Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ander was starring out at a large castle. The stone was dark and on the outside the color seemed to shift, keeping it hidden from view at long distances. It was only because he knew what to look for that he was able to spot it in the first place. He thought of Cilia and Inigo, how they slowly started to fade back into his memory, unsure why, or if it was even real. It had to be his sister's doing, something odd was taking place, as if he could feel Terra's presence.

"Forgive me, everyone. But this is something that has to be done," and on his own, he started up and into the castle. Something was off. He hadn't seen a single person the whole time he was running through the halls. eventually he found his way to the main hall and what he saw stopped him in his tracks.His sister, cased in crystal floating high in the room and someone waiting for him in the center.

He had messy shoulder length black hair and orange eyes, and dark tan skin. he had on full leg greaves and arm gauntlets on, and a bare chest that bore the insignia of the Jailers. Instead of a red keyhole in the center of a black lock however, it had a red skull in the center, he was an executioner. In his right arm he held a great axe and about him, there seemed to be a black aura, which only meant it was one person: The Black Wisp.

'The Black Wisp' let out a low cynical chuckle. "Ander... I have been waiting for you. I'd announce your execution but I'm sure you've heard it a thousand times. So do forgive my impoliteness as I cut to the chase. I will kill you and this other abomination here," he said pointing at the girl in the crystal above, "And then the secrets of the Judge will die with you....My you were such a disappointment. Oh well! We can always try again!" With that he let the head of his ax fall to the ground,shattering the earth beneath it, and started charging Ander, ax dragging behind him creating a rut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Dremmick started to stir, the beads starting to have their desired effect. He looked around for a moment taking the scene in. "You... you all stayed..." His voice trailed off as an immense pain washed over him. 'That spear' he thought to himself, 'it must have been...'

"Poison.." he said as he finished his thought. "My bag... please." He still looked pale as the poison was still coursing through him. He tried his best to slow his blood-flow using what little magic power he had left as he waved Morgan over to him so he may get his bag.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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As Dremmick became conscious and spoke, sounding as if it took a tremendous amount of effort to even do so, Morgan quickly closed the medic's journal and placed it in his bag before doing as she's asked and handing it to him. If he couldn't find it before the poison worsened his condition even further, Morgan planned to quickly locate the necessary antidote and inject the man with it. She decided to keep her recently discovered knowledge of the executioners hidden in the back of her mind for now, deciding to share it with her uncle first. Speaking of which, he and Inigo hadn't returned yet. "Hey Cilia, do you know what might be taking Inigo and Leon so long?" She asks as she glances over at her.
“I think the area is clear. We should head back.” Inigo says to his uncle as he turns around to head back to their comrades’ location. They had scouted a large portion of the forest nearby and had arrived in an open field bordered by trees as far as the eye could see. As he started walking, he stopped in his tracks altogether when he heard the sound of sword being unsheathed behind him. “Not so fast…I want to see for myself just strong you’ve become, Inigo. Tell me…are you able to control the darkness in your heart?” Leon states, the tip of his blade close to his nephew’s back. “Oh? Of course. I’m stronger than you might think, uncle. I’ve also been wanting to see if being dead has made you rusty…we shouldn’t worry the others with pointless fighting, however…” Inigo responds. Leon chuckles lightly, surprising his nephew. “Think of this not as a pointless fight, but as a sparring match to shake off this rust of mine…” With that being said, without warning, Leon swings his sword at Inigo, only for it to be blocked by a quick counter with Inigo’s own katana. With them now facing one another, Inigo smirks, fired up more than ever to prove his worth. “Let’s go!” He exclaims as they begin exchanging blows, the clashing of swords echoing quite loudly throughout the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"No I haven't though Ris should wake up here soon. Maybe I can send her and Crystal out to find the two." Cilia said glancing to where the two pink haired dragon slayers were at, then looking back at Morgan ans Dremmick.
Crystal stared down at Ris. The unconsious girl was freaking her out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

