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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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An interesting thing if you knew etiquette was to know that when you are offered a seat, it is not mandatory to take it, Erika thus took the liberty to ignore Rhodes's offer to seat and remained up, staring down Andrew. "Yes I guess there must be something to it, I however believed you could give me an answer to this question." Her voice was sharp, the pronunciation distinct, it was somewhat of a quirk of hers when she was angry at something or someone, like she was becoming slightly British, had something of a Margaret Thatcher to her.

"For as I go sitting with my plate, I read on that person's cell phone and I quote 'Oh man tho Ronnie you would love this place. It's full of potential buyers and they are all like twelve.'. I express my disaproval of such action, as I would have believed better for me to give a warning rather than a member of the staff, and I am told to mind my own business and that anyways 'whatever kid I pointed my finger in this room was probably in withdrawal'. I object to this and I am told to shut up by this hooligan as she grabs me by my collar." This was the truth... well, most of it, it would stand in a court at least.

"I demand her to stand her as I wouldn't be afraid to take whatever legal action I could, which she does. And here I am now, somehow with a warning about my behavior and her with... nothing." Erika changed gear and lifted her chin slightly higher.

"What 'There is to it', I am forced to notice, is that there is either gross incompetence at work in the administration of this event or blatant favoritism. Somehow this wouldn't be surprising, as I am apparently not an easy case to deal with. Still, after confiscating my property I would find this to step quite far... I suppose that as the owner and administrator of these facilities, it is to your discretion to apply disciplinary measures at your leisure, but while I may have nothing to say about how you do things, I will advise you that this will play a great factor in the future as to how much I would intent to donate to your organization as to repay whatever debt of gratitude I'd have leaving here."

'Not that's you'd believe someone with ambition like me could succeed, but step in line with the others, you will see.' Erika thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TraceStHusky


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Clinic (Physical Health) – Ground Floor, Residential Building
1:27 PM – Hope Daly (Andrew Rhodes)

Hope was feeling worse than ever as her case worker rounded the corner and came to sit with her. She could see in the lines of his face that he was concerned. She felt a stab of guilt. It was obvious that this was going to cause so much trouble for her caseworker, the medical staff, and maybe ever her parents if they were found and notified. She had been honest about her name, but she had been unwilling to tell the staff of her home when she had first come in. She hadn't wanted to discuss the reasons for coming to Open Roads, electing to leave it at "trouble at home due to financial stress."

Her caseworker, assigned the day she entered OR as a resident, was a kind man, feeling more and more like an extra parent every day. Andrew had gone to bat about letting her stay despite her vague reasoning and past. Hope felt her stomach sink. He had done so much for her, and now turning her own world upside down was going to mess with his a bit too. It felt unfair, but she knew her condition was worsening. She turned to her caseworker and forced a pained smile onto her face. "Thanks for coming Andrew. I wasn't sure of the time, but I was hoping you weren't too busy. Sorry for interrupting your day like this..."

Hope was on the verge of tears again. She could barely look him in the eyes. "Let me start with saying I've never felt more content than during my time here at OR.... I wasn't completely... Honest when I came in. During the medical examination, when they asked if I had any pre existing conditions, I lied. I wanted to be here so badly in a place where nobody was turned away. I panicked. I thought that my condition would have me taken away and sent home." Hope paused, rubbing her arm where she had her blood pressure taken.

Taking her jacket off , she pulled up her sleeve to reveal violent bruising. Doctor Georgiana stepped forward gently took her arm, having stood nearby during this exchange. "Oh my goodness... Hope, honey... You need to tell us what's going on immediately. This isn't-" The doctor took a step back as Hope pulled away and burst into tears again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by subtleinflections


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Anthony was left in a blur as Josh and Jess sprinted towards the parking lot. He stared down at his injured ankle shaking his head ever so slightly. Looks like I'm riding bitch he thought to himself picking his head up to catch Mike and Sam lagging behind. He quickly caught up to them. While strolling to the parking lot Anthony took the time to examine the group of kids that just ambushed him. Jess, well, we already get that picture. Josh was the runt and seemingly the most charismatic. Sam was the big goofball and Mike gave off a more relaxed refined vibe. Then again, he knew these people for all of 2 minutes and impression is subject to change.

