Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Create a Hero/Villain RPG

Screen Name: NiteMare Shape

Character you have created: Scott Hunter
Alias: Icon

Speech Color (actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not):
as Scott As Icon

Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Secret to the public

Character Personality(Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): He is a man who doesn't fully understand himself. He grew up not too far from Lost Haven in Conway New Hampshire. It's a small ski resort town several just several hours south of the city. Although he grew up a normal kid with normal a normal family, he is anything but normal. He has amazing powers that he doesn't fully understand. While he was growing up he hated himself, he was angry at the world for making him a "freak." He wanted nothing to do with his powers, he just wanted a normal life. However, as time went on and he grew older he learned to deal with his powers, and eventually he embraced them. He believes in fighting for what is right. He believes in protecting the weak, and making sure that they are taken care of. Overall, he is a good man with great power, trying to do the right thing.

Uniform/costume: See below

When he is not in costume fighting villains or trying to stop general catastrophe he runs a nightclub called The Hub with his best friend Eric Dean.

Origin Info/Details: Scott Hunter may seem like a normal guy, but he is anything but. Everything about him is a lie, his parents, his older brother as well as his younger sister. None of it is real. Although they raised him as their son, he isn't. In fact, he isn't even really human. Scott was the result of a secret experiment by atop secret government agency that mixed alien DNA with that of a human. While he was a baby; he was cared for by a woman named Barbara Hill, who was a member of the top secret government agency. What the objective of this experiment was is unknown. While going about her daily tasks at the project, Dr. Hill learned that the program had been terminated, all evidence was to be destroyed, and the baby known only then as SKT-17 (she affectionately called him "Scott") was to be eliminated. Having recently lost her own child due to the actions of a drunk driver who also claimed the life of Dr. Hill's husband, she could not stand the thought that this child who she began to see as her own, could be killed. She stole the child from the laboratory which created him, and fled to the north. She gave the child to a trusted friend, Jacob Hunter and his young bride Elizabeth. Soon after, Dr. Hill was tracked down by agents of the government unit and killed. Jacob and Elizabeth took the young baby, and continued calling him Scott as they felt that there would be no need to change his name, seeing as that is what Dr. Hill had called him his whole life.

Scott was raised by the Hunters as one of their own children. He always knew that he was different, that he had these abilities, but he never understood why. As his powers developed throughout his childhood, he became increasingly confused and angry. This was a cause for concern for his parents, because they never understood exactly why their son was this way. When Jacob died when Scott was still just a child, Scott blamed himself for his father's death, feeling that it was the pressure of raising a "freak" that caused his young father to die of a cerebral embolism. Eventually he learned to deal with his gifts. At first he used his gifts for selfish reasons, often profiting from using them dishonestly (mostly in athletic bets). However, after an incident which cost his older brother Brandon his life, Scott left his family and found himself in a self imposed exile. He traveled around the country, spending much of his time on the West Coast. While he was away, he would often step in and anonymously lend a hand to those in need. He eventually got back into contact with his mother and sister, and was shocked to find that they did not blame him for Brandon's death. After a lot of self reflection, he made his way to Lost Haven where he opened a nightclub called "The Hub" with his longtime friend Eric Dean.

Hero Type: (Select one)

Power Level (Select one below):

3. World Level

Powers (Be Specific): Flight, near invulnerability, super strength, super speed, able to fire optic blasts, and an almost radar sense that allows him to focus in on people in distress, enhanced vision, enhanced hearing, the ability to fire energy blasts from his hands

Attributes Select one at each category:

Height: 6'3

Weight: 235 Pounds

Strength Level: 100+ tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH, Supersonic in flight

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 hours
Agility: 20X Human level.

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: To be revealed later

Supporting Characters(Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
Elizabeth Hunter-Mother
Jacob Hunter-Father (Deceased)
Jennifer Hunter-Little Sister
Brandon Hunter-Older Brother (Deceased)
Eric Dean-Friend, co-owner of the nightclub known as The Hub that he runs with Scott
Amber Tobin- friend
various police, friends, criminals and allies all will be described when used.
Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG boards:

Sample Origin Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

"Hurry Up, get that money into the bags!" One of the masked assailants screamed to one of the others.

Four masked men had stormed into Centennial Bank demanding that all the money be handed over. Juanita Juarez crouched in a corner, trying not to look at the carnage on the floor. However, she didn't have to look at it, he knew exactly what had happened in the moments after the masked men entered the bank. Two security guards and a customer were all dead, killed in the hail of gunfire that erupted when the masked men made their intentions clear. Trying to avoid detection, she just sat there; huddled in the corner, hoping that this would all end soon.

"This is Captain Price of the Lost Haven Police Department. We don't want anyone to get hurt, just come out and place your weapons on the ground." A voice came from outside. The four masked man became agitated, prodding the tellers to hurry with the money.

The man who seemed to be leading the robbers went over to the large glass door and opened it a crack as if he were to begin negotiating a way out. Instead, he fired several shots at the police cruisers parked in front of the bank. The police returned fire, sending shattered glass all over the inside of the bank.

"Hold your fire d*mn it!" Captain Price ordered, recognizing the danger that the civilians inside the bank were in. He puts the megaphone he is holding to his mouth again.

"Hold your fire, there is no need for anymore bloodshed. We can resolve this peacefully, and without any more casualties." Then another shot rings out, forcing Price to get back behind the squad cars.

Realizing that the situation is getting worse, the lead masked man began looking around the bank looking for a way out of the bank that didn't involve him being in prison or a body bag.

"Jimmy, go around and check the back, maybe we can get out that way."

The thug that the lead masked man was talking to nodded and went out the back, and came back moments later looking alittle panicked.

"That's covered too, three maybe four units out there. We're trapped."

The lead masked man looks around at the hostages and sets his sights on Juanita Juarez, who is still huddled in the corner. He quickly moves over to her and grabs her by the hair, forcing her to her feet. "GET UP!" he screams at her. She lets out a cry as he forces her against the wall.

"Everyone up, NOW!" He screams at the hostages, as the other masked men corral the remaining hostages up against the same wall as Juanita.

"Alright folks, this is real simple. We're getting out of here, and you're all going to make sure that we get out safely. We're all going to walk out together, and your gonna be standing right in front of us as a human shield. If the pigs open fire, you'll be there to make sure that we don't get hit. And if you try to run, make no mistake about it, I will shoot you. Now, are we all clear on that?"

Suddenly confusion takes over as there is an explosion of glass, and what can almost be described as some sort of whirlwind inside the bank. The gunmen and hostages gather their wits and they see a man standing before them. He is dressed in a dark blue body suit with silver bands on the arms and legs, a blue and silver cape, and he has a thin mask that is the same shade of blue as his costume. The man just stands there as the gunmen open fire on him. The gunmen and hostages stand there in amazement as they watch the bullets just bounce off him.

"Oh no, this ain't hapening, this AIN'T happening!" The lead thug shrieks as he continues to fire his weapon until it runs out of bullets. Then the man fires optic blasts at the four masked men's weapons, knocking them from their grips. The man in blue grabs the first masked man and tosses him into a wall, obviously holding back as to not serious injure the man.

"That's enough guys, it's over. Give it up and nobody has to get hurt." He says to the other three men. They think it over for a moment, and then stand down.

Moments later the man leads the hostages and the masked men out of the bank to the police who are waiting down on the street. When he met Captain Price and the other officers they just stood there for a moment looking at him, not knowing what to make of this new player in the city.

"Thanks for the help son." Captain Price felt somewhat embarrassed at the hokiness of what he said, but it was all he was able to muster.

"I'm just glad I was able to help sir." Then in front of the police, and the media that had gathered at the bank, he just flew away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 24 min ago

