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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Penny! You have to get away right now!"

Nolan's voice seemed to echo, and Penny smiled. She shook her head, smiling still as the witch came towards her, using flames.

"ah. So that's how you do it. I was wondering why my attacks didn't seem to burn you. Someone's blood you were using, probably someone who can convert heat harmless, like Mayt can" She said, and her voice was triumphant The first step to beating someone is understanding how they work

"The hell you will!" she looked up at the sound of Damian's voice

And she smiled. "Took you long enough to find me" She said, her voice cheerful, as if she wasn't in what could be seen as a fight to the death. She mmoved out the way as he attacked, blocking the witches attack. She was pleased, and noticed the cut, frowning slightly

"Your fight with my guildmate, no, my best friend, is done. Now you deal with me."

Cheerfulness and shock flowed through her as Damian said that, and she hovered there No one had ever claimed ot be her best friend before, and it pleased her immensely. It gave her an odd feeling of...acceptance. For the last two years or so, she had been focused on finding Sasha, and then...Well. friends just snuck up on you, didn't they? In reaction to her emotions, her flames turned a pinkish-yellow colour, like the sun setting.

With a wave of her hand, she dimished the flames the witch was using against them, drawing them to her, and dispersing them harmlessly against her body, "You will not touch them with flames, so my blood is worthless to you against us, witch" She said, letting herself float to the ground, dismissing the flames around her body as the stranger Damian had brought with him seemed to watch to deal with the cut.
"If they tried, there'd be some angry women, so I doubt I have to worry there" Sasha said, sighing and sititng down once more She stared at her food for a minute, and nodded, but she couldn't shake an uneasy feeling. "Alright" She said, slowly starting to eat, "I think I should head back to the guild. Just in case"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis looked up when Riye said about the door, and he nodded, giving her a reassuring smile, "Yeah, that's fine" He said, "Hope it's a nice room, and hope you enjoy your stay here!" He looked to Maddox, and nodded, "Alright, I'll write tha done. The others should be back soon"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After Jarvis told her that it was fine, Riye figured that she could go and look at the jobs, so she could decided on a job she wanted to do, when suddenly a slightly older looking man came and asked Jarvis to do a job. Seeing the man isn't bothering with her, she decided to ignore him in return and turned around, only to see another guy who introduced himself as Lazarus Rex, claiming that he and his partner, someone named Sasha, would love that she would join them. She looked at his reached out hand and tilted her head to the left. She was supposed to know him from somewhere?

After trying to examine him for a bit longer, Riye activated her Archive power and looked up his name on it "Sorry, but I dont know who you are. But you are from this guild, which is already a good thing." She said and then gave him a nod, ignoring the fact he wanted to shake her hand and instead proceeded to upload information she had just learned about him, Sho and the bartender, as well as the guild. After doing so for half a minute, she deactivated her Archive and gave Lazarus another look "As for your suggestion, I usually don't mind working with others, but I rather start small and only work in a pair. Sorry!" She said and then went to look at the Job requests.

After reading all of them thoroughly, she took one off and went back to the bar "So I'm suppose to present this to you when I want to take a job, right? Because this Myth or Legend job sounds like something that is suitable for me." She said and gave a glance at the man who decided to take another job. She wondered if there are more unfriendly people like him around, who just go and ignore others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 days ago

The red-haired mage grinned and carefully folded the poster into a small square. Once stowed away in his left coat pocket, Maddox put his hand in his right pocket and started to walk away from the bar. "Thanks Jarvis," he let out. After sitting back down at the table he sat at before, he pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He took a glance around the room before removing one of the slim cigarettes and putting it in his mouth. After stowing the packet, he pulled out a lighter. But when he tried to light his cigarette, the lighter refused to spark. "Aw," he let out, putting the lighter back in his pocket. Yet the unlit cigarette stayed in his mouth.

Maddox looked over at the new, brown-haired girl. She seemed to be taking a job from the board herself. Just joined and she's already getting a job? Maddox thought to himself, before his gaze drifted toward the other new fellow. The one that seemed scrappy. And he joined to fight... The red eyes continued on to Lazarus. And he looks different than the last time I saw him. Feels different, too. What has been going on while I was out? He let out a sigh, before instinctively trying to light his cigarette again. As it failed, he grumbled and put it back in his pocket. As the girl approached Jarvis about the job she selected, Maddox saw her look over at him. A smirk formed on his face. "You just joined today, didn't ya?" he called out to the girl. "You must be pretty daring to take a job on the very first day. Or at any rate, a job that isn't just chores."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus stood with his mouth a gap, his eyes stunned. He was lost for words and a small croaking noise came from this throat. No teenage girl had ever blanked him so easily. He was so use to the 'Lazarus! I love you! Give me your autograph!', that this hit him like a lead pipe. He shook his head before sprouting his wings and flying in front of her. "W-wait young m'am." He posed with his arms like he did in the magazines, panicking a little. "Are you... sureeee you dont know me?" He flexed and looked like he did on the covers. "The weekly sorcerer?" He gave up, and turned around dejected, before coughing and standing tall. "No matter. Maybe we will fight someday anyway, when you work your way up in the rankings!" He turned and grinned at her. He offered his fist for a bump. "Good luck on your first job."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