“So what movie did you have in mind?” He asked Mike but quickly realized the futility of his comment. “Ahh it doesn't matter. With a group of people it always devolves into comedy anyway” he joked as they approached the car, Josh and Jess coming into sight. “I know I know, Bitch seat for me,” he drawled, less than thrilled about being confined the middle seat. “Let's get this over with.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Cal, although feeling a lot better now that she wasn't being referred to as Ms. Evans, still looked apprehensive to tell Mr. Brown about the little fight she had gotten in. She really didn't see the point in telling him, as Open Roads seemed more likely to side with Erika because of how long she had been staying there, as well as Cal being the one to initiate violence. Cal leaned forward, snuffing her cigarette out in the ashtray, and then leaned back into her chair with her arms crossed across her chest as if trying to defend herself.

On the other end of things, Cal had no reason to hide anything from this guy. He seemed supportive enough, and she didn't have too much more time with before her session was over. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to look Mr. Brown in the eyes. "I'm gonna be totally honest with you Mr. Brown. I don't really like it here." She shifted her weight, feeling awkward. "Like...I mean...it's cool and all but I'm like..." Cal stopped herself, trying to get across what she wanted to say. "If my situation was different right now, I wouldn't be here." She seemed to be struggling to find words. "Like...the idea of this place is pretty cool, and the staff is friendly and the food is good...but like..."

"When I showed up here I thought it would be some weird magical place where everyone would be like welcoming and stuff." She crossed her arms across her chest, looking back towards the ground. "I've been here for a week and I already know I don't belong here. The other residents either look at me like I'm some sort of monster or a fucking dealer." She stopped herself, looking up with a shocked expression. "Sorry for my cussing." Cal looked pretty flustered and upset, clearly struggling to keep up her tough exterior. "It's just...really fucking stupid. I've had kids come up to me, asking for drugs and when I tell them to leave they flip shit." Yeah Cal was a bit of a mess right now. "That or if I even look at some of them they run off, eyes wide. I haven't done shit to them."

She looked like she was trying to control her breathing and emotions. "Then this chick shows up and I was like 'sweet she looks like a chick I could have a chat with.' But no she had to come up and read my personal texts to my friend. Then she has to be the bitch of the week and act like she is some cool shit." Cal had her fists balled up in her lap, her face contorted with rage. "She gets me all riled up using big words I don't understand and talking in that stupid snide tone. I was just so angry." At this point Cal felt like punching something, but was holding back. "Then she says if I punch her I will get kicked out and she would report me to the cops and thrown in jail. I can't get arrested, if I do I'll never get to school or a job or anything." Or worse, her family could lose the house.

Cal's voice sounded weak. "It took all of my willpower. But I let her go. I had to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rookery


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Clinic (Physical Health) – Ground Floor, Residential Building
1:33 PM – Andrew Rhodes (Hope Daly)

After showing violent bruising on her arms, Hope broke into tears. She cried while Georgiana comforted her. Andrew gave the doctor a look of concern, asking her what’s wrong without words. Georgiana shook her head, telling him whatever it is it’s nothing good. They exchange few more glances, communicating in silence. Andrew sighed and waited for Hope to calm down before probing further. He reminisced on the time she arrived in the shelter two years ago. A quiet kid but beaming with a hidden sun. On her very first day she took up residency. Andrew thought she would have a hard time fitting in but it hasn’t been a problem. She even volunteered to buddy a couple of new residents, one even grew fond of her. Her studies and training are going great and there wasn’t anything concerning that pop up during her therapy sessions. Her past and reason for running remains vague but that’s usual. Open Roads don’t force the kids to reveal anything about themselves that they are not comfortable sharing.

When Hope finally calmed down enough, Andrew began: “Hope... You have to tell us what’s wrong so we can help you. Right now we’re in the blue and we’re worried. We can only expect the worst and the scares me and Georgiana here. Please Hope, tells us what’s wrong...”
Andrew Rhodes’ Office – Welcome Building
5:12 PM – Andrew Rhodes (Erika Sutherland)

Erika remained standing despite Andrew’s seat offer. He listened to her response which sounded more like a court statement than anything else. Erika was reminded him of his mother while she rehearsed her speech for the jury or while she tried to convince his principal/arresting officer during his teenage years. Andrew’s mother was the type never to back down. Andrew’s mother is also the type who’ll prove you wrong than right but that’s part of her job description, being a Prosecutor. It made her lethal in court but lousy as a mother. The senior case worker was accustomed to such speeches that he let her tone slide. He took mental notes while she spoke.

