Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
2 yrs ago
im 24 now
2 yrs ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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2 yrs ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

Most Recent Posts

Level 5: 20/50
Location: The Bottomless Sea
Word Count: 377
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 21/50

Sakura smiled at Cadet, blushing at his little 'aww' noise. Nadia and Junior and everyone were good sports about her speech, she felt like. It really wasn't that good. But Sakura was confident the worst was behind them. Now it was just them, together, on a mission to save the day. No more warzones! Just the team of heroes of from different places. Sakura hoped she could keep up!

With that, it was time to go. Everyone was packed and ready, their bellies full and spirits rejuvinated. It was time to make some real progress! Sakura jogged onto the Atomos and took a seat.

"It feels inevitable that I'm gonna be jumping off this thing." She commented idly, buckling herself in. She found herself once again looking out the windows of the Atomos.

Even from the air, Sakura noticed the Bottomless Sea suddenly begin. A chill ran up and down her spine and a smile spread across her lips. "W-wow." It was beautiful, in a scary kind of way. Awesome, in the truest sense of the word. Like watching a volcano erupt. And then having a street fight right next to said erupting volcano.

"Ooh! Cool ability, Rika." Sakura commented as the clever Abyssal deployed her scouts. "That'll come in handy for sure!" Sakura looked back out the window, cupping her hands against the side of her eyes.

"Looks like there's some sharks down there." Sakura squinted. "Just regular old sharks. I've seen them in aquariums. Sharks don't usually eat people. You're more likely to get crushed by a vending machine then you are to be attacked by a shark. My 'sensei' Hibiki Dan got defeated by a vending machine once." Sakura said.

"To be fair, it was a really annoying vending machine. I've never seen so many snacks get caught between the glass and the little snack shelves." Sakura said. This was...way off track. Sakura slapped the sides of her head.

"Uh. If we want to avoid the storm, we can fly way up, above the clouds. This is like, a space ship, right?" She scratched her head. "After we land on that little island thing, I guess. I don't want us to get separated from Shippy."
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Level 5: 19/50
Location: Luma Pools
Word Count: 620
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 20/50

Sakura's food gathering expedition with Peach and Rika turned out to be a lot of fun. It really took her mind off things. This place was so unaffected by the war. She felt bad for feeling better already, but that felt like a stupid thing to feel bad about. Shaking away these confusing thoughts, Sakura followed the classic video game princess to their destination.

Sakura balked a little, putting her student bag over her shoulder. "Um...heheh. Guess we won't be needing that. That's the biggest pineapple I've ever seen in my whole life." She said.

Sakura giggled as Peach forgot she could walk on water.

When it came down to her turn to pick some fruit, she tore off a junk of pineapple and bit into it. "Wow! It's really sweet. And not dirty at all, which is crazy cuz its just been sitting here." Sakura ditched the big piece of pineapple and went over to the watermelon. She karate chopped a big slice off and held it over her shoulder by the crust.

"Watermelon!" She held it over her head victoriously. "Yattaze." She said proudly to herself.

She set the watermelon down on the ground at the campfire crust down, so everyone could eat it. "Uoooh, sugoi! Good job everyone!" She set, placing her hands on her hips. Cadet and Link had set up a campfire. This Galeemified guy had borrowed some bananas from a monkey (Sakura liked him already) and Link had gotten fish. Geralt was...still big. Nadia was making cat puns. Blazermate was making her zombies do weird things. Bella and Ranger were taking part, too. Peach had brought her fruit, and Nadia was making cat puns. Shippy was there, and that kid with the Hat was around, too. Everyone was here! Except...well. Brineybeard.

Sakura crossed her legs and sat down. She slapped her palms together and bowed."Itadakimasu!" She shouted.

With that, she began eating her portion of what was gathered. The fruit was delicious, as fresh as could possibly be. "This is way better than store bought." She said.