- Dremmick weakly took the bag with his left arm. he pulled up a small leather roll and opened it, then turned over a flap to open it. there was a large assortment of miniature syringes of all sorts of colors and different colored bands around them, describing to Dremmick what they were. he pulled out a small yellow one with a red band painted on it. He took it and injected it into his other arm and then sat for a second. "It will take some time... But I should be fine if I rest here for a moment." He was able to say to Morgan. "How is Lady Ris?" - The crimson cloaks woman neared the edge of Magnolia, followed by an old gentlemanly looking fellow in a suit with tails and a top hat and a decent sized canvas roll on his back. "Is this the place, Drax?" the crimson woman asked. "Indeed, I believe it is, madam Sphyl. Should our intelligence be correct, we are to rendezvous with our fallen comrade and traitor in the square. It is to be expected that the locals are very.... uhm, how should I say....hostile? So we should keep an eye open," the man said as he polished and placed a monocle and blinked a few times through it. "If we can pick the two up quickly we should be right as rain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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-"She should wake up any moment. I had to keep her from destroying half the city so I knocked her out." Cilia said, "Though she'll be happy that you're okay." -Ris's eyes slowly fluttered open, the first thing that registered was Crystal staring at her. "Stop with the staring that's insanely annoying." She said standing up and looking around, groggily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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~Morgan giggles slightly as she follows up on Cilia's explanation. "Sounds like the Ris I know. She'd do anything to protect those she cares about." She says. ~Inigo and his uncle attack one another at a rapid speed, their blades reaching a stalemate each time they strike at one another. "Ignis!" They both shout as their weapons become cloaked in a purplish flame, doubling the strength of their next attack. This time, their collision releases a large impact that sounds like an explosion. Leon uses the smoke to his advantage and strikes at Inigo with the dull edge of his blade, it feeling as if he were only using a training sword. However, the last blow he deals knocks back Inigo rather far, sending him crashing through the underbrush as his back hits a tree. "Ngh.." Inigo grunts in pain as he stands back up only to have to quickly parry Leon's merciless onslaught of attacks. "You're going to have to do better than that to take me out!" Inigo states.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The two strange people began to casually walk into the city. "And what of M.A.O.2? Will it show up here?" Sphyl asked casually. "I doubt that.It should be meeting with Kreed soon. I believe it has located it's other half," the gentleman replied exasperated, as if he has run through this before. "Good," Sphyl snapped. "I never liked the one creature. It always seemed so... feral. Next time they do a project like this they should first test it out on a rat or something." "That is quite enough," the elderly man responded quickly, "I believe we are getting closer to the square now. we should take positions and see what we may be dealing with."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Look's like Ris is awake." Cilia said looking over to where her sister was standing with Crystal. "Sorry! It's just I've never actually met you. I've only heard stories about you." Crystal said putting her hands into the air. "Oh..." Ris said calming down slightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kevin stood on the roof of a tall building removing the hood to his light blue cloak."Tsk tsk tsk I leave town for a few weeks and fun stuff like this happens." His cape blew in the wind as he examined the damage that has been done." I should probably try to look for my guildmates ,hopefully they weren't affected by this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Well come on. Cilia probably wants to make sure you're okay." Crystal said heading over towards the rest of the group. --- Ris followed slightly behind Crystal, angry that she wasn't allowed to help Dremmick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Through the empty streets, the metronome of a stave clacking against the ground grows closer to the turmoil that has risen with the jailers newly arriving in town. Looking left to right, the figure of the small, petite girl with flowing yet greasy hair seemed to be rather disappointed by the destruction that took place while she was gone. "You'd think for such a well known guild, this people would be well off on there own, able to handle things while I am gone. But alas, this is not the case" she says in a dramatic monolog to herself as she trails on. "I suppose that being within the fairy tale guild, I too should do my part" she says as she looks around the town."Now if I could just find someone!" She finally pouted aloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Drax and Sphyl made it to the square, and, unlike most Jailers, they literally walk in from the street. Taking in the sight as they casually strolled in as they spotted both the fallen comrade and the traitor, thou, they didn't seem so surprised. "Ah, there they are now, m'lady," Drax said in a pleasant tone, pointing a cane toward the general area they were. When Drax approached Grom, he placed a small crest on him and pushed a gem in the center. In an instant, the body dissipated, leaving no trace as to where it went. "Oh, look! We have an audience, Drax! Hello!" Sphyl said cheerily, "I trust you are all safe?" she asked innocently, with a glint in her eye that invoked caution. "Leave them out of this! *cough, cough* They have nothing to do with this," Dremmick stated, trying to gather as much of himself as possible. "You won't have to worry about that Master Valswei. We are simply here to pick up Mr. Grom and yourself. Please, try to refrain from resisting further. We all wanted Grom out of his position, but I do say, that was quite uncalled for," the old gentleman replied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Ris stalked so she was standing beside Dremmick and her sister. "I swear to god if either of you touch him I'll break all the bones in your bodies." She said crossing her arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

