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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt smiles when she mentions dying while trying to get chalk. "The dizziness was sudden, and I doubt it would've happened had you not come along in the manner that you did." He smiles, and rubs the back of his head. "And S-Class can't be that special, outside of a few special permissions. Though, personally, I'm glad Angelo didn't win. He seemed overconfident. Didn't like it at all." He shakes his head a little, then lets out a sigh through his nose. "So Penny, basic tour. Here's the bar, out back is a field to train in, over there is the job board, and I think over there is the entrance to the dorms and such." He points as he mentions each place, and smiles a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Kelthar watched as Damian was rewarded S class, he had only just joined but had come so far. He was happy for him. Kelthar stood in the corner playing a soft tune that was even hardly audible. That was the one good thing about his magic, he could make himself almost as quiet as he wanted to. He watched as Penny the new recruit was shown around, someone else that would join the family. He was feeling more and more obsolete, but he shook his head out of it. He loved the guild though and was determined to protect it at all costs. Even if it meant his life. He pulled a chair up to himself and sat down.

He was exhausted, and as he played, he slowly seemed to start to fall asleep. He tried to drink himself awake but he couldn't seem to wake up enough as he slowly fell asleep in the corner of the guild. He fell asleep thinking about the next mission he may want to take. He was hoping it was going to be a well paying one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian listened to Mayt show Penny where every thing was from where they sat and nodded when he took a guess at the way up to the dorms. "Yeah, that's the stairs up to the dorms. The rent's reasonable and you get everything you need; storage space, bathroom, closet, all of it." He chuckles and points over at the bar. "And the kitchen's right downstairs." Taking another sip of his drink, he leans back again and closes his eyes, humming quietly to himself as the conversations going on through out the guild continued. Ultimately, his mind came back to the guild mission three days ago, against the Ragged Brotherhood and in all his happiness and joy, he couldn't help but grow frustrated when he thought of them.

Next time we find them, we'll be ready and I'll show them what an S Class wizard can really do. They won't get away with all the innocents they murdered. Sitting up suddenly, he smiles at Penny and nods to Mayt. "Sorry, I need to go rest up. Angelo's magic did a number on me and sleep is the best way to recover from it." Heading for the stairs, he stops and turns back. "I'm in room 22 if you need anything. Don't hesitate to knock." Turning back to the stairs, he goes up and straight to his room, locking the door behind him before stripping himself down to nothing and getting in the shower. Turning on the water, he sat down, closed his eyes, and fell asleep without a sound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny laughed, "Sorry. I kind of got overwhelmed seeing just how big the city was, and lost focus. It isn't as easy as you think flying covered in flames, but it sure beats walking" She said. She was more then pleased that Damian seemed to drop his line of questioning, and that Mayt was content to let Penny find out how to talk with Sasha in her own time. She looked about when they told her where everything was, and she sai, just as Damian left"Thanks. I should probably secure a room. I'll see you guys later!" She took a few steps, then hesitated, looking back to Mayt. "Thank you. For not saying anything" And then she went up stairs, to find an empty dorm. It was easy, the ones occupied were closed, the ones unoccupied open. She claimed one where she'd get lots of sun, and then proceeded to unpack her backpack. It just had a few things in it, and she wanted to be able to see them.

Finally, she lay down on the bed, and began to ponder what she was going to do. Sometime during that, she fell asleep.
Sasha made sure Angelo was okay, before rising, seeing Damian and Mayt interacting with the red-headed Wizard, Penny. She didn't want to interrupt, mostly because there was something she didn't think she understood going on, so she looked about. She saw Kelthar in the corner, practically passing out, so she went over to him, gently shaking his shoulder. She smiled, and said, "You missed S class. What were you doing? No matter. You should go up and sleep" She nudged him up, and made sure he'd get to bed without falling asleep half-way through a step.

She was tired herself, despite having not done much, and soon headed up to her dorm room. She climbed into bed after changing clothes, and checking her injuries, and was asleep in seconds.

