Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

19 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

Deep Forest

---Transformation Option: Increase Potential---
The majority of creatures are not born fully mature. Undergoing Transformation without a fully matured body, or fully realized Skills, may limit a creature's growth. Transformations that grant higher Skill Ranks or increase base statistics may be reduced due to a lack of foundation. Some Transformations are not possible if a creature has not fulfilled its Potential. If a creature's Potential reaches the peak, it may affect its natural lifespan or its future learning ability.

You used Magic Analysis I! The skill Plant Analysis is not fully developed!
---Great Elder Mystic Kao Tree---
This Kao Tree has drawn from a rich source of Mana for many years. It is likely the oldest and most powerful of all plant-life in the area, and at this stage of growth excess Mana is shunted into the surroundings. Certain creatures may be drawn to this energy.

Skill Rank Up: Magic Analysis I > Magic Analysis II (1.95 > 2.025)!

Nira and Femus were in agreement to move into the lower branches of the tree. Even these were a decent height off the ground, enough so that no Goblin would be able to easily reach them. They were soon able to find a thick branch that culminated in a bushy, thickly leafed fork. The leaves were broad enough that the two tiny magical creatures could practically sit on them like mattresses.

From here, they had a better view of their surroundings. It seemed that not all of the Goblins had left to go on whatever raid they were preparing for--of those who were left behind, it seemed the majority were elderly or female. But there were still some younglings around, some of whom had taken it upon themselves to hunt in the adults' absence. A few perky greenskins with mean eyes and sticks still wandered here and there among the deep forest denizens.

That field of Blue Yills was a little closer, and in fact they could now see that its patch seemed to grow between two winding roots reaching out from this tree. The roots lifted up the ground around them, so that the Yills were nestled in a little valley of sorts, where they grew so thickly one couldn't see the ground beneath their petals.

Nearby, in the air--near that other tree they had just left, actually--they could see a few pixies flitting about. It was too far to tell exactly, but one of them actually looked a little bit familiar. They were flitting in and out near the hollow that Femus had once called his home.

And, down below, a little further away from the great tree, it seemed a Dire Rat was trundling along through the underbrush. It had the look of an animal that was on the hunt, though it hadn't found any prey yet. They only caught its tail end before it slipped into the shadows of a different tree, and disappeared.

Underneath them, the tree's branches felt somewhat warm. Was it just because they were sitting out under the sun, while a pleasant breeze rustled the leaves? Or did it have something to do with that sleepy presence they could still feel...

Monster Party

You used Material Analysis I! You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
---Ragged Cap (Poor)---
This roughspun cap barely provides any coverage for the head. It only seems suitable for a beggar, if anyone. It has no Magical properties. It is old and smells musty--your earthy sesnes tell you it might have been worn in a sealed off, underground structure? The rough, woven plant fibers used to weave it seem to have come from long, hay like stalks of some type of grass. Sub-stat Enhancements are Negligible.
---Ragged Trousers (Poor)---
These roughspun pants barely provide any warmth against the elements. They only seem suitable for a beggar, if anyone. They have no Magical properties. They are old and smell musty--there are dirt stains on the knees and around the ankles. There are also worn places where they seem to have rubbed against brick. Your earthy senses tell you it might have been worn in a sealed off, underground structure--perhaps a tunnel of some sort? The rough, woven plant fibers used to weave it seem to have come from long, hay like stalks of some type of grass. Sub-stat Enhancements are Negligible.

Oberon cast Shield IV on you! Your Defenses are significantly increased for 2 minutes!

You used Mana Sense II! You used Mana Vision I! You used [Analysis]!
---No Target Specified---
[[General Analysis of Goblin party repeats previous posts' analysis from other characters but for Ash]]
From -Adult Goblin Male (Hide Armor)- you can feel a rough, beast-like Mana in very low quantities. It has no defined Structure yet.
From -Elite Male Goblin (Rags Nar)- you can feel a clinging, negative mana. The faintest sense of blood comes from his equipment. Its Structure is rapidly fading but feels somewhat familiar.

Alert I has Activated!
There is a presence to the West of the camp, in the treeline between the area and the Mountains...It seems to be observing...

Somehow, whether it was due to a real magical effect or just for his own peace of mind, Digbie's prayer seemed to fill him with a sense of calm. The anxiety surrounding this situation with Rags Nar's tribe took a backseat for the moment, and in this darkness of the sealed cavern there was peace and quiet. Here he and Oberon could focus on whatever step came next. Oberon couldn't feel the same strange calm Digbie could, though the book the Demiblin found engaged his curiosity. As the Sprite used his Meditate skill, at its higher rank he was able to recover Mana without so much single minded focus--but, the more he drifted from this focus, the slower the recovery went. Still, he had recovered quite a bit with Gather Light earlier, and soon the System told him that his MP was full.

As Digbie extended his Tremor Sense, he could feel Torrent's Soil Manipulation through the earth several layers above their cave's roof. She seemed to be preparing to dig if necessary--as an escape? Or to lay a trap? Or as some means of ambushing the enemy? So far, they couldn't hear any yells or magical blasts from outside...did that mean things were going well, or...?

Meanwhile, things were still quite tense outside. When Ash spoke up again, the Goblins collectively flinched. The one with the sword watched her the most warily, turning his body as she flew up to a tree so as to remain ready for any moment. He kept his eyes on her the whole time, though he looked to his leader for a moment while the pygmy drake taunted the Elite Goblin.

As Torrent focused her power, with the intent to somehow magically amplify and project her voice, she felt a tingle beginning in the base of her throat. When she spoke, it felt like her words were...floaty. Like her mouth moved, but the actual sound was just an instant too slow. Still, the Goblins heard her taunt up on the hilltop right after Ash accused Rags Nar of cowardice. The Goblin that had seemed to catch onto something began looking around, clearly hearing the sound but unable to identify the source for it yet--and soon, he turned away from the brush towards Rags Nar, who had apparently decided to respond to these taunts in typical goblin fashion.

"Me ain't scared, not scared o' nuthin'!" The Elite Goblin drew his Dagger with a distinctive sound of metal against leather. He began swinging it wildly in the air as he stomped in a circle, seemingly raging against the "voices" in the air. Then he whirled to point at Ash with the tip of the blade, high up in her tree. "Ain't dumb neither! Dis don't make no sense--but Rags Nar too smart for yas! I'mma show yas I ain't scared, but I ain't gonna fall for no tricks neither!" He turned to the rest of his crew. "Oi! All you gobs, group up! If dey tries somethin', yell!"

The other goblins jumped to it, though the one with the sword was slow to back off, still paranoid about the drake watching them from up in the tree. As they began to circle around the goat--now ignoring the bushes and the rest of the camp--Torrent could breathe a little easier while Ash observed from safely high up...

However, something else soon prickled the Pygmy Drake's senses.

There was...something...in the woods. To the West of the camp, towards the mountains. It had hidden itself fairly well. It wasn't moving much. But it was...big. Bigger, at least in terms of height, than that rat. She couldn't make out many features through the foilage but, if she had to guess...Four legs, somewhat skinny? A deer or small horse of some kind? Yet it was bigger than that, up top--was that shape an arm? A humanoid body? Too hard to tell. Even her glowing eyes, after using her analysis skills, weren't picking anything up either due to the distance or due to how hidden the creature was. Yet for now, whatever it was seemed content to simply stand and...watch?

In the ring of goblins, the Four Horned Goat snorted and threw its head. Rags Nar had a difficult time getting around to its rear with the knife in hand--the creature would buck and step away from him every time.

"Stupid goat! If youse get lucky, ya might get to run away! Sit still and lemme cut--lemme--c'mere ya fuggin--!"

Finally he managed to grab a rear leg, and avoid getting bitten or kicked while he sawed at the restraints. With a snap they came loose--and the goat gave a loud bleat as he tried to kick the Elite Goblin's head off. Rags Nar rolled backwards, awkwardly but effectively avoiding the blow. The other goblins yelled and jumped aside as the beast charged them, though the one with the sword took a swing. Blood flew from a gash on the animal's flank, but it didn't seem too deterred as it landed and turned with another violent kick. The frying pan worn by one of the other goblins made a distinctive ding as he was sent rolling down the side of the hill.

Much screaming and flailing ensued. Now Digbie and Oberon started to hear things.

PixieSlime Party

Skill Gain: Magic Analysis I (0.9>1.0)!
You may now analyze Magical energies or objects to learn their most basic magic characteristics. Less effective on Materials and Monsters unless they are magical in nature.

Error. You have already been added to Trent's Party. Your Bond is not strong enough to access other Party Features.

"The Maker intended the World to be a certain way. Due to the creation of Magic, and other beings like Demons that defy the Maker's plan for the world, sometimes things don't work the way they're supposed to..." Trent started to explain, before he was interrupted by the creatures attacking them. He immediately got his shield up, just in time for one the Ghost Wisps to shoot a Mana Orb at him. It impacted the leather-covered protection with a crackle of white light that left a singed spot. "--And whenever it's been affected by these things, the World acts like a person's body when we have a disease! A "World Echo" is like a sign that something's wrong--in this case, it's announcing the Dungeon's presence!"

Asura's pseudopod Smashed into the Zombie Rat's jaw, knocking fangs out of its mouth and cracking the jawbone into a distended mess. But, the creature was still kicking, and managed to slash at the slime with one claw. Asura felt only a little pain, like nicking oneself with a papercut, thanks to his upgraded resistance.

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Ghost Wisp---
An Undead Wisp, its body has been consumed by both necrosis and magical energy to serve as fuel. What is left is a transient spirit that has a higher level of Mana, which allows it to exist as a Spirit-class Undead, but little control. Without a source of Mana nearby to recharge, a Ghost Wisp typically won't last more than 24 hours in the living realm. Its other abilities are typical of a low level Wisp.
---Zombie Rat---
An Undead Dire Rat, raised as an unthinking corpse. It is more durable against attacks, but has become much slower and less coordinated. The longer it persists, the more disease can fester in its jaws and under its claws.

While Ardur analyzed the enemies, the other Ghost Wisp got off a Mana Orb that struck the Hipixie in the chest, driving him back like a physical blow.

β€œSteve go for the wisp on the right.” He commanded while he readied himself with the beetle mandible in hand for the other one coming at them. The Oculus Spider jumped up on the back of Trent's cloak, prompting a short-lived yelp from the boy, before the creature spat a blob of webbing at the other Spirit. The Ghost Wisp seemed to "blink" in and out of the air, and the webbing passed through it harmlessly. Trent pointed his sword over Asura's head--he couldn't get enough reach for a proper attack, but shouted a Spell instead.

"Mana Orb, First Rank!"

The white crackle spread over his sword's blade before leaving the tip, blasting into the Zombie Rat. It rolled the creature over, where it struggled to get back up.

Ardur slashed through the flickering Ghost Wisp on his side, and while the creature didn't seem to "die" it did waver with a high pitched creen, and it moved more slowly. Once again, it fired a Mana Orb at the Hipixie, which streaked through the dark cave like a night's comet...

Meanwhile, Mother Slime burbled angrily in the back, as she tried to get around the others in front of her...

Rat Party

The seeming leader of the bandit party grimaced as the Mana Orb crackled over his metal shield, but his expression turned to one of shock as Ed shouted a threat at him. The Rat Man charged forward with shield at the ready, slamming the ramshackle wooden planks into the much sturdier metal. But Ed had a great deal of strength and was pushing from a lower center of gravity--the human's hips gave way and he staggered a step back. With a desperate cry he swung his sword. To Ed's Dynamic Eye it seemed to move a beat slower, and the Ratman ducked down. The blade passed harmlessly over his ears, as he whirled and lashed out with his tail. The muscular appendage struck the man's shins hard, buckling his knees. The bandit fell with a heavy thud, sitting down hard. The spearman stepped up, but again that shield got between the blade and its intended target. Still, he managed to force the bandit flat on his back and now held the man pinned under his own shield. The ruffian's sword arm was free, but he couldn't swing far enough or reach high enough to do any damage.

"Yield, and you may yet live!" the tribal-looking man snarled, stomping hard on one of the bandit's legs to make him stop kicking.

"Fatty! Lizard! Where the hell are you guys!?" The bandit tossed his head this way and that as he struggled, causing his dented helmet to roll into the grass. "Fatty," as he was called, was currently about to soil his breeches as the tall swordsman closed in on him.

But just a few moments before that, Asteria had cast Minor Heal on Mother Rat's stab wound. As green light sparkled around her blood matted fur, the red liquid dried and flaked away. The blood stopped flowing from the wound, but it still hadn't closed. When Asteria cast her new spell a second time, the skin stopped looking so puffy and swollen and grew closer together, but it still hadn't healed all the way. Still, it was no longer bleeding and looked clean, the new skin a healthy pink color under the fur.

You used Mana Sense II!
You sense your own Mana, channeled into the Nature element to increase the body's natural biological healing factor. Your own mana is used as a substitute for the required sustenance.

You have no MP remaining.

She tried to drain more MP from the dead hobgoblin, but it seemed that magical energy did not remain in this body for long. She only got back a trickle, not enough to cast the Minor Heal spell again. When she investigated the state of her needle, she found that it had been broken too badly to continue using as a weapon. The Hobgoblin, however, had several pieces of equipment.

Hunter Hobgoblin (Asteria)
??? Shortbow x1
Wooden Arrows x5
Green Dyed Hood x1
Green Dyed Cloak x1
Green Dyed Body Wraps x1
Green Dyed Arm Wraps x2
Green Dyed Pants x1

Skirmisher Hobgoblin (Looted by Ed)
Jawbone Sword (Broken) > Sturdy Stick x1
Battered Wooden Shield (Equipped by Ed) x1
Wooden Breastplate x1
Vine Belt x1
Straw Sandals x2

Voodooist Kobold (Killed by Ed)
Rabbit Skull Staff x1
Black Dyed Robe x1
Bone Necklace x1
Straw Sandals x2
Vine Belt x1
Stone Knife x1
System:Rat Party Loot

What was more, as Asteria headed back towards the actual battle, she found that the magic using bandit had already been dealt with. She came just in time to see Ed and that spearman taking down the bandit with a proper sword and shield, and it looked like one of the humans was engaging the last one further up the road.

The fat bandit let out a screech and thrust forward with both hands on his weapon. It was nothing more than a cornered animal lashing out. The swordsman had both greater range and better training--he stepped to one side and brought his sword up from the side. The fat man closed his eyes and desperately tried to block even though his knife was so much smaller. Still, the swordsman flicked his wrists and turned the attack--now it sped down to the bandit's leg. Blood flew and the larger man fell back, clutching his injured thigh. He looked up with teary eyes as the youth stepped forward--

"Woah there, Wulf--!"

"Wait, Wulf--!"

Both the driver on the cart and the mage sitting in the back had called out, but their cries went unheeded as the tall boy, "Wulf," skewered his opponent through the heart. The boy looked up at them with an innocently blank, quizzical expression while the bandit fell limp to the earth.


"I yield, I yield!" the other bandit hollered under the spearman's boot. He glared at Ed, then back at the other humans. "Call off the boy and your crazy Ratman pet!"

"We don't have a pet Ratman." The spear user turned towards Ed now, seeming at a loss. "...I don't even know where it came from."
Monster Party

As Digbie and Oberon made their way into the shelter, the Goblins couldn't hear what the Sprite said to Ash. They had, however, noticed her spear floating with Lesser Force before she grabbed it with her tail, and the two on the hilltop were muttering about it among themselves while the one with the sword just looked back and forth at Rags Nar nervously. When the Pygmy Drake spoke the group reacted with shock, Rags Nar taking a step back and putting one hand on his dagger. When Torrent once again tried to throw her voice from her hiding place, the greenies nearly jumped out of their skin.

"Da big demons again!?" Rags Nar said incredulously, now rubbing his ear with his other hand. Mahya moved behind the goblin with the rusty sword and looked around nervously. However, up on top of the hill, the goblin with the animal pelts had begun looking around...he lingered near Torrent's hiding place, but as of yet he wasn't looking directly at her. He did, however, seem quite suspicious...

"Oi, what...what is you?" The goblin with the sword spoke for the first time now, pointing at Ash with his weapon. "You's da Demigob's pet, right? Den how comes you talks! Speaks Gob, even! And what kinda magics youse got?"

With the "door" closed up, Digbie and Oberon hadn't seen or heard any of this take place except for the yelps when Torrent did her best evil spirit impression. They were left to sit and wait.

Meanwhile, Rags Nar gave Ash a sharp look before finally heading up the hill, back to his goat. As he approached the creature he pulled his knife from its sheath.

"Ain't no reason to let it go if'n's I's just gonna kill it!" he said, warily getting closer to the creature. It stamped its hooves and lowered its head, even though its horns were still blunted with pieces of soft wood. "And ain't no reason to kill it if he just wants to lets it go! Demigob ain't makin' no sense!" He turned and shouted to the air. "Big Demons! If yas can hear me, den tells me what I gots ta do! I wanna gets big powah like da Demigob! Tell me how ta make sense of all dis stuff he be doin'!"

Whether by divine providence, or simple weather patterns, at that moment a white, fluffy cloud happened to roll across the mountain tops and in front of the sun. The little campsite was cast in a gray hue...

PixieSlime Party

Yo! You have reached the Demon King's Prayer Hotline. Please hold, your prayers are NOT important to me.

I kindly request that you STOP IMMEDIATELY. Do not EVER pray to me again. Prayers are for deities and I don't want that kinda fuckin' responsibility. This is an automated response system, do not reply to it or I'll send somebody to fuck you up.


--No, no I wanna get this one, it doesn't count as a prayer. Shut the fuck up, he's on the two way now. No spoilers. Ahem.

Congratulations on being the first to attempt using the equivalent of the Help page without making a ceremony of it. You must be one of the ones who played the vidya and read the mangos. Unfortunately for you, I'm not one of those divine bitches that take the fun out of everything so their little boy toys can run around fucking everything up for whoever's not the first girl they see. You don't get Cheats, you aren't some kind of talented prodigy, and that's the way I want it. Unless circumstances get considerably more dire, don't ever expect me to bail you out.

Yes, I brought you here. Do I owe you help? Is it my responsibility to help? Do I need to help you in order to get you to pay me back by doing what I want? The answers to all of those questions are irrelevant. The only fact that matters is that I am, in all likelihood, not going to do a damn thing until you either get to my Palace or find a more direct way to contact me.

That said, I will at least point this out just cause you seem like the type to ragequit otherwise. Much like everything the "System" tells you, you'd figure this out on your own if you could stand "inconvenience." The skill's called Spiritual Awareness, not Rocket Science. Obviously ghosts are real here. So maybe you need to make a call.

Just don't call me again. From here on, you'll only get my automated responses until you...hit some milestones, let's say. If you trigger my anti-prayer measures, you will have the WORST time. Hopefully I'll be seeing you in person before the end of the next fuckin' decade.

"You...what?!" Even Zieglar's visor couldn't hide the shock in his voice when Asura explained that he had chosen from a handful of options to Transform. "But if...how...Does this mean...?" The knight loosened the strap around his helmet and shook his head as if he were getting a headache. Trent seemed bothered much the same, but only bit his lip.

"A Kilm Blossom is a flower with sour smelling buds, and colorful flowers. A Cushiwog mushroom is red, with green spots that look slimy. Both of them have healing properties an alchemist or magic user can use to make potions and things."

As Asura tried to "sense" something beyond his physical sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, he became aware of two other senses that normally weren't taken into consideration--the sense of one's own bodily positions in relation to oneself, and the sense of one's orientation in space. But aside from a Zen-like mindfulness, being aware of these senses didn't really seem to change anything. Would he need to do some kind of meditation to unlock Spiritual Awareness? Maybe once he entered the cave he would be able to grind it on the undead creatures somehow.

When he suggested a torch, Trent nodded a retrieved one from his pack--it looked like he had at least three in there, along with various other things needed for a short camping trip or scouting excursion.

You used Lesser Cleanse on the Bone Breastplate!
The Bone Breastplate has been Cleansed. The lingering energies of Death were already beginning to fade, and now they are gone. The Bone Breastplate has also been slightly sterilized.

There was no notice about a Purified item or the completion of the Quest for Ardur. What other method might he try? But, it would probably have to wait for a bit--now that Trent was lighting the torch, it was time to go.

As the little group stepped forth into the darkness, they could see that the Cave had not changed too much from the last time they had been in it. The holes in the ceiling were all plugged up, so the darkness was much deeper. That oppressive aura had gotten worse. But...

Everything was silent.

Every so often, there were lights...or were there? Were they Wisps, or just tricks of the eye in the halo from their torch? The temperature, too, had chilled.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆π•₯𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕𝕝π•ͺ β„‚π•’π•§π•–π•£π•Ÿ


"The World Echo's a little stronger than it was before." Trent whispered, as they made their way further from the entrance. The walls seemed so much more oppressive in the darkness, somehow. If Asura and Ardur could remember the general layout of the cave, they would know that they were heading, roughly, towards the Goblin Bonfire now...

Suddenly, two eerie green flashes buzzed from near the ceiling--as if they were spotlights watching the entrance. When the Ghost Wisps came zooming down, at the party's feet something in the darkness hissed and came lunging at them!

Ghost Wisp A appeared!
Ghost Wisp B appeared!
Zombie Rat appeared!

Rat Party

The Kobold's skull gave way with a crunch as Ed finished it off. As he ran towards the other side of the cart where that Hobgoblin had just been slain by the swordsman, said adventurer was coming out into the middle of the road. He raised his weapon as Ed approached, but before he could swing the seemingly deranged Ratman just bolted past him. Turning back to the fray, he saw that the fatter human bandit had just reached the road and was heading towards the dueling spearman and helmeted attacker. The tall swordsman cast one more glance back at the Ratman--who now appeared to be savaging the Hobgoblin's body and stealing its weapons--and then took off towards this newest opponent.

The cart driver had recovered his injury, reloaded his sling, and taken aim at this point. The fat bandit ducked down as a stone whistled over his head, and now saw the swordsman coming. He held his big knife in both hands out in front of him, arms shaking.

The spearman deflected a slash from the sword, leveraging his own weapon against its edge. With a circling motion he tried to disarm the armored bandit, but the man slammed his shield against the spear and backed away. Now Ed came screaming across the dirt road once again, his roars attracting the attention of both humans.

Skill Gain: Warcry I (0.8>1.0)!
Unleash a loud, violent roar that causes enemies to shift their focus to you.

With the Ratman's greater brute strength, and the power of his Rabid Fit, he swung the jawbone sword hard enough to knock the human off balance. The next hit forced the man to move his shield off center to deflect it. The third shattered Ed's newly pilfered weapon, the bone splintering into several fragments though it did leave him with the stick handle. The spearman immediately took advantage of this opening, thrusting hard at his opponent's chest. The bandit managed to move at the last moment, but the spear still took him lower in the side. It had a hard time piercing the layered gambeson he wore, though dark red blossomed through the garment. The bandit screamed and drew back, taking a more conservative stance.

"Hunter! Fucking shoot them, you green idiot!" he yelled, glancing over towards the barrow. But the only projectile he saw was the next Mana Orb the mage finished casting from the wagon--he got his shield up just in time, but he couldn't defend from three attackers at once, could he...?

Meanwhile, Asteria manage to claw the Hobgoblin's hand as it reached for her, then grabbed onto the hand with the arrow using both forepaws. Though she might have been a match in terms of pure muscular strength, the Hobgoblin had the advantage of leverage...closer and closer the arrowhead came, and then the greenskin added his other arm to the first. But, just as its point scraped Asteria's cheek, drawing a long line of blood down her snout, she thrust her tail forward! The needle-like probiscus in its muscular grip stabbed into the greenskin's throat and pushed deep--it coughed and choked and stumbled backwards, scrabbling at the improvised weapon now piercing both its windpipe and jugular. It actually managed to break the needle off and pull it out--which only increased the speed of blood jettisoning out of its neck. With a gurgle, the creature fell to the stained grass. Mother Rat leaped onto the body, savaging it a bit more just for good measure, before she rushed back to Asteria and licked at the wound on her face. Now, how was Ed getting along out there...?

Deep Forest

While staying very aware of the huge tribe of goblins down below, Nira and Femus made their way among the treetops. They traveled from branch to branch, hiding among the leaves and attempting to keep all noise to a minimum. On the occasion they glanced back at the horde of greenskins to be sure they weren't being followed, they began to observe that all of the combatants of the tribe had been divvied up. That one with the longer hair and the sword seemed to be leading several more Goblins who were also on the scrawny or slouchy side--knives and what may have been throwing darts seemed to feature in a lot of their weaponry, and as they took off into the woods at a different angle to all the other groups, they were much stealthier. The big hairy goblin who looked like he might be as likely to attack his own allies as anything else had been placed in charge of other goblins who mostly just carried simple weapons like clubs or big rocks, without nearly as much variety in his group as there had been in the others. The goblin that wore armor and had another type of wooden sword had been placed in charge of a tight-knit group of greenies holding long, sharpened sticks. They looked like an imitation of some kind of actual military formation, but they had none of the associated discipline and, when they tried to march out ahead of the other groups, almost stabbed their fellows with their own weapons due to how out of sync, clumsy, and belligerent they were. Both the Hobgoblin and the Redcap had picked out the most experienced and well armed members they could find, although it almost seemed like they had been picked out to counter each other's weaknesses as much as any enemy's. Maybe that just meant they were going to cover for each other's weak spots, but given the usual relationship those two had it didn't seem likely.