Character you have created: Alias: Redback Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): I don't understand. Character Alignment: Hero Identity: None (Had to give up his real name to become Redback) Character appearance: Origin Info/Details: Redback was born in Scotland, sometime in the late 15th century and spent most of his early life fighting guys on the streets for money. After he was found by The Black Widow, Widow offered him the choice; to keep fighting on the streets, living hard from day to day. or become her assassin, to kill in return for power beyond measure. She presented him with a Gold slime and it reached out to him. She explained that it was a Spider, one of the many Spiders that she had created. A creature that lived off someone and granted them vast power. Staring into it, he saw himself with the power of a king, a castle of his own, an army under him... The creature called to him and he wanted... Needed to answer it. Reaching out, it attached to his hand and met with no resistance as it worked its way up his body and the countless years and countless lives of the Spider flashed before his eyes. Finally, he regained consciousness and was wearing a suit of gold armour. He looked around and saw the shadowy figure of a sapartan soldier, it nodded before turning and walking away. He knew of this man, he remembered his upbringing, the endless training, the glorious and bloody battles. The final battle, in which he had charged in and fought a long and bloody battle with Vlad the Impaler, finally transforming into the giant creature of pure rage, attempting to escape. He winced as he felt the blade pierce his throat, he swung wildly with his spear, before falling over, and into a portal. Then... He saw himself. Redback spent his first few decades assassinating barons and other small figures, before being sent to Feudal Japan to help in shaping the country's future. Then, when the new world of America was discovered, he was sent over to deal with the unending villainy, fighting in the American Civil War on the side of the Union. As the 20th century reared its ugly head, he was forced to go back to europe to instigate a war, a war that would end all wars... Or so it was supposed to be... After 5 failed attempts on the life of Kaiser Wilhelm, he targetted his nephew, Franz Ferdinand, and the first World War snowballed from there. He took part, on both sides, forcing both sides to witness the atrocities of war on such a scale. It wasn't until after the treaty of Versailles was signed that Black Widow realized the mistake she had made. With the stage already set for a second world war, Black Widow decided that the first war had not been bloody enough to cement the horrific nature in the minds of the masses, which is why Redback was assigned to protect the most despised man in history, and make sure he became the man he needed to be. It is indeed possible that Redback would be known as the most hated figure in history, were there more people that knew of him. As the 60's rolled around, Redback took his place for the last newsworthy killing he performed, by walking into the Dallas Book Depository on November 22nd 1963. An act that allowed a man to die an icon to aspire to, rather than a deviant that one should avoid. Redback, then dropped off the radar and let history sort itself out. Redback showed up again in Lost Haven in early 2011, gunning his way through a series of drug dens. Dayna Fowler was a reporter for channel 7 and was trying to get in on the scoop. The two finally met on December 21st 2011, when she caught him in the middle of a battle with a Mutant hitman that had been hired to protect one of their last dens. Although he won, Redback did suffer significant damage, and Dayna managed to drag him back to her house and fix him up. He declined a camera interview, but agreed to answer most any question she could ask. Her first question was about him, which he told her that he was an agent of the Spider and servant of The Black Widow, and explaining what that meant. Then she asked about anybody famous he had killed, to which he replied Kennedy. Naturally, this went on for quite some time, before she promised that she would follow him about and use him to get big scoops and work herself to the head of the news industry. He didn't particularly care. The first place she followed him was to a place he called "Fagin's." A dilapidated building with a warning from the architectural inspector, warning not to enter. Inside, he was looking after a number of runaway children. Some because they were abused at home, some because they hurt people with their powers, some simply because they had no-where else to go. Redback only agreed to look after them after they were tested by the Black Widow, who would determine if their future would be brighter or darker by staying. Those who are darker, he hands into the authorities, those who are brighter get to stay at Fagin's. He would bring them food and drink every day, he never interfered with what they planned to do, unless it was very against the law. It was at Fagin's that Redback was raising a boy, a side-kick as he liked to call himself. Dodger (William Artful Jones was his real name.) was a thief, and a mutant with electrokinesis, able to manipulate electrical current, absorbing, storing and shooting it, but not creating. When Dayna asked him why he kept Dodger around when he was so emotionally detached to everything, he simply replied that his death was going to occur within Dodgers lifetime, and so, it made no sense to emotionally detach himself from the boy. He has been assigned, by Black Widow to watch the city, due to an increase in villain activity. Although he has no orders to kill. As Redback went though the ages, he changed his appearance to be more fitting for the time. Originally having a suit of armour, appearing on battlefields across the globe to kill key leaders, being credited with several notable kills throughout the ages. he later moved onto a more sleek, musketeer look, then spent a long time in frontier America, and developed a cowboy appearance. He kept that look until the First world War. In the 80's, he updated his look again and has kept it ever since. Hero Type: Supernatural Power Level (Select one below): World Level Powers (Be Specific): Redback Spider (The Spider is a slime-based parasite that is bonded to Redback. The Redback parasite grants him a multitude of different abilities, apart from the increased Attributes, they also include:) Appearance Transformation (The Parasite is always around his body, acting as a second skin. He can change his face, clothes and hair/eye colour at will, but cannot change his size or body proportions. The slime can change its hardness, so it can go from being a tee-shirt to a full suit of medieval armour in but a thought. He can even change the properties of his clothes, making his long coat as hard as kevlar.) Telekinesis (His telekinesis is powerful enough to lift approximately 50 tons into the air, giving him roughly 50tPSI force when attempting flight. However, this is a power he never uses unless absolutely necessary. And even then, it is usually used reluctantly.) Full Power Mode (Full Power mode is a creature of unimaginable horror. This only activates when he is on the brink of death. He will transform into a large, slimy rage-monster. In this form, he will attempt to power his way out of his current predicament and make his way back to the Black Widow.) Advanced Healing (Not as powerful as that of say Wolverine, but his healing factor does allow him to heal from most any wound within 24 hours. Minor cuts and scapes heal in minutes. This power gives him an incredible pain tolerance threshold. In battles, he will rarely, if ever, show signs of pain. But that doesn't mean he doesn't feel it.) Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: Able to physically lift approximately 750lbs (However, his telekinesis can lift substantially more.) Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 35MPH. Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Able to exert himself at maximum for about 3 hours at a time. Agility: 5X human level (He is able to contort, bend and flex his body in ways that humans couldn't.) Intelligence: Above Average (Some would consider him a tactical genius, able to assess a situation and quickly discover the best solution to problems. He is also relatively book smart, though not a genius by any stretch of the imagination) Fighting Skill: Master (Having the equivalent experience of 2000 years of fighting) Resources: Minimal (The only resources he possesses beyond himself are the information that The Lost Boys provide, the Black Widow's instructions, and information that Dayna can provide) Weaknesses: Although he hides them well, weaknesses are a factor to him. Although the experience that he has gathered from previous lives gives him combat experience that the eldest of soldiers could never dream of, their instincts are copied onto him. Specifically the personality of one of his predecessors, a spartan soldier, had a severe dislike of using his powers, seeing them as unfair. As such he will rarely, if ever, call upon his powers in battle. Another weakness is in the Spider itself. When in his full Spider form, his only objective will be to fight his way out of the current predicament, meaning that it will ignore any other objective that Redback has been given in a bid for self preservation. He is not bulletproof, he can be killed by almost anything that would kill a normal human. Strong Sonic and Psionic blasts can sever his connection to the Spider and render him powerless. Changing the textile strength of his clothes is a conscious act, not an instinctive one, so, if he is unprepared for an attack on a part of his body, he has little defense. Supporting Characters: Dayna Fowler (A reporter and historian, she serves as his conscience, although he rarely listens to her when she tries to intervene in his work. Early in their working together, she tried to start a romantic relationship with him, trying to change him to be more like what she imagined, but quickly found that such a feat was not possible. She still holds him as a good friend, though.) Dodger (A 11 year old Electrokinetic boy. Dodger is a thief with a heart of gold and a smile that melts the heart of anyone that looks at him. He wears a leather jacket that is at least 2 sizes too large for him, and keeps a large amount of batteries in the pockets.) Black Widow (A being of immense cosmic power, she is the mistress of the Spiders. She is the one that grants Redback and the other Spiders their power.) Tarantula (Another Spider, born a Zulu Warrior in the late 19th century. His Spider is strength based. In recent years, he has come out as a homosexual.) Trapdoor (Another Spider, a femme-fatale and former Shinobi from Japan. Her Spider allows her to spawn poisonous barbs across her body that she can fire with the relative strength to a hand-gun. The Barbs don't pierce flesh well, only getting in far enough to deliver the poison. Redback has a strong dislike for her, she lacks discipline and has no sense of duty.) Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Not since they changed all of the coding... Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):
"You know, Redback, you really need to stop taking your fists to a gunfight." said Dayna as she plucked another bullet from his arm. Redback and Dayna were in her appartment, it was a small, 1 bedroom place, the door opening up directly into the living room, with the Kitchen being little more than a cupboard, a stove, a microwave and a toaster. The living room was only about 30 square meters (5X6), with 4 of those being the Kitchen. The furnishings were all cheap, with the sofa sat in front of the window of the appartment, looking 23 stories down to the streets bellow. "I should have known that "I need your help with something" meant "Mind if I come over so you can dig bullets out of my Triceps?" Why can you never just need help moving a couch?" she groaned. Redback said nothing. Finally, she pulled the last one out, there was a surprising lack of blood on the carpet. "I need to get me one of those Spiders." she said, before finishing the glass of wine she had been drinking. "You wouldn't like it." he said, getting up. the Parasite then rolled down his arm. "And I suppose a "Thanks" is out of the question?" she asked. Redback didn't reply. Instead, he walked over to the sofa and sat down. "You know, some days I wonder why I even talk to you." she sighed as she walked over and sat next to him. Redback reached into his coat pocket and took out a camcorder and handed it to her. "I don't know how much it caught, I had to set it up beforehand." he said. She opened the camcorder and pressed a few buttons before seeing the outside of a warehouse. An explosion sent Redback through one of the upstairs windows and landed on his back, he rolled over and began to walk away. but was hit in the shoulder by a bullet from someone that had appeared out of one of the doors. Redback turned and shot him in the leg. before walking away. "The rest of it is just watching the police and fire department arriving." he said. "Well, that all makes up for it." she said, before kissing him on the cheek. He took off his glasses and looked her in the eye, obviously confused by this act. "What?" she asked. "You're tall, dark, handsome and dangerous, how many women over the years HAVEN'T thrown themselves at you?" she asked. "You're the first." he replied. "Wait..." she smiled "Does that mean you are...?" His face didn't change, but a wide smile cracked on hers. "Seriously, the man who single handedly started 2 world wars, killed Kennedy and countless others, and you've never got laid? We need to change that." she moaned before rolling over ontop of him. He simply sighed and looked her in the eyes. "You haven't eaten anything today, have you?" "Nope." she replied. "You're drunk off one glass of wine... And I let you operate on me..." he sighed. "Don't make this about who operated on who." she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "Don't make this about your drunken attempts to start a romantic relationship with me, it's not going to work." he replied. She began to kiss his neck. "Of course it will." she said, then stopped. "Wait... You're not like Tarantula are you?" "No, he has romantic feelings for the same gender, I don't have romantic feelings." She reached for his armour and began to pull on it. "If you will stop with this, I will have sex with you." he said "But I will tell you before hand that it changes nothing." "Deal" she said before forcing her lips upon his. The parasite sliding off of his chest and into his back. **** The next morning, Dayna awoke in her bed and looked around, she grabbed her head, then quickly remembered what had happened. She got up and walked out into the living room in nothing but a Van Halen shirt that was far too large for her, that she used as a nightie. She saw Redback sitting on her couch. "We..." "Yes." he replied, gruffly. "Look, I'm... We..." "I told you, nothing would change." he said. She then turned around before realizing what he had said. "Wait, what?" she said, stumbling towards him. He caught her before she fell over. "Nothing changed? Everything has changed! You... Me... Had." she pushed her index fingers together. "And you say nothing has changed?" she asked. "You don't feel any different about me?" He said nothing. She slapped him in response. "Next time you need bullets being pulled out, don't come here, or i'll put more in!" she yelled. "I bet you didn't even wear a condom. Just for that, I'm not taking the pill, how do you think Black Widow will like your little Redbaby running around?" "Do as you wish, it's your body." he said, before walking to the door. As soon as he opened it, he heard her. "Wait..." she walked towards him. "Does... Does this really change nothing?" she asked, she looked into his eyes, they had the same, cold, emotionless stare as ever. She turned away and went over to her couch, sitting down. "I'm sorry. But I hope this opens your eyes as to why I don't have romantic relationships." He called before walking away.
Sample Post
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
Avatar of NeutralNexus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: War-Pulse
Alias: Trenton Hurst

Speech Color: Light Blue

Character Alignment: Walking the Line


Character Personality: At first impressions, one would define War-Pulse as nothing more than a superpowered brute. He talks trash, acts tough, and revels in a brawl, a punk in a bodysuit with a chip on his shoulder. For most part, this attitude is true, he will gladly spit in the face of law enforcement and isn’t afraid to get blood on his hands if that means a larger paycheck. However, underlying the rough and tough attitude of War-Pulse lies a friendly, charismatic individual with a sincere side. He is not afraid to stand up for what he thinks is right, nor delivering a firm fist to whomever he thinks deserve it. Direct, blunt, and unafraid of reprisal, this lovable mercenary is one who wouldn’t mind sharing a drink with anyone.

Uniform/costume: War-Pulse stands at about 6'3'', with a very muscular appearance. His jet black hair is medium length, just hanging over the ears, and unkempt. Typically he is dressed in battle attire, wearing a stolen silver and black suit that is a prototype nano-weave armor, providing decent protection with superior flexibility. The mask that covers the lower half of his face serves as both a filter for gases and loose debris that may hit him during an altercation, though leaving his steel blue eyes free of any cumbersome goggles or visors that would obscure his vision.

Origin Info/Details: Trenton is end result of a procedure funded by a defense corporation known as VIGIL Industries, a retrofitted weapons project to create a soldier with unlimited ammo. During his infancy, he was suffering from his body degrading much quicker than it should, a condition that would render him dead before he even could begin to crawl.

Not to be concerned with fate, his mother Valerie Hurst, the head scientist of the weapons division was already working on a nanobot project called the “War-Pulse” project. The project was meant to give any soldier unlimited ammo through energy converters to deliver powerful kinetic bursts. Quickly working on a genetic variation of the project, she had an experiment done on Trent in secret to save his life. Genetically enhancing his body, she forced him to grow new organs to deliver the same type of energy absorption technology, which would empower his cells and keep them from degrading.

With that project Trent’s life was saved, but two unforeseen circumstances came from this procedure. VIGIL quickly found out what their head scientist had done, and demanded the boy back under their custody. Valerie was able to talk them down to keeping him for ten years, but that was borrowed time. In that time, Trent’s body evolved and developed the organs put in his body, becoming much more powerful than the project originally intended, and developed powers that VIGIL had not even considered.. By age 8, Trent was physically capable of punching straight through steel with a kinetic punch.

Trent’s father Owen, however, was mortified by the whole project, his son now a mutated monster and his wife seemingly willing to give the boy over. He threatened to deliver the whole story to the CIA, in which he was a high ranking agent in, not willing to have VIGIL mutilate their child any more. That night, Owen was shot dead in his home by Valerie, and unfortunately Trent was witness to this event. Before she could even speak to him he ran from his home without ever turning back.

With the death of his father and no real home to go back to, Trent ended up growing up as a superpowered street rat, stealing and fighting to get what he wanted when not huddling up in the local orphanage. He learned very quickly that his superpowers made it very easy to do whatever he liked, and that perhaps he could make a living off of them. Quickly he became acquainted with mercenary work, by age 17 he was already a full-fledged and successful mercenary overseas in third world countries. He performed countless sieges, assassinations, and sabotage for whoever paid him enough. That is, until one incident in Syria, where he was hired to assassinate a dignitary. Something happened on that mission that changed the way he did business, he shortened his client list, took less pay, even began attacking certain groups unprovoked. What happened in Syria is unclear, but it changed the man he was, what that means for him in the future is unknown.

Hero Type:Energy(Kinetic)

Power Level:
World Level

Kinetic Absorption- War-Pulse's power comes from him acting as a very large energy battery. On contact with a source, War-Pulse can absorb any and all energies and his body will break it down to the purest possible level of potential energy. This can range from Thermal, Kinetic, Nuclear, Ionic, Radiant, Magnetic, Chemical, Electric, and Mechanical. In recent years, his powers have even evolved and encapsulated supernatural and magical energies, allowing him to store to control and expel at will. However, once the energy is broken down, it can only be used as Kinetic energy. He always has enough energy in his system to be on par to be at a certain baseline.

Kinetic Blasts- With energy coursing through his system, War-Pulse is able to concentrate the stored energy in Kinetic bursts from the pores of his skin. Along with the default beams, explosives, and area-of-effect bursts, War-Pulse has developed a special attack where he has originated his name from. War-Pulse will refract a burst of energy with a close range shotgun burst by building up too much energy in his hand, turning what would be a normal punch or push into a Kinetic explosion, or ‘Pulse’ from his hand, which is where his namesake comes from.

Enhanced Strength- War-Pulse is able to kinetically empower his musculature to go far beyond even the superhuman limit his genetically enhanced body’s limitations. Depending on his energy intake, he can lift around 10 tons to well over 100 tons effortlessly. War-Pulse is also capable of firing kinetic energy from his elbow to increase the momentum of his punches.

Enhanced Durability- War-Pulse is constantly enveloped in a Kinetic sheath around his body, rendering him invulnerable to conventional attacks and weaponry. He can expand this barrier to surrounding allies, however the expansion requires more concentration and lacks the integrity of the shield.

Enhanced Speed- By expelling Kinetic Bursts behind him, along with supercharging his feet, he can push himself to supersonic speeds.

Enhanced Reflexes- War-Pulse already has a heightened sense of awareness due to his connection to the energies around him and metahuman enhancements. However, he can add to the speed of his movements by releasing kinetic energy from his body in careful bursts.

Fight- By continuously expelling energy from his feet, War-Pulse is able to achieve flight at supersonic speeds.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Skills- Trent has gone out of his way to make sure that even if he is met with his match in terms of power, he can best them on skill alone, and has trained his body in multiple martial arts.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level:100+ tons(Depending on Energy Intake)

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH(Depending on Energy Intake)

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours, can go longer with use of his energy reserves.

Agility: 20X

Intelligence: Average(With exceptions to battle situations and basic knowledge of his own powers, in which he registers as Genius)

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Large(For a mercenary, he is very well paid)

Weaknesses: War-Pulse’s energy capacity is limitless, but that does not mean it is recommended. The more Pulse stores in his body, the less likely he is to control it, to the point where he could possibly cause irreparable damage to himself and others in its use. That being said, if Pulse were also to exhaust all energy reserves, he would simply die as his body can no longer support itself without any energy flowing through it. He is also susceptible to mental attacks, as his mind has no real means of defense from such strikes.

Supporting Characters:
Valerie Hurst- Trent's Mother/creator, she is single-handedly the most necessary and hated person in Trent's life, even when he has not spoken to her since he was 8 years old.