She woke in the morning to a knock at her door, and she groaned, climbing out of bed and stumbling to the door. She brushed back hair that was probably going everywhich way, and rubbed her eyes with one hand as she opened the door. She blinked when she saw Penny, and frowned. "morning. What can I do for you?"

Penny seemed a bit stunned, but it was clear she had been awake for a while. She swallowed, and said softly, "I have to tell you something, and i doubt its going to be easy to hear. May I come in?" She said this fast, as if afraid of loosing her nerve, and Sasha sighed, nodding and stepping aside. She went over to her bathroom, and brushed her hair, splashing cold water on her face to help wake her, before turning to Penny.

"Um. Well...22 years ago...I uh...oh. Damn. I'm your sister" Penny stumbled, before finally saying it, "As near as I can tell, our mother was in trouble, and couldn't raise me and well, I was taken in by a nice family. I tried to find you all when I was 16 but..I guess I was too late there. I've been trying to find you since then and well...here I am" Again she spoke fast as Sasha stared at her, blinking slowly. "I have a picture of our mother, I can show you. Just after I was born..." She rummaged through her pockets, coming out with a small picture, yellow with age, and clearly it had been looked at a lot.

Sasha took the picture from Penny, slightly numb, and stared at it. She swallowed, and sunk doing on her desk's chair, closing her eyes, slowly shaking her head. This couldn't be. Why now, after all those years, when she desperately wished for some semblance of family? Why, when she had all but given up on any family? She handed the picture back, dropping her head into her hands. "Please. I need some time" She said softly, and Penny nodded, "I understand. I'll be down stairs" And she hurried out of the room, tears in her own eyes.

Sasha took three deep steadying breaths, before rising. She went about the business of getting ready, going through the motions, before finally heading downstairs, with her sketchbook in hand. She stopped at the top of the stairs, hesitating, not knowing what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 30 min ago

Angelo took his bath and relaxed for a while before going to the room that sasha said his mother was in, knowing he would need to pay her back for the rent Angelo knew he couldn't sleep on the beams like he was used to. Angelo walked in to his mother smiling at him and that almost made Angelo feel better but Angelo went to his bed to relax and hope that the next day he would still be an s ranked because of his potential and how hard he worked. Master Jamie knew Angelo and she should know Angelo only seemed different because he was determined to get that S rank. Angelo feel into a deep sleep that night partially from exhaustion and also from just wanting to end the day...

the next day Angelo was happy to see his mom cooking breakfast for him that Angelo ate happily glad to eat his mothers cooking again. finally to enjoy his mothers breakfast without needing to eat so quickly to avoid his father. After a few minutes of blissful eating Angelo got up and hugged his mom before he left to go to the guild hall and see who else would get the S rank. Angelo got back inside and went up to his perch feeling better from yesterday and he smiled seeing mark waiting for him as he gave him some toast from his mother relaxing....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian had slept for a couple hours in the shower before waking up with a start when the water finally went cold in his room. Climbing out, he got some night clothes on, sharpened his swords some, and then passed out for the night, undisturbed by dreams. When he woke the next morning, he took a shower, the water warm once again thankfully, and put on simply black pants with a red shirt, putting his swords on over that before pulling his boots on. Taking a moment to look at himself in a mirror, he frowns and gets out his toothbrush, brushing his teeth again for good measure before heading out of his room for the main hall. He was craving some pie something fierce.