Soon the goblins were marching off through the woods, to the west. Were they heading towards the place where that explosion had come from yesterday?

Nira and Femus made it to that big tree in the center of the clearing without encountering any other creatures. It seemed the gathering of goblins had probably kept many critters in their hidey holes this morning. As they drew close, a pastoral fragrance filled their nostrils. The air itself simply felt cleaner and richer. It was almost like they were walking out from under a cloud, as the grass around the tree's roots seemed greener, the flowers sprouting in its shade brighter. Moss grew all over the tree's surface, but it didn't seem to be parasitic in nature or damaging the great plant at all. It was incredibly broad and tall, reaching far above the other trees in this part of the forest.

And yet, despite all of this wondrous beauty, there was also a sense of looming danger. As if they were walking next to a sleeping giant...

Skill Gain: Alert I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill.

Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.4)
Mana Orb II (2.4)
Lesser Force I (1.4)
Levitation (--)
Meditate I (1.7)
Magic Analysis I (1.95)
Shock Round I (1.0)
Mana Shape I (1.0)
Shield I (1.0)
Mana Control I (1.0)
Alert I (1.0)
Suppress Presence (0.8)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Muffle (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.8)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.5)
Keen Smell (0.1)
Mana Dart (0.1)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.4)
Crafting (0.9)
Keen Sight (0.1)
Wisp Flash (0.1)
Focus (0.3)
Spell Chant (0.3)
Growth (0.8)
Mental Resistance (0.1)

TRANSFORMATION OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
***(Adult) Wisp - More magical manifestation than biological creatures, Wisps nonetheless possess physical bodies. Their ability to cast spells from range makes them a foe that should not be underestimated by the novice. Wisps are magically oriented monsters, normally possessing two spells.

  • Slight increase to all Base Stats
  • Increase HP
  • Increase Potential

*(Immature) Poltergeist - This monster is still fueled by Magic, but its hold on the physical world has become stronger. Though its chubby, infantile body isn't particularly large, its grasping limbs, levitation ability, and its manipulation magic make it quite the prankster. However, its defensive abilities don't grow as fast as some other species. For the already physically frail mage-types, this can be a dangerous weakness.

  • Gain Arms w/Hands, Legs w/Feet, Head w/Eyes and Mouth
  • Increase base power-stats (reduced)
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)

***(Immature) Mana Spirit - A straightforward transformation for the Wisp, increasing their mastery over the fundamental spells that they use for their base interactions. At the same time, their physical body becomes more unstable. Rather than saying the body is weaker, it is more like...the fundamental self becomes more subject to change. Many mistake these creatures for true Spirit-type Undead, or Ghosts, due to their appearance.

  • Increase base Magic stats.
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)

(Immature) Slime Mage - An unusual transformation for a Wisp. Their spherical body swells almost grotesquely, and they develop a slimy membrane as their former body dissolves. Slimes are normally of limited intelligence, but every so often one somehow learns magic. With its poor magic stats its casts are limited in number, but few expect a Slime to have such abilities. Having transformed from a Wisp instead, however, a Slime Mage's magic might be much more effective.

  • Increase all base Defense Stats
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)
  • Increase Shield (reduced)

NEW! **(Immature) Sparklight - A Wisp-like Monster that has adapted to Lightning elemental energies. Though its magical stats do not change much at all, its entire being becomes electrically charged. In the way that moths are attracted to flames, Sparklights often find themselves drawn to metal or other sources of magnetic interaction. They are often more aggressive than regular Wisps.

  • Increase base movement stats.
  • Increase Shock Round (reduced)
  • Increase Lightning Affinity (reduced)


"Ah..." Gwyn still seemed a little wary, but a flicker of amusement passed over her face as well while Scott stammered and fidgeted. "Well, you're definitely not the same as any other Monster, are you? Even Miiba doesn't talk that much." While the Pixie caught his breath she answered his first question. "As to where we are...This forest is usually just called the Westwood by the locals. I think the Dwarves had a name for it, as did some others, but to most of us Humans it's just a regular place full of trees." She shifted the baby to the other side and adjusted her gown. "The kingdom we live in is called Viskard. There are a few villages, down south in the Alpin grasslands or further north along the rivers, but the closest real town here is Westlake--which is to our east, actually. We're considered to be sort of, on the frontier."

When Scott talked about bleeding out, and his insecurity, Gwyn's eyes became softer and she nodded slowly.

"I don't know as much as my husband, but I have heard the stories. People, who sometimes became Heroes and other times Sages, who were brought here from another world. I can't imagine what that's like, being thrown into a place you have no understanding of...especially when you're shoved into a body that's not yours." Scott apologized, and thanked the family for their hospitality--and for their care of Miiba. Now the woman's face did warm up, and with her free hand she warmly patted Scott's head. The gesture might have seemed somewhat infantile, but then again he was only a foot tall.

"You're very welcome. If you and Miiba really aren't Monsters, then you're certainly our guests. And at this point, I find it easier and easier to believe that you have been...transformed, somehow."

It was at that point that Miiba and Reuben were asking Mira about the possibility of a "curse." The conversation drew attention from the elder sister, Clarice. The younger girl, Alice, stood next to the window with Geir watching the Guild Hawk fly away, her face full of wonder watching its pretty white feathers. The adventurer, on the other hand, turned around and leaned against the windowsill with his arms crossed. He still hadn't stopped glaring at the two Monsters.

"A Curse that turned them into Monsters?" Mira put a finger on her chin as she stopped to consider this. "There are certainly different ways to shapeshift, and powerful illusions...but I don't know if a Spell like that could be permanent...unless..." She finally shook her head. "I'm sorry, Miiba. I don't think it's impossible, but I do find it quite unlikely." She turned her eyes to the ceiling. "But...maybe we could get in contact with some people who might know more? We'll ask Mr. Lear--"

"None of your Analysis skills picked up on anything about a Curse, Mira." Geir spoke up. "And Reuben, you shouldn't be putting ideas in their heads like that. What if they find a way to shift themselves into a Human form instead--and then there are disguised Demonspawn walking around in town?"

"B-but, if it was Miiba, I don't think she'd do anythin' bad anyway..." Reuben said, looking down at the floor and fidgeting.

"Mr. Geir," Clarice stepped forward and put a hand on her little brother's shoulder. "From what Daddy's said so far, it doesn't seem like Miiba and, um...Scott, are actual Monsters. Nothing they've said or done so far matches up, and all of this talk about being Summoned or Cursed...I mean, what else are we supposed to think?"

"You're supposed to remember what your father and I have taught you about these abominations!" Geir's voice rose in volume, making Alice cover her ears. "All of you just want to trust them cause another one popped up!? How do we know this Pixie isn't just casting some Fey spell on us all!? How do we know he's not after the baby, or trying to put a baby in--"

"Geir." Gwyn's stern voice cut through the redheaded youth's anger like a knife. The infant in her arms stirred, making frustrated noises. Her eyes were hard as Geir's mouth snapped shut. "I trust my husband's judgement. I think you're wise to be vigilant...but maybe you should save your anger for when it's needed."

He stared at her, dumbfounded, for several slow seconds. Then, he suddenly grabbed the bandanna around his head and yanked it off, tossing his messy locks in a barely constrained fit. Gripping the cloth in his hands like he wanted to rip it in half, he headed for the door. Mira grabbed his sleeve as he moved to go around the table, away from Miiba and Scott.

"Geir, it's okay." Her voice was soft, even as close as she was Miiba could barely hear it. "Mr. Lear is strong. You're strong. Mrs. Gwyn is smart, and we're not all helpless. Even if we let our guard down a little bit..." She started to move closer. It seemed like she was going to try and hug him. "We can still protect them."

Geir put a gloved hand on her shoulder as he stared down at her. Looking up at him, without his headscarf, Miiba suddenly saw something she had never noticed before now. Just under his hairline, a series of scars pockmarked his head. Like something had pierced deep into his skin, with a jagged line connecting each pink-tinged starburst.

The adventurer held his comrade at bay, and his voice cracked when he spoke.

"Doesn't matter if you can when they won't let you." He took a few steps back. His lip was starting to quiver, but whether it was rage or tears was hard to tell. "But my family didn't understand that either."

The tall boy turned on his heel and stormed out the door. He didn't slam it behind him, because at that moment Lear had come back with a double armload of firewood. As he lay it down inside the house, the farmer looked up and took note of everyone's troubled expressions.

"I think it may be best if we all get ready for bed early tonight." he finally said, clapping his hands together. "Dear, let's get the children washed up. Mira, Miiba, if you'll get the fire going--just enough that we'll have a hot bed of coals all night. Scott, Miiba slept in the den last night. There are probably more blankets around here somewhere, Mira or I will show you in a bit."

Meanwhile, at the edge of the farm... @Duthguy@Guy0fV4lor

Mana Strike: It seems you began developing this skill when trying to apply magic to your physical attacks. It doesn't seem to increase any particular parameters of the weapon used in the attack.

Skill Gain: Material Analysis I (0.9 > 1.0)!
You have developed an eye for determining the qualities of inorganic or non-living objects. At this rank, you will only be able to gain surface information about an object. When used in conjunction with a crafting skill, it may help discover more compatible items.

Skill Gain: Fusion Skill [Analysis]!
A Fusion Skill is not a true skill by itself, but a sort of shortcut. You have acquired Monster, Magic, Plant, and Material Analysis skills. By activating [Analysis] you will use all of these skills at once without as much mental effort. [Analysis] will not go up in Rank, but its effectiveness will increase if the Skills used for Fusion are increased. However, if only Analysis is used, the growth of the individual skills will not be as fast.

Skill Gain: Crafting I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Your knowledge and understanding of mechanics, workmanship, and other such things enable you to craft better items. The process of creating many items is still an unknown to you, but if you ever succeed in such a creation its Sub-Stat Enhancements will be higher than normal.

Before his new Skill triggered, Danny could only observe the wall naturally with his sight, and maybe touch it with his hand, to gain any information on it. The bricks didn't seem like the common red bricks used to build things in his own world. They were hard like brick, and they seemed a similar color, but maybe whatever process was used to make them wasn't the same. If he had to guess, he might say these were fired clay bricks made from simple packed mud and a kiln. Rather than any kind of quicklime or concrete mortar, the stuff between the bricks seemed like another kind of mud mix...though what it was mixed with was rather suspect. It didn't smell, though, and seemed solid enough. The bricks had been fairly evenly stacked, but had been here for long enough that they were settling in some places. A few areas may have been repaired a time or two, at least on this section he was standing at.

With Jason directing him and using a little bit of Ghost Touch, they were able to find some vines while groping around in the dark. Wrapping these around the nearest rock upturned from the base of a tree, they soon had their grappling implement. As Jason activated his Transparency ability and pushed through the bricks, he was able to find a large log that had been dragged just inside the wall at some point, likely to be processed into firewood or lumber at a later time. He could tell from the size of it that even with Ghost Touch or Danny's Lesser Force there was no way this could be moved, but he could grab the rock at the end of the vine and wedge it underneath the log enough that it would probably support Danny's very light weight. Once the Poltergeist was over the wall, they now found themselves standing inside the dark enclosure with a much closer view of the still-lit house.

The door up ahead of them opened. A large figure, carrying something on its shoulders, passed by a thinner figure before the door closed again. They were both clearly humanoid, but were they actually humans? Jason could see that their spiritual energy was quite high--not so much as the Knight, but larger than that Squire's. The bigger one, in fact, might actually have almost as much as the knight, but his didn't surge and glow so brightly. Was that just because he wasn't using Magic at the moment?

The other figure was coming out into the yard. At first both monsters would likely freeze in trepidation, but whoever it was hadn't seemed to notice them yet. The figure removed a one handed axe from their belt--its head glinted in the starlight--and began to practice fighting movements. They could hear grunts and heavy breathing from here, and the movements increased in intensity...
Monster Party

You used [Analysis]!
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. This goblin is not developing any magical skills that you can sense, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical skills. He's wielding a Rusty Chipped Arming Sword that doesn't seem to be in great condition, and wearing Fur Clothing that might be a mix of Dire Rat fur and something else. He is also armored with a number of Vine Bracers made from tree bark. They're fairly thick but also kind of dry looking.

---Adult Female Goblin (Mahya)---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. You know this goblin as Mahya. She doesn't seem to have any magical skills you can detect. She's wearing a Bowl Bikini Top made from wood, a Grass Skirt, a few Bone Bracelets, and now a Roughspun Tunic. The items she crafted herself are of a decent quality for a goblin.

---Analysis Complete!---

While Digbie let his inner eighth-grader's imagination take over, Rags Nar and the other goblins looked confused by his laughter. When the Demigoblin's voice turned cold, Mahya winced and backed away while Rags Nar pursed his lips and raised both eyebrows.

"Um, dis was...Me not wanna off-fence Demigob! Promise!" Rags Nar held his hands up in supplication before pointing at Mahya. "Brought ya da best we got! Really!" When Digbie's sigils started to glow, the Elite Goblin's eyes bugged and he too stepped backward. The goblin with the sword gulped and looked between Digbie and his leader. But then Digbie began to laugh. Rags Nar looked around at his minions, then wiped sweat from his brow.

"O-oh, uh, sees now...Ya, Demi-Gob make good jokes..." he started to say as Digbie began to pace back and forth. The Demigoblin seemed to have eased up for now, even giving some of the clothing he had been given to Mahya...which caused Rags Nar and the sword-gob to look at each other in disbelief, then back at Digbie with suspicion. And when the demonic greenskin ordered them to release the Four Horned Goat, the Broken Tower's leader clapped his hands to the side of his head in shock.

"Ya mean, just let da goat go!?" Rags Nar looked back at the animal, then gesticulated at it while talking to Digbie. "B-but Demigob! You can has da goat if ya wants it! Can eat it too, if ya really wanna! Lettin' it go don't make no sense!" He pantomimed being stabbed in the gut by something. "It prolly attack us soons as I cuts it loose! Maybe not even letcha get close! Kicks real hard!" The chieftain rubbed his head as he struggled to think about this. "Why da fugg ya wanna let da goat go?"

Mahya put on the roughspun shirt as Digbie had asked, and it was long enough to serve as a dress. Its hem fell to her knees, though the opening for the head was so broad it hung loosely at her shoulders in a strapless fashion. As he had requested, she brought the pants and cap to the Demigoblin. Her body language had become much more wary and subdued.

You used Monster Analysis II! You used Magic Analysis IV! You used Magic Analysis IV!
---Adult Male Goblin--
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and they especially despise all non-goblinoid creatures. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and lack not only empathy, but the long-term planning skills to develop past this primitive state. They are capable of learning, however, but most will never use this in a constructive fashion. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. This goblin is not developing any magical skills that you can sense, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical skills. A typical Goblin will be somewhat weak to Fire and Lightning, often fearing those elements for obvious reasons. Magic attacks in general are rather effective on them, as they often lack ranged weaponry or any defenses. They don't typically have resistances save what they have built up over time or gained through their equipment. This Goblin's wooden armor would make him even more vulnerable to flames.
---Analysis Complete!---

While Oberon observed carefully from a distance, his wings began to ever so slightly shimmer along their scales, like mirrors that had been turned to catch the sunlight. The goblins up at the top of the hill immediately took notice of this, pointing and saying something that wasn't clearly heard. Rags Nar glanced up at them, but had been too focused on his discussion with Digbie to pay attention to the Sprite as of yet. The goblin holding the sword, however, glared at the fairy and flexed his fingers on his weapon.

You used Magic Analysis III! You used Monster Analysis II! You used Mana Sense I!
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and they especially despise all non-goblinoid creatures. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and lack not only empathy, but the long-term planning skills to develop past this primitive state. They are capable of learning, however, but most will never use this in a constructive fashion. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. This goblin seems to be developing at least one magical skill, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical skills as well. You sense only a little more mana than usual from it, much less than your own.
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and they especially despise all non-goblinoid creatures. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and lack not only empathy, but the long-term planning skills to develop past this primitive state. They are capable of learning, however, but most will never use this in a constructive fashion. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. This goblin doesn't seem to be developing any magical skills, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical ones. You sense what is probably the normal amount of mana for a Goblin from it, much less than your own.
---Adult Female Goblin (Mahya)---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and they especially despise all non-goblinoid creatures. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and lack not only empathy, but the long-term planning skills to develop past this primitive state. They are capable of learning, however, but most will never use this in a constructive fashion. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. You know this goblin as Mahya. She doesn't seem to have any magical skills you can detect. You sense the normal amount of mana from her, much less than your own.
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and they especially despise all non-goblinoid creatures. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and lack not only empathy, but the long-term planning skills to develop past this primitive state. They are capable of learning, however, but most will never use this in a constructive fashion. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it despite having weak magic power overall. This goblin is not developing any magical skills that you can sense, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical skills. You sense the normal amount of Mana from it, much less than your own. --You used Material Analysis II!-- He's wielding a Rusty Chipped Arming Sword (Very Poor), Fur Clothing (Bad), and Vine Bracers x4 (R-Leg, Average. L-Leg, Bad. R-Arm, Poor. L-Arm, Below Average).
---Elite Male Goblin (Rags Nar)---
This is an Elite Adult Goblin. You have learned his name is Rags Nar. Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and while their physical strength isn't to be underestimated, they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and while they can use tools they have a limited intelligence. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive, and a lack of emotional control that causes them to do whatever they feel necessary to satisfy any primal craving they happen to feel at any given moment. They aren't typically capable of long-term planning and have difficulty with abstract concepts. They don't possess a great deal of magical power, but are sometimes capable of learning it.

However, an Adult Goblin typically grows towards the taller side of average. Under normal circumstances, a goblin will reach puberty between 3 to 4 weeks after birth, and will finish their maturation entirely within 3 months or so. The accumulation of power due to high levels of ambient magic or unusual experiences, however, may accelerate this growth. Goblins are one of a small number of monsters who can reproduce with multiple species without hybridization. A female goblin will always give birth to a goblin even if coupled with a male of another species, and a female of another species will almost always give birth to a goblin if coupled with a male goblin. However, some species may still pass traits on to goblin children. An example you would be familiar with: Rattleskull, as a Bugbear, had goblin children who will likely be more predisposed to developing greater physical strength and endurance, and may grow more body hair.

An Elite Goblin is a fully mature Goblin that has overcome the challenges of survival, or lived long enough, and developed into an outstanding example of the species. Their bodies will be further developed, though no pure Goblin four feet tall or taller has ever been observed. Their experiences have often granted them greater intelligence than their brethren, so their plans are much more complex and they are always high in the tribe's command structure.

Rags Nar has a higher than usual MP pool for a Goblin, but as far as you can tell he has no Magical properties. He is wearing a Broken Haubergeon (Below Average), Filthy Underwear (Bad), Vine Greaves (Good), Treebark Bracers (Good) x2, Scrap Leather Boot (Below Average), Iron Dagger (Well-Made), and a Wooden Pot Lid (Above Average).
---Analysis Complete!---

Skill Rank Up: Mana Sense I > Mana Sense II (1.8 > 2.05)!
The sensations you get become much less vague. You can now detect the Element and Intent of a magical object or spell, for instance an Offensive Fire spell.

You used Monster Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis II! You used Material Analysis I!
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it. This goblin seems to be developing at least one magical skill. He's wearing Hide Armor and Fur Clothing made of a mix of Dire Rat pelts and perhaps a few other creatures. He doesn't seem to be holding any weapons or wearing them out in the open.
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it. This goblin doesn't seem to be developing any magical skills, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical ones. You sense what is probably the normal amount of mana for a Goblin from it, much less than your own. He's wearing a Cast Iron Skillet and a few Vine Bracers made from tree-bark. His weapon appears to be a large branch worn down into a Heavy Wooden Club.
---Adult Female Goblin (Mahya)---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it. You know this goblin as Mahya. She doesn't seem to have any magical skills you can detect. She's wearing a Bowl Bikini Top made from wood, a Grass Skirt, a few Bone Bracelets, and now a Roughspun Tunic. The items she crafted herself are of a decent quality for a goblin.
---Adult Male Goblin---
Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. Magic does not usually come naturally to them, but they are capable of learning it. This goblin is not developing any magical skills that you can sense, but looks likely to have at least a couple of physical skills. He's wielding a Rusty Chipped Arming Sword, Fur Clothing that looks to made from Dire Rats and perhaps something else, and Vine Bracers made from tree-bark.
---Elite Male Goblin (Rags Nar)---
This is an Elite Adult Goblin. You have learned his name is Rags Nar. Goblins stand between three and three-and-a-half feet tall on average, and while their physical strength isn't to be underestimated, they are much like human children. However, their natural cunning and viciousness is far more vile, and while they can use tools they have a limited intelligence. They tend to form savage tribes with little in common save for the constant drive to survive. They don't possess a great deal of magical power, but are sometimes capable of learning it.

An Elite Goblin is a fully mature Goblin that has overcome the challenges of survival, or lived long enough, and developed into an outstanding example of the species. Their bodies will be further developed, and their experiences have often granted them greater intelligence.

Rags Nar has a higher than usual MP pool for a Goblin, but as far as you can tell he has no Magical properties. He is wearing a Broken Haubergeon, Filthy Underwear, Vine Bracers, Scrap Leather Boot, Iron Dagger, and a Wooden Pot Lid.
---Adult Four Horned Goat---
A goat with, well, four horns. Magical mutations have made this herbivore's temper extremely volatile, however, and given it the nasty benefit of a natural poison in those horns. Every so often a normal goat will give birth to this creature, but most shepherds would rather slaughter them or toss them into the wilds than try to tame them. It has much lower MP than you do. As far as you can tell it has no magical properties. Its fur is quite thick and its hide can be tanned into good quality leather. Its bones and hooves are especially sturdy. Its horns are fairly hard, but hollow, and of course poisonous. It is stronger and more durable than you are, and slightly faster.
---Analysis Complete!---

Skill Rank Up: Material Analysis I > Material Analysis II (1.475 > 2.175)!
Obtain more detailed information about the qualities and traits of Materials. If you know of a currency value, you can make a rough estimate of an object's worth. The more detailed your knowledge of the local economy, the more accurate the assessment.

The rest of Digbie's party remained passive, though one slowly prepared to attempt a tunnelling ambush if necessary. The negotiations didn't seem to have broken down yet, but Oberon's glowing wings were putting the goblins on guard. In response to Digbie's bravado, however, it seemed all they could muster was confusion. Was there a point to the Demi-goblin's strange demands? Or had he just thrown it out there without considering the goblins' normal lack of foresight?

PixieSlime Party

Healing Herb x2 (Quality ???)
Source Crystal Shard x1
Jawbone Club x1 (Quality ???)

Total: 4/10 Item Slots

"An interesting mindset for a Monster." Zieglar replied as Asura spoke on his philosophy of battle. "But if that's how you've survived thus far, how did you end up as an Amorphous Slime? Their slippery bodies are built for evading or hiding from battle, rather than taking blows and returning counters. If you had adapted otherwise, you probably should have become a Giant Slime...or, given the nature of the cave, maybe a Block or Ore Slime." The knight hummed inside his helmet. "Maybe even the rare Metallic Slime. How did you Transform?"

Later on, when the red slime asked how to fight spirits without magic, Zieglar nodded his head.

"It depends on the strength of the spirit and how they attack you. You see, Undead Spirits cannot maintain their existence for very long. The mortal World wasn't made for them, and rejects their presence. It's why not every single creature who dies actually becomes an undead." He gestured to the corpse of Bear-Ate behind them. "Whatever its type, a ghost requires energy to persist. The most abundant form of that energy is Mana, especially the neutral Energy element--as you might guess from the name, haha. So most ghosts attempt to drain the mana of living beings...along with the rest of their life force." His tone darkened. "However, this actually makes them vulnerable. If a spirit tries to consume your soul, they have to interact with your own spiritual presence. The stronger your will and the greater your knowledge of magic or spiritual factors, the harder you can fight back against them--possibly even turning their attempt back on them."

"You would be vulnerable to any other attacker in the physical realm, though." Trent added. "Unless you were especially strong or had a few particular types of abilities, you would be paralyzed while fighting off the spirits. In some cases it can be considered a status effect that we call "Haunted." So in an Undead Dungeon like this where we will likely be outnumbered, it's quite dangerous."

"Actually, I don't think you have that much to fear from Spirits yet." Zieglar continued. "This Dungeon is still new. And the creatures it has to draw from...I imagine only Goblins, or perhaps the smarter Pixies and Wisps, would have either the presence of mind or the sheer magical resources to maintain a spirit form. And I imagine the Core simply draws the spirits back to itself, to either convert them to fuel or plant them in a new body. If, on the off chance...you do encounter a particularly strong spirit..." He looked Asura and Ardur over, one gloved finger tapping the chin strap of his helmet. "Remember this: if it can affect physical objects, it can be affected by physical objects. True, the damage won't be so severe...but if you were a creature made up of barely-held-together mist and memories, a strong enough sword swing would pretty much disperse you even if only by the air it displaced, now wouldn't it?"

"You can also win by attrition rather easily." Trent piped up. "Remember how Master said spirits depend on Mana? So if they cast spells at you, and you can dodge or withstand them, it's like they're whittling down their own lifespan. But because spirits are usually driven by powerful emotions, they don't often think that kind of thing through. You might be able to let them burn themselves out instead of fighting them at all."