“On the matter of blatant favoritism, may I point out that your roommate, Jessica Hughes, have more noteworthy incidents than the new resident you’ve engage with this afternoon. Your ‘disapproval’ of her behavior has yet to show, this’ assuming that your morals agrees with the rules we impose in Open Roads. Unlike Jessica, the new resident has yet to give grounds for us to act upon. Anything asides clear violation of the rules impose in Open Roads are the guests’ and residents’ prerogative. And while we’re on the subject, we are more lenient with newer residents until they are accustomed to the rules since most of them come from unstable households. Rules to them are as foreign as French to me. You, on the other hand, have been with us for nearly a year hence we let her slide and gave you a warning. Before deeming Open Roads as incompetent, you should praise your opposition for taking the moral high ground, which you proudly think you’re standing on, and walked away. Security arrived just after the commotion and if anything would have happened, I can assure you, it would have been dealt with accordingly.

Regarding the confiscation your property, it may be returned to you under the conditions of personal improvement. Unless you reject residency in Open Roads, your laptop will remain in private storage until Mr. Harper and I decided you’ve achieved your goal. I find your sudden interest on the welfare of other residents and the shelter rather intriguing since during the time you had your laptop, you were apathetic towards both. Care to explain?”
Howard Brown’s Office – Welcome Building
5:34 PM – Howard Brown (Callie Evans)

The girl in front of him leaned forward, snuffed her cigarette on the ashtray, and then leaned back. Crossing her arms as if to protect herself. Howard waited patiently. He subtly check his watch and noted that their appointment was coming to a close. Callie began by looking at Howard’s eyes directly. Asides from the brief glances she gave, this was the first time she maintained eye contact. She spoke and the case worker listened. Howard was used to rough and violent kids. Rule breakers, bullies and gansta wannabies. Kids who much rather talk with their fists than their words. He knows how to handle them. He knows when to be strict and when to be lenient. This was his first meeting with Callie and from the way she talked and behave, Howard concluded that she wasn’t exactly like the usual kids he deals with.

“You must see Cal, that the kids here don’t belong either. The other residents feel exactly the same way you do, out of place. Some of them were homeless from birth or became homeless. Others run away from their homes due to neglect or abuse. Kids come to us from all walks of life, from riches to rags. All of them are lost and all of them bring their demons along. Honestly, can you blame them? They don’t know anything else and maybe it’s their old habits, may it be drugs, violence or any addictions that keeps them grounded. As they say ‘old habits die hard.’ A safe haven for such kids wouldn’t exactly be paradise.” Howard let his last sentence hang in the air for a moment.

“The girl you fought with this afternoon was Erika. As you have notice, she comes from a well off family. She has been with us for nearly a year. We don’t have that many kids who’re on the same status as her. She’s more likely to seclude herself than interact with other kids since, well, they can’t relate to her. You were just unfortunate to catch her in the wrong mood. She’s has a sharp tongue so it’s quite admirable that you showed restraint. But do you think she feels like she belong here?” Howard glanced his watch, 5:45 PM.

“I guess we should wrap things up. I’ll inform Sarah to print out your new schedule. And if you don’t mind any homework, I would like you to think about your goals in life and next week, let’s talk about it.” The case worker gave her a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TraceStHusky


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clinic (Physical Health) - Ground Floor, Residential Building
1:35 PM Hope Daly (Andrew Rhodes)

Hope sniffled noisily as she stopped her tears, nodding in agreement. She took a few deep, albeit difficult, breaths and wiped her eyes. "The reason I came hear was closer to what I told you than you would expect. It was financial stress that drove me away from home, but it was my fault." Her voice grew shrill at the end of the sentence, trying hard not to continue crying. "I was diagnosed with chronic leukemia a week after I turned fifteen... My parents started to fight and they were scared... My brother said he was going to drop out of college to get a job and help pay for treatments... I couldn't let them suffer on my behalf..." Hope voice wavered as she told them.

She waited for them to get angry, to tell her she had to leave. It was hard to tell them. She was scared.and didn't know the consequences of her telling them now. Hopes hands were shaking and she had her hands tightly balled around her jacket, eyes squeezed shut. She just knew that she was going to have to leave...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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*double post with MissCapnCrunch*

"Fuck off" said Alistair as he pushed Ben out of the way and moved passed him. Huh, and I thought I was doing so well. Ben said to himself. Thoroughly annoyed with Alistair's unpleasantness, he decided to go to bed. When he turned around and took a step, however, a dull pain ran through Ben's body. "Shit, not now!" Ben said out loud. Struggling with the pain, he managed to get a pill bottle out of his pocket. He swallowed a pair of pills and the pain started to subside. Still, he couldn't help but sit down in the middle of the hall. He'd be fine, but he just needed a minute...

