Of all the things that Iosif had checked off on his 'expect the unexpected' register, this wasn't one of them. Well, it was half true - he'd harboured a few doubts about whether or not this Captain Luzai was actually going to follow through and upon seeing the rust-bucket that was the Borealis, he wondered whether this was part of some kind of elaborate scheme that salarians often liked to come up with - tricky bastards that they could be. No, what he hadn't expected was to find out he and the rest of this gathered crew had inherited the Captain's ship.
For a brief moment, he was almost tempted to see about selling or trading off his share of the ship whilst he could, cutting his losses there and then - yet something restrained him. Hell, he had to admit - one of the only reasons he was on Illium in the first place was out of a slim hope of finding that bastard Jedrah and putting one through the backstabbing salarian's skull. Yet he'd found no trace, nothing. Sitting on this world was a waste of time and potential credits earned - at least with a ship and a small crew, there was potential for profit.
By the time he’d made his way inside, hauling his own personal crate alongside him, it didn’t take long for them to hash a few things out; captain’s cabin was off-limits, they were going to give the ship a once-over to see if it was actually capable of flight and then figure out what the good Captain had in store for them before his untimely demise, then taking stock of what they actually had - fuel, supplies, the usual routine. As this was all done with, he made sure to get a good idea of who he'd be working with just one more time and gave them all a brief glance.
A few of his own - humans, that is. For the most part, he wasn't particularly interested, though the one wearing a tank top struck him as an engineering type - if only by the analytical way she was examining the ship - which was probably a good thing in the long run. Then came a few turians - one looked like they'd gone through the same cybernetics procedure as he had whilst another was, interesting enough, a sickly looking turian with a respiratory device and what looked like a supportive chair - a strange contradiction for a member species who's military strength and prowess was one of its main facets.
Other faces caught his eye; two asari (their biotics always came in handy) a lethargic drell, a krogan, the vorcha who looked like it had crudely tried to paint itself as a quarian (he made a mental note to keep both raw meat and salvaged tech away from them, in jest) and then an actual quarian - who strangely reminded him of Rael. Part of him missed that boastful quarian, even now.
When he finally saw the batarian, it made him grit his teeth for a brief moment with disgust and muscle-memory told him to reach for his sidearm. If there was any species that he held a particular prejudice towards, it was those four-eyed bastards and for all intents and purposes he had every right to. It wasn't the whole media portrayal of their kind by the Systems Alliance that had set him against their kind, or even when he was sent up against pirate crews whilst he served in the 21st Airborne. No, it was without a doubt the months he had spent in those shithole mines on Aratoht that had cemented his views of their kind. For all intents and purposes, this batarian was, if anything, a loose business associate, nothing more.
He shrugged at last and, free to do whatever for the time being, opted to drop off his things before he did anything else, Iosif headed to the cargo bay and sat out the take-off there, taking a couple of extra moments to make sure the lock on his singular crate was secure - last thing he needed would be the few belongings he had going missing because of something like an opportunistic batarian. On his way back through the hangar, he took a brief moment to give it another once-over, musing over the prospect of fitting a gunship in here like the one he once piloted, before he noticed the woman in the tank-top doing some work on a strapped-down buggy, listening to an elcor rendition of heavy-death-metal blasted out from her drone as she uncovered the remains of some long-dead alien vermin. It was funny, to say the least; soliciting a brief chuckle before he decided that a trip to the bridge would be far more productive than risking damage to his hearing.
Analysing his surroundings on the way, he couldn’t help but note that the apty-named Jalopy had certainly seen better days, even for a former Volus ship. Between the many patch jobs this ship had seen to accommodate a larger crew and the wear-and-tear it entailed, the name dubbed by the engineer-type fit so much that it actually made his cybernetic arm itch for the first time in a while, perhaps because it looked like staying onboard raised the prospect of losing yet another another.
Before he could dwell on that point any further, that particular train of thought was rudely interrupted by an explosion that rocked the ship, coming from the hangar if that shockwave was anything to go by and for a moment he wondered if the Jalopy had suffered a hull breach or something equally disastrous, before the intercom chatter that followed set his mind to rest. Well, kind of - the engineer’s sarcasm was appreciated, at any rate.
Just as he entered the bridge, the announcement of their course for Omega was blasted over the intercom. A novel prospect, he mused. He hadn’t actually stopped by the old haunt since his last partnership had gone to shit. Shrugging, he stepped inside and glanced around, quickly spotting the others occupying the place - all turians, conveniently enough. His gaze passed from one to another, one by one - two of them quickly got past him like before but he noted yet again the presence of the other two interesting cases; the unlucky hacker with the respirator and the anti-grav chair and the one with the cybernetic prosthesis, like him. Without much else to say, he threw each of them a nod and headed up to what he could only presume was the co-pilot’s chair, pulling up a seat and clearing his throat.
”I take it we’ll all be working together, up here?”