Avatar of Zoie Hart


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4 days ago
Current I’m not here to hand you everything on a silver platter. Do it yourself and learn. Show me that then I’ll help you. I hate lazy people.
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7 days ago
8 years…and HOA is just *now* concerned about my yard. If they were so concerned they could get off their retired butts and help someone whose paying their retirement fund.
8 days ago
When life gives you lemons, find someone whose life has given them vodka…and have a party.
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9 days ago
Do you know why tomato soup goes well with grilled cheese? It’s because it’s a deconstructive cheese pizza. Change my mind.
11 days ago
I don’t know what I’m doing. I need an adult. (I’m the adult) I need an adultier adult.
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Hi I'm Zoie

I've been at this RP thing for 15+ years. I've seen a lot of stories and wrote them too. I write as an escape so I try to make this light and fun as possible. I don't have to have anything complicated but I love a good story. The only genre I will not do is horror. I don't enjoy it in real life, I don't want to write it.

My main characters are mostly female and I typically like to write MxF. Just something I am comfortable with. I hope you understand. I typically do casual to advance (2-5 paragraphs), though quality over quantity works for me.

Here are some themes I enjoy:
Slice of life
Post Apoc

Drop me a PM if you wish to talk out a story. :)

Most Recent Posts

Vinoor Kara. A name she instantly recognized. Highly praised, highly regarded in the Imperial ranks. He embraced the Empire’s rule with unwavering loyalty. Every campaign, every threat was met with little to no resistance. His political gains grew with each of his victories. No one questioned his methods. Aellyn caught the helmet that Fel tossed to her. Rolling it over in her hands as she stared into the black eye holes of the troopers helmet. This had to be the dumbest plan in the history of plans, she thought. Her brain was now in overdrive. The Pilot was right, Lotho technically was a good place to hide something in plain sight. However, a Star Destroyer? The planet had to be crawling with Imps, regardless of what Wrench said. No way the Empire was going to let anyone touch its prize ship and commander. She started to wonder if fifty percent cut was worth it.

“You are both either completely blind or stupid.” Aellyn rested the helmet on a nearby crate. “You want to go raid a star destroyer? What is it that is so highly regarded that this Abelene lady wants?” She shook her head, placing her hands onto her hips as she begun to pace the cargo bay.

Just hearing about the whereabouts of the Basilisk, five months after, she set out to uncover the truth. No ship just goes missing without notifying someone. Still, this mission didn’t sit right with her. It may be a simple one but with codes changing constantly, they had no chance to get in and out.

Aellyn turned to the Pilot. “I also never said I wanted in. I said if you needed me, I wanted fifty present of the cut. Though, now thinking about this brilliant plan of yours, fifty is not enough.” Her emphasis on brilliant was nothing short of telling the Pilot how dumb this plan sounded. She sighed, running her hand over her face. If they were taken captive or worse, Wrench was not going to let her fly out of here. They might actually needed her.

“I want sixty percent and I’m not dressing as a trooper. You need an officer."

Her jacket hung loose against her small frame while she made her toward the cargo bay. With a glance, one knew it was made for someone much larger than her. She remembered the day her father handed it to her. Right before the Empire took him away. The jacket was heavy, not in the sense but of the life and duty it had seen. It smelled of oil from the shop and memories that she had long forgotten. It was a reminder of home and of why she was here in the first place. How she wished it was a different ship.

She stepped into the cargo bay, noticing the scattered containers. Could this place be any more disorganized? Her eyebrows raised, stepping past the pilot who seemed to have an interest in one particular crate. Leaning up against a stack nearby, her ankles cross as the canister hissed open. Her eyes shot open, noticing the armor that he had just revealed.

“You told her yet, Kid?”

Aellyn stood straight, her eyes going from the mech then back to the Pilot. Questions that needed answer filled her mind as the older man made his presence known.

“What? Why would he tell me anything? I’m the detour, remember? I didn’t even know we were going to Lotho until fifteen minutes ago?

To say she was pissed was an understatement. What the heck kind of a job are they running? “Someone better fill me in quick because with that armor and the ship codes. I gotta bad feeling about this.”

Aellyn paced around the small room. She never thought she would find herself tangled in a smuggling operation. She had carefully calculated the right ship at the ports. Yet, here she was. Wrong. The routes and checks had panned out, she was lucky her contact was still playing nice. Reminding herself that favors are rare out in the outer rim. Aellyn rested her hands upon the desk, hovering over her data pad. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she read through a list of planets. A list she had put together before leaving Coruscant She was off course and this was a mere, ‘detour’, as the Pilot put it. Her eyes shifted to the old blaster she had managed to purchase from a sleazy looking Rodian. She hoped it actually worked.

“Kriff..” She whispered.

