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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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Beatriz put the ear plugs her mother gave her into her ears as the announcer spoke.

“The last thing you, filha, is tinnitus! Do you want your ears ringing while you fight?” Mami had said, insisting the two plastic plugs into Bea’s reluctant hands. She hadn’t wanted to look uncool in front of the other fighters.

“Ringing before you get hit, anyway, my God, I don't know why you chose this to be your hobby. You’ll put your mother into an early grave with all this.” She had said, kissing Bea on the forehead.

”Sorry, mami.” Bea said, rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh, don’t be sorry, just be yourself. I’ll get over it. You’re a good girl, if anyone could have talked you out of it, you would have listened.” Her mother said.

“...Yeah? I guess that makes sense? I just- I have too. And hey, maybe I’ll even make you proud while I’m at it!”

But now, as Bea tried to subtly slip the plugs into her ears when nobody in this massive room was looking, she felt grateful for them. Because it was really loud in here. Bea is no stranger to loud, but she is a stranger to concerts. That kind of artificial loud that doesn’t come from people talking and fireworks and celebration, but massive speakers placed in every corner in the room.

The lady- with some kind of worm on her head???- announced an open bar and buffet. Well, she was too young for the bar- not that she would want to get drunk anyway. And the last thing she wanted was to eat herself sick on fight day. Instead she used what was available to produce a turkey sandwich, the kind she’s been eating all year. That was the best tactic, Beatriz was sure. Everything had to be perfect if she was going to be in winning condition!

Beatriz sat by herself in the corner, two hands on her sandwich. A t-shirt, some jeans, her backpack. That was it. She was glad she still had her ear plugs in when a wannabe Jaden Raldo got on the mic and started- Beatriz nearly choked when she looked over and saw the real Jaden Raldo rapping on the microphone! What is he doing here?! She thought the ninja rapper thing was just a gimmick! But the guy really was decked out with swords! Is he going to be fighting?! Beatriz was suddenly feeling a little star struck. She’d never gotten a chance to go to any concert before.

It was also nice to see a little familiarity, at least. Because some of the people here, were… unusual. Beatriz knew it wasn’t like this last year. But something about this year was different. Instead of martial artists from all over the world, at least half the people here were total weirdos! Beatriz really had no idea what it could be. Though she had heard people mention the Power Stone… was it drawing people out of the woodwork? This Fighting Carnival was either going to be the strangest, or greatest, it had ever been and ever would be. She supposed she should be thankful. She wanted to meet great fighters, right? well, now she would. All because of a weird rock.

There were interviews happening, people showing off…members of SHINING were here. A bunch of people floating around. Bea was trying her hardest not to feel inadequate or boring in comparison. She thought that being able to create a ball of ki would make her able to keep up with the most extravagant ki using fighters. But now she wasn’t so sure.

“Hey, you, kid.” Someone said. Beatriz startled, almost choking on her sandwich, whirling to see the source of the voice. It was a tone of voice that she had heard all too often, and one she wasn’t expecting to hear here of all places.

”K-ggk- bwuh?” Bea replied eloquently, looking up at the security guard.

“You’re not supposed to be here. This is for fighters only.” He said. Bea felt heat rush to her cheeks.

”What?!” Bea shouted, hoping she had misheard.

He cupped his mouth. “You’re not supposed to be here! This is for fighters only!”

”I AM a fighter!” Bea shouted back, resisting the urge to punctuate that sentence by punching him to the moon. Though given he was a security guard at a place like this, he was probably tougher than his plastic badge suggested.

He didn’t seem convinced by her statement. “Really? Aren’t you a little young? Where’s your badge?”

”It- it’s in my bag.” She nodded towards it. But she was still holding this sandwich in both of her hands. Do you know how hard it is to look like a badass when you’re holding a turkey sandwich?

She looked around for a place to set down her turkey sandwich. But there wasn’t any. She didn’t bring a plate with her. If she sets it down anywhere, it’s ruined. She could try holding it in one hand? But what if it fell apart? Or slipped off her hand? It was her only option, so she went for it.

Unfortunately, undoing a zipper with one hand is also very difficult. At least it is when you have a ratty ass backpack with loose strings that get caught in the zipper braid. Bea gave it a few tugs.

”Fucking shit-” She swore under her breath.

“Alright kid, that’s enough.”

”Could you just hold my fucking sandwich for two seconds-” Bea said.

“Just pick up your bag and let’s go.” The guard said, firmly taking her by the arm. He was going to do the escort walk thing! Why didn’t she just wear the stupid badge?! She felt like crying!

”No! No, I-” Going against every instinct in her body, she regretfully dropped her sandwich. It plopped against the ground, and she pulled her arm free and descended upon her bag. In her rush, she tore the zipper right off the backpack with a metallic pop.

”See?!” She exclaimed, showing the guard her broken zipper like it was a testament to how strong she was. It ended up just being a testament to how crappy her back pack was.

When she went to dig through her backpack, she realized it was full of crap. Extra clothes, first aid kit, extra lunches, her fighting gear- her lanyard must have sunken into all this! Bea made a very uncool noise of desperation and failure as the guard grabbed her by the arm and began to escort her out. Would it be possible to figure out an alternate solution? Almost certainly yes. But Bea got a twitch in her eye and a glint of intent, and any Nomad here who had been in more than a few fights could tell she was about to start one.

”Maybe I’ll just show you, eh?!” Well, you didn’t need to be a Nomad to figure that part out.
Beneath the Mask IV

Location:The City of Glass - Vandelay Campus
Attendees: Susie, Raz, Goldlewis, Zenkichi, Roxas, Midna, Karin
Viewers: Blazermate, Tora, Giovanna, Geralt, Sakura, Pit, Benedict, Partitio
Word Count: 1566 (+3)

While some semblance of control had been reestablished within the debate hall, the accusations leveled by both candidates had done irreparable damage to the professionalism and integrity of the debate. Both painted an ugly picture of one another, with animal cruelty, illegal fusion, and the willful sabotage of Seiran on one side, and debt-based forced servitude plus child soldiers on the other, nothing proven, but all plausible enough that anyone looking for a weapon to wield against the other side would happily take hold. Of the two men, however, only one currently harbored the position-mandated responsibility of public welfare, that being Shinra. Despite the strong inherent incumbent bias in his favor, Armstrong was making a strong case for himself purely by going one hundred percent offense, even if his claims couldn’t be substantiated.