Kamek arrived with good news. Sakura's face lit up and she went to cheer happily. Instead a watermelon seed got caught in her throat. "WOO- clughf-khkek-... ptoo!" She wiped her mouth. She moved on, undeterred. "Woohoo! That is awesome news! Those cats are amazing!" She shot both of her hands up in a peace signs.

Sakura stood to her feet. "Hey, Bowser, Mr. L, shut up a minute, wouldja?" She asked in a polite but blunt way that left no room for argument.

Holding a piece of watermelon in her hand like it was a cup, Sakura cleared her throat. "I know today really sucked. But we're one step closer to our goal of kicking Galeem's butt. But with Brineybeard alive and wishing us well, the Seekers are doing okay." She took a quick bite out of the red and green fruit in her gloved hand.

"I just- I just think you guys are really great. I've known some fantastic heroes in my time and you guys are really up there with them. So when we beat up Galeem and everyone goes home, it'll be good to know that those places have got you guys watchin' out for 'em." She smiled and tried to subtly take another bite. When she realised a lot of eyes were on her she became embarassed.

"Uh. So. Yeah. A fruit toast to the good guys. I just wish we had music for our party." She concluded and sat back down at her spot in the campfire. "Hehe..." Hopefully someone else said a few words so she didn't feel so awkward. Someone better at speeches, maybe.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Power Rangers HQ
Interactions: Everyone

Vallory gave a little thumbs up towards Clint. "Cool. That's good to know." She said. She was piecing this interesting dynamic together pretty quickly. There was clearly a lot of love between the Power Rangers but, they also hadn't hung out in a while. The fact that the Blue Ranger, Jordan, was sticking around proved that she might only be angry because she cares so much. Which was...nice. Vallory just hoped that Jordan didn't start caring about her too quickly. Vallory wasn't sure she could handle that much emotion thrown her way.

Vallory raised her eyebrows and proudly jutted out her lower lip at Ross's compliments. "Hmm. Well. Thanks, Ross." She shifted her weight onto one leg and put a hand on her hip, and flexed the other arm. "Queen of the castle." She tittered, leaning forward and slapping her hands together. Those two compliments particularly bolstered her confidence. Ross was basically saying she was Power Ranger material. Imagine that! Power Ranger material! That helped ease her doubts. She was apparently so qualified she was making Ross have doubts just by being in the same room as him. It was quite the boost to her ego.

When she thought about that last part a little longer, her empathy kicked in. "Don't sell yourself short, Ross. I think you'd make great Power Ranger material. You're super nice, and good with kids. And...you care. A lot." She tried and failed not to look down at Ross' hands which had been busted up earlier.

"And, like, heart is what really matters. The suit can turn anyone into a badass. This is like, Captain America stuff, y'know?" She tapped her chest. She glanced over at Sloane and screwed her mouth up to the side.

When Sloane spoke, she found herself in agreement with him. It didn't really matter whether or not her suit fit. Jordan asked her questions next, and, man, she didn't want to be rude, but she seriously didn't care about the landlord situation. She also didn't care about why Druidon were back, or what Charlie was up too in her apparent absence.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm with Sloane on this one. I think everyone who wants to suit up should suit up, everyone else goes home." She nervously punched the palm of her other hand a few times. "I'm ready to roll. Like, right now. I don't care if I'm only a Power Ranger long enough to get those people back. I can fight." She held up the Power Crystal. "I got this thingy. I'm all...synced up to the Morph Zone, or whatever. Let's go." She looked back at the Pink Ranger suit. She tapped the Power Crystal against the glass. She tried to find a way to open the pod, be it an obvious handle or seam or some kind.
In Rangers 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
page 3 baby

Oh, dang. Was almost done with a first draft of a peppermint. Alright, I'll try to come up with a sunflower character. Might be tomorrow or the day after.
Ahoy there, saw this RP. Think it looks pretty cool so I'll be submitting a character and trying to get in. :)
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