Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@krinos, Approved
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Seared Ivy

Seared Ivy

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Name: Sláine 'Sloan' Sirona
Race: Human with Implants
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Profession: Professional Hacker / Information Broker
-Standard Modern Cellular Phone. (In today's terms, the latest and greatest iPhone or Android would work just fine, If the universe lacks a specific sort of brand or interface I'll end up creating one.)
-VI-K3 Goggles, comeplete with a vast array of vision types, spanning UV, Infared, Visible Spectrum. The Goggles also provide a pick-up scanner which gives detailed, accurate, and quick information based on the electronic makeup of technology within it's sights. (If she were to look at a computer while it were running, she could see portions of the internal hardware makeup This works on most implants as well.) Additionally, the goggles are able to map out floorplans of buildings in a 3D Projection, or through the regular eyesockets of the goggles.
-Advanced Computer Setup, running a modified Linux Kernel, with an average speed of 2 TerraFLOPS with smooth and rapid processing.
Implants: Basic yet secure wireless signal integration for mobile use of her computer as well as serving as a database for her VI-K3's
Magic: Techmaturgy, the ability to manipulate technology magically, rather than physically. The correct use of her skills will allow her to render an opponent's implants useless, or a compound's (Such as a bank, or a warehouse) security useless. Typically she'll be either in the field, or in her office.
Personality: While she's working she tends to have the expression of, "Let me get this done, my way.". However, outside of her work she tends to be particularly mature for her age. She takes what she needs to live comfortably. She likes gaming, hates to be interrupted, and is very analytic.
"So y'found yer way to my little hole in the wall huh?" The short girl asks through the slide in her doorway. It was the kind of slide you might see in a bad mob movie. Some goon would open it and blurt 'Whatz the password?', before slamming it shut and unbolting two dozen locks to let in whoever it was on the other side.

The girl's eyes squint. "Who told you anyways? Was is that rat Clyde? I'll have-.." She clears her throat, seemingly forgetting she was in the company of another. "...Nevermind. What can I do for you? And did you bring cash?" She asks, eyeing you up and down.
Misc: Currently, she is living in a city loft with her roommate Serenity Davis and her cat.
Company/Organization: While she is a freelance Information Broker and tech specialist, her best client is The Yakuza, who have always found her information and assistance to be useful in their crimes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


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So this might not be the best CS started it really late so im sleepy and not 100%
Name: Lucina Cobbs

Race: Halfling (Half human half Water Nymph)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Profession/Role/Position: Was going to be a university student but now is doing grunt for the Yakuza.

Appearance: Luci stands at exactly 5’2 weighing in at 130 pounds. Despite her short stature she has reasonably long legs and torso with a decently proportioned bust. She doesn’t have much upper muscular density but makes up for it with her strong legs. She is surprisingly fair despite living in the hot Huston sun, sports no burn marks or freckles. She has a round face with high cheek bones most of any color that ever shows up on her body is here and mostly runs very deep red. On her left cheek a large scar runs from her nose all the way down to her pink lips. She has a small nose that sits slightly upturned in between her large wide light blue eyes which are her most distinctive feature.

Equipment: She’s required to have a small dagger on her person at all times since she started working for the Yakuza. She keeps it hooked on the belt of her jeans in a leather case.

Implants: None.

Magic: In accordance to her Nymph genes, she is a carrier of most water magic. Forming water, freezing it but can’t seem to get the concept of boiling it sadly. She can completely turn her body into water and some parts of it into water vapor. From most books on Water Nymphs she cannot breathe underwater but can stay down there for a good while, she has no tail that she knows of and shows no physical Nymph like body features besides her eye color.

Personality: Luci is what people would call a hard headed child. She had a temper that she often stuffs down until it explodes on anything or anyone. She means well but her shyness and insecurities make it hard to get her point across, she works hard for what she can and will do anything to protect those she loves. She sometimes can seem to care too much about everything and everyone and her curiosity does get the best of her sometimes.

Bio: Her father always told her she was made from true love. Well at least that’s what he’d say to her whenever she asked about her mother and that she was a creature of the water. What he hid from her for the first 17 years of her life was that her mother was from a Nymph pod that crossed the Gulf of Mexico “every 5 heats.” As her mother Sulci told her father Dr. Cobbs now but back then timid medical student Adam. He had rented a sailboat for the summer and met the love of his life. Every day she would come up onto his boat shed her tail for weak legs. A few weeks later she was pregnant with Luci and one month later (Nymph gestational periods normally take 2-3 weeks but since Luci was half human it was longer.) Luci was born. Of course since she bore no tail when met with water and couldn’t bare taking her child away from its father, she gave the baby to her father, cut her cheek with sharp coral as was tradition, kissed her and him then migrated away with her pod with strict instructions to never bring her back for in accordance to Sea law half breeds were abominations that would be exterminated on site, and to name her Lucina.