With the event already behind schedule thanks to the turmoil, the moderator wasted no time with the next question. “Gentleman, though the Ever Crisis is Midgar’s number-one concern, it is by no means the only threat we face. President Shinra alluded to ‘rogue elements’ earlier, and this next question is about them. What do you plan to do about insurrectionist and terrorist organizations like Avalanche, the Hermits, and Reunion, especially the threat posed by Reunion’s leader, former ARI researcher Jena Anderson? Senator, you’re up first.”

Raz kept his focus on Armstrong for this one; the Seekers’ knowledge of the bit players in the Ever Crisis was lacking, and the Senator seemed to know a lot of sensitive information, whether or not it was true.

“First of all, the Hermits are nothing more than a nuisance,” Armstrong declared. “The idea that they represent the same kind of threat as Reunion is a serious misconception. They are petty thieves and hackers restricted primarily to Quarantine Valley by the forces of DespoRHado operating as peacekeepers within Detroit, since General Affairs and Peace Preservation don’t really bother showing up.” He gave a dismissive shrug, then adopted a stern frown. “Jena Anderson, however, is considered Sector 08’s public enemy number one. She preys upon the sick and resentful, urging them to lash out at ordinary people just trying to live their lives. She’s a dangerous criminal, moving in secret through the city’s underbelly, spreading Redshift in your streets and homes!” He faced the audience. “But when my word is law as President there won’t be anywhere left for her to hide. We’ll expose her lies and give the people she’s deceived the help they need!”

Pain in my ass…no way she’s on her own…who’s working with her…gotta be some link to PubSec…redshift getting worse…Reunion attacks…Quarantine Valley…Hermits stronger than ever…everyone against us…can’t give up now.

Shinra glared at Armstrong as if the Senator had stolen his thunder. “DespoRHado’s clumsy attempts to do the job of Neuron are the exact reason -and the only reason- that Anderson had evaded capture so far. But I digress. Anderson might claim that she seeks to end discrimination against the infected. The fact is that redshift is a cruel and relentless malady, almost impossible to stop let alone cure, and such a nightmarish disease warrants countermeasures of utmost seriousness. Portraying the thankless and self-sacrificing efforts of Peace Preservation as ‘oppression’ is the product of a truly warped mind, if she even believes her own lies. In truth, she is merely using it as an excuse to try and justify her crimes, and her followers in Reunion are just the same. As for Avalanche…” Shinra gave a dry, humorless laugh. “Need I say anything, really?”

Without waiting for the moderator’s go-ahead, Armstrong narrowed his eyes at Shinra. “But Mr. President, didn’t they just blow up one of the city’s precious Mako Reactors just last night? And you’re saying they’re not a threat?”

“The exaggerations of the media should not be relied upon,” Shinra told him evenly. “While they managed to cause a scene, the damage to Mako Reactor 1 is not critical, and repairs are underway. It was ultimately a feeble attempt, befitting Avalanche and their feeble justification for eco-terrorism. They claim that Mako is the lifeblood of the planet, but look around Midgar! The land is full of life, and trees as tall as skyscrapers bloom from Kunad Highway and the Valley of Ruin! If Avalanche doesn’t fall apart under the weight of its own inadequacy, it will be dealt with soon.” He stroked his mustache as he stared at Armstrong. “I’m curious, though. Misrepresenting government programs? Preying upon the weak and downtrodden? Inciting them to violence and crime? Working to destabilize Midgar? Put another way, Anderson’s modus operandi is not so dissimilar from your own, Senator.”

Armstrong’s lip curled. “Midgar needs change, Mr. President. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Anderson doesn’t believe in change, and thanks to her, people everywhere have been suffering, especially the undercities! That sound familiar to anyone?” He gazed over the audience. “But I believe in change, and under my leadership I’ve turned things around for Sector 08. Fighting back against the status quo. Giving people the chance to think and fight for themselves!” He put his fist over his chest. “And that’s what I plan to do for the whole city, whether they’re suffering thanks to Anderson…” He turned his pointed gaze to Shinra. “Or anyone else!”

Stifling a wry laugh, Goldlewis shook his head. “They couldn’t call each other the same as that terrorist lady fast enough,” he murmured to the other Seekers. In a way, it was almost heartening to see that the oldest trick in the book -comparing your political opponent to the biggest universally-condemned villain you could think of- still held true here. He couldn’t help but wonder more about this Jena Anderson, though. That name had been floating around for a while. Shinra painted her as an insurrectionist, while Armstrong posited her as a tyrant. What role did she -and Reunion- really play? The Seekers still knew almost nothing about the Chimeras, Redshift, or the Astral Plane, and if Anderson did, it might be worth finding out. Somehow.

”I get the broad strokes of it, but what exactly is a ‘terrorist’ anyhow?” Midna asked, such a concept having not been invented in her world (yet).

Roxas could really only stand in silence. The talk of groups and terrorists just sort of flew over his head for the most part. The only thing that really stood out to him was the focus they were putting on Jena Anderson, whoever that was. They made it sound like she was singularly responsible for all the Redshift stuff that Neuron had to deal with, but was that really true? Could one single person really be behind all of that? He wanted to ask about that, but another conversation started up before he could.

Goldlewis would’ve tried to bend close to whisper in the imp’s ear if he could tell where she was. “Someone who commits violent crimes to coerce civvies or the government into somethin’ for some sort of’ ideological purpose,” he told her as discreetly as he could.

Midna wasn’t quite sure how said ‘terrorists’ thought that would work, or how it exactly applied to the one group she did know about, who’s attack on the reactor made complete sense to her militarily without any coercion angle, though she kept that to herself rather than make it a whole distracting line of conversation. It was very much a concept outside of her time, though whether she liked it or not, it was one she was likely to get quite familiar with should the path forward involve looking into organizations branded as such.

”Hmm… Well either way they are mentioning quite a few people of interest we should look into ourselves perhaps.” Susie said softly, scratching her chin.

