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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rex said and Batman-themed ziplining (don't ruin it for me, Pacman)

Rex said and Batman-themed ziplining

Rex said ziplining

Heyas everyone! :D I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Thank god it's finally here ;w;

How is everyone?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

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Hey guys, signal's being an absolute beast so I'm not sure if I can post. uvu Sorry! Feel free to pilot Lute around as you wish, although I think Miffles is gonna K.O him pretty soon ahahaha. Francesca's just up there, tutting at Tobias tbh
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Looks like everyone's super busy today, haha. I'll skip posting today then and wait for everyone to catch up.

I like the new avatar, Kei! Deadpool! :D But where's it from in particular, or just a nice pic?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

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I got it from a Deadpool/Spidey/Daredevil trio drawing off Tumblr where they're all wearing hoodies 8DDD The art's really pretty and I adore DP so yeah

OTL I'll defo post tomorrow. Only my Lute bit though since we all know what she's doing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Writing up a post now! Sorry for the holdup ahaha OTL
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


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I've updated Jay lol, sorry it's a bit late!

I hope you're all doing fantastic and having fun and ZIPLINING IS BRILLIANT SHUT YOUR DIRTY MOUTH

I've got a week off work! Oh hells yeah time to sit back, relax, and die from heatstroke *puts hands behind head and chillaxes*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good afternoon, peeps! I'm going to write my post now!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

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I'll be posting in the morning as a heads up. I know I said id do tonight but I totally underestimated how exhausted id be, especially cuz my friend and I came to my home around midnight XD

I'll for sure post when I wake up <3

We didn't go zip lining btw. It closed an hour earlier than it advertised :|
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

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Good mornight (^w^)/ I hope you're all having a grand weekend.

Sucks, that you didn't get to go on the zip line Rex, but that borderland (?) cosplay of yours looked awesome!

Since I already responded to Pach's last post, I'll probably post tomorrow and give Trixie some time to react to Fabian and Miffy. I hope no one minds? Though I could always go ahead and post again if needed ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Heyas everyone! I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I'm glad to hear you had a great time at Comic-con, Rex! I would say it's a shame you couldn't do ziplining, but it fucking sucks, dude.

I'm gonna eat some lunch right now and then catch up on all the lovely ICs and throw a post up myself. :)

I also had some ideas that made me curious for discussion, and I'm just curious and interested to see what you guys think :) I might spin these into discussion topics in the discussion area too, but I'm not sure yet.

I'm just wondering what are some of your favourite characters you've played in rps are (and why), and what were some of your favourite rps that you've been in? ^o^

For me personally:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

I can't really contribute to this convo lmao, this is the only major RP I've been in (believe it or not I'm not someone who enjoys RPing normally, Tales is just an exception to the rule) and I haven't played enough chars to pick a favourite. Even including the minors though, Tales has them all beat in both categories. All three of them. Two of which had characters I've carried over to Tales in anyway.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hahaha. Go join more rps, Buns!

Also, my IC post is up! For the Northern Performance Hall scene, general reactions from characters there would be appreciated c:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh maaan, this is like a bad trip to yesteryear where there's me naming all of my OCs the same name.

Pretty lengthy. D8

It's so long and nonsensical OTL
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmm, favorite RPs and RP characters? Oooh, it's time for a trip down memory lane~

That Black Rainbows RP, sounds like a ton of fun >w< I love the concept. Ehehe, plus all those mean people in one place sounds like a hell of a time. It must have been one smoking hot experience. //shot and thrown into a fiery pit

Kei-chan, I am suddenly nostalgic...CURSE YOU, PARALLEL LINE.

This is pretty much from oldest to newest (^w^)

I wanted to add a few more OwO but wow it's pretty long. I'm sorry, OTL.

Anddd I can't resist *throws in honorable mentions*

The Carriers: It was the first RP I ever did. I was too nervous to join RPs so I made my own, OTL. It was also where I met Kei-chan. It lasted for a good 5-ish months and had three parts. I don't remember it too well, but it was a ton of fun xD. It revolved around a group of 12-16 year old teens who found themselves at school during Z-day. They teamed up and somehow managed to survive with bats and sports equipment. I forgot what happened next, but for some reason they managed to get guns and knew how to use them perfectly. They also managed to grab cars and a couple of motorbikes and ended up breaking into a lab where they discovered the cure, haha. There was a lot of zombie killing.