So Luci grew up a privileged life because of her father’s success with his career and they were happy. Little did she or any of their loved ones know was that he was a private surgeon to the Yakuza and he was so high up in the ranks that he worked on many of their top leaders. But soon the messy business became too much for him and he left to start his own privately owned free surgical clinic since he had so much money saved up he figured it could be done. It couldn’t. Soon he was swimming in debt and wanted to send his daughter to college as far away as he could from the sea so, he made the worst decision he could possible make. He borrowed money from the Yakuza with a year to pay it back. Of course with the added interest he was behind on his payments. Threats were made, attacks on his home and business, until finally he was dragged in and it was decided that he either paid up or one of his hands would be cut off. Desperate he begged for another way, they found one. He come work for them again for free for the next 5 years and they wouldn’t cut his hand off. With added interest if Luci came and worked too they would be done in only 4 years.


Company/Organization: None
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aleranicus
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Aleranicus Sovereign's Finest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh, um, I'll be back later to post a Wizard CS... If that's cool?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cool, I can't wait to start!

I will be putting up another character or two now...

I think I have the same problem as someone I saw around here earlier...too many directions to take, gotta limit the choices...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Vick Vandeltroff
Race: Wind elemental
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Profession/Role/Position: Vick's father used to be a very successful oil tycoon, he bought, bribed and weaseled his way into politics, and brought his son along with him, giving him the ever so important position of "Head of information and data control" meaning, he does absolutely nothing while computers on the other hand, do. Vick has his safety set in stone, his rank set next to it, and his pockets overflowing.
Appearance: Vick is an almost sickly looking person, he has pale skin, a thin figure and slender features, his angular face has an upturned nose, elongated eyes that almost seem like slits, and a thin line fore a mouth. He has longish black hair to his earlobes, unlike one would expect, it is not really styled and he doesn't seem to care much about it. Vick's build isn't completely skin and bones, if anything he is pretty average, the length of his limbs just seem to make him look skinnier than he is. Vick has startling blue eyes (when they can be seen) and he seems to match everything he can to them. His expensive black suit has a shocking blue tie, his hat has a shocking blue trim and his cane (which he does not need) has a shocking blue ornament on it's top.
Equipment: His "walking" cane, his pda, his phone, his magnum and his cold, hard, dirty cash.
Implants: Vick has false legs, which can be adjusted and changed slightly in many different ways, they allow him to jump and run faster then expected from a pampered man-boy like himself. He got them after a little joy ride that went wrong.
Magic: Vick has only the natural magic that comes with his race, he can make wind blow and use air pressure to lift himself, and other objects up and about.
Personality: Vick is a cruel and slimy man, he blackmails and steals to get what he wants, has it in good with the yakuza, and does nothing but make money to waste on more luxurious uselessness. He doesn't care about other people, is cold and sarcastic to people who he thinks are lesser than him (which is most people) and he always expects to get his way. He does nothing and profits, and looks to keep it that way. He is a blatant racist to any half-ling of any sort, thinking them to be scum.
Bio: Vick has always been a spoiled boy, his father ran the oil business well before he was born, and he came into life rich and safe, he grew jaded because of this and to this day seems to remain that way.
Misc: He is notorious for causing intoxicated trouble, and trouble in general. His position always seems to stay secure though.
Company/Organization: He has his official position as Head of information and data control within the government, but is also known to be a benefactor of the yakuza, and still has a hand in the oil business, as well as other large corporations known to be corrupt, he takes the seedy part of town and makes it seedier, it's just his style.

Oh god I double posted, sorry
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 1 yr ago

*has submitted cs*

*begs to not be murdered into a bloody pulp*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yay it's mine. If you know where I got the name and appearance +10 cool points for you.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Foster
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Probs gonna be a freelance deck-fixer/rigger.

Hit your limit of implants? Nobody wants to touch your case with a yardstick? Out of control cyborg need a reboot?

Yep. [This guy] is good enough to do it, and crazy enough to try.

[working on some sort of app]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Clove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Lilin Ifriel

Race: Dragon

Age: 314

Gender: Female

Profession/Role/Position: Head Librarian of Houston Public Library

*In human form, Lilin has golden eyes and long black horns.

Equipment: A tablet that doubles as an e-reader and a catalog/map of the entire library, and a white Kawasaki Ninja.