Stopping just outside his door to lock it, he hums to himself as he heads towards the stairs, but stops when he see's that Sasha is simply standing at the top of them, looking unsure of something. Coming up behind her, he smiles and taps her shoulder so she knows he's there. "Morning, Sasha. What seems to be bothering you on this fine day?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

The dawning sun had brought a new morning. And Lazarus had gotten into the guild house pretty early. He thought he would see if there any jobs he could throw himself into. He found nothing. Sighing he went to the bar and got a drink. A stiff one. Despite being an 'angel', he was sometimes a pretty heavy drinker. However, he only had one, before stretching and going for a walk. He was wandering all over the guild, even onto different floors, just remembering why he loved the place so much. That was when he saw Sasha. She looked like she was about to pass out her face was worried. He sort of made a jog over to her and placed his hands on her waist. "woah, are you ok?" He spoke soothingly. He was well aware that Damian was standing there. It didn't bother him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha blinked, looking over her shoulder as Damian tapped her. "um. Morning" She said, trying to appear normal, looking over when Lazarus came over, and she found herself smiling, knowing that no matter what, she had her guild was with her. "I'm fine" Her eyes were drawn to Penny, whose red hair made her easily noticeable. "Just had a bit of a shock" She said, looking to both Damian and Lazarus.

She ran a hand threw her hair, taking a deep breath, "Penny says she's my sister. And now I don't know what to do" She said, not even realising that they were on top of the stairs and probably blocking anyone else from coming up or down. "What do I do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lazarus let go before folding his arms. "I see." He darted a glance at Penny. "I didn't want to say this earlier. But I could see a resemblance." He sighed. "You have the same eyes too..." He grunted a little. "But how do you know she's telling the truth?" He frowned, before sighing and smiling. "Then again, she has no reason to lie... so I guess she might well be your sister." He smiled. "I hope she really is." He beamed, looking into her eyes. "That's what you've wanted all this time right? A family? A guild can only go so far. Nothing can beat the bond of blood!" He grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha still wasn't sure what to do, but she did feel better. She managed to smile, and said softly, "Thank you" She looked down, biting her lip. "She had a picture of my mother, so I'm pretty sure she is related in some way..." She trailed off, "I'm scared" She admitted, "I have to go talk to her, don't i?" She swallowed, rubbed her eyes for a second.

"Fire and Ice. How odd is that?" She said, clearly hesitating and trying to postpone talking with Penny. She started down the steps, but stopped when she reached the bottom, clearly debating about running away, instead of going over to Penny. She tried to be so strong, but right now, she was just scared.

Sasha shivered as if she was back there, her gaze far away, her body rigid, and she made no effort to move, and just stood there at the bottom of the stairs, as Penny turned towards her, and smiled slightly.

Warmth flood Sasha as if she had just plunged into flame, and she sank weakly to the bottom step.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian shook his head at Lazarus's antics antics and looks at Sasha, his smile wide. "You've found genuine blood family. When you thought you'd lost it all. Don't turn down the opportunity." Patting her on the back, he maneuvers around Sasha and Lazarus and down the stairs, heading to a table where he could see the whole guild for once and sitting down. Ordering a pie and drink from Jarvis, he looks at Penny and then Sasha discreetly and realizes that's why Penny had chose him to talk to last night. Because I'm friends with Sasha and she'd hoped to learn something.

Still, she seemed nice enough and she was definitely strong, he could feel it in his bones. "Heh," Damian mutters, "Maybe she'll make S Class at the next test." Thanking Jarvis for the pie and drink, he starts eating while waiting on Sasha and Lazarus to come down. While waiting on that, he glances up and spots Angelo, waving at him and hoping he see's it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 30 min ago

