Avatar of Zeroth


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5 days ago
Current Just finished the last 5 episodes of Cobra Kai. MAN. Every time Mr. Miyagi gets brought up I start thinking about my own sensei and martial arts journey. To me, Karate's always been the HYPEST shit!
12 days ago
Another new guy at work asked me "What year did you graduate high school?" I looked at him for a moment and said, "Son, I graduated college about 10 years ago." Apparently I am very well preserved. XD
14 days ago
@Cleveraptor: If you did the best you could with what you had, then you did well today. If you look back on the past and wish you'd done it better, it means you learned. Celebrate small wins!
22 days ago
TFW a "training session" turns into an 8 hour shift and the assistant manager quits so you automatically are now training for that position. This feels a little like being a Sith.
1 mo ago
Write for 1 hour every single day. If you miss, just add it to the next day! It's incredible! Tomorrow I'm writing for 7 years.
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On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

How difficult do you think it would be for someone with only passing knowledge of the series to keep up with? Since this is a sequel and not an alt. universe. For reference, I've only read up until the elves first start appearing in the manga (which meant that at the time I was caught up, but its been some years since then... lol)

Well, none of the canon characters, and none of their immediate descendants (kids, grandkids, great-great-grandkids, etc) are alive/relevant. Even if their family lines are out there, we're just gonna say this generation doesn't quite have as much "red thread of fate" woven into them. So there won't be much in the way of direct references.

You might get spoiled on certain "concepts" of the series, but I think by and large any actual plot elements would be safe. The entire point of a few plot-related references is that it's been long enough people are getting stuff wrong and making their own interpretations--like, taking that line that says "The three leaves are faith, hope, and love. The fourth is luck, but within the fifth lies the Devil." and twisting it to say "The Anti-Magic King had a five leaf grimoire and he wasn't evil, so it's cool if we start a devil worshipping cult right?"

The manga's gone to a quarterly schedule, but is near the end of what seems to be the final arc. Even so, I tried to set things up in such a way so that aside from the general assumption that shonens are gonna shonen, I don't ruin the series for anyone.
@Duthguy Yep, image works now! The way I envision upgrading and adding our spells will work, as long as he's going through the stages of "Arrow > Arrow that spins/Arrow that homes in > multi-arrows > multi-arrows that home in" etc, he wouldn't necessarily need runes unless you just want that, thematically. What might be cool though is using the runes to essentially set up traps to make "arrow turrets" he could set up!

@Expllo Unless you'd like him to be an immigrant from the Hino Country (where Yami's from) Black Clover usually has Westernish/Fantasy names rather than the traditional Japanese ones. Also, so far as we know it's standard for every kid in the kingdom to attend a grimoire ceremony whenever it's held after they turn 15 (implied to be once per year when they tell Asta to try again). It wouldn't be a surprise for him to get one and he wouldn't necessarily need to sneak in, unless it's just his bandit buddy trying to avoid notice from any authorities who might've come to watch. Other than that I don't see any real issues, so let me know if you have any questions!
@DuthguyFirst with Sword magic, now Arrow magic--all we need is someone to apply with Axe magic and we'll have the Fellowship over here! XD

His image is borked at the moment, at least for me. The effects and drawbacks of his magic all seem good, I'm assuming that as he advances the idea is to add things like homing arrows or explosive arrows, and increasing the general numbers/power?

Backstory and other bits look good, so I feel confident approving him!

@imiaHi, welcome aboard! The first thing that jumps out to me reading over your CS is the emphasis put on her family history. I don't know if you intended any reference to canon characters in her ancestry or anything, but since Light magic is known as rare, powerful, and also has associations with the Clover Royals, did you have some sort of plan regarding her ancestry aside from their status as treasure hunters? If so, it's something that needs to be hashed out before I can approve the CS--for big reveals and whatnot, feel free to send me a PM.

As for her spells and skills, I know these are a work in progress so most of my feedback is just suggestions, not requirements. You've also got room for one more spell if you want it. I'll go piece by piece:

I think this will be a good application once you've got it a little more ironed out, so just let me know if there's anything I could do to help!
@Xaltwind@Duthguy@Expllo Glad to have you all! I'm hoping we'll get at least 5+ players for this, but I'm gonna go ahead and drop the Character Sheet if you guys want to brainstorm! There's the code format, the empty example, and the Player Character I'll be using as another example. Let me know if there are any questions!

