body horror ceased, and the frog collapsed lifelessly. Its tonge, as well as its stomach, were still hanging out of its mouth. Where the poison had burned through the lining, a mass of undigested food--something that looked like pixie wings here, a little rat fur there, the leg of some large insect--could be seen. All in all, quite a gristly scene, even for a scientist who planned on disecting her prey.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! Max Stamina has increased!

Unspent Skill Points: 12 ((OOC: 2 leftover from last time, 5 normal, 2 at 1000 post mark and 3 at one-year mark))

Current Skills:
Stun Stinger II (2.025)
Poison Spray II (2.0)
Alchemy II (2.525)
Overwork III (3.2625)
Charisma I (1.65)
Venom Shot I (1.8)
Crafting I (1.25)
Lesser Force I (1.5)
Magic Analysis II (2.5875)
Alert I (1.3)
Lesser Flight I (1.25)
Muffle I (1.55)
Monster Analysis II (2.0375)
Material Analysis I (1.6)
Meditate II (2.025)
Poison Glob I (1.15)
Poison Breath I (1.025)
Plant Analysis I (1.05)
Tremor Sense I (1.0)
Mana Orb I (1.55)
Shield I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.55)
Mana Shape I (1.1)
Analysis (--)
Rabid Fit I (1.05)
Mental Resistance I (1.5)
Blunt Resistance (0.2)
Scribe (0.6)
Minor Heal (0.725)
Faster (0.1)
Intimidate (0.6)
Acid Volley (0.1)
Venom Claw (0.1)
Prehensile Tail (0.5)
Stronger (0.4)
Mana Sense (0.6)
Mana Vision (0.8)
Dual Cast (0.2)
Slash (0.2)


The Flak Beetle's mandibles snapped like a pair of vicious scissors as it scuttled at high speed towards the Demiblin. Hesitating for only a moment, Digbie summoned up an Earth Wall between him and his attacker, then cast Rock Spire on the wall itself rather than his opponent. The yellow circle of light marking the spike's target appeared on the flat surface of rock as it erupted from the ground with a rumbling crack.

The beetle's charge pulled up short as its segmented legs did a frantic backpedal--but not quick enough! There was a crunching sound from the other side of the wall...but Digbie didn't hang around to see what happened. The demonic goblin fled at full speed from his attacker, yelling his head off. But he was heading towards the east, not back north where the rest of his allies were. Though he might be following the trail of the Blessed Yill's petals, he was heading into unknown territory...deeper into the forest...

Behind him, there was a snapping sound. The Flak Beetle tottered around the edge of the Earth Wall--with the tip of the Rock Spire planted firmly in its mouth bits like a toddler's pacifier. Its mandibles were angrily clicking around the rocky plug as two of its forelegs explored the stone's size and shape. Once it understood what had been shoved into its mouth, it gave an angry hiss. Like a pneumatic press the two mandibles began to slowly close...and after several difficult, grinding repetitions, there was another snap as it broke the piece of stone into pieces. It spat them out, then made grumbling clicks as it wandered off in another direction.

When the Monster Party originally left the cave, they had traveled to the north. The forest had grown deeper, the trees larger, and while the undergrowth wasn't so thick anymore the ground had become rockier and steeper. The canopy became denser, so though the sun was well up shadows still covered large swathes of the forest floor. Layers of leaves or straw had fallen thick over the years, disturbed only by the occasional beast. The Monster Party had made its shelter somewhat to the edge of the forest, closer to the mountains. So on his journey a short ways south, and now running helter skelter to the east, Digbie was heading right into the heart of the woodlands.

He had long left the trail he carved with his curved rock behind, and he wasn't anywhere near the stream either. Now, in all directions, there were just trees, trees, a rock or two, and more trees...

And as he ran between some of these trees, bursting out of a low slope over a pile of leaves, there was a sudden squeak. A Dire Rat, likely nesting in that leaf pile, burst up right in front of Digbie. The two were equally shocked by the other's presence, but as the rat scampered backwards it raised up onto its hind legs. With its fur bristling, fangs bared, and eyes blazing, it began to hiss and snort at Digbie--but it didn't attack. Its entire body said "stay away!" but so far it didn't seem eager to actually fight. Digbie had fought and won against Dire Rats before...would he do the same here?


Fire, fire everywhere, and not a spark to die. That was what Torrent wished for, as with a defiant shout--or an angry prayer--she let loose her magic. She felt her skin growing hot, felt scales drying, felt oxygen grow scarce, felt her Mana surging. The Fireball manifested, and expanded, all around her...

Or more accurately, she was inside a Fireball that had been cast "in place." But her intent, her desire, to see this pant cringe and burn and wither away, kept her going. The flames spread out just as the tendrils wrapped around her. Before they could squeeze her to death and crush the life from her rapidly beating heart, they were enveloped in fire and fury.

An odd creening, somewhere between a wooden creak and a squeal, came from the Blood Snare plant as the flames all over it continued to eat away its fibrous body. Torrent was dropped the short distance to the ground, singed by her own power but seemingly unharmed--her Fire Resistance definitely had something to do with it, she could feel. Parts of the plant blackened and shriveled and crumbled to ash, other parts writhed and smoked and then finally fell still. Several large petals fell off of the main body, smoking and smouldering like charcoal grilled meat and glistening with bubbling sap. Only a few strands of vine were left unharmed, but with their roots and body burned they could no longer pose any threat.

You have no MP remaining.

Loot Present: Grilled Flesh Leaf x3
Loot Present: Blood Snare Vine x2

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! Max MP has increased (this will not recover your current MP)!

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Stun Fang II (2.3)
Muffle III (3.0125)
Poison Spit II (2.0)
Poison Glob I (1.75)
Poison Breath II (2.075)
Fireball II (2.0)
Stealth Kill I (1.0)
Minor Recovery I (1.0)
Fire Resistance I (1.1)
Fire Breath I (1.85)
Rabid Fit I (1.0)
Meditate I (1.25)
Tremor Sense I (1.7)
Soil Manipulation I (1.1)
Underground Movement I (1.55)
Monster Analysis I (1.025)
Magic Analysis I (1.225)
Material Analysis I (1.025)
Plant Analysis I (1.025)
Scale Shift I (1.5)
Overwork I (1.0)
Analysis (--)
Mental Resistance I (1.2)
Spell Cancel I (1.05)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Crafting (0.2)
Alchemy (0.4)
Alert (0.4)
Warcry (0.3)
Poison Fang (0.3)
Blunt Resistance (0.6)
Smash (0.2)
Magic Break (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.3)
Spiritual Awareness (0.4)
Prehensile Tail (0.1)
Fortify (0.5)
Spell Chant (0.4)
Dual Cast (0.5)
Guidance (0.5)
Focus (0.2)
Flame Burst (0.1)

Ardur, Asura, Momma Slime, Steve

ERROR. You do not have Permissions to Request Permissions.

The group decided to ignore the rat nest for now, and instead headed back towards the cover of the trees. As they went back down the slopes, they could see the forest from a higher perspective. Not quite over the treetops, but enough to see the structure of the cave from outside--how what seemed to be a collapsed part of the mountain had been covered over with silt over years of erosion and turned into a gently sloped hill, almost a mound. And they could see that the forest grew thicker to the north. And that the goblins' campfire in the clearing was gone.

They could also see, somewhat to the south of where they had originally started up the mountain, a burrow in the ground. It was just a hole, no telling how deep it went, but it was rather broad--at least a foot across at its widest, and deep enough that they could only see darkness down there.

As they were coming down from the rocks, something black and shiny--the carapace of a large insect--emerged from the burrow...whatever it was, it was coming out backwards, either dragging something out of the den or digging out its home further...

"Ahdoo." Momma Slime blurbled, remembering something for the first time. "Um...Fownd dis. Not taked. Fownd it." With a wet splurt she spat the corpse of one of the Fanged Lizards--the one Ardur had called dibs on and Asura made her not eat--out at the Hipixie's feet. It was only slightly dissolved around the edges.

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

Current Skills:
Beast Sense II (2.875)
Faster II (2.15)
Monster Analysis II (2.3)
Dextrous I (1.9)
Poison Resistance I (1.0)
Crafting I (1.625)
Muffle I (1.6)
Mana Sense I (1.8)
Mana Drain I (1.4)
Magic Analysis I (1.05)
Stronger I (1.15)
Prehensile Tail (--)
Alert I (1.15)
Use Light Equipment (0.6)
Charisma (0.9)
Telepathy (0.35)
Mental Resistance (0.1)
Soil Manipulation (0.8)
Overwork (0.2)
Lesser Status Heal (0.05)
Minor Heal (0.05)
Meditate (0.4)
Smash (0.6)
Mana Flex (0.1)
Scribe (0.1)
Spell Chant (0.15)
Lesser Force (0.1)
Stone Shot (0.1)
Lucid Dream (0.3)
Spiritual Awareness (0.2)
Swift Swimmer (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.7)
Alchemy (0.05)
Tremor Sense (0.1)

Ed couldn't quite see any magical glows just yet, but like a few experiments he had tried before, he could feel "energy" moving within him. It was almost like feeling your blood rush through your veins after a hard workout, the kind that makes your heart thud in your chest. But it was hard to remain totally conscious of it, and harder still to make it "circulate" the way he wanted. Nonetheless, he felt his hands grow warm. The minor cuts and bruises he had accumulated stopped stinging and hurting. His tense muscles grew a little more relaxed. But he couldn't keep up this state of "flow" for long, especially not while helping Mother Rat dig. After examining the system, however, Asteria returned to help her two packmates.

With Ed's greater strength and three pairs of paws, they soon had a sizeable burrow tunneled out. It still wouldn't be big enough for Ed to fit into, however--at least not without leaving about half of himself outside, and if he wanted to breathe properly it would have to be the half that had a nose on it.

But as they kept digging, even with the Alert skill they might be too distracted to notice a fluttering shadow overhead...it seemed to be circling around the bunch of flowers that Asteria had picked. At first glance, it was simply a butterfly or moth of some sort, likely a simple insect attracted by the smell of the plants...

But...a normal sized bug probably wouldn't cast a shadow at all unless it was much closer to the ground, right? And...why was this shadow, even for a bug, so big...?


When Danny didn't make any threatening moves, the younger human slowly turned to the trees. With only an occasional glance now at the Poltergeist, he picked out a smaller tree and started to raise his hatchet--

"Relax human, I don't want to fight you. Why do you think I distracted those Goblins earlier."