Owen Hurst- Trent's father, and an influencial figure in the CIA. He was killed by Valerie when he threatened to give information to the authorities on War-Pulse.

Rose Prescot - An old friend from the orphanage Trent grew up in, now currently residing in New Haven.

Reggie Samuels - An old friend from the orphanage Trent grew up in, also currently residing in New Haven.

"Warden"- Another secret project, this time created by the U.S. government to be a living data bank, a man who's brain allows him to think three steps ahead of everyone else. However, he found it illogical to stay with the Government and promptly left to be an information broker. He quickly met War-Pulse and forged a partnership as War-Pulse's agent, getting him contracts around the world.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: The Cowl
Alias: Unknown

Speech Color: This part still isn't working, but if it was, black.

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: At a glance, The Cowl seems to be focused on one thing and one thing only; profit. His entire platform seems to be getting the richest he possibly can, and sharing said wealth amongst his massive network of thieves, crooks, and criminals. His sole drive seems to be how he can get the most out of any deal, from a robbery, to arson, to insurance fraud, to kidnapping and ransoms, everything he does seems to be guided by his overwhelming sense of greed. However, that is merely on the surface of how he built his criminal empire, but in person he could be described as a philosopher, his criminal cunning seemingly offset by his reasoning. Every act of greed and selfishness is counteracted by his humility, logic, and cynicism, balancing out his ruthless and cutthroat plans with a dry wit and a calm demeanor. All the wealth he seems to amass and the empire he creates is simply the means to an end of an even greater scheme, whatever that may be.

Just be wary if you are to ever catch him on his bad side, his wrath is the stuff legends are made of.


Origin Info/Details: The Cowl is an eternal enigma, to the law, the press, and even to his own subordinates. He appeared a few years ago out of the blue in Lost Haven, where he took over a small unnamed gang by killing their leader in cold blood. Almost immediately he set to work on increasing the gang’s territory and reputation, having his thugs commit a string of daring and well-planned heists on nearby banks, and using the wealth gathered as olive branches to nearby gangs, showing other gangs in Lost Haven that working with him would be more lucrative than working against him. Many gangs immediately allied with the newly dubbed “Shroud Syndicate” but those who did not found themselves under fire from nearby police forces who were “anonymously tipped” about certain crimes, while others still were simply wiped out or bought out. Through careful strategy and planning, the man now known as “The Cowl” assimilated gang after gang, until his influence and power was amongst the biggest in the streets of Lost Haven.

And yet, he did not flaunt his power to create total anarchy in the city, as most criminals would in his state, instead keeping his operations in a low-key state, with the amount of kickbacks he was getting from drug deals, shake downs, blackmail, and enforcement, doing any of the high-risk actions he did when he was just starting out would be tantamount to placing a target on his back. He kept this secretive spree of crime going, eluding the many police raids done on his compounds, carefully planning the structure little by little to keep his thugs swearing allegiance to him and the local law enforcement woefully unaware of his location or his activities. He created a set of rules for his men, a careful ruling for how wealth was shared and how law enforcement was handled, when to resort to violence and when murder was appropriate, he had no desire for his operations to be blown asunder by unnecessary slaughter, and took a great many steps to avoid such travesty.

And when the operation was a well-oiled machine, working smoothly within the confines of Lost Haven, The Cowl simply left the island, moving to the Eastern part of the world, intending to increase the Shroud Syndicate’s influence to a global standpoint, making him one of the most influential and notorious criminals on the planet. Up until now he’s still been operating under the shadows in China, subtly carving out territory for the Syndicate in Hong Kong, but arrival of metahumans will surely change his plans...

Hero Type (Select one):


Power Level (Select one below):

City Level(In terms of Physical Power)
World Level(In terms of influence)


Gadgetry: The Cowl is never without a clever device or sneaky machine near him, keeping with him a plethora of lethal and underhanded gadgets up his sleeve. These devices are as listed but are not limited to: Tactical Nano-suit, grappling gun, smoke bombs, explosives, cloaking device, flashbangs, virtual decoy makers, arm-blades, shoe-knives, bolos, caltrops, web grenades, force field generators, and many other weapons.

Master Strategist/Tactical Analyst: The Cowl is a master of tactical planning, and has already formed a powerful gang under his control by the name of the Shroud Syndicate.

Information Guru: The Cowl is abnormally well-informed on current events and incidents around the world, giving him very profitable gains where others are unaware.

Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: The Cowl is a master at the martial arts, having a lot of free time due to him being a powerful crime lord. He is capable of effortlessly fending himself from multiple attackers, as well as matching the moves of trained experts. He has displayed skill in arts such as Krav Maga, Aikido, Taekwondo, Ninjutsu, Karate, Muai Thai, Boxing, and Kickboxing.

Firearms Expert: Of Course, the Cowl is not one to play fair, and will more often than not end conflicts with gunfire. He is trained in multiple firearms and ballistic weapons.

“Foresight”: Whether this is a gadget, pure human conditioning, or an actual superpower is to be debated, as no one has been able to pinpoint how The Cowl can predict a person’s movements the way he does. The Cowl seems to be able to think three steps ahead, being able to react to attacks at a much quicker pace than any human can, to the point of being able to avoid a small amount of gunfire. It is rumored that due to his incredible focus, he can “see” what a person is about to do by reading their muscle movements, but most still seem to think the ability is “inhuman”.

Peak Human Condition: While primarily relying on his mind, The Cowl is no slouch when it comes to the body. He is as strong and fast as an olympic athlete, combined with the acrobatic skill of an olympic gymnast.

Indomidible Will: The Cowl's mental fortitude is extremely focused, making it hard(but not impossible) for him to be influenced by telepathy or mind control.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level:Peak Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level:[Peak Human, but his Reaction time is remarkably faster.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:Peak Human

Agility: 15X Human level.

Intelligence: Super-Genius

Fighting Skill: Mastered

Resources: Extreme

Weaknesses: For all his tricks, gadgets, and charisma, The Cowl is still just a human being. Get a sword or bullet into him and he will die like anyone else.

Supporting Characters:

The Shroud Syndicate - One of the largest and most influential criminal gangs in Lost Haven, and has considerable reach across the globe. They were originally a small time gang that went by another name a few years back, but when The Cowl entered the scene, the Syndicate grew almost overnight to a massive threat.

Specter - The Cowl's metahuman right hand man and confidant. Powers have yet to be displayed. He tends to oversee all of the Shroud's operations within Lost Haven.

The Talons - A biker gang within Little Sicily, follows the Shroud.

The Dread Men - Another Street Gang, located in Chinatown, under the Shroud's tutelage

The Brothers in Blood - A cult-like street gang in some reigons of Little Paris. They run drugs for the Shroud Syndicate to Lost Haven's rich and famous.

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Sample Post:
A quick splash of water, and the man was awake, gasping and writhing in the tiny cell provided for him, an old war fort on the coast, judging by the sound of the waves, but where on the Earth that was, the man had no idea. As his eyes came into focus from his groggy slumber from starvation and isolation, he noticed three men standing in his cell. Immediately recognizing the leader by his trademark mask and hood, the man began to shout and struggle, only to find his hands and legs bound to the wall.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” The hooded man said, moving closer to the imprisoned man. “I was hoping my men hadn’t killed you…”

“What...what do you want?” The imprisoned man said, wincing from the bruises that he now felt from the beating he received earlier.

“Well...information for one thing.” The hooded man said, pulling a dagger from his belt as he moved closer, he dragged the dagger along the imprisoned man’s skin, moving aside his bloodied shirt at the collar to reveal a tattoo on the chest, a lotus blossom with a grey coloring. “I can tell that you’re part of the Steel Lotus, for one, so you don’t have to tell me who sent you.” He then moved away from the man and towards a small set of burning coals. “However, last I checked, we were on good terms with the Lotus, I even sent the Empress a list of names with a list of undercover cops in her ranks...why would she betray my trust by having you infiltrate my thugs?”

The man tightened his jaw, avoiding eye contact with the hooded man as he placed the dagger inside the hot coals, the blade beginning to turn orange and glowing as the heat kissed the steel.

“Ah, silence...the Lotus was always good at keeping their members from speaking...I admire that.” He said, moving back to the man with the heated dagger in hand. “However, that’s not what I need right now, right now I want to know if the Empress has interest in my territory…” He aimed the knife right at the Lotus tattoo, much to the panic of the imprisoned Lotus member. “So I ask once more before I peel that tattoo off of your skin and mail it to your boss, what is she planning?”

The man again held his tongue, remaining silent to the faceless mask of The Cowl. Of course, the Cowl sighed, raising the dagger a bit. “Oh, I was so wishing to do this the easy way…”

“Sir! We’ve got some news!” A thug shouted from the hall, rushing into the cell, much to the chagrin of The Cowl.

“Chang….can’t you see I’m a little busy?” The Cowl responded, his tone a gentle annoyance as he held the dagger poised to jam into the rat’s flesh.

“It...it’s from home, sir. Back in Lost Haven...” The thug named Change managed to stammer out. “It’s new you really, really need to hear for yourself, if it came from me it would just sound crazy…”

A brief silence, then enough sigh erupted from the Cowl’s lungs. “This better be good, Chang. I’m not really in the mood for anything less than fantastical.” He handed the heated dagger to another one of the men in the cell before leaving.

“Believe me….you have no idea…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Zachary “Zac” Wilson
Alias: [The] Raptor (originally Raptor-Man when I envisioned the character a few years ago, but I thought having a character named Raptor-Man and a player whose name is also Raptor-Man would be confusing.)

Speech Color: Standard Forum Text, Peru (CD853F)

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: While Zac always has good intentions and is dedicated to both his family and friends, he can sometimes be extremely stubborn and, sometimes, have a short fuse. His was raised in a traditional Christian household. While he is not extremely religious (going to church on Wednesday and Sunday), his parent’s beliefs have shaped Zac’s character. After his transformation, Zac is self-conscious of his height (he shrank down from barely 6 foot to 5 foot, 4 inches). With his short-temper, sparks might fly if someone mentions his height deficiency...

Uniform/costume: Until he gets a costume, the Raptor will wear normal clothing. His eventual costume will consist of two shades of brown (darker and lighter) with several black stripes on his back, arms, legs, and neck.

Origin Info/Details:
Zachary Bernard Wilson was born to Robert and Meredith Wilson. Zac lived a practically normal life as a single child in Timber Falls, New York, a small town in Essex County, northwest of Ticonderoga, NY. One of the only noteworthy events of Zac’s life was, when he was still in elementary school, Zac was swarmed by several wasps and was hospitalized due to their stings. Zac was the star running back at his high school (and practically their whole offense) and was offered a scholarship to play running back at the Albany State College. While attending college, Zac started to date Kelly Brown, a freshman Nursing major. After their first year at college, Kelly visited Zac and his family in Timber Falls during the last weeks of Summer Break. Everyone expected it to be a normal summer vacation; unfortunately, it turned out to be something quite different.

Hero Type:

Power Level:
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers (Be Specific):
-Super Speed (see below about limitations)
-Obsidian-Black retractable claws between the knuckles (i.e. 3 claws per hand – velociraptors had three claws). Not indestructible and needs time to regrow.
-Sickle Claw attached to foot, slightly below the inside ankle.
-Raptor Tail.

Strength Level: Athletic (football player).

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 70 (slightly faster than a cheetah). Can reach higher speeds, but cannot maintain for long amounts of time.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2-3 hours (Running around average speed); Normal Human (anything else).

Agility: At least 5X.

Intelligence: Average.

Fighting Skill: Untrained.

Resources: Minimal.

-At higher speeds, he cannot maintain that speed for as long as slower speeds.
-No super-human strength or endurance (beyond running endurance), so can be vulnerable if caught.
-Claws are not impervious and can break. If they do break, it takes time for them to regrow.
-Serum that gave the Raptor his powers was not stable. Regular health will degrade overtime unless serum can be stabilized.
-You cannot walk around in public with a raptor tail and not go unnoticed...

Supporting Characters:
Robert Wilson: Father – Laid-back, outdoorsman
Meredith Wilson: Mother – Over-obsessive about her son, wishing he was still his little boy (imagine what the thoughts of injury does to her)
Kelly Brown: Girlfriend - Met at college, Nursing Major
Samantha Kadowsky: Kelly's childhood best friend. Happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, which resulted in her being transformed into a human-headed cat. Recently has been restored back to a humanoid form.

What can you bring to the RPG?:
-I feel that I am flexible and can get along with people.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Christopher “Chris” Arthur III (CA3 – pronounced like RG3)
Alias: Iron Knight. Also known by: Daedalos Mk. 5, Project Theophonos (god-slayer)

Speech Color: Standard Forum Text, Silver (C0C0C0)

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret, except to certain officials in STRIKE.

Character Personality: As a playboy billionaire, Christopher beats his drums at his own tempo. He’s business by day, party by night, although he allows his leaned back nature bleed into his business affairs. Beyond his business life, Christopher enjoys Greek culture and history, utilizing his companies funds to support archaeological digs in search of new finds in this field, even though they are rare. He is also protective of his half-sister, since she is his only family left (see Origin Info/Details for more info).

Due to his side interest in ancient Greece (and history in a lesser extent), his armor has some influences from these time periods. The helmet in the suit shows this influence the best, since it resembles the helmet of the classical Greek hoplite. His armor also has an energy-powered long sword, inspired by the knights from the Medieval period. He also has a weapon what he calls the “Energy Javelin”, which was inspired by both the Homeric combat in the Iliad, where the Heroes would first throw a spear at one another before they engaged in hand-to-hand combat, and the Roman Pila, which would break on contact so that an enemy could not revenge kill with it. His armor has other, more conventional weapons, but these are the “out of the box” ones.