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Christopher strolled into town slowly, letting himself bob slowly to the rhythm of the horse he was riding. He tried taking in the town as best he could, trying to remember where he was. He hasn't been part of Fairy Tail very long, and shortly after he had first joined he set out on a short journey to regather himself. He turned to his right as his horse trotted along, and he noticed a small crumbling wall. He saw four bricks laying on the ground, and smiled. "What, are you thinking about that book you're going to write?" Christopher heard a voice from behind him. It was that of a woman's voice. But not just any voice... an extremely annoying one that always bugged him no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. "No Aurore. I'm not going to write a book. I was just remembering how that wall was standing a little better before we left town." Christopher replied. "Yeah, _suuure_, that's it. I'm going to get you to write that book one day." Aurore said back to him while raising her hands over her head, while balancing herself well on her horse. The two continued onward into town, riding past a bakery with some man walking out with bread sticks in his hands. _Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. I wonder if they have Sweet Rolls... Jolion used to love those...._ Once they reached the guild, they both hopped off and tied up the horses. "Remind me to find a place to stable the horses permanently. We won't be needing them anymore now that we have returned." Christopher said to Aurore. "I'm not your servant ya know. But sure, I'll remind you as long as I don't forget myself." Aurore rolled her eyes and followed Christopher into the building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Seeing two new faces appear only for one of them to vaporize Grom's body sent chills down Morgan's spine. At the same time, however, her misunderstanding of the situation ticked her off. "How could you do that..? He was your comrade!" She exclaims, her usual happy-go-lucky demeanor swapped for one of resentment. ---- Meanwhile, seemingly unaware of their friends' predicament, Leon and Inigo continue battling, chasing after oen another as they jump from branch to branch, their blades continuously colliding as they draw ever so closer back to where they had first left their comrades.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teknonick
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Teknonick The Dance!

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Christopher readjusted his hammer over his shoulder as he walked into the guild, breathing in the air of the surroundings. "It's good to be back. This place has a good aura to it, doesn't it Aurore?" he asked his companion, smiling as he turned to her walking into the building beside him. "How would I know? We haven't been here very long. It was probably only just a week or so before we packed up and left right away." she snapped back at him, dancing into the room ahead of him to get her own feeling of the room. Christopher walked in and found his way to the quest board, reading over it to get a good feel for what has happened since he was gone. "That's good. They've taken care of a few of the problems last time we were here. That clown is gone, you remember that one?" he asked, turning to Aurore. Aurore was standing frozen, staring at Christopher with big open eyes. "Something's not right. I can't feel a lot of energy here. Where is everyone?" she asked, rushing up to Christopher. "Let's get back out there and try to find them. It feels like there's people watching us, and this town. Actually, I feel multiple groups... but... one of them is simply observing, as they're much farther away." she added. She started to pull Christopher towards the door, which he easily followed after her. Once they reached their horses, Christopher easily tossed Aurore onto her horse, letting her head off to find the direction for them to go in. Christopher walked over to his horse, and settled his hammer on the side of his horse, then pulled himself up. "Where to?" he called after her as he rode after her. "The town square. That's where I'm picking up some of the energy. Mainly because there's a lot of action there anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jollan
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Jollan "let's devide by zero!" / (queue apocalypse)

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"What do you mean 'How could I do that to him'?" Drax questioned. "We can't very well leave a corpse here. His body was sent to another place where they prepare him for cremation, as is the Jailer tradition." "This one, however," Sphyl cut in, "Has to come back with us." "He is to stand trial for breaking kingdom law and siding with an enemy's cause. We are bound by our orders, miss." Drax said to gain attention again. "Please refrain for interfering." "Ris..., You shouldn't get involved on my behalf. If something were to happen I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," Dremmick said as he forced himself back up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"I'll get involved in anything that I want." Ris said to Dremmick. "I'm not letting my friend get taken." She said to the two stepping forwards so she was standing in front of Dremmick.
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