Credit for the original format goes to @Shin Ghost Note

@King Cosmos You're good, all of that will work! Raising the rank of her martial arts skill increases the "small boost" of her counter attacks to "boost," and adds a "small boost" to her defense when those same traditional blocks are used regardless of if she counterattacks.
@Xaltwind Rather than being "secret and sneaky" about it (which is still a good idea lol) it'll just be based on what kinds of impressions the Players make on the captains. I have several of their NPC profiles finished already (though players won't be privy to them at first) and will be tweaking some others based on what kinds of Player Characters we get, so as to better meet halfway regarding plot, PC arcs, and so forth.

So after the exam is over, the captains express their interest in the Players, and the Players get to choose from among whichever squads want them. Of course, if Players have a vested interest in a particular squad, it can definitely be worked on! I'm also going to try and have a fair amount of overlap between which squads are the most interested, so that we don't end up with any Players who are the only "real" person in a team full of NPCs. XD
Yep lol, gotta expand that market coverage so I put it up in both sections.

Since this is taking place 150 years after the events of the canon series, will we be joining the same group of Magic Knights? Or have there been new ones formed/old ones that've disbanded?

I figured for fan familiarity's sake I'd just keep them the same 9 squadrons as seen in canon. Their reputations are roughly the same as well--Golden Dawn are the "elites," Crimson Lions and Silver Eagles are still run by the royal families, Green Mantis is all commoners, Blue Rose is almost all women, etc.

The only differences are that all squads are at least a little more open to commoners than they were before, and the Black Bulls no longer have a negative reputation, but rather one of a "rough and tumble" crew, the foil and rival to the Golden Dawn. Instead of looking at them like thugs, people have a romantic notion of them as "loose cannons and free spirits living on the edge" now and admire them because of Asta, Yami, and the others' accomplishments.

That said, I'm also open to suggestions, especially if it would build up a Player's character arc and stuff like that! :D

Humanity came close to decimation by devils. But just one man...inspired others to break through their limits, and come together to fight! As Magic Knights, they saved humankind.
Thereafter they called him the Anti-Magic King. He became a legend--along with his friends, rivals, and allies.
It has been one hundred and fifty years since that day.

In generations past, there was a great gap between the commoners and the nobility of the Clover Kingdom. Those who were "beloved by Mana" believed themselves superior. But the Anti-Magic King and those who fought alongside him overturned all that. Again and again, they proved that even those of common birth--even someone without a single drop of Mana--could surpass their limits! To them, the true magic was "Never giving up!"

To some, this is unacceptable.

Trouble has begun to brew once more within the Clover. The Elves of Elysia have begun to repopulate, stirring old grudges from long ago. The borders of Heart, Diamond, and Spade still experience tensions and skirmishes. Devil Cults have appeared, twisting the Anti-Magic King's deeds to justify evil acts. But, there is another, more worrisome conflict that continues to grow day by day...

This conflict has caused a schism throughout all the Clover Kingdom's society. Even within the very Magic Knights sworn to protect that society! A movement has arisen that wishes to overthrow the Monarchy and the Nobility; they claim that they wish for new government, and new opportunities for all people. Even those who do not follow this movement have become split into different factions. Some wish to deal with them harshly and maintain the status quo. They are secure in the superiority of their magical power and their bloodlines. Others believe in compromise. Still some seek to uphold the rule of law and order rather than allow an anarchic rebellion.

But soon, the hand of fate shall be dealt. Will the Clover change suits? Perhaps you will be the one to make the play...

Welcome to Black Clover: Fool's Arcana! If you're not familiar with the anime/manga, this is a fantasy setting in which a roughly medieval world is gifted with Magic. A mage reaches their full potential through a Grimoire. No two mages are exactly alike, even if they share elemental alignments like Fire or Water. The strongest magicians aim to become Magic Knights and protect the Clover Kingdom!

In this RP, you'll take the role of potential Magic Knight Recruits. You have journeyed to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam! As your magical ability grows and you are sent out on missions to prove yourself, you'll come into conflict with the various parties mentioned above--from simple bandits to political revolutionaries. In the end, you'll have to decide what you stand for, and who you'll support. Will you become a pillar that upholds the justice of the Clover Kingdom? Or will you topple those same columns to bring it all crashing down?

No matter your goal, the only spell that will bring success is "Never giving up!" Surpass your limits--Right here, right now!

With that said, here's how I'll be running this RP:

So, who would be interested?

Humanity came close to decimation by devils. But just one man...inspired others to break through their limits, and come together to fight! As Magic Knights, they saved humankind.
Thereafter they called him the Anti-Magic King. He became a legend--along with his friends, rivals, and allies.
It has been one hundred and fifty years since that day.

In generations past, there was a great gap between the commoners and the nobility of the Clover Kingdom. Those who were "beloved by Mana" believed themselves superior. But the Anti-Magic King and those who fought alongside him overturned all that. Again and again, they proved that even those of common birth--even someone without a single drop of Mana--could surpass their limits! To them, the true magic was "Never giving up!"