At first, I kind of struggled with what I wanted Iron Knight’s armor to look like. I knew I didn’t want him to look just like Iron Man. Furthermore, I had an idea in my head what I wanted it to look like, but I could not put it down in words or even draw it out. After a little brainstorming, I remembered that I saw my brother and his friend either looking at or making a website about Gundam Wing (I cannot remember which, I was still fairly young). Although I found out that they were giant robots from doing some internet research (but it doesn’t’ surprise me, since it is a Japanese show), I still thought it gave the robotic feel I wanted. I just would have to scale it down to human size (i.e. like Iron Man in a way). Therefore, I placed a link to an image that I thought could be used as an inspiration for the suit (but obviously not an exact copy).

There are several changes I would make to the suit. First, the Greek hoplite inspired helmet (it would look like a hoplite helmet, but there would not be any openings in the front, and there would not be a plume). I would remove the wing-like attachments on the shoulders, and everything below the waist would resemble Ultimate Iron Man more than the sample image. I would probably make the breastplate more flat and all the joints would have to be made so that a man could fit inside the suit. Also, the color scheme would be different shades of gray.



Origin Info/Details:
Christopher Arthur III was born to Lexington Arthur II and Medea Arthur. The Arthurs were an extremely wealthy Virginian family, with its wealth tied both from inheritance from their ancestors and profit from the Arthur’s corporation, the Knight’s Corp. At age 16, Christopher graduated from MIT, specializing in Advanced Robotics and Electrical Engineering (he also picked up a minor in ancient Greek from a local college). Two years later, he received his Master’s. Christopher started to work in the Robotics Division at Knight’s Corp.

However, after his first graduation from college, Christopher’s life was turned upside down. His father had been involved in an affair for several years, which resulted in a child being born outside of wedlock. After Christopher received his Master’s degree, his father divorced his current wife and married his mistress. Five years later, a deranged Medea returned and killed herself along with Christopher’s father and his stepmother, leaving Christopher and his half-sister orphaned (who in their right mind would divorce someone by the name of Medea? That’s just asking for trouble). As a result of his father’s death, Christopher inherited both his family’s wealth along with his father’s company.

While Christopher did not have problem socializing with people through his life, he never allowed people to become extremely close to him, except for his childhood friend, Cynthia. While Christopher’s accelerated education robbed them of attending middle and high school together, they both continued to remain in contact. While Cynthia was by no means as intelligent as Christopher was, she was still quite smart for the average American student (top 5 in her graduating class) and she was a nice change of pace to talk to when you are constantly surrounded by super-geniuses. While Christopher desired that they became something more than just “friends”, but he did not want to risk ruining their current friendship if a romantic relationship did not work out. Even they went their separate ways, with Christopher running his father’s company and Cynthia becoming an Archaeologist, they still continued to find a way to keep in contact, even if it has to be emails and IM’s.

If someone asked him why he dubbed his armor “Daedalos”, he would give his usual response, that some terrorists in the Aegean held him up on an island and he created the suit to fly away, just as Daedalos fled from King Minos of Crete in Greek Mythology. However, this wasn’t the true story. Two years ago (from the beginning of this RP), his childhood friend developed a rare, but fatal and inoperative cancer. Christopher frantically developed his prototype robotic exoskeleton, designing it to keep her alive, while the chemotherapy, that would normally could not be used, destroyed the cancer. Christopher called the exoskeleton “Daedalos” because he hoped it would help free Cynthia from her cancer, just as Daedalos’s invention helped him escape Minos. However, Cynthia died before he could get his final product finished.

Shortly after his friend’s death, S.T.R.I.K.E. approached Christopher about his exoskeleton. They wanted Christopher to develop it into a mechanized armor that would allow normal humans to compete with the rising metahuman population, just in case something went out of hand. Since Christopher had already sunk a huge amount of his company’s resources into this project, he couldn’t say no.

Hero Type:
Power-Suit / Gray Matter (Super-Smart)

Power Level:
C. World Level (Ex. Flash, Superman)

Powers: Powers beyond the things listed in the “Attribute” (flight, strength, etc) will be listed here. Furthermore, Iron Knight can make revisions and updates to his armor to prepare the armor for different situations.
-Energy-based Sword
-Energy Pila
-Energy Shield: Iron Knight’s shielding must be activated to be used. Shielding must be lowered in order to use offensive weapons.
-Rockets and Missiles: Iron Knight has several different projectiles at his disposal to use against foes at a distance.

Attributes: Strength, Speed, Endurance, and Agility are at Normal Human levels when not in the Power Suit.

Strength Level: 100+ tons.

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH; Flight: Mach 10.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Power Suit can remain powered for several hours. Due to the mechanical components associated with the power suit, the wearer of the suit does not have to expend as much physical energy as one normal person would if that person were doing the same activities. However, it still takes mental concentration to control the power suit.

Agility: 20X Human level.

Intelligence: Super-Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Extreme

-Still a normal man under the suit.
-Armor can become overloaded if enough energy is pumped into the suit.
-Takes some time to prep suit for usage.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):
-Veronica: Christopher’s half-sister. She is currently a freshman in high school.
-George: The Arthur family’s butler, helped raise both Chris and Veronica, especially the later when their parents died (“If Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark can have a butler, why can’t I?” ~CA3).

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes (see last app).

Sample Post:

Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Aubrey Adkins
Alias: Arachne

Speech Color: Standard Forum Text, FireBrick (B22222)

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret, only known (eventually) by her roommates

Character Personality:
If you were to ask Aubrey to describe herself with one word, it would be religious. She grew up in a conservative Catholic household, therefore is a devout Catholic. To those who are not quite as religious as she is, she might come off as a little bit too much sometimes. She is also on good terms with her family. While her religious and family life might be extremely stable, the rest of her life is somewhat unbalanced. She is unsure what she will be doing after college, even though she is a senior now. While she was set to earn a teaching degree, she is unsure whether that is what she desired to pursue. Furthermore, a Sociology degree (as a second degree option was not going to give her many choices, either. She has already become burnt out from school (4 years in both high school and college), having major senioritis. Her romantic life is not quite as stable either, for she had already gone through several different boyfriends since her senior year in high school, some ending more or less gracefully than others.

One thing just recently has begun to bother her. Recently, she was injected with the same serum that gave the Raptor (Zac Wilson) and the Wasp (Kelly Brown) their powers. However, unlike those two, Aubrey’s physical appearance has not changed at all (besides the wrist spinnerets). Aubrey is unsure whether she would spontaneously morph into some hideous monster at any moment. What had caused her to react to the serum differently? Was it her minor healing factor? Or is it something else?

Aubrey has slightly above average height for a woman (five foot nine) and has an athletic (but not extremely muscular) build. She has blonde hair and gray-blue eyes.

Costume Pre-transformation (I promise she will not have this costume for long, probably until I finish her origin arc).

Costume Post-transformation
I was considering changing the brown on her new costume to silver/gray, but I have not made up my mind yet.

These two images give an idea how the spider lower body human upper body combination looks like. However, they are only inspirations, not exact images for Aubrey. Costume on first is not what Aubrey will wear...

I actually have a drawing that should show what her costume would be post-transformation. I just need to add the hair and costume design and it will be complete.

Origin Info/Details:
Aubrey Rose Adkins was born into what most people would consider a normal life. She was from a middle-class family around the Columbus, OH. She was heavily involved with sports, was Homecoming Queen her senior year in high school, even went to college at St. Henry’s University, a liberal arts Catholic university in Columbus. Everything seemed to be extremely normal, until late January this year arrived.

Aubrey’s life was turned upside down when she was kidnapped by a mad scientist (same man who gave Raptor and Wasp their powers) and subjected to an experiment involving the finally stabilized serum. Luckily for Aubrey, the Raptor and Iron Knight had infiltrated (not coordinated) where the scientist was holding her. Now, since she has escaped from the clutches of the mad scientist, Aubrey must attempt to learn to assimilate herself back into her ‘normal’ life. Or is this even possible?

Sports have always been part of Aubrey’s life, especially during high school. When she was in high school, if she was not currently at one sport’s practice, she was probably running off to another one. While this had given her practice at juggling multiple aspects of life at once, nevertheless it sometimes negatively affected her grades. Once she got to college, she had to pick one sport and stick with it. She picked soccer (one reason why was that she received a scholarship at her small university to play that sport). Therefore, she had to drop the others and focus on soccer (and school).

Hero Type:
Muscle/Acrobat (i.e. Spider-Girl)

Power Level:
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

-Wall-Crawling: Arachne has the ability to create atomic attraction between herself and other objects, allowing her to adhere to numerous surfaces.
-Spider-Sense: Arachne possesses the ability to sense people’s movements through the miniscule vibrations she feels in the ground when people move and changes in air pressure. Along with an uncanny 6th sense that can detect danger (but not pinpoint it – Arachne must rely on the vibrations and air pressure for that), this allows Arachne to be quite an allusive target.
-Hybrid Bio-Mechanical Web-Shooters: Arachne has natural spinnerets in her wrists; however, she cannot eject them from her wrists like Spider-Man does in the original Spider-Man films with Toby McGuire. She can only pull the threads out like pulling out floss. However, Christopher Arthur III created a device that would draw the webs from her wrists and eject them, just like Spider-Man’s web-shooters.
-Superhuman Strength: Arachne can easily lift approximately 20 tons. She can lift more weight if she exerts herself. Arachne must also pull her punches against opponents without similar levels of durability and strength. When she “evolves” into her drider form, she can lift approximately 50 tons.
-Superhuman Speed: Arachne’s natural speed exceeds that of modern Olympic athletes. In other words, she could give Usain Bolt a run for his money.
-Superhuman Stamina: Arachne does not produce as many fatigue toxins while she physically exerts himself. She has to spend several hours under strenuous circumstances to feel impaired by these toxins.
-Superhuman Agility and Reflexes: Arachne is twice as flexible than a normal human, allowing her to perform acrobatic maneuvers that high-level gymnast would envy. Her reflexes are 20 times greater than an average human’s would be.
-Superhuman Durability: Arachne can take punishment that would severely injure or otherwise kill an average person. Arachne must roll with punches against her in order to prevent the assailant from breaking their limbs.
-Superhuman Sense of Equilibrium: Arachne can retain a perfect state of equilibrium, allowing her to remain oriented while crawling upside down and performing acrobatic moves.
-Resistance to Foreign Chemicals: Arachne’s metabolism allows her to be less effected by drugs and diseases.
-Immunity to Vampirism: Arachne has nothing to fear from the characters of Twilight...
-Superhuman Healing Factor: While not anywhere near as efficient as mainstream Wolverine’s healing factor, Arachne can significantly recuperate from injuries more quickly than they would otherwise normally take. She will eventually heal from any wound, however, the more serious the wound, the longer it will take it to heal.


Strength Level: 20 tons (50 tons when she permanently evolves into her drider form).

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 30 MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours.

Agility: 20X Human level (2x Flexible).

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

-Vulnerable to Pesticides, especially ones targeted towards spiders
-Able to “run dry” of web fluid, if she uses too much.
-When she becomes a “drider”, she is vulnerable from attacks from behind because she cannot turn her body all the way around to deal with it.
-She is (over-time) invulnerable in body, but her spirit and mind do not have the same luxury.

Supporting Characters:
-Ashley Winston: One of Aubrey’s roommates. Half-Korean.
-Felecia Blackwood: One of Aubrey’s roommates.
-Kristin Harding: One of Aubrey’s neighbors and friends.
-Father Ryan: A mid-aged Catholic priest who resides in the Catholic Church on campus.
-Athena: Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Still feeling guilty about the transformation of the ancient Arachne into a spider, she has decided to provide her aid to Aubrey, whether or not Aubrey likes it.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:Warning! Sample Post takes place after my planned story arc between Raptor and Iron Knight. Read at your own risk (although I don’t think there will be that much spoiling material in this sample).
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Characters you have created: The Athanatoi (ἀθάνατοι)
Alias: The Olympians

Character Personality: Read any story from Greek and Roman myths. That should give you a pretty good idea. ;)

Origin Info/Details:
From the Heliconian Muses let us begin to sing, who hold the great and holy mount of Helicon, and dance on soft feet about the deep-blue spring and the altar of the almighty son of Cronos, and, when they have washed their tender bodies in Permessus or in the Horse's Spring or Olmeius, make their fair, lovely dances upon highest Helicon and move with vigorous feet.
Hesiod’s Theogony

The Athanatoi arrived on Earth long before humanity had developed any form of written language. These beings, along with their sister race, the Hemithanatoi (ἡμιθάνατοι), took on human forms in order to better “fit in” with the local fauna. Therefore, Xenophanes, a Greek critic of the anthropomorphic depictions of the gods, was correct in saying that if dogs and horses could draw images of the gods, the gods would look like dogs and horses because the gods were shape shifters. However, both the Athanatoi and the Hemithanatoi kept their residences on separate worlds (akin to how Marvel handled the several realms of Norse Mythology), even though they had the technology to transverse between worlds.

Once the Athanatoi began to be worshipped as gods by the ancient population of Earth, they began to build devices that could convert the sacrifices and worshipping of their followers into power that could empower and sustain the Athanatoi. This power was Ambrosia, the Nectar of the Gods. During this period of time, the Athanatoi would occasionally descend to the earth and mingle with its people, sometimes even producing offspring with the mortals. These hybrids are now known as the heroes of Greek Mythology.

