Level 5: 20/50
Location: The Bottomless Sea
Word Count: 377
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 21/50
Sakura smiled at Cadet, blushing at his little 'aww' noise. Nadia and Junior and everyone were good sports about her speech, she felt like. It really wasn't that good. But Sakura was confident the worst was behind them. Now it was just them, together, on a mission to save the day. No more warzones! Just the team of heroes of from different places. Sakura hoped she could keep up!
With that, it was time to go. Everyone was packed and ready, their bellies full and spirits rejuvinated. It was time to make some real progress! Sakura jogged onto the Atomos and took a seat.
"It feels inevitable that I'm gonna be jumping off this thing." She commented idly, buckling herself in. She found herself once again looking out the windows of the Atomos.
Even from the air, Sakura noticed the Bottomless Sea suddenly begin. A chill ran up and down her spine and a smile spread across her lips. "W-wow." It was beautiful, in a scary kind of way. Awesome, in the truest sense of the word. Like watching a volcano erupt. And then having a street fight right next to said erupting volcano.
"Ooh! Cool ability, Rika." Sakura commented as the clever Abyssal deployed her scouts. "That'll come in handy for sure!" Sakura looked back out the window, cupping her hands against the side of her eyes.
"Looks like there's some sharks down there." Sakura squinted. "Just regular old sharks. I've seen them in aquariums. Sharks don't usually eat people. You're more likely to get crushed by a vending machine then you are to be attacked by a shark. My 'sensei' Hibiki Dan got defeated by a vending machine once." Sakura said.
"To be fair, it was a really annoying vending machine. I've never seen so many snacks get caught between the glass and the little snack shelves." Sakura said. This was...way off track. Sakura slapped the sides of her head.
"Uh. If we want to avoid the storm, we can fly way up, above the clouds. This is like, a space ship, right?" She scratched her head. "After we land on that little island thing, I guess. I don't want us to get separated from Shippy."