Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Astrid startled awake at a banging sound outside of her cell. Instantly she was wide awake and staring at the door fearfully waiting for it to open. For the moment when she would become an adult and they would condemn her to be floated. Floated just like her parents. The thought of them filled her with anger and the sudden desire not to go out as they did.

Shouting from the guards could be heard as the stomped along the grate outside. A few guards prepared themselves outside of 100 cells of the teenage delinquents. At an unseen signal from one of the leaders the guards simultaneously. Screams and yells were heard throughout the corridor as guards quickly cuffed the kids. Astrid froze for only a moment as her door burst open and two guards entered. One of them was a tall skinny man, the other medium in height though quiet a bit overweight. Thinking quickly on her feet Astrid leapt out at the tall skinny one. She managed to headbutt the man, breaking his nose and spraying herself with blood. Turning back to her other arresti she screamed, "For my sister, asshole."

Holding onto the fatman as he struggled to get her off of his back, Astrid could not see the skinny man approach her from behind and stick her in the side with something. Electricity courses through her and all of her muscles contracted instantly. She shook before letting go and collapsing to the floor. Her head slammed into the solid ground. The last thought before she passed out, was that the fatman had better have been shocked also.

Groggily coming to her senses Astrid saw she was strapped to a seat. Fear crawling up her throat and choking her, her head whipped back and forth to see 99 others sitting in seats just like hers. Some were restrained while others were calmly waiting for whatever would happen. Everyone however has a confused look in their faces. No one knew what was going. Why were they all in hear? What was going to happen to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kronshi was shaken awake by one of the guards. "Come on mom, five more minutes," he said rolling over. "Kid, I'm not your mother, now get up!" Kronshi woke up drowsily and looked at the guard and then felt the handcuffs already around his hands. Not wanting a fight, he got up and slowly followed the guard down long hallways. Finally coming to a spaceship, Kronshi wished he could get his hands on its servers, but the guard had other plans.

The guard locked him into his seat, and walked off the ship. Kronshi looked around and saw a bunch of people, some out conscious, others were wide awake. He also noticed a few empty seats as people were lead, carried or even dragged into them. 'There's got to be at least a hundred seats,' he thought, wondering where they would send all these people.

Suddenly, the deafening sound of engines could be heard as the ship came to life. Kronshi started to get a little carsick, or shipsick, as the ship flew off into space. A little after the ship left the Arc, some people gained consciousness. He looked around at the other 99 people that was suffering the same fate as him. "Does anyone know what's going on here?" He asked, hoping someone could shed some light on the subject.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Prudence was rudely woken, as she was always, by the guards. She sighed quietly to herself, and rose from where she had been huddled in the corner, again like she always was. She ran a hand through her hair, attempting to brush it. She wished she could just simply cut it off, cut it short.

Rough hands, yet gentle at the same time, twirled their fingers in her hair, and for a second, everything seemed alright. Then her hair was pulled roughly, and she shrieked in pain

She swayed on her feet, pale and sweaty, darting her eyes all through the cell, clearly looking for an escape root, like a deer in headlights. She took three deep calming breaths, and then forced herself to try and figure out her situation. As the door to her cell was opened, she briefly considered darting out, and then threw that thought aside. No. She waited patiently as the guard entered, and restrained her hands. She waited until they had taken ten steps down the hall, and then she attacked. She brought a knee up, twisting around, into the guards belly. She heard his breath whoosh out of him, and grimaced at the stench.

Perhaps she had gotten cocky perhaps she just didn't pay attention. But darkness descended. THe dream, the one she always had, rose up.

She was cooking, looking over her shoulder hesitantly, her tear stained face bruised and battered, with a trickle of blood on her face. She never left the house when it was this bad. Not that that matter. She didn't have anyone to care if she became a home body or not. She returned to the food, wishing she had the guts to poison it. But he had never eaten before she had, even when he had...even before. At first, she had thought that gentlemanly. Now she realised he was cunning. She just didn't have the strength to take her own life, even if it was to take him down too.

Her thoughts wandered, and she swayed. And then she was on the ground, the cool floor a comfort to her against her bruised and battered skin. It was then that she noticed the heat and the smoke, and as she sucked in a deep breath, she coughed it out.A instinctual need to survive washed over her, and she pushed herself up, beginning to crawl for the door. The biggest struggle was opening it, leaning up on her knees to twist the handle, and pull it open. As fresh air washed over her, she drew in deep breaths. Her throat felt raw, and her longs demanded fresh air. She whimpered, and continued to crawl...

That day had both been the best and worst day of her life, except perhaps for the day her parents had died. That was probably the worst. She jolted out of her unconsciousness with a barely muffled scream, and she flinched away, looking about wildly. She cringed away from the other people around her, and looked down at her hands. After a second, she raised a hand to her forehead, rubbing the barely visible scar there. What was going on?