To some, this is unacceptable.

Trouble has begun to brew once more within the Clover. The Elves of Elysia have begun to repopulate, stirring old grudges from long ago. The borders of Heart, Diamond, and Spade still experience tensions and skirmishes. Devil Cults have appeared, twisting the Anti-Magic King's deeds to justify evil acts. But, there is another, more worrisome conflict that continues to grow day by day...

This conflict has caused a schism throughout all the Clover Kingdom's society. Even within the very Magic Knights sworn to protect that society! A movement has arisen that wishes to overthrow the Monarchy and the Nobility; they claim that they wish for new government, and new opportunities for all people. Even those who do not follow this movement have become split into different factions. Some wish to deal with them harshly and maintain the status quo. They are secure in the superiority of their magical power and their bloodlines. Others believe in compromise. Still some seek to uphold the rule of law and order rather than allow an anarchic rebellion.

But soon, the hand of fate shall be dealt. Will the Clover change suits? Perhaps you will be the one to make the play...

Welcome to Black Clover: Fool's Arcana! If you're not familiar with the anime/manga, this is a fantasy setting in which a roughly medieval world is gifted with Magic. A mage reaches their full potential through a Grimoire. No two mages are exactly alike, even if they share elemental alignments like Fire or Water. The strongest magicians aim to become Magic Knights and protect the Clover Kingdom!

In this RP, you'll take the role of potential Magic Knight Recruits. You have journeyed to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam! As your magical ability grows and you are sent out on missions to prove yourself, you'll come into conflict with the various parties mentioned above--from simple bandits to political revolutionaries. In the end, you'll have to decide what you stand for, and who you'll support. Will you become a pillar that upholds the justice of the Clover Kingdom? Or will you topple those same columns to bring it all crashing down?

No matter your goal, the only spell that will bring success is "Never giving up!" Surpass your limits--Right here, right now!

With that said, here's how I'll be running this RP:

So, who would be interested?



"Heh, always so professional." Gezoto replied before Togrash went off to charbroil more of the enemy. Once the lizardman's back was turned, however, the horned alien's mouth quirked down at the corners. The fiery warrior was always so to-the-point, so driven, looking to "test himself," and in terms of raw power level he was stronger than both Gezoto and Wiik--by now, he might've even surpassed Rhubari.

You'd almost think he was one of those dumb apes from Planet Vegeta, always bragging about their "Warrior Race."

It pissed Gezoto off. He was supposed to be next in line, he was Aneki's right-hand man! But at this rate, that sadistic shortstack in charge of things was probably gonna promote the lizard to squad leader!

Gezoto looked down at his fist, then clenched it hard enough his knuckles popped. While he was distracted, another of the Pastaran tanks rolled up on him and leveled its main cannon. The four frogmen inside worked with practiced movements, two chambering and loading while the others worked with various mechanical instruments.


Gezoto turned towards them at the last moment, then crossed both arms in front of his body. With a growl, every muscle swelled up before going taut, his blocky spikes locking into place like a line of shutters coming down!

"Spike Wall!" There was a sound like stone cracking as his flesh hardened. The tank shell struck him a half-instant later. The blast hit the Ssupaik-jin's body and split, decimating the street all around Gezoto in a V shape, with only what was behind his body left unharmed.

The smoke cleared, revealing a coating of black suit and debris over the invader. The frogmen inside the tank exchanged high fives with a cheer.

Gezoto's body popped and crackled all over as he loosened himself up, and shook off the dust. He was scraped and bruised all over, but it only served to anger him further. With a snarl, he wrapped both arms around the tank's barrel and squeezed it, crushing it as easily as one crushes an empty soda can in one hand.

"I WAS HAVIN--" He spun, levering the whole tank off the ground, "A FRIGGIN' MOMENT HERE!" Rising a few feet off the ground with one last spin, he hurled the armored vehicle. It flew higher than any non-winged machine of its size could hope, and crashed into one of the skyscrapers with enough weight to take out multiple floors. This brought the top half of the building down, and the rest of the base began to tilt underneath all the collapsed weight. Both arms hanging to his knees, Gezoto's chest heaved with heavy breaths.

Just then, a transmission came through on his scouter. Two high power levels? And Togrash was already trying to beat him to it!

"Not again, ya damn lizard!" he said, but he wasn't using his comm-link. He blasted off into the air, flying full-throttle in the direction his scouter indicated.

I WILL get stronger! One day, Togrash is gonna WISH he was me! I'll show 'em all!

Expending more ki than necessary, he put on a burst of speed. Soon Togrash was in view--as were two dark shapes approaching in the purple sky...
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