The human immediately leaped backward, dropping his axe entirely and planting himself in a strong stance, shield up. He seemed to be trying to draw his sword, but in the excitement he was fumbling somewhat with the belt and scabbard.

"Squire! Focus!" the knight's own hand was on his sword, but he had not unslung the shield from his back. His stance was a cautious one--but there seemed to be a pressure building under his hand, as if the moment he drew the sword would be the same moment he attacked.

"Th-the Poltergeist can t-talk, sir!"

"I heard it too--keep your distance! Think every action through!"

The boy took a deep breath. His sword rasped on leather as he finally drew it out. He looked over the rim of his shield at Danny.

"Poltergeist! A Monster at your level shouldn't be intelligent enough to speak, much less a human tongue! Some transformed creature, or a familiar...What are you?"

The knight had relaxed somewhat, and the pressure under his hand lessened...but it was still there. He turned slowly in a circle, and beneath the visor of his helmet his eyes seemed to be taking in every detail of the surroundings...


By the time Jason had finished his conversation with Jason, and made his way to the exit of the cave, he would find that Asura, Ardur, Momma Slime, Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat, and Danny had all disappeared, as well as those traitors that had followed Mourningstar. And the goblins, they were all gone too! Had everyone simply thrown everything aside and run, now that the Dungeon was apparently on auto-pilot?

As he emerged into the light of early evening, the sun just beginning to redden as it sank toward the mountaintops to the west, he saw only...

A knight, looking towards him with a hand on his blade. From that sword leaked an aura that felt almost as sharp as Undine's--or rather, it was coming from the knight, and being channeled through the sword. And as the knight's head turned, it stopped for just a moment.

Jason couldn't see the knight's eyes under the visor. Was he...could he actually see the spirit?

And behind the knight...was that Danny? It looked like the Wisp had gotten bigger--and grown a body under that spherical form that was now a head. Facing another human, a young one, with drawn blade...!

Orchid's Tribe

As the Goblins pressed deeper into the forest, heading straight towards the East, the trees soon became taller. The underbrush thinned out, but the canopy got thicker. They soon left the cave and the clearing entirely behind--along with the column of smoke from the grasslands--and traveled for some time with no disturbances. The dense foilage up above blocked out even more of the already fading sunlight...soon it would be pitch dark, unless Orchid wanted to light some of the others' torches. Doing so, however, might give away their position.

As the goblins tramped about over the leafy ground, tripping up over a root or two, they foraged for food and other materials as they went. Crispy and Yoona found a few Antidote Ferns, while Tiddies almost cut her foot on a Sharp Stone before picking it up. Bigs also found a Sharp Stone shaped almost perfectly for a spear head even without any knapping, and Wej found a bush full of Green Argeps. He began grabbing as many of them as he could carry, eating a few that were more ripe as he did so until the juice dribbled down his chin. He also found some Small Stones, perfect for slinging. Jezee and Clod also found Sharp and Small Stones, and Sqwal proudly showed off a Curved Stick with just the right heft to use as both a club and a throwing weapon if need be. Orchid herself found a bush of Blue Argeps, more properly ripened and thus much sweeter and less crunchy. There was also a Thick Vine wrapped around the woody stem of the bush, using it as a trellis to grow on.

But while this group of well armed goblins might be intimidating to most of the forest creatures, there was one that just didn't care. A familiar snarl greeted Orchid as her group gathered around the Blue Argep bush. From the shadows of a nearby tree, a creature slowly circled the group with bared fangs, head lowered as if preparing for a charge.

"ARMOR BADGER!" yelled Bigs, pointing frantically.

You used Material Analysis I! You used Alchemy II! You are moving too much for proper observation!
---??? Spit (Rubber Frog)---
A ball of spit used in conjunction with the skill of a Rubber Frog. It is Slightly Corrosive, somewhat stronger than normal saliva, but--
---Analysis Interrupted!---

Ash dodged the ball of spit, which struck the ground with an impact like a heavy melon and burst into an unpleasant looking--but apparently not acidic--goop over the forest floor. She darted towards the creature and stabbed out with her tail. The Rubber Frog had just gotten back on its feet and was wheeling to face her, and took the blow right in its side. It croaked and one of its eyes rapidly blinked--

Then its mouth stretched open twice Ash's height and it suddenly lunged forward.

Ash was suddenly enveloped by slimy flesh and thrown into pitch darkness. Her back legs, tail, and the tips of her wings were still in the open air, but the ground wasn't under her feet anymore--the frog had turned its head up! She felt herself being pulled and pushed by a powerful tongue and muscles. It was swallowing her--!

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

You used Monster Analysis II!
You are too far from the Target creature. Analysis Failed.

As the white bird swooped into the distance it was soon only a dark shape against the sky--even with her sharpened eyesight Asteria couldn't pick out anything more detailed than the fact that it was a large, white bird. Though from its size and the way it flew, it seemed like a bird of prey--a hawk or eagle, not a songbird.

Ed would be able to see that not all of the village's buildings were dwellings, as they got closer. One hut, near the back of a proper cottage, was a simple A-frame draped with bundles of grass no doubt cut from the plains around them. Under this frame looked to be things that might be tools and pottery, and what he could definitely make out as a large stack of firewood. Maybe they could hide under such a woodshed for shelter--rats in the barn--but then again whoever lived in this village would no doubt come to it at some point for their stored things...

Asteria was able to detect with her senses that, at least so far as she was aware, the area was safe. As she dug into the soil she found that after breaching through a top layer of roots--the grass held the dirt firmly in place like a mesh net for the first few inches--the earth gave way easily under her paws. Mother Rat soon waddled over and stuffed her nose into the tunnel as well, before beginning to dig. Rats were excellent tunnelers after all, and if they kept it up they could easily make a den...But Ed was almost three feet tall now. He wasn't going to fit in your average mole-hole, and a badger-sized pit would not only take some time but be more exposed...

Asura, Momma Slime, Ardur, Steve

ERROR. You do not have Permission to access the Permissions List.
Your Stamina is Low.

The Hipixie, spider, and Slimes seemed content to take it easy for the moment, though they were all on alert against possible threats. As they moved further west the slopes increased and the ground became more rocky and rough. Soon they were heading up into the mountains proper. They found a path among the rocks and ledges that left them less exposed, though it would be quite the meandering route if they wanted to go up. Going along the actual side of the mountain would have them either heading north or south--from here they could begin to catch a glimpse of what lay beyond the treetops. To the south were grasslands, to the north a thicker and deeper forest. If they wanted to keep going west they would have to actually scale the mountains...would it become more dangerous as they went higher? What other monsters might be out here?

Some monsters seemed the same, at least. As the group trundled along, they soon caught sight of a Dire Rat standing on top of a rock. It saw them at the same time, and let out a loud, shrill squeak before ducking behind the rocks. They heard another squeak answer it from a short distance away--further from them. If any of them had ever seen meerkats or prairie dogs, they would probably come to the conclusion that a nest of rats were nearby and these scouts were warning them of predators in the territory. Like Ardur had assumed, however, this group of four monsters--two of whom were evolved--wouldn't make an easy target. It didn't seem the rats were going to attack them for now...then again, how many were in that nest? And...could that nest provide shelter for them? Was it worth it?

Or would they keep exploring the mountain in search of other prey, or other resources?


Orchid's fireball had fully ignited the Argep Bush, and was beginning to spread along the forest floor. However, the blast had acted somewhat like the use of gasoline--a big, scary sounding fwoosh and sudden flame, but not quite enough fuel. The blaze soon died down to a manageable level. Had it been left to its own devices it no doubt would have caused a forest fire, but the larger trees had sturdy bark that wouldn't immediately go up, and green shrubbery wouldn't burn as well as dried twigs or straw. Danny's quick decision to throw water on the flames regardless of whether he was seen by the humans allowed him to stop the fire in its tracks. By using Mana Shape, he was able to increase the area of his spell's effect, although the amount of water he was using was the same and it took multiple casts. By the time his MP was exhausted, however, most of the flames had been smothered out and the wet ground would keep what remained from spreading...he sat down to Meditate, only now looking back towards the humans. They were both at the bottom of the hill now, in front of the cave--and both looking right at him.

"Master, what is that creature? Is it friendly?" the boy asked. He held his shield at the ready but looked between Danny and his knightly mentor.

You used Monster Analysis II!
---Immature Human Male, Apprentice Knight(?)---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, highly evolved creatures considered truly sentient, though this may depend on definition. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. This one is still an adolescent but appears trained in combat. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Adult Human Male, Knight(?)---
(You have analyzed this type of creature before, effectiveness boosted!)
Humans are not technically considered Monsters, and seem fundamentally opposed to them. They are of the Enlightened Races like Elves and Dwarves, highly evolved creatures considered truly sentient, though this may depend on definition. Nonetheless they are a technologically and magically advanced race in control of multiple nations, with a varied history across most of the interior continent, and distinct cultures in different biomes. This one is an adult and seems to be an expert in the use of high quality weapons and armor, perhaps of a higher class background. WARNING: LETHALLY DANGEROUS!
---Analysis Complete!---

"Odd...that's a Poltergeist." The baritone voice was distorted by the helmet as the knight spoke. From here Danny could hear them, though now that the goblins were out of earshot they didn't seem as concerned about revealing their presence. "They're a Transformation of the Wisp, so I don't suppose it's impossible for them to be out here...but it's quite rare for something in this cave's sheltered environment to Transform like that."

"It was casting a water spell to put out the fire, sir! Do...do Monsters do that?"

"Magical creatures tend to be a bit smarter than something like a Goblin, and if it's protecting its territory..." The knight scratched his stubbly chin with one metal coated finger. "But again, it's odd for a Poltergeist in this area to know a water spell...Anyway, it's not attacking us for now! Focus, squire."

"Yes sir!" The boy snapped to attention, saluting with his right hand now that he had sheathed his sword.

"You said you confirmed a dungeon? Report, and tell me what you should do next."

"Yes sir! When I entered, it triggered a Worldly Echo. It's called the Otherworldly Cavern. There weren't any monsters immediately present at the entrance, but from the nauseating feeling I think it might be inhabited by Undead!" The boy now scratched his own chin in imitation of his master. "The aura isn't repulsive even for me, though, so it has to be low level. If I were to hazard a guess, something killed a large number of the goblin tribe we knew to be here. Since we didn't see the Bugbear with them and the tribe looked quite diminished, they were probably killed off and forced out of the cave. That much death in a short time could have caused the kind of negative Mana build up needed to form the Dungeon." He paused to look at his teacher, and the older knight only motioned for him to continue. "But...that Bugbear was strong enough to be a dangerous threat to novice solo Adventurers, and the tribe was too large for low rank parties--at least the standard quartet--to suppress without a great deal of planning and precaution. So it's also possible that some kind of strong predator did the deed...and has now become Boss of the Dungeon. If it has Necromantic abilities, or at the very least is intelligent enough to give orders to the Undead, that means this wild cave could soon become an actual strategic base."