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Phoenix Wing - Minerva Fairchild

Finding a guild of Magi had never been a problem for her, usually they would advertise for new recruits or experienced magi to fill their ranks; and while she was of the latter than the former, Minerva hadn't ever found a place that fit her tastes. That was until she found one merely by coincidence. Walking down the cobblestone street that caused her boots to sharply click with every impact, she found herself standing in front of the structure. Hesitation first marked her as her palm fell flat to rest against the door before casually pushing it in to reveal the people within.

She made not a noise as the other three talked, the only noise she initially made was that of a crinkling of a newspaper ad into a ball before lightly tossing it into a distant waste bin with relative ease. Rather, she quietly stood and watched, with her hand resting upon the hilt of Caladbolg as one of them, talking to a younger girl, insisted that she must know of his fame or something of the sort. A winged creature no less as finally, the A-Ranked magus made herself known as she cleared her throat.

"Best of luck indeed..." she spoke quietly, but such words carried credible distinction; as if they were coming from someone of noble blood. Slowly, her eyes first settled on Riye, Maddox, and then finally Lazarus before she finally took a step into the room from her leaning post that was the door frame. "On your first job, anyway. My name is Minerva Fairchild, and I am a Magus of rather ordinary sort."

Perhaps her last words were a lie, perhaps not. It was never wise to reveal one's entire hand to strangers on a whim. Even so, however, she would not hide much else. "I am an A-Ranked magus looking for a guild," brushing a strand of radiant strawberry blonde away from her eyes, she affixed her gaze on the three. "Might you have room for me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Sho watched silently as the trio, Lazarus, Maddox and Riye were talking, opting to stay quiet and wait for Riye to pick out a job. "Master Jamie is sure taking her time..." he thought as he played with his drink, shaking the glass and making the liquid inside whirl around. He laughed when Riye said she didn't know who Lazarus was, "Ouch! That's gotta hurt" he thought and it sure did as it seemed Lazarus was dumbstruck by her response. When Lazarus tried to explain her who he was, Sho laughed even harder "Stop it man, don't embarrass yourself" he said jokingly, just loud enough for only Lazarus to hear him.

He looked over at Maddox next, something about that man seemed weird to Sho. "He has a very strange look in his eyes..." he thought and kept looking at Maddox while he was trying to light up a cigarette. The man stopped and started looking around him, his eyes met Sho's for an instant; Sho emanated an aura practically screaming "I DON'T LIKE YOU!" while he looked at him but then diverted his attention to something else.

When Riye picked up a job, Sho stood up from the stool he was sitting and approached her, "Have you found a job that suits your tastes? Let me have a look at it" he asked her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Riye didn't get a chance to hear if it was approved by Jarvis before hearing several other things. The first was the man beside her, who decided to comment on the fact she just barely joined and already decided to take on a mission "It's my choice if I take on a mission or not, as far as I undestood. And I figured this looks like one suitable for me." She told Maddox before noticing the guy from before, Lazarus or whatever, tried to ask further if she was sure that she doesn't remember him "Uhm, sorry, but I really don't remember seeing you before. As for fighting, I'd rather avoid fighting." She said, ignoring the odd poses Lazarus made before looking to another woman who just entered.

The woman introduced herself as Minerva, and asked if she could join the guild "I just joined the guild myself, so I figure you should be able to join as well." Riye said and gave her a small smile before turning her attention to Sho, who appeared to show interest in the job she took. Not wanting to let anyone try and grab it, she held it tightly while showing it to Sho in front of him "Its the Myth or Legend job. Doesn't sound like it involves fighting, and only finding out if something is a fact or not, so it seemed like something that would be suited for me. It has a nice reward too for such a job." She said and then turned back to look at Jarvis "So, mister bartender, can I get approved for this job?" Riye then asked him, hoping he won't suddenly tell her that she needs to go with someone else, who is a bit more experienced in the guild, to a simpler job. This was a job which seemed simple for her, and she wanted it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tailorpitbull


