Avatar of Zeroth


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16 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
30 days ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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This is a writing community. Will actual, copy-pasted plagiarism like Vlad's result in kicks, bans, or legal action? Probably not. Is it (combined with the AI art) remarkably scummy, and inspiring little confidence that the RP will be unique or original, not to mention artistically compelling? Absolutely yes.

Again, those who don't find the RP or its creator appealing have myriad options on this site to choose from instead. Referring to it as "ackshual, copy-pasted plagiarism" is giving it a laughable amount of attention the issue's not even worth.

Throwing this under the rug because you fear conflict more than you despise plagiarists is an extremely shitty and morally lazy way to live, in my opinion. They do not belong here or in any creative community.
I pay bills, live in a society, and RP as a hobby. From that perspective, the goings and comings of this website really aren't a worthwhile reflection of anyone's fears or moral values, much less my own.

If somebody likes someone else's character sheet formatting or RP-prompt enough to re-use it, it's polite and appreciated to ask first or at least pay credit. But unless you're making money off of it or are running a directly competing game, it's not worth the effort to start flame-wars or shitpost contests.

Sorry, just a bystander who reads threads she isn't signed up in, but

Exactly why did this merit any of your effort to begin with? Perhaps don't throw water on grease fires you didn't start?
I have to agree with everyone else. Nobody wants to play this with an arbitrary coin toss. It's just a flashy and unnecessary rule you made up so people don't spoil YOUR good time. Sounds pretty narcissistic if you ask me. Why don't you let people who know what they're doing roleplay responsibly?

Why exactly do you need to spoil everyone else's fun because you're afraid of OP characters ruining your setting? Besides, you even admitted you stole your idea from Ravenloft, so your setting isn't even 100% original. Just go play that instead of trying to create your own and let people roleplay how they want.

P.S.: You even copied MY character sheet from MY cyberpunk RP from years ago. You forgot to erase the original race description too.

This sounds like a continuation of something that happened outside of this thread, but there's no need for all that. Nobody here was really "up in arms" about the possibility of coin flips and RNG, just a few questions were asked for clarity and the issue was resolved. Character Sheets are lists of information and, optionally, a pinch of artistic formatting--there's no copyright claim on it and it's a silly thing to get hostile over.

If you don't want to play the game or have some personal issue with the GM you're quite welcome to find other games.
It's just that in the past I have used the original honor system but someone always ended up godmodding and ruining the RP for everyone else.

I used to have the same experiences, but don't much anymore. What I ended up learning was basically that communication is king; that most people typically respect a GM's decision, so don't be afraid to come down "hard" as long as you remember to communicate; and that sometimes if you just roll with what players are doing and do what makes a better story, people will have more fun with that than with a "perfectly balanced and fair tabletop-lite."

If they want to write up a bunch of fluff detailing how their magical sword strike was SO powerful, it left a huge rift in the ground, maybe you can let them have that but then say, "Yet, as the dust cleared from such a superhuman impact...the villain stood tall. As they watched, his body--rent from collarbone to hip, hanging on only by threads of flesh and viscera--began to knit itself back together. Flesh writhed, wormlike, devouring itself like Ouroborous until a severed arm once more clenched its clawed fist..." so it's like "yeah, it worked, but can you pull it off twice in a row?" Maybe the villain has a big scar or something now that can be exploited by another player, and so forth.

@Vlad Tepes I somehow missed the "class" edit while going through Races and the Character Sheet, so I hope the "Inquisitor" thing is okay? I guess maybe if a Paladin is like halfway between Fighter/Cleric, then maybe this is like Rogue/Cleric?

Let me know if anything needs to be changed or clarified!

I will start working on an update soon, but it may be after tomorrow before it goes out!
how big are these beetles?

They're slightly longer than an average human's arm, and at their thickest part of the thorax as big around as a watermelon. Other than that and the occasional glow in their thorax, they look like a solid black pine beetle.

Cool. I think you mentioned before that the Tatzelwurm had like, some sorta poisonous vibe going on there. Is that something that Esfir could extract? Or was it actually a consequence of a particular Skill it had?

The venom sack ended up not dropping. Could probably say skewering it through the mouth destroyed it too much to safely gather it or the venom, etc.
Alright, Esfir's taking a skill rank up and putting it into Murderous Intent.

She'll also, in muh post, be heading off to where the main firepit is in order to process and cook up her kills. Is there a pot that she could make a soup/broth out of, or are things just done meat-on-a-stick style? If you could tell me the results of her kill-processing, that'd be great too.

If there's pots or other things around, they probably belong to other orcs using the firepit, and they're not typically prone to sharing unless they have a good pre-existing relationship, battle brother bond, etc. But nobody begrudges multiple orcs sitting around the same firepit to cook their own stuff, so long as the pit's got room.

Lemme do some RNG for loots and I'll get back to you!


Excellent man! Yeah, I figured it was time to bring this old thing back from the dead! Glad to see you're still here 😁

I'm also a fan of the movie Dracula Untold, so if your opener was based on that intentionally it worked, lol! Although I'm just now realizing the Queen has a third arm XD The wonders of AI!

*kicks thread back up top*

Still here for it! Awesome expansion on the concept by the way, love the BGM and the images (I assume AI?). My "weaponized holy barrier" priest-concept is still ready to go!
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