Someone voiced that question, and she surprised herself by replying softly, "They are either moving us. Or getting rid of us" She lifted her head, and her light brown eyes were conflicted. For once though she wasn't afraid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Lee was not awoken by the sound of his door opening, he was to watchful and careful for that. He only watched as the guards took his arms and carried him away. He wasn't afraid of death, he had accepted his fate. This was life, that was Karma, and he was getting his. He was going to leave his now disabled father alone to fend for him self. Ha that was funny, he couldn't even feed him self.

They took Lee to large auditorium filled with other teens, some crying, shivering, unconscious or wide awake. He couldn't blame them, they were all about to be shot out into space, hundreds of lifeless bodies lazily bumping into one another like bees on a hot day.

Lee was strapped into a seat and Lee thanked the guards as they left, they never responded. Lee looked up at the ceiling blissfully awaiting death. But the bliss would not come, he thought he had accepted death, but his heart would not allow him to. A single tear fell down Lee's face, he finally understood the old nursery tune, "You get what you get and you don't through a fit". Funny for it gained new meaning over the years. Lee sat in his seat more tears rolling down his face. This was it, this was it for him and 99 other teenagers like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Luca had just barely slept that night in her cell. She felt horrible, guilt swallowing her entire self as she attempted to sleep. She couldn't rest, she couldn't cry or scream or anything. Eventually her exhaustion took over and her eyes began to close, finally unable to fight off the weight of sleep. It seemed like it she had only closed her eyes for a few moments when the sounds of the prisoners around her screaming and fighting woke her up. She sat up groggily when she heard the sound of her cell door opening.

She slowly raised her arms to be cuffed, not wanting to put up a fight. At this point her overall feeling of exhaustion and hopelessness kept her from wanting to try and counter these guards. If she was to start one, more would show up. She had no reason to try and fight so she might as well make it as painless as possible. She was escorted roughly out of her cell, her sleepless body felt heavy and distant. She wasn't sure what was happening and she was scared.

All of a sudden she was being strapped into a chair. She was surrounded by other prisoners, more then she could count. She shut her eyes, trying to keep from panicking. She tried to imagine her parents and her girlfriend, all of them smiling and hugging her. But this daydream soon became looks of distrust and fear, her girlfriend's sobbing face as the authorities dragged Luca away. She squeezed her eyes tighter, trying to push these thoughts away. Her normally joyful demeanor was full of anxiety and fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The air was thick in his room, his cell being among the closest to the reactor didn't help when it came to room temperature but that wasn't all that annoyed Arkade, he had a feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen, something worse than then prison food. He started to pace around his cell, the 3 months or so he'd been in the cramped room his mind had deteriorated, he couldn't hold a steady thought process and his speech became more prone to stammer and be erratic because of lack of contact with people but it didn't make him any less perceptive. He'd been hearing about big plans from the guards conversations outside the door and he didn't like the sound of them, so he did what any insane person would have done in his position, scrawl on the walls. After a week of gathering minerals from his sink water he was ready to write down insane, ingenious ramblings on the wall, a new piece of chalk in his hands that was ready to be wasted on a wall, then the door opened. He shoved the stick of handmade chalk into his pocket as the guards entered.
"W- What do you want!" he yelled at them, forgetting that he could talk normally, they didn't reply instead they restrained him, encasing his hands in metal sleeves to stop him moving his fingers, when they were walking him to his cell for the first time he had dismantled the cuffs without the guards noticing, he could have escaped at that pointed but being the polite person he was he thought he'd hand the cuffs back to the guard before running off. They beat his head in with batons and removed all the furniture in his room in case he would find a way to use his bedsprings to escape.
They were walking down the hallway of cells now, all were empty as if no one had ever occupied them, except for the ones that were trashed, 'probably a struggle' he thought to himself casually as they past them by.
He found himself in a seat next a short haired woman around his age and someone who looked half asleep and was bleeding from his forehead, the guards strapped him down and took the cuffs off, subsequently leaving the room, Ark turned to the girl and decided to say hello.
"Hi!" he yelled, attracting a few eyes, "I'm Arkade!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cassiopeia unfurled herself from her thin woollen blanket, stretching languidly like a cat against the grate of the air conditioning vent in the corner of the cell. The best part of sleeping on the metal floors rather than the cot she'd been provided was the early wake-up call: the heavy footsteps of the prison guards as they clomped their way down the corridors resonating beneath her fingertips. She began to count, tapping her bare foot in an even rhythm, a metronome. They were moving too quickly for it to be the morning rounds and judging by the cacophony of noise moving swiftly towards her door, they certainly weren't bringing breakfast.