Angelo was relaxing on his perch watching everything go down below him and then Angelo sees Damien waving to him and Angelo gives him a peace sign smiling letting him know theirs no hard feelings about yesterday. Angelo then came down going over to Jarvis and getting a float seeing as how today was a special occasion since the official naming of the S ranks were going on today and even if Angelo wasn't called it was still cause for celebration Angelo looked over at Damien and said "your very clever the way you fought me yesterday. I never fought so hard before, you pretty much drained me of all my magical energy" Angelo said praising him slightly hoping it wont go to his head about him beating Angelo by the decision of the guild master
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian nodded in thanks, stopping his eating long enough to take a drink of his drink. Swallowing, he smiles. "Thanks. You gave me quite the run for my money as well. Still rather sore from the experience." Damian took another drink then resumed eating, letting Angelo decide whether or not he wanted to continue the conversation or not and it allowed him to look for Master Jamie. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of jobs he could take as an S Class wizard now. On top of that, he was hoping he could sway the Master's opinion towards considering either Sasha or Lazarus for the second spot. Angelo was strong and talented, but he seemed to put his goals above both his own and his fellow guild members safety. Of course, I could be over thinking it like I tend to do. Shaking his head, he resumes watching the guild, smiling at their antics as they happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt had went to bed not long after everyone else, but failed to come to the guild in the morning. He went around the Markets again, getting various odd trinkets and such. He does his best to avoid anyone and everyone who looks official or like law enforcement. After a bit of this, he manages to collect almost everything he's after, and heads to the guild. He heads to the back of the hall and takes an out-of-the-way table, almost shaking. He shakes his head, pulling out a new letter, this one only a page long, and starting to read it. The letter seems to have some red marks on it, and he bites his lip as he reads it. His posture in and of itself suggests something is up, and he makes sure to cover it or shift it out of view if anyone comes by. When he finishes, he crosses his arms over the paper and sinks down with his eyes against his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Kelthar woke up startled from the nudge. he barely was able to make out what she was saying, but he nodded his head and headed towards the top of the stairs. No one else was really up still, and he didn't want to walk to his home half asleep. So he found a empty room, and he layed down as he though about all the different things that had happened today. And shook his head at all the difference things that had transpired. He let himself fall asleep as he loudly snored through the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Magnolia town was one of the liveliest cities Sho had ever seen in his travels. He had to go through the shopping district to reach Phoenix Wing's guild hall and as such couldn't help but marvel at all the stalls, full of all kinds of merchandise. From food to weapons to armor and jewelry, Magnolia's trade shopping district was by far the most diverse he had seen so far.

Phoenix Wing was apparently one of the strongest guilds in Fiore, full of strong magicians and fighters. Sho's journey had gotten him as far as the Pergrande Kingdom, known for its so-called "gladiators" and Colosseum matches. They were all weak as far as Sho was concerned. Now it was time to see if the rumors for Phoenix Wing's strength were true or just another rumor.

Finally reaching the doors to the guild hall, Sho took a deep breath in and opened the doors. "BRING ME YOUR BEST FIGHTERS PHOENIX WING. ITS TIME TO FIGHT" he shouted, a huge grin forming in his face and his blood boiling with excitement and anticipation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

aster Jamie sighed at the shout of request for fighters, coming out of the library where she had slept through the night with books around her. She muttered a word or too, changing her body to that of a tall, well built man. "If you have come to fight" he said in a deep ruminf voice "you can just go. My members are not fighting citizens. If you wish to fight join the guild and event hen, we don't have time for fighting right now"
Sasha sat there a minute, before getting up. She felt weak and just plain tired, but she made her way through the tables and the chairs, looking back to Lazarus briefly, before sighing and sitting down by Penny. "I don't really know what to do, or how to feel. When...when they died, I was scared and alone and completely lost. I didn't know why I survived, and they didn't. I'm not even too sure what happened to begin with. I was eight years old, and all alone. I would have given anything to have them back, and would have given anything to know I had other family out there. I came to terms that I was going to be alone. Then I found the guild, and it's been wonderful here." She looked over the guild and smiled slightly.

"So for you to come to me and say you're related to me...it brought all those feelings back, and I felt as if the ground had slipped away again, and that I was failing. Nod now I'm here. I guess...that I just feel stable again.i still don't know what to do with a sibling but..." She opened her sketch pad. On the first page was an image, of her mother, brother and father. "That's our brother, Teddy. He was a bright young boy, always laughing. I'm sorry you didn't get to meet him. I miss him everyday." She closed her eyes, before opening them and tearing the page out, giving it to Penny.