Magic: Lightning: Lilin can manipulate and create electricity, usually in a continuous beam from her hands in human form or mouth in dragon form for up to 10 seconds at a time.

Telekinesis: Lilin can lift and small to medium sized objects without touching them for as long as she wants, and large objects for short periods of time. She mostly uses this to put away books and keep the library orderly, or to retrieve objects for patrons.

Personality: She can best be described as quiet, intelligent, nosy, and a bit rude. Gifted with an excellent memory, she can recall large amounts of information after thinking for a short time, although this is also used against her - she remembers both the bad and good things that happen to her, and the bad often outweigh the good, leaving her mistrusting and pessimistic. Her outward appearance is just as off-putting as her personality often is, resulting in her often being left alone in the library unless she's truly needed. Lilin is also a surprisingly reliable source on the going-ons of the city.

Bio: Lilin is incredibly closed about her history and her family. Born before the United States had even became a country, she has lived through many major wars, and as a result is uncomfortable around anyone or anything different from what she's used to. She rarely reveals how or why she became a librarian, or why she lives in Houston.

Company/Organization: Houston Public Library, the largest public library in Houston. The library is open to anyone anywhere and anyone can check out a book as long as they have a library card attributed to the library. HPL is near the center of Houston and houses a secret vault containing the national repository and archive of magical artifacts and spells protected by a two foot thick titanium vault door that weighs about six tons with a fingerprint lock, eye print lock, electronic combination, and rotary combination with a glass wall failsafe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rensai


Member Offline since relaunch

Alright looking good on the character flow, I see a plethora of directions the RP could go in. Woot!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@ Seared, Clove, Thundercat, Unlucky, Dead You're all approved.

@ EVERYONE i will start working on the Intro post, but at the same time i know there are people who still have not gotten their CSes done so I'm gonna wait on them a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@-@ ...... so many unicorns.....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

So many fine folks to interrogate, it shall be splendid!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Xzayler


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Id like to play as a Dragon and his human rider. Similar to how they do it in Eragon books. Dragon and rider share minds and power.

For the dragon
Name: Gryze MazD'hur

Race: Dragon

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Profession/Role/Position: He roams the land with his dragon, trying as he can to help ones in need. (More info on the Rider)

Appearance: Deep, dark green, shiny scales cover all of his body. He has a smaller horn on his nose and two bigger ones above his eyes. He has deep green eyes, round like a man's not like a reptile's. He has a long neck and great big wings, spanning almost 20 metres. A row of spiky potruding scales runs along his neck and back, all the way to the end of his tail.
At the end of his tail is a flat, leaf-shaped bone with sharp edges which he can smash around to cause damage.
He has 5 claws on the front paws and only four on the back. His top canines are slightly potruding from his lips.

Equipment: He has an armour made of a bullet resistant body armour. It is deep green like his scales. It covers his belly, his back and adds metal spikes to the tail. His paws are also armoured, along with the bottom of his neck and the top of his head. His wings and joints are uncovered for mobility.
His helmet provides a screen to help Gryze in aerial maneuvering with data such as which way down is, the speed of flight and a basic radar to see whats behind him.

Implants: None

Magic: Can spit fire. Shares mind and strength with his rider. Can instinctively perform magic without really controlling or wanting it. Often very powerful magic.

Personality: He is wise and calm even at this young age, but can lose his mind when very angry and become very fierce. He is often the one who stops his rider from doing reckless acts and thinks before he acts. He is also very quiet.

Bio: He was born the same day as his rider, sharing a bond at birth, he never knew his family, his rider's parents were his parents aswell. At the age of around 14, he had to flee with his rider, his family murdered by men of the government. That day he swore to have his revenge and restore order in this ruined world.

Company/Organization: He has roamed the world only with his rider, but recently they came to a conclusion that this needs to end, and soon. They seek allies to battle against corruption and the government to restore peace and order! However, they don't believe Terrorism is a just way.

And now the Rider.

Name: Rywan

Race: Human

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Profession/Role/Position: Rywan has wandered the lands for a long time. Fighting men of the government whenever they were few enough in numbers to be dealt with. He got his food and clothes from his dragon who hunts in forests and from generous offers of the people he saved. His profession is basically that of a defender of the common people, no matter what race they belong to.

Appearance: Black straight hair, dark eyes, fair skin. Not very tall but fit. He looks like an average everyday human being, except for his weird marks on his arms and back. Runes in his skin which he had since he was born.