"And for all that babbling, your solution is?"

"Ah! Um...since I can't be sure I can clear it by myself, and I'm not equipped for a scouting expedition...Guild Code would advise that..." He looked around, taking note of Danny still sitting there and the various bits of wood lying about. "...Sealing off the Dungeon until proper recon can be conducted and a suppression party dispatched?"

"Correct." The knight gave the boy a half-smile and nodded his head. "How will you do that?"

"Ah...given the local materials..." The boy lifted up his cloak, revealing a small pack strapped to the back of his hip. A handle poked out of one side of it, and from this he produced a small hand-hatchet. "I could probably just make a wooden barricade for now?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Telling! Sir, I'll cut some branches and make palisades or spike-horses, and use that to block off the entry way! It'll be a temporary measure, but at least will buy some time!" He turned towards the trees with axe in hand...then stopped before he had gone three steps. "Umm..."

"The Poltergeist isn't a strong creature. That one still looks young, even. Standard protocol."

"Right. Standard." The boy raised his shield again and edged towards the trees at an angle, watching Danny with wide eyes. His breathing was somewhat strained. "Go on, Poltergeist...get outta here, why don't ya..."

The knight watched his protege with arms crossed. He glanced at the place where the goblins had been, especially at the remains of their campfire, then at the bush Orchid--Orchid, the Demiblin, with her different skin and glowing brand--had tried to burn with her magic. Then he looked at the cave, peering into the entrance but not stepping inside. After a moment he "hmmm'd" and then went back to watching Danny and his Squire. His eyes narrowed at the Poltergeist--the out of place monster with out of place magic, in an area where something stronger than usual had turned a normal cave filled with weaklings into a Dungeon. It was obvious he was thinking deeply about something, but so far he hadn't taken any initiative of his own...


As Digbie edged around the Flak Beetle, it turned in a circle where it stood to keep its bitey mouth parts pointed at him. It fluttered its wings to make an angry chirping noise. But right now this standoff didn't seem violent. As Digbie continued to try and preserve his Yill flower, its color seemed somewhat brighter...but another petal fell off, and drifted towards the east. Oddly enough, nothing else--not the leaves from the trees or any grass--seemed to feel that breeze.

But just before Digbie could get far enough away to make a break for it, the beetle suddenly charged with mandibles spread--!


"You dum! Not smart! Kill and eat now! Rat got less em-pees than we uses waiting for it to grow back! Eat da whole ting!" Teef countered.

Jason's attempt to use Mana Drain on the earth itself was...surprisingly successful. That odd pulse of his own mana he had used only seemed to deplete his MP without causing any noticeable effect--but the Mana he drained from the ground was more than that pulse, enough to top him off again...and then push him over. He suddenly felt a buzz throughout his being, a satisfaction not unlike the rush during a battle or the thrill of achievement.

But this amount of Mana wasn't as much as he would have gotten from a Mana Crystal, which seemed to have all been consumed now. And it wasn't as much as he had gotten from any of the souls he had eaten thus far either. Was this what he had heard of before, in the Analysis text of Mana Crystals and Healing Herb? Ambient Mana? How much of it was there, and how much could he drain?

And would there be any consequences for doing so?

"Da spirit world and livin' world two different tings." Bonie said as Jason headed back towards the pool. He would have to make a loop around a rock wall to get to the entrance, after all. "We in da livin' world now. Spirit world all black and white, no cold or hot, no light or dark. Is big empty where erry-ting come togetha, and fall apart. When we stops bein' us, falls all aparts, what's left goes back arounds. For us, anyways. Dunno bout youse. Dis ain't your world, Ja-Soon."

They were getting close to the Pool...but oddly enough, the ground was wet even several feet away. Like the pool had overflowed recently or something. And a few piles of lifeless bones could be seen here and there. What had happened? Jason could see the entrance to his old cave in the distance. There was now a dull, slowly pulsing red light coming from its depths...and two skeleblins stood to either side, clearly on guard. Other monsters were patrolling here and there.

But the Otherworldly Cavern was now deathly silent...


Oberon's attempt to make the Mana solid expended more MP, but seemed to work--the Wall became much more substantial in its "mass" even though it became smaller. But it also seemed to become more stable when he changed its shape. It had expanded naturally into a circle, but when he tried to turn it into a "pane," no doubt thinking of something like a window or a screen for reference, the circle's natural expansion seemed to "fill" an invisible border. And perhaps because a square was a "harder" geometric shape than a circle--pointed edges, straight lines--the Wall continued to stabilize.

When he tried to change his Mana's frequency to that of the Earth element, however, the Wall began to sink towards the ground...Oberon had no means of really controlling its movement, only altering its shape. When it touched the earth, the Wall sank into it...and it must have dispersed after leaving Oberon's sight, as he felt the spell suddenly cut off.

The Sacred Ground spell he had learned from Digbie required one to channel Mana into the earth. Changing magic into Earth Mana seemed to require something similar--had he seen Digbie or Jason use their Stone Shot spells, to know that they imbued the Mana into the material before it became "earthen?" He had certainly seen Digbie use his Earth Wall spell by this point, and knew that it emerged from the earth when it was cast, not from the caster's hand like the Wall spell.


Cafeteria >> Infirmary >> Dorms

@liferusher"You make it seem like something bad will happen if I don't do so." Clink, clink, clink. Rumble rumble.

"Bruh you are literally already cleaning the school on probation. Do you look for bait?" Kenichi pointed out without looking at the other youth. Seriously? First Roy and Jett and now this guy? Y'all know we're all in school to be "heroes" right? In HIGH school? He removed Tomoe's coffee, passing it to her while the next set of coins clinked their way down.

"What a shame, your class fought rather valiantly, perhaps if you two were present perhaps things would have taken a different course of action."

"Yep." Kenichi retrieved the second drink, he figured Acion's own over-the-top attitude would go well with something "elegant" so he picked something expensive (at least for a soft drink) and pompous. The sheep girl seemed like the type to enjoy sweets, so...

"I can see your itching to go toe to toe with me but that'll have to wait..."

"I mean I'm not the one still talking about it but okay." And finally, Kenichi had decided on a low-calorie sport-aid drink for himself. He helped Tomoe fit the drinks for her trio into her tiny arms.

The boy pulled up his sleeves to reveal heavily bandaged arms. "We'll dance at the Komei Olympics, until then remember the name Kishimoto Amane."

"Sure thing man. We're gonna go now. Later."

Ushering Tomoe out of the cafeteria and heading back towards the infirmary, Kenichi took a swig from his drink and scratched his head.

"Man when Motome-chan does the posing and dramatic voices it's cute, but I think I'm legit kinda worried about that guy." he said to the pinkette before he dropped her off outside where they'd last seen Acion and Hitomi. "It's like, if I made my main character joke that'd normally be hilarious, but I feel that he'd come in with a final boss routine and make it cringy, you know?" Glancing at his phone to see what time it was, he decided he would go ahead and head back to the dorms. No training with Arsenal on a Friday and not enough time in the afternoon left for a heavy duty weight session. He could do some pushups or situps or something instead.

"Anyway, Tomoe-chan, have fun with the birds and the sheep! I'm headin' out, see ya later!" He smiled and waved before nonchalantly heading towards the main building's nearest exit...

Moments later he entered the first-floor lobby, and immediately noticed several of the girls had gathered up in the common area. And...there were more new ones? Was it him or was Komei (A)getting new people literally every day, and (B)starting to turn into eye-candy central? The only guy he noticed was Roy--at least he didn't look like he'd been worked over too bad after that fiasco in the gym.

@pkken"Yo, Roy-kun." He finished off his drink, crumpling the plastic easily in his grip and three-point'ing it into the nearest waste bin. "Everything all right now, man?"

You used [Analysis]! You have already analyzed this creature before, effectiveness boosted!
---Rubber Frog---
This frog's magical evolution certainly took an odd turn somewhere. The elasticity of its form, from its skin to its bones, is ridiculous. With a tongue that will stretch over twenty feet it has no trouble snagging flies, and it can expand its mouth wide enough to swallow anything up to twice its own size whole. To intimidate predators it sometimes puffs itself up to enormous size. It has no magical abilities that you can tell. The Rubber Frog's hide retains its elasticity even after its death and after the hide dries. It is Extremely Elastic, Organic, Flame-resistant, Very Insulating, Slightly Durable, Water Repellant, Slippery, and Thick. It might be suitable for crafting. Its flesh and bones, aside from being rubbery, don't seem that different from other amphibians and thus might be useful as materials.
---Analysis Complete!---

Ash hunted in the immediate area around the campsite, first heading downstream where a few Rubber Frogs had been within sight. They were gone now, likely scared off either by Zawisza or by the rest of the group, but they left tracks in the softer banks of the creek and then spots of mud on the leaves. Ash only had to leave the path for a minute or two (in the opposite direction Torrent ended up going) to find a Rubber Frog sitting on top of a log. As she watched, its tongue snapped out to grab an insect of some kind--a normal sized, probably non-magical and hopefully non-dangerous one.

Taking a few moments to use all of her observational skills on it once more, Ash prepared to strike. A rubber frog would likely be resistant to blunt damage from its rubbery skin..., so waiting to get the jump on it, Ash fired a Mana Slice in the creatures direction.

The white crescent of magical energy zoomed forward, striking the frog from the back. It let out a squeal as it toppled off the log, rolling across the leaves and leaving a blood trail. Turning back towards Ash the creature opened its mouth wide and began to inflate--but a rapid hissing from its back indicated that it couldn’t hold its increased size for long. Without even waiting to see if its intimidation tactic worked on Ash, it opened up again and lobbed a ball of greenish spit at her. If this creature was related to other reptiles like the Fanged Lizard, could this be poison or acid!?

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

The rat pack quickly gathered their loot and continued on to the south. Not too long after they had left the site of the ant attack behind, they noticed large clouds of billowing black smoke...that didn’t bode well. Had one of those goblins set the grass on fire? If either of them had any knowledge of grass fires, they might realize that all it would take was a shift in the wind for the flames to rapidly overtake them like a tidal wave.

Whether they increased their pace or not, they were getting used to moving through the tall grass by this point. They had also left the two mismatched human footprints behind. All three of them had heightened senses, and Asteria’s Alert skill didn’t seem to be giving off any more foreboding feelings...for some time, they simply walked through the grass.