"Oh, definitely." Zenkichi added. "Though I'm with Shinra on this one. PubSec might be under Konoe's thumb, but those cyborgs are hardly decent investigators. I wouldn't doubt that they've pulverized plenty of evidence that could have been used to actually implicate the people they're after. Call me biased all you like, but not everybody in PubSec is rotten."

”True, that one cyborg we’ve met didn’t care about collateral damage. And you have to wonder how much intel those like him have destroyed in their rampages…” Susie said, remembering how they ‘assisted’ DespoRHado at that construction site.

Raz relayed what he was able to pick up from Armstrong to the group - PubSec, redshift, the Hermits strength, Reunion, Quarantine Valley. ”Do we know anything about any of that?” he asked, ”between getting into Psych-OSF and the Other fights earlier I sorta forgot some of our debriefing…”

That was too much ground to cover for now. “We’ll have to sum up later, the next segment’s startin’ any second,” Goldlewis whispered back.

”Could always think about it,” Raz joked.

The veteran was not joking, though. “You stay outta my mind, son. I’ve stared straight into hell, and it ain’t suitable for anyone who’s too young enough to drink.”

With a nod, Raz returned to the debate. ”You got it, sir.”

And just like that, Roxas missed his chance. Hopefully he’d remember to bring up his question later when the chance presented itself.

Right, the terrorist groups... but with men like these as leaders, was it really any wonder why people would fight back against the regime? That being said, Pit couldn't agree with their methods. He'd seen the effects of redshift himself first hand last night - why would anyone purposely infect other people with it, let alone innocent people?

For a moment the merchant's fist unclenched, resting his arms on the bar counter. Partitio wondered if the city would be better in the hands of someone like Armstrong, would the people's lives be better? Neither fellers' seemed like good folk, but still to him there was something to the big man's words. Call it being too narrow minded or not seeing the bigger picture, but he liked the sound of change cause it's the same damn thing he'd do. Heck it's exactly how he pulled himself and all the folk back home out of the depths of poverty, the merchant put a hand on his chin and looked to Benedict and nodded to the television "That big feller…He makes a good point, at least about change. Don't care much if it's good or bad..Just needs to happen, for all them fancy words there is a small grain o' truth." the other man took a deep breath, sighing before he replied Admittedly Mr. Yellowil I agree, to that indeed Midgar is in need of change. However that may come… the two nodded in silent agreement, for once their matter of opinions could be set aside and returned to seeing the debate unfold on the strange box people called a television.

"No way, what's the point of changing if it doesn't make things better?" Pit countered, glancing at Benedict and Partitio with his eyebrows knitted together. "That's what they're arguing about, right? Which one of them is better for the city? But they're both bad guys." Though it wasn't like the Seekers could interfere right now anyway, so the citizens could only pick between the familiar and unfamiliar. It was frustrating as an outsider, so it must have been doubly so for the people that lived in Midgar.

"Once we beat the guardian and free the city, it'd be nice to find someone good to take over."

Giovanna smiled, a little bitterly. “Best man for the job got outta the game a while back, if you ask me.” Vernon hadn’t just left because his term had ended, though. Midgar had defeated him, convinced him that it could never be a place he could be proud of. Even then though, he couldn’t have imagined just how bad things could get.

Sakura was grinning, happily counting points for both Giovanna and herself. She asked a random person nearby if they wanted to join but to no avail. “Who?” She found herself asking off-handedly on natural curiosity, though she’d probably regret it if she heard some big long political answer.

The secret agent made an effort keep a hold on her typical bluntness as she replied. “...Vernon.”

“Cool! That’s too bad. ” Sakura threw another dart.

These people, these Seekers saw nothing but black and white; good and evil, neither side mattered. Benedict closed his eyes, and shook his head "You think it's so simple, while I applaud that your view is incredibly naive. Everything isn’t as simple as what you think. What is right for you is not right for someone else." the former Turk spoke in the same tired voice one would hear an adult explaining something to a child, but he lacked the motive to even add an element of condescension to aim at Pit.

"This is the real world, not some fairy tale where the hero's win." it wasn't necessary to say let alone look in the Nopon's direction when Benedict spoke, it was implied or a given "Now come on there partner there’s got to be some good in this world," Partitio sheepishly raised a finger, he didn't see no sense in arguing over this again least of all in a public place still he could get on board with what the angel boy had in mind "Look we can all talk bout' the nitty gritty when it darn well comes to it fighting for change has its merits no matter how it gets done."

”Well, beating the bad guy is fun all in all. And if a new bad guy takes his place, you beat that one, and that one, and that one… Eventually you’ll run out of bad guys. There are so many of them after all.” Blazermate said, totally missing Benedict’s point. ”Either way, what do you guys think about looking into the people they mention? Enemy of my enemy and all that.”

If only things were that easy. “It’s almost impossible to find anyone in this city,” Giovanna told her. “Especially if they don’t want to be found. We still don’t even have a good way to delve into Quarantine Valley. The more I hear, though, the more it seems like we ought to pay it a visit. Right now, it and Suoh interest me the most.”

What Benedict said had rubbed Pit the wrong way, which was clear from the agitated floof of his feathers and the wrinkle of his nose. This world was filled with plenty of heroes from plenty of other worlds where they did win, and the angel was going to make sure that was the case here in Midgar too. After Partitio and Blazermate shifted the topic he shoved the last of the peanuts into his mouth before chiming in again.

"I think we should look for them too! There's gotta be a way, otherwise how do they all meet up with each other?" However the Seekers decided to try, it meant a lot more field trips in the future.

Geralt watched the back and forth about good and evil and reality and ideals, and just sat there. It was a conversation he'd had a thousand times and would likely have a thousand times more, but tonight, he just wanted to see what was going to happen. "Giovanna, how much of what he just said about Anderson is true? We didn't stick around Detroit very long to get an idea of how bad things really are."

Crossing her arms, Giovanna pursed her lips for a moment before answering. “Our intel on her is limited. We know she’s a former head researcher from the Administration’s R&D division. Supposedly went missing…twenty years ago?” She furrowed her brow. “She appears without warning, often in the middle of Gate events, as if she’s instigating them herself. Aberrations and redshift follow in her wake, but they never seem to bother her. Under her leadership, Reunion commits terrorist acts. Everyone in the organization’s redshifting, lots of ‘em barely distinguishable from Aberrations.” So all in all, most of what the candidates said about Anderson was true.