Equipment: He has a sword, infused with magic, and a shield made from a durable alloy. Because of the shield's smooth surface bullets deflect from it. A dragon spitting fire is represented on the the surface.
His sword is very long and sharp, with an emerald as a pommel. The whole blade shimmers in a green light. The sword can be set on fire with magic which increases its temperature so much that it can slash through most materials.
He also has a sniper-rifle but hates to use it because silent assassination is not his way of fighting.
He wears an above average quality military body armour which he owes his life to for saving him from bullets multiple times.

Implants: None

Magic: Rywan can use basic offensive fire spells like exploaive fireballs and often sets his already-magic sword on fire.

Personality: He has a strong hate for the government and corruption. He is often reckless but has a cunning and intelligent mind. He believes in order and a just society. He can't bare it when someone is treated unjustly and will fight and kill agents of the government or other corrupt organisations. He miatrusts people in general, no matter what race they are.

Bio: His family was killed when he was 14, if it wouldn't have been for Gryze, he would've been killed aswell.
Shortly after their escape, they landed in a forest to rest and mourn, where an orc found them. Gryze almost ripped the Orc to bits when he tried to get closer with his crossbow. The orc then asked them if they wanted a place to sleep for the night, Rywan and Gryze, giving in to fatigue, followed the Orc to his camp. A big military camp in the forest. The next morning the Orc brought food to the two fugitives and listened to their story. The Orc then told them that the same happened to him. He was working against the government and one day when he got home his family was dead. So now he joined the Forest Raiders to fight againat the Government.
The Orc gave Rywan a steel sword and a shield. Day after day Rywan trained with the Orc in the art of combat and magic and practiced flying with Gryze as he grew bigger and bigger. Gryze, a couple of months after training and helping at the rebel camp, was given a dragon-sized custom made body armor. While Rywan was given one of the best body armors from the camp's armoury, a sword able to withstand very high temperatures and a resilient shield which could deflect bullets.
(Sorry if its a bit messy but I didnt want to write too much)
Then one day the Orc decided Rywan and Gryze were ready, and so they set off to help where they could and to bring the downfall of corruption and the rise of order and justice!


Company/Organization: Rywan wants to create an alliance of all races to fight against the government and establish a new society.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xzayler said
Id like to play as a Dragon and his human rider. Similar to how they do it in Eragon books. Dragon and rider share minds and power.For the dragonName: Gryze MazD'hurRace: DragonAge: 37Gender: MaleProfession/Role/Position: He roams the land with his dragon, trying as he can to ones in need. (More info on the Rider)Appearance: Deep, dark green, shiny scales cover all of his body. He has a smaller horn on his nose and two bigger ones above his eyes. He has deep green eyes, round like a man's not like a reptile's. He has a long neck and great big wings, spanning almost 20 metres. A row of spiky potruding scales runs along his neck and back, all the way to the end of his tail.At the end of his tail is a flat, leaf-shaped bone with sharp edges which he can smash around to cause damage.He has 5 claws on the front paws and only four on the back. His top canines are slightly potruding from his lips.Equipment: He has an armour made of a durable and light alloy, with a hint of magic in it. It is deep green like his scales. It covers his belly, his back and adds spikes to the tail. His paws are also armoured, along with the bottom of his neck and the top of his head. His wings and joints are uncovered for mobility.Implants: NoneMagic: Can spit fire. Shares mind and strength with his rider. Can instinctively perform magic without really controlling or wanting it. Often very powerful magic.Personality: He is wise and calm even at this young age, but can lose his mind when very angry and become very fierce. He is often the one who stops his rider from doing reckless acts and thinks before he acts. He is also very quiet. Bio: He was born the same day as his rider, sharing a bond at birth, he never knew his family, his rider's parents were his parents aswell. At the age of around 14, he had to flee with his rider, his family murdered by men of the government. That day he swore to have his revenge and restore order in this ruined world.Company/Organization: He has roamed the world only with his rider, but recently they came to a conclusion that this needs to end, and soon. They seek allies to battle against corruption and the government to restore peace and order! However, they don't believe Terrorism is a just way.And now the Rider.Name: RywanRace: HumanAge: 37Gender: MaleProfession/Role/Position: Rywan has wandered the lands for a long time. Fighting men of the government whenever they were few enough in numbers to be dealt with. He got his food and clothes from his dragon who hunts in forests and from generous offers of the people he saved. His profession is basically that of a defender of the common people, no matter what race they belong to.Appearance: Black straight hair, dark eyes, fair skin. Not very tall but fit. He looks like an average everyfay human being, except for his weird marks on his arms and back. Runes in his skin which he had since he was born.Equipment: He has a sword, shield and armour of the same material, light and durable alloys forged in magic. The armour is the same colour as his dragon's, the helmet forming the open mouth of a dragon. His sword is very long and sharp, with an emerald as a pommel. The whole blade shimmers in a green light, just as the shield, which represents a dragon spitting fire.Implants:Magic: Rywan can use basic offensive fire spells and often sets his already-magic sword on fire. Personality: He has a strong hate for the government and corruption. He is often reckless but has a cunning and intelligent mind. He believes in order and a just society. He can't bare it when someone is treated unjustly and will fight and kill agents of the government or other corrupt organisations. He miatrusts people in general, no matter what race they are.Bio: His family was killed when he was 14, if it wouldn't have been for Gryze, he would've been killed aswell.Shortly after their escape, they landed in a forest to rest and mourn, where an orc found them. Gryze almost ripped the Orc to bits when he tried to get closer with his crossbow. The orc then asked them if they wanted a place to sleep for the night, Rywan and Gryze, giving in to fatigue, followed the Orc to his house. A lonely small house in the forest. The next morning the Orc brought food to the 2 fugitives and listened to their story. The Orc then told them that the same happened to him. He was working against the government and one day when he got home his family was dead.The Orc then forged Rywans shield, sword and armour, along with Gryze's armour. Day after day Rywan trained with the Orc in the art of combat and magic and practiced flying with Gryze as he grew bigger and bigger until he could finally wear his armor.(Sorry if its a bit messy but I didnt want to write too much)Then one day the Orc decided Rywan and Gryze were ready, and so they set off to help where they could and to bring the downfall of corruption and the rise of order and justice!Misc:Company/Organization: Rywan wants to create an alliance of all races to fight against the government and establish a new society.