The Last Embers: It was created by Lovejoy and was a beautifully crafted and dark, steampunk world. The Gods were at war and as a result fire was banished from the world. We played inquisitors who had just been ordained, they were supposed to be sent somewhere on a steam ark in order to find their comrades who went missing? I'm not sure if I'm getting it right xD

OTL, this post is huge. I had a ton of fun with it e.e! I'll post the character portion tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ah jeez, I'm on my phone so I'll post the nostalgia inducing memories later, along with my post since Rex and Michi are posting later too /o/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hahaha thank you Fox! ^^

I'm gonna shower and freshen up before I start working on a post. :) So I hope no one minds that I call next!
I've not been in many RPs either, at least none that lasted long enough for me to say I loved it, bar this one. I have some that I wanted to like but either died too quickly, or looking back on it were not as good as I remembered. Black Rainbows was fun while it was running, but once part 1 (of 3) was completed, I realized that the pacing was destroying my immersion. I enjoyed Pacman's setup with a hotel massacre, and the scenes that were supposed to follow from it, but it still didn't help the fact that everything took place in like the same four hours, IC-wise. Also, everyone posting once a month (with one guy posting twice a year) sucked too.

I really wanted to like For the Future We Fight too, another RP Pacman GMed, but that got cut off so disappointingly early. :( One RPer knocked every single one of my characters out (they were all villains) so I literally couldn't do anything when it slowed down to death. :/ We wrote both present/future scenes of our characters at the same time, and the future characters' goal iirc was to travel back in the past to stop the future from turning into what it did. It was cool to see changes. One guy's chars on present scene had a father and son, and the future scene was the son grown up. My three chars (incl. a pet cockatoo) were villains in the present, but in the future only one of them are there and is working as a spy for the protagonist. So it would've been interesting to see the development, but alas...

So Tales has the throne for my favorite RP hahaha
Character-wise, of everyone I've ever played as, I really like to write three (I don't have pictures lol).

Exandra, an obsessed, frantic, condescending psycho who is always sick (sneezes and sniffles all the time) and is engrossed with zombies. I used her for a few seconds in Black Rainbows but that RP I fucked up a lot in, so she didn't really go as planned. She debuted elsewhere though, kinda zombie-based RP so that was a lot of fun.
"Now hold still. *sniff* For science."

Valentine, who was also in Vandrell, was a lot of fun too. I like her a lot mostly because she's... different from most tropes. She's a stoic, no-nonsense badass, but instead of having a thin and serious femme fatale look, she has bubblegum pink hair and a stocky body. Regardless of that she wears skin-tight latex cuz she doesn't give a shit about her weight. :D Outside of Tales she controls shadow demons and not ghosts; just thought I'd experiment with the horror theme with her for this RP hahaha.

Crispin is my other baby, a pyro chef who fights with brass knuckles and fire-punches. He had a cameo in Los Paraisos XD. He also has a pet land-dwelling octopus named Bazooka who cooks too and makes more money than he does.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ah, I'm loving this SO SO MUCH. I think I might have to actually turn this into a couple of threads in the Discussion section or at least post and ask the members of the Legends of Midnight group. So, so much fun.

All of your prior rps have such neat concepts! I love that Holiday themed one a lot (seriously, that's genius) and Lies of the Throne sounds like it had a really cool setup and love and attention placed to it. It's a shame it didn't get too far and that the GMs abandoned it quite quickly. Even then I wish I was around for the planning, since it sounds like you guys had such a blast doing that. I'm jealous >8D

I remember Fox's (or rather, Panda's) Aven rp too. I wasn't a part of it but it had a wonderful concept, and it's neat that you're reusing it for Midnight. ^^ We need to make sure we save these rp concepts for the future though, I wanna play some of these for definite. Fox's Carriers mention makes me really want to do a zombie rp again. :( They're such oldies, but goodies.

HOLY SHIT REX I FORGOT ALL ABOUT For the Future we Fight (F3). It didn't get as far as I'd have liked but the concept... hng. The general concept was, like Rex said, two timelines, one for the Present, one for the Future. In the present, it was set one week before the government would activate a worldwide broadcast signal that would inhibit people from criminal thoughts and activity, essentially wiping out crime immediately and rendering world peace. In the week up to that broadcast, tensions around the world were obviously growing and crime was, ironically, at its highest peak. And then, the future... well, something went wrong. There was peace, but at a totalitarian cost. Apart from a few rebellious individuals, the world's populous was rendered braindead worker zombies, going about their lives and jobs without really thinking anything. It was a peace, but not the peace that was desired, and any resistance to that was met with opposition by this sort of robot security, since something was governing and controlling things.