"Fuck." Geralt sighed. That sounded like one hell of a problem to deal with. And the Seekers would likely be the one dealing with it.

”Wait, 20 years ago? Uuuh…. Is that galeem time or our time?” Blazermate asked, noticing the massive time gap that could have possibly happened. Unfortunately for her, Giovanna didn’t know what she could possibly have meant by that.

“I thought you were there for that. We learned it while we were in Detroit. At least here, people have memories going back about that long in this city. Which…presents a serious problem. We don’t know what that’s going to be like when people have to reconcile that much time being lost or replaced. I only had a few weeks of memory from being in the Land of Adventure, thankfully.” Geralt reminded Blazermate.

Sakura stood up straight. “Uhh, what? Wait, what? Really?” She looked at Geralt. “But that doesn’t make any sense, Mister Geralt. How could-? What, like a big shared dream?”

Geralt just shrugged. “Galeem’s basically a god. It can do whatever it wants with this world. It could have been pulling people from other worlds for decades, or centuries even, building this place up slowly.”

Sakura tried to wrap her head around that. ”I haven’t noticed anyone getting pulled in, have you?” She asked. She hesitated on aiming her next dart.

”Oh, man. That’s really creepy.” Sakura said.

“Unless he dropped them right in front of us, we might never know.” Geralt replied simply. “But that’s all hypothetical. We have no idea how this really all works.”

Something about that didn't seem right to Pit, but he couldn't say for sure. "When it happened, it seemed like it was everything at once..."

”Geralt-san is right. Still…makes this whole place seem faker.” Sakura concluded uneasily.
The Under - Pizza Tower

The Koopa Troop’s @DracoLunaris, Primrose’s @Yankee, Jesse’s @Zoey Boey, Ganondorf’s @Double, Ichiban’s @Truthhurts22, Omori’s [@Majoras End]
Word Count: 3663

”One, two, three-” Bowser muttered drowsily to himself as he counted the number of people in their party once the doors shut, and came to the fortuitous conclusion that ”and yup, that’s everyone”

”Remarkable work on escaping everyone, and it looks like we’re safe, for now, at least” Kamek, who was only barely holding himself up using his broom as a walking stick, offered as praise to the successful city escapers. After seeing him in this condition, Barnabee courteously lent the old reptile a hand. Out of everyone who made it here, the Hive Knight was in the best condition by a long shot, thanks to his abstinence from the fight with Consul P and the warp-dashes that made him a frontrunner in the Seekers’ flight from the Home of Tears. Thus, he happily offered his assistance to anyone who needed it.

”I mean, Purse did say it was dangerous, but maybe that is just the upper floors like those tree stump guys said?” Rika theorized worriedly, as her scout plane swooped around the rafters to check if that was the case. Neither her scouts nor Barnabee could detect anything wrong though, at least not in the tower’s ground floor. Those hallways with their weird portal-doors might be another matter, but neither dared to go through.

”Even if there is nasty stuff hiding out there, I don’t care, I am beat” Jr replied. The prince might have not had to do any running, having rode first his car and then drake back when his machine got totaled by a kick, but he’d been on healer duty since they arrived at the tower, and his body burned with fatigue and mana overuse resulting from having healed each and every single person back up to full hp, just incase they had had to keep fleeing.

However, with the gates barred, and nothing hammering at them, at least audibly, it seemed that they really were in the clear. The moment that became clear the troop all piled over to warm themselves by the roaring fire. Gauntlets and armor were removed, weapons put aside, and guards were finally dropped.

Well, after a few dry bones were deployed to act as guards anyway, you could never be too careful, especially now that they knew that just not ticking off the Gleaming was enough to be safe from their lifelight touched minds.

”So I guess nowhere’s safe now, huh” Jr said, broaching that subject, but from the rest of the Troop he got no answer. Despite the fancy camping equipment available, the other three had more or less conked out moments after sitting by the fire. Kamek sat with his new wizard’s hat tipped over his eyes just a little ways off, while Bowser was hunched over, with Rika lightly hugged to his side, stilling the nightmares she had immediately started having of friends turning to foes.

The prince longed to join them, but the slowly dulling burnt feeling caused by mana overuse that the same spells that had caused it ironically could not cure was keeping him up. So instead he took a look around to see if anyone else was resisting or being denied the call of slumber.

”Huh, you guys came prepared,” Ichiban said to no one in particular as he picked a nice puffy sleeping bag from the piles of supplies. ”Guess it makes sense. You’ve all been doin’ it for a while now, yeah?” Noticing how many of their party were already conked out, Ichiban decided not to keep blabbing and walked to the fire. He laid his bedroll out on the fringes of its warmth and sat down. Out of combat, his outfit had returned to the normal frumpled suit of his. He wasn’t going to sleep just yet though, instead sitting cross legged and staring into the fire, just… hanging out.

”About … 5 days at this point” Jr replied, counting them off on his fingers ”and this stuff is new as well so, ehhh, we aren't that prepared. Just kind of winging it and hoping we find a town by the end of the day. Guess we’re lucky queen bee got this stuff when she did”

While he spoke, the prince pulled over his beat up flying machine from where it had been set down, took a quick look at the internals and started trying to do something about the mess being used as a shield and then being kicked had done to it. After a few moments he ended up giving up however, as it quickly it became clear that not being able to sleep did not mean he had the mental or physical energy to do any engineering

”Not that we’ve not had adventures and stuff before though, though a lot of the times papa’s the bad guy who the hero is trying to stop for those” the kid then went on to say ”It’s kinda fun to be on the other side of things, except for all the stress and death and horror and other not fun stuff”

"Hmph, in other words, you've been getting lucky." Ganondorf commented rather bluntly. He didn't try to be hostile or argumentative, though. He was too tired for that. The Gerudo sat a few meters away from Jr and Ichiban, leaned back against the wall. But he wasn't paying full attention to the conversation. He was examining something that he held in one of his hands. The other Seekers would recognize it as a Spirit. And it wasn't the only one in his possession, as the King of Evil possessed a second one that he held in his other hand that currently rested on the floor.