At one point, a large shadow passed overhead. Mother Rat immediately squeaked and dove under several thick stalks...but no attack ever came. If they looked up, they would see a large bird from the underside. As it flew into the distance--towards that black smoke--they would catch a glimpse of the sun reflecting off its feathers. It seemed to be pure white in color, unusual for a predatory bird of that size. But it never paid any notice to the rats.

When they had gone a far enough distance that it didn’t seem like they might be consumed by flame at any moment, no doubt at some point Asteria or Ed would poke their heads up above the grass for another proper view at what was around them. When Asteria had observed their surroundings from the top of the tree, way back before they had even entered the grasslands, she had been able to see for quite some distance. On the horizon back then, she had seen several dark shapes--nowhere near big enough to be mountains, but some kind of something distinct from the rest of the relatively flat landscape.

Now those shapes became much more clear. The three rats were still a few miles away, but their sharp eyes could pick out smaller columns of white and gray smoke, and rounded, brown slopes…

Asura, Momma Slime, Ardur, Steve

ERROR. You do not have access to that information under current conditions.

Skill Gain: Stamina Furnace I (1.0)!
A form of physical and mental cultivation akin to meditation. Similar to concentrating on the beat of one’s heart to calm it, you have accelerated the rate of physical recovery. Expend Mana to restore Stamina. This effect is increased if you have recently eaten, as it speeds up digestion--however, this may require larger amounts of food.

HP Drain has ceased. Your stamina is recovering.
You have no MP remaining.

As the group of slimes, spider, and fairy moved to the West they found themselves fairly ignored by all the other creatures around them. The goblins seemed to be leaving, whatever in the bushes had either skedaddled or burned to death, and those odd noises they were hearing...well, they didn’t see the source of that in the end, as by the time whatever it was came around the hill side they were already heading into the trees.

Asura soon noticed that he felt much better, as the System relayed what had happened. He also noticed that the food he had absorbed was now completely gone--much faster than what it usually took. Already he felt kind of empty. He wasn’t hungry, but he could eat, that kind of feeling.

Now the ground began to slope, and almost as soon as they had entered the treeline it began to thin out. The forest floor covered with low greenery and dead leaves began to give way to patches of bare dirt, and these became rockier and rougher as the slope grew steeper. Soon they found themselves at the base of the mountain proper, in a sort of valley between the sheer rocks and the more gentle, grass-covered slope of the cave. If they looked back, however, they wouldn’t be able to see the clearing anymore due to the trees.

However, right now if there were anything looking down at them from up on the mountain, it would have a clear and unobstructed view. Where would they go from here…?


Danny soon turned and bolted, a smart decision given the goblins’ pyromania. He was lucky enough that Orchid’s fireball wasn’t a direct hit on his bush, and that he had seen it coming in time to get out of the direct path of the resulting explosion--it was small, but even so the rapid consumption of the flames gave off a hot wind. It almost singed his weak, unbalanced body as he rapidly waddled away.

For right now he was still hidden among the trees--or maybe not directly hidden from sight, but either way the goblins weren’t paying attention to him. It seemed like they were leaving. He caught the tail end of Asura’s party heading to the west as well, just before they disappeared into that little strip of the forest.

As for the human boy, he had entered the cave completely at this point...and now quickly rushed back out. Upon seeing that the goblins were gone he relaxed somewhat and stopped trying to be stealthy--he hadn’t noticed Danny yet.

“Master!” It was a quiet voice, but still loud enough to be heard in the immediate clearing. Kind of like a forceful whisper. “The Goblins set the forest on fire!” The boy began scrambling back up the hillside as another figure stepped out from behind the large rock. “A-and th-the, the cave is a dungeon now! Wh-what do we do!?”

The second figure was clearly an adult, tall and broad of shoulder. He wore full plate, with the vulnerable areas covered by maille. Trunks of the chain mesh seemed to be attached to the doublet worn under the armor--of a similar style to the heavy garment the boy wore--and the underarms had small curtains of it actually riveted to the cuirass and pauldrons. The armor had a gothic style with fluted decoration and articulated joints, but it did not gleam in the sun--rather, it seemed to have been painted or burnished with something that kept it smooth, but dulled its sheen. A bit to the opposite that one might have expected, the only places where the metal underneath gleamed in the sun were places where small scratches and pockmarks, perhaps older dents that had been buffed out, showed through under the burnishing. Despite this seemingly impregnable gear, the man also carried a kite-shaped shield. It was split into two colors, blue and cream, and bore a black sigil shaped like a portcullis. Like the boy he wore a sword at his hip, but it was much more splendid in design. At the same time, another loop on his belt held a flanged mace, and hanging from the leather on a chain was a slightly ornate dagger.

With his free hand he pushed up his visor, revealing a white face with light brown hair, and strode confidently down the hill to meet the boy half-way. He started to speak, but he kept himself under control compared to the boy and thus Danny couldn’t hear him from this distance...


Digbie left the cavern in peace. A light draft somehow blew at him from behind--from within the earth?--but he felt it no more than he might a reassuring pat on the shoulder. When he once again entered the outer world the sun’s brightness made him blink rapidly. How long had he been down there, in the dark? But once his eyes adjusted, he could easily make out the trail he had left himself, and headed back towards the camp. When he tried to give some of his magic to the Yill flower, he might note that despite having its stem destroyed it didn’t seem to be wilting too much yet...however, a single petal fell off as it was jostled in his hair. This petal drifted on an unseen wind, headed up on a swift gust before floating off towards the east...

On the way back, however, he might have found himself a problem.

A lone Flak Beetle--the same type of creature that had nearly caused Torrent’s demise--was coming along the path in the opposite direction as Digbie. When the two spotted each other, the beetle immediately flared up its wings with a buzz and clacked its mandibles. Was it just an intimidation tactic? Or was it getting ready to spit fire at him, just like Torrent? Only a few tense seconds would pass before one side had to make a move...


Skill Gain: Mana Drain I (1.0)!
You have experienced the flow of mana inside your own body, and felt the energy of other creatures being used upon you. Like siphoning water through a tube, this ability allows the user to draw the energies of others into themselves. By using Stamina, you will drain MP from an opponent and add it to your own. However, certain factors may come into play--you are not guaranteed to restore the exact same amount of MP that you drain. At this rank, in order to use this skill you must be touching the creature or object to be drained. While you are using this skill you cannot use any other spell or skill that is offensive in nature or requires complex movements.

Jason reached into the Dire Rat’s body with Transparency, and began trying to find its Mana like a doctor trying to find a patient’s pulse. Soon he felt some form of resistance...and upon pushing harder, was able to make it give way...and soon after he felt some trickle of power returning to him! Yet it only lasted a scant few seconds before, as the System notified him of his new skill, he couldn’t maintain his focus--his Transparency skill canceled itself automatically while it was still inside the rat. The creature suddenly lurched like it had been hit with a physical blow, and was knocked onto its side. It squeaked and scrambled to get back onto all fours--this would give Jason only a short window in which to “grab” it and try to continue draining Mana. He didn’t have any physical grip on the creature. As it recovered and sat up, looking around in confusion for a threat of some kind, it merely slid through his incorporeal presence. But as long as he was “in contact” with it, his Mana Drain skill worked. And when the rat stood up and shook itself off, it began moving very carefully, sneaking about instead of running. It couldn’t see any threats, but it had certainly been hit by something, so it was exercising caution, remaining at the ready...Jason would be able to keep pace with it, though it caused his Mana Drain to start and stop as he moved.

Your MP is Full. You are still suffering from Mana Disorder.
Your target has no MP remaining.

Dire Rats weren’t very magical, but this creature still had enough that after devouring Bonie, the lizard eggs, and Teef that Jason was now topped back up. However, something was odd…

He didn’t feel like he was recovered.

Normally, when he restored his Mana, he could feel the energy surging and he kind of had an idea of what he was capable of. Like an athlete who knows about how much weight they can lift, or how far they can run, when they’re not tired or when they’ve just been refreshed. But now...he couldn’t feel that. He knew he could probably cast some of his spells again, if he could unlock them, but he didn’t feel…full?

”Need to fix Magic-sick, Ja-Soon. Spirit and Body have different limits--now dat yas got dat skill, needs ta use it lots!”
“Go kills dat rat! Den find dem udda mobs, kill dems too!”


Obtained Item: Green Switch x1
A fresh limb from a tree. It’s not that sturdy, but its flexible and fibrous nature might give it other uses besides having something to whip an unruly child with.

The goblins scrambled at the sight of Orchid’s fire, and could tell from her mood that she was not to be trifled with at the moment. They quickly obeyed her orders, looking back uneasily at the fire before gathering up what few items they had left in the clearing.

“Boss, dat might have been a Venture!” Wej said as they began to push their way through the trees. The smoke billowing up behind them was beginning to throw shadows over the area like storm clouds.

“A major, even!” added Yoona.

“We saws it on the top of da cave, but it hided, den it somehows got roun’ behinds us!” Clod explained. Tiddies had moved closer to Crispy, seemingly checking his arm while he bit his lip and pretended it didn’t hurt.

“You guys dum! Can’t even kill one Venture!” Sqwal broke in, puffing his chest out. “We killeds two o’ dem big black cats! Like dat one da boss got!”

They had only killed one and driven the other away, but neither Bigs nor Crispy were going to correct him if it made them look better, and Jezee hadn’t seen the whole thing. The other goblins, having only the corpse Orchid carried as proof, looked at the green runt with slightly more respect--or at least some kind of reappraisal as to his stature in the tribe.

“Oi, Boss. We headin’ to the farm?” Crispy finally spoke up, chewing on a Healing Herb that Tiddies had given him.

With the fire and their large numbers and force of arms, the goblins made far too much of a threat for any forest creature to risk attacking. They would be seemingly left alone as they trekked, so they could likely cover quite some ground before night came on...


After fully restoring his MP and a fair chunk of his stamina, Oberon once more began a round of magical experimentation.

When a more fully formed source of Mana, like Mana Orb, was exposed to the Shield spell the two would "absorb" into each other like two soap bubbles colliding. The result, under Oberon's watchful eye as the skill developed, exhibited a few qualities that he was now more familiar with. In the way that Mana Dart had required some more focus and the eventual development of Mana Shape, the Wall spell didn't seem like it had enough "mass" concentrated into it. If a wall was meant to be a defensive structure, after all, it would need to be solid. Also like the Light Ring, however, the spell itself seemed to want to expand into a different shape. Now that he had Mana Shape unlocked, what could Oberon do with this unformed Wall? The Mana Orb-with-Shield, of its own volition, seemed to flatten out until it was paper thin--giving more credence to that idea that it wasn't "thick" enough yet.

