Basic InfoName: Michael Regel
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Alias: Pheonix
Rough Sketch of Pheonix's BackHeight: 5'7"
Weight: 148 lbs
Hair Color: Dyed Red, naturally dark brown.
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Skin Tone: Tan from sun exposure, naturally pale.
Body Type: Athletic
Notable Features: Pheonix's back has an enormous pheonix tattooed in tribal style on his back, which spreads its wings and tendrils of flames out across almost his entire body. The only thing not covered in tribal flames are his feet, face, and scalp. His arms, legs, torso, back, and necks are tattooed with said flames or pheonix. Anyone who says tribal flames are lame is often punched in the face by Pheonix.
Psychological ProfilePersonality: With a bit of an anarchist streak in him, Michael values the ability to do damn well anything he wants above all. Freedom is what has always mattered most to him, even before he gained superpowers. Consequently, he's not big on taking orders or following rules. In any case, he enjoys cracking jokes, often inappropriate or rude ones, and not giving one damn who cares. Because he'll cut you if you care. That's not to say he's a bad guy, he just has own goals in mind; women, money, and power.
Strengths: Streetsmart, agile, and a hell of a fighter, Michael was a gangster long before he was a Super, and not one of those pansy-ass Mob-style gangsters, a real gangster living on the streets that has given him illicit connections. A life of poverty and stealing has taught him out to get in and out very quietly as well as how to pickpocket without the victim having a clue what happened until they're wondering where their keys are hours later.
Weaknesses: Temperamental and occasionally a little bipolar if you don't laugh at his jokes. Laugh at his jokes. A bit of a chauvinist and womanizer. Okay, a major womanizer.
Fears: Death, drug addiction, (surprisingly) rejection by women, failing to burn a path out of poverty.
Power PointsFirebending: 3A great asset to him, and the superpower given to him by the meteor (at least that's what Michael thinks), Michael is an enormously talented firebender. Unlimited by the need for source material, Michael can mentally ignite common air to become his weapon, one which doesn't seem to burn its master. While he is still developing, the man has managed to focus his mind enough to condense his will into a blade of superheated plasma that he can use to cut through solid steel (albeit, slowly), and combine searing hot flames with his strikes.
Melee: 3Almost inexplicably, this street gangster is a fantastic swordsman. It helps that he has access to superheated blades of plasma formed by his freaking mind, but even without them, he's pretty damn skilled. Years of watching videos on swordsmanship and spending time on swordsmanship classes haven't hurt either. Ultimately, skill, plasma blades, and his reflexes have all combined to make him a formidable opponent, one that can melt bullets in mid-air and cut his way through a steel door (if slowly).
Honed Reflexes: 2Years spent living on edge, not wondering if the next and last sound he heard would be a gunshot, combined with constant fighting, as taught Michael to absolutely always be on alert. Years of crack cocaine have somehow managed to further enhance his reflexes, especially during combat as his experience has taught him to predict his enemy's moves whenever possible.
Brawl: 2MMA training from his brother's coworkers and life experience beating the shit out of other gangsters has taught him how to throw one hell of a searing hot punch. Literally.
Stealth: 2When a brother has to steal to survive, and steal without getting caught, for years, a brother gets used to and damn good at it. Michael can pickpocket ridiculously well and often figures a way past most obstacles, quietly when possible. This knack for stealth has gotten him out of quite a few tight spots.
Endurance: 1Michael can take quite the punch but he isn't like his brother in that he can't walk away from being thrown into a building without a scratch. Consequently, he tends to focus on
not getting hit and simply outmanuevering his enemy.
Speed: 1Years of running from the police starting at an early age have conditioned Michael for both sprinting and endurance running, and his ability to run seems to only have increased since the meteor came.
Hideout: 1Michael chills with Finn in these creepy old tunnels that the man honestly doesn't like very well. He swears there are ghosts of dead tunnelworkers in there.
Wealth: 0Crime didn't exactly pay Michael well, and neither did prison. Needless to say, he's a very poor, broke bastard.
Public IdentityJob: Unemployed (Former Street Gangster and Drug Dealer)
Home: Recently released from prison, was living on the streets until he joined his brother.
Wealth/Lifestyle: Broke as all hell. Turns out crime generally doesn't pay well and spending a few years in prison doesn't help with savings.
Clothing Style: The same clothing he went to prison in; worn-out, torn blue jeans, with a big black t-shirt with a red stylized 'A' on it for anarchy.
Friends/Relationships: Some old gang buddies are doubtless still around here somewhere, and at least he has his uh... broke... homeless... brother to rely on.
Rivalries: Quietly, he's always envied his older brother, but he keeps that to himself, especially now that his brother is also a Super.
Public/Professional Goals: Money, women, and power. Preferably in that order.
History: Michael spent his life living in poverty, trying to scrape by with his family, until he turned to the gang life for a true sense of family. He became a bit of a notorious gang member and drug dealer, killing a number of rival gangsters in the process. In the meantime, his brother tatted him up and gave him his cherished pheonix. Eventually though, what went around came around, and he was busted for possession and sent off for a few years to the state prison. Interestingly, he was released the same day the meteor came, and sought out his brother for a place to stay. He found him, as destitute as himself unfortunately, but discovered to his surprise they both apparently possessed superpowers. Now, he seeks to rise alongside Finn like a Pheonix from the ashes.
Secret Identity
Uniform: A black gui, belt, gloves, and tennis shoes, combined with a black hoodie and ski mask, all of course stolen from the nearby Wal-Mart. Man, they really
do have everything.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Combat Method: Using a combination of experience in fights, MMA training, and a life-long fascination with samurai, ninjas, and swordsmanship, Michael tends to meld his firebending with his martial arts, either incorporating searing hot flames with his strikes, or focusing them into superheated plasma blades. He keeps a fall-back katana on his back in case he starts to become tired.
Hideout: A creepy ass series of tunnels his brother discovered. He doesn't personally approve.
Mode of Transportation: Sprinting, walking, stealing a ride. Sadly he hasn't been able to figure out a way to fly like his brother, though he has a few ideas as to how Finn might be able to move him around.
Allies/Relationships: Pulse (his brother)
Nemesis: None
Motivations/Goals: Women, money, and power.
Supplies/Inventory:-The stolen 'ninja' gear he wears.
-A stolen katana he's tested on a few animals to prove it works as a back-up.
-Not much else honestly.
Paradigm StoneParadigm Stone Appearance: The Stone
itself turns into a competely black katana.
Personal Appearance Changes: Michael becomes covered in superheated plasma shaped into samurai armor, with only the plasma armor visible.
Power/Ability Progression: His firebending abilities grow enormously, becoming both one of his weapons and his armor. The Paradigm Stone itself becomes his sword, capable of slicing through anything as if it were made of paper. Michael will continue to forge another plasma sword for his off-hand if he needs it, or will use his off-hand to shoot enormous white-hot flames. Generally he just sets fire to the entire area around him, with his anarchist traits coming out in full force, potentially resulting in an entire burning city.
Power-Drunk Goals: To rule the city and cut down his brother, the man who has always stood above him, despite being shorter than him.
Weakness: Michael remains vulnerable to mental, psychic, and other forms of indirect manipulation, but his incredible endurance, strength, and 'God-Sword' make him an incredibly difficult Super to stop, especially considering he will have an iron grip on the Sword.
Withdrawal Symptoms:An intense feeling of burning alive from the inside cripples Michael, a pain unlike any other. He is still rather dangerous, having little control over his powers during this time, only his anger and pain will still fuel them, causing him to lash out with them in random directions or at anyone nearby in an attempt to 'get the fire out'.