"What a waste of perfectly good talent." He said in reference to the individuals he had obviously had to kill, "I'd have preferred to add them to my army. They were quite tough." he added with an almost disappointed tone. But he knew he had to do something with these Spirits otherwise they would fade away and be further wasted.

”We did also have a vague map to find those towns, but only those on the surface. And cars for a bit to get around. Everythings got so much tougher since the Consuls showed up and started messing with us” Jr complained, before frowning a little at the spirits. ”Couldn’t you have, you know, just not killed them then?” he asked after a few moments.

”I don’t believe that would have been possible.” Ganondorf answered after a brief pause of thought, ”These two were relentless, they hounded me nonstop while I was retreating through the cavern,” and then as if prove his point he held up his hand that held Riptor’s spirit for the Koopa kid to see, ”This one especially. It doesn’t help that I defeated them once already in the Thorn, so it’s possible they wanted revenge for that defeat in addition to being controlled.”

”So you weren't fast, smart, or strong enough to get away without killing them. Got it” the prince casually sniped, before pointing out that ”if you want them in your army, just make them strikers” before snapping his fingers ”oh, I should do the same with the flukes. The flying ones could be good” before popping open his car’s glove box and rummaging around for the glass bottle he used for spirit storage.

Exhaustion prevented tempers from flaring too high, but to make sure of that Primrose chose this point to let out a sigh and stand up. She had been resting with her legs drawn up and her head laying on her knees, eyes closed but not sleeping. The dancer didn't feel comfortable enough to sleep out in the "open" like this, in the lobby of some strange and apparently dangerous tower. Even surrounded by allies, despite the days of danger she'd shared with them so far. She stretched lightly and then quietly approached those still awake, starting with the King of Evil.

"Take this," she said, handing him a delicate, pinkish red pearl. She brushed her hair back to reveal a similar one fashioned as an earring. "Affix it to your ear. It will make communicating easier."

She moved on to Ichiban then Bowser Jr. (giving the prince extras for his family when they woke up), as well as any others awake. Nearby they could see that Therion, still in his beast form and curled up nearest the fire, had one connected to his cat ear as well. Barnabee accepted a linkpearl without complaint. “Thank you, kind maiden,” he told her. “I regret most keenly mine absence from thy battle against the city’s foul despot. Shouldst thy company fall, after all, the hope of Her Majesty’s ill-fated kingdom would die with thee. Now, the fanged blade of the Hive Knight shall know no further truancy!”

”I mean, you weren't the only one. Plus Rika said you helped out a lot on that dicy raid on the crawlers in the dark, or whatever they were called, e’s base so, eh, don’t worry about it” Jr told the bee man as he found a spot for the spare earbuds, putting down the fluke and fallen adventurer filled jar to do so. Then he took his own, tried to put it in where his ears used to be, found only scales, got confused for a very long tired moment, before going ”ooooh, right” and putting it into one of his cat ears instead.

”So are these, like, tiny phones or something? Oh or like sci-fi communicator things? That’s neat if so” he asked as he tried to get it to work with a ”Testing 1 2 1 2”

"It's some kind of magic," she replied, "just focus on them and you should be able to use it."

She demonstrated what had worked for her so far, holding a hand up to her ear and speaking softly. Her voice filtered through the matching pearls. She glanced at Barnabee, amused at the way he'd put his regret about not fighting with them against the Consul. "Indeed, this should help keep us all together - or keep informed when we split up."

”ahhhh, got it” Jr replied as he heard her voice in his ear, before doing one or two more tests of his own till he could send a response. Once done, he asked ”Where’d you get these anyway?”

"The Mermaid Corps were kind enough to give us a shell that makes them," she said, which might as well have been the truth. She and Therion had been led right into their base of operations, then to the captain's office where the handy magic device was just sitting unsecured. As the thief would put it, they were just asking for it to be taken. Primrose didn't show off the linkshell, just taking a seat after she'd passed out all of the pearls to those awake and lounging on her elbows. "And considering what just happened, it was the least they could do." Mind controlled or not.

”Yeah you don’t say. Can clear their own sewers or whatever, but when it came to hunting us down they were relentless. Their captain especially” Jr agreed, mostly in jest, before picking up the tape they’d recorded, twiddling it between two fingers ”We got a bit more from her as well before we sent her home.”

Jesse took Primrose’s pearl and held it between her fingers. “Thanks, Primrose.” She said. “It matches my hair.” She attached it to her ear. “Well, no, it doesn’t. But still, thanks.”

Ichiban turned his pearl over a few times, trying to see if he could figure out how it worked, which was never going to get very far. As he clipped it to his earlobe he said, ”kinda reminds me of these little ear things back in Ijincho. They worked the same, I think, where you connect ‘em to your phone and can talk and make calls without usin’ your hands. I never had one though.” He looked into the fire again, and sighed. He glanced between the other three, Jr, Ganondorf, and Primrose, before he continued talking, to the group as a whole.

”Before all of this happened-” he waved vaguely in the air, ”-there was a while where I was homeless, livin’ in a camp with other homeless people. This kinda reminds me of it. It was rough, but honestly, I don’t feel sad when I look back on it. I made some real great friends at that camp. They helped me get on my feet, showed me how to survive - heck, one of them even saved me from dyin’.” Noticing he was rambling, Ichiban scratched the back of his neck. ”Ah, hahah, sorry about that. Didn’t mean to make a spiel of it. It was just on my mind is all…”

”It’s fine.” From inside the sleeping bag he grabbed Omori finally spoke up to Ichiban. He sat up quietly, as to not wake Mewo up. Had he been awake the whole time? The boy glanced around at everyone else still up, subtly tensing up when he caught sight of the spirits Ganondorf held. He couldn’t imagine repeating his mistake killing anyone from the Home of Tears willingly, but between Junior and Ganondorf in their brief argument, he had to take the King of Evil’s side on this. It didn’t sound like he had a choice. He offered an apologetic glance at Ganondorf before turning his attention back to the fire. ”It’s good to talk.”

After the Gerudo flared his nostrils at Jr’s insolent remark, whatever he was about to say was cut off by the sudden gift from the dancer. Ganondorf said nothing, but he took the earring regardless. However he didn’t put it on his ear immediately. Instead he just stashed it in the satchel with his potions for the time being. And then he pushed himself to his feet, ”Then by all means, talk to your hearts’ content.” he suddenly said with a snappy tone, ”I’ve had all I can stand for one day.” He began to walk away from the group, albeit slowly due to his exhaustion.