Asura's second question wanted to know how or where to gather Healing Herbs. With no crystals or herbs left in the cave, it seemed like they would be going into the dungeon with very few resources.

"There are a few places in this forest where Healing Herbs might grow, but we don't have a lot of light left to gather them by." Zieglar answered, looking up at the sun. The day was getting long in the tooth. "You might try gathering a few more common plants used in medicinal alchemy, like Kilm Blossoms or Cushiwog Mushrooms, but otherwise I'm afraid you're out of luck there."

"I have three healing potions and two for restoring mana." Trent offered--only to gulp when Zieglar turned to him a bit more swiftly than usual. The boy looked away and rubbed one of his shoulders. "Ah, but uh, they're kind of expensive. A-and depending on your own strength, they might actually make you sick. Monsters usually don't take the same dosages a human would."

While they discussed this, Ardur took a moment to himself and offered his prayers to the Divine Spirit of the Sun. Now that he had a name to put to the Figure he had seen in his visions, he felt that perhaps Galatine would hear him directly...Sitting there in the clearing, still and quiet save for the soft whisper of his prayer, he could feel the sun's warmth on his skin cloaking him like a mantle. He contemplated the dangers of the dungeon they were about to go into, and perhaps he would remember his own anger directed towards the undead whom he viewed as abominations to the very concept of life. Could he use Lesser Cleanse to purify the remains of those creatures, and return their spirits to the proper cycle? After finishing his prayer, he pondered these things while returning to the group and healing Asura...

A Quest is yours to receive: Fashion a Purified Item
  • An item can be purified by mundane washing with the proper materials, and by magic.
  • Purified items might gain different effects, like holy water or a blessed weapon.
  • Keeping a purified item close at hand will certainly prove beneficial.

Do you wish to receive this Quest? Y/N

Ardur spoke up once it was decided that Trent would direct the party on their quest to destroy the Dungeon Core. As he rambled on about the group's abilities, the squire and knight looked at each other again. It was clear by this point that the two seemed to have the kind of bond where communication didn't always require words...although in this world, there was the distinct possibility that such a thing could be more literal than figurative.

"Tanks and crowd control, eh?" Zieglar muttered, as if to himself. Then he looked at the Hipixie to answer Ardur's question about Goblins.

"A Goblin doesn't evolve into a Bugbear or a Hobgoblin. It Transforms into one. Evolution and Transformation are closely related, but they're not the same. But, to answer the spirit of your question..." The knight looked up at the sun again, either gauging the time or just considering Ardur's prompt. "I suppose it greatly depends. Goblins have a few special traits, one of them being their inheritance. If a Goblin had a Bugbear parent, for instance, they might be born bigger and stronger. If a Goblin was especially crafty or talented, they might gain power at a faster rate. Under what I would call the most natural circumstances, I would think a Goblin would be born, reach physical maturity between three weeks to a month later, be considered a real adult between three to six months later, and perhaps undergo a true Transformation within a year or less." He raised a single finger. "But, a Goblin that had the talent or good luck to gain a great deal of experience could Transform even before reaching true adulthood, accelerating its growth at the cost of diminishing some of its abilities. Monsters, however, don't decide what they're going to become willy-nilly the way a Human can choose to develop at any Job he likes." A second finger joined Zieglar's first. "To become a Bugbear, a Goblin would have to be very physically robust. It's not uncommon, given how dumb and brutish they are to begin with, but they're not always built for it depending on what food is available to them, what kind of labor they do, how they fight, and so on. Transforming into a Hobgoblin is more likely, though they are typically a bit more developed mentally than the average Goblin before they change." Zeiglar put his hand down and did some thinking, tilting his head back and forth as if to stretch his neck.

"I would guess that, after becoming an Adult, a Goblin might continue to develop for another six months to a year before it Transformed again. It would be most likely to become an Elite Goblin, but maybe if only its physical strength matched up to that standard it could become a Bugbear. Or a Hobgoblin if it was a quick learner."

"I think it would be more likely to become a different species after becoming an Elite, rather than before." Trent said. "Some of the Tamers at the Guild told me that's the peak of Goblin growth for the vast majority of them. If they can't become an Alpha or a special Variant, they would likely end up as an Elder Goblin. Rather than let old age take them, I think lots of Goblins would try to leave or find some other way to overcome an Alpha they disliked, and that might trigger a Transformation into something further removed from a Goblin."

"Either way," Zieglar shrugged. "Between two and three years, then. That's what I'd think to be the natural state of it." The knight looked back at Ardur and Asura. "But given all of the odd circumstances you two have been talking about? I honestly haven't the foggiest. If any Goblins in that cave are like you, they might turn into a Bugbear far sooner just by doing something ridiculous. Like a hundred pushups, situps, and squats followed by running around the cave every day." He chuckled to himself...then seemed to consider the implications of body-building Goblins and cleared his throat.

Walking as they talked, the group soon made their way back to the cave. The sun hadn't gone down yet, but it had just begun to dip and dye the clouds with hues of subdued yellows and bright orange. This cast a warm and pleasant light through the trees as they entered the clearing around the Dungeon's entrance--but no matter how pleasant the light, the scene before them could not be made less forboding.

Whatever barrier Trent had made the previous night had been stripped down. All that remained were the dead leaves and broken splinters of the various boughs he had draped over it--and the actual fortifications were nowhere to be seen, as if they had been hauled off rather than simply trampled. Several other trees, the closest ones to the entrance, had been mauled by something at their trunks. Their lower limbs had been broken off, but oddly enough there were very few leaves left on the ground. And, near small game trails or breaks in the treeline, there were several patches of disturbed earth. Blood or bits of fur could be seen amongst brambles and bushes.

Leading away from the clearing, through the entrance of the dungeon and into the cavern, were at least three blood trails. Thick blood trails, still sticky and wet. Something had come out of the Dungeon...killed something else...and brought it all back home with them.

"Ah, splendid, worse off than we left it by far." Zieglar said with a lackadasical wave of his gauntlet. His tone sobered as he flipped up his visor and looked at Trent. His hand was heavy on the boy's shoulder. "Listen to me, boy." Trent clenched his jaw and nodded, trying to look his master in the eye. "You are afraid, because you are not stupid. But you must not act afraid, because nothing in there will be afraid of you. Stay focused--the moment you relax your guard, the moment everything is going well, that will be the moment you are vulnerable." Trent's hands moved on reflex, checking his sword belt and pulling his gloves tighter around his hands. His teacher continued. "Keep your expectations low. Prepare for an opponent that has taken every advantage over you and dare not hope for what you cannot be guaranteed. Victory does not come from superiority in strength or numbers. Determination, discipline, wisdom, cunning, and courage--these things do not grant triumph, but all who are triumphant have them." Zieglar relased his disciple, and raised a fist as if he were trying to grasp the sun. "Galatine's protection over you, boy."

Trent took a deep breath, set his mouth in a grim line, and drew his sword. Taking his shield in the other hand, he turned to the party of unusual monsters and spoke. His voice was strong, if not so deep.

"Asura, you and I shall take the front. If you will stay a step or two in front of me, you can shield from below. My shield will be above you, and everyone behind us should have cover." A vertical shield wall, instead of a horizontal one. This would allow them to travel single file, given that for a Human the cave's interior tunnels would be much narrower. "Ardur, if your spider-friend stays on the ground immediately behind me, you should have enough room to hover overhead. Please be careful when launching magic over my shoulders." He gulped. "If, if you run out of magic power...the spider can c-cr-crawl up my b-back in order to lob her webbing instead. And finally, if the uh...Miss...Mother...Slime? If she will cover our rear, we should be okay even if the enemy flanks us."

The darkness within the dungeon beckoned...

Rat Party

At the same moment the Kobold was casting that first spell, Asteria immediately began analyzing its magic.

A spell that requires channeling from a point of contact. Heat is rapidly siphoned away from an area, causing ice to form if any moisture is present and frosting over the surface. A living creature takes elemental damage and may also be afflicted with a slowing effect, while terrain may become hard and slippery or wet and sticky, depending.

Ed began sneaking his way out of the entrance and into the tall grass along the ditch. He was targeting the one that smelled like something noxious, yet somewhat familiar--and once he caught sight of the Kobold's reptilian face, he knew what it had to be. The poison, like what the Fanged Lizards back in the cave had! He launched himself at the Kobold from behind, where there was no frost on the ground to impede him, and his eyes were already bloodshot with rage...

The tall young man had pushed the big goblinoid back down into the ditch, but hesitated to wade into the grass after the monster. He flourished his blade, but it wasn't a move for mere showmanship--the flashing steel actually knocked aside that arrow the rats had previously heard being drawn back. Rather than saying the youth had sliced it out of the air, it was more like he had just gotten his blade somewhere, somehow, in the way--that was the point of those flashy figure-eight movements, after all, because keeping anything at all in front of you was better than just presenting your body as a target.

Asteria had to take a moment to convince Mother Rat to follow her, but now she too snuck out of the entrance of the barrow. Unlike Ed, she went around the side of the structure, seeking to come upon that archer while he was still unaware...


Ed's first fury-fueled strike hit the Kobold right on the back of its head before it could even turn around, and the creature let out a scream as it stumbled forward.

"NEAR THE OPPOSITE DITCH!" The Ratman kept swinging, clubbing the reptile along its back and shoulders. "KILL 'EM!"

The man with the spear, and the cart driver, looked towards Ed more out of concern for the noise rather than any real response to his words. But even without fully processing the warning, turning their attention like that revealed the other two bandits in hiding--who had now broken into an outright run, weapons at the ready.

"--Fireball!" The magic user standing in the back of the cart had finished his incantation sometime before Ed's attack and now launched the actual spell, a blazing orb that struck the ground right in front of the Kobold--and Ed. Its bright flash and the roaring heat of the flames disoriented the Rat Man, but as he stumbled back his target screamed and writhed in its burning robes. The frost on the ground, too, was rapidly melting.

The goblin in the ditch came up again, and the tall boy had taken note of all the shouting but hadn't turned his head. He knew what his role was, to protect this side of the cart, and was leaving the rest to his allies. This time the creature tried to push the human's arms aside with its shield, in order to strike afterwards with its bone weapon. But the teenager stepped back to put some distance between them, putting his own back to the cart to better let him absorb the clash of bone against steel. The jawbone blade cracked, but his sword still gleamed. He levered it, forcing the goblinoid's weapon down towards the ground, then with a flick of his wrists sent his blade up the creature's arm like a runway. Its body was too off center to use its other arm and cover with the shield. A green ear went flying and the monster screamed bloody murder.

By this time the archer would have sent another arrow into the melee, perhaps two--if it had not been tackled from behind by two angry Dire Rats. As Asteria Smashed into its back with a full body tackle, Mother Rat leaped at the back of its legs and immediately began thrashing with her fangs. The figure fell forward, and as the rodent matriarch continued to savage it she ripped part of its cloak off, revealing it to be another goblinoid just like the one attacking the swordsman. These things weren't Bugbears like Rattleskull, but they had to be some Transformation of the normal greenskins. Why were they working with a Kobold and two humans?

Despite dropping its bow, the creature still had an arrow in hand, and with this he snarled and lashed out. Mother Rat squealed as the arrowhead pierced one of her shoulders, but it didn't go deep enough to stick the barbs--still, given the size difference it was a dangerous blow. As she limped backward, the goblin-thing turned on Asteria with blazing eyes and tried to grab her with one hand while stabbing viciously with the other...

The tanned man with the spear leaped forward to meet the two human bandits. The short fat one was, of course, lagging behind the other. But the other human bandit was the one with the helmet and metal shield. This shield turned aside a powerful thrust, but the caravan guardian got the shaft of his weapon up in time to ward off a stroke from the highwayman's sword. He let himself be driven back--after all, it only put him closer to his charges anyway--and once he had more distance tried to go over the rim of the shield. The bandit still managed to ward off the blow, but only barely, and had to take a step back to do so.

"O Mana, gather unto my hand..." This next incantation was much faster, more practiced, and the mage held up his palm as a crackling sphere of power formed in front of his fingers. "Mana Orb!" Just seconds after losing its ear, the big gob skirmisher ate a magical blast to the chest. It coughed and was driven backwards as if by a hard punch, the front of its roughspun clothes smoking. It tried to recenter itself, getting its shield in front of its body--

Only for the swordsman's murderstroke to come over the top, an easy task given his greater height and longer reach. The blade's crossguard broke the monster's skull like a pickaxe breaks rock, and dropped it to the earth with a short spray of blood.

Ghost Party

Mana Density returned to normal levels.

Temporary Extra MP has been used.

A Quest is yours to receive: Delve into the Earth
  • There are Mountains to the West, it wouldn't be unusual to find caves or tunnels there.
  • Wherever an entrance may be found, the hidden depths of the earth can hide an abundance. Materials, valuables, ancient history, and who can say what else...?
  • There may, however, be risks in the darkness...

Do you wish to receive this Quest? Y/N

Jason's MP depleted as he used his Ghost Touch spell to shift the earth and bury the remains of the Goblin. As he prayed over it, he could almost hear that iron bell in his mind...How could he make sure Onogoro heard his prayers? How could he make contact with the being, find out what it wanted, how to be granted its blessing? All he could really remember from that dream was the endless darkness of the earth, that feeling of sinking down, down, down...He had intentionally sought out the Figure, but the moment it answered him he had risen back up. However, the thought of being under the earth again, of being surrounded on all sides by solid rock and weighed down by the pressure of the ground above, wasn't exactly pleasant. If he buried himself, as an Undead, would he accomplish the same thing he was doing now with this Goblin corpse?

After his prayers, he communicated with Danny telepathically. Between that skill and the offer of Mana from Guidance, his extra magical power got used up. The drain on his spirit form had become less intense in the darkness, though...and it seemed like that wispy spiritual outline he saw overlaying his vision had become stronger now that so little light filtered down from the sky.

Danny's Analysis had shown him that it was indeed Jason rising out of the earth, with the same results as the last time he had scanned the slime-shaped spirit. His Mana Vision now saw the Ectoslime in much sharper detail against the growing darkness, and when Jason used Ghost Touch to shift the dirt the Poltergeist got an inkling of how that skill worked as well.

Skill Rank Up: Monster Analysis II > Monster Analysis III (2.975 > 3.0)!
Gain more information about a creature or other items directly related to a creature. You may now gain comparison information about the creature's physical capabilities contrasted with your own.

Skill Rank Up: Magic Analysis I > Magic Analysis II (1.95 > 2.0)!
Gain more detail about Magic oriented Skills and Spells. Lose less effectiveness when analyzing Monsters, Materials, etc so long as they are magically inclined.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 8! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Mana Orb II (2.675)
Lesser Force III (3.075)
Levitation (--)
Monster Analysis III (3.0)
Meditate I (1.65)
Mana Shape I (1.6)
Aqua Sphere I (1.35)
Magic Analysis II (2.0)
Mana Dart I (1.1)
Blunt Resistance I (1.1)
Focus I (1.05)
Faster I (1.2)
Plant Analysis I (1.2)
Mana Vision I (1.4)
Point Strike I (1.2)
Muffle I (1.05)
Crafting I (1.45)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.1)
Fireball I (1.05)
Mana Strike (0.9)
Mana Shell (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.9)
Spell Cancel (0.2)
Aqua Stream (0.2)
Magic Dash (0.2)
Spell Chant (0.8)
Material Analysis (0.9)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Alert (0.3)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Charisma (0.2)
Stronger (0.7)
Dextrous (0.4)
Dash Attack (0.1)
Skewer (0.1)
Tremor Sense (0.3)
Keen Sight (0.1)
Smash (0.6)
Wall (0.1)
Defender (0.1)
Use Light Equipment (0.2)
Dual Cast (0.05)
Double Skill (0.05)
Alchemy (0.1)
Mana Control (0.1)
Flame Burst (0.2)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Pierce Resistance (0.3)

Once the duo started moving, they practically broke into a run. Since they could both float above the surface of the ground, however, they didn't make quite as much noise as they usually would. Jason's spirit form was little more than a cold wind moving through the branches, and Danny was small enough to get around most of the underbrush without trouble. Heading east, they didn't encounter any other monsters for some time, though at one point they could see a distant light just a little bit further to the north that might have been a bonfire of some sort...maybe it was those Goblins led by that female reincarnator? Nonetheless, they ignored it and kept going East. Maybe they could head that tribe off and figure out what it was they were after before they even got there...

Eventually they broke through into a large area of cleared land. Someone had intentionally cleared more of the trees and worked the earth to create a small meadow. It was shaped like an uneven circle, and at the center roughly fifty to a hundred yards from any outer edge a structure had been built. Enclosed by a low, square wall of earthy brick sat a house, with a shed off to one side, a well near the corner of the yard, and a small fenced off area in the back. The "courtyard" in front of the house had been divided into several small fields. As a matter of fact, the entire area had a somewhat grid-like pattern to it. Parts of the fields had been just recently ploughed, with small mounds where something had been planted. The result made the area seem like a patchwork quilt of different squares. A few of the fields do seem to be growing something--green shoots quite like the wild, onion-like plants they had already seen; something very similar to clover; patches of small, round and purple flowers.

Of course, now that night had deeply fallen, everything was covered in midnight blue hues and white, misty starlight. But from the farmhouse, a handful of lights could be seen shining through windows...

Deep Forest

When Nira tried to create a sphere of magical energy, her Meditation was interrupted. She couldn't regain her Mana while also trying to manipulate other spells, at least not with the skill at this Rank. However, as she felt the flow of magic within her body and tried to pull it out, a soft white glow began to issue from her palm. Using the memory of Femus's spell as a base, she focused on the light until it grew brighter and more substantial. It seemed to lift from her hand of its own accord, and like a liquid spilled in zero-gravity, it took a perfectly spherical form...but it was very small, and didn't crackle as much. Alternating between practicing this and meditating to restore her MP, she soon increased the size of the orb and the amount of power she could put into it, but every time she attempted to launch it or throw it the spell simply fizzled out.

As night drew onward, she eventually found a place to settle for the night and drifted off...

Meanwhile, Femus's experimentation took a more...artistic turn. Using the various bits of plant matter he had gathered to fashion tiny arrangements, he made small holes in the leaves. He had some idea in his head that, by crafting a fascimile of nature and drawing out a pathway of some sort, that he could cause mana to gather into this object. Whether or not that were true would be the point of this experiment. He tried to extend his mana into the plant sculpture, and as he did so...

The soft white glow did seem to seep into the plant, but as the Mana crackled the leaves began to blacken and wither. The first bud even began to smoke somewhat, though it smelled more like ozone than ash. He had only been able to make five of these from the materials he had gathered, and now he was down to four. He wanted elemental mana, he wanted the energy of nature itself to infuse these plants. He tried to visualize the leaves taking in carbon dioxide and filtering out oxygen. The next bud didn't do anything different, save that it took it longer for the mana to diffuse and burn it up. He tried to focus on the bark, on the xylem and phloem within that transported water and nutrients just like the bloodstream of a human. This time, the Mana seemed to not burn the bud for much longer...until he tried to do anything else with it. If he tried to circulate it, the plant would burn. So, down to his last bud, Femus made his last attempt of the night. He allowed his mana to flow into the artificial seedling, seeking to transform its properties into that of nature's own...

And nothing. The bud just sat there, softly glowing. It got dimmer over time, like a candle burning out. It didn't blacken, but it did wither after several minutes.

You used Magic Analysis I!
1st Attempt - You are charging this object with your mana, overloading it.
2nd Attempt - You are carefully charging this object with your mana. It is overloaded.
3rd Attempt - You are circulating your mana through this object. Nothing is happening as a result of this action.
4th Attempt - You are circulating your mana through this object carefully. Nothing is happening. Your mana disperses over time.
5th Attempt - You are circulating your Mana through this object carefully. Your mana is settling within the object. This object is now charged with your mana.
---Analysis Complete---

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

Skill Gain: Mana Control I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Your precise control over the flow of your own Mana has increased. You cannot change the base nature of a Spell Skill unless you have another Magic Alteration type Skill. However, Spell Interference from enemies is lessened, and your ability to maintain a spell or use it in an unorthodox fashion is less likely to fail. Learning a new Spell based on an already known one is less difficult.

LEVEL UP! Your learning experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! YOUR BODY CANNOT HOLD OFF THE CHANGES FOR TOO MUCH LONGER...

Unspent Skill Points: 10

Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.35)
Mana Orb II (2.4)
Lesser Force I (1.4)
Levitation (--)
Meditate I (1.7)
Magic Analysis I (1.95)
Shock Round I (1.0)
Mana Shape I (1.0)
Shield I (1.0)
Mana Control I (1.0)
Suppress Presence (0.7)
Alert (0.9)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Muffle (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.5)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.5)
Keen Smell (0.1)
Mana Dart (0.1)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.4)
Crafting (0.5)
Keen Sight (0.1)
Wisp Flash (0.1)
Focus (0.3)
Spell Chant (0.3)
Growth (0.5)

As the Wisp and the Pixie settled in the boughs of the tree, night fell upon the clearing deep in the forest...

((You now enter Day 6 along with Monster Party and Rat Party))

If the first rays of the morning sun dappling through the leaves hadn't already awakened them, the raucous of marauding Goblins certainly would. It looked like the entire tribe of greenskins had gathered a ways away from their ramshackle nests, within sight of the old tree Femus and Nira currently sat in and also some distance from that extremely large tree. The Goblins weren't just amassed to watch their leader and his subordinates duke it out again, either. This time they had been herded into something that at least resembled a proper formation, with all of the males at the front. There were some females, too, but the largest portion of she-gobs and younglings, along with all of the elders of both genders, had been pushed more towards the back. The Hobgoblin with the spear walked along the ranks from the front, looking over various specimens. The Redcap, and the other three captains--one of whom Nira would recognize as that swords-goblin she had seen yesterday--stood somewhat apart from the ranks.

"I picks...youse! And...bof'a youse! And youse too!" The boss was picking out different goblins, but it didn't seem like he was doing it at random. He held his lance tightly in one hand, but also had what looked like a pouch hanging at his side full of small rocks. One of the goblins he had picked was short but stocky, holding a gnarled stick with a rock tied to its end to make it even smashy-er. Another had a pair of stone knives that had jagged, but clearly sharp edges. Another seemed to have fashioned some kind of flail out of a piece of vine and a bigger, rougher rock. And so on and so forth. Crushing, stabbing, slicing, throwing, just about every primitive type of weapon one could imagine a creature with the culture of a caveman and the prowess of a small child would use to kill their enemies was present. After he had picked out his own team, a total of 8 fighters counting himself, the Hobgoblin began doling out the others to his "lieutenant" and "sergeants." He didn't call them that of course but by now it seemed clear that they served in a very similar capacity. If Nira and Femus looked closer and paid more attention, they might be able to tell just what kind of strategy each group planned to use based on its makeup of combatants...

But, what in the world were these 40-odd goblins gearing up for? Who or what were they about to fight? And what did this mean for this up-til-now peaceful forest glade?


"I...I guess you're good? Better than other goblins, anyway." Reuben said. He looked away from the whimpering greenskin, rubbing the back of his head. He looked perplexed as well. "Maybe...if you're tellin' the truth and all, then you wouldn't really be a goblin, would you?" Suddenly intrigued by his own thought, Reuben rubbed his chin. "It's more like...more like you're one'a them kiddy stories! Like you was Cursed to look like a goblin, even though you're not! That way you can be good, since Goblins is all s'posed to be bad!" Thinking about it from this perspective seemed to have solved some of Reuben's crisis. He didn't seem as uneasy around Miiba anymore. "Maybe we can find a way to break the curse, so you ain't gotta be a goblin no more!"

The boy turned on all fours and started to shuffle out from under the other side of the table. He motioned for Miiba to follow. Mirabelle had finished writing the letter as Lear dictated, and Geir was in the process of tying the tiny scroll to the Guild Hawk's leg over near the window. The mage woman was putting her parchment and quill back into a knapsack, and the farmer had gotten up to go out, seemingly for firewood.

"Miss Mira, Miss Mira!" Reuben said, grabbing two fistfulls of the girl's dress. The magic user made a light squeak, looking down sharply at Reuben with a reddening face before pointedly taking his hands away and crouching a bit to face him. "I think we figured it out! Miiba might be Cursed, like in the fairytales! Maybe if we break the curse she won't be a Goblin no more!"

"What?" Mirabelle looked at Miiba with genuine curiosity. "What's this about a curse?"

Meanwhile, when Scott approached Gwen, he found himself in a bit of an awkward situation...as she was in the middle of, aherm, feeding the infant. Directly. She looked down at him with wide eyes, but didn't seem offended--after all, he wasn't a man, but a Pixie.

"Ah...yes? Mr. Pixie? How can I, um...help you?" She looked towards Geir, then towards Mirabelle, and seeing them both occupied grew a little more nervous. But, she set her jawline and adjusted the baby's weight against her hip, subtly turning her body sideways so that her arm was between the monster and her child.
Deep Forest

Thanks to her Alert skill giving her warning of the Goblin's presence, and her Muffle skill allowing her to silently move back among the trees, it seemed she was able to get away without likewise alerting the greenskin. As she moved among the branches, the creature did suddenly tilt its head...but it wasn't looking in quite the right direction. The goblin scratched its head, made a short circle around its clearing...then shrugged and went back to its training. It sounded like that feast of theirs in the distance was winding down too...