Mana Slice, Light Ring, and Mana Shape all gave Oberon some experience with making a spell "flat" like a blade or a thin sheet of paper. But had he ever made anything "hard" before? Mana Dart had a focused tip on it, maybe that was the closest thing.

What other experiences from the various spells he had developed could he use here, to further his understanding and unlocking of a new skill?


When the tendrils of the plant struck her, the thing seemed to get a better idea of Torrent’s location. As she dug down, she felt and heard several heavy blows hit the ground on top of her, shaking the already loosened dirt down on top of her. But she was better at digging by now, and made her way slowly towards the plant. After several heavy thumps the vines seemed to realize they weren’t hitting anything, and it became somewhat quiet…

Yet, while Torrent planned her next mode of attack, she had forgotten something--plants had roots.

She launched her poison-tinged flame from below the Blood Snare, now fully igniting its entire body with a direct hit. The entire plant went insane, lashing wildly, tearing limbs from trees, sweeping across the ground and plunging the vines into the earth in a desperate attempt to destroy her. And at first she was safe--then, from underneath her tunnel, an enormous root lifted up. She was forced against the dirt for several moments before it burst out of the ground--the plant’s entire root system seemed to be moving. They weren’t nearly as flexible or forceful as the vines, they seemed limited to only contracting and relaxing movements. But this was enough for the plant to essentially pick itself up out of the ground--maybe it intended to move somewhere else to try and get away from her flames?

But because of the root on her body the plant knew where she was again. This time when the vines lashed out they ensnared her, and began to squeeze--could she get away? Would she last long enough for the plant to burn? It was already beginning to blacken, but its grip was getting tighter...



"You will receive nothing from me, and have you been under a rock for the past couple of days? I've been placed on academic probation for nearly destroying your class, this is just one of the few punishments I've been given." Kenichi's fingers stopped a minute from putting the yen coin into the vending machine. Clinking the coins in his hand, he slowly turned back towards Amane. The stillness of a cloudy day began to build in the air.

The bluette only watched as the other boy mopped up again--noting the tension in his movements and the look in his eyes. Kenichi noted the huff with which Amane pulled out the wet floor sign, and the roll of his eyes before the boy glared at them again.

"Watch your step." he 'warned.' With narrowed eyes, Kenichi put a hand in front of Tomoe and stepped forward. He didn't have any mud on his shoes, but the water still puddled on the floor rippled outward between him and Amane. Where the vibrations from their steps collided between the two boys, the water splashed quietly to draw a line between them.

"Alright, edgelord. We get it. You're in detention." he said in a low voice. "We're getting a couple drinks and we'll leave ya to your brooding, so turn it down a notch." He then turned around, pushing gently on Tomoe's shoulder to try and get her to do the same, and approached the vending machine again. He only had one last thing to say, over his shoulder, before he did his best to ignore the angsty youth.

"My name's Yoshida Kenichi, by the way. 'Destroying my class' doesn't hold much stock with me--Cause it musta been during the time I was absent. So let's put that aside. Next time I see ya, 'Janitor-san,' let's put better feet forward."

The coins clinked into the machine...

"The Earth has been my closest ally since I started my life in this world. I wish to unravel the secrets of its utility so I may become more aligned with it and become stronger with it's alliance and fortitude."

Digbie sat, still and calm. His breathing deepened, his muscles relaxed, the rise and fall of his chest...slowed. Here in the darkness, sight and sound and smell and sense began to fade, and as he felt his connection through the Earth Vein soon it seemed as if he were sinking deeper and deeper into the stone itself…

Skill Rank Up: Earth Vein I > Earth Vein II (1.95 > 2.1)!
This Skill can now be maintained with only one point of contact with the bare earth. The speed of MP recovery is the same as Rank I. This Skill still cannot be used in conjunction with any other active skills.

And the voice resonated through his very bones…

“Ally? The Earth is no Being’s ally, nor its enemy. Secrets? The Earth’s secrets are not hidden, merely there to be found. The Earth simply Was and Is, and one day Will Not Be.”

In the darkness, Digbie began to perceive...something. Was it coming from the earth mana he was absorbing, filling his body to the brim? Was it a hallucination brought on by too much time in the dark, a trick of his eye on a willing body that wanted to believe?

The darkness lifted, as a hole opened up. A hand, lifting a stone from the earth. Primitives crowded around as the hands reached back into the hole, digging and churning the dirt with sticks and simple stones not at all unlike the one Digbie had been clinging to all this time. As the earth was stirred, seeds were placed in the holes. As their roots reached through the earth and found nourishment, they opened up their buds and put forth fruit. As long as the earth was there, the plants would grow. As long as the humans had stone, they could build tools and shelter. From grass to animal to predators, through life and death, all came from the earth and all returned to it.

The moon rose. The night fell. The darkness, the ocean, the sun, the wind, the mountains...they were constant, always there. The stars might fade, but they would always return--and the Earth would always be waiting for them. All of these things and many more existed long before the primitive came out of its cave. What were they? What dangers did they bring? What wonders?

“Beings have given the Earth many names and many meanings. For many Beings, understanding agency, creating reason, forever seeking, and always asking were the methods of their survival. Did the Wind rustle the brush, or the Lion? The Being who assumed Wind did not always survive. If No Man threw the stone, did the Unseen Unknown Being cause the stone to fall? Why is it Unseen and Unknown? The Man who did not seek to understand did not always survive.”

Digbie saw the primitives through the hole in the earth again, now wearing clothes made from plants and sitting around a fire. They cooked a slain beast, and carved its flesh with knives made from stone they had taken from the Earth and shaped for that purpose. Their children sat around them as the elders told them what they needed for survival--the tales of sun, and moon, and night, and ocean, and Earth. How they were dangerous and wonderful. How to understand them. But the children did not understand. How could Earth give them food? Why was the Cave safer than the open plain? So the elders changed the tales, made Them “like” other things that the children understood--fathers, mothers, warriors, healers, chieftains. And Earth and Sun and all the Others were not praised--they Were. They always Were. And they were needed to survive. It was necessary that the children understand them.

As Digbie watched, the children of the children’s children appeared. They were many and they were different. Some of these children were now Men, and their cities and walls were built of great stones. Their dead were taken to great tombs dug into the Earth, and were sealed up in it with prayers and dances and dedications. They gave thanks to the Earth, for its protection and preservation. They tilled the earth and planted seeds, and buried their refuse. The Earth was “like” a reliable friend, and friends were always there for you no matter what. In return you also had to be a friend to them. But they understood that the Earth gave materials, and food, and rich jewels, and history, so they had to give other things to show their gratitude to the Earth. The others, like Moon and Sun and Wind and Ocean, gave other things, and Men gave them different things in return.

As Digbie watched the stone towers rose higher, and he saw that some of these children were Not Men. One of them, their great king, made fire and water appear from his hands and moved earth with his words. They wanted him to shape the earth at their will, to raise their crops and build their homes, but knowing the limits of his power he instead told them he grant them each the strength of the earth. He taught them to make bricks from mud, to make their own stone from loose soil and shape it in the way that they pleased, and to turn it into pots and bowls. Not Men and Men alike began to think and do and be different than they were before as the world turned. The Earth and the Sun and Others stayed as they Always Were.

“Digbie. You wish for allies, for those that will care about you despite your flaws and will not push you away. You yearn for knowledge, for purpose, to understand this new life you have been given. And strength, to survive in this new world. The Earth Is and Has Been only soil, and sand, and stone. The Earth is only a receiver of That which has spent its power, and become inert. The Earth has Potential, but is not Activated. The Earth cannot give you friendship, knowledge, purpose, or strength. But Beings have imposed their Wills upon the Earth for these and many others. What was given to the Earth, the Earth has held in concentration, until gathered Power took on Will. To give and receive Power from another Will--is that your Will, Digbie?”

The images around Digbie began to crumble like sand. The hole in the earth began to fill, as if he were being buried alive. He was left once more in darkness...but as unseen things moved around him, he felt more than heard the whispers of many voices, echoing through the depths of the caves…

“The earth brings forth fruit and vegetables, trees and grass…” “The earth gives and gives but is never used up...its generosity is like that of a man who works tirelessly…” “The earth is firm and hard, but sometimes also soft…” “If the earth brings forth these plants, and generously gives its strength yet never exhausts itself, and is firm and rough but also reliable...the Earth must be a Father!”

Digbie saw the voices overlapping, each vibration and tremor taking on a new shape like a three dimensional representation of radar waves. The sound took on form, and he saw a strong, rugged man holding a mattock in one hand and a bundle of grain under an arm.

“The earth sometimes shakes and destroys everything, but is usually so calm…” “No one can destroy the earth, with its great stones we can build invincible walls…” “It is soothing to sit among the mountains or upon the grass, and think deep thoughts…” “If the earth can destroy but remains calm, and is invincible, but soothes the mind in meditation...the Earth must be a Wise Monk!”

This time the voices took the shape of a broad shouldered figure, sitting cross-legged with clasped fingers--exactly the way Digbie was doing now. A strange ringing sound, like a stroke upon a tuning fork, emanated from an iron bell around the figure’s neck, and the clay beads looped around his arms rattled.

“The earth is slow to move, but always steady…” “The earth hides great riches in its depths, and goes down and down…” “Sometimes, great rifts open up in the earth like a mouth that devours everything around it…” “If the earth is great and cumbersome, but has treasures hidden away like an animal that steals things, and can devour everything else...the Earth must be a Great Beast!”

This form towered over Digbie, an enormous...Elephant? Tortoise? Its claws were like ploughs and its hide encrusted with gemstones. Its great head came down over him, and cold air like the draft of a cave blew against him from its nostrils.

There were many other voices, and other Figures, but Digbie felt as if he were suffocating or being crushed. Just like a drowning man gasps for air when he breaks the surface of the water, Digbie pulled back from the depths of the Earth. The figures watched him surge upwards through the stone, patiently waiting...or perhaps listening? Waiting for him to call out…

Digbie’s eyes snapped open, though there wasn’t any light to see by...and yet. Yet, he somehow “felt” his surroundings. Perhaps this was a passive effect of Tremor Sense at its upgraded rank? He felt almost as if his eyes had adjusted to this darkness--the path behind him was clear, he would not get lost if he headed back out. But as Digbie stood up from his meditative pose, his foot lightly brushed some pebbles on the ground. They rattled and rolled like beads down the slope, further into the darkness...