That’s the last time I try to be civil with those idiotic Koopas. If these people want to play hard ball and make snide remarks, then so be it. ‘Friends’ indeed. Tch, what a joke.

…Well then. Omori slightly frowned at Ganondorf leaving. Maybe he should go after him? Barnabee just watched him go, displeased by the man’s tone. Such surliness was more demonstrative than anything; there wasn’t anywhere else in the Hub for Ganondorf to go. Hopefully he didn’t disturb those trying to sleep, any more than the conversationalists were anyway.

Jr meanwhile had almost entirely forgotten that he’d made the remark in the beginning, and instead was replying to Ichiban’s spiel by clarifying that ”We do have a home though. Or like a home base I mean. It’s this city called Alcamoth. Its all domes and glass and it floats and stuff. There’s a load of other non-Galeeming people there and everything”

”People who I guess we should probably update on this stuff at some point. You know about the clocks and Consuls and things”

"Mhm. Hopefully these little pearls will eventually help with keeping in touch with Alcamoth too, but in the meantime we could summon one of those Moogles... in the morning."

Primrose's gaze had trailed after the Gerudo King, only just keeping herself from rolling her eyes. Leave it to grown men to act as children, she thought to herself, having experienced plenty of that in her lifetime. She looked back toward the others when she spoke, fetching another Linkpearl from her bag and passing it over to Omori now that the boy was up and tapping her ear so he knew where to put it. He took a moment to curiously look at the Linkpearl, then connected it to his ear.

"I'd take comfort in the familiar while you can; it's something one can seldom do in this world, I've found," the dancer added, directed at Ichiban.

”Oh, no, I didn’t mean it like that,” Ichiban said to Jr, then to Primrose. ”I meant like, right here ‘n now. Sitting by this fire, in tents. Guess it’s not so poetic since it’s just exactly how I was livin’ then…” He shook his head. ”Well, if it’s no trouble, what’re your guys’ stories? I know a bit about some of ya already,” he continued, gesturing to Bowser and Ganondorf as he left, ”but th’ rest I’m pretty clueless on. Only if y’feel comfortable talkin’ about it.”

Omori shrugged. ”I live in White Space. Me and my friends were searching for my best friend, Basil, before Galeem hit us. He went missing.” He slightly frowned again. [b]”Still is.”

“All my life, prior to my exile, I faithfully served Her Majesty, Queen Vespa, in the Hive,” Barnabee replied simply. There wasn’t much more to it than that.

”Speaking of that, did we get chased in the right or entirely wrong way to get there” Jr interjected to ask.

Barnabee rubbed his fuzzy head, slicking back his feelers in the process, though they bounced right back into their upright position after. “Tis hard to say exactly, young sir. The Hive lies beyond the lower reaches of the bleak Forsaken Lands. On my way hence I ascended to the loftiest heights of said dreary cavern, whereupon I made my way through an expansive crypt and underground wood called Hollow Bough. I can only urge thee to keep thine eyes peeled for any such landmarks as we proceed.”


Primrose listened to all the stories being told, making some mental notes on everyone. Though she still didn't plan on sleeping she'd shifted into a more comfortable position, and the conversation made for a good way to stay awake. When there was a lull she considered talking about herself. As far as she'd always been concerned her past was her business and no one else's, and even her closest friends didn't have the whole story when it came to her. But a few personality edits courtesy of fusion and one world changing event later, she found that she didn't mind the thought of talking about herself quite as much. Though some things she would leave out due to present company. Even if the kids had seen their fair share of horrors in the World of Light, she could spare them a little more.

"My life before was much like this," she began, "traveling the country, helping people. Well, mostly helping ourselves achieve our own goals - anyone else was only by happenstance. There was a group of us. Some of you may have already known that Therion was one of my traveling companions. We're from the same place, Orsterra.

"Before that I was a dancer." Here she would have fluttered her fan for dramatic effect, if she weren't so tired. "I was always on the lookout for a certain group of men. I still am, really."

She stopped there. It was enough to give her allies a little glimpse into her past, but nowhere near the entire picture. She capped off her tale with a warning, her voice turning sharp and dangerous, "They were evil men, each with the mark of a crow. So if you happen to see anyone with a crow-shaped tattoo, stay away - and tell me immediately."

The Hive Knight gave her a sagacious nod. He knew such villains were never to be trifled with, only to be dealt swift and uncompromising justice. “Thou hast my word.”

“You got it.” Jesse said. “Eyes peeled.” Though when she spoke up, she felt like maybe she should talk, too. “Er- I’m basically a government employee who fights monsters and collects doodads.” She said.

“Before that, well-” She waves her hand dismissively. “It’s a whole thing. Mood’s bad enough as it is.” She said good-naturedly, rubbing her shoulder. “But my job is actually pretty cool. Our HQ actually got pulled through, so hopefully we can make our way up there at some point. It’s north of here, as north as it gets in this world, I think. I might have to head back up there early though. Only reason I left was because I was Gleaming and didn’t know the full story.” Jesse scratched her jaw, and finished with a shrug.

”Huh. Guess we’re all kinda lookin’ for something here,” Ichiban noted, ”ya know, outside of the big stuff.” There were plenty more questions he had to ask them, but he didn’t want to keep anyone awake with them. ”I hope my friends are doin’ alright out there at least.”

“Here’s to savin’ the world, then.” Jesse said.

ta-da. she's got a bit of a temper but other than that she's grounded and excited to be here. iiit's Bea.

let me know if there's anything i need to change or add.

this looks badass haha, i am interested
Sakura Level 9: 50/90
Karin Level 5: 45/50
Location: City of Glass
Word Count: 539
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Sakura Level 9: 51/90
Karin Level 5: 46/50

Honestly, Karin couldn’t believe it. Sakura prancing around like she was a princess in a field of flowers, getting rejected over and over again. Even mocked. But when it came to things like this, Sakura simply had no pride. No stake in it. Something like this wouldn’t embarrass her. And then she met this odd man who was clearly spoiled blind my wealth kept talking over her and had no idea how people worked. But Sakura and him hit it off right away. Sakura, Karin found, could make friends with most people. Somehow she had even made friends with Karin. Because the more Karin thought about it, she covered her face and kept quiet. This guy was like looking into a dark mirror, and Karin didn’t need that much of a reality check with her lunch.