Femus meditated to restore his Mana, and as part of the usual deep breathing and calm mind he tried to follow the flow of energy within his body. At first, it seemed like he was only feeling the pump of his heartbeat and the warm blood within his veins. Then, he began to notice a sort of...tingling feeling, not quite following his blood vessels but somewhat running in parallel with them. He began to concentrate on images and sensations of "toughness." Skin, muscle, and bone.

"Mana, toughen this flesh, Shield."

You used Magic Analysis I!
Your Mana is being directed throughout your body, you are attempting to alter the flow. You are attempting to bolster your natural defenses, but so far only physical properties are being affected...

But Femus asked himself, what did he have to do to produce change in his Mana? He turned his attention to his own body--as soon as he had started casting, the Meditate spell had shut off. But as he finished his chant...

Skill Gain: Shield I (0.6 > 1.0)!
The most basic of defensive support spells. An aura effect reduces incoming damage, but no physical barrier or counteractive forces are generated. Only natural resistances to damage are reinforced. Can be cast on objects.

Skill Gain: Mana Shape I (0.9 > 1.0)!
You can shape your raw Mana into the appearance of something. At this rank, your Mana does not have weight, force, or other physical qualities. Your Mana cannot produce sounds. Your Mana cannot move freely. Your mana can have its color changed. Your shapes must be relatively simple with no moving parts. The shape cannot be held for long without more MP.

Your MP is low!

It seemed chanting did indeed increase the power of a spell, but it also significantly drained his MP. He had even had Temporary Extra MP before he had started casting. Could chanting too much drain him completely, or cause some other problems?

Before long, Nira returned. But now the forest was beginning to dim--the sound of the goblins was getting quiet, and the sun's fading red rays were filtering through the trees. Night would be upon them soon...

Monster Party

Ash seemed too preoccupied with her experiments to recognize Digbie speaking to her at first, but the time for talk was passed now it seemed. Though she continued to orbit her spear and the stone around her with Lesser Force, she sat back on her haunches like a small, scaly, winged, magical dog.

Torrent activated her stealth skills, first changing the color of her body into something woody and then quietly slithering through the grass. Once she was hidden among the low lying brush in the treeline, the next task was to get a good vantage point--if the other goblins walked down the hill towards the campsite, she would be roughly behind and to the north of them. If they stayed atop the hill, however, her vision would be limited because of the underbrush and she would be within their peripheral...

Oberon felt more MP than usual leave his body as he cast this Shaped, unusual form of Mana Slice across the stream. It bit into the trunk of a nearby tree with sound honestly not too different from the saw the Sprite had envisioned. The wound it left behind definitely seemed a bit deeper and more ragged than what Mana Slice usually caused. However, so far no new skill had triggered. And afterwards--which might be considered lucky, rather than before-wards--a group of figures appeared above them in the dim, dawning light of morning.

Skill Rank Up: Mana Orb I > Mana Orb II (1.95 > 2.025!)
Magic Damage Increased. MP Cost Increased.

ERROR. Cannot activate Earth Vein at this Rank in conjunction with other Active Skills.

As Digbie held the denser, and now brighter, Mana Orb in his hand he "felt" the internal buzz as his Earth Vein failed to activate. Up above, the goblins called out to him once more.

"Oi, Demi-gob, it be us! No needs magicks!" Rags Nar, still wearing his pilfered maille and damaged clothing--which now seemed familiar to Digbie for some reason--had his wooden pot lid on one arm while the other held the reins of his mount, as if he had perhaps expected an attack for some reason. A few of the goblins with him were different this time--the one with the fur pelt was still there, as was the one with the skillet hanging over his chest, but the female wearing the potato sack and the skinny one that had been the goat's lead weren't with the group. The Four Horned Goat still didn't look very happy with having a Goblin on its back, but cordage had been looped around its back ankles so that it could only go at a trot. Trying to break into a run would just trip the creature up, and with its movement limited like that the goblins could probably catch it if it tried to get away. Of course, the creature's eyes kept darting back to the offensive shackles--there was no doubt that this creature was still trying to think of a way to take vengeance upon its oppressors.

But those two different goblins. One of them looked dangerous, even compared to Rags Nar. He didn't have any real armor, just a loincloth and cave-man style robe made from fur and a few pieces of tree-bark wrapped around his arms and legs with vines. However, in both hands he held an actual sword--not a dagger like Rags Nar, nor a broken bit of blade with a hilt like Digbie, but a true sword. It looked to be just under three feet long, making it almost as tall as the Goblin holding it, but of that length the hilt accounted for six or so inches. The goblin had to hold its large, rounded pommel in his second hand just to lever the thing enough for a swing. The only thing that detracted from the weapon's ferocity was the fact that it looked like it was about to crumble just from contact with the air--it was rusted and chipped to such an extent it was amazing that it hadn't already broken. And from the way he held it, the Goblin was clearly no swordsman--like as not, he treated the thing like a club.

And the last, it was clear she was to be Digbie's "offering" he had requested. She looked older, but not elderly. She was fully mature, if the swell of her hips and slight bust were any indication, and had shoulder length hair of a dark, greasy sheen that almost looked purple. She wore a single, slightly tarnished gold chain around her neck. A pair of wooden bowls, of about the size one would use for a side dish or a single serving, had been threaded with a vine and made into a crude top. She also wore a grass skirt much longer and a little better made than Digbie's, as well as bone ornamentation around her wrists and ankles. Her large nose had a scar on the bridge, like it had been bitten off at some point, and a single fang stuck out of one corner of her mouth. Her narrow eyes looked Digbie over from beneath eyebrows like enormous catepillars. She had fingernails that looked long enough to be used as weapons all on their own.

"Demi-gob, dis bes Mahya!" Rags Nar dismounted his goat, handing the reins to the goblin with the animal pelt around his neck, and strode down the hill. The female goblin and the one with the sword followed him, the former at his side and the latter at a slight distance. The sword goblin eyed the other creatures in the clearing suspiciously, and his grip on his weapon was tight. Rags Nar continued, "she be one 'a da prettiest gobs in da whole tribe! Already had three baby gobs, so she bes sure ta gives ya one too!" He slapped Mahya's rear end, and with a yellow smile she began to move towards Digbie in what seemed like a dance...if the object of a dance was to be as vulgar as possible. "And here's da udda stuff ya axed for!" Pulling a half-ripped sack from his vine belt, Rags Nar dumped out a ragged shirt, trousers, and cap. The material looked roughspun, probably made from natural materials rather than processed threads, but far better than what Goblins should have been able to make. The shirt was a simple sleeveless tunic, the pants had holes in the knees, and the cap wouldn't be much protection even from the elements since there were holes where the ears were supposed to go. Not to mention, these were clearly meant for someone human-sized, and would still be far too big for Digbie--the tunic alone could fit him like a night gown.

"So, has ya 'cided ta join da Broked Tower Gobs!?" Rags Nar clasped his grubby hands eagerly.

PixieSlime Party

Skill Gain: Charisma I (0.9>1.0)!
Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills.

"A blood sacrifice like that is almost exactly like Dhulfiqar's rituals. It's no wonder his influence is at work on you." Trent said, though he breathed a sigh of relief when the Hipixie cleared things up. When Ardur asked how the Divine Spirit Galatine did things instead, the boy thought for a moment before he answered. "I don't have my prayer book with me, but I was always taught that praying to Galatine should be like a knight presenting his service to the liege lord. Instead of asking the Divine Spirit to do something for you, you seek out things to do for him. The "sacrifice" Galatine requires is that of one's physical service and personal belief--a lot of temples dedicated to him have a militant faction, and they have to follow a special code."

As the Amorphous Slime and the evolved fae discussed what had happened to the "magical slime" after making contact with the core, Zieglar once again put a hand over his mouth and chin. His eyes widened for a mere instant when Ardur mentioned that the Mana Crystals had been absorbed by the Core. Then he reached up and pulled his visor down. He was silent for the rest of the discussion--until Asura asked Trent to punch him and shapeshifted one of his false limbs into a shield. Then hearty laughter echoed from within the man's helmet.

"Training your own resistance to damage...given the kind of pain one has to go through for even a few levels in those abilities, most monsters below the third tier never even think to do such a thing! And for a slime, whose forte is already its hardiness, to do such a thing..." He shook his head and then looked at Trent. "Do you feel up to it, boy?"

Something in the knight's tone didn't feel quite...genuine.

Trent gulped, then carefully pulled the leather glove on his sword hand tighter around his fingers. He clenched a tight fist, and approached Asura.

"S-sorry if this hurts too much..."

The boy took a somewhat generic fighting stance, and a deep breath. He padded back and forth from foot to foot for a moment...then planted his feet and took a swing, torquing his hips. It didn't look like he was putting everything he had into it, but it didn't look like he was slacking too much either. Due to the height difference between him and Asura, it was more like an off-center uppercut to the body.

The impact struck Asura's shield and lifted up, bowling the slime over and rolling him along the ground. It definitely hurt, but it wasn't the absolute worst damage the slime had ever taken thus far. If he had to make a guess, he might say that such an impact might kill him outright if he took...perhaps three of them. As it was, if he still had a human cranium, there was no doubt it would have heavily dazed him. Zieglar guffawed, an honest sound this time, then turned to Ardur.

"Ahum! Ah. Well, if we're all in agreement then, let's do it. The quicker that Dungeon is cleared the better, and this way we won't have to wait for a suppression force from the Guild. But there's something to keep in mind when plunging into an Undead Dungeon." The knight snapped a twig from a nearby tree and began drawing in the dirt. First, a stick figure with pointy ears and an angry face.

"Let's say this is a Goblin, or some other creature that has been assimilated by the Dungeon Core. That means the Core now controls that monster's mind. There are a number of ways it can accomplish that, but that's besides my point for now." He crossed out the stick figure with an X. "You kill it like you do anything else...but, this Dungeon is full of the kinds of foul magics that raise the dead." He scratched another stick figure, but with x's for eyes and a missing arm. "So the creature you just killed? It will eventually rise as an Undead. The speed depends on several factors, but in the worst case, you wouldn't even get a breather before the fight started again. That Goblin, it would likely become a Zombie Goblin--Zomblin for short." He crossed out the zombie, and began drawing a cartoonish skull. "Now, let's say perhaps you use something magical, or just do a lot of cutting damage until you've flayed the creature's flesh from its bones. That's still not enough, as you've already seen. And even then..." He crossed out the skull, and next drew a small circle with a wavey trail then gave it eyes and a mouth. "You have the spirit. So, worst case scenario? Depending on how they are destroyed, and how powerful the Core has grown, you may have to actually fight the same creature four times over." He drew an arrow from the spirit back to the very beginning. "And, if those spirits are strong enough? They can possess a new body." He tossed the stick over his shoulder and put his fists on his hips as he looked at Asura and Ardur.

"That is the true danger of an Undead Dungeon. If there are only 10 monsters in it, you may still face the equivalent of 40 monsters. If monsters outside the dungeon, or even members of your own party, aren't strong enough then the spirits may be able to just steal new bodies. At higher levels, an Undead Dungeon is, perhaps, the most dangerous thing short of the Demon King's own palace. And even then. There's a reason so many Demon Kings have been Necromancers, after all." He crossed his arms.

"This one is still fresh. Even given the rapid rate of change you and the other "smart monsters" have brought about, I don't think it's at a level where we need to panic yet. But even for a party of five, it will not be easy. If you're absolutely certain you want to undertake it, I will guard the entrance until you return or I see signs of the Core's power increasing." None of them had to read the tone to pick up what the implication was there. "And Trent will lead you in, find the Core, and help you destroy it. But..."

Now the Knight turned to Trent, and the boy immediately snapped to attention.

"This will not be like other Quests you have had, boy! I expect you to take charge here!" He gestured towards the monsters. "I can think of no better test of your tactical abilities than taking monsters, at least one of whom you have never encountered the likes of! It won't be so simple as assigning magic users to the back line and shield bearers to the front--you must take into account their levels of intelligence and the changes this has caused in their bodies!"

Again Trent gulped, but after a moment his gaze hardened. He nodded his head, and put one hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Yes, sir!"

If Asura and Ardur wanted to back out or change their minds, now would be the time to do it. Otherwise, Trent would soon begin heading back to the cave, and calling for them all to follow...

Rat Party

You used Monster Analysis II!
A kind of earth elemental. Roughly four spans high, they are normally reluctant to interact with other beings but can be bribed. However, unless one can figure out exactly what the creature wants, it will often remain set in its ways like a heavy stone. This makes them excellent contractors, as they will follow an agreement to the letter. They move through earth as easily as others move above ground. They often live in areas rich in ores or gemstones.

"Humans generally don't like necromancy. They're very protective of their corpses for whatever silly reason." the Gnome snorted. "My contract is to protect this barrow, yes. In fact, if it weren't for your offering last night, you coming into this chamber would be enough of a reason for me to eject you, cause you're a Non-Human. As it is, you get a slight allowance until you start messin' with somethin'. But, the only thing that could happen out of doors that would qualify on the contract is if somebody actually started digging into the place." The creature raised a chubby, toddler like hand from the dirt and pointed with one finger. "And another thing! If anything triggers an action from me, it raises an alarm with my contractors. I got no idea where they are now, but I remember there being a pretty good range on this thing. Been in place since my grand-pap's days after all, and the contract always gets renewed."

"Asteria, I got news." Ed's harsh whisper came from the entrance. He had somehow made it back without being seen or heard, but it seemed like something had happened regardless.

"See ya, rat! If ya wanna make a trade, ya gotta make it worthwhile! No gross bloody stuff!" When Asteria turned to head back, the gnome disappeared into the ground--and left no trace that he had been there. Despite Ed's sharpened senses, somehow he failed to hear the elemental's last whispers.

The three rats began to plan for their operation to defeat the bandits and rescue the cart. When Asteria relayed things to Mother Rat, the non-reincarnated creature seemed quite confused. At first she didn't want to go out, and tried to pull at Asteria and Ed's tails with her jaws as if urging them to stay inside. But, if they insisted, she would be left with no choice but to follow...

In the meantime, the cart had come closer. Close enough to see that it was drawn by two mules, and appeared to be the typical square cart one might imagine but without any kind of cover or roof. In the cart were things that seemed like essentials--a barrel of something white and glittery that might have been piles of salt, jars that smelled like oil, boxes that had the waxy, fatty smell of candles, rolls of cloth, and other things. Driving it was an older human with salt-and-pepper hair and a stony face, dressed in patched and faded clothes and a frayed coat. Sitting in the back was a young man with blonde hair, wrapped up in a cloak as he snoozed. Walking on the right side of the cart, a taller boy who seemed quite lean, but had wide shoulders that gave his arms a wide arc as they swung easily at his sides. He wore a thick blue tunic over a long sleeved shirt, and it looked like he might have an undershirt on under that as well. The morning was chilly, but was it that cold? His dark colored britches were tucked into leather boots, and a longsword was strapped to his side. He wore a large pack on his back but its weight didn't seem to hinder him much. On the left of the cart, a man with tanned skin looked like he might be a native of that village the rats had seen before. He wore a shirt made from the hide of some animal, not leather, but still a properly made garment. His pants seemed much like the other youth's, however, and he too wore a cloak. He carried a long spear with a shaft of black wood over his shoulders, and there were a few feathers tied just below its long, silvery tip.

If Asteria and Ed had chosen to continue their plan, or even if they just sat at the entrance and watched, this was the moment when all hell broke loose.

The Kobold suddenly dashed out into the road. In an instant all of the humans except the one snoozing in the cart snapped their heads up, but as their hands reached for weapons the lizard brought down its staff.


Icy tendrils spread across the road, forming a slippery surface that caused the mules to bray and sit down on their haunches as their legs skittered underneath them. The young man was in the process of pulling his sword and the tanned man had readied his spear, but both of them hesitated to charge forward with the terrain so affected. They had shouted by this point, so the one in the back came awake with a start. The driver, however, produced what looked like a sling from under his coat--

An arrow whistled from around the side of the barrow, and struck the driver in the shoulder. It probably would have gotten his heart if he hadn't been in the process of letting a stone fly, but the projectile was far off target as he slumped with a cry of pain. From that same side, the other hooded figure took off running. It was coming up onto the road from the side, up from the ditch and the grass, so it didn't have to contend with its ally's frost spell. Its hood fell back, revealing the creature for what it was--it was a foot taller than most goblins the rats had seen, and had a darker green tinge to its skin. Its form was more wiry and muscular, and it had more hair on its head.

It swung a sword-like weapon that had been made from some creature's jawbone tied to a stick, and in its other hand held a crude shield made from old planks of wood. The tall young man brought his sword to bear in both hands and skillfully deflected the big goblin's strike before pressing forward, slamming his weapon and his weight into its shield and pushing it back off the road...

"Minor Heal!" said the spear toting man in a deep voice, as the driver yanked the arrow out of his shoulder. It didn't have a head, it had only been a sharpened twig of wood with some ragged feathers glued to it by tree sap. The soft green glow surrounded the wound and the bleeding began to slow...

The other young man stood up in the back of the cart, holding a book in his hands.

"Dust of the earth, light of the sun, wind all around--" he was chanting, and a speck in his hand began to glow red hot like an ember being blown on to start a proper fire.

On the opposite side of the road, in the other ditch, the two human bandits were making their way through the tall grass. They weren't exactly hidden, but their victims were all paying attention to the Kobold in front of them, their own wounded, or the enemies on the other side of the road...

The rats' ears could pick up the sound of another arrow being pulled from the quiver and notched to the string...

Ghost Party

Danny's attempt to use Lesser Force to force apart the pseudo Fireball in an explosion seemed to be a step in the right direction for his goal. It wasn't really an "explosion," but the red orb did expand. It was more like inflating a baloon than anything. And when it burst, it didn't produce any light, flames, or really much of a sound besides a sudden rush of wind. The temperature of the surrounding air did increase several degrees, though. Maybe if he had done it with a fully formed fireball the result would have been different. Nothing caught fire, luckily, allowing the Poltergeist to begin carving his kill.

You used Crafting I!
Goblin Heart + Goblin Meat + Curved Stick + Fire

You got Goblin Skewer!
A fresh roasted skewer of goblin parts. It smells...edible?

You are Level 7. EXP: 80%.

Just then, the earth where Jason had buried himself suddenly shifted. A lump of soil rose up, like a bubble was inflating inside the ground itself. Then it gave way, falling back with a puff of dust. The puff drifted in an unusual way, and given his previous experiences Danny would no doubt put together that the falling soil was shifting around Jason's spiritual body before it fell back to earth.

The Ecto-Slime soon found himself feeling normal again, though his MP had depleted more than he might have expected. As he whispered the name of the bronze-skinned monk, he saw no more visions or strange figures. So...where did he go from here?

At least the sun was starting to go down, and he didn't have to worry about it burning him as much...
Monster Party

When Ash focused on trying to make a stronger effort to draw in the energy, using her Mana Vision to pick out the particles around her, she felt that active draining effect become stronger. It still wasn't as fast a recovery as her Meditation, but if she could use it while being active...Then, she had an idea. Opening up wide, she did her best impression of a vacuum. And...the particles seemed drawn to her at a faster rate! However, she wasn't able to hold this for long. Soon her nostrils and throat felt cold and dry due to trying to draw in so much air so fast, and of course trying to constantly inhale was just as stressful as trying to hold one's breath in for too long. After only a couple of seconds she was forced to stop and breathe normally. She had an odd taste, almost a tingle, in her mouth.

EXP: 10%

Skill Gain: Charisma I (0.9 > 1.0)!
Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills.

EXP: 20%

Skill Rank Up: Alert I > Alert II (1.65 > 2.05)!
At this Rank, you may use the Passive form of Alert as normal. By Actively engaging the Alert skill, your senses become temporarily sharper and make it easier to find a target even if it is under the effect of Stealth skills. The Active form of this skill may also alert you to environmental hazards.

EXP: 30%

Skill Rank Up: Mana Shape II > Mana Shape III (2.975 > 3.0375)!
At this rank, manipulating more complex shapes becomes easier. You may also move the shaped Mana within a ten foot radius around yourself, though it cannot be used as a projectile. In addition to multiple colors, your Mana can now be shaped to imitate a texture. Making the mana dense enough to become opaque is possible, but increases MP consumption.

EXP: 52%

Oberon's experiments proved quite informative, but aside from the System he also found that the attempt at making a "saw blade" became much easier now that he had the experience of spells like Light Ring, Mana Shape, Mana Slice, and others under his belt. It still felt too fragile to use as an attack, but it had already used up more Mana than a normal Mana Orb did due to how enlarged he had made its surface.

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Void ???---
An incomplete spell. By using your own Mana to repel all elements and energies away from a point in space, you've created an area of "emptiness" somehow. Repelling all forces equally causes this Void to take a spherical shape. It seems to naturally be drawn towards the same things you are repelling away from it, just like water moving to areas of lower concentration or heat moving to areas of lower temperature.

---Void Blast (Incomplete)---
An incomplete spell. You've created a shadowy void that creates a vacuum force once it interacts with outside forces. Forming it in your mouth allows you to give it a path of least resistance to follow, but letting the atmosphere back into this sealed environment seems dangerous.



A splitting headache hit Torrent suddenly, like an ice cream migraine. To make matters worse, when attempting that experiment before by containing the void within her maw and letting air between her lips a little bit at a time, the void's collapse felt like it had taken a little bit of her cheek or tongue with it--she could definitely feel a raw and painful spot whenever she ran her tongue around the inside of her jaws. But, still, she had garnered some useful information and had a name to go with the Skill she was developing...

You used Magic Analysis I!
---Mana Orb I (1.95)---
A simple blast of magic. At the moment it only does as much damage as a strong punch on average, unless the enemy is weak to magic. As it gets stronger it becomes a generic, non elemental energy blast. You have the first Rank in this skill but are very close to the second. Your attempts to condense it are making it more powerful, at the cost of more MP.

It seemed like the Mana Orb was getting denser, but it wasn't concentrated enough to turn "hard" like the Demiblin wanted. Maybe he needed to keep going, add more MP, or do something else besides just trying to shrink it down. He could see Oberon over there practicing with changing the shape of one of his own Mana Orbs, and the Sprite seemed to be on to something from that look of intense concentration on his face...

The horn they had heard before blew again, and it sounded like it was just on the other side of the hill! Rags Nar had believed, yesterday, that the other monsters were somehow Digbie's pets or demon familiars. Did they want him and the other goblins to see them performing their skills or witness them talking to one another, or would they try to hide their abilities for now...?

PixieSlime Party

"And given the short amount of time it's happened in, that "only consequence" is rather notable." Zieglar responded when Asura downplayed what had happened thus far. "We only received the report of the Goblins moving two days ago. If they were preparing for this battle with the "smart monsters," and the many deaths caused by that conflict are what made this Dungeon, it means that in the course of less than fourty-eight hours," he shook Asura's only-slightly malformed hand and looked down intently at the articulate digits, then returned his gaze to the Amorphous Slime. "You, and the other monsters like you, created that Dungeon unintentionally. I shudder to think of the consequences if any of you had actually known what you were doing. Though..." He once again placed a hand on his chin. "You said another slime, like yourself, tried to take over? Do you know if he interacted with the Dungeon Core at all?"

While Asura pondered how to answer that, Ardur spoke up and seconded the suggestion to clear the Dungeon. When he spoke about clearing his conscience, both the Knight and Squire gave each other curious looks. Trent began to rub the back of his head, clearly thinking in a heavy fashion much like his mentor. When Ardur explained that he felt he was being pulled towards the south by the influence of the Divine Spirits, the boy was the one to speak.

"If you just want to know what's that way, it's the Alpin Plains. But the further you go, the more barren the land becomes. Ashyra, the deserts where Dhulfiqar reigns, is beyond the grasslands. If you've been doing something to try and appease the spirits, it's likely he's the one calling you..." Trent's voice cracked slightly as he raised its volume, suddenly more on edge. "What kind of sacrifice did you do!?"

Though he kept a sharp eye on his apprentice and the Hipixie, Zieglar still listened to Asura's answer regarding the other Slime--Jason, of course--and only then gave what seemed to be his final opinion.

"If you really want to risk going back into the Dungeon, then I suppose I could send Trent with you. It would be a good opportunity to have him work in a group that would really push him out of the box, and to nip this problem in the bud right away." He gave the boy a peculiar glare, causing the Squire to gulp nervously. Obviously something unsaid passed between them. What other motive could Zieglar possibly have, to let his apprentice join a party of creatures that were normally hostile to Humans? For the sake of going into an even more dangerous environment? Was he simply that trusting, despite knowing the party of reincarnators for less than an hour and knowing nothing of their abilities? Did he not think any of them were strong enough to take down Trent while the Knight wasn't looking? Or could this be part of some cunning plot...?

Rat Party

You used Mana Sense!
You feel an earthy Mana shifting about, just at the edge of your senses...

As Asteria spoke to seemingly empty air, the silence of the tomb lay still and cold. But then, a low rumble seemed to pass through a corner of the room...almost like someone laughing...

"A Dire Rat that can talk...I've seen some weird stuff in here, believe you me, but never talking rats..."

