Avatar of Zeroth


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current Say "thanks," when they compliment you and smile. Watch more of what's going on around you instead of staying inside your head. If eye contact's hard, stare at her forehead.
1 like
27 days ago
@ColdAtlus: Cheems.
1 like
1 mo ago
If commissioning an artist isn't possible, could look into using AI and then editing what it puts out. Lots of ppl are salty about AI art so maybe use a disclaimer, but it's an option.
2 mos ago
1-liners become impossible if you actually write. What're your characters' 5 senses picking up? What emotions/thoughts do they have as they speak? What body language do they show? No bulli, just fact.
2 mos ago
In the AI era, you can only get ghosted if you choose to be.


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

Most Recent Posts

sixty something tornadoes spotted in my area according to local news, yesterday I tried to touch a keyboard twice for posts and immediately lost electricity both times >_<

weather today looks to be better so if it holds up I'm gonna try to work on updates!
For that matter I ended up settling on Spirit Magic, binding with an earth spirit, cause it sounded fun and I had an idea for a personal goal tied to it.

Spirit Magic is unique in that people can't be born with it--having Earth Magic or something derived from it (Clay Magic, Golem Magic, etc) is fine, but to form a contract with an Earth Spirit (which I assume would be called "Gnome" given the Paracelsian theme of the other spirits) you'd have to not only find said spirit, but somehow entice it to bond with your character. So it's not really something you'd be able to start the game with. If you'd like your character to pursue that as part of their personal story, though, that's definitely something that could be worked on!

Once the bond is established, Spirit Magic is also more of an "add on" to existing magic, boosting the host's power and potency. Until they reach a higher stage of synchronization, it's not really a whole "magical style" in and of itself.
In any case I've also just found out that Tropical Storm Beryl will be sending ripples through my neck of the woods, so if there's any further delays in updates or responses it's probably safe to assume I lost power or something. My area is terrible about blackouts even in good weather, so I fully expect to lose power right as I'm in the middle of a post or something. DX
Update is in the works, although it may be a day or two. Tropical Storm Beryl will be sending some ripples through my neck of the woods apparently, and my area is notorious for losing power anytime the wind blows in the wrong direction, so I fully expect to get interrupted halfway through the first draft >_<
Truly sword in a wizard world.

But where's the racecar scream!? D:<

I like the animation and that they acknowledge "Yes, he is a swordsman who can't use magic in a world run by wizards--but you can clearly see he's also fucking superhuman running Sanic rings around this monster." I feel like, aside from just the gag nature of it, that's how people in Mashle's word should've treated the MC after the first three or four times he literally suplexed the villains through solid stone. "Yes, they do not have magic, and that makes them weird. But you can clearly see they are BUILT DIFFERENT so why not judge them by what they can actually do instead of laughing until you get bodied?"

I have the captain's responses to various characters in-progress, but I think I'm going to wait for the overall update just a little longer! Apologies if this is a disappointment to some, but I'd like to give those who've expressed interest a chance to drop their new character drafts at the least, if not get their own introductions started.

As always, if there's anything anyone wants help or feedback on, feel free to drop me a PM!
Aaaaaand I lost my post somehow. I'm going to have to re-write it. It might be up tomorrow evening...or later...sucks....

Big oof, friend, I know how that feels. No need to rush.
As in, a magic type that specializes in self-buffs and hand-to-hand fighting by focusing the users Mana to different parts of their body to enhance abilities associated with it? The main trade-off would be that users have a very hard time projecting their Mana outwards, with the limit effectively being a standard Magic Bullet.

As @Remram said, Reinforcement Magic is sort of like the close-combat version of Magic Bullet--a generic form of magic that everyone can use regardless of element. But if you wanted to do something like this, maybe consider using some form of magic that's conducive to hitting hard or further reinforcing a weaponry or martial arts based style of fighting? Like, if you used Earth Magic to form stone gauntlets over your fists, or used Wind Magic to do some kind of like... "mini-tornadoes around the legs" for powerful flying kicks and such?

@RoadkilBanana I typically search something like safebooru or zerochan for anime-style face claims. I also don't mind if AI generated images are used, it's just that most of the ones you can use for free don't always churn out the greatest results.

@Zeroth Hi, this looks interesting and I see that you are apparently still taking applicants, but just wanted to ask if it was a good time to join story-wise or if folks should wait a bit?

Yes, right now would still be fine to introduce characters! If you could get an app in sooner rather than later that'd be ideal, but right now we've only just begun the main event so your character could easily catch up with their introduction.
... But perhaps people are just noticing her because of... Certain anatomical reasons... xD

"Amazing!" "I've never seen anything like it..." "Surely, she's the best out of anyone here!"

"Guys, c'mon, her magic wasn't that great."

*all three in unison* "There was magic?"

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