After creating three puddles near the Blood Snare Plant, Torrent took her time and thought carefully about her next move. Once she had decided what she would do, she said a small prayer--or was it a chant?--in the back of her mind.

She felt the magic surging just like before in the cave. And, using her mouth to guide the flame, she released it in a narrow stream to ignite the venom puddles…

Was it just her, or had the fire become a darker tinge around its edges? Was that from the poison, or her concentration of the flames?

The thinner, controlled stream arced perfectly to strike the puddles. But though the flames spread across the surface of the liquid, it only lasted for a few moments. The fumes rising up from her poison, however, ignited with a sharp hiss. Unlike something like gasoline or gunpowder, however, this effect didn’t create a powerful explosion--the poison, or some layer of it, just seemed to burn, and the overall liquid of the puddles didn’t catch fire at all. Nonetheless, three separate clouds of flame blossomed around the Blood Snare, plus the condensed stream of fire Torrent spread in an arc as she moved her head.

The plant’s reaction was immediate. Its fleshy petals drew close, drawing up into a tight bud, and with whiplike snaps and cracks its vines jerked free of the earth and began lashing out wildly! If Torrent couldn’t evade or defend, these flailing appendages would deal a hefty blow--but they were coming from so many angles!

Despite this, several of the vines and other parts of the odd plant were singed and burned, and some embers still clung to life. As the flames caught up, the smell of burning flesh and cooking meat began to waft in the air, but the plant writhed even more with an eerie lack of screams yet no less agony...

Ardur, Asura, Momma Slime, Steve

ERROR. You have not yet met the conditions to develop the skill Better.

Skill Gain: Monster Analysis I!
Gain basic biological information about a monster by observing it carefully.

As the Hipixie, Amorphous Slime, Oculus Spider, and Momma Slime stepped over the threshold of the cave, into the open sunlight, they would soon see Danny disappear into the woods. And moments later, noises were heard and all the Goblins turned their attention to that. The group could use this opportunity to easily get away from the goblins...but where would they go?

And though, at the moment, the edge of the hill hid them from view...they soon heard something shifting and rustling nearby. Was that...the sound of rustling clothes of some kind? Was that...a footstep? And was that...the sound of metal sliding across leather?

Momma Slime suddenly bristled as Asura withdrew his pseudopod, like a spooked horse. She blurbled in a low voice and began edging towards the west, away from both the goblins and the noises.

"Ahsoowah, bad feelz!"

And then, from the south, billowing clouds of smoke could be seen rising into the air as the treeline rustled again...

[[See Danny and Orchid's sections]]

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

As Asteria's tail latched onto the giant ant's neck, its body twisted to try and get an angle where it could use its stinger on her. Before it had the chance Ed crashed into it like a freight train, ripping and tearing with his powerful claws while roaring in fury.

In the old world, many humans were injured at zoos or other animal sanctuaries for underestimating the power of primates like chimpanzees. Though they were much smaller than an average man, only the size of a child, they had almost three times the strength of adults. Why? The two primary reasons were that their muscles were made of denser tissues, and the fibers of these muscles were elongated in their structures, especially where they latched to the bone. Like a longer lever on a fulcrum, this allowed them to produce far more power when contracting.

As a Rat Man, Ed's body was much like that of a chimpanzee. Yet in addition to that strength, he had a beast's claws and fangs.

The edges of the ant's broken chitin were grabbed and torn with a meaty crack, peeling away from its exposed and bleeding flesh. The creature let loose a high pitched creen just as Ed plunged his snout into the wound. The ant rolled and twisted, trying to get its stinger or its mandibles at the creature on its back, and screeched again as Ed's jaws came out of its side with a mouthful of the soft flesh beneath.

If Ed were aware enough to think about it, he would notice the meat tasted oddly citrus-y. Like shrimp marinated in very strong pineapple or lemon juices.

The ant thrashed for a few moments more, spilling green blood and blue colored innards on the ground--then finally went still, save for its twitching legs and antennae.

Mother Rat seemed fine, simply dazed for a moment by the sudden surprise attack. After brushing off her fur and sniffing herself and Asteria for injuries, she huffed and turned back towards the Ant that Ed was still brutalizing. Approaching it slowly with hackles raised, she sniffed until the air until she realized the creature was dead.

Then, she suddenly glanced back at the hole the Ant had come from. As the creature's last creen died away, she glanced back at it. When its antennae twitched, she turned back to the tunnel. Then she looked below her own feet, and lay flat on her belly on the ground. She was still for a moment...then jumped up and began to squeak at her packmates.

While this was happening, Asteria had gathered up one of each distinct plant they had noticed thus far, but her Mana Sense was quite vague and she hadn't yet developed a Plant Analysis skill...
You used Mana Sense!
---??? Flower---
You sense a natural Mana in small amounts. It feels soothing, yet also somehow unpleasant. It is as if it is incomplete.
---??? Plant---
You sense almost no mana here, or perhaps it is simply indistinguishable from the environment. The grass and the soil share this ambient, stable sensation of Mana.
---??? Blossom---
You sense a natural Mana in small amounts. It is slightly prickling to the senses, but also contains a form of warmth. It is as if it is incomplete.
---??? Cone---
You sense a burning mana within this plant. It is slightly prickling to the senses, but somewhat soothing as well. It is as if it is incomplete.
---??? Thorn---
You sense little mana in this plant, but it is of a stiff, sharp nature. It feels potentially harmful, but not volatile.

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.


Obtained Item: Green Argep x4

Skill Gain: Plant Analysis I!
Gain basic information about the properties of a plant by carefully observing it.

As Danny sneaked about, first securing some food (though the berries weren't quite ripe and would likely be a crunchy and not-so-sweet meal) then moving away from the direction all the goblins faced, he could more clearly see back towards the cave's entrance--and the hillside up above it. He could see Asura, Momma Slime, Ardur, and Steve emerging. And up on the hill, he could see a large, familiar looking rock...a rock big enough for someone to hide behind...

When he began to break sticks with his Lesser Force, making as much intentional noise as possible, several of the Goblins looked his way.

"Oi! Is dat da human!?" Wej pointed, voice wobbling with panic. At this shout they all turned towards Danny, and even though the Poltergeist was among the thick brush of the forest it didn't take them long to start picking up odd signs.

"I tink I sees somethin' glowin'! It might be a major!" Yoona said, pulling out his knife and crouching low to the ground.

"Wut's a major?" Clod whispered to the female as he picked up a shield in much better condition than Wej's. He shifted his stone sword to his other hand, but it was hard to hold a weapon made out of actual rock with only one grip.

"Humies dat gots jerbs where they do magics, like Crispy's fire." Tiddies replied, holding her own knife in a tight grip as she fanned out to one side. "But majors is squishy, not like warr'yers...and I tink he's by hisself after all..."

"Errybody spread out!" Clod shouted, waving his shield hand. The goblins began to make a loose semi-circle, watching the bushes where Danny continued to make noise.

And while having the goblins slowly close in on him might make Danny very nervous, it also gave him a more unobstructed view of the hillside.

Where a small human soon creeped out from behind the rock.

The boy was too tall for a child, but too scrawny to be an adult. He lacked facial hair, but had a subtle athleticism and maturity in his features. Most would probably place him somewhere between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. He wore a thick, long sleeved garment that didn't look exactly like wool or cotton, but wasn't made of leather either. It was a dark, earthy brown color, while his trousers were a lighter shade. His gloves and boots were matched, leather laced with rawhide, buckled with metal, and dyed solid black. Over all this he wore a thick cloak colored a rough forest green, patched here and there with bits of brown or other shades of green. It might have been a bad attempt at blending in, but seemed more likely due to the age of the garment.

Slowly, carefully, he moved in a low crouch down the hillside. He kept looking at the Goblins, but seemed more focused on the cave's open mouth. He held his shield, a smaller round piece of wood covered with leather, in front of him. It wasn't small enough to be a buckler, nor large enough to be considered a proper round shield, and was strapped to his forearm in such a way as to leave his hand free. His other hand hovered near his hip, prepared to draw the sword holstered there. Its blade wasn't apparent yet, but from the length and small, rounded shape of the handguard it must have been something meant for use in a single hand, not the great longsword of a knight or some great battlefield weapon.

Again the boy glanced towards the goblins, and adjusted himself as he moved towards the base of the hill. He was sneaking at an angle, so that he could watch the green skins while getting closer to the cave's entrance...

But now, all the goblins and the human glanced towards the south as a cloud of thick, black smoke became visible over the tree tops. And from that direction came more rustling...

"Boss, is dat you!?" yelled Clod. His voice cracked somewhat.


As Jason lunged and grabbed the goblin ghost by the throat, her misty mass spread out around him like dropping a pinch of sugar into water. He felt sudden, ice cold pain surge through his body where she clawed out a chunk of his ribs and one arm--but there was no blood nor torn flesh, just fog that became more incoherent between the two of them. Not really knowing what he was doing, just mustering his will and focusing his intent, Jason struggled with the goblin. Their forms whirled together in a storm--

He hated himself, he cheated, how could that slime--no that was him--how could that slime cast magic like that? She hurt so bad, she couldn't breathe, the sharpy rock was going all the way through. No that wasn't her, she's too young, he was already dead by the time she was even born, Crispy wasn't her boss he was Jason's son--no, that wasn't right either--this was a youngling, she remembered those other younglings, especially that dumb one that kissed her, wait whaddya mean girls can kiss girls? Younglings dese days, dat ain't how it was back in our day, back when he was alive he didn't worry about that because he had wars to fight. Yeah, she was a warr'yer, had her own stone spear and everything, until he--until you--until I--cast Rock Spire and killed her.

"You killeds me! Hates! Hates! HATES!"
"Ja-Soon Mag, if yous can't do dis much, yas ain't gonna last much longer!"

Ja-Soon Mag, he--I--became a Slime Mage, and cast Rock Spire and killed the bitchy goblin--"Teef! My name was Teef!"--

And his name was Jason.

Jason "woke up" to the world once more, no longer trapped in the monochrome void. He could feel his MP, and the warning from the System was gone--if he had to guess, he might be about half-full. But there wasn't any notice about his conditions going away either, that damned Mana Disorder was really throwing a wrench into things...

But right now, it seemed like everything was peaceful around him. There were the sounds of something that might be a fight in the distance, towards the pool, but right now there were no enemies to bother him and no immediate threats--

No, scratch that. The Dire Rat was still here!

