Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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2 yrs ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Use for World of light WIP apps. Doubt I will follow through on this one, not interested in the character so much. Would prefer doing evil Emily Kaldwin instead.

Winton, in the courtyard outside the Inn

Dareen kept doodling, her drawings eventually fading into nonchalant scribbles. It was hard to not to eavesdrop. Unfortunately, she hadn't figured out the Craft needed to turn off her ears. Body language was also readable even from a distance. So Dareen frowned when even the most sociable of them, Fatima, seemed to be rebuked by whatever Fatima was going through.

"Hmm," she hummed quietly in response. "My commander used to say that people were like wars, conversations like battlefields. Do the right thing, victory is assured. Make a mistake, and it can never be undone. Everyone has a set of words that will make them kill you on sight, or be loyal as a family member. The trick is not overplaying your hand, and finding the right phrases to get people to like you. To get what you want." Dareen said. She tapped the pages of her diary, her eyes staring into the middle distance.

Then she glanced over at Mikhail, and then she looked to Jandar as he spoke. Raising her eyebrows she gestured over to Jandar's back as he spoke. "That's something. We want to go there, right?" She murmered, almost to herself but she left it open for Mikhail to comment.
Sorry for the delay, I'll get a post up tomorrow for sure.

awesome! I'll get a post up within the next few days.

By the way by "there is no fire" Robin means there's literally not a fire on the ship, right? Like it isn't burning?
@Hitman Alright, cool

I'll get back to you soon with some character sheets then! I'll also try to read some of the IC stuff at least. This would be the second time I joined an RP that was already going but since it went so well the first time I figured I'd give it another shot. I like it when RP's live for a long time
Hey there, I saw the recruitment drive that saw you were looking for new players, and this RP caught my eye! It looks pretty cool and I was thinking about trying to join.

I have an idea for villainess that I think could be cool, but would it be better if i made a HERO? If I do make a villainess I want to make it clear that my end goal would be for her to be defeated, it could even happen pretty quickly after her introduction. You know to make interaction happen, I love interaction and collaborative PvP.
Kasugano Sakura

Level 1: 10/10
Location: With Ryu outside of Lumbridge
Word Count: 764
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 2/10 (Ding! Power WIP)

Sakura was blindly determined to kill one her role model. Her face was serious, grim, joyless, and so were her strikes. There were no answers in this battle, not anymore. Just grim violence. But as quickly as it began, it was over. She looked down, confused, as Ryu prepared some kind of technique. He went in to touch her heart, and she deflected it with her forearm. There was a flash of light, though, the attack had gone through anyway. Sakura blinked in surprise. During the brief moment where her eyes were closed, they went from red to brown. The vivid color of her outfit returned. With a little gasp and a little headache, Sakura relented her attacks, stumbled backwards, and fell onto her bottom with a grunt, one leg crossed beneath her raised knee. Things were fuzzy. Her head hurt. Her mind was all jumbled up, trying to make sense of things. Grass beneath her, sun at her back, breeze on her shoulders.

I'm tired, and hurt. Someone hit me. My knuckles and legs hurt. I hit someone.

She stared at Ryu. Battered, beaten, in pain, like someone had brutally ambushed him. That person wasn't nearby, apparently. It was just the two of them.

What, huh? Ryu? What happened? How did he get here? How did I get get here? Who attacked him? Huh? What?

She remembered. Or rather, she recontextualized. The last few months of her life. Wandering. Looking for Ryu. Battling in the Forbidden Kingdom.

Why? Huh? Why was I doing that? Wasn't there somewhere I was supposed to be? Wasn't I...

Then the memories came flooding back. After school with Kei. Talking about the future. Making jokes. In that little transitional period between school life and home life where it was just...life. Then, a blinding light. An attack, coming right for Kei. Sakura went to push her out of the way. A new place, a new strange place. And then...

And then...I did nothing. I just messed around. I've been messing around for months! Doing nothing but fighting! Looking for...Ryu!? Acting like nothing was wrong. My family? Where's my brother? Where's Kei? Are they okay? Why haven't I been doing anything!? Who attacked Ryu? Was it me? Was it me!? Where's my little Tsukushi!? Where's Mom, where's Dad!? Why didn't I do anything!? Oh no, oh no! I wanna go home!

At this point, Kasugano Sakura was on the verge of panic from this brief moment of consideration. She still wasn't exactly sure where she was or what was going on in this current moment. If there was any small benefit to that, it was that she could focus on getting her current bearings before spiralling into an existential crisis. Huffing and puffing, she stared into the middle distance with a look of numb shock on her face.

Normally this side of Sakura didn't come out. She was brave, unflappable, energetic. But now, her hands were shaking and her heart was pounding. Now, she was trying hard not to feel like anything more than a street fighter wannabe high school student, trapped in a horror of cosmic proportions. Right now, she was just trying to focus on helping her hurt friend. But she was closer then probably anyone had ever seen her in her life to her courage breaking into a vision of a fearful girl not even out of high school. Sakura tried to refocuse her mental energy on what was important, on what was infront of her. Rising to her hands and knees from her sitting position, she shakily crawled closer to Ryu.

Attempting to focus on the minutia, Sakura came to a stop on all fours about four feet away from Ryu, looking at the man on his knees with concern in her big brown eyes. Sakura has always been a person who wore her heart on her sleeve. Sincere and earnest to the very end, in her joys and in her fears. Even if she was currently walking the razor's edge, she made time to have concern for Ryu. If there was any small comfort in her confusion, it was that trying to piece these answers together would be easier than trying to put together everything that had happened to her.

"...R-Ryu-san? Are...are you okay...?" She asked with a voice threatening to break, reaching a trembling, gloved hand toward his shoulder. At the very least, it was a change of pace from the cold, murderous intent she had posessed (or rather, had possessed her) just moments ago.
alrighty, no problem. thanks for letting us know.

if i could just say though i think this RP started at a weird time? already being three days into the trip. Like I don't see how the Captain and the Cartographer hadn't met each other for three days straight on a submarine but we had it go that way because otherwise we would just have to weirdly imply what happened during their first meeting? It's just awkward that our first impressions aren't the characters first impressions. also, no first reactions to the submarine, each other, or the mission. i feel like we missed out on a lot of character building and roleplay moments. like, for example: learning about the submarine and seeing Shepherd's Journal would literally 100% be the most important moment of my characters life up until that moment and it's like, not even a part of the RP, lol. I don't want to be rude I just, I dunno, wanted to add something constructive to this RP should you ever try it again. At the very least it will reaffirm your reasons behind the decision to start roleplay three days into the journey.

but regardless, good luck with your medication, i hope you get that all sorted out!
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