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Sona walked slowly back to the guild. She was very depressed. She was studying Creatures, and she currently was working on the little Uniwolf, or unicorn wolf hybrid. Today, she hadn't uncovered anything, not even one fur. The thing was, she was scared. She was new to the guild, and didn't know what happened when you didn't bring back any studies. The Uniwolf was very interesting, her favorite creature so far, but she had only seen paintings. She suddenly heard crinkling. She looked up. And standing in front of her was a Uniwolf. Fur smooth, silver, and gleaming, and the shape of a wolf. It also had a long, flowing, silver tail, that was a mix between unicorn and wolf. He was beautiful. Sona slowly took out a steak and a leash. She gave him the steak and slipped on the leash, the entered the guild, with the Uniwolf following. Wait till they saw it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 days ago

Riye's response made Maddox chuckle a bit to himself. At least she's got the right attitude, he thought to himself, before adjusting the unlit cigarette in his mouth. Whatever Sho and Lazarus were doing with the new girl was none of his business, but when the front door opened and another unfamiliar face entered the building, the red-haired mage quickly noticed her. Even before she announced her presence, Maddox was memorizing her appearance. It was after her introduction that a smirk formed on his face. "We're sure popular," he commented aloud, chuckling to himself again.

He pointed his fingers like a gun, before placing the tip of his index finger on the end of his cigarette. "There's always room for the good spirited in Phoenix Wing," he added, directed toward Minerva. A small red light appeared at the tip of his finger. For a moment, nothing happened. But it slowly heated up enough to light the cigarette. With that, the tiny red light vanished and he brought his hands behind his head casually. This one seems pretty confident, just like Sho. Not much humility these days. Speaking of humility... Maddox directed his gaze back to Lazarus. "By the way, Laz. You don't have to hit on every girl that walks in here," he spoke across the hall, adding some friendly laughter to the end of it to ensure it didn't come across as spiteful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus' face red red with fury as Maddox made his comment. Jokey or not, it made him look bad. "Hey hey!" He locked heads with Maddox in a comical manner. They were both light based magic users, so a rivalry was inevitable. "Watch what you say smokey." He glared. He sighed and stepped back. "I dont need to hit on girls, I'm in a team with Sasha, our team is so strong I have no need for admirers anymore." He folded his arms. His mind suddenly twinged. He was forgetting what was important. The last 3 months. He still had to talk the Master when they came out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina took a few steps back, readying her scythe and looking around at who was now there. She had barely moments before she would no longer be immune to Penny's flame, and she knew "The Blade of Phoenix Wing"s magic would be of no use for her, so she decided to take a different approach, and she charged Damian, striking savagely and forcing him to put everything into defense, trying to circle around him until he was beyond any doubt not between her and Nolan. Once she reached this point, she pushed away from Damian and charged Nolan, swiping at him with the scythe.
Mayt shook his head. "If you go back to the Guild I'm coming too. I think you should just stay here with Angelo and me." Mayt began to eat as well. "Unless Mithera attacks, we should be able to handle whoever tries to get at you. Just, make sure someone knows where you are and someone different is going with you wherever you go, okay? Save for the bathroom and uh, when you go to your bedroom. Of course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At the sound of the clock ringing twelve Linda woke up and notice a key placed neatly in her lap. "Shot not only do I have to worry about my pet but now the dark magicians will be arriving soon. She got up, opened a portal and walk through entering the center of town. She ran around looking for walkaflocka everywhere, and eventually found him behind the church running away. She ran up and pick him up and gave him a hug saying in a voice you would say to your dog "I was worried about you, yes I was." She turned around to find the guy who she nailed in the face earlier and someone else that was following him. She got herself in a position to run just incase she needed to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Minerva Fairchild -

"Well, that settles it then I believe," she began coolly, with her hand falling to rest at her side instead of on the hilt of her weapon. "I'll be here at the ready when my skill set is required. That, and whenever my membership is officially accepted by the Master of this house." Sharply cut silent with the outburst of another in spite over the other's wit, the Magi simply rolled her eyes in response. Unimpressive as brash behavior was, it certainly held a common theme with those involved with guilds in general.

"Now now..." Her voice carried over the temperament concisely with a resolute tone as her eyes fluttered to a shut. "No need to get violent here, I do suggest that you move your conflict outdoors if you both find suit to it." Bearing a sense of subtle viciousness hiding beneath it all, the girl's eyes sharply opened with a sapphire spark that crackled across both her pupils before settling into her steadfast calm once again. Buffoonery wasn't necessarily something she had been allowed in her life, and more oft than not she considered it a weakness.

As her cousin had always taught her: Best to be quiet and be considered a fool, rather than open your mouth and remove any doubt.