Picking up the blaster, she looked it over, she hoped her Academy skills would come back if something would happen. Maybe she should have paid more attention in class. Too late now. Sliding the blaster into its holster on her right leg, she picked up her data pad tucking it into a small bag, before slinging it onto her back. Aellyn stepped out of her room, figuring they would meet somewhere in the cargo bay.
Bumping to top…looking for 1 or 2 more crew

Aellyn sat unbothered, staring at the pale man before her. True, he never mentioned a run to another planet while she hopped and skipped to the next one. She did in fact choose this vessel over many options because it looked the worst, no Imperial ship would dare look at it twice. Heck, she did. Her eyes looked down at her data pad, still uploading. Could this be any slower, she thought.

“…you are the detour, Aellyn.”

A smirk formed across the woman’s lips as she stared down at her pad . The pilot pinched a nerve and he knew. For a moment, she wanted to throw a good right hook to his scrawny face but what would that do? Bruised hand. Left on the junk planet? Not worth it.

“A Job…on a junk planet?” She scoffed. “ You would have better luck selling this ship then find anything of worth down there. “ The upload completed as she pulled her data pad out of the console, sticking into a pocket while she stood from the co pilot seat.

“If you could both do the job yourselves, then why offer me at all, seems like you both got it covered. Besides, I’m the one who doesn’t need spending coin. However, if you think you need me, my fee is fifty percent of the cut. If not, I’ll wait for triumphant return of goods.”

She stepped toward the door of the cockpit, the mech was much larger than she remembered. “Someone is a bit grumpy looking…you should feed the big guy here?” Aellyn pointed to Jet as her head turned toward Fel.

”I’ll be in my room.” Stepping passed the large guy, she made the short walk back to the room she paid for. As she laid back on the bottom bunk, she had a gut feeling she was going to have to help out regardless whether she felt like it or not.
@Archazen heck yea! Let’s go!
Aellyn laid on her back, staring at the bunk above her. Her hands rested on her stomach, fingers intertwined. She missed her apartment back on Coruscant. Comfortable bed, all the amenities. How did she end up on this piece of junk? Right. Moral conscience. Running from the Empire was no small trick. Erase her life. Take a new name. Thank you Empire for the tricks, she thought with a smirk forming with her lips. Her data pad beeped as she picked it up, bringing it above her head to read. “Finally.” She muttered. Her legs swung out as she stood from the bottom bunk. Pulling on her boots and stepped out of her room. The door swooshed closed behind her, as she made her way toward the cockpit.

Aellyn heard a hearty laugh as the door to the cockpit opened. The pilot and his R2 unit appeared to be doing some type of maintenance check. The ship really just needed to be sold for credits or parts. “Um, Hi…” She tapped her data pad against her hand as she moved into the co-pilot seat, next to the navigation system. “I have the latest shipping routes, Imperial checks, etc. The ones I promised you, when I asked for passage.” She held her data pad up before plugging into the console.

The R2 unit started to whistle and beep like a child throwing a tantrum. She smiled and placed a hand onto the top of his droids head. “It’s standard, no harm. Just some new charts, making it easier to get past any checks. Don’t want the Empire to be poking around.“ That seemed to calm the little droid, her eyes went to her data pad then to the navicomputer as the upload started.

“Lotho?” She paused looking at the Pilot. “You didn’t mention a detour when we were negotiating passage.”
My first group RP... hope you like me.

Name: Aellyn (Ellen) Nekkar
True Name / Alias: [Classified]
Faction: Empire (Former)
Rank: ISB Agent (Former)
Species: Human (Coruscant)
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'4
Physique: Above Average. Passed Imperial Physique Requirements.
Hair: Red
Skin: Peach, tattoo along the spin of her back
Force Sensitive: No

From an early age, Aellyn was fascinated by technology and the hidden workings of informations systems. Driven by her exposure to the disparities between the elite and the underclass, her motivation was to rise above her station and prove that anyone could succeed in the Empire’s elite ranks. As simple as it might sound, her goal was to earn respect and security for herself. After many late nights, she earned herself a place at the Imperial Academy, where she excelled in their tech-oriented courses, particularly those dealing with encryption and data analysis. It was during these years, Aellyn discovered her aptitude for hacking into systems and deciphering codes. It had become a game for her, to see what she could do, despite feeling her fate was decided for her.

After graduating, Aellyn had secured a position as an analyst within the Imperial Security Bureau. Here, she was able to use her new found skills to uncover rebels and dismantle insurgent networks. However, as she dove deeper into her work, her motivation had shifted. Finding numerous accounts of surveillance of innocent citizens, including her own family, this questioned her loyalty to the Empire. Through secret conversations, she had learned about the human cost of the Empire’s control and started to see past the propaganda that had once clouded her judgment.

Once eager to rise within the ranks of the Empire, she finds herself on the run in the outer rim. Aellyn has transformed from a mere executor of orders to an empowered individual that aids those who fight for freedom instead of suppressing them.
Wouldn't mind being apart if it's still open for crew.
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