Skill Gain: Charisma I (0.95 > 1.0)!
Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills.

The packed earth floor suddenly shifted near one corner of the room. A small mound rose up, like a mole getting ready to open up a path to the surface...but as a layer of soil shifted aside, it seemed like the dirt itself was taking shape underneath...A humanoid face like a chubby baby, with eyebrows and hair replaced by scaly layers of stone, blinked with eyes that looked like faceted clear gemstones. The octagonal irises of emerald green and a black pupils of the same shape gazed at Asteria.

"But in any case, that's not part of my contract, sorry. And I don't drink blood, what do you take me for? Why would you do dark magic junk like that on people you were gonna bury right next door to your town?" The head rose higher, until chunky and infantile arms appeared as well, giving the creature a cushion upon which to lay its chin. "My only concern is the barrow. I don't care what happens outside, and far be it from me to get involved in human affairs."

As Ed focused his Beast Sense to enhance his hearing, oddly enough he couldn't pick up on the conversation taking place in the other room. He could, however, make out the sounds of the bandits' breathing. The Kobold had a hissing breath, but very slow and drawn out. The ratman didn't hear this sound often--it seemed the lizard breathed through its slitted nostrils most of the time, and only occasionally sighed through its snout. The two hunched, hooded creatures that he thought might be some form of goblinoid had rougher, faster breathing, but the rhythm was still calm and steady. One of them sounded like he might actually be on the verge of dozing off. He could hear wind rustling the tall grass on the other side of the road, where those other two bandits would be, but once the breeze died down he couldn't hear anything else that seemed to indicate movement. So they were probably still standing where they were before, waiting to ambush whoever passed along the road...

The rodent enhanced his sense of smell next. The scent of woodsmoke tickled his whiskers first, and it was still fairly fresh. That probably meant that, wherever these bandits had their camp, it was probably close by. He could also smell leather, and metal, and oil...freshly honed blades, then? Wood, and something slightly rotted...maybe the rabbit skull on top of that Kobold's staff? A slightly sour, familiar smell...something minty, and also familiar. And then...something that wrinkled his nose with a sharp, acrid scent. It reminded him of the color purple for some reason. He had definitely smelled it before, and he knew it was dangerous. It was coming from the Kobold.

He could still identify each slightly different scent and match it to a bandit, even if he didn't manage to figure out what some of the other smells were. And he knew that the three monsters were still on the side of the barrow, they didn't seem to intend to come within. The other two were still on the other side of the road...but how much could they see from their position? He decided to risk it, and slowly began to creep back outside...Mother Rat followed him as far as the threshold of the barrow, pressing her body flat to the ground just as her ears lay back along her head.

Upon stepping out into the light, Ed could see further down both ends of the road...and before he had a chance to further examine the bandits, a large and dark shape caught his eye.

Coming from the direction of the lakeside town, along the road, sure to pass by the barrow within the next few minutes...a large horse drawn cart, with a few human figures clustered around it.

How long did he have before the bandits spotted it? If he turned and went back into the barrow, would he be risking sight by the thieves? If he didn't go back, would the people on the cart see him first? If he tried to warn them, would they listen? Or meet the Ratman with drawn weapons? If he let them go by, would the bandits attack them? Kill them?

What choices did Ed really have here...?

Ghost Party

"Life? Abandon? Wisdom? The Earth does not give Life. Life learned to use the Earth in order to live. The Earth does not abandon, yet neither is it loyal. Beings place their loyalties in one another. The Earth has no ancient wisdom--it simply Is as it was Meant to be. Beings garner wisdom, and display falsehoods."

In the darkness, Jason began to perceive...something. Was it coming from the mana he was absorbing, filling his spirit to the brim? Was it something from that strange spirit world, the world of gray mists?

The darkness lifted, as a hole opened up. A hand, lifting a stone from the earth. Primitives crowded around as the hands reached back into the hole, digging and churning the dirt with sticks and simple stones. As the earth was stirred, seeds were placed in the holes. As their roots reached through the earth and found nourishment, they opened up their buds and put forth fruit. As long as the earth was there, the plants would grow. As long as the humans had stone, they could build tools and shelter. From grass to animal to predators, through life and death, all made use of the earth and all returned to it.

The moon rose. The night fell. The darkness, the ocean, the sun, the wind, the mountains...they were constant, always there. The stars might fade, but they would always return--and the Earth would always be waiting for them. All of these things and many more existed long before the primitive came out of its cave. What were they? What dangers did they bring? What wonders?

β€œBeings have given the Earth many names and many meanings. For many Beings, understanding agency, creating reason, forever seeking, and always asking were the methods of their survival. Did the Wind rustle the brush, or the Lion? The Being who assumed Wind did not always survive. If No Man threw the stone, did the Unseen Unknown Being cause the stone to fall? Why is it Unseen and Unknown? The Man who did not seek to understand did not always survive.”

Jason saw the primitives through the hole in the earth again, now wearing clothes made from plants and sitting around a fire. They cooked a slain beast, and carved its flesh with knives made from stone they had taken from the Earth and shaped for that purpose. Their children sat around them as the elders told them what they needed for survival--the tales of sun, and moon, and night, and ocean, and Earth. How they were dangerous and wonderful. How to understand them. But the children did not understand. How could Earth give them food? Why was the Cave safer than the open plain? So the elders changed the tales, made Them β€œlike” other things that the children understood--fathers, mothers, warriors, healers, chieftains. And Earth and Sun and all the Others were not praised--they Were. They always Were. And they were needed to survive. It was necessary that the children understand them.

As Jason watched, the children of the children’s children appeared. They were many and they were different. Some of these children were now Men, and their cities and walls were built of great stones. Their dead were taken to great tombs dug into the Earth, and were sealed up in it with prayers and dances and dedications. They gave thanks to the Earth, for its protection and preservation. They tilled the earth and planted seeds, and buried their refuse. The Earth was β€œlike” a reliable friend, and friends were always there for you no matter what. In return you also had to be a friend to them. But they understood that the Earth gave materials, and food, and rich jewels, and history, so they had to give other things to show their gratitude to the Earth. The others, like Moon and Sun and Wind and Ocean, gave other things, and Men gave them different things in return.

As years passed the stone towers rose higher, and he saw that some of these children were Not Men. One of them, their great king, made fire and water appear from his hands and moved earth with his words. They wanted him to shape the earth at their will, to raise their crops and build their homes, but knowing the limits of his power he instead granted them the strength of the earth. He taught them to make bricks from mud, to make their own stone from loose soil and shape it in the way that they pleased, and to turn it into pots and bowls. Not Men and Men alike began to think and do and be different than they were before as the world turned. The Earth and the Sun and Others stayed as they Always Were.

"Jason. You wish for wisdom, to guide your path. You wish to do things that are good for this world. The Earth Is and Has Been only soil, and sand, and stone. The Earth is only a receiver of That which has spent its power, and become inert. The Earth has Potential, but is not Activated. The Earth cannot give you knowledge, purpose, or morality. But Beings have imposed their Wills upon the Earth for these and many others. What was given to the Earth, the Earth has held in concentration, until gathered Power took on Will. To give and receive Power from another Will--is that your Will, Jason?”

The images around Jason began to crumble like sand. The hole in the earth began to fill, as if he were being buried alive. He was left once more in darkness...but as unseen things moved around him, he felt more than heard the whispers of many voices, echoing through the depths…

β€œThe earth brings forth fruit and vegetables, trees and grass…” β€œThe earth gives and gives but is never used up...its generosity is like that of a man who works tirelessly…” β€œThe earth is firm and hard, but sometimes also soft…” β€œIf the earth brings forth these plants, and generously gives its strength yet never exhausts itself, and is firm and rough but also reliable...the Earth must be a Father!”

Jason saw the voices overlapping, each vibration and tremor taking on a new shape like a three dimensional representation of radar waves. The sound took on form, and he saw a strong, rugged man holding a mattock in one hand and a bundle of grain under an arm.

β€œThe earth sometimes shakes and destroys everything, but is usually so calm…” β€œNo one can destroy the earth, with its great stones we can build invincible walls…” β€œIt is soothing to sit among the mountains or upon the grass, and think deep thoughts…” β€œIf the earth can destroy but remains calm, and is invincible, but soothes the mind in meditation...the Earth must be a Wise Monk!”

This time the voices took the shape of a broad shouldered figure, sitting cross-legged with clasped fingers. A strange ringing sound, like a stroke upon a tuning fork, emanated from an iron bell around the figure’s neck, and the clay beads looped around his arms rattled.

β€œThe earth is slow to move, but always steady…” β€œThe earth hides great riches in its depths, and goes down and down…” β€œSometimes, great rifts open up in the earth like a mouth that devours everything around it…” β€œIf the earth is great and cumbersome, but has treasures hidden away like an animal that steals things, and can devour everything else...the Earth must be a Great Beast!”

This form towered over Jason, an enormous...Elephant? Tortoise? Its claws were like ploughs and its hide encrusted with gemstones. Its great head came down over him, and cold air like the draft of a cave blew against him from its nostrils.

There were many other voices, and other Figures, but Jason felt as if he were suffocating or being crushed. Just like a drowning man gasps for air when he breaks the surface of the water, he felt the urge to pull away from the earth. The figures watched him, patiently waiting...or perhaps listening? Waiting for him to call out…


While Danny repeated his attempts to learn Fireball, the few embers he had scattered onto the firewood quickly burned themselves out. However, the next time he took aim at the pile of kindling and sticks, his spell suddenly gave a roar. Like throwing a match into a cloud of gasoline fumes, the Fireball made the air rumble as it took shape in front of Danny's hands. When he tossed it to the wood this time, the fuel immediately took light. The original roaring flames soon died down, but the Poltergeist now had a proper fire that quickly ate through grass and straw and stabilized into a steady burn upon the dry sticks and branches.

After meditating and recharging his Source Crystal Shard, Danny attempted to examine his work. He activated his Mana Vision skill, causing his eyes to glow ever so slightly as he lifted the green crystal up...

Skill Gain: Fireball I (0.9 > 1.0)!
The fire-themed version of a basic magical attack. With roughly the same power, range, and MP consumption as a Mana Orb, it has the unique property of being able to inflict a burn on the target. However, as an elemental spell, these same properties render it harder to use in certain circumstances. Non-flammable or elementally opposed targets, for example, will be much less effected. -You used Spell Chant to increase the Parameter: Heat Output of this Fireball. Other Parameters of the Fireball spell include Speed, Direction, Expansion, Concentration, Number, and Efficiency.-

---Fire (Crafted)---
You crafted this campfire using your Fireball spell. It is composed of organic materials such as wooden sticks, twigs, straw, dead leaves, and grass. It rapidly consumes this fuel, but the heat output is high. There is a slight breeze in the forest, creating an airflow that helps feed the fire. Fire generally needs oxygen, combustible material to serve as fuel, and heat to ignite and burn. Carbon is the most common and effective fuel, found in most organic solids. The Quality of the various Items used as fuel for this flame is rapidly degenerating, they will be useless within minutes for other purposes.

Source Crystal Shard has no charge remaining!

Through the crystal, as if looking through a magnifying glass, Danny had also seen a number of...strange, floating squares? Cubes? Blocks with vibrating lines forming psychedelic geometric patterns? The ones immediately around the fire were bright red, though there were a few others that were green or gold or black. He thought he saw a few blue ones and light green ones as well, but they quickly vanished...He wasn't sure what the things were, but after the Crystal ran out of energy he had to really concentrated his Mana Vision in order to see them. Once he was aware of them, however, his attempt to use Lesser Force to draw the red ones in close as he created a Mana Orb caused them to slowly orbit his spell like fireflies....

The Mana Orb turned red yet again, just like it had in that heated, spark-producing, "pre-Fireball" state. Even though Danny wasn't casting that specific spell anymore.

Deep Forest

Femus's Mana Orb began to glow brighter, and its crackling seemed to increase in frequency. As he recalled smell, sight, and sound and tried to channel every memory, each sensation, into his spell, the magic began to take on a neon yellow color. He felt his MP draining...and smelled ozone in the air.

"Shocking force enhance..." The sparks around the orb stopped popping and snapping like flame, and instead began to flicker and buzz, forming distinct arcs from the center of the orb as they latched on to dust motes. Femus felt his filament-like hairs stand on end as his skin tingled.

"Shock Round."

With a final snap, the electrical orb suddenly broke free of his grip. But unlike the Mana Orb, it did not shoot straight ahead on a linear path. Instead, it seemed to float freely, moving back and forth in a zig-zag pattern...until it made contact with a branch of the tree. With a sound like a great drumbeat, all of the energy within the spell was discharged in a nanosecond. The branch flashed red hot, white light lancing through it and splitting like a system of veins, then it burned and blackened and fell off the tree. It left a smoking trail down to the forest floor below.

Skill Gain: Shock Round I (0.8 > 1.0)!
The lightning-themed version of a basic magical attack. With roughly the same power, range, and MP consumption as a Mana Orb, it has the unique property of being able to home in on a target, though it moves slowly and may dissipate after a few moments. However, as an elemental spell, these same properties render it harder to use in certain circumstances. Elementally opposed targets, for example, will be much less effected.

Before the Wisp had unleashed his new spell, however, he had told Nira to find some way to lose their wild pixie follower. Nira made sure to file away the Pixie's appearance for later. The creature had a more feminine shape to its body and limbs, and her skin was almost powder-white with the softest green tinge. Her hair, however, was green as the grass and just as windswept. Big brown eyes peered out of a smirking face, and her gossamer wings had an amber sheen like fresh tree sap. When Nira spoke again, the Pixie turned a flip in the air and giggled.

"Awwwiiiiight! Aww! Alllu, riiiiite!"

Then Nira suddenly bolted, causing the wild fae to squeak and hustle after her. As the reborn fairy activated her stealth skill, the already subtle beat of her wings lessened and she weaved between the trees at top speed. It didn't take long for the wild pixie to start losing sight of her, following only by the barest flash of a foot or hair disappearing among the leaves. She let out a frustrated screech as she barely avoided running into a trunk, and in the process finally lost Nira.

But Nira was still not alone.

She burst out of the branches into a small clearing, and noticed for the first time that the sounds of goblins feasting and shouting were closer than ever. She could smell the smoke from their cooking fires. But she wasn't among the camp, at least not yet. In this small clearing, only one Goblin was present. He was a little taller than average, but perhaps a little more slender too. A small pile of bones with bits of meat and gristle still present had been tossed to the side, and now the goblin held a long stick in his hand. But it wasn't just a plain stick--it had been meticulously carved, probably over a long period of time, and even had an edge of sorts and a subtle curve. It looked fragile enough that if it actually made contact with something harder than flesh, that blade would immediately be dulled. Maybe that was why the Goblin kept swinging at empty air.

It couldn't be called "swordsmanship" at all, but there was a definite sense that this greenskin had more skill than his brethren. At the very least it seemed he was getting a workout, as his scrawny muscles were covered in sweat. He raised the sword up high above his head and brought it straight down, over and over again. Every so often he lost his balance, and looked down at his feet as he shuffled back into some imitation of a fighting stance.

So far, he hadn't noticed the Pixie floating above him...


"There ain't never been a Goblin hero before! At least not one that was good to humans!" Reuben said, crossing his arms and trying to look like a wiser mentor to Miiba and Scott. "But if Dad says you guys got brought here, I guess maybe that kinda makes you like a hero...Hmmm, it's really weird." The boy peered out from under the table, but it seemed that the rest of the household was still discussing the message to send to this Adventurer's Guild that had been mentioned a few times. Lear seemed to be in the process of dictating a letter to Mirabelle, mostly just outlining previous events. He hadn't gotten to the part where the mountain exploded yet, only detailing that Geir and Mirabelle had arrived for some kind of weekly guard duty.

"Summoning is like..." Reuben snatched a piece of cheese from the platter of food the farmer's wife had placed on the table, and held it out in his hand in front of Miiba. "Taking something from somewhere," he passed the morsel behind his back, and revealed it in his other hand, "and bringin' it somewhere else! There's different kinds of it--like, if you Summon yourself somewhere, it's called Teleportation! But, since you guys were brought here from another World, that's World Summoning! It's the hardest kind to do, I've heard sometimes ya gotta use a whole team of wizards!" He broke the cheese into three parts and offered two of them to the monsters while he scarfed down the third. Then he held up a finger as his lecture continued.

"There's different kinds of Heroes, too! I like Heroes, so I got Dad to read to me about 'em a lot! And when Adventurers like Geir and Mira come, they tell me lotsa stories!" He pointed at himself. "People from this world, like me and Dad, can be Heroes too! But sometimes, if there ain't enough, Kings and Queens and sometimes even the Divine Spirits have to find people from other worlds and call them over. They're called Summoned Heroes!" Now he held up a second finger. "But whether you're Summoned or not, you might also be Chosen! A person can only be a Chosen Hero if they're specifically blessed and guided by a Spirit, or if they're mentioned in properties...no, wait, pharmacies...no. Uh...Prophecies! Sometimes great sages or priests get these visions or whatever, and they write 'em down, and it's like telling what's gonna happen in the future. If you match all the stuff in there, then you're a Chosen Hero and you're destined to do whatever the Prophecy is about."

One of the chairs scooted closer in to the table, and the slender legs in front of it accidentally kicked Reuben. The boy bumped his head on the underside of the dining furniture as he moved, then pouted and pinched one of the legs. His older sister squealed and kicked out again, but he dodged it this time with a giggle before he turned back to Miiba and Scott.

"And some people, like me, they believe in Reborn Heroes. That's when a person used to be somebody else, but then they die and get re...re-ink...reinstate...aw heck, I forget the word. They die but they don't go to the Spirit World, they come back as a new baby and get to grow up all over again. A lot of people don't believe Reborn Heroes are real though, cause it sounds crazy." Reuben tapped his head and grinned. "But some of the Adventurers, they said Reborn Heroes, especially Summoned ones, just try to keep it secret all the time! They just try to pass it off as being really talented or whatever, and even if they do tell people nobody ever believes them! Although, there have been some crazy guys who try to say they used to be Heroes from a long long time ago just so other people will do what they say." He rubbed his chin, and looked even closer at the pixie and the goblin.

"But I ain't never heard of a Summoned Hero being Reborn as a Monster. That doesn't make any sense. Nobody likes Monsters cause they're bad. Heroes ain't supposed to be bad." He rocked back and forth on his rear, folding his legs underneath him Indian-style. "And if the King of Viskard, or some other important person, or a Divine Spirit, didn't Summon you guys..." He seemed to be trying his best to look intimidating, with his furrowed brow and focused gaze, but it was difficult given how small and scrawny he was. "Then who did?"
Monster Party

As Ash practiced her various moves with the spear and stone, making use of Lesser Force more than her physical body, she could feel the skill becoming more precise. It really was like having an invisible hand that could manipulate an object at a distance, but it lacked the nuance of physical sensation to give her the proper feedback. Nonetheless, practice was in the process of making perfect.

When she tried to use Mana Vision to see how her mindset affected her Meditation, however, it had the side effect of breaking the Meditation skill. It seemed she still couldn't use other skills while Meditating at the same time. Once she could see the ambient mana pixels hovering around, however, attempting to draw them in seemed to have some affect. But she could tell there was a noticeable difference. Meditation seemed like it caused the mana pixels to gather to her, almost on their own. Iron particles to a magnet. This method, however, was more like the Pygmy Drake herself using a pair of forceps to pick at each particle and bring it to her--there was a flow to it, of sorts, but it was because of the suction she was creating, not a natural or passive attraction. A drain, so to speak, on the Mana around her.

Torrent attempted to remove the elements, rather than draw them in. She used her own power to push away the vestiges of everything else within her. In that space within her mouth, there was the air she breathed. There was the moisture from her own throat. There was what little heat her cold blooded body retained. She willed it away--of course, matter and energy couldn't be destroyed, but in a miniscule place within her maw, she pushed everything else to the side to create an emptiness. And she wanted to push her own mana into that emptiness...but then, that would make it something instead of nothing, wouldn't it?

And...it turned out to be almost impossible. When she tried to push her will into the void, she found that doing so meant she couldn't keep the rest of the energy from flowing back in. She could feel the mana, those different elements she had already worked with. Keeping them away from the void took all of her concentration and energy. But, the longer she did that, and the further away she pushed everything...the bigger that ball of nothing became...

When she opened her mouth, she exposed the Void to the Outside, and the Outside was Not Void. Logically, like water flowing into an empty glass, the Outside should have filled the vacuum inside. But Torrent was pushing everything away. Yet those two forces--Nothing and Something--still wanted to be together, to reach equilibrium. So in order to do that, the Void went Outside.

A dark ripple, like the world's most rancid burp yet with no smell whatsoever, floated out of Torrent's mouth like moths out of an empty wallet. It lingered in the air in front of her for just a moment...then collapsed with a sharp pop, because it simply could not keep the Outside at bay.

But it was a start.

You used Magic Analysis II!
This spell is of the Shadow element, and seems to take the shape of a spherical void that, upon release, is attracted to the closest sources of other elements along the path of least resistance. Once it makes contact, however, the spell collapses in on itself. It is still incomplete.

Meanwhile, Oberon did a great deal of thinking, as usual. And his in-depth, personal studies of magic seemed to be paying off thus far. Repeating his attempts with shaping a Fireball, this time the method felt much smoother and more natural. When he compressed it, the fire still wanted to move, it didn't want to hold still. The end result was that the elongated shape also caused the flames to spiral in a circle around an invisible "rod" or spear making up the body. When the Sprite compressed this, the spiral grew tighter and spun faster. The spell might have been called a Lance, but it had almost a drill-like quality. And the flames grew brighter, and hotter, their edges turning yellow and their innards white, with sparks of orange and red only crackling here and there. He took aim and let fly, and the bolt moved much faster than a normal fireball. When it struck the stream, the water immediately spat and hissed, boiling and steaming in an almost explosive fashion simply because its evaporation couldn't match the speed of its expansion.

Skill Gain: Flame Lance I (0.7 > 1.0)!
Deal Piercing and Fire Damage. This spell costs significantly more MP than Fireball, but moves at a much faster speed. It doesn't have any area of effect, and also doesn't inflict burns due to the speed at which wounds are cauterized. It may, however, weaken a target's defenses.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 9! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 8

Current Skills:
Minor Heal III (3.0125)
Lesser Flight III (3.1)
Shield IV (4.03875)
Magic Analysis IV (4.4575)
Mana Orb II (2.775)
Mana Shape II (2.975)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.6)
Alert I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.65)
Meditation III (3.08875)
Light Ring I (1.3)
Gather Light I (1.9)
Fireball I (1.85)
Plant Analysis I (1.0)
Material Analysis I (1.0)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.25)
Overwork I (1.8)
Keen Sight (1.1)
Minor Heal All I (1.0)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.35)
Mental Resistance II (2.3)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Faster I (1.0)
Aqua Sphere I (1.05)
Wind Break I (1.05)
Wall I (1.0)
Flame Lance I (1.0)
Charisma (0.9)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Mana Drain (0.3)
Stronger (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Air Read (0.3)
Mana Control (0.1)
Wind Resistance (0.1)
Ice Spike (0.4)
Gravity Well (0.1)

Error. System is already tracking progress for Quest: Fashion 8 Prayer Beads.

You used [Analysis]!
---Round Quartz---
A small pebble made from quartz. It was probably a larger crystal originally, but the wear and tear of time have worn down its edges and corners. It is now somewhat round. Compared to other stones of this type, one could say it is of Good Quality. It is surprisingly hard to crack, break, or scratch.

Digbie extended both hands, and sought to use Soil Manipulation...but in both hands, effectively trying to cast the same spell twice. He felt this normally less cost-intensive spell suddenly eat a decent chunk out of his mana, but whereas casting two completely different spells hadn't worked out well thus far it seemed like trying to layer the same spell was much easier even if that Dual Cast skill hadn't triggered yet. A 5 foot cone of ground in front of him rippled and rolled under his magic, turning up stone and soil that had been layered over time. Some of the stones he could tell were from the stream bank, perhaps moved by floods or left in place as the water shifted over time. Many of these, therefore, were much smoother than the rough and sharp gravel pieces he found.

Four stones in particular looked promising. There were two Hard Stones, not quite circular and much too big to be a bead, but maybe he could use them to wear down other stones. There were also two Shiny Stones--they seemed to be made of natural minerals of some kind, nothing super valuable like gemstones or metal, but shiny like marbles. One was white with an orange and brown streak through it, while the other was a pleasant shade of blue. They still weren't quite smooth or circular enough. The last stone, and the only one of the right shape and size to be a bead, was a Smooth Stone a little like the one Ash had found in the Giant Rat's maw, but smaller.

PixieSlime Party

You used Source Crystal Shard!
---Zieglar Blackgate---
Elite Human Male, Knight Templar
All Stats are Far Superior to your own.
Possesses Combat Skills Including but Not Limited To: Slash, Skewer, Cleave, Defender, Blade Charge, Physical Conditioning, Sword Air, Smash, Counter, Skill Release...
Possesses Spell Skills Including but Not Limited To: Minor Heal, Shield, Mana Shape, Mana Orb, Spiritual Awareness, Guidance, Inspire, Holy Strike, Sword Wave, Lesser Status Heal...
Possesses Equipment Including but Not Limited To: Fluted Steel Plate Armor, Iron Maille, Gatekeeper's Kite Shield, Steel Half-Sword, Iron Flanged Mace, Steel Kidney Dagger, Arming Doublet, Wool Hosen, Cotton Shirt, Cotton Loincloth...
---Charge Empty---

You have no MP remaining! You cannot recharge the Source Crystal Charge at this time.