As the last coating of red dried upon Isabella's nail she looked them over carefully. "Good enough" she thought to herself, screwing on the cap and placing it back on the table in front of her. Her eyes closed for a moment, as she filled her lungs with air. Holding it. Holding it. Releasing. The stream of air flew from her lips with a small whistle. It had been a long day already it seemed. Her stomach grumbled, but she didn't mind it, not wanting to eat anything.

Opening her eyes she peered down at the nail polish bottle. "I better bring this back inside before it gets broken." she thought, her eyes widening, "..Or stolen." Grabbing it quickly, she held it close in her palm as she turned back inside, and started walking through the hallways, her gaze looking up into the corners to look at the direction paths. Since Isa had only been there a week, she was still getting used to the place.

It was then she saw the boy from earlier in the hallway. Benjamin was it? Isabella slowed her pace as she walked towards him, "Yo..are you okay?" she questioned from a few steps away from the boy.

Benjamin felt like he had been run over by a truck, but when he heard the familiar voice, he blinked his eyes back into focus and saw Isa standing above him. "Yeah I'm fine." Mostly he wanted to add, but he kept that to himself. He struggled a bit, but finally got back to his feet. "It's a long story." he said, trying to look dignified. "How are you, Isa?"

"I have time." she joked watching him get up, she gave Ben a weak smile. The guy looked like he needed to sit back down again so she didn't want to take up too much of his time. He asked her politely how she was doing, "I'm chill." she answered, opening up her palm to him and revealing the half empty bottle of polish. "Just putting this back in my room." she paused, before quickly saying the next part, "You can come with if you want.. if not, that is cool too." she shrugged, but kept a pretty friendly smile on as she started to walk before Ben could answer.

Ben started to follow. "Sure, I'll go." he said. They walked for a bit before Ben felt comfortable talking again. It the two years he had spent on the road, he never really felt himself open up to anyone. Now, for a reason he couldn't explain, Ben felt like he just couldn't hold on to it anymore. "I was in an accident. A bad one." Ben felt his throat start to get dry as he got more nervous. The last thing he wanted was for his only acquaintance at Open Roads to think he was a freak. "Sometimes I get some bad pains in my body, but it's usually when I try and sleep. I take a powerful painkiller for it. I can't sleep without it."

As Ben spoke Isa turned her head slightly to look at him. "What did he mean by it was an accident?" she thought, looking back ahead nervously. He continued explaining to Isabella the situation and she began to felt bad, but without knowing the accident, she couldn't have but a twinge of fear in her heart. Clearing her throat, she spoke quietly so people around them couldn't hear as they walked through the more populated residency areas, "I'm sorry to hear that Ben, I don't sleep very well these day either." she sighed, stopping in front of her room. She turned to Ben slowly, as she carefully put her hand on his shoulder. "I believe in you, you can fight against anything and anyone." she let her hand slip back down to the door knob as she turned it and walked inside. She opened up her small desk in her room's drawer and placed the bottle in, next to some art supplies and knick knacks she had hoarded in the last few days here.

Ben had no idea how to respond to Isa's words. Encouragement was not something he got often, and from Isa, it actually sounded genuine. When she put her hand on his shoulder, Ben almost recoiled, but she seemed so "friendly", Ben thought. When Isa walked back into her room, he took that as a cue to turn and leave. Even before the accident, Ben was a little awkward and he didn't want to mess up and say something really idiotic. When he got back to his room, he couldn't help but feel stupid anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Mike raised an eyebrow. "What's that? Maturity from the latest person to join this little group of ours? And me who was expecting you to go and fly like a magnificent f-in' eagle to a seat."

At the question about what kind of movie we'd be watching, this was Sam's turn to shrug and answer. "Well, you'd have been right at first, since we couldn't agree we always picked the middle ground of comedy but that got boring after a while, now we alternate. I'm more of a suspense guy and Comrade Mike here likes foreign movies. Josh likes explosions so it's generally Michael Bay while Jess, surprisingly, is really big on horror. And about all of that, which turn is it?"

Mike answered while taking out his car keys, Josh shouting something about Anthony being no fun. "Jess's."

Sam rolled his eyes and somewhat showed displease at this. "Oh great, all aboard the nightmare train."

Mike leaned slightly toward Anthony to whisper. "Sam's unfortunately a big baby and really easy to scare."

"I can hear you, you know?" Mike chuckled at Sam's reaction of being slightly offended and waved it off. "No worries, we'll probably listen to it in Jess's room so you'll have the Ice Queen to surgically deconstruct the movie and remind you that these are just actors, you big baby. Although if you could try to not do this for the entire movie this time around that would be great."