When Midna said they all looked like a bunch of cynics, Karin felt obligated to speak up. “Well. It was Tora’s idea, first.” She said, as if to deprive her rival of a win.

Sakura meanwhile was happy to take pictures of Mr. Limestone once he gave her a camera. While it might have been a little higher tech than the polaroids of her world, the basic concept was the same. Point and shoot!

”Teehee. This is kinda fun. I feel like a…what’s the word…a paparazzi!” She said, smiling. ”Except not like, evil, or whatever?”

Karin had find it amusing how Geralt loomed in the distance behind Sakura. She wondered if seeing such an intimidating form behind the plucky teenager influenced anyone’s decision to not do Sakura’s odd request.

Sakura had her eye up against the camera and her other eye shut when Susie asked Wallace a weird question. ”Pfft.” It struck Sakura as a bit glib. But then she remembered they were undercover, and she tried to clam up a bit.

Karin overheard the conversation about morals. She found herself agreeing with Zenkichi and Midna, even if the former might be a bit sentimental about it. Benedict also had a point, but she didn’t like the wishy washy way he said it.

”We must be our best selves at all times. Anything else will result in failure. It is as simple as that.” Karin said.

Sakura meanwhile considered her mission to get Wallace friends as seriously as she could. ”Hmm… paparazzi.” She went down a line of thought related to celebrity culture. ”You don’t want to attract moochers. Now that I think about it, being popular is different from having friends.” She rubbed her chin, deep in thought. If Wallace wasn’t paying attention, she would also happily be talking to herself.

”Besides my best friend Kei who I don’t even remember meeting for hte first time…I made a lot of friends through sharing common interests. Or school. But my common interest is fighting, and you’re not in school...” She looked Wallace up and down.

”I mean, what do I know, you could be a totally awesome fighter already! Are you an awesome fighter? I wonder if this boat is big enough to have a fight on.” Sakura got distracted quick, squinting at Karin and trying to figure out if she could throw a fireball at her from here without destroying the boat.
Sakura Level 9: 49/90
Karin Level 5: 44/50
Location: City of Glass
Word Count: short
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Sakura Level 9: 50/90
Karin Level 5: 45/50

”You don’t look that much older than me…” Sakura complained mostly to herself in regards to Giovanna’s comment. If getting more mature meant getting numb to injustice, then maybe Sakura would just stay naive. Not that she was some big hero or whatever, but…still. If she didn’t care about fighting for what she thought was right, she wouldn’t have come along.

Karin set a hand on Sakura’s shoulder. ”The injustice is-”

”Oooh no! I don’t want to hear anything about that from you. You own your own freakin’ private mountain in the middle of Japan!” Sakura said, waggling her finger in the air.

”But that’s my estate. I thought you said you understood that part? I can have a big house. I’m rich.” Karin replied.

”Yeah but, man, your house is bigger than my entire neighborhood. ANd it’s not even your only house!” Sakura said.

”...Well, this is all besides the point. We have to focus on the task at hand.” Karin said. ”Besides…I definitely deserve it.”
Later, Karin walked into the City of Glass with the other pass users. Even if she didn’t fit the look exactly, she carried the aura of someone who would rip apart anyone who dared question her presence. The city was impressively built, though as Geralt pointed out, it lacked any natural beauty.

”Spot on. That’s why I had a mountain built within my property. Nothing can beat the beauty of the natural world!” She said proudly, somehow.

Once in the bathroom, Sakura came out. Perhaps she didn’t get the memo entirely, because she was still in her headband and fighting gloves. The suit fit her short but athletic frame nicely, however. She was wearing black slacks, a black suit, and a white long sleeved undershirt. But again, the white headband and fighting gloves might have been a bit of a give away.

”My dad would be so proud if he could see me now.” Sakura remarked wryly.

”No longer a thuggish street fighter. An upstanding member of society.” Karin responded, suave.

Sakura squinted, shielding her eyes from the sun. ”This place is hard to look at.” She said. That was when she saw Tora, all by himself, and her face fell all over again. He was so sad! With a sigh, she adjusted the cufflinks of her new shirt and steeled herself. If they were going to save Peach and Poppi, they would just have to keep pushing forward.

Karin rubbed her chin as Geralt brought up his plan. Midna’s too. Sakura looked pretty concerned. ”Uuh...geez. I guess if we have to steal, we could. Are we really that broke?” She said. ”What if we just asked really nicely?” She wondered aloud.

Then Sakura walked, no, practically skipped, towards the pier. Much to Karin’s chagrin.

Sakura would open up to any stranger with a boat with a polite bow, her hands at her sides. ”Pleased to meet you! Me and my friends need to get across the river. Could you help us? Or point us in the direction of a ferry?” If someone refused, she’d just say ‘thanks’ and move right along to the next person! It was one of her go-to problem solving skills. When she began her fighting journey she just ran around town looking for strong people to ask to fight out of the blue.
Kila and Pei

Pei was going through her things post mission when she realized she had forgotten something in the satchel she brings along just incase she needs free hands while also carrying something. It was Metamorph’s mask! The one he had dropped when he disappeared. Pei pursed her lips, and resolved to go give it to him.

That was why she was still in her superhero uniform when she knocked on Kila’s room door, not knowing where else to find him. Worst case scenario, she could just leave it outside his door. It was a shave and a haircut knock, a jaunty little tune for anyone that wanted to spice up their knocking arsenal.

“Come in.” Came the calmed voice of the young man inside. Pei hesitated, then tilted her head with a shrug.

Upon opening the door, she could see him sitting in a metal chair near the window. He was at least half of the way dressed down, the torso piece of his metamorph suit traded for a sleeveless black compression shirt but the uniform pants remained. A white, albeit now partially stained red, towel laid on the floor near his feet with one of the suit’s gauntlets resting on it. The other was in his hand being wiped down with a wet rag.

Kila only briefly looked up to see the identity of the person coming in before continuing with his task. “Hello, Pei.”