Skill Gain: Lesser Cleanse I (0.7>1.0)!
Refine and purify your own positively charged mana before releasing it to counteract negatively charged mana. Certain non-physical status effects like Curse may be dispelled by this spell, but things like Poison may only be reduced. This spell may also serve to neutralize negative mana build up in an area, such as cleansing a grave to prevent an Undead rising. However, at this rank only small areas can be cleansed, and only a small amount of negative mana can be neutralized. The greater the area, or the density, the less effective this spell will be.

Skill Gain: Alert I (0.9>1.0)!
Though this skill is limited by the strength of your senses, and does not sharpen your senses on its own, it allows you to become more aware of your surroundings. Without conscious effort, you will pick up on signs in your environment more easily, especially if they present some form of danger to you. Essentially this is an anti-ambush skill.

Skill Gain: Mana Strike (0.9>1.0)!
Infuse a physical attack with non-elemental Magic to increase its damage. The attack's physical type of damage is unaffected, but Magic damage is simply added. Thus a creature with Slash Resistance would still take the Magic Damage if this Skill were used with a sword. Like Mana Orb, this technique is malleable and often a starting point for other forms of enchanting skills.

When Ardur related his vision of the figures and the Sun, Zieglar's expression grew more intense. The knight lifted one gauntlet to his face in what seemed to be a thinking pose, but the fact that it hid some of his features made his emotions hard to read.

"Gods, you say...I assume you mean Divine Spirits? The Mother would be Claidheamh, an ancient Sun Spirit from the Shiri people...though their island is far across the kingdom, to the east. The "king," if you really want to call him that, is Dhulfiqar, a barbaric blood-drinking Sun Spirit whose following is limited to the deserts of Ashyra to the south. The Guardian, the one who protects, the one who brings growth and life. That is Galatine. He is also the patron of my order, and widely revered all across Viskard."

After that, he and Trent both gave their full attention to the two speaking monsters. Every so often they would exchange glances. Quite a few times the boy started to say something, only for his mentor to hold up a hand for silence. When both the Amorphous Slime and the Hipixie had finished speaking, Zieglar looked at Trent and made a subtle motion with his head, as if gesturing for the boy to step back. It seemed a notable shift--up until this point, whether in fighting the bugbear or deciding on the next course of action, the adult and fully-fledged Knight had stayed in the background and barely even offered advice. Now, however, he stood at the fore as he spoke to the four monsters.

"Right then. It's clear to me that you two, and that Poltergeist we met before, as well as any other "smart monsters" who are, or used to be, in that cave, are far from normal. And, if this talk of "other worlds" and "reborn humans" has any weight to it...it means that something very grave is happening. Something that will have far reaching, dangerous consequences, for all of us--Monsters and Men alike." The man pointed to the east. "An old friend of mine has a homestead in these woods. It is fortified, and quite safe. There is food and drink there, and we will be able to send a message from there to others who may be able to help get to the bottom of this. What say you?" He extended a hand to Asura and Ardur, though due to the obvious size and shape difference it seemed less for a handshake and more just a gesture that he would have shaken hands were it possible. "Will you come with us, so that we can continue this discussion, and perhaps help you, somewhere away from these woods and this Dungeon?"

Rat Party

Ed chose discretion as the better part of valor, and picked the darkest hiding place he could find. He expected the bandits to actually come into the barrow, and use it like he and his pack had for shelter...but as time went on, it seemed that wouldn't be the case. They apparently intended to either hide along the side of the barrow or in the grass and ditches along the road, for whatever reason. But how long would they stay here? How much traffic could this road be expected to have?

You used Plant Analysis I!
---Hyrmr Thorns---
A deciduous, woody plant with sweet tasting sap. This sap, when harvested then dried and crumbled, is often used as a spice and has a strong scent. It also has properties that cure many types of infections and can even kill fungus. When burned as an incense it repels insects.
---Sacias Bark---
An evergreen tree that has a strong smell due to a chemical concentrated in its bark. Often shredded for use as a spice. The bark itself can also be eaten but is thick, tough, and has a rough texture. While its strong flavor is useful in cooking, it has limited medicinal uses.
---Esina Flowers---
A flowering plant that also produces small fruits, and is very attractive to insects. The seedbuds at the base of the flower stems can be ground up to produce a pleasant smelling but bitter tasting spice often added to deserts to balance out oversweetening. It can also be fermented, though it takes enormous amounts to make anything close to normal liquor amounts of drink.

You used Monster Analysis I!
---Human Blood---
The blood of a human. Necessary for many bodily functions, responsible for carrying both nutrients and oxygen through the anatomy. Very high Mana conductivity, rich in protein.
---Embalming Mixture---
A mixture of bodily fluids, various spices, and other chemicals. Seems to have drained from the last body placed on this table.

As Asteria dripped a single droplet of her blood, tingling with mana, into the basin and scattered the cone over it...nothing happened. Save the static-y feeling of magic in her bloodstream, that is. But that soon died away without leaving much visible effect.

However...even without using Mana Sense, or Alert, the Dire Rat suddenly had that hair raising, goosepimpling, blood chilling, cold sweating, shivering feeling...that something was watching her.
Ghost Party

Though it seemed no crafting or potion mixing skill had activated for Jason yet, mixing the strange buds from the sour-smelling plant with the water turned it a slight shade of minty green, diluting the smell until it was almost pleasant. Trying to infuse it with his own Mana caused the water to sparkle ever so slightly, but maybe that was just it reflecting the light of his aura. It soon stopped when he handed the gourd to Danny.

When the Ecto Slime buried himself in the ground--an easy task considering how seemingly intangible he was, although he couldn't use Transparency to fade all the way--he began to meditate. But he had already drained bits of Mana from Danny repeatedly, and drained the goblins, and filled his "stores" up multiple times to the point of receiving that Extra MP notice from the System. He was almost starting to feel "full," although being low on Mana wasn't anything like that ravenous hunger he had experienced before...

Mana Density increased.

He grasped at the earth, briefly activating ghost touch before resuming his meditation. He wanted to remember, to visualize, to imagine the feelings of touching the dirt once more. The sensation of soil on skin--or slime--and the vibrations passing through solid rock and loose dirt.

Down here under the ground, it was dark save for his soul sight. And even that could be forgotten if he wasn't thinking about it. As he meditated, calm and quiet, the darkness seemed to grow deeper. He was going...deeper...down...Like drifting off into sleep without realizing you were nodding off...

So, alone in the depths of the earth as he now found himself, it wasn’t quite clear to Jason when he started hearing things. Or if he heard anything at all. Or if it was really all in his head, a paranoid over-imagination...

β€œWhat is the Earth? Why pray to an Earth god? Why seek its stalwart strength?”

Meanwhile, Danny formed himself a Mana Orb and began thinking of a way to transform the raw magic into a fire ball. When Jason healed him before digging himself into a hole, the Poltergeist felt some of his HP trickle back. He examined the strange mixture of flowerbuds and water with a curious eye.

Current Status:
You are Hungry.
Your thirst is Quenched.
You are Somewhat Tired.
Your HP is around half.
Your MP is Full.
Your Stamina is getting lower.
You are Fine.

You used Plant Analysis I! You used Magic Analysis I!
---Kilm Tea---
Made from mixing Kilm Blossoms with regular water, this tea inherits pain killing and anti-inflammatory properties from the plant. This particular dose wasn't made with any particular skill and hasn't been heated, so it's rather thick and has a very bitter flavor.

And once again, Jason stole some of his mana. He had to meditate to restore it, and then returned to his experiments. He concentrated, and cast his mind back to more peaceful days--hotdogs over an open fire, on a sunny afternoon...

"Raising the heat of the flames..." The Mana Orb began to crackle as if it were a flame already, but its color and texture did not change, nor did its size. "...so that I can burn the target of this attack to cinders." Danny could feel heat beginning to rise between his palms. The Mana Orb began to lose cohesion, but it wasn't getting weaker. It was becoming more...energetic. "Ignite, Fireball!"

The Mana Orb suddenly turned red. There was a sharp snap, and the orb burst apart with a cloud of embers. The spell wasn't quite complete, but Danny could feel it--he was close to a breakthrough! The embers landed on his little pile of wood and grass, and there were enough of them that soon smoke began to curl up from the kindling. But if Danny didn't do something to help the smoldering flames along, they might soon go out...

Deep Forest

Nira floated to one side, allowing the unfortunate other Pixie to tumble past her. As Femus shrank back into the leaves up above, his attacker was stunned for several moments...and by the time it recovered, it was falling fast enough that it couldn't get its wings turned the right way...and it tried to twist its body but didn't have the time--!

The crunch on the forest floor signaled the end of the thieving Pixie's life, and its mangled body twitched only once before going still.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 5! Your Max MP has increased! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Monster Analysis I (1.3)
Mana Orb II (2.325)
Lesser Force I (1.3)
Levitation (--)
Meditate I (1.6)
Magic Analysis I (1.55)
Shield (0.6)
Suppress Presence (0.7)
Alert (0.6)
Faster (0.3)
Harder (0.1)
Soil Manipulation(0.1)
Mana Shape (0.8)
Mana Control (0.6)
Muffle (0.3)
Stealth Kill (0.1)
Charisma (0.3)
Mana Drain (0.5)
Iron Gullet (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.4)
Keen Smell (0.1)
Mana Dart (0.1)
Mana Burst (0.1)
Shock Round (0.5)
Fireball (0.1)
Plant Analysis (0.2)
Crafting (0.2)
Keen Sight (0.1)
Wisp Flash (0.1)

YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.

OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability):
***(Adult) Wisp - More magical manifestation than biological creatures, Wisps nonetheless possess physical bodies. Their ability to cast spells from range makes them a foe that should not be underestimated by the novice. Wisps are magically oriented monsters, normally possessing two spells.
  • Slight increase to all Base Stats
  • Increase HP
  • Increase Potential

*(Immature) Poltergeist - This monster is still fueled by Magic, but its hold on the physical world has become stronger. Though its chubby, infantile body isn't particularly large, its grasping limbs, levitation ability, and its manipulation magic make it quite the prankster. However, its defensive abilities don't grow as fast as some other species. For the already physically frail mage-types, this can be a dangerous weakness.
  • Gain Arms w/Hands, Legs w/Feet, Head w/Eyes and Mouth
  • Increase base power-stats (reduced)
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)

***(Immature) Mana Spirit - A straightforward transformation for the Wisp, increasing their mastery over the fundamental spells that they use for their base interactions. At the same time, their physical body becomes more unstable. Rather than saying the body is weaker, it is more like...the fundamental self becomes more subject to change. Many mistake these creatures for true Spirit-type Undead, or Ghosts, due to their appearance.
  • Increase base Magic stats.
  • Increase Lesser Force (reduced)
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)

(Immature) Slime Mage - An unusual transformation for a Wisp. Their spherical body swells almost grotesquely, and they develop a slimy membrane as their former body dissolves. Slimes are normally of limited intelligence, but every so often one somehow learns magic. With its poor magic stats its casts are limited in number, but few expect a Slime to have such abilities. Having transformed from a Wisp instead, however, a Slime Mage's magic might be much more effective.
  • Increase all base Defense Stats
  • Increase Mana Orb (reduced)
  • Increase Shield (reduced)

Meanwhile, Nira slowly approached the other wild Pixie, which peered at her from behind a leaf. Why had it become suddenly shy?

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The Pixie tilted its head at her with wide eyes. Slowly, it opened its mouth.

"Caaaaahnyeeew? Kahn yeew?" It worked its lips several times, making gibberish sounds, then clapped its hands over its cheeks and laughed. It fluttered out towards Nira again and gestured at her, apparently listening intently for other words she might say. It seemed highly unlikely it had ever seen a fellow Pixie speak any kind of language before. Even if it couldn't understand, though, it recognized these sounds as some form of communication--maybe because it had seen or heard Goblins talking in their raucous voices. So now what would Nira do? Could she possibly teach this Pixie to talk, so that they could finally communicate?

Did she want to do that, considering how mischievous the creature seemed to be?

Skill Gain: Charisma I (0.9>1.0)!
Your personality is almost a magical charm unto itself. You’ll have greater luck convincing others to go along with your suggestions, but only within their own natural reasoning. This skill may not work on those with stronger Wills.

"Hey, don't feel so down. Everybody starts somewhere." Lear said as he noticed Miiba's ears droop. "And you've still got a big head start on lots of other goblins. If you really were the first goblin hero," the big man grinned and patted her head, "Then I guess I'd be famous too for taking you in, huh? Ha!" The farmer smiled as Miiba became excited about the possibility of Scott being her friend. But the three talked a little more as the gate closed behind them, and they approached the house.

"Yeah, I plan to tell them, Scott." Lear said. "Mira's a smart cookie with proper Mage training, she might be able to figure out more of this mystery than I can. And I've gotta report this to the Guild--I'll try not to throw you guys under the ox-cart, but the fact that someone tried to perform a World Summoning means something big has to be afoot."

They entered the farmhouse to find Gwyn and the children gathered near the fire, with Geir and Mira patrolling near the windows with grim faces. When they saw Lear, everyone breathed a sigh of relief--until they saw Scott behind him.

"Sir, a Pixie followed you in. I've got it." Gier said, almost lackadasically as he grabbed a piece of firewood and held it like one might hold a rolled up newspaper to swat a fly...

"I'm aware. His name is Scott and he's like Miiba." The farmer held up one broad hand. The two Adventurers' jaws dropped, and the other family members looked confused and, in the eldest girl's case, a little scared. Reuben poked his head out from behind his mother's skirts to look at the Pixie with curiosity.

"Oh, great. More Demonspawn, then? That would explain why a mountain blew up." Geir growled. "Probably out here trying to breed itself an army..."

"No. From what they've both told me, I think they were Summoned here." At these words from Lear, Mirabelle's jaw dropped even further and she almost lost her glasses when she tried to adjust them with shaking fingers.

"Summoned? You mean, they're someone's Familiars or Tamed Beasts? Or..."

"No. I think it was a World Summoning...except their souls didn't end up in the right bodies." Lear held out his arm, and for the first time Miiba and Scott found their attention drawn to the kitchen, where a large white hawk had made himself a perch on top of one of the cabinets. The bird flew to the farmer with a trained precision and held out one leg, upon which a letter was already tied.

"I, I reported the explosion, and th-the general state of affairs." Mira stammered out. "I, uh, mentioned that we had captured an unusual Goblin that needed to be studied, but I didn't write anything about her...having a name...or any of that story she told us."

"Well, sit down and get some more parchment. We'll need to send another report." Lear motioned for Scott and Miiba to make themselves comfortable, while he plopped down in one of the heavy wooden chairs around the dining table and yawned. After several moments, as the others gathered around, he began to recount Scott and Miiba's shared tales and his speculation on what it might mean...

"Psst...hey! Psst!" Reuben poked Miiba and Scott in the back, leaning out from under the table and then disappearing like...well, like a child hiding under the table while the adults talked about important things. "If you guys got Summoned here, does that mean you're Heroes? Are you the Chosen Kind? Or the Re, reee...rebornded kind? Didja get to talk to the King?" The rapscallion's eyes glittered with interest.

Deep Forest

When Nira called for Femus to do something, her companion suddenly turned to look at her with an expression of shock. This was probably the first time it had ever heard a fellow Pixie speak anything like an actual intelligible language. It was so shocked, in fact, that it forgot it had to make the tilt and fly upward to continue pursuing the thief. With a soft thump, it hit the older Kao tree back first, then went for a short tumble through the branches.

Up above, the thieving fairy looked back over its shoulder to laugh at its clumsy pursuers--and then, its hair was painfully grabbed. The creature let out a yelp, just before Femus's Lesser Force slammed into its groin. The high pitched squeal it let out seemed to indicate that this one was a male, though you wouldn't really be able to tell from its doll-like form...did they have pouches like lizards or something? Where even was...nevermind. Somehow, Femus actually managed to manifest his anger in a color--he didn't just flash like many Wisps would, letting his natural color shine through, but turned an actual shade of crimson! Maybe this was a natural Wisp ability...but it was the first time he had managed it on his own. Between the blow and the blinding flash, the pixie was surprised...and began to plummet towards Nira down below, just as her first pixie follower was emerging from the leaves of the tree, still staring at her in surprise...

Ghost Party

As Danny searched for firewood, he mostly found only dry twigs and brown leaves on the forest floor. This was probably better anyway, considering he couldn't have hefted larger logs even if he did find them, and he had no axe with which to chop wood. He did find three larger sticks, however--two Forked Sticks and another Curved Stick. The curved stick was much like the one he already had, a decent length and width to be used as a short club or to be thrown like a boomerang, though it wouldn't likely come back. The forked sticks were roughly Y shaped, and a little longer than the curved sticks. These might be useful for crafting something, like a weapon, or propping up food once he had this fire built. Which was a question in and of itself. How would he even light what little kindling he found?

Minor Heal - This skill seems to involve attempting to use Mana to heal oneself or others somehow. Without a physical body it is difficult to stimulate natural healing energies.

Skill Gain: Air Read I (0.9 > 1.0)!
A sensory skill associated with the element of Wind. At this rank, you must remain still and activate it using MP. Using air currents around you, you will detect various objects or creatures. If there is no wind, this skill's effectiveness is vastly reduced. Depending on the strength of the wind or the sensory input (scents, for example) this skill may reach beyond the range of your other senses.

Jason approached the strange blossom he had noticed, and tore off the sap-filled buds from the stalk. His Ghost Touch skill caused his pseudopod to manifest with a shimmering aura like blue flame, but it didn't cause the plant to burn. Grinding it in his grip, he pressed it to the wound in Danny's back. The Poltergeist would feel a numbing chill pass through his wound, but then Jason began to chant.

"Earth guide my hand. May your will merge with my own." The Ecto Slime could feel his mana flowing into Danny. "Let this blessed union of nature and soul heal this wounded body." As he stated his intent, the ghostly blue flame increased in brightness. As the sap from the flower soaked into Danny's skin he felt the pain from his wound abating. The blood flow stemmed--soon it would dry, though it might be scabbed and itchy for a while.

Skill Unlocked! Spell Chant I (1.3) is now functioning again!

But while Danny had focused on gathering sticks, and Jason had ignored the Poltergeist's request to watch the goblin, the former spear-toting greenskin came to with a moan. Rubbing his head, the goblin pushed himself to a sitting position. As soon as he saw Danny--and the glowing blue form produced by Jason--he gave a start and jumped to his feet. Staggering like a drunk, the spear goblin turned to attempt to run into the bushes, leaving behind both his weapon and the corpse of his companion--!

Rat Party

Creeping quietly down the other side of the burial mound, Ed was able to avoid raising any alarms. The creatures were gathered up along the stone walls forming the burial mound's base, and against the flat face of its entrance they wouldn't see him unless they peeked around the corner. He could just barely see the tip of a snout and the hem of a cloak around said corner himself, thanks to the difference in elevation...

You used Monster Analysis I!
Small, reptilian creatures with odd primate characteristics like upright spines and grasping limbs. Quite similar to Goblins, often competing with them for the same territories and resources.
You aren't sure what this creature is. Its voice and manner of speaking, as well as its height, suggests a Goblin...but isn't its build a little too broad or tall for that?
---Analysis Complete!---

The Ratman safely made it inside, just as Asteria was investigating a golden coin on the ground.

You sense a faint, earthy Mana from this coin. It was not made by the coin itself, which has little Mana but seems to conduct it naturally.

Skill Rank Up: Muffle I > Muffle II (1.95 > 2.0)!
You are now even more effective at remaining unseen passively. Activating this skill by using Stamina will noticeably reduce, but not eliminate, the sounds of your movement.

Perhaps that meant the Mana trail was left from whoever--or whatever--had left the coin here? But...how did it get in and out of the barrow without triggering the Rats' Alarm skill? Was it just that sneaky? Or...?

Mother Rat nudged Asteria as if to draw her attention to Ed's entrance. She couldn't see far enough outside the doorway from where she was for her Analysis to trigger correctly, the System gave her an error message. Then the larger rat scurried over towards one of the darker corners of the room, no doubt seeking a place to hide. Based on what Ed had seen, it was likely that these bandits were just going to wait here until an unlucky target, perhaps a trader or lone traveler, came up the road from that lakeside town, or else from that village out in the plains...

PixieSlime Party

The knight let out a boisterous guffaw, and grinned at Asura before he answered.

"Indeed! Lectured by a Slime--have you ever heard the like, Squire?" The knight crossed his arms, taking them away from his weapon for the time being. "Well met, Asura. Forgive my assumption that you would not be well mannered. It's not often I meet creatures such as yourselves. I am a Templar, Zieglar of House Blackgate, and this is my Squire, Trent Bondeman of Bloominfield Village." The boy bowed at the mention of his name, but the movement jerked as he realized halfway through he was showing respect to monsters. He gave his mentor a confused look. But the knight had now turned his attention to the Hipixie, which was giving orders to its tamed spider.

β€œI am Ardur the Mighty, I serve the sun. Tell me what is your interest in Rattleskull?” Trent and Zeiglar looked at each other, some unspoken communication passing between them. The knight turned back to Ardur and seemed to take note of how intensely the Hipixie was staring at both of them.

You used Material Analysis I!
---Light Gambeson (Well-Made)---
A padded defensive jacket, worn separately, or combined with armor. It also doubles as a winter coat for wearers. Produced with a sewing technique called quilting. Usually constructed of linen or wool.
---Breeches (Average)---
Clothing covering the legs, usually stopping just below the knee, though in some cases reaching to the ankles. Normally closed and fastened about the leg, along its open seams at varied lengths, and to the knee, by either buttons or by a drawstring, or by one or more straps and buckle or brooches.
---Leather Gloves (Worn)---
A garment covering the whole hand. Gloves usually have separate sheaths or openings for each finger and the thumb.
---Leather Boots (Worn)---
A type of footwear and a specific type of shoe. Most boots mainly cover the foot and the ankle, while some also cover some part of the lower calf. Some boots extend up the leg, sometimes as far as the knee or even the hip.
---Thick Patched Cloak (Repaired, Heavily Worn)---
A loose garment worn over clothing that serves the same purpose as an overcoat; it protects the wearer from the cold, rain or wind for example, or it may form part of a fashionable outfit or uniform. Many climates favor wearing a full-body garment which is easily removed and does not constrain the wearer with sleeves.
---Leather Targe (Above Average)---
A smaller concave shield fitted with straps on the inside, one adjustable by a buckle, to be attached to the forearm, and the other fixed as a grip for the left hand. This one is fashioned from hardwood and covered with padded leather.
---Iron Arming Sword (Average)---
A straight, double-edged weapon with a single-handed, cross-shaped hilt and a blade length of about 70 to 80 centimetres (28 to 31 in). Possibly divided into further subtypes based on blade shape, taper, cross-section, and other factors. This one is fashioned with a larger ratio of iron; technically it is made of "steel," but lower in quality.
---Fluted Steel Plate Armor (Excellent Quality, Repaired, Enchanted, Full Set)
Armor made from iron or steel plates, which overlap in various pieces. A fully assembled suit will cover almost the entire body. Contrary to what one might think, properly fitted armor is not heavy at all, and allows the user full range and speed of movement. Fluted plate is not only decorative, but also reinforces the plate against bending under slashing or blunt impact. This offsets against the tendency for flutes to catch piercing blows. This armor seems to have some sort of magic cast upon it. You will need to Analyze this Item more closely to learn information on each Piece of the Set.
---Iron Maille (Well-Made, Enchanted)---
A type of armor consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. Some call it "chain mail," but this is redundant in most cases. A better identifier would be the metal from which the rings are fashioned. Greatly reduces slashing damage. This armor seems to have some sort of magic cast upon it.
---Gatekeeper's Kite Shield (Excellent Quality, Repaired)---
A large, almond-shaped shield rounded at the top and curving down to a point or rounded point at the bottom. At least three feet high, it is constructed of laminated wood, stretched animal hide, and iron components. This one bears the banner of House Blackgate.
---Steel Half-Sword (Excellent Quality, Enchanted, Enhanced)---
A sword with a blade length equivalent to that of an Arming Sword and a similar style of guard, but a grip that is long enough to be used with either one or both hands. Sometimes called a "bastard" sword, especially the more its style differs from the traditional blades. This one is made from good steel. This weapon has been treated with some material to enhance its attributes, and has had some sort of magic cast upon it.
---Iron Flanged Mace (Well-Made Quality)---
A type of club that uses a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver powerful blows. The head of a military mace can be shaped with flanges or knobs to allow greater penetration of plate armour. The length of maces can vary considerably. This mace is made of lower quality steel with a higher iron content. It is quite heavy.
---Steel Kidney Dagger (Above Average Quality)---
A type of dagger with a distinctively shaped hilt, with two oval swellings at the guard. Those who are less proper may also call this type of knife a "bollocks" or "ball" dagger. The guard is often in one piece with the wooden grip, and reinforced on top with a shaped metal washer. Carried as a last resort in battle, but sometimes considered a part of the belt and codpiece worn for status.
---Analysis Complete!---

You are experiencing a Fast Rate of Skill Progression.

LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 7! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points: 5

Current Skills:
Shield II (2.225)
Lesser Flight III (2.325)
Minor Heal III (3.6875)
Physical Conditioning I (1.0) <CANNOT INCREASE WITH SKILL POINTS>
Fire Resistance I (1.4)
Taming I (1.85)
Fireball I (1.7)
Stronger II (2.2)
Crafting II (2.0)
Muffle I (1.3)
Inspire I (1.15)
Guidance I (1.6)
Spell Chant I (1.2)
Use Light Equipment (--)
Meditate I (1.2)
Point Strike I (1.1)
Monster Analysis I (1.4)
Keen Sight I (1.1)
Material Analysis I (1.7)
Keen Ear (0.3)
Alchemy (0.5)
Faster (0.6)
Magic Analysis (0.7)
Mana Orb (0.15)
Focus (0.6)
Throw Voice (0.1)
Mana Strike (0.9)
Charisma (0.4)
Soothe Song (0.7)
Harder (0.1)
Alert (0.9)
Reinforce (0.7)
Throw Item (0.5)
Stone Shot (0.6)
Iron Gullet (0.5)
Soil Manipulation (0.3)
Material Analysis (0.8)
Rabid Fit (0.5)
Lesser Cleanse (0.7)
Fire Fist (0.2)
Magic Resistance (0.3)
Minor Regeneration (0.1)
Flame Aura (0.1)
Warcry (0.1)
Immolation (0.05)
Spiritual Awareness (0.4)
Overwork (0.1)
Lucid Dream (0.1)
Blood Drain (0.1)
Dextrous (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Mana Drain (0.1)
Mental Resistance (0.2)

"The sun, eh? And just how does a Hipixie come to follow the likes of my Lord Galatine?" As Zieglar spoke that name, it sounded strange...but only to Ardur's ears. As he looked up at the knight, the fey reincarnate found himself distracted for just a moment. Then the knight shifted his weight subtly, causing a glimmer of sunlight to reflect from his armor. As Ardur blinked, the moment broke. It had lasted less than a second, and the knight was still speaking...

"But, nonetheless...Rattleskull, eh? And you, Asura, said you understood the Bugbear?" Zieglar turned his head to look at the puddled red slime. Trent walked over to stand by his teacher, but the boy was beginning to look less wary and more curious by the moment. He stared especially hard at Asura and Momma Slime, as if comparing the two. "Sorry, no need to answer--I'm thinking to myself. Allow me a moment." The knight cleared his throat, then began his tale anew.

"Rattleskull, if I am not mistaken, is also a Bugbear from this area. Though our last reports would indicate he was stronger than this one here." Zieglar pointed to Bear-Ate's corpse. "In the cave not too far from here, there was a tribe of Goblins. Between their natural predators, conflict with other tribes, and the general difficulty of survival out here in the wilderness, they usually weren't too much trouble. But, Rattleskull proved to be one of those Goblins who survive long enough to Transform into a stronger Monster." Zieglar's eyebrow quirked momentarily. His eyes shifted back from Asura to Ardur. "There are Humans called Adventurers who often come this way. To keep Monsters--no offense, I suppose--away from Human settlements, they make sure the Goblin tribes don't become too powerful. Rattleskull's tribe had been whittled down quite a bit despite his leadership...then, we had reports from a hunter traveling through the area that he and his Goblins were making camp outside of the cave. My Squire took on a request from the Adventurer's Guild to find out what Rattleskull was up to. If the Goblins were leaving the cave to go join another tribe or migrate, all the better so long as they don't come closer to town."

"And if they were preparing for a raid," Trent broke in, "I could bring warning and help everyone get prepared, or even bring out a suppression force before the Goblins got ready."

"And instead, we found that the Cave had been Transformed as well. When magic energy and other things change a place like that, make it more dangerous, we call it a Dungeon." Zieglar leaned in, looming over the party with a glint in his eye. "So, Ardur the unusual Mighty Hipixie, and Asura the unusual Amorphous Slime. How much of this did you already know?"

Monster Party

During the night, Ash observed the shape of the Mana Slice spell. When the spell began to take shape, she noted that for an instant it looked exactly like a Mana Orb. But as the crackling energy blossomed from her paw and took on its blade-like shape, a cube-like particle took its place at the center just like when she had adjusted the density of the original orb. But rather than form a second-rank Mana Orb, the Mana Slice caused two of the oscilating lines to attach to the "nucleus" particle. And these lines began to vibrate, faster and faster. The orbiting cloud of particles all began to shift along those lines, instead of floating freely like they did in the Mana Orb. The effect appeared somewhat like that of a chain-saw--perhaps that, and the increased density, explained the Mana Slice's ability to cut into objects?

She then formed Poison Splash, and took note of its magical structure that she had created before. Pulling the purple, pixellated atom into the center of the spell, the first difference she noticed was that the change in density was different compared to the Mana Orb. That spell shrank, as if it were being compressed. The Poison Splash, however, became...droopy? Almost like a semi-solid, or perhaps liquid mercury. It wanted to roll and flow, and didn't seem to float so well anymore. And when she tried to make it form the shape of a Mana Slice, it wouldn't "stick," it always just returned to its droopy state. Maybe she just needed to adjust the shape? Or perhaps creating a cutting force with Poison Mana would require a different structure compared to "normal" Mana?

Oberon used Magic Analysis as Ash formed the Poison Spell, as well as on the Pygmy Drake herself. Her eyes had begun to glow--was that a different skill or spell?

You used Magic Analysis IV!
---Poison Splash I---
Much like other elemental spells collecting trace elements, surrounding impurities and toxins are synthesized with Mana as a catalyst to produce this sphere of liquid poison. A creature capable of and familiar with producing poison within its own body might also use this spell to increase production without biological fuel, essentially substituting Magic Power for Stamina. Its nature as a poison causes severe nausea, vomiting, and caustic tissue damage. Upon impact, it splashes for a small Area of Effect. It may poison an organic target, and deals corrosive damage to most objects. If a target ingests the poison, the amount of damage it inflicts is roughly the same but the chance to inflict Poison damage over time rises greatly. If diluted with water or contaminated with other elements, especially earth, the poison's effectiveness can be greatly reduced. Attempting to burn the poison may cause volatile reactions.
Stunted, pesky cousins of greater drake species, the Pygmy Drake has a poisonous stinger on its tail rather than a breath weapon and glides more than it flies. Nonetheless it is somewhat clever, and mages sometimes keep it the way someone might keep a pet bird. They are more magically inclined than some other low ranking reptile species. You know this Pygmy Drake as Ash, a fellow Reincarnator. Ash has a number of Spell Skills and other magically oriented abilities, including Lesser Force, Magic Analysis, Meditate, Tremor Sense, Mana Orb, Shield, Mana Slice, Mana Shape, Mental Resistance, and Minor Heal. It seems like she is developing some kind of skill or spell to sense mana, and perhaps to see it as well, and her control over her magic is much greater than before. She is also developing several other Spell Skills, most of them offensive in nature like Mana Dart or Fireball.

A Pygmy Drake, being a creature capable of flight, is somewhat vulnerable to Wind, Lightning, and Ice magics. Its scales render Metal and Earth magics slightly less effective, but the creature's defenses cannot be compared to those of a true dragon. Ash's origins as a Poisonous creature render those magics much less likely to affect her even without a Poison Resistance. Her Dragon Affinity allows her to learn magics associated with Dragons, such as breath abilities, much more easily.

Inspired by what he had seen from everyone else, Oberon set to one more experiment before he turned in for the night. Like Torrent, he decided to attempt Shadow Magic--and, though he hadn't seen what happened to the Lesserwurm, he experienced a similar fate. When he tried to draw in the shadows, even while standing in the darkest corners, there was a moment where he felt like it was working. A great pressure began to build within his outstretched hands. But when he tried to harness the shadows themselves...

An unknown spell attempting to draw in everything in the surroundings. You are attempting Shadow Magic but this is not Shadow Magic. Warning, this spellcraft is unstable--

It felt like his eardrums burst and his throat spasmed all at once, as if he had tried to belch and breathe at the same time. He felt a strange resonation within his Mana, like a shortage in an electrical circuit. This seemed rather dangerous...and would require some thinking. What exactly was he doing wrong? Why was Shadow different from other elements?

Meanwhile, Torrent watched Oberon's attempt at using Shadow Magic and Analyzed him as well. She got much the same message as the Sprite had moments before he, too, was seized by some odd bodily hiccup. Had they both made the same mistake? Could they perhaps share their experiences and figure out what had gone wrong?

But, for now, rather than focus on her failure she decided to try something new. The Lesserwurm began playing with her more earth-aligned skills, perhaps unknowingly mimicking some of the spells that she had seen Digbie and Jason use at different times. Her earthen spikes, through fragile and small, held their form as they were launched up. They didn't fly very far though, and upon impacting the earth soon fell apart. They needed to be more solid, more earthen...rocks, rather than soil, perhaps. They needed more force behind them, too...what else could she adjust? Their shape? Their number? Would just trying to launch one work better than three?

You used Magic Analysis II!
---Soil Manipulation (Development)---
You are using the Soil Manipulation spell to shape earth into spikes, and attempting to launch them as an offensive spell. You have heard Digbie use a similar spell before, called Rock Spire. This Spell is now Developing.

Ash was now back in the cave. Dipping her claws into the poison and scraping them along the wall had much the desired effect, though perhaps lesser than Ash would have hoped. Still, it was obvious that just like her regular liquid poison, the magically created venom could still be used to coat a weapon, or in this case her natural blades. Her claws still couldn't cut stone yet--she felt they were like a very large, very angry housecat, or perhaps a larger predator like a lynx. Good for gouging out eyes and drawing blood, but not yet capable of rending stone.

Her last experiment saw an attempt to project some form of her senses outside of her physical body using magic. With her eyes closed and her breathing steady, Ash could mentally put together an image of her surroundings, but this was solely from memory. She knew where everyone else was, based on where they had been when they laid down. She knew the shape of the cave, the position of the moon shining through the doorway, and the general look of the area. Just her imagination was enough to bring the vivid details out of the environment. Feeling the magic flowing through and around her body, however, did seem to bring these images into greater clarity. Even despite the lack of light, it seemed like everything had a soft glow...

And before she knew it she was asleep.

Torrent and Digbie both had a dream-filled night, and Oberon woke up with a very unsettling feeling in the middle of the night.

You used Magic Analysis IV! You used Monster Analysis II!
Related to dragons, but still a cold-blooded reptile, the Lesserwurm burrows through the earth and fills the enclosed spaces around its prey with poisonous fumes. Its lengthy body is quite fast and deceptively strong, and its ability to shed its skin somehow allows it to heal more quickly. You know Torrent is a Reincarnator. Torrent has lower MP than you do. Lesserwurms can use magic but aren't particularly talented at it during their lower levels. Torrent has developed several spells and magically oriented skills including Fireball, Fire Resistance, Meditate, Tremor Sense, Soil Manipulation, Magic Analysis, Mental Resistance, Spell Cancel, Wurm Breath, Aqua Stream, Fog Breath, Wind Breath, and Frost Breath. She's also developing skills like Spiritual Awareness, Spell Chant, Focus, Gather Light, and others. She is also developing Dragon Affinity, which makes certain types of spells like breath weapons easier for her to learn. Being an underground creature, Torrent is more susceptible to spells of Light, Water, and Metal elements but more resistant to Fire, Lightning, and Wind elements. Her natural venom also makes it much harder to poison her even without a Poison Resistance skill. A strange force surrounds her as she sleeps, but she is unharmed.
Demiblins are Goblins that have been influenced by demonic energies, often committing acts that even make their brethren pause or else have been influenced by a greater demonic being. They are roughly the same size as normal goblins but tend towards the taller and more muscular side of the average. Their skin darkens until it becomes almost ink black, and they often develop strange magical sigils on their skin. They show increased aptitude for magic. Digbie is a fellow Reincarnator like you. There is something off about him, but oh well. Digbie has gained the Stone-Hardened variance, imbuing him with powers of the Earth element. He has also gained the Mystic variance, imbuing him with powers of pure Mana. Because of his Earth Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Wind, Ice, and Metal. Because of his Mana Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Taint. Because of his Demon Affinity, Digbie has a vulnerability to Holy, but it is very low because his Demon Affinity has not yet activated. His Earth elemental spells are strong against Fire, Wind, and Wood.

Digbie has several magical skills, almost all of them associated with the Earth element, and much higher MP than usual for a Goblin--in fact, his MP is almost as high as yours. He has spells and magically oriented skills like Stone Shot, Tremor Sense, Soil Manipulation, Sacred Ground, Rock Spire, Earth Affinity, Meditate, Earth Vein, Spell Chant, Magic Analysis, Mental Resistance, Mana Orb, Shield, Mana Affinity, Earth Wall, Minor Heal, and Guidance. He's developing spells like Fire Resistance, Spiritual Awareness, and several others. The developing skill Demon Affinity will make it easier for him to learn certain types of skills and spells. A strange force surrounds him as he sleeps, but he is unharmed.


The next morning Ash rose early, and went outside to practice with her spear. Using Lesser Force to wield the weapon, after a few thrusts and swings she tried to pick up the Smooth Stone at the same time. However, doing this consumed MP much faster than usual and was clumsy, even reducing her ability to manipulate the spear. It felt as if, without the Dual Cast ability, such a thing probably wouldn't even be possible. And even then, it was like learning to become ambidextrous.

After Torrent recovered from her dream, she remained within the shelter and once again tried to draw the shadows unto herself. Once again, she pulled at the Mana around her, searching for the distinct feel of a dark aligned element...and once again, her body convulsed and her Mana shorted out with a snort and a cough.

You used Magic Analysis II!
You attempted to use Shadow Magic again, but this is not Shadow Magic. This is similar to what Oberon tried last night. You were creating an area of localized pressure by drawing in the Mana around you, but there was nothing you would recognize as a "Dark" or "Shadow" Mana. This method feels wrong.

So, she had failed twice and Oberon had failed once--all with the same method. So...what did they need to do? Trying to draw in the "darkness" wasn't working, the way that drawing in water or air and pushing it back out had. Or the way that visualizing a growing heat within the body had produced fire. Why? Was there a reason the typical elemental manipulations didn't work on Shadow specifically? What were they doing wrong?

Oberon was the next up, slaking his thirst at the stream and shivering in the early morning chill. He asked the System to show him several bits of information...

Current Skills:
Minor Heal III (3.0125)
Lesser Flight III (3.0625)
Shield IV (4.03875)
Magic Analysis IV (4.4575)
Mana Orb II (2.775)
Mana Shape II (2.9)
Lesser Status Heal (1.2)
Mana Dart I (1.6)
Alert I (1.65)
Monster Analysis II (2.625)
Meditation III (3.08875)
Light Ring I (1.3)
Gather Light I (1.9)
Fireball I (1.8)
Plant Analysis I (1.0)
Material Analysis I (1.0)
Sacred Ground I (1.0)
Mana Slice I (1.25)
Overwork I (1.8)
Keen Sight (1.1)
Minor Heal All I (1.0)
Spiritual Awareness I (1.0)
Minor Regeneration I (1.0)
Spell Chant I (1.1)
Focus I (1.35)
Mental Resistance II (2.275)
Sensory Resistance I (1.0)
Faster I (1.0)
Aqua Sphere I (1.05)
Wind Break I (1.05)
Wall I (1.0)
Faster (0.5)
Charisma (0.9)
Light Affinity (0.8)
Fire Resistance (0.2)
Spell Cancel (0.1)
Mana Puppet (0.5)
Earth Wall (0.1)
Mana Drain (0.3)
Wind Break (0.7)
Flame Lance (0.7)
Stronger (0.1)
Mana Sense (0.2)
Air Read (0.3)
Mana Control (0.1)
Wind Resistance (0.1)
Ice Spike (0.4)
Gravity Well (0.1)

EXP: 92%

Party Information:
Current Members: Ash [Pygmy Drake], Torrent [Lesserwurm], Digbie [Demiblin].
Currently all Members seem to be in Good Health.
Increase Party Bond to access more Party Information.

Digbie awakened from his own dream feeling none-too-rested, despite whatever his Status said. Gathering his things and breaking his fast with a small few morsels before he left, he went a ways down shore from the others to have some privacy. Placing the book and effigy in front of him, the little goblin clasped his hands began to pray...

"Maiden, I have fallen to the taboo, and am no longer worthy of being called your child." The morning felt very still, and quiet. No birdsong, no wind...even the stream's babble became a whisper. "Though I am only a demiblin, I wish to receive your holy guidance and blessing..." As Digbie went on, the blue morning fog seemed to be clearing out faster than usual...the golden rays of the sun raced over the mountains to the west. Warmth fell across his back like a mantle. "...to purge this taboo out of my body, for my own safety, and the strength to provide the same safety to myself and my friends."

Digbie opened his eyes...and, sitting on the bank of the stream, right there in front of him, was a white, dove-like bird. It simply stared at him, ruffling its feathers just once. And when the Demiblin finally let out a breath, the bird startled and took flight...dropping something from its beak.

A small, almost perfectly round bead of something similar to glass, but not quite. Quartz or some other mineral, perhaps? The sight of it, and perhaps this whole situation of prayer and liturgical books and praying to a holy maiden...and perhaps, something else?...brought an idea to Digbie's mind...

A Quest is yours to receive: Fashion 8 Beads of Prayer

  • Beads can be made from a number of materials: stones, clay, gems, even wood.
  • Beads should be strung along a sturdy string or rope.
  • Wearing them around the wrist or neck is the most convenient method to keep them close

Do you wish to receive this Quest? Y/N
Deep Forest

Using Fresh Tree Bark pulled from the Old Kao Tree, covering them in Fresh Kao Sap, and then wrapping them in Green Kao Leaves, Femus was able to create...something. The sticky wads of greenery would harden if he let them air dry, turning the sap into a sort of resin, but other than that...what had he really created here? He didn't receive any type of notice from the System. Still, maybe that didn't mean whatever these things were was useless. Maybe he wasn't finished crafting yet. As he slowly made his way up the tree, carefully conserving his Mana, he watched Nira and the other Pixie.

As the two made more flower crowns, Nira soon began feigning a need for naptime. The other pixie noticed this and began fluttering around the girl, before pantomiming eating food and looking at Nira expectantly. It seemed to think that maybe if she ate something she wouldn't feel tired anymore--hovering closer, it tugged at her arm for a moment.

But just then, yet another problem revealed itself. A third pixie flying by took notice of what was going on. Swooping in with a laugh, it grabbed the half-finished flower crown dangling from Nira's hand and yanked it away. Nira's "friend" gave a screech of displeasure, but the newcomer only laughed and zipped upwards--inadvertently heading towards Femus.

The pixie turned to Nira, shaking its fists and growling, and pointed after the thief. Waving for Nira to come on, the angry fairy launched into pursuit...

Monster Party

You used Material Analysis II! You used Mana Sense I! You used Magic Analysis III! You used Monster Analysis II!
---Deceased Giant Rat---
Giant Rats are rodents of such unusually large size, many people don't believe they exist. Their behaviors are virtually the same as the Dire Rat, but they often shed many of the usual "prey" behaviors of vermin due to their much greater size and strength rendering them difficult for predators to bring down. As a result they can often be quite calm, and some humans even keep them as pets. When hunting, however, they are extremely vicious. They have lost their fear as a smaller creature, and are now far less likely to retreat. They lack magical power and usually don't develop any magical abilities unless their environment is very rich in ambient energies. This particular target has no Spell Skills. It was developing Magic Resistance before its death. It was killed by a combination of blood loss, trauma-induced shock, and poison. Its fur has been badly burned in places, significantly reducing its value as a Material. Its bones, fangs, and claws are larger and stronger compared to the Dire Rat and thus make much hardier Materials. Its meat is edible, but very tough, gamey, and smelly unless prepared by a skillful cook. Extracted bile from its liver, kidneys, bladder, or stomach could make powerful poisons, due to the typical rodent's diet composition. Garbage, scavenged kills, bacteria, and all manner of things have festered inside this creature for who knows how long. The Mana you sense from this creature is quickly fading. It has a heavy presence, but otherwise nothing about it stands out.
---Giant Rat Bone Plates x3 (Average Quality)---
These three plates of bone once formed the: Sternum. Right Shoulder Blade. Left Shoulder Blade.
Though they are larger and thicker than the corresponding bones of a Dire Rat, their density has not increased quite as much. Compared to the bones of many other beast types, these are not so tough, but their size makes them easier to work with. Bone does not typically hold an edge very well, but the increased surface area of these plates would give much more material to work down to a sharper blade. They might also make worthwhile plates of armor.
---Giant Rat Bone x1 (Average Quality)---
This long bone once formed the: Forearm. The two back legs were severed, rendering them too fragile to be of use. The other forelimb splintered too much during the process of removal.
Though they are larger and thicker than the corresponding bones of a Dire Rat, their density has not increased quite as much. Compared to the bones of many other beast types, these are not so tough, but their size makes them easier to work with. Bone does not typically hold a point very well, but the length of this piece gives more material to work down to a sharp needle. It might also make a good club, though it is brittle. Because bone splinters easily, however, it is easily fashioned into needles or carved into hooks.
---Giant Rat Spine x1 (Average Quality)---
Though they are larger and thicker than the corresponding bones of a Dire Rat, their density has not increased quite as much. Compared to the bones of many other beast types, these are not so tough, but their size makes them easier to work with. Coming from a vermin, this spine has a great deal of flexibility, and in some ways acts more like a coil of rope than a bone. The individual vertebrae are smaller and not too strong, so it is difficult to carve or change their shape.
---Giant Rat Hide x2 (Poor Quality)---
Two large sections of hide. The third portion of the Pelt was too Burned to be of use.
Quite smelly, but the Giant Rat's thick fur makes these hides well insulated against the elements. If properly cured, low-quality leather could be made. Stripping the fur from the hide, however, would reduce it to clumps of short, bristly fibers too brittle to weave and too short to use as anything more than weak strings.
---Giant Rat Fang x1 (Average Quality)---
One of four larger canine teeth. The other three were too Broken to be of use.
Though they are larger and thicker than the corresponding bones of a Dire Rat, their density has not increased quite as much. Compared to the bones of many other beast types, these are not so tough, but their size makes them easier to work with. Much like even a mundane rodent species, the Giant Rat's fangs do not stop growing. Constant gnawing keeps them worn down, but also incredibly sharp. This fang would need no processing to act as the tip for some form of tool.
---Analysis Complete!---

Obtained Other Loot:
Edible Giant Rat Meat, x26 pounds - Other Meats and Internals rendered unsafe due to Poison.
1 Smooth Stone - A stone that is smooth and shiny. Found in a pouch inside the Rat's cheek, likely collected for nesting material.

EXP: 80%

As Ash began cutting into the Giant Rat's corpse with her claws, splitting its hide and exposing its guts, it seemed like this specimen might not be quite so useful as the Rubber Frog. Their battle had done quite the number on this creature. Digbie's kick and Oberon's Mana Slices had rendered its skull and back legs too damaged to be of any real use, save a few pieces here and there. Torrent and Ash's combined poisons and flames had damaged the outsides and corroded some of the insides, and while the two reptiles might have some resistance to their own venoms it probably wouldn't be safe for Oberon or Digbie to consume any of the tainted meat.

Pulling up her Experience tab, however, showed a shocking and enormous result. She had just leveled, and at that time had already been 20% closer to the next level. Since then, all she had done was distribute her Skill Points and fight the Giant Rat. And now she was more than three-quarters of the way to the next level. The Giant Rat was certainly a stronger enemy than most of those they had faced in the cave, but like the Giant Slime it hadn't been a match for a party of four significantly stronger than average creatures. Immediately before it attacked, however, using her points had caused at least 4 of her skills to rank up. Learning skills had already proven to contribute to leveling up, but what other conclusions could Ash draw from this rapid growth?

While Ash dissected their kill and Oberon questioned her about the nature of her new Poison Spell, Digbie enthusiastically began to show off all the things he had found. He also tried to show off the new skill he had been trying to develop--the key word being "tried." While trying to Dual Cast, it was difficult to focus on the two spells at once. The Mana Orb he attempted to cast in one hand kept flickering in and out like a lightbulb about to blow. With the other hand, his attempt at Soil Manipulation couldn't actually "manipulate" the soil--it just lifted it in clumps that rapidly fell apart. Still, at this point it seemed like a matter of practice.

Torrent used her newly acquired Aqua Stream spell to control the accidental forest fire, and luckily while it had quickly caught the underbrush, the flames weren't intense enough to reach up the sides of the trees. Soon, the clearing had a small expansion of soggy, blackened and charred dirt. If anything, maybe burning back some of the lower shrubs would help the trees. Though, had it been Torrent's imagination as she prayed? Or had those last dying flames cast a larger, dancing shadow among the looming woods?

The Lesserwurm thought to try one more experiment. Working off of instinct and feeling alone--which, granted, had served her very well--she tried to draw the power of darkness into her body. She imagined it forming as a sphere within her jaws, just like the Fireball...

With a sensation that could only be described as "a sneeze in reverse," the tunnelling reptile felt her breath catch. She choked and sputtered for just a moment--again, no longer than a sneeze. Her Mana, too, felt like it had tried to imitate a buzzer on a game-show. After a moment, everything stabilized. Torrent was left to shake her head and figure out what had just happened, as the sun drifted below the horizon.