However, after the collapse of the Bronze Age civilizations, the Greek Athanatoi ceased their direct interactions with the mortals of earth. Besides a few exceptions, the Greek Athanatoi never again placed a foot down on earth. In spite of their absence, the Greek Athanatoi still received worship long into the Hellenistic Era of the successor states of Alexander and the rise of the Roman Empire.

However, once Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire and spread across Europe in the Medieval Ages, and once Islam flew through Northern Africa, the heads of the Athanatoi pantheons called together a meeting, deciding that, once these new religions had secured their positions and extinguished their worship among the mortals, the Athanatoi were to refrain from affecting affairs on Earth. However, if something from the past has reared its ugly head back in the future, the Athanatoi have full permission to intervene, as it was because of them that humanity would be in danger.

As time went, the Greek and Egyptian Athanatoi withdrew from earthly affairs, and even the Norse Hemithanatoi did too once Christianity reached and assimilated the North. As the energy gained from their worshippers dwindled year after year, the Athanatoi adjusted their devices, allowing them to produce their subsidence without mortal followers. While this allowed the Athanatoi to live on, the devices were less efficient without worshippers.

Hero Type:
Shape Shifter / Supernatural (Cosmic deities)

Power Level:
D. Cosmic (Ex. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern)

Powers: (Applies to the Greek Athanatoi)
-Shape Shifting (see Iliad and Odyssey)
-Immortal: While their physical shell can be destroyed, the Athanatoi can simply reform it. If one were to destroy one of the Athanatoi, you would see an amorphous sentient being, which cannot be destroyed anymore.
-Advanced Technology / "Magic" that 'can' be explained through technology and natural phenomena.

-Relies on Ambrosia to remain alive.

Supporting Characters:
Zeus: King of the Olympians. Youngest (and Eldest) Son of Kronos and Rhea.
Poseidon: Middle Son of Kronos and Rhea. Rules over the Seas.
Hades: Eldest Son of Kronos and Rhea. Rules over the Underworld. He cringes at how modern media depicts him.
Hera: Youngest Daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Queen of the Olympians.
Demeter: Middle Daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Goddess of Agriculture.
Hestia: Eldest Offspring of Kronos and Rhea. Goddess of the Hearth.
Athena: Daughter of Zeus and Metis (technically). Goddess of Wisdom.
Apollo: Son of Zeus and Leto
Artemis: Daughter of Zeus and Leto
Hermes: Son of Zeus and Maia. Messenger of the Olympians.
Ares: Son of Zeus and Hera. God of War
Hephaestus: Son of Hera (no father)
Aphrodite: Daughter of Zeus and Dione
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Robeatics
Avatar of Robeatics

Robeatics Codename: Fupa

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Character you have created: Taylor Zheng
Alias: Maverick

Speech Color: All forms (Changed it for less confusion)

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Taylor is the kind of person to consider adrenaline—the rush of combat or the glee of getting away with a crime—the purest kind of joy a human can feel. She is always seeking out the most dangerous thrills with reckless abandon and the most powerful opponents, treating nearly everything around her like a toy that she is free to play with, destroy or steal as she pleases. While she isn’t manic, her obsession with her own enjoyment to the detriment of property and other people borders on sociopathic. As far as evil, she is more along the lines of an arrogant bully than any serious mastermind. She won’t hurt normal people unless they get in the way of what she wants, but at the first sight of a Meta she will doggedly challenge them to brawl any chance she can get, villain or hero (though heroes are always much more fun).

She adores “good, old-fashioned” battle banter with her opponent, but when such banter borders on insulting her appearance (most especially her “mannish” physique) or her control over her powers she can lose her temper. She loves watching professional wrestling, inspiring her costume and a few of her theatrical moves in combat. She reads comics often, and can get annoyed when the things she does don’t line up with how her comic book fantasy should have gone. She strongly supports the notion of anarchism, and severely resents heroes as liars and hypocrites. While people close to her have been caught in the crossfire of hero-villain fighting, she believes that controlling oneself when one can harness so much power is a waste and that collateral damage is bound to happen anyway.

In a more intimate light, Taylor doesn’t see herself as the person she wants to be. Not due to her moral choices, as far as she knows; but rather due to her own astronomically high expectations of herself. Any moment of doubt is immediately washed away by seas of fury, as if she is terrified of the moment she may realize that she can never be as perfect and powerful as she wants to be. Seeing perceived perfection in others—popularity in social situations, wealth, conventional beauty—fills her with an envy that she, again, drowns in robustness to desperately stave off emotional pain. So far, her acts have not been very much planned, or at least planned with the intent to take over the world or slaughter people. She is easily responsible for costing the government fortunes in property damage, putting hundreds of civilians and policemen in the hospital, and stealing from top-security facilities, but something gives her pause when it comes to cold-blooded murder. Her bloodlust is largely unrelated to sadism, and while violence is the only language she loves, sometimes seeing the pain she brings to people face-to-face “ruins her fun”. She is terrified of being seen as weak and will desperately seek to disprove anyone who thinks so, to the exception of all else at the time.

Since she has gotten her powers, Taylor has drifted, ever so slightly, from her “normal” group of friends. The more acute of them have noticed, and tensions are rising within the circle over whether or not Taylor’s posse are even useful to her at all anymore. She has become more power-hungry and bossy, thinking, subconsciously or otherwise, that she is superior to them for her powers. What effect this will have on her relationships has yet to be seen.


Origin Info/Details: Taylor grew up surrounded by Metas—they were celebrities, local heroes, and leaders on a citywide and national scale. As a child, weaving through the darker streets of Lost Haven was tough, but taught her the valuable lesson of always putting herself first. As her parents had disappeared when she was two years old, she was a foster kid, drifting between homes, getting chucked into the next family as soon as the old one couldn’t handle her violent outbursts. Even while her relationship with adults was severely strained, she had a faithful group of childhood friends to rely on, from beating on neighborhood rivals together to organizing shoplifting plots as an avenue to extra money for the toys and entertainment they couldn’t get at home. Both boredom and adulthood became her greatest enemies, treated in her mind like the deadliest of diseases.

When Taylor was 11, she took up weightlifting. While she was already athletic, seeing others, girl or boy, in her middle school who were stronger or faster than she was made her as angry as she was jealous. She poured herself into her athleticism, studying wrestling and judo techniques and squeezing free classes out of a local personal trainer, Bryce, in exchange for being an errand girl for him, delivering the steroids he peddled out of his gym to his customers. She trained alongside the closest member of her posse, Andre Shea, whose situation was similar and whose pent-up anger rivaled her own after years of foster-hopping. They watched out for one another, in turn watching over the younger members of their flock while they were too small to fend for themselves. Even through all the crime and violence, they were like a family, especially when Andre, at 18, finally left the system and scrounged together enough money to get an apartment where Taylor and the gang could sleep and avoid their surrogate parents.

At that point, Taylor was 14, in her first year of highschool. She quickly became well-known to the school population as a delinquent of the worst kind; to the “weaker” students she was a deranged bully, to the teachers she was a nightmare, and to the jocks she was terrifying. While she was still peddling steroids--and eventually other drugs, at the request of Andre—she never took a single dose herself, seeing it as a “wimp’s way to power”. On the other end of the scale, Andre had fast become dependent on a strange pill that had recently hit the market, one with radical results and dire consequences. As his size grew and his temper quickly shortened, Taylor watched her friend of a decade metamorphosize into a monster.

One day, while she was walking back to Andre’s place from school, his most recent girlfriend was standing on the lawn of his apartment building, looking bewildered and bruised. She explained to Taylor that Andre had become irrationally violent, leapt through the window to their third story apartment and crashed right down on top of a car before he continued running like a wild animal. Neighbors had called the cops, and soon enough the whole apartment was being searched. The police didn’t truly care about finding Andre, only ripping the place apart in a search of drugs and to drag away all the street kids that he had been harboring there. Taylor managed to dodge the cops, but seeing her friends pulled apart and separated into families across the slums left her feeling more alone and powerless than she’d ever felt in her life. Desperately, she approached her personal trainer for details on whatever steroid Andre had been taking, hoping he’d been the one to pass them around to different dealers.

When he claimed he couldn’t give her any answers, after a full month of furious searching around, she resigned to the disbanding of the Shea gang, pouring herself then into her school’s wrestling team before getting expelled for breaking one of her opponent’s legs in the middle of a competition. She escaped jail time through sheer dumb luck: a sympathetic jury to her sad tale of a lack of parental guidance, an attorney bent on winning “unwinnable” cases for rep, and a judge who cared little for both the defense and prosecution, seeing them both as little more than a couple of inner city kids beneath his notice. Expelled at 16, she opted against reentering school, knowing she’d make more money outside of the law. The only adult Taylor knew at that point was Andre’s old friend, Christian, and so she approached him for a place to stay until she grew old enough to rent her own place. His cheap apartment in Little Sicily proved insufficient, and so much of the posse turned to Nan, the owner of a popular nightclub for the seedier underbelly of Lost Haven. She rented and owned an apartment for them until Taylor could own it herself, and in exchange a portion of the money the gang made on drug dealing and doing jobs for bigger fish went to her to offset the cost of the apartment.

Andre’s disappearance hurt Taylor less and less as her world shifted to just trying to stay afloat. Her life was tough, but her family, her true family, was closer than ever, and the boredom and loneliness of school was gone, hopefully for good. Halfway through the summer, she had long since left behind her steroid-pushing trainer to work herself up on her own in preparation for her debut as a fighter in an underground ring. She saw how much money a champion could make, and, toting all her street experience as well as her natural strength, she entered the fray. The fights became easier as Taylor slipped into a natural routine, but the amount of money she was making off of them alone wasn’t enough to keep her happy. She needed more—more excitement, more brutality than battles won in a few well-connected punches.

Her wishes were granted with the reappearance of her old trainer, Bryce. He busted down the door to her apartment late one night, just as she had come back from a fight. He was furious, and even before he whipped out a gun and started screaming Taylor knew he’d been popping the same drug Andre had. It seemed to affect him differently; his skin was oily, impossibly so, and his muscles seemed to hang off of him like rotting meat off a bone. He accused Taylor of stealing half of his stock to sell for herself before she left him behind all those months ago, demanding it back. When she insisted she didn’t have anything, he vomited some kind of putrid bile all over her, knocking her out instantly by the sheer stench.

When she awoke, she was in the dark corner of his gym’s storage basement, where he kept the bulk of his stock, tied to a pole. His mutated visage huddled before the mess of boxes and tables, where he presented an entire baggie of the vile pills that had ruined his, Andre’s and many others’ lives. He explained that he’d stopped selling them when he saw what they did to people, but that he then had nowhere to put them. So, in his steroid-induced craze, he decided he would stuff Taylor full of them easily past the lethal dosage and see what happens.

The first few doses tasted like poison. Her bones felt like rubber and her stomach turned to ice. Her chest ached like an overfull barrel straining against the metal bands binding it, and as the execution dragged on the flow of her thoughts grew jagged—waves punching a rock face, an eagle floating on the whims of the sky, a dark room where one madman killed another. First she felt sick; then she felt agony. Excruciating, enough to make a strong mind snap like a mouse’s spine. She stopped struggling when he shoved the last pill into her mouth, resigned to her freshly-polished spot in Hell hours ago.

Bryce commented on how long she was lasting, assured that even an ex-protégé of his couldn’t stay alive through all the damage he just did to her system. When, thirty minutes later, she was still breathing, he grew impatient. He struck her across the face with a talon; still he was not satisfied, still she was alive. He took to punching her in the stomach and face, vicious and endlessly frustrated with her endurance. Just before he could land a killing blow, her skin turned into the same cold iron as the pole she was bound to.

She was furious, she was hurting, and she was powerful. The chains that kept her bound to the pole snapped in one arc of her arms, and in the next motion she had her fingers locked around his neck. All the bile he spewed up rolled off of her metallic flesh like oil in a pan. She didn’t know her own strength. It wasn’t until she let go, minutes later, that she realized she’d snapped his neck almost instantly, that she’d been strangling a dead body. Her body turned to normal, and she fled back to her apartment, sickened and confused.

Her posse was waiting in the apartment for her arrival, all horrified by her kidnapping and relating the thousand different stories of how they went looking for her. Somehow, they’d vacuumed up the bile from the section of the carpet where she’d been attacked, and while a faint smell lingered it didn’t have the strength to knock her out again. She waved her friends away, with more weariness than she thought she could have after all the adrenaline minutes previous, plopped down onto the threadbare couch to share what happened, and turned into fabric.

She has been honing her powers for months upon months now, incorporating them into her daily life until they felt natural enough to be used in combat. She hasn’t started her streak of villainy on a particularly dazzling note, despite her personality: mostly just using her powers to mug, rob, and fight her way into money to both support her newfound obsessions and to provide for her family. She has abused her powers more often than not—though understandable, seeing as how much of her life was dictated by forces outside her control.