I just want to make sure you know this is NOT medieval and that even though you are wearing a light metal alloy armor, being a freedom fighter you will be fighting people with high tech weaponry. I would suggest you have some implants to make you faster and stronger, maybe even make your armor something of a more modern style to stop bullets. Also your sword would be hard pressed to kill a guy wearing kevlar i'd suggest having it augmented in some way that makes it sharper or even have some kind of added damage like electricity. Your characters are set up for medieval style combat which is all well and good, but it won't help them out in this day and age.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Lillium "Lily" Valley

Race: Elf

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Profession/Role/Position: Owner of a sandwich shop

Appearance: Picture in the works

Equipment: Laser gun. Just kidding. Lillium owns all the finest meat slicing machines. She also owns a rapier, which she keeps under the counter.. just in case.

Magic: Flame Cloak: covers the user in fire. This is used uncontrollably, usually when Lillium is VERY angry.

Flarebolt: Fire jumps from Lillium's hands much like chain lightning, searing the ground where it touches.

ColdFire: Lillium ignites colorful sparks that fall like firework tendrils. The sparks are cold and dissipate once they touch solid objects. This is simply for show.

Telekinesis: Used to move heavy objects that Lillium can't lift herself. Also used to throw salami at unwanted guests.

Personality: Generally amiable, Lillium gets angry very easily. She also tends to get violent when she is threatened, no matter how subtle. More than once she has thrown salami at police officials and low-life criminals alike telling them to, "Get a sandwich, or get the fuck out."

Bio: When Lillium was seven, her family moved to Texas in the hopes of a better life. What they found instead was corruption and filth. They had to take a loan just to get into a house. Over the next two years, they tried their hardest to pay off the debt they owed, but the interest was so high they could not afford it anymore.
The Yakuza came to their home without notice. A simple parade of men poured into their home and killed her parents. Had Lillium been home that night, she would have died as well.
Now homeless and without family, Lillium wandered the streets before being taken in by an elderly human couple. They taught her human etiquette, but could not contain her flaming rage. More than she would like to admit, she ruined quite a few pieces of furniture.
Under their care, she was able to get a job by the age of 16. She was able to save up enough money to open a shop by the time she was 28. She had always loved sandwiches, they were delicious. So she started Lotuswich Shoppe and it has steadily gained business over the years.

Misc: Lillium has a scar on her thigh from where she was shot in a raid on her shop a couple year back.

Company/Organization: Lotuswich Shoppe at the edge of Elf Haven just outside Dragon's Den. A sandwich shop that Lillium has created from the ground up. She used her own money to get it started as she never trusted the bank or anyone else for a loan. It does fairly well, aside from random attacks by "criminals".
Due to her past, Lillium won't allow anyone who could be remotely considered Yakuza to eat her sandwiches.
Many police officers are not welcome.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Unlucky0013 said
@-@ ...... so many unicorns.....

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Shurikai Approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This is gonna be fun fun fun.
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