While the group had the capability to light a fire, perhaps to cook their freshly acquired ingredients or just to give them light to work by, the darkness that now settled around them was a trigger to their tired bodies. The need for sleep began to nag at each one in turn, and the small opening of their shelter beckoned. Presumably, each would seek out rest in their own time...


Whenever they decided to go to sleep, it didn't take long to drift off. The party of little monsters, not quite so little anymore, had certainly had a long day full of excitement, inconvenience, adventure, terror, and many other things.

But for some of them, even sleep was not peaceful.


Digbie stood behind a horde of creatures. All of their figures were cast in shadow, black as ink. Only the gray light of their eyes, narrow under slanting brows and smoldering with anger, illuminated this empty void. Directly ahead of him, and to either side, were Goblins. They were small and scrawny...but like baby snakes, their venom flowed without restraint. Their hatred for everything that was not themselves was palpable. Digbie stood behind them. They left him, marching forward...

Up ahead, at the end of the Goblins' march, were other creatures. Digbie saw a broad back that, with a shiver, reminded him of Rattleskull. Other figures still looked like Goblins, but were taller, and their fury had become more refined. Some, despite their greater height, were hunched and even skinnier. Their fingers ended in long claws that grasped at the earth as they shuffled along like monkeys on all fours. Some had a hint of color to their inky bodies, red or blue.

And further, beyond them, were creatures the size of humans. Some were built lean, some thick, but all had considerable muscle. They wore armor and held vicious looking weapons. The light in their eyes was brighter. Some even bore horns, or spikes, or had a glowing aura that writhed across their bodies.

On and on the hordes went, growing more vast in their differences. Some were enormous, others were smaller. Some were rough, others so delicate as to seem weak. Some flew through the air, others tunneled beneath the earth. Some were fiery, and others ice-cold.

But behind Digbie, the shadows disappeared. There was light. It was warm, and welcoming...and so bright that it blinded Digbie. So bright that it was painful. And while it was warm, here at its edge, the heat grew more and more intense towards the center of this golden white blaze. If he got too close, would it burn him? Would it kill him?

Digbie could not know. Because while the shadows in front of him stretched on endlessly, taking so many different forms, in the light behind him there was nothing. Only him. If he chose to turn away, and walk on into it...

Yet the longer he stood, the further he could see into the light. And, though it was narrow--a single beam among the myriad rays from this radiant sun--he could see what might, just maybe, be a path. And at the end of that path...something small, and scrawny, but standing as tall as it could stretch...

A hand touched Digbie's shoulder. It was one of the silhouettes, another Goblin. Though faceless, it looked at Digbie...expectantly. Though its eyes glowed, their hate was not directed at him. The other Goblin gestured, and pointed towards the marching herds of creatures. It wasn't saying "come on!" or "hurry up!" Instead, it looked out over all of these various creatures, each making their own way into an unknown world...


Oberon did not dream, but more than once that night he awakened to a strange feeling. It felt as if something, perhaps someone, was inside the shelter with them. But no matter where he looked, he could see nothing against the hazy moonlit entrance of their tiny cave. Nor could he make out anything unusual in the shadows of his sleeping friends. Their breaths were slow and steady. Eventually, each time, Oberon would drift off once more...


In the Old World, shadows were...nothing. They had no mass, no true form. Shadow, darkness, was simply the absence of light. Despite all the superstition, a shadow was merely the displacement of light brought about by a body betwixt the light source and the surface upon which the shadow lay.

But in this world, in Torrent's dreams, the shadows danced. Standing next to her own sleeping form, she saw the moonlight drifting in from outside the cavern. And she saw how the shadows shrank away from it, as they circled the walls of the shelter until they had drawn up, up above her head. Looking up at them was like looking down into a dark, dark hole.

"What is the Shadow? Why pray to a Shadow goddess? Why seek its hidden gaze?"


The next day dawned in a dim fog, rolling through the forest to shroud the roots of the trees in damp gray. The birdsong was muted and sparse--in this season, it did not seem right for the breeze to chill and the mists to reach out with clammy, swirling fingers. If one looked up, over the treetops, they could even see the fogbanks literally rolling down the side of the mountain up above. Perhaps the avalanche had displaced enough snow down to the warmer climes that, as it melted, it caused this wave of unexpected moisture?

In the distance, to the north, a horn bleated just once. The sound was long and loud...and not terribly far away...

PixieSlime Party

You used Monster Analysis I!
Bugbears are an evolved form of the Goblin. Less suited to the natural cleverness or deftness of their smaller cousins, they more than make up for this with their toughness and strength. Their thick fur allows them to withstand the elements of many environments.
---Young Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with civilization, history, and culture. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Adult Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. WARNING: VERY DANGEROUS!
---Analysis Complete!---

You used Monster Analysis I!
Bugbears are an evolved form of the Goblin. Less suited to the natural cleverness or deftness of their smaller cousins, they more than make up for this with their toughness and strength. Their thick fur allows them to withstand the elements of many environments.
---Young Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with civilization, history, and culture. WARNING: DANGEROUS!
---Adult Male Human---
Humans are not technically considered Monsters. They are of the Enlightened Races, considered truly sentient. Nonetheless they are an advanced race with a fully functioning civilization, a varied history, and distinct cultures. WARNING: VERY DANGEROUS!
---Momma Slime---
You know this Adult Slime as "Momma Slime." You are very familiar with this monster. Slimes are amorphous creatures more similar to undeveloped egg yolks, yet they are able to move on their own and digest prey. Their bodies are highly resistant to physical damage and malleable. Momma Slime seems stronger than average. This monster seems to be a deviation from the norm...
You know this Tamed Oculus Spider as "Steve." You are very familiar with this monster. A low-ranking Arachnid-class Insect-type Monster. While it possesses venom, it is not that much more potent than a normal spider and thus it is virtually harmless to humans save in very large doses or in the case of specific allergies. However, because it has adapted to Mana in its environment and thus become a Monster, it has gained a large eye that works differently than its normal eyes. It will swing from a web in a hypnotic manner to entice prey.
You know this Amorphous Slime as "Asura." You are very familiar with this monster. Slimes that have a preference for shape-shifting sometimes develop a weaker membrane. Their defensive abilities stop increasing so quickly compared to other Slime species, but their shapeshifting and movement skills rise much more quickly. These slimes avoid water, as it has a much stronger diluting effect on them. Asura is a former Human like you.
---Analysis Complete!--

As Asura released the Bugbear's leg, the creature jerked its injured limb away from the slime. Ardur's attack hadn't dislocated the joint, but a dark bruise was already forming and as the Bugbear tried to put its weight on the leg it made a painful popping sound. The monster spared a glance towards the humans with panicked eyes, and continued to try and wrench free of Steve's webbing with its pointed stick...

"Ardur...could really use that heal now..." the slime growled as he moved back. The younger human immediately took notice, and stopped inching towards the group of monsters. Ardur turned and stopped in midflight, slowly descending with a blank look. In a dumbfounded voice, he only managed to say, "Humans?" Steve stayed behind Ardur, and well away from both the humans and the Bugbear. She crouched low to the ground to reduce her profile, and hissed lightly between her fangs. Momma Slime slowed down as she rolled back towards the Bugbear, and this distraction allowed the creature to swing its free hand at her before she made contact. The back of its big fist bounced off of her without doing much damage, but it had enough force to knock her to one side. She bounced to a stop at the edge of the clearing, away from both her party and the humans. She turned towards them with a low burbling noise, her membrane rippling as she shivered.

"Mother Slime, get back to the burrow." Asura began to change his shape, a human-like torso rising out of the puddle of goop. Ardur cast Minor Heal on him, though it didn't quite fully restore his HP. The armed child bristled as the magical sparkles appeared, and the knight standing behind him raised his visor slightly.

"M-master! There are more of them, like that Poltergeist!" The human boy's eyes shifted between the Bugbear and the Amorphous Slime, Hipixie, Slime, and Oculus Spider. Asura took up a neutral stance, holding up his "hands."

"It's yours if you want it. I've no desire to come against you lot." Asura stated. Ardur began talking and gesturing to Steve, and slowly both he and the Spider were backing away. The Hipixie grabbed their stuff, though he never took his eyes away from the two humans.

"Well then. Something is certainly afoot here." spoke the knight. His visor was fully up now, revealing a face that Asura and Ardur would see as an odd balance of Caucasian and Asian features that somehow still seemed unique to this world. His face was on the paler side of complexion, and his hair was light brown. He had stubble across his strong jaw, and was only just showing signs of age around his face. His eyes narrowed. "Stay where you are, monsters--or at least, those of you who understand me."

"Master, do you think they all came from the cave?" the boy piped up. "They might be related to the Dungeon--"

The knight suddenly gave his charge a pointed look, just as the Bugbear freed itself with a loud roar. It lunged at the young adventurer, stabbing at him with its pointed stick like an ice pick. The boy turned with a gasp as he realized the mistake in taking his attention away from an opponent. The knight didn't move in his ward's defense, but the youth got his shield up just in time. The wooden spike's tip wasn't properly sharpened, merely tapering and splintered where the Bugbear had broken it. It struck the rawhide covering the shield, and pushed against the padded wood beneath, but left only a small pinprick before its tip crunched and bent. Still, the muscle behind the Bugbear's arm forced the boy a step back. He planted himself--and placed the tip of his sword just over the rim of his shield.


That red flash was bright, even brighter than Asura's Smash, but it was all focused at the sword's point. Without dropping his defenses the squire stabbed forward, and the Bugbear only managed to avoid getting stabbed in the face by sacrificing its other arm. The blade bit deep into its raised forearm, piercing all the way through between the bones. Both combatants yanked away from each other, and though his weapon was now caked in blood and fat the boy managed to hold onto it and leave his enemy with a gaping wound.

"Youse be Rattleskull?!" The apprentice shouted, curling his lips into a snarl that looked unnatural on his face. His voice had thickened somewhat and had an accent, like he was mimicking someone else. To Asura and Ardur, it didn't sound...quite right, yet they still understood what the child was saying.

"No, ya stupid human!" the Bugbear roared, clutching its wounded arm. "I'm Bear-Ate! I left dat dum tribe long time ago!" The boy began to circle as the gray furred beast bared its fangs, the only weapons left to it now.

"I'm not sure, sir, but I don't think this is the right one! It definitely said no!" The squire's voice sounded normal again. "Then, uh...an insult, maybe? And something about eating an animal?"

"That's the second time you've gotten distracted, boy." The Knight's firm voice scolded. His charge immediately shut up, just in time for the Bugbear to charge him again. This time the creature went for a full-body tackle. The Bugbear's four-and-a-half foot height was actually a little shorter than the boy's, but in body mass it surely outweighed him. Its brawny shoulder slammed against the youth's shield--yet surprisingly, the human held his ground! A soft, gold-white aura began to glow around his body, and both knight and squire let out a surprised "huh?"

"Hey, kid." Ardur had spoken up, raising a hand. "May the sun protect you and guide your blade." The Bugbear froze for a moment in shock, and though the boy could only look at Ardur with a slack jaw he soon recovered. With a grunt, the boy twisted and used his shield to help leverage his opponent's mass. As his boots ploughed at the ground, he actually reversed their deadlock, and the goblinoid's eyes went wide as it was shoved to one side. A desperate arm lashed out with a wide haymaker, and the young swordsman ducked under it with timing so smooth it seemed like his opponent was moving in slow motion.


Up from below, that sword flashed crimson once more. The aura of Ardur's Inspiration flared brightly. A blow to the back of the knee that would have hamstrung the foe instead sliced right through, taking off the Bugbear's lower leg entirely. Dark blood covered the ground as the boy continued past his opponent. The light cloaking his body disappeared. The Bugbear spun in place on its remaining leg, arms windmilling before it fell onto its back with a wretched cry. That patched, dark green cloak whirled as the squire turned back and jumped, his shield arm shifting so that both hands could hold his blade. He landed hard on the monster's stomach, driving the air out of it with his knees. The adventurer practically fell forward, and his whole body weight slammed the tip of his sword through Bear-Ate's sternum. The furry brute screamed and choked, flailing with both arms. These feeble blows had no real power behind them, and as the young man ducked his head and braced his shoulders the creature failed to budge him. The sword dug deeper as the boy worked it back and forth, until its hilt stopped an inch from the flesh. The Bugbear's last breath escaped in a bubble of red froth, and it lay still.

"Sloppy, boy, but it'll do for now!" The Knight turned back to the Slimes, Hipixie, and Spider. "That was the Inspire spell! If you creatures can really talk, do you have names? Who are you, and who do you serve?"

He had taken his hand off of his sword, and now stood with both fists on his hips. The boy was cleaning off his weapon--not something one would do if they planned to keep fighting. It seemed like, at the moment, neither of these two planned to hurt the party. Earlier, the knight had only wanted them to stay where they were...but he also had not made any attempt to block their path or catch them. If they wanted to turn and run...maybe these two wouldn't risk pursuit? It seemed like they were content to just try and communicate--if Asura, Ardur, and the others didn't want to talk, though, and the humans didn't plan to detain them, maybe they could just get the hell out of Dodge...?

Rat Party

The ratpack chose to camp in the barrow for the night, though not without making an offering to the spirits of the place. There were no coals or fire starting materials inside the entrance chamber, so unless they used the firestarting flint they had stolen from the village there was no way to cook their bugmeat or their offering. Still, Asteria tossed it into the pit with a whispered prayer.

You still sense that the Mana here is uneasy...but it has relaxed somewhat. You sense a heavy, slowly shifting Mana in the earth all around you.

With the remains of their prey and dewdrops from the grass, the party was able to sate their hunger and thirst at least for the time being. In scavenging around the area, Asteria found 3 more Nullven Cones. Once they had actually entered the barrow's entrance, they found that the second room still cast in deep shadows was open as well. From around the firepit, they could see through the doorway...though a sense of foreboding might keep them from placing even a paw over the threshold. Still, this second chamber looked much the same in shape and size as this first. The difference was that a large table could be seen dominating the center of that room, and the walls had several shelves. At one end of that table was a drain, with a great basin underneath it--and all of these things bore black, sticky stains. The metallic scent was unpleasant to the rat's noses, but they could also catch a whiff of something much better, heady and herbal. Cloves of some kind of leaves or perhaps some other plant matter could be seen hanging from the ceiling.

Beyond this second chamber was the first real door they had seen. Made of a dark colored wood, braced with iron bands, a padlock had been placed upon it...though it looked rusty and none too strong. If the entrance to the second chamber felt foreboding...this door felt outright forbidden.

Still, the rats managed to sleep, taking the watch in shifts. Mother Rat seemed to sense Ed's fear, and didn't seem much at ease herself. As Asteria took the first watch, the older Dire Rat huddled closely with the Rat Man inside the barrow.

Gathering plants, practicing her skills, and replenishing her Mana, Asteria made her time on watch pass quickly. She watched the moon rise, large and pale and somewhat less full than the previous night. She could see the lights of the distant town twinkling, until many of them began to wink out one by one. Before midnight, the vast majority of the town had turned pitch black.

She eventually switched duties with Ed, and the Ratman was left to stand atop the Barrow and see much the same as Asteria had from that higher vantage. The town, the lake, and the river all bathed in moonlight some distance away. He tried to gather his magic and manipulate it in some way to warm himself...and ever so slightly, perhaps simply by imagining warmth, it seemed to help.

Out here on the plains, it was hard to pick up on the movement of other creatures. Back in the forest, a twig would snap underfoot, or bushes would rustle. The long grass, however, would give way under the slightest sigh of wind. Unless something moving through it was large or fast, you couldn't determine whether a swaying patch had been touched by the breeze or was being moved by a small critter. It was also much quieter, moving through grass. If other creatures burrowed like the Myrminors they had already seen, it was also possible that Ed wouldn't be able to pick up on them at all until he developed some kind of ability to sense things underfoot.

Surely, his senses and his Alert skill could be trusted to some degree. Nothing ever jumped out of the night at him to scream "danger!" So the moon kept on its gradual trek across the sky, the stars twinkled, and the night passed...


Ed came awake with a start, only just realizing that he had dozed off sometime after the sky started turning from a midnight pitch to a more subdued, misty hue. But the sun still wasn't up yet--everything was still dim and hazy, and the dew was cold and fresh. But the Alert skill seemed to buzzing dully in the back of his mind...

There, he saw it. Or rather, he saw them.

The first one wasn't very good at moving stealthily, at least not with that dented iron helmet that stuck out like a sore thumb above the tall grass. The second at least kept himself low, and was already shorter. But he was fatter than the first, and being out of breath kept him from being completely hidden.

The third actually would have escaped Ed's sight, had he not been carrying a staff topped with a rabbit-like skull and a ring of red feathers. Even so, it was easy to lose track of his movements whenever that shamanistic tool disappeared in the grass. The last two were hard to catch as well, but their hooded cloaks turned their forms into larger blocks of color that could be picked out better whenever they moved from one position to another.

The figures seemed to have come from the direction of the forest, and were making their way towards the road and the barrow. The first two were definitely humans. The one with the helmet also wore a thick, padded garment of some kind that looked to be made of layered linens. It was like a long shirt, cinched at his waist with a belt and covering his upper arms and upper thighs as well as his torso. At his side hung a sword, and slung across his back was a metal shield. He wore a hood, just a singular garment made of cloth with some fastenings to mantle it across one's shoulders, but for some reason hadn't worn it to hide the reflection of his helmet.

The fatter one was dressed in layers, but his clothing seemed much more civilian in nature. He wore a long sleeved undershirt beneath a dark dyed tunic, and over that had a light vest that looked to be made of a tanned animal hide. The clothing was all dirty, and torn or patched in a few places, like this man had been on hard times for a while--though you wouldn't know it to look at his weight. He had a large knife, like a butcher's, on his belt.

The third figure, however, was clearly some kind of monster. Its clothing had been woven without much skill from vines and grass, giving it a tribalistic appearance. Its snout was somewhat thick, like that of a dog...but its entire body was reptilian and covered in scales, and its fingers and feet were tipped with scales. Its yellow eyes "blinked" two different times, as multiple lids slid in an out of place.

Ed couldn't see well enough at this distance to tell whether the last two were short, maybe young, humans...or if they were some other kind of creature. They kept their hoods up, and their cloaks seemed a size or two too large for them. So even their limbs were wrapped in the indistinct folds of cloth.

The figures had reached the road now, but they looked cautiously from one side to the other and stayed in the ditch along one side. Ed couldn't make out what they were saying, but his enhanced senses picked up the voice of the one in the helmet giving orders of some kind based on his tone. The fat one stayed with him, and the other three crossed over the road. They hurried and scurried, backs bent and heads low. They were headed for the side of the barrow, but as they hadn't looked up yet they had not noticed Ed crouched atop it. Once they were hidden along the wall of the mass grave, they pressed themselves against the cobblestone base and began creeping closer to the road again.

"Still say dis plan dum!" hissed one of the hooded figures. "We bes too close to da town!"

"Sshut yor fayshe!" The reptilian's voice was harsher, like a bark, but it also seemed to have a natural lisp of a sort. "Shinsh thuh mownteen blowed up, bound t'be Advenshurrs comin' t'see wat happun!"

"Or dem vill'jers runnin' away, dey gonna go to da town for help. So we's gonna get 'em by s'prise!" The other hooded figure didn't agree with his compatriate either.

Back along the road, the man with the helmet unsheathed his weapon. Ed caught sight of its gleam, and for some reason remembered his dream from the previous day...the sound of steel rasping on leather. Figures, huddled around a fire.

Behind the well-armed man and the fat fellow, in the distance, that lonely hill could be seen just poking out of the treeline. There wasn't a column of smoke rising up behind it now.

"Even if it is gud idea...which it not!" protested the first cloaked thing, "we still gots ta sit here for long, long, looooooong time..."

"It'll go fashter if you sshut yor fayshe!" The reptile put a finger to his snout and hissed at both of them. Then the three hunkered down, eyes toward the road. One of them lifted a hand to the side of his head, clearly listening intently...

Could Ed get down and back into the barrow without any of these would-be-bandits noticing?

Meanwhile, inside the barrow, Asteria and Mother Rat were awakened by hushed whispers, coming from outside. Still groggy from slumber, they hadn't yet deciphered what the voices were saying, but they knew for a fact it couldn't be Ed among them. As Asteria picked herself off the ground, one of her paws touched something cold and metallic.

A single gold coin, that most certainly had not been there before, next to the fire pit.

Ghost Party

Obtained Loot:
Dire Rat-Hide Loincloth
Small Hollow Gourd (Half Full of Water)
Wooden Cudgel

He had already stolen its weapon, and now Danny took everything else the dead goblin had owned. Which wasn't really much. Its loincloth smelled rather rank, but taking it off did reveal that a small gourd had been tucked inside it. It had been dried and hollowed out, and its top had been partially cut off to make a sort of lid. The goblin apparently used it for a water bottle.

When Jason tried to drain the Mana of the two goblins, he quickly emptied out the sleeping one without resistance, but found that the dead one gave him only a trickle of Mana which was soon cut off completely. It seemed that dead creatures, even recently killed ones, rapidly lost their Mana somehow...maybe it was being absorbed by the environment, or dispersing into the ambient atmosphere? His own Mana, however, was back to Full and once again he received the notice for Temporary Extra MP.

As the spirit scanned their environment for any helpful herbs, he prayed to the unnamed spirits of the earth for some form of guidance. Then he sat there and...waited. Jason continued to look around, but nothing really caught his eye among the trees...and the dirt...and the grasses...and the shrubs...

Only one plant stuck out to him, and that was just because it was the first time he'd seen this particular flower in the woods. It had been there the whole time, it just stuck out now because he was actually looking at things in detail. The flower had blue and yellow blossoms, but it smelled a little unpleasant. Its stem and leaves were thick, and the leaves in particular had veins that stood out prominently to imply the flower was full of sap.

The spear goblin started to stir with a groan...


Lear looked suspiciously at the leaf that Scott handed him. Then, he raised his other hand to his mouth and bit down hard on his thumb. He didn't break the skin, but a clear indention of his teeth caused the skin to swell and redden. Then he crushed the leaf in the same hand and watched the result. He did glance over at Miiba as she talked about "games" and "picture books," then nodded to himself.

"That confirms it then. You two were Summoned here, probably from the same world. There's a world in particular that a lot of Summoned people end up being from--not that I really know why. But they often talk about those things. A "game" or a "picture book" that the people of that world use to tell stories." He shook his now healed thumb and crossed his arms. "The things they talk about aren't always the same, but the gist of it is that they only have fictional imaginings of monsters and magic. Always sounded pretty twisted to me--not that I've met one, mind you." He looked around at the forest surrounding them, and then up at the mountain that had exploded less than half an hour ago. "Why come up with stories about things like that? If your world didn't have Demons, why would you make them up, you know? No offense."

Then he pointed at Scott.

"But what you just did is throwing me for a loop. That's a spell called Scribe. It's not something a Pixie could normally cast, I'm fairly sure...but it's also not anything impressive, at least not at that Rank. Why would your Summoner, especially if it was a Spirit, give you something like that and not like...a Lost Spell, or some kind of Unique Skill?" He looked at Miiba now. "Miiba has way more Skills than a Goblin her age should be capable of, as well. Yet none of them are really...good, in all honesty. They're just bog standard stuff almost anyone could learn."

Lear motioned for the two to follow him, and headed back towards the wall and the farmhouse.

"As for this shadow man...Hm." The big man tilted his head from side to side, literally wracking his brain. "Black hair...that's fairly common in some places. I've heard just about everyone from Yamajima has black hair. Red eyes, though...it's rare for a pureblood Human to have that eye color. Unless...well, a World Summoner wouldn't be your run of the mill Mage, after all...Hmm..." He looked back to make sure Scott and Miiba were following.

"Either way, I think if you two intended something bad at this point I'd have picked up on it. And, again no offense, both of you are too weak to be a real threat. So, as long as you behave yourselves, I'll let you stay here too, Pixie. And Miiba, just because you have a friend now, don't forget our deal. Everybody plays nice, and maybe we can figure out what's going on here." He snapped his fingers as he remembered something. "Oh, and uh...Scott. There are two Adventurers working for me right now. Geir and Mirabelle. Both of you should be very careful around them until they learn to trust you."

The perimeter seemed clear, and the smoke from the mountain had died down. Though the forest was uneasy, things were once again calm. Lear opened the gate, and ushered both Scott and Miiba inside...
@Vinsmoke Goji@June Billson@Capt0blivious

I'm very sorry, especially to those of you I'd already requested a CS from, but as of late I've begun to feel that I've reached my limit in the number of players I'm able to make quality posts for in a timely fashion. As of now, both to the most recent applicants and the former applicants to whom I originally extended the re-invitation, apps for this RP are once again CLOSED. If a character hasn't already been approved and isn't already in the character tab, they can no longer join in the RP.

If you've enjoyed reading the RP, by all means continue to follow along on this adventure with us, and maybe at some point in the future I'll feel confident enough in my work schedule and my skill as a GM to open up applications again. But I can't promise anything, and at this point I feel like I wouldn't be doing anyone a favor, especially not my current players, by continuing to encourage new applications.

So again, my apologies, but we will no longer be accepting applications.
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