Professor Admas Alemu (Spellmaking)
It was the first day of classes in Fae Creek and professor Admas Alemu took a deep sigh while looking out of the window. How did she end here? It was horrible. Spellmaking was the most basic of classes when it came to a magical school, it was not only the backbone of it but its whole skeletal structure! And yet... and YET...
She had easily got the position of spellmaking teacher because there was no one to teach the topic at the moment.
It made her want to shoot someone. For years she had dealt with the PTSD and shell shock of having fought in the federation's wars, and now, all she wanted was to go back and choke the life out of someone. All of this was wrong, and she couldn't imagine how this could be worse, except maybe if those kids from the Imperial Institute showed up but that was pushing it.
It was fine, it was FINE. She would do it right at lest. She had her scrolls, she had her books, she had her tools. She would make a proper informative class and teach these kinds something worthwhile, it was the least she could do for the margrave.
Smiling, she sat down in the center of the traditional classroom, waiting for the students to start coming in. Trying to look the most proper she could.
Professor Celia Reed (Alteration)
Starting the year as the alternate class of the day was a bit of a dishonor for some. Not for Celia Reed, the less brats the better, though she hoped she would see that girl, what was it, Sarah, again.
The Sphinx laid in the circular open space classroom, alternation was not something that needed a lot of space, and often any attempt at adding desks and chairs just ended in those being changed into something else.
The class itself was quite simple and she was pleased with what she had prepare, being the first day she would have to talk a bit more than usual but she was sure she could manage it. In the end she wouldn't be telling these kids how to transform themselves today anyway, so it was fine to just let them play around without supervision, it was unlikely any of them would end up doing something with catastrophic consequences.