Hero Type: Shape Shifter/Muscle

Power Level: World

Powers: Taylor possesses the ability to take on the embodiment of most any material she touches, if she concentrates on that material. Her ornate belt buckle can hold up to eight samples of any material she can fit in there, tucked into special pouches that keep the sample snug as well as in contact with the skin of her lower abdomen through special holes in the suit. This lets her have a consistent source of several materials she relies on in combat, such as a sample of metal, diamond or rubber. Her physically strongest form, made of augmentium—an alloy that is impossibly durable—gives her near-invulnerability, incredible strength and stamina, and an immunity to vacuums, suffocation and any ills that would normally affect those whose internal systems haven’t turned inorganic. In her diamond form, she is more brittle and significantly not as strong, but has increased finesse in combat as well as superior cutting ability with not only diamond fingernails but the occasional grown blade. While living flame, she will haphazardly blast everything around her with fire, with little care for both accuracy and bystanders. She can fly like a rocket, with great plumes of blinding flame trailing behind, but it is dangerous to do so, seeing as her powers are, at least in some small way, controlled by emotions: one moment of doubt, terror or rage could turn her supernova. Her rubber form is more agile than her diamond form, but lacks as much combative capability, instead allowing her to defend against ballistics or bounce from tall buildings onto shorter ones as a quick avenue of escape.

Attributes: Due to the nature of her powers, here listed are the more common forms she may take with the materials she has available on her belt or in her environment.

(Normal Form/Augmentium Form/Flame Form/Diamond Form/Rubber Form)

- Strength Level: 500 Pounds/100 Tons/Cannot Lift/200 Pounds/1 Ton

- Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal/Normal/Up to 700 MPH, Unstable at that point/20 MPH/10 MPH

- Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours/5 hours/3 minutes/3 hours/4 hours

- Agility: 2X/Normal/25X/10X/15X

- Intelligence: Average (Though below average common sense, very poor emotional stability, and an incomplete education. Her idea of a battle tactic is “punch or throw it around until you win”. One advantage: she knows the streets and scumbags of Lost Haven like a graft on her brain.)

- Fighting Skill: Trained (Greco-Roman wrestling techniques, especially.)

- Resources: Minimal (Whatever she can scrounge and steal.)

Weaknesses: She can only maintain whatever form she takes while touching the embodied material directly, and moving away from it will make her lose her focus on it and return to normal after a few minutes or so. She also cannot shape her form without serious strain on her focus, such as growing diamond spikes or shaping her fist into a hammer. As such, more incorporeal forms such as water, flame or sand put so much violent strain on her concentration to keep herself from dissipating that she can only maintain them for a few minutes, though often less. Her weight is also affected by her forms. Dependent upon the material she is made up of at the time, she can range from being a few pounds to a handful of tons. Any pieces of her broken off while non-human, unless she is in an incorporeal form that can reshape to a degree, immediately turn back to her own flesh and will be treated as a grievous injury or amputation when she returns to her normal form. Her fire form is messy: violent, volatile in every way. To avoid a meltdown that would very much result in her dissipation (and therefore death), she can only maintain such a form for a few explosive moments, after which she is fatigued and emotionally drained. She has never tried taking on the form of anything even more volatile, such as electricity or even radioactive materials, and is both awed by and secretly nervous of the possibilities.

Supporting Characters:

- Nancy “Nan” Avina: The 40-something owner of the nightclub, The Tomb, Taylor and her gang meet up at. She knew Taylor through Andre, her son’s highschool buddy, and they’ve become friendly through the rough patches they both had to go through. She knows of Taylor’s powers and was the one who helped get together the design for her costume. She also gets a cut of whatever Taylor gains from her thievery and side jobs in exchange for paying for an extra apartment the gang stays in.

- Andre Shea: Taylor’s closest friend for much of her life, about 4 years older than her. He has been missing for three years and has likely developed superpowers, like Taylor, as a result of the mysterious steroids he was abusing. Taylor would search for him, if she had any leads as to his whereabouts at all. A growing part of her has begun to loathe him for leaving without any notice, even if he might not have wanted to.

- Christian Avina: Nan’s son. A friend of Andre’s, but largely unrelated to the gang. He and Taylor rarely get along, though they both share an affection for May. He works as a bartender for Nan’s nightclub.

- Randy Paez: A member of Taylor’s posse since she was 10, and among her most devoted and impressionable. While he’s only 2 years younger than her (15), he tends to treat Taylor like a much more experienced, respectable source of authority than she actually is. He is often the driver in getaways for his sharp reflexes and quick thinking.

- May Rojas: A rare new addition to Taylor’s normally exclusive little family, though more honorary than anything. Nan, May’s aunt, adopted her after her mother was killed as a result of a Meta fight. She most often stays in Nan’s apartment or goes to school, being a six-year-old, but will on occasion go with Taylor on errands. She is the only member of the posse that neither knows of Taylor’s powers nor participates in illegal activities. While Taylor will not openly admit it, May is the only person whose safety Taylor constantly worries over.

- Gene Hart: The seedy operator of the underground fighting ring Taylor was a part of. He is among the most well-connected men in the city, if he can be convinced to give up what he knows. Taylor still visits the ring from time to time, but he doesn’t let her fight much anymore because of the risk of her killing somebody, which could get them all caught.

- The other members of Taylor’s posse: To be introduced as the story goes.

Note: Taylor is a huge pottymouth, but I've censored the worst of it. Hope that's alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CommissarFacePunch


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

See edited version below.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Create a Hero RPG Application

Character you have created: Kyle Porter

Alias: Lyger

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): n/a

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Kyle has always been a laid back guy, who despite having a somewhat difficult upbringing would be described by most as being carefree for the most part. However, he does have a tendency of getting overwhelmed, and that can sometimes cause him to get into a bit of a funk, which can be difficult to pull him out of. However, in the months since his abilities began to manifest, and he took to the streets as the costumed vigilante Lyger, he has been more serious even as he tries to maintain his carefree lifestyle.

Uniform/costume: Briefly describe or post a picture of what your character's costume looks like:

Origin Info/Details: Kyle Porter has had a hard life by some standards. His mother died when he was a young boy and never really got to know her. He was raised by his father, who never got over the death of his wife and mostly found comfort in the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He went through much of his life in relative obscurity, never popular at school, however not really unpopular.
His life changed once he enrolled at Lost Haven University. He became relatively popular on campus, he even started to date a sophomore.
However, his life would change even further one night while he was on his way back to the dorms after a party. The car that he was riding in was struck by a drunk driver, and Kyle was severely injured. He required emergency surgery as well as a blood transfusion. Little did anyone know that the blood he received contained the meta gene, and when the blood mixed with his own, he began to develop special abilities of his own.

Hero Type (Select one):

Power Level (Select one below): City Level

Powers (Be Specific): Enhanced agility and senses, healing factor, and strength.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Height: 6'2

Weight: 210 Pounds

Strength Level: 5x normal human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 45 MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours.

Agility: 15X

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: trained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: He has the same weaknesses as a normal person. He is vulnerable to illness, injury, and even death.

Supporting Characters:
Samantha “Sam” Myers Childhood friend, long time crush.
Kerri Walters- ex girlfriend
Ronnie Chang- Best friend, tech wizard
Jack Porter- Kyle’s father
Maxwell Renfield- CEO of RenCo
Dmitri Nikolov- friend
Hannah Emery- Dmitri’s girlfriend
Haruki “Harry” Takahashi- Kyle’s mentor, Ronnie’s grandfather

Various villains, classmates, and other characters will be described when introduced

Do you know how to post pictures on the RPG boards?:

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue):

Kyle Porter sits up in his hospital bed as the nurse enters his room and takes a few last minute readings before the hospital can send him on his way. He is anxious to get out of the room that has been his home for the last week. He has never particularly liked hospitals, and after spending a week there, he is in no rush to come back anytime soon.

There was a knock on the door and suddenly he saw the familiar features of Samantha Myers pop into the room. His oldest friend looked around for a moment before entering.

"Just wanted to make sure you're decent." She quipped as she approached his bed.

"Yeah. I'm good to go. Just waiting to get the OK from the doctors." He said.

Sam took a seat beside the bed as Kyle packed the few possessions that he had in the hospital room into a small plastic bag. After several long minutes, the nurse came in and told him that the last tests came back clear and that he was free to go.

"Awesome. Let's head down to the lobby and wait for my dad." He said cheerily.

"Um...your dad can't make it. He had to fly out to Pacific Point last night for business. He asked me to come get you." She said, somewhat apologetically.

"So...you're my ride?" He asked.

"You're quick, aren't you?" She said with a grin.

"Oh great...first the crash and now this....Somebody really wants me dead." He joked even as she smacked him on the arm as they made their way down the hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
Avatar of FacePunch

FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character you have created: Chike Baatul
Alias: Polemos (The Greek word for war)

Speech Color:Dark Gold aba000

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Known

Character Personality: Outside of Ares’ influence, Chike is an upstanding individual. He gives to the poor, helps strangers when they are not only in danger, but when they are struggling with some kind of burden as well. He believes that most human beings, deep down, are capable of being good. He doesn’t blame the thief for stealing, or the psychopath for killing. One does it out of necessity – the other is unable to help himself. Chike has the willpower to push on through any tribulation, because he knows that if he were to surrender, then he will practically be handing over the innocent and defenseless into the hands of the Evil Ones.

However, Ares has significant influence over Chike as long as they are connected. With Ares in his head, Chike is forced to kill more often than he wishes he had to. Pure, unbridled rage could take control of Chike at any moment, if he were to let Ares’ bloodlust take even an inch of ground within his mind. Because of this fight, Chike has to limit himself at all times – for if he were to surrender himself to emotion, if he were to stop controlling his every thought and every action with meticulous precision, then bloodlust could very well set in. This would mean that people would most certainly die.

The only time Chike will exert himself is when innocent bystanders are in harm’s way. The only time he will risk the bloodlust is when he knows that if he doesn’t, someone who doesn’t deserve it will be sent down to meet Hades. If Chike has to choose between killing a criminal and saving an innocent, he will not hesitate to aim for the killing blow. Similarly, if Chike’s life is legitimately in danger, he will
usually attack to kill.

In addition to all of this, Chike fancies himself rather witty and laid back, when there isn’t any danger involved.


Chike stands at 5'10, and weighs 225 pounds. His skin is dark, and his eyes are brown, and his hair is black.

This, minus the weird white nipples, though. For the appearance of a number of Chike's weapons, go here.

Origin Info/Details: Chike Baatul was born in Kampala, Uganda on May 11, 1987, to Jonah and Mia Baatul, natives of the country. The Baatul family was small, Chike was the only child and Jonah and Mia’s parents were both dead along with any brothers or sisters they had. At the age of nine, while Chike was off playing soccer with his friends from school, Chike’s parents were kidnapped by a local terrorist group. They were executed and their bodies were put on display in the city, alongside twenty other individuals. Many speculate that they were targeted for their strange occult beliefs and practices. The government denied these claims, despite the overwhelming evidence that they all belonged to the same cult religion.

Chike was devastated – he was left without family, and the government forced him out of his humble home. The boy was taken in by the parents of one of his closest friends, Dau Nyh, who was present when Chike learned of his parents’ demise. Dau and Chike grew up inseparable. They were both seemingly interested in the same things, and were physical and mental equals. Throughout his young adult life, Chike relied on Dau as his emotional anchor; losing his parents had been scarring, and Baatul had considered ending his own life on more than one occasion during the weeks following his parents’ unfortunate passing.

But that all changed seven years ago, when a group of men in black masks broke into Dau and his family’s home. They were the same terrorists who had killed his parents. They abducted the Nyh family; and once more, Chike was not there when they came. Upon arriving home from a trip to a nearby village, Chike discovered that his adopted family was missing. Rage filled Chike’s heart, growing over the three days he was left alone in that house that wasn’t really his. This rage turned to determination: a determination for revenge, and justice. Chike began to look into his parents’ past, hoping to find a clue as to why the terrorists killed them.

What he found was quite disturbing. The twenty-two who had been executed had been meeting in an abandoned mill outside of the city every month, and sacrificing animals to the Greek gods of old; specifically, Ares. From the various notebooks Chike recovered from the mill, he found out that they had believed that enough blood could bring the God of War to Uganda, and overthrow the ‘corrupt government’ and establish ‘Olympus on earth.’ They were surely mad. While he was at the mill investigating, he was jumped by the terrorists. They were all natives, armed with machetes and clubs. The leader told Chike that he had to die, to prevent the power of Ares from falling on Uganda. Filled with rage, Chike blindly charged at the terrorists and attacked them. He fought with such brutality and strength, with such unadulterated anger, that he was able to kill five of them. But the other four were able to subdue him.

Moments before they executed Chike, a bright flash of red light filled the mill. The terrorists fell to the ground, their throats slit. On the floor, painted in dust, were the words “PARIS CATACOMBS.” Confused, Chike stumbled out of the mill, determined to find out what happened and where his adopted family had been taken. Chike searched Uganda and the surrounding countries for months, but he never found a trace of his family. Frustrated, Chike decided to take a plane to Paris and see if those words meant anything to anyone. There, Chike met Ceri, the owner of a local magician’s store. Upon explaining his story to Ceri, the woman decided to help the stranger. She arranged for Chike to meet with an elderly gentleman who claimed to know all about the catacombs. Together, the three of them ventured inside the underground tunnels of Paris in search of they knew not.