...But it didn't seem to pay Jason any attention at all. The purple glow was gone from its eyes. And the purple light he had seen within its body was now replaced by a gray one. It was smaller than the purple glow had been, but it was larger than the ones Jason had seen in the Fanged Lizard eggs. The Rat shook itself, as if coming out of a daze, and scratched itself with one hind leg absently...

"Still needs to eat, Ja-Soon!"
"Kills it! Kills it!"

Orchid's Tribe

When Orchid grabbed Jezee, the younger female simply gawked at her leader with wide, scared eyes, hyperventilating through her open mouth. Numbly she followed as Orchid went to the others, who were just about trapped in a ring of flame thanks to Crispy. The fire resistant goblin, however, had no problems stomping his way through without a care for the others behind him. He still clutched his injured arm close, but his crooked smile was back now that he had gotten to show his dominance over some other creature.

"Hahahaha! Burns, fire burn! We's should start cuttin' grass for fires too, not just wood! Burns good!"

Bigs beat at himself with his hands as he hurried out of the flames, hooping and hollering. Despite Crispy making a small path, it still wasn't enough for him to get by without being singed. Still, ultimately he wasn't much the worse for wear. Sqwal hurried through after him, and the two larger males had made enough room for the run to get by without harm. Still, all three of them coughed in the smoke as Orchid and Jezee rejoined them.

"Jezee! Wut happun to yas?!" Sqwal barked as Orchid said something about sending a warning to the rats. Crispy looked towards her with that curious look he sometimes gave her as she began to move and chant.

"Da rats caught me, made me go wifs dem! They was sayin'...Well, I dun really get it. But dey just lemme go after a whiles!" She scowled as she rubbed at her legs. "But dat big one dat couldn't talk kept bitin' me..."

"Rats? Talkin' rats?" Bigs questioned as he checked his Wicker Shield. It was cracked, but not broken like Wej's or Orchid's had been.

"Ya! Musta been some o' dem da Boss met in da cave...but one was diff'ernt!" Jezee held her hands up to approximate the height of the creature. "Walked on two feets, like a Gob! And had a big stick!"

"Dat's called a Rat Man." Crispy said in a lower voice than usual. The others looked to see him watching as Orchid completed her spell. They all oohed and ahhed appropriately as the flames arced from Orchid's fist, causing her sign of the Hellish Fiend to glow like a fresh brand. Soon flames were spreading wildly, both up ahead of them and to one side. The updrafts from both fires caused a swirling draft that ruffled what little hair and clothing the goblins had.

As Orchid handed Sqwal and Jezee their rations, the little group headed back towards the camp. Bigs spoke up next.

"Wat's a Rat Man, Crispy? An' how you knows bout 'em?"

"A Rat Man's a rat man, ya dum." The former Mid-Boss snapped back. "Sumtimes Dire Rats turns into 'em if dey gets strong enough. Used to see 'em every so often back when me and Rattleskull was li'l. Da old Gobs killed a bunch of da rats in da cave one time so dat there wouldn't be as many of 'em. Rat Men almost as smart as Gobs and makes clubs and stuff almost as good too."

"Why all da Mobs in da cave startin' to change like Rattleskull did?" Sqwal piped up. "An' why dey all talkin' now?"

"Why ya askin' me, ya dum?!" Crispy made a half-hearted swipe at the youngling. He seemed like he was deep in thought about something. "Figger it out fer yaself!" He then turned to Orchid.

"Oi, Boss, ya think dis has to do wif yer dreams?"

The smoke was rising behind them as they trudged their way back through the treeline between the plains and the cave. As the bushes parted around them, however, they would emerge to an unusual sight...

[[See Danny, Ardur, Asura group postings]]



"Alright, was just askin'. Sheesh..." Kenichi turned back to the vending machine, fishing in his pocket for a handful of yen. He started a bit as Tomoe suddenly shouted behind him, and he looked down as she splashed about a bit before she realized what she had stepped into. She blushed, apparently embarrassed by her own outburst, and when she apologized her voice was tiny and squeaky.

"Careful, Kishimoto-chan." he said, reaching out to steady her a bit by the shoulder. But then she laid into "blue Monday janitor-san," and Kenichi withdrew his hand with a slight grimace. An exaggerated sweatdrop would have fit right in with his expression. What happened to being embarrassed? With her tiny fists on her waist like that, Kenichi didn't know whether to be intimidated or to just think d'aaaaaw, wook how angery she is! Still, while the emo kid looked like he was trying way too hard to be broody, Kenichi had seen enough of the school thus far to know how short people's tempers could be. And all they wanted was a couple of drinks.

"He's here cause he's cleanin'. Although, I kinda thought he was done...Take it easy though, Kishimoto-chan." The bluette scratched the back of his head as he faced the dour boy again. "She's a bit of a firecracker, pal, but you really should put a wet floor sign down or somethin' if you ain't finished."

Ultimately he wasn't really bothered by the fiasco, so long as Tomoe hadn't slipped and hurt herself. He turned back to the machine and started to count out coins, without even paying attention as to whether the brooding wannabe had some kind of snarky response prepared.

"Hm...think that's the least sugary..." he muttered to himself as he decided on his own drink. "Yo, Kishimoto-chan, I don't think he's gonna buy you anything. You still want a coffee?"


Wisp > (Immature) Poltergeist
You have Transformed!
Base power stats have increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. Stat increase is reduced.
Lesser Force has been increased!
You have not reached your full Potential. Skill increase is reduced. Current total of Lesser Force is (2.75).
You have gained New Limbs! Readjusting may take some time…

Skill Gain: Blunt Resistance I! (1.0)
Reduce Blunt physical damage by a small amount; a Rank I attack skill would be reduced almost completely, depending on your own base defensive stats.

Skill Gain: Focus I! (1.0)
By spending at least 30 seconds focusing before using an offensive Skill or Spell, you can increase its damage or range. At this rank it is comparable to increasing the power by one rank (eg Mana Orb I to Mana Orb II) while also increasing the MP cost by half again (spend 1.5x Mana Orb I's cost).

Skill Gain: Faster I! (1.0)
Your base physical speed is increased! By gaining the skills Harder, Better, and Stronger, Skill Synergy will occur and you will gain one rank of Physical Conditioning.

Upon examining himself, Danny would now find that the pale, fleshy sphere-shaped body he had possessed as a Wisp had grown and changed. In fact, it was almost like he had simply...sprouted a body from the neck down. The Wisp’s filament-like hairs that conducted magical power, giving them their glow, were still present but were much shorter all over his new body. He looked like a pale, chubby, alien infant...His new hands and feet barely feet the criteria as such. He had no toes, no nails or claws, and his hands seemed more like mittens than anything with only a thumb as a definite digit. He was only about a foot tall in total, though still much heftier in weight than a Pixie.

Toddling out of the cave’s exit, he found keeping his balance and moving with any kind of speed quite difficult. He hadn’t actually walked anywhere in over a week, after all, and compared to his Old World the proportions of this body weren’t right at all. Still, now he didn’t have to spend any of his MP on Levitation. Every little bit he could conserve would help.

As he searched for plants he soon saw a bush near the treeline, bearing a few bunches of round, green berries. Though he didn’t have the proper Plant Analysis skill yet, by looking carefully at it he could tell that the berries didn’t seem quite ripe, but might still be edible. Nothing about it stood out as being poisonous or dangerous, as it had no thorns and no strange colors. The shape of the berries, and the way they grew in bunches, reminded him of grapes.

But a commotion would soon draw his attention--and luckily it seemed the same events were distracting the other creatures around the Poltergeist from paying any attention to him. The remaining Goblins of the cave were jumping about and pointing, rapidly chattering among themselves. They seemed to have seen something just over the top of the cave…

“I’m tellin’ yas, it was jus’ one of ‘ems! A little one!” a shorter, squatter goblin was saying. He had a shield that looked like it was on the verge of being nothing more than a pile of splinters, and a crudely fashioned spear of wood with a stone tip.

“I saws ‘im too, but he had shiny sharpstuff!” a taller and more mature looking male was saying. “Might be little, but prolly still a Venture! We needs ta tell da Boss!” He looked over towards another goblin, a female who also seemed a bit more mature than most of the others. “Right, Tiddies?!”

“If it’s just one by hisself…” broke in another, this one holding a rather vicious looking weapon made by lashing two blades of stone to a stick--almost like a sword. “We’s could prolly kill ‘ims.”

“Yoona gots a point.” the female, apparently Tiddies, said, waving the squat one down as he started to agree with the one holding a sword. “But so’s Clod. An’ Ventures likes to sneak rounds, put an arrer in yer neck then hide til ya gets comfy again.”

“Humies dun like to leave da little ‘uns by dereselves tho!” The other older male, apparently Yoona, “What if’n he ain’ts by hisself?”

“Dat’s two pointies.” The sword user, Clod, adjusted his grip on his weapon. “I dun care if we kills it or not, I just dun wanna let it get us firsts. I guess if Boss ain’t here, it’s up to da Midbosses…”

“Oi! I’s a Midboss!” broke in the fatter one. The one with the sword growled at him.
“Maybe not no mores, Wej. Crispy wuz tellin’ da Boss you wuz too dumb to be Midboss, he prolly gonna steal yer jerb. Dat means I’M da only Midboss aroun’, and I sez…” Clod stopped for a moment, looking around at the rest of them. Then he looked back up at the top of the cave, where it seemed the humans might be hiding…

“Hmm...lemme tinks about it fer a minnit…”

They still hadn’t noticed Danny yet. Nor had they paid any attention to the three creatures now approaching the exit of the cave behind the Poltergeist--the red slime Asura, the blue Momma Slime, and the now even bigger and buffer Ardur, along with the tamed Oculus Spider running along behind him like a dog…

Asura, Momma Slime, Ardur, Steve

With the sword having denied Ardur, and the group turning their focus to getting the hell out of Dodge, the trio soon made their escape from the poolside battlefield. As they headed for the entrance, Asura was a bit slow because he was trying to restore his stamina--but that was exactly why the sword was buying them time. So far it seemed to be working. No more enemies had appeared…

During their race for the exit, Ardur would have time to eat the Herb Asura had given him, which would restore him to Full HP and stop the bleeding from his forehead. He would also soon see a dark shape darting amongst the stalactites on the ceiling--Steve! The spider soon dropped down on a strand of web, chittering and hissing in an inquisitive manner. She seemed to understand that something dangerous was happening, but until now Ardur had pretty much told her to stay back and hunt on her own. Upon dropping down to the floor, she scuttled after the Hipixie’s heels.

You are experiencing a Fast rate of Skill Progression.

You are still experiencing HP Drain.

