Name: ___ / [blank] *changes for mission, no official name. Currently known as "Sheila"
Race: Human
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Profession/Role/Position: United States Government Operative. Deleted records.

Casual appearance includes jeans and tight short-sleeved shirt.
Equipment: touchscreen secure phone with the latest and greatest in user security. a lethal poison-dart pistol with plenty of ammo, holds three in a clip. Two Wonder Woman style gauntlets, her left gauntlet holds a three round burst machine gun and her right holds a double barreled shotgun. The weapons are burried into the gaunltes so that it looks more like a thick pair rather than having gun attachments. Personal credit account, off shore. A variety of outfits, fitting any role as needed.
Implants: N/A
Magic: N/A
Personality: Keeps to self unless on a mission. Fulfills mission as needed to any extent.
Bio: No history once main mission accepted. Not even this is on record.
Misc: Knows all basic information of all texas government layouts, structures, numbers, and relations as of the time of accepting this assignment. Has no contact to US, but phone is set to receive new input from US.
Company/Organization: A member of the United States Government. After Texas succeeded from the union, the US fell hard and fast as the majority of its security no longer was availible. Problems quickly arose and the only solution was to get the two nations back together.