Ares telepathically guided Chike through the catacombs, to a large room in the deepest part of the labyrinth. The group was led to a large open room, where the walls were lined with skulls and bones. The center of the room was dominated by a massive throne of bone. Upon said throne sat a skeleton with the armor of a Greek warrior and a crown of leaves upon its body. At its full heigh, the skeleton was easily over twelve feet tall. What surprised the mortals the most, however, was when the skeleton stood and spoke. It claimed to be Ares, the Greek God of War. He explained that his parents had been some of Ares’ last true followers on earth, and that he had planned to do as they asked of him, but that these men of flesh and bone that Chike called terrorists had disrupted the summoning process. This left Ares weak, barely able to stand let alone crush an entire nation. Ares then, against Chike’s will, made him his herald, claiming that his parents’ contract passed down to Chike. Ares then explained that Chike would act as Ares’ sword, and do as the God of War wills: and in exchange, Chike would have access to great power. Ares ordered Chike to take Ceri to America, to a city called Portland, in Maine. The two obeyed the God of War’s instructions. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by an ugly, crippled old man in a limousine. The man called himself Hephaestus, and brought the two to his personal mansion. He explained that the mansion would be Chike and Ceri’s new home, and that he would provide the avatar of Ares with whatever he required.

Five years have passed since Chike’s arrival to Portland. He has been given

Hero Type (Select one): Supernatural (I’d classify him as a ‘divine agent’)

Power Level (Select one below): C. World Level

Powers: Chike was imbued with the powers of the heroes of Greece by his master, Ares.

Strength of Hercules: Chike has been blessed with immense physical strength of Hercules.

Speed of Hermes: Chike has been blessed with the swift speed and reflexes of the Messenger of the Gods.

Body of Achilles: Chike has been blessed with the durability of Achilles.

Fire of Hephaestus: Chike has been given the power to create and control the mystical fire that ‘doth not cease to burn.’ As a side effect, Chike is resistant to heat and fire, though not immune.

Wings of Icarus: Chike is able to take flight, like Icarus of old.

Olympian physiology: Chike has a low-end healing factor. Flesh wounds generally only take three to four hours to heal; broken bones only two to three weeks. He is also resistant to toxins. (Though he is far from immune) Chike is also not required to breathe, though he does so when he wishes to blend in with other humans. Finally, Chike has enhanced senses. His sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing are all better than peak human.

Skill of Ares: Chike has been blessed with the weapon skills of the God of War.
Attributes (Select one at each category):


Strength Level: 100+ tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 90 MPH ground travel speed; flight speed and reflexes are 100+

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours

Agility: 10X

Intelligence: Average [NOTE: Tactical knowledge of Ares at his disposal.)

Fighting Skill: Mastered (Using his weapons only. Unarmed he is an untrained brawler.)

Resources: Extreme (He has access to Hephaestus, the god smith. If he needs anything, Hephaestus can build it (or buy it) for him. Ares has a vast network of connections to provide for his servant as well.)

Weaknesses: Achilles’ Heel – Like the great Achilles before him, Chike’s body might be neigh-invulnerable, but his heel lacks any sort of superhuman durability. One good cut on his LEFT heel will leave him incapacitated. A superhuman blunt force attack will shatter his heel bone.

Magical warding – Chike only has his powers as long as he is telepathically connected to Ares. If the God of War weakens, so does Chike; if a magician can block off their mystic link, Chike loses his powers until he comes into contact with Ares again.

Servant of Ares – As strong willed as Chike is, if Ares truly desired for Chike to do something, Polemos would have no choice but to obey. On occasion, Ares will force Chike to suspend his morals and has him do something Chike would consider an atrocity. There is also the chance that, at any moment, Chike could lose control of himself and become a killer filled with a lust for blood.


Hero Type (Select one):
Super-Soldier (Enhanced physical attributes to superhuman levels)

Power Level (Select one below):

A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)

Powers (Be Specific): Chike injected himself with the recently developed serum by Doctor Saxer. The serum has given him super strength, speed, agility, intelligence, senses, dexterity and a minor healing factor.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 4 tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 65 MPH

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: 5X

Intelligence: Above Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: Until Chike obtains the second half of the super soldier serum from SuperIOR Inc, each injection will only last a few hours depending on how much energy he burns.

Supporting Characters: Ceri Kendra – Enchantress and love interest. Hephaestus – Close friend of Chike and provider of arms and armor. Ares – Master, to whom Chike is rather resentful. Varnia – Sentient eagle, close friend and constant companion to Chike. Jonah Baatul – Deceased father. Mia Baatul – Deceased mother. Dau Nyh - Best friend and adopted brother, MIA. Mr. and Mrs. Nyh - Adopted parents, MIA. Mary Belfast - Channel 65 news reporter. Jeffery G. Haroldson - Channel 65 news anchor

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes. I believe so.

Weapons and armor: Chike's weapons have been forged by Hephaestus and blessed by the gods of Olympus.

Sword of Perseus: The blade used by the great hero Perseus to decapitate Medusa. It has been passed on to Polemos by way of Ares.

Armor of Achilles: Dipped into the river Styx alongside Achilles, and later Chike himself, this armor is invulnerable.

Shield of Hercules: The unbreakable ivory shield of Hercules, now protects The Avatar of War.

Spear of Peleus: A gift for Peleus created by the gods Kheiron and Hephaestus, and the goddess Athena. This weapon now belongs to Chike.

Quiver of Hercules, Arrows of Artemis, and Bow of Polemos: Gifted the quiver used by Hercules and the arrows by Artemis by Hephaestus, as well as a newly crafted bow specifically for Chike.

Sample Post: **"On your left, Chike! He's got a bat!"** Varnia, a golden-feathered eagle cried from high above the streets of Lost Haven.

The dark-skinned demigod landed an uppercut on the beanie-wearing thug in front of him, knocking him a good foot into the air before he landed on his back with a thump and a groan. Chike whipped around at lightning speeds (metaphorically, of course) and grabbed the bat a second thug was trying to bludgeon his helmet-covered skull with. Chike snapped the bat with ease, sending splinters in all directions. The stunned criminal's face full of surprise turned into a face full of fist as he stood there, shocked at the strength of his opponent. Chike turned quickly once more, kicking a third thug in his side; it sounded to Chike's enhanced ears as if he cracked a few ribs with that kick._In Zues' name, that was too hard Chike!_ He mentally scolded himself while battle raged around him.

A fourth assailant dived for Chike's legs, while another simultaneously swung a crowbar at his face. Chike leaped forward, driving his left knee into the crowbar-wielding man's chest before the weapon could impact Chike. The fourth man fell face first into the snow, with Chike no longer within his grasp. Chike rolled with his landing, turning around to face the twenty or so remaining gangsters he was facing. They were though, Chike would give them that.

But not as tough as he was.

**_"Why do you toy with these cretins so, my herald? You are the Avatar of War! The mighty Polemos! You could punch a hole through their skulls without exerting yourself; and yet you hold back so much that you use barely any of my strength. You're wasting your potential, and my power. _**

_How many times must we share the same conversation, Ares, for me to get it through your thick skull that I'm not going to kill anyone who isn't trying to kill me?_

A group of five more thugs charged towards Polemos, as one of the gangsters from the previous wave, the one who'd eaten a face full of snow, began to stand. Chike met their charge, jumping through the air and smashing his fist against one of their faces. Upon landing, one man brought both of his fists down upon Chike's back. He cried out in pain as his hands made contact with the durable superhuman.**"M-My hands! They're broken! They're f-"** The gangster took a fistful of justice to his face."Watch your mouth." Chike grunted, spinning around and backhanding another thug into the snow.

**_They most certainly appear to be trying to kill you._**

_I mean trying and capable of killing me._

**_To your right. He has a gun._** It was both humorous and disturbing, in Chike's mind, that Ares could say something like that so casually. As if it didn't matter. Of course, it really didn't: A gun wouldn't hurt Polemos. It was the thought that counted, though, right?

Chike dashed out of the hand to hand brawl and rushed through the snow towards the armed assailant. The man, his face covered by a black ski mask, was aiming right at Chike: the Ugandan noticed that he was shaking profusely._Ha, they should fear me._ He thought. Chike grabbed the man's wrist, pointing the gun into the air before punching him in the throat. Chike dropped the now-limp and unconscious thug into the snow before turning around and tagging another gangster charging at him. Two more thugs went down in quick succession, each to a single blow from the Herculean strength of Chike. Chike dashed forward into the crowd of remaining gangsters. He threw quick jabs at each man who took a step forward and dared to challenge his strength. Most of them, however, began to form a circle around Chike. There was about fifteen feet of space inside the circle to move around in. Chike turned around, looking at all of the thugs gathered around him."What are you waiting for? Are you prepared to surrender?"

Out of the crowd, a seven foot tall beast of a man joined Chike in the circle. He wore what appeared to be a kevlar vest, black military pants, and a grey trench coat. On his head was a luchador mask, with a bull's horns poking out.**"I am El Toro!"** the giant cried, raising his hands into the air.**"I will kill you, hero, for attacking my men on my own turf!"** With that, the bull charged at Chike, head down. Like a real bull would. How cliche is this guy?

"Come here, tiny! Let's tango!" Chike met El Toro's charge head on, lowering his own head and bringing up both of his open palms. The two slammed into each other, and El Toro began to push Chike backwards._Right. Superhuman. Not all that strong, though._ Chike noted. Polemos dug one of his feet into the ground, and El Toro stopped pushing Chike back."You fancy yourself some kind of tough guy, don't you?" Chike commented."Listen. I'll give you a chance to give up. I'll take you and your boys to prison, but there won't be any more broken bones. Do we have a deal?" El Toro scoffed at this.**"I will crush you, little man! You wear a dress like some kind of woman!" **Chike's eyebrow twitched beneath the brim of his helmet.**"It's a tunic! A TUNIC!"** Chike shoved El Toro onto his gluteous maximus, before picking him up and throwing him into the crowd, knocking over four other men.

_**It does look like a dress.**_

_You wear one too!_

_**I wasn't born in the last two centuries.**_

_Shut up!_

_**How mature.**_

**"Uhhhh...Polemos, Bullman's getting back up!"** Varnia warned.

El Toro charged Chike once more."I'm done with you." Chike muttered under his breath. As the bull was less than a mere foot away, raising a hand to strike Polemos, Chike reacted. He spun around El Toro, ending up behind the giant. He immediately whipped his elbow back, smacking El Toro in the back of his giant head. This attack, along with his previous momentum, caused El Toro to guy flying face first into a dumpster sitting against a nearby brick apartment building.**"Ugghhhh..."** El Toro groaned as consciousness left him.**"Go Chike!"** Varnia cried in excitement."Anyone el-" Chike began, turning away from El Toro and looking at his thugs. Said gangsters were running off in all directions, leaving behind their unconscious comrades and friends. Chike sighed, and set off at a sprint after them.

Just another day on the job.




Name: Captain James Abrams
Alias: Captain Liberty
Speech Color: [color=0054a6]
Character Alignment: Villain
Identity: Known

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations): James is a patriotic, brash, and manipulative enemy. He'll do anything to advance in his career. He does, however, love his family and close friends. He's loyal to his country, family, and superiors.


Origin Info/Details: CLASSIFIED

Hero Type (Select one): Normal

Power Level (Select one below): B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers (Be Specific): The suit is modular in nature, allowing Captain Liberty to equip whatever he requires for an encounter. He usually brings such things as a shoulder mounted railgun, rocket gloves, and an electric generator with him when he doesn't know what he's dealing with. The suit has a number of sub-systems built in.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: 100+ tons.
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 100+ MPH
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained (h2h) Mastered (Use of the suit)

Resources: Extreme (Works for a massive corporation)

Weaknesses: Machine Man - With sufficient severity, a virus could take control of James' armor. EMPs are an effective counter to Captain Liberty's suit.

Energy Source - The material used to power the suit runs out quickly during prolonged engagements. At normal exertion levels, the suit can only operation for 24 hours before shutting down.

Not invincible - While extremely tough, the armor, with sufficient force, can be destroyed.

Supporting Characters:
Laura Abrams (mother)
Johnathan Abrams (father)
Patrick Abrams (brother)
Cassie Abrams (sister)
Sarah Miller (Engaged)
Colonel Hardwick (Commanding Officer)
SuperIOR board of directors
Edward Cunningham (CEO of SuperIOR)

Various others

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Character you have created: Racheli Lorna Desdemona

Alias: Nemesis/Rach, nick by her friends

Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): indianred

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Nemesis- Unknown

Character Personality (Give information on how your character acts, what he/she believes in, how they handle situations):

Racheli is an independent and strong individual, mainly in personality. To those who have managed to get by her defenses and befriend her, she's a deeply loyal and protective friend who will risk life and limb for their safety. Though helping them achieve their goals is another matter altogether because if she doesn't like something, she won't hesitate to let you know in a blunt and often thickly sarcastic way. Rarely does she ever pull punches to spare someone's feelings when it comes to something completely stupid. Most believe she is a short tempered woman, who hates receiving charity. Often she'll reply to these with sour looks and scoffing off the attempts as they are given. Granted when it comes to solid logic she can't argue with, Racheli is known to yield some times but it doesn't mean she's happy about. So expect her sore loser to show.

To strangers and acquaintances, she sometimes comes off as cold and closed to becoming friends at first. While she will act like a human being and interact when talked to, don't expect to gain any personal information about her situation or thoughts. Trust is difficult to earn though just words.

Just like with many of her habits, she acts first and thinks about the consequences later. This traits worsens when her temper is flared. She never thinks about what comes out of her mouth save that it might end up hurting the one they are targeted at. Once it is all said and done, she some times realizes too late she had crossed a line. Despite her flaws, she does have some positive aspects to her personality besides her protective nature to her friends. Though she tries to hide it, Racheli does have strong sense of justice which is why she tries not to think too hard about others problems. The more she knows, the easier it is to get personally involved and that can cause problems for her.