”Hey howdy hey.” She said with a smile. ”I was uh, lookin’ through my stuff when I remembered I picked something up of yours.” She approached and presents his mask to him with both of her hands.

”Ta-daaa. Your cool mask. I never was much of a secret identity person but, I might get one of those superhero eye mask thingies one day, if only for the aesthetic.”

That seemed to rouse his attention more directly and he paused again to look at it. “I see. Thank you…I was hoping that it wasn’t stolen.” He looked at the cleaned golden piece of armor in his hand and rested it on his lap. Accepting the mask, he stared into the eyes of it for a moment.

“I don’t fully know why I took it off in the first place…Where did you find it?”

”On the ground.” She says with a bit of a grimace in her smile. ”Next to a bad guy with two broken arms and a lot of scared civvies.” She rubs the back of her head.

Her smile fades completely as she works up the courage to say what she felt she needed to say. She hadn’t come here with the intention of doing anything except dropping off the mask. And yet:

”Um…look, I know I’m new here but…that was um…well, that- that wasn’t okay.” She managed.

”You’re right…It wasn’t. I thought when I joined this team, I wouldn’t have another incident like that…but, here I am, cleaning blood off of my things…I’ve at least been told that none of the innocents were harmed.”

Pei turned and walked a few steps away and then walked back. ”Right, but, you totally brutalized those guys. Put them in the hospital for months, probably. Injuries that will only heal years from now, if at all. The people we were supposed to be saving were scared of you.” She said. ”Scared of me, afterwards.”

”Are you saying you’re not in control of your actions or somethin’?” She asked. ”What do you mean ‘another incident’?”

”What I am referring to is my mysterious power of the Red; my ‘animal’ side, if you will. I have exhibited some uses of it in the past, which are more numerous, as I am now learning. The incident in the past was when I was younger…and had less control. It has a primal fury that I can only guide, instead of contain.”

Pei looked a little exasperated. ”Oh, great. You have a superpowered evil side? Dude, I’m sorry, I know you’re more sick of dealing with it than anyone. But it’s still happening and it’s like, totally not conductive to superheroing. We need to work on this. We need to stick some Blue or Green into you to balance it out, or whatever!” She said and at that point, Kila’s eyes cut away from his mask up to the icy girl. His stare held contempt.

”What do you think I do all day?! Do you think if it were simply as easy as changing one little thing that it hasn’t been tried?!” He threw the mask away and stood. Pei took a couple steps back.

”You say ‘I know’— You know nothing about what I was put through in Buredunia! Or about the Red, Blue, and Green, you don’t know anything about it!” In his sharp burst of emotion, his breaths quickened in pace, shoulders rising and falling. Yet, he looked down at the gauntlet in his hand. Iwisa… He closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself, but still raised her garment up as a representation.

”I come from a military where kids like me;” He paused, opening eyes to look at Pei directly. ”Kids like us; are trained to be weapons for their country to deploy at their enemies. I was the son of the President-King, with dormant, barely controllable abilities. I was meant to be the example, so how do you think it was handled…?” His eyes again fell to the gauntlet and he lowered it to hold in both hands.

”My amai took me away from that system, and taught me that I didn’t have to be a weapon…but that this power of the red that flows through me, will surface again. That it is forever part of me. Not just some ‘evil’ side, as some see it, but something I must learn to make peace with…”

Pei tilted her head, a little incredulous. ”My guy. I’m sorry about your past. But I’m talking about the present.” She said.

”You brutalized those crooks like they killed your dog. You terrified those civvies. You left me completely by myself in the middle of a dangerous situation. Things could have gone real bad. Like, make peace with it? We gotta fix it!” She said.

”I have only been free from their influence for a year, after years of conditioning to be a certain way. This short period of time and you coming in here to tell me about myself isn’t going to fix it. While talking about those thieves like they weren’t holding guns at the hostages. As if that they hadn’t shot at us. But our teammates’ injuries say otherwise, don’t they…?” The young lion sat back in his chair.

”If you are done being yet another voice telling me that you are afraid of or for me, you know where the door is. Thank you for returning my mask.”

”...Geez, man.” Pei put a hand on her hip and shook her head. ”You’re welcome.”

She was about to leave, but…she stopped and turned around. ”Come on, you really don’t see where I’m comin’ from at all? You just- I just- I got left out to dry. Like laundry. Flap flap, on a little- clothesline. What was I supposed to do, not say anything?”

”Not come in acting like the results were my intent. Or like I don’t understand the severity of the consequences my actions may have. I have the worst of them physically embedded in my skin. If what you need is an apology, then I apologize. It will not change what I’ve done, or really provide a solution, but I said and meant it.”

She really wants to argue, like, she didn’t come in here acting like it was his intent. She came in here to give him his cool mask back. She also didn’t like being made to feel like she was out of line. But she couldn’t see the point of saying these things so she just thought them really hard while staring at him.

”Yeah…okay. It’s just, I think we worked well together. Like, right up until that last part. Which was also like, the first part. It was like the first thing that we did. Just: zwoop.” She slaps her hands together and sends the top hand soaring away like an airplane taking out.

”I did the acting of my life, by the way. I distracted the hell out of that robber, just like you said. Nobody else even saw.” She said, pouting while the premature veteran sighed.

”I know you did your best…Just…give me some time, Pei. I’m still recovering from what happened.”

”Yeah, man, no problem. I just- I just want us to all work together, y’know? Sorry if I came on a little strong.” She said, rubbing her elbow. ”Let me know if you ever wanna hang out or whatever.” With that she turned to leave, overall feeling pretty bad about how that all went down. When she faced away from Kila and walked out she bit on her finger and winced.

Closing the door behind her she kept her knuckle in her mouth as she walked away. Then she stood up a little straight and took her finger out to talk to herself. ”Guess I have no choice. I’ll just have to trust him all the way anyway.” That solution cleared up all her problems. Pei believed in second, third, fourth, and fifth chances. Sixth with a bit of bargaining. And Metamorph was only about a quarter of the way through his first chance. She just needed to be on her toes in the future now that she knows about his problem. Would it have been nice to know about it beforehand? Sure. But the past was in the past. Pei was more concerned with the present.
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