As Mike was saying that they were coming to the car, Josh next to the door back of Mike, Jess back of Sam. Mike unlocked his door and proceeded to unlock each ones, Jess opening it and making place for Anthony with a bright smile. "You know, I like you already. So I'll give you the choice of your nickname, either sexypants or cuddle muffin."

Josh turned to her with a figure of interrogation. "Those aren't nicknames, they're pet names. And only you use them." Jess followed Anthony in and began the game of 'Finding a comfortable way to sit' as she answered. "Oh common Joshicutie don't be a party pooper. And also sexycuddlemuffinpants, could you move a little?" "Yeah, no dude, please don't."

Ultimately, Josh settled to make himself as small as possible in the corner while Jess, rather than contracting herself in one spot, decided to rather expand herself a bit in all directions as to satisfy her lengths. This meant an arm behind Anthony's neck and a leg going under his knees. "Yeah, you should probably put your own arms behind, unless you enjoy your shoulders hurting trying to keep them in your own spot. I'd know, guess who was always sitting bitch before? I don't think this car even has suspension."

Mike turned around. "Suspension? What's that?" And as he said this, Sam opened the glove box and took out two aviator sun glasses, passing one to Mike who putted them, smiling before turning around. Sam spoke. "Captain, all systems are green." Mike placed the keys in the contact. "Engage!" It took a few seconds, but the car actually started.


Erika crossed her hands behind her back. "On the matter of Jessica Hughes, as the matters didn't relate to me I chose to keep silence. Despite her... eccentricities, she never did something reprehensible to me and when I call on her inadequate behaviors, she never did such a thing as take me by the collar and try to intimidate me. Which leads me to remind you that while she did walk away from this situation, this new resident walked from a situation she herself caused. I highly doubt if I took you by the collar and menaced you of violence, but then let you go, the argument 'She could have proceeded with violence but didn't go through' would hold ground in a court of law. A menace is a menace.."

"Ultimately, I demand to be explained clearly what rule I broke to receive this warning, as the way I see it, even if I, and I will let you know that in my opinion it is not the case, would be the one to engage in hostilities, I state as a fact that I have been the most mature in dealing with it, as I didn't resort to hands to solve whatever disagreement we may have had, which I didn't know of until she expressed it by grabbing me."

As for caring to explain her change of attitude toward the residents, she had to take a few seconds to think of her words, something unusual for her. "Silence does not equal apathy, if I may interject. I realize that you are doing a service to society and it is more than obvious that most of the individuals here desperately need said service and although it was silent, this institution had... has, my utmost support. As a humanist, you can be assured that I have the utmost desire to see the human condition of all individuals see improvement. I aim to be a philanthropist after all once I... Well, I desire nothing but the best for my fellow human being. In all honesty I do believe that I was in fact following your instructions, as after all you encouraged me to find other interests than my own and to... 'socialize'. Was I not taking interest in a matter other than my own and socializing? Well, here we are."

One would find amazing how Erika could deny and push away all blames on other than herself. She of course knew that this was a mind game she started to stave boredom, and she knew that Rhodes knew, but again, internally she could only place the blame on him, the aim of taking her computer away was to force said boredom to get her to interact with people, Obviously Andrew had no one but himself to blame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiredSkye


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After getting permission from her nurse, Levi moved herself to a wheelchair and wheeled herself out of the clinic. She figured, if nothing else, she could find the guy who did the PA announcement earlier, and, if she couldn't find him, go outside and sit in the fresh air. She sighed as she pushed herself through several rooms on her way to the door, thinking of her grandparent's farm where she'd lived when she was younger, while her parents tried to patch things up the first time.

"Schauen Sie, Großvater!" She called out - Look, grandfather! - running towards his with her hands cupped together. Her grandfather gently peeled them apart and saw what she held - a disgruntled-looking sparrow with a bent wing. "Wird es in Ordnung sein?" -Will it be okay?- she asked, concerned. Her grandfather laughed, gently taking the bird from her. "Es wird sogar noch besser, wenn Sie lassen Sie es sein," He said. It will be even better if you let it be. Of course, the happy farmhouse memories ended at age 8, when her grandparents were killed in a car accident, leaving Levi traumatized, living with her parents, who'd tried to get together again for her sake.

Levi shook off the memories and found herself in the entrance hall, where a guy - a tall, good looking guy - was leaning against the wall by the front door. Since her experience with Aaron, she hadn't been to comfortable left alone with boys, something she'd overlooked when rushing down here. Besides, would he really want her to help him make pocket money or whatever, clearly in withdrawal hell, pushing herself around in a wheelchair wearing a thin hospital gown? Biting her lip, Levi turned to push herself back to the clinic.
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