She is driven to never to become like her father, fearing that once she finally takes a life then the desire would become addictive and impossible to stop. Like a drug addict hooked on the strongest drugs. She lacks trust she will never fall that far and is continually on alert, holding back her aggression until it can be released in a better way. Sometimes, if it's bottled up too long, she becomes irritable. It doesn't help she's plagued by nightmares and every time she manages to draw blood, her heart races and cries for more. The high it causes is rather difficult to ignore though she stubbornly refuses to yield to it...


Origin Info/Details:
Racheli's Medical and Back ground
Medical Profile Overview

Sex- female
Age- 28 years
Eye color- Green
Blood type- AB+
Built- Lean and muscular.
Height- 5'9”
Weight- 159 lbs.
Status: Unknowingly she's infected by some alien microscopic organism which is slowly altering her DNA. Earlier in the arc, it's killing her like others but at some point her brain pattern shifts and reverses the process. Racheli is currently, unknown to those who first discovered it, is the only survivor who has properly adapted as a host.


After surviving these symptoms, Racheli's vital signs will return to normal but some traits will remain.
~ Black blood which is cold to the touch and slightly thicker than normal
~Lower body temperature of 75F/24C (estimated up)
~Sensitive to temperatures above 98F/37C (estimated up)


Birthplace- Spring Hill, IN
Residence/Current Location- View Heights Apartment in Lost Haven, Maine
Occupation- Bartender (currently looking for new employment)/part time artist
Father- Micheal Garth (arrested and supposedly put to death)
Mother- Jackie Desdemona (deceased, murdered)
Aunt- Ruth Garth (deceased recently)

Racheli is a fighter when it comes to misfortune, her past reflects her struggles and the trial she's had to overcome. Born in Spring Hill, IN, to a teenage mother by the name of Jackie Desdemona, her father was unknown even among the tightly knit community they lived in during her first few months of life. Shortly afterwards they moved to Mannis, New York, a suburban area ideal to raise children and provided more opportunities for both of them. Things seemed to have been going well up until Racheli turned two. A mysterious man had came knocking at their door, engaging into a heated argument which escalated, resulted in Ms. Desdemona's murder and Rach's abduction. Despite months spent in searching for her, no one could find hair or trace of the daughter. In a few months all attempts were ceased, turning the murder and kidnapping case into a cold file.

Little did anyone know, Racheli's own abductor and mother's killer was none other than her own father, Micheal Garth. For the next six years, Racheli grew up in complete, blissful ignorance to what the man raising her had done. Her life was uneventful during the period her father used to wait out the heat caused by Jackie's death, interrupted only by continual moving, and to most he seemed like an ideal single father. In most ways he was. Images were deceiving and always will be in her mind when she discovered a dark truth about both her father and herself, deep within the Oregon wilderness. It was a yearly cabin trip, purely isolated save for a single road running straight through and stationed only a mile from their location. A few weeks in, she learned her father had been murdering women in the basement, specially designed for the grim task. Unable to escape fast enough, Rach was quickly pulled into the bloody event leaving her scarred and forever in conflict with herself. It was here she learned something twisted about herself: the enjoyment of inflicting pain and suffering.

Driven by selfish desire not to become him, she made her way down into the basement the next night and freed the woman. It was little surprise the victim was terrified of Racheli which only angered the little girl more as on the way out, they encountered Rach's father's furious figure. Thinking quickly, the child tugged the weakened woman toward the front door then to the upstairs with the man in their wake. Locking them inside her room, the girl helped the victim climb out of the window and down to the ground. From there, they made their way to the highway. Only Racheli made it as the woman died due to infection and blood loss in the girl's arms.

It was dawn the next morning when Racheli attracted a truck driver's attention when she nearly got herself ran over. Calling the police, the authorities found proof of her claims and a man hunt was issued for Micheal Garth. She learned he was arrested days later while using a faked credit card, placing him on trial and finally found guilt. He was placed up for the death penalty in a few weeks. Meanwhile Racheli was placed into a temporary foster home before a relative, her grandmother, retrieved her. Once again she was moved over state lines into Maine, where she would stay for several years.

In her teenage years, Racheli grew up in the suburban area in a small town just on the outer limits where she had gotten a rough reputation. For most people, they associated her with trouble because she tended to come off as aggressive and often used physical action to solve her problems. At thirteen she and a couple of kids broke into the local gym, but she was the only one caught. The police asked if the gym owner wanted to press charges, her mouth shut while she refused to rat out those with her, and had to take a double take when the old guy shook his head. Instead she received an ultimatum, either work to pay off the damages or go to jail. It was a losing battle so she chose the prior since it was the least restricting of the choices. Being around the gym while the boxers trained sparked her interest in the sport so when the guy offered to train her, on strict conditions, well, it was too good to pass up. Racheli trained to become a contender for the city tournament in the following years, becoming eighteen and reaching for the top thanks to her competitive drive. Like most turns in her life, things got in the way. Her grandmother became ill and forced Racheli to give up on her dream, taking two full time jobs while working off and on at the gym. Between working at the local grill and bar, Eden's Garden, and factory work, Racheli managed to prevent them being tossed out on the streets.

Over a three days ago, her grandmother mysteriously passed away in her sleep. Arranging the cremation and funeral, the last task left was to end the rental contract and dump her grandmother Ruth's ashes into the sea. It felt like it was best to make a new start and that was something Racheli intended to do. She's arrived in Lost Haven, Maine, just over an hour ago with her grandmother ashes. During the flight, it seemed she had caught something because she's been feeling weak and coughing sparingly.

Hero Type (Select one): Other-Host to an Alien Parasite/Virus (didn't quite fit Alien sadly...)

Power Level (Select one below):

Mentality: Street level (Her selfishness and fears force her to remain on the smaller scale of things)
Physical: Between Street and City Level (She has the potential to grow to the Cosmic level, but events, connections, and even character development in the IC can influence when/how/in what manner her mind will be in when that happens)
Emotionally: Street Level (Anymore, she’ll have a mental break down and kick someone’s ass...or the wall)

Powers (Be Specific):


As the Alien grows and developments, key milestones will alter Racheli's DNA. This means her current abilities will develop into more advance forms and even developing new ones as she grows in the IC. I'll be running any new ability, which I'm still debating on what to give her for future arcs, by current Gms before implying it IC and adding it to the CS when it has made an appearance. For now, she only has a few to start off after with in her origin arc. These abilities below will gradually show up after her near death experience.


The description given is at her max and full control, but during the IC she will be building up to it.


~Metal manipulation: Racheli has the ability to control and sense all types of metal she had come into contact with, currently limited to those on the Earth’s Periodic Table. When she fully acquires a the essence of a metal, earth based or otherwise, she can manipulate its structure between solid to liquid, alter its base atom components into another type (example: copper into steel), increase or decrease the metal’s original strength and gain usable data through touch alone that could take computer’s decades. The only thing Rach can’t alter with a metal is the total volume. Without additional metal to alter and add, the existing metal volume is unable change its total despite what she does to manipulate it.

For alien, magical, or more complicated metals beyond the basics, Racheli must touch for several seconds uninterrupted and absorb the data before she can manipulate it easily. Any attempts to do before she’s done this step will result in a feeble, sometimes barely noted effect and leave slightly vulnerable to attack since she is unable to use her magnetism during this time. Any magical properties will remain the same as Rach can only affect the physical metal.

Range- Any metal within eyesight, as long as she can see than it can be altered.
Other Notes- Physically: Her eyes turn black while using this ability and the metal’s shine dull when she’s influencing it.

~Magnetism: This ability focuses on magnetism and magnetic fields, allowing Rach to create, manipulate, and focus magnetism of various forms. Examples are magnetosphere, magnetic materials, planetary, etc. This allows her to attract or repulse metal objects to either directed at herself or a fixed location within her range, her mind also able to create and sense magnetic field. She can gain information such as their flow and disrupting their natural path into something different by changing their ion charge. Centering this on items or her palms, she can create an electrical current which gives her attacks a little shock to them. Rach is unable to influence the bio electrical workings of an individual without risking internal damage to herself, strictly since the energy is tied to something that similiar to her own.

Range- 6 meters from her being the epicenter
Other- Her aura gives off a slight buzz when someone within close quarters of her person, usually due to the static she gives off when activated. The more she uses it and in greater power, the stronger this sensation is through it will never be powerful to harm living beings.


~Accelerated Perception and Procession: Being hardwired and upgraded into a biological computer, Racheli’s brain now processes and collects information at a hyper accelerated rate. Activated at all time, her mind slows down the scene mentally and can even pause it when needed (the outside events still are moving at their normal speed, her mind is just moving faster to absorb, register and anaylze). Her memory is increased and is photographic, enabling her to recall things much clearer and quickly compared to before she bonded with the virus. This also means she will never forget anything since her mind can store vast amounts of exact data. Through understanding what is told to her is another matter completely. Her reflexes also aren’t necessarily speed up as this ability only affects her chances of reacting before the danger can reach her which if her speed is naturally slower, the too great to get clear or other additional factors than she will get hit. At best she can likely limit the damage done, especially when caught off guard.

Range- Undefined
Other- N/A

~Enhanced Hearing: Racheli’s hearing has become extremely sensitive that she can easily determine the acoustic pressure changes within a single decibel in the ideal conditions. Thanks to this change she can easily pick infrasound, ultrasound, sonar and even radio signals traveling within her area with little effort when she focuses on filtering the background noise. Not even sound proof walls can prevent her keen ears from picking up noises through them which can allow her to tell an individual’s position and eavesdrop on their conversation with ease. On an individual, she can gain a surprising depth when it comes to listening to their heartbeat, blood circulation, breathing, and physical movements such as lying, injury, etc. Each individual’s heartbeat has a distinct volume, rate, and pattern to it that she can use to id a target even when in disguise.

Range- Within a mile when in ideal conditions, and a fourth in worst.
Other- Multiple sounds or background noise that’s within a meter of her can interfere with her ability, making it hard for Rach to focus on her target and separate the sounds collecting in her hearing. In addition, extreme sounds ranging in either higher or lower frequencies than a human’s ability to hear will hurt and possibly stun Rach when she’s not been forewarned to filter it out. Through she can tell when an individual without complete control over their body is lying, people with pacemakers and complete control are another matter. They are able to fool her hearing since they can maintain an unbroken rhythm with their heart beat as well as breath.

~Enhanced Sight: Racheli’s vision has increased to about 20/5, about four times of a normal human and able to pick out a mouse from about two miles away. On zooming into the image, she can pick out incredible detail and clarity as if she was standing right on top of it. When she alters her vision spectrum she can identify infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, microwaves, radio waves, and more when she’s seen them at least once.

Range- 2 miles in ideal conditions, one fourth in worst.
Other- Magical/abilities that allow invisibility can easily overcome this perception, preventing her from being able to see the target or details relating to it. With enhancement comes sensitivity as well, Racheli’s eyes are more susceptible to bright flashes, extreme colors, and other visual ‘explosions’ that her eyes can briefly shut down to reboot. This blindness can last up to minutes or days depending on the optical damage and how fast it is mended.

~Enhanced Taste: This ability allows Rach to have gained accurate sense of taste and gain greater detail about a food, drink or material she’s sampling. She can tell the ingredients from a 20 mg sample, separating each independent element from the whole mixture. This can easily alert her to poisons and unnatural content that are rather harmful to her system, possibly sparing her consuming or enabling to determine what is edible and even nutrient.

Range- Close Range
Other- Magic and tasteless substances will elude this ability, preventing her from placing it and cause her to struggle.

~Enhanced Smell: Racheli’s sense of scent is heightened beyond human and rivaling those animals with the keening olfactory abilities known on earth. This allows her to distinguish individual musks and other odors aiding in locating specific persons, objects, substances and even places with nothing but her nose. She can tell where an individual has been based on what scents have been collected on their person and even retract their steps, enabling her to tell how long ago they were there and even how long they lingered there. With most individuals, based on their pheromone changes and chemical clues, she can tell if a target is lying, sick, diseased or poisoned thanks to hormones/smells that are excreted within a set area. If she’s smelled a scent before than she can easily recollect that same smell when it crosses her path and where at exactly.

Range- In ideal conditions, her range is about 1.75 miles before the scent fades. About a fourth of that in the worse one.
Other- Range determines the amount of information Rach can gleam from an individual. At her limit range and in ideal conditions, she can only locate and track the target's’ movements enough to keep up. However in closer range and without any preventing magics/abilities, she can gain a more insightful data. This includes the individual’s condition, specific odor markers, what they’ve touched, what they’ve eaten, their race, where they’ve been recently, etc. Strong odors and several at once can cause extreme pain, ruining her focus and even kill her ability to gain information.

~Enhanced Touch: Her sense of touch is sensitive enough to note indentations of ink on paper, radiation off items, seismic activities and even micro voltage. She can even feel the faintest crack that’s invisible to the naked eye. Her body can sense minute changes in temperature and pressure, enabling her to predict changes in weather or atmosphere surprisingly accurately. She can even tell the intensity the closer the storm comes into her general area. She can sense a human’s body’s change in heat and their air disturbance from at least five feet away, including if an individual is alive, for how long if they’ve died, emotions (such as blushing or other emotions that increases heat), and residual heat off objects or machines.

Range- In best of the conditions, up to a mile diameter. In worse, about a fourth of that.
Other-Rach can senses these vibrations through solid substances, liquid, and even air pressure changes. However, the closer to her limited range the less details she can obtain like many of her other enhanced perception abilities.