The rp was run with both timelines being shown with the same characters, except different from the ten year gap, but what had happened inbetween was unexplained/unplanned and part of the mystery in finding out. For example, in the Present my character was a gangmember trying to break out of the crime family he was a part of. In the Future, he was a rebel leader with a cybernetic arm and eye. In the Past, one character who he'd met was a law abiding, goody twoshers who was trying to be a lawyer and who took an immediate dislike to my character. In the future, he was a chaotic anarchist and close confidant and ally to my character. How did they get that way, etc? Such fun. And on top of that, there was a plot involving sending the souls of those in the future back into their past bodies to try and prevent this future from occuring (Third Birthday style) if they even could. So good. Unfortunately some people didn't really get this and would only play characters in one timeline, since they couldn't imagine character differences/development without plotting it all out beforehand. Kind of missed the point of the rp that way. D|

Also Kei, Rex, I love your chars so much <3 I'm glad we got Crispin and Val in Tales, we should Exandra in there somewhere too, even as a guest for a chapter! And Kei, the exact same for your characters! :D I want me some Victoria hnnnng
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Man, I'd love to try F3 all over again, but I don't think a lot of players would *get* the premise. :/ I know it'd make sense to everyone here, because you guys actually know how to RP lol, but most other people on this site feel a little simple-minded, if not brain-dead. You know? It's out of the ordinary because that's partially the point haha, and I think things like this will just blow everyone else's minds too badly. XD

Sorry for the length of my IC today. >< Missed so much stuff in the last couple of days so I wanted to catch my girls up without doing simple reactions. I hope it doesn't feel too BSed either... I changed what Amy did in my post at least four times while I was writing it, so idk/I'm a bit unconfident if I went with the right thing in the end lol. Hope it's all right though and that you guys have fun with it. :)

I might have mentioned this already, but my posting sched will keep being weird for the next week until Aug 2, so just in case I miss more than another day (I will not be posting on Wednesday for sure), I apologize in advance. ><
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Writing up a post! Still no lappy so OTl

Lets see if I can finish this before i get dragged off again AHAHAHAHA
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If no one minds, I'll call the next post :D!

Also, Valentine's powers were boss B) I can't wait to see more of her and Jack, and Bazooka sounds like such a cutie. For the Future we Fight sounds super unique and cool, seems like it was a blast (^w^)/

And as for favorite OCs

1. Tobias Blac (Fall of Aven):

It's funny because he has Tobias' name and Dylan's powers. OTL, long lost child.

He was one of the rebels who fought against the empire to save the city of Aven. Playing him was interesting because while most of the people knew what it was like to live in a time before the war, he was really, really young when it started. His parents were rebels who were taken out by King Nevermore's men, so he lived with the rebels for as long as he could remember. (I still remember when Vicky gave him knife throwing lessons ;A; that was cute.) The war was normal to him, so it was cool playing someone who saw war time as just another day. I think my favorite thing about him was his twisted sense of justice. Tobias was generally a nice guy, but killing for the cause was pretty normal. He was as loyal as a dog to the rebels. Another thing I liked about his character was that he was always trying to infect people with laughter. One of his mentors kind of hanged herself so he made it his mission to never let the war destroy his or his friend's happiness.

2. Alina Alkaev (The Last Embers):

It was really fun, playing a healer who constantly tried to fix others while she herself was pretty broken.

Alina was one of the inquisitors who had just been ordained and she's probably one of my most serious characters. Training at the red seminary was pretty brutal and intense, mostly inquisitors came out more like weapons than human beings, and while most of her batch mates managed to resist growing cold and robot-like she embraced it because it was less painful that way. Since she was a healer, death was common and she had seen the most grizzly of wounds. Growing cold and distant was pretty much a self-defense mechanism. The mission they were going on was supposed to be super dire, so I planned to have Alina lose more of her humanity before finally realizing what she has become. It probably would have been fun.

3. Lucien Maddox (Tales of the World)

Ahahaha, I've been having so much fun doing idiotic things as this guy. With Lucien, it's pretty easy to do something weird and stupid and pass it off as normal. Plus having him blurt out comments that don't fit the situation is pretty fun too. He thinks he's so cool .__. but Elaine defo destroyed his reputation. Poor guy, forever paired with various dudes but never a lady, at least he has fluffy animals to keep him company.

4. Mr. Cuddles (Midnight Train to Nowhere)

An eight foot tall bear, who talks and wears a top hat that's a few sizes too small. (AKA: Xan's worst nightmare //shot) Mr. Cuddles is just a NPC, but playing as him was super fun, so I'm defo making him a main in the future. He runs a bakery and is one of the most famous cakesmiths in all of Nowhere. He's also very protective of his friends and is overly emotional. Aside from that, he totes around a giant Axe.
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