Penny listened and watched as Sasha talked, just letting her. When she revealed the image, Penny was shocked at the detail, the amazement of such a clear formed drawing. Sasha had drawn this? It was brilliant, and when she tore the page out and gave it to Penny, she held it close to her. "Thank you" she said softly, "from what I found out, our mother was in trouble, 16, and knew she couldn't raise me, not by herself. So she found a nice family, and I grew up with them. When they told me who our mother was, I started searching. I guess I was six years too late...but the some people mentioned that they had seen you wandering about, but then you disappeared...it took a whole to track you, and finally I ended up here...you look so much like her..."

Sasha smiled slightly, "Teddy had the same red hair as you. It was always something I teased him about, kid stuff, since he was the only one in the village with red hair, but if anyone else teased him, I was on them like ants on honey" she said. Soon the girls were chatting, back and forth, and Sasha let herself relax, before the guy shouted at the guild, and she rose, watching as the master came out, seeing Karvis adding new jobs to the board (which are up on the request board link), and she sighed. Just another day in the guild, she thought.

Penny rose as well, rising an eye brow.

"This is pretty much a normal day" Sasha said truthfully, "I have to talk with Lazarus-we're a team, and I was thinking about doig a job"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sho stood there, proud of his triumphant entrance. Surely that struck fear in the hearts of everyone. Or so it seemed for a while but a woman broke the silence. She was of average height and fairly slim. She muttered something and then her body started Transforming to that of a mans. "Whoa lady" Sho exclaimed "Why would you change into that ugly thing when your female form is so pretty? Shame really" he finished and nodded his head, agreeing with what he had just said.

"And who did you call a citizen again?" Sho said and poked the mans back. "Hmm, from a closer look, you seem quite well built. What might your position be in this guild? Gatekeeper? Well, you certainly don't fit for the job since i got in here so easily" he said, siting in one of the footstools of the bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie sighed, grabbing the mans finger as he poked her, twisting it slightly, a warning not to provoke him "I am master of this guild. And I will ask you politely to leave unless you are joining. If not, leave please, or I will be forced to take actions Jamie said, as Jarvis stepped back thing the bar from putting up new jobs, feeling the master Wave Magic-which negated any magic nearby, in effect. Jarvis went about his job, but was clearly wary.

"You are a citizen if you are not apart of this guild" Master Jamie said "leave if you aren't joining, because I have guild only news for my members" he crossed his arms over his chest "so what's it going to be? Because I'm not in the mood for any crap"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Damian had been in the middle of taking a bite of pie when the doors to the guild hall flew open and some guy called out a challenge for the guild's greatest fighters. Well, someone certainly thinks highly of themselves. Finishing the pie off and taking another gulp from his drink, he stands up and maneuvers around the boisterous man and the master to take a look at the new jobs that Jarvis had posted. Thieves, some people lost in a maze, librarians, couple pictures, heh, there's one for Lazarus and Sasha, wine delivery...I think I'll take the thieves. Always a pleasure to take out the trash.

Pulling the job off the board, Damian walks over to the bar, writes his name on it, then shows it to Jarvis. "I'll be taking care of this one today. Well, might take a little longer than just a day, looks like there's some tracking involved." Leaving it for Jarvis to either take or put back, Damian wasn't all that sure what do with it, he turned to look over the guild and pick someone to go with him. Going alone would give him more jewel, but it was also less fun. "Mayt?" He mutters, contemplating on it before shaking his head. "Nah, he's got his own problems from the way he's laying there. Sasha? No, she's with Lazarus. I can still tell them about that job." He continues looking before his eyes fall on Penny and he smiles. Bingo.

Walking over to the two ladies, he smiles. "Good morning, Penny. Glad to see you got some rest after traveling for so long. Sasha, I think I may have found a good job for you and Lazarus if you want to hear it." He then quickly changes to talking to Penny. "And Penny, how would you like to come on a job with me to Crocus City?"
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