With her stern demeanor cast aside, the Fairchild returned to her nonchalant stance. "Actually..." she muttered in a whisper. "Would either of you care for a spar? I need to insure that my edge stays sharp."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 8 days ago

Even as Lazarus got in Maddox's face, literally, the red-haired mage only had a grin on his face. "Don't worry, I do watch what I say," he retorted with a chuckle, bringing his right hand from behind his head to remove the cigarette from his mouth. Despite his proximity with Lazarus, Maddox still turned his head away and blew the smoke away from his comrade. Despite provoking him, it was clear that there was some respect. As he put the cigarette back in his mouth, the most recent addition spoke up again. Only there was a detectable amount of bitterness in her voice.

His red eyes were on hers and saw the spark in her eyes. Another one, he thought to himself, bringing his hands behind his head casually. As he prepared to snark off to Lazarus again, to see if he could get another rise out of him, Minerva spoke up yet again. This time contradicting her last statement and offering a challenge. "Huh..." Maddox glanced over at the woman, before looking back at Lazarus. A grin formed on his face and his gaze went back to Minerva. "I don't think Loverboy over here can bring himself to hit a woman. And I'm not too sure if I would be much of a challenge either."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"Blade Change!" Switching to the Hermes Blades, Damian whizzes between the other person there and the blood mage, catching the strike on his left hand blade and then flipping over the scythe blade putting up his own set of heavy offensive attacks to beat her back and away from his fellow Phoenix Wing member. Although I don't remember if he joined before or after I left to deal with the imposter... Pushing that thought to the back of his mind, he shift from the Hermes Blades to the Ares Blades, moving at a fairly normal speed, but still chaining together blows like he did the same thing every day. At one point, he locks the scythe blade in his prongs. "I said," he grunts slightly and keeps the pressure to lock in the blade, "your fight was now with me."


James sighed in relief when he saw Penny finally descending down to where he could reach the cut. Leading her as far from the witch as he could while watching Damian and the witch and whoever the other guy was, he kneeled down and his hand glowed with golden light. "Healing Touch." Lightly touching the cut, the golden light spread out and soon there was no trace of it except for the dry blood trail left behind. Sighing, he stood and offered a hand to the girl. "Names James. I'll be joining Phoenix Wing when this is over."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny shifted in impatience, knowing that the stranger was just helping. She wanted to get back into the battle, to help Damian out. She looked over when he said his name "Penny. Glad to have you aboard. I'm going to go back and help" she took to the air again with her flames swirling around her, seeing the way the witch was attacking damian. If she had to guess, it seemed like she couldn't use the blood too long. It obviously had a time limit.

Penny landed beside Damian, and said "and with me" if she couldn't use her flames just yet, so be it. With Damian having the witches weapon locked, she pulled back a flamed fist, and threw a punch at the blood Mage, putting a lot of force into it. "No one deceives me"
Sasha sighed and said "I feel like I should head back as soon as possible, if only to speak with master Jamie, and to see if there's been anything from Penny" she said, reluctant to linger now. "I agree that I should have someone with me, but if my sister is in danger, I will do what I have to"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

same with me sasha a member of the guild is a family member to all of us. we will make sure shes safe sasha but you cant let it all stress you out otherwise you will be to wind up to see if something is wrong. for now lets just eat and take things one step at a time" Angelo said softly patting her shoulder gently as Angelo ate more of his ribs enjoying his meal on the outside but on the inside he was ready to rip some heads off, just the idea that someone would hurt a member from the guild was enough to make Angelo ready for the war path to see who would be dumb enough to try and take on phoenix wing and their members...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis nodded, "You don't have to ask, just tell me which job it is, and I'll make a note of it" He said, before looking over to Minerva, "You can join. Simply tell me here and what colour you wish your guild mark to be" He then turned to Lazarus, "I believe, if you wish to speak with Master Jamie, you can go on back to her office"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina smiled as Penny tried to punch her, and she let go of the scythe, moving to the side. The scythe quickly reduced back to her knife, all the excess simply turning into blood and splashing to the ground with an odd grey to it. Melina grabbed Penny's wrist, the effects of Penny's blood not yet worn off, and put all her weight into dragging Penny not only forwards, but into Damian as Melina reached for her knife on the ground, trying to bring it up to stab Penny's shoulder. "I thought the Blade of Phoenix Wing could handle one witch by himself." Melina pushed Penny away, facing Damian, and making sure to keep her knife in hand, holding it towards him. "So, let him prove he can." Melina couldn't turn her knife back into the scythe, but that wouldn't stop her from fighting this esteemed member of Phoenix Wing. "
Mayt sighed. "Chances are if your sister is in danger whatever danger she's in will be over before you get a chance to get to her. Let's just eat, and if she's hurt I'll let you go to her, so long as Angelo and I come with. Okay?" Mayt bit his lip before continuing eating, shifting his chair forwards some, and taping the back of his fork with his finger, thinking as he ate.
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