Avatar of Zeroth


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16 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
1 mo ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
2 mos ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Silver Carrot>

No. OOC stated that you are brought into the new world at the same age you were when you died, though translated somewhat in accordance to your new race’s lifespan.

I don't think this is stated in the opener, at least not word for word. Was it like that in the original int. check?

I'm all for not having to RP-out literal neonates but I feel like if we just directly translated over it'd sort of defeat part of that "new life" rush of getting a second chance that's so intrinsic to these kinds of stories. Also depending on how one scaled the lifespan thing, I feel like we'd end up with some characters already being "elderly" if the race they reincarnate into doesn't live as long as humans do.

"How long have you lived down here, Spurt?"
"Uum...Eleven days!"
"...and how long do Kobolds live?"
"Eleven days!"
@TheNoCoKid So are Merrick like the usual "beastkin" race, with a full were-beast/laguz style transformation ability depending on other pelts they can attain? For appearance should I pick some low-level JRPG animal mob, like a Dire Wolf/Rat/Badger and find an animu-boi with associated ears/tail?

Dalton: *opens his eyes, looks into a river, clutches his face* "NOOOOO, anything but a FURRY!" *hiccups and "UwUs" on reflex* "AAAAHHHHH!"
I mean, just look at Digmata's CS! There's two of em now!

Dalton: *does the Will Smith presenting pose* Just look at that non-existent physique! Note his plain, non-graphic tee, which tells you he has no dissenting opinions! He even wears headphones, so you know he's a passive observer and will only react when the plot comes knocking instead of taking any initiative of his own! *He pushes the boy towards the girls like a sacrificial lamb* ISN'T HE PERFECT?!

EDIT: This is just a jab at LN/Isekai protags in general, not a character dig! Dalton's good at twisting things to match his own perspective. XD

LN plot in LN-inspired RP? Heaven forbid!

Also huh, Dalton's a grown-up Deku, eh? I mean this in terms of appearance, not attitude.

Yeah I'm assuming it's either during his vigilante phase or someone's AU. The bags under the eyes and general dishevelment seemed like what I wanted to go for.

@TheMushroomLord *Petra pops into the void and Dalton grabs Drasil by the throat with both hands*

Dalton: "Do the women choose you because you look like you were designed by Tetsuya Nomura or something!?"
@Xaltwind@SilverPaw@Expendable I just happened to be checking through to see who's made final decisions on which deity they were picked up by, and happened to notice Dalton's current predicament.

*He grabs Drasil by the collar and shakes him, while pointing at Minami, Sakai, and Samantha with one trembling, sweaty hand*

Dalton: "I don't WANNA be a HAREM PROTAGONIST! I can't handle interpersonal conflicts!" *drops Drasil and backs away from the girls with crazy eyes* "I'm too introverted to live with multiple roommates! DON'T MAKE ME SHARE MY BATHROOM!"
I like the idea of truck-kun being responsible for killing every single character in this story, an the ways that it happened it just gets progressively more and more outrageous. xD

Char #1: Killed by truck-kun when crossing the street

Char #2: Killed by truck-kun while walking home from a bar, late at night, while intoxicated.

Char #3: Killed by a speeding truck-kun when walking to their car inside an underground parking garage.

Char #4: Killed by truck-kun when it crashed through the store-front of the boutique they were shopping for a present for their significant other.

Char #5: Killed by truck-kun when it drove off a bridge while they were enjoying a nice swim in the river below.

Char #6: Killed by turck-kun while smoking on the roof, after it went flying off a ramp near a construction-site.

A naval officer inspecting the carrier's deck hears a drawn out "MEEEEP MEEEEP!" as Truck-kun breaches the waves, leaping like a glorious orca.

A spelunker rappels down a tunnel, which opens into a limestone cavern. His flashlight sparkles off the walls as he hangs from the rope--then two enormous headlights outline his shape as Truck-kun's engine revs.

Two pilots flip off their intercom as they reach cruising altitude, one taking a sip of his coffee. Then both scream as Truck-kun emerges from the cloud bank directly in front of them with a furious rumble.

Astronauts float aboard the ISS, watching the outer monitors as one brave soul, tethered against the vast emptiness, performs repairs on the satellite array. After several tense moments...he holds up his thumb. Then Truck-kun slams into him, carrying them both into re-entry in a fiery ball of rage!
"Sis got her hands on sum swole otherworlders? Sh-eet...! I needa get me sum o' dat phresh new bling too if I wanna step up'n throw down, biach!"

Dalton: *Kubrick stare, hands shaking, one corner of his lip twitches involuntarily* "I've changed my mind about my patron."

Typical over-emotional response indicative of childhood insecurities. ;3

Wait, you mean other people found someone to love them without having to eat all this chicken and hit new PRs all the time?

I saw them and am currently looking over them. Today has been a mix of post work de-stressing and laying in bed trying to recover from whatever sickness I have right now…

Damn, the dreaded "I just launched a new RP" wave of "shit happens IRL". I feel ya there bud. Never fails somehow.
If you’re going for a neutral race, then either one will work.
Upon thinking about it further, Dalton's not the type to like someone hovering over him the way Morganna seems to constantly "mother" over her creations, and his dissatisfaction with not getting "what he deserved" in his former life is less about wanting stuff to be handed to him, and more about expecting the rest of the world to hold up what he perceived to be "the deal," as in, "those who do good = prosper, those who do evil = punishment." So I'm gonna finalize his choice as Drasil.

@Crimson Flame Wait what, how are his parents wizards? Isn't the "former life" supposed to be our normal, modern day Earth?

@TheNoCoKid To be honest it doesn't matter as much to me which one of them picks him up. Although I'm kind of hoping for a non-human, monstrous roll so I guess if I HAVE to pick, I'd pick Drasil?
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