Developing Skill: Focus
Focus is a skill that seems to have triggered when you concentrated on the performance of another skill, taking time to perform it which rendered it slower but more effective.

Asura didn’t seem to be on “low” HP yet, but he could still feel it much like feeling down after a rough bout of sickness, or being exhausted after a tough sparring session at his old boxing gym. But now the light from outside was shining on all of them...once they were outside, as long as those stupid goblins didn’t bother them, maybe he could finally and safely recover…

As the four monsters now headed outside, they soon saw...a glowing baby of some kind? Was this some mutated form of Wisp? Or maybe an evolution of such a creature? Its coloration and mannerisms seemed kind of familiar…

But perhaps more importantly, something had the Goblins all riled up…

[[You guys will overhear the same conversation Danny does.]]


Tentatively, the Demiblin asked the powers that be if this was still the right way. He could still see the mole hill running into the cavern...but his own fear kept him back. A fear of the unknown. A reliance on his own knowledge, his own eyes. A lack of faith.

He sent a Tremor Sense of the third rank into the darkness. In a rush the vibrations came back to him, traveling up his arm, and for a moment he “felt,” rather than saw, everything they had passed through.

Solid rock, packed earth. The winding, labyrinthine tunnels beneath filled with wriggling, digging grubs and little bugs. An empty space that echoed between the walls, descending along a gentle slope...deeper into the mountains. It went beyond the range of his tunnelling senses, but it seemed no creature larger than a mole had been through here recently…

When Digbie attempted to channel the Mana Orb through the White Yill flower, with no real goal in mind save experimentation, there was a crackling sound. The magic ran up the stem of the plant like electricity--and moments later, the green stem, the roots, and the leaves of the flower fell away from his hair in little flakes of ash. Only the head of the flower remained, with its white petals fluttering...though without a stem it would likely begin to wither soon…

There weren’t any threats that Digbie could detect, and it seems the mole’s tunnel led deeper into the cavern...so Digbie would likely proceed into the darkness…

The floor was smooth, or at least as smooth as a natural slope of dirt and stone could be. Digbie’s footsteps echoed...but he heard nothing else in response. As he got further away from the entrance, pushing his larger body through the narrow spaces, scraping here and there, the path opened up...and the light started to fade. But there were only two directions to go here, deeper in, or back out. With his Tremor Sense being more powerful in its passive form, he didn’t have much of an issue with his sense of direction. So, with no danger thus far, it seemed Digbie’s only real choice was to go deeper…

Walking in darkness, he soon saw nothing. Walking in emptiness, he soon heard nothing but his own footsteps. Walking into the earth, he soon smelled nothing save damp soil. Walking with baited breath, he could taste nothing. And without his senses, he soon began to experience an odd disconnect...or perhaps a harmony...with the world around him…There was nothing on any side of him but stone.

In the Old World, tourists who visited grand natural caverns were often told the dangers of lone spelunking by their guides. The explorers who discovered many of these same caves often lost their lives or suffered damage in the depths of the earth--one could go blind from lack of light, or lose their sense of time, or go insane from isolation…

So, alone in the depths of the mountain as he now found himself, it wasn’t quite clear to Digbie when he started hearing things. Or if he heard anything at all. Or if it was really all in his head, a paranoid over-imagination...

“What is the Earth? Why pray to an Earth god? Why seek its stalwart strength?”


As Ash formed a Mana Orb and concentrated her still-developing magical sight ability, once again she found herself staring at what seemed to be nothing but a pulsating mass of static. Upon looking more closely, her brain was eventually able to tune out the static--much like the way you can’t see your own nose--and then she saw…


No, not exactly nothing. She just didn’t see any of the odd squares that she had seen in Oberon’s spell. She could still see some kind of movement, though...staring harder, she began to see the lines. In Oberon’s different Mana Shapes, she had seen lines connecting the squares at the vertices of his geometric forms. These lines had moved like EKG graphs or a sinusoidal chart, constantly shifting. Now in her Mana Sphere, the lines merely formed circles...they still fluctuated, but unlike Oberon’s more defined shapes the ones making up her sphere were overlapping from a variety of angles, almost like a 3D depiction of the old Rutherford model of atomic structure…

Where were the squares? What were they?

Straining further than she had with Oberon, Ash finally saw the first square. It seemed...flat. Like a flake or tile...But now the vertices became clear--it wasn’t that this circle didn’t have them, it was that this wasn’t a circle at all, it was a constantly fluctuation stellation of...a hectodron? A chilliagon? Was it a--

She had to blink again. The Mana Orb in her palm/paw fizzled out as well...how long had she been maintaining the magic for…?

You have no MP remaining.

Your Stamina is low again.

You are Peckish from lack of food.
Your throat is dry from lack of water.

That damned Zawisza had really thrown off her day, and it was barely noon now…

Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat

Asteria collided hard with the large ant as it lunged at Mother Rat. Though hitting its carapace felt like hitting a hard sheet of wood, her mass and leverage rolled the two monsters over. Asteria flipped over to the other side of the ant, and now faced its back as it tried to get up off its side. Mother Rat tried to dart in and bite the insect, but the ant’s mandibles snapped at her and she pulled up short with a squeak. The ant saw Ed coming with its compound, multi-faceted eyes, and started to push itself up and reposition its stinger--only to have three of its legs lashed out from under it. The limbs were hard-armored, but splindly, and by attacking the joints with her muscular tail Asteria could at least make the enemy stumble.

As Ed charged forward, swinging his stick, he felt the bloody fury coming over him once more. His muscles bulged as his vision went red. The last few coherent thoughts he had focused on trying to find his Mana, trying to put it, and everything else, into his blow. A single red, crackling spark jumped from his hands to his club.

When Ed had chosen the Dire Rat for his new vessel, so long ago, the limited information the Demon King gave him identified it as a beast type monster. Beast types were particularly suited to physical strength and speed, and had naturally sharp senses as well. Though Goblins could use tools and had more dextrous limbs, no doubt Ed had seen that pound for pound Dire Rats had much greater muscular strength, especially in their jaws. If slimes were tanks, wisps were mages, and so on, then Dire Rats were the brawny fighters. And since his rebirth, Ed had gained the Stronger skill, increasing his already naturally greater strength. His evolution into a Rat Man had pushed it even further, as did the Rabid Fit skill even if it was at the cost of his defenses. And now, just like the Goblins, he had a weapon in hand…

With a loud crack and crunch, Ed’s blow struck the ant’s thorax. A large piece of its chitinous hide shattered and the creature let loose a shrill, creening screech as green blood and a chunk of flesh spattered the ground. Ed’s pulverizing attack knocked the creature backwards, rolling it over away from Asteria and Mother Rat. Its legs spasmed as its head thrashed, mandibles snapping the air. It was swiftly on its feet but moving with what might be called a limp, and immediately began digging its way back into the ground.

Would the rats let it escape, or finish the job here…?


Jason heard the world growing muffled, then silent. He hadn’t even tried to taste anything in this body yet, but even the vaguest awareness of his own tongue--did he even have a tongue?--left him. His vision began to shrink down to a tunnel ringed by darkness. He suddenly felt a cold wind pulling at him as even the world within his pinpoint vision became shades of black and white. He felt as if he were suspended in water, swimming rather than levitating. But he could see it. The Dire Rat, and the soul inside its body, up ahead.

Somehow moving faster, he caught up with it. The color came back to the world as the two of them collided--and then it was gone again.

Jason found himself within a monochrome void, tumbling upon a floor that didn’t exist. As he stood, his gelatinous form wobbling, and clenched his fists, feeling his knuckles pop, then braced his pseudopods as physical sensations began returning to his senses, the dire rat--no, the bitchy goblin--turned to face him and charged, screaming incoherently.

“Is battle of wills now!” Bonie faded in and out behind him, whispering into his ear. “Fight!”


Orchid leaped onto the cat’s back and got her choking vine around its neck in a beautifully executed maneuver. So focused was the animal on tearing out Sqwal’s throat that it never saw her coming, and with her weight she was able to roll it like an alligator grabbing onto prey. Sqwal, freed from under its weight, gave the cat’s belly a hefty kick before Orchid screamed at him. Eyes wide in shock, the smaller goblin ran towards the others. Orchid was under the cat now, but in a reverse position--the cat’s legs were flailing up at the sky and its stomach was exposed, while she was clinging tightly to her garrote with her arms and had her legs wrapped around the cat’s middle. With her considerable physical strength, the blood vine drew tighter and tighter. The cat’s eyes were bugging out of its head as it thrashed, but it couldn’t get to her. Without oxygen, it was less than thirty seconds before the cat’s movements grew sluggish…

But then, something else came charging out of the grass. Another ambush?! How would Orchid defend herself from another opponent without letting go of the cat--


Jezee fell on the Hex Cat with a fury Orchid had never seen in the younger female. There were tears in her eyes, and her lips were bleeding lightly for some reason, and her legs had what looked like little nip marks on them here and there. Her expression was wrinkled up in some kind of mix of helplessness and anger, like something had frustrated her to the point of breaking.

She dug her Sharp Stone right into the Hex Cat’s eye, drawing a gurgling yowl from it as it choked out the last of its air. When she pulled the stone back for another go, the blood spilled like a waterfall over the creature’s snout, drenching Orchid’s hands--and her garrote. It suddenly drew even tighter in her grip, almost to the point of bruising her fingers.

The cat jerked once and went still.

“YAAAAAAAAGH!” Jezee practically dove onto the animal as Orchid worked her way out from under it, and began stabbing it repeatedly everywhere she could reach with her stone…

The cat that was trying to put out the flames spreading over its fur was suddenly stabbed hard in the side by Bigs’ spear, and when it whirled with a hiss to swipe at him its claws dug into his shield and stuck there. It was still strong enough to pull the goblin off balance--but in so doing he almost fell on top of it, and gave Crispy an opening to run foward and slash the creature’s side with his knife. The cat yowled and yanked its paw out of the shield, and tried to back up--only to find its retreat cut off by the wall of fire now beginning to encircle the three combatants.

“Yaaaaagh!” Sqwal jumped through a place where the fire wasn’t too hot yet, catching the cat by surprise as he swung his club at its rump. It quickly leaped aside, using the fallen Bigs as a stepping stone before he could get up, and leaped. With agility befitting its species it sailed over the ring of flames, landing and rolling through the dirt. Still smoking, still singed, and still bleeding, it looked back over its shoulder to give the goblins one last disdainful hiss before it darted off, back towards the woods.

But the crackling fire continued to spread, whipping up a draft of hot air in its wake...
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