Avatar of Zeroth


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18 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

I'm just figuring out what to do with Adam and Sasha, as the former shares a room with Lilith, and the latter orbits the first one. Hmm... this should be too hard though. Let me write something up then.

I feel like Seiji and Adam should somehow bond over the fact that both of them had the immediate reaction to try and stab/shoot an eldritch monstrosity beyond their comprehension. Although that method has a surprisingly successful track record given what I know of actual Lovecraftian lore.
@MetalWeight@Dark Cloud Forgot mentions in the post and edits still don't seem to actually send them, so here's letting you know it's up.

also here's the sound effect for what just happened:
πŸ•ˆ Seiji & Empusa β™‘

1st Floor Entrance Lobby > 2nd Floor

@Dark CloudEmpusa ignored poor Dexter’s squeals as she watched the wolf woman lock eyes on Seiji. When the Lust demon moved within the boy’s personal space, a small ripple in space right above each of Empusa’s shoulders--small enough not to stand out, but certainly noticeable to Dexter--began to buzz with sparks and embers. He thought he could hear the rhythmic clang of hammers somewhere, but it was like the sound was so far away…

"Aurora I-I think? What is the problem, wait? Oh!" suddenly his eyes looked more curious than fearful as a tiny smirk danced upon his face.

"Is that your human? Why do you care, Lilith told me you go throu-" his growing confidence withered with the glare Empusa shot him.

β€œYes. That is MY Contractor. Murakami Seiji.” And just as she claimed him, both she and Dexter watched the wolfwoman grab Seiji’s face and lean in close.

Those ripples in space sprouted two wickedly sharp sword-points. Empusa finally did let go of Dexter’s shoulder, but it was because she seemed to be taking aim with a gesture. Indeed, if things went any further, it seemed clear there would be deadly violence within the Home…

But what happened next caused Empusa’s half-forged blades to shatter from the shock.

@MetalWeightThe wolfgirl’s eyes locked onto him immediately. She stood up straighter, and as her shoulders pulled back that chest of hers threatened to block Seiji’s entire field of vision. Then it did block most of his vision, as she stepped so close she practically ran into him.

My plan was calculated...

"Worried? Oh, no, no you shouldn't be worried, never be worried. At least not with me, I'd never hurt a human like you, not unlike other demons..." He could practically see the hunger in those eyes. Her tail looked like it was going fast enough to have its own air current.

...but boy, am I bad at math.

Seiji’s eyes widened and a nervous sweat broke out on his forehead and palms. Those big fuzzy mitts of hers latched onto his face, and cold fear ran through his whole body. She pulled him closer, crouching slightly less than she had with Dexter, and he wasn’t sure what was scarier--trying to meet those eyes, or daring to peer into that dark rift inside her shirt.

Her thumbs caressed the side of his face "You humans are so fragile and innocent, it’s such a shame you die so often…” I’m not a furry, I’m not a furry, I’m NOT a furry…

Monster girls don’t count as furry though, do they?

β€œ...a dangerous world isn't it? That shouldn't happen to you, these demons, Hell itself, its all so evil and controlling, wanting to destroy anything with innocence and life…”

He tried to focus on her snout, instead of her eyes. He wondered if her nose was slightly moist to the touch, like dogs back on Earth--Wait.

I’ve got one shot. It’s my only hope. Gotta be quick...gotta be resolved! Acceptance of death is the way of the warrior!

β€œYou should stay with me, be free with me, be safe with me..." The cleavage was getting closer! Any moment now he’d be in a new, marshmallowy Hell! Now or never! Do or die! He’d have to use that technique!

β€œAh, I…” his voice was somewhat slurred, thanks to her hands--paws?--squishing his cheeks together. But the tall seductress might notice something--the human’s eyebrows furrowed, and his look sharpened. β€œI could do that. But, hear me out?” He shrugged his shoulders, in the process pulling both hands out of his pockets. β€œI present: a counterpoint.”

The movement was too smooth for the wolfgirl to realize what happened until it was too late. Like he had done it a thousand upon a thousand times. Bruce Lee once said, β€œI fear not the man with 10,000 techniques, I fear the man who has practiced one technique 10,000 times.” At this very moment, Seiji unleashed one technique.

His fingers settled, oh so gently, warmly, into the fur against her throat. Right under her chin. And he...scritched. Just like he always used to do with his Shiba at home.

Empusa, Dexter, and anyone else who saw what happened would find themselves hard pressed to explain it later. And when the wolf woman came to, all she would see was Seiji walking away from her, both hands back in his pockets. Nonchalantly, he strode over to his Contractor and the small red devil. A confident swagger filled his gait. Shit shit shit shit gotta go fast!

@Dark Cloudβ€œSay, Emmy?” The demoness turned her slack jaw towards him, but her ears and wingtips noticeably perked up. β€œWhat say we explore with the others, huh?” Seiji glanced over his shoulder. β€œQuickly.” And then he looked back at Dexter. β€œC’mon, uh...bro? Tag along with us.” He jabbed a thumb at the staircase where that new guy in the dark robes was also rapidly ascending. β€œOtherwise you’ll be the only one of the guys still down here…” Now he jerked his head towards the still stunned furry demon, with a look that clearly said all that needed to be said about that prospect.

β€œSeiji, would you do that for me too--kyah~β™‘!” The human grabbed Empusa’s hand, and began a rapidly casual walk up the staircase. She practically floated behind him, her wings aflutter, as she blushed from his aggressive contact and gave Dexter an absentminded farewell wave.
@MetalWeightGonna start working on a response now

@Dark Cloud Don't stress over it man. You're not so much "overbearing" as just like...kinda spammy sometimes, but give your limitations on how you can make posts/access the site I understand it a little bit better, and it's all OOC anyway. Just keep in mind that bugging people for posts isn't really necessary if the posts have been regularly coming in, even if they're not as fast as before. I dunno if you're still a student or working or what, but for those of us who have to do adulting in order to have food and shelter this is a hobby, not necessarily a life priority. Maybe mention it if nothing's happened for a few days in a row, or get in touch with someone if they haven't been active in like a week via PM, but usually in my experience as a GM asking for posts makes them come LESS frequently.
Anyways, how was the weekend for ya'll?

Aside from having to replace my friggin' lawnmower battery and still not being able to do my lawn cause of rain, pretty good. Finally starting to get my workout routine back on track. 2021 is gonna be the year I get my six pack, damn it!
I'll wait on @MetalWeight before my next post, but no rush or anything. If anybody else also wants to interact with either Seiji or Empusa let me know, otherwise I'll probably have the both of them explore a bit as a pair after Aurora parts ways. Hope y'all are alright with "filler" posts, I can get kinda rambling sometimes.
@Queen of Aces@Dark Cloud

Best wishes to Aces, hope she gets well soon.

DC, since you're co-GM here's my advice to you: It's already been stated OOC that Gello is pretty lazy, so her not showing up to tell the residents "hey here's the ground rules" in any kind of timely manner is no big deal. Thankfully, we have a map showing us all the facilities of the dorms already, and people are starting to explore the Home. We've also seen a slowdown in posts compared to the first night the RP went up, which is not unusual.

Players still have plenty to do--they can interact with one another, which can fill up multiple posts per player by itself. They can tour each floor and see what's in stock in the kitchen--Lilith mentioning the endless booze earlier sounds like an excellent party invitation. I had a little idea myself for Empusa demon-forging a megaphone at some point and making an announcement herself for the denizens of the girls' dorms, so that's a "mini-event" that could fill some time as well. It will probably take quite a while for us to actually "run out" of things to do, so don't stress over carrying the RP while Aces is out.
I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have escaped. It costed my roommate.

Seiji: Yeah but Dex, if something happens to me...Who's gonna save you?
*a black wig is suddenly jammed down over Dex's horns*
Empusa: I'm going to need you to learn Japanese really fast, okay? Our first phrase will be: Yamete kudasai! It's just a formality, though. Because I won't.

I'll wait for another post, but this'll be a fun.

He did just win a staring contest with the spawn of Cthulu, his self-preservation instincts might be ever so slightly impaired. XD
@Dark CloudOf the 180 spin from "Ara ara~" mommy to "Come here, let me wipe your cheek," mommy?

Or of the steadily rising Yandere% meter threatening to grind his shoulder joint into dust?
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