Reluctantly pushing herself up from what could have been two more minutes of blissful relaxation, she wrapped her blanket around her shoulders like a travelling shawl, tying it to make sure the guards couldn't take it off her. They usually did when she was to be led around like... like many cows – cattle! That was the word! As she stood, the screws that had once fastened the grate to the wall slid off her skirt and clattered against the ground. It seemed like she wouldn't be needing those anymore.

Cold, clinical light flooded into the room as the guards shoved the door open impatiently just as she was tying her shoes, contraband (laser) pen clenched between her teeth as she tried to remember how to create a perfect loop with the laces. With the door wide open, the yelling and screaming from other prisoners outside reached deafening levels. If the men standing in the doorway, jiggling the handcuffs ominously didn't care, then she shouldn't either.

“Morning,” Cassiopeia greeted as she moved the pen to its usual position, tangling it in her hair. The guards – as always – didn't respond, merely clamping down the cool metal handcuffs around her skinny wrists and dragging her outside to some unknown location, untied laces and all. They were clearly in a rush, since they didn't confiscate the unique addition to her clothing or the 'weapon' behind her ear. “Where are we going?” Again, no answer.

She could hear her heart beating in time to her hurried, clumsy footsteps and it thudded painfully when she was forcefully strapped into the seat. A place in the Ark she'd never seen before! Her lips twitched in excitement, whistling the manic Varsouviana polka – one of her father's favourites – as loudly as she could to block out the panicked murmur of all the teenagers packed together (and the yelling of one boy a few seats over). She was leaving the Ark, wasn't she?

The butterflies in her stomach twisted and shuddered violently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Kai had stayed up all night, not feeling tired in the slightest. This caused him to pace around thinking, lie down thinking….And, well, there weren't many others things he could do besides those two things. Most of the time he’d recite poetry in his head, or whistle a small tune, but he was growing bored of that. He also knew what would happen if he whistled while everyone was sleep which was something he didn't want to deal with, so whistling was already out of the question. He decided to lie down on his bed again tucking his arms behind his head; he closed his eyes and listened.

Not long after he heard a bit of ruckus which caused him to smirk and slowly stand up, “Oooh, a riot~?” Kai walked to his door which soon swung open revealing two rather heavy built guards, he guessed that’s where all their food was going. Looking past them he saw that others were being taken out of their cells too which sparked his interest. He walked out peacefully before being cuffed and led off. On his way he smirked as he caught a glimpse of some girl giving a fight, she was crazy…Crazy stupid to think she could really beat that guard, he was led away before he could see more but already labeled that girl as idiotic.

Being strapped to his seat Kai was calm, seeming as if nothing weird was happening. Looking around he saw people muttering angrily, others looking confused as to what was happening. He looked around more before spotting the girl who he saw fighting…She didn't look too beat up. He listened to people talk about what was going on while he just shrugged and spoke, “I for one am excited to see what’s going to happen. It’s like a good book, hell; maybe this is our dramatic execution. The invisible man in the sky knows we all deserve it.” He gave a chuckle as his attempt to scare a few people worked obvious by the look they gave him. But that could have been due to what he said, or the obvious creepy nature he put off, either way it went he found it entertaining. And either way this went they couldn't change it therefore should be making the best out of what they could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dante had slept the night before, but he always awoke early. He was practicing a kata from Taekwondo when three guards walked in. For a moment they stared and one of them reached to a baton on his hip. Dante simply shook his head and held his hands out. "Funny i thought this one would give a bit more of a fight" said the guard that had his hand on the baton. "Nah man he lost all his fight when that pretty little thing of his got taken away" said one of the others. Dante's teeth clenched together and a single tear fell from his face, but he did not speak or fight. Before they led him from the cell one of the guards leaned in close "its a shame all those skills of yours couldn't stop what he did to your....." The man never finished speaking. Dante immediately buried his elbow in the mans solarplex knocking the wind out of him. The one with the baton raised it for an overhead strike. Dante stepped forward and used the chain on the handcuffs to block the baton. Grabbing the mans wrist he spun and flipped him breaking it. Before he could turn the last guard brought a baton down on the back of his head and he fell. Struggling to get back up the man who he had hit first and the standing guard beat him into unconsciousness.

Dante awoke with both his arms restrained behind his back by handcuffs surrounded by others. The boy next to him was crying, but he remained silent. One of the guys across from him said something about them all deserving to die. "Hey, lay off it man noone is going to die." Dante said to the boy. Someone called out asking what was going on and Dante wished he could give them an answer. He was sore from the guards beating him, needless to say they had taken a long time to knock him out on purpose. He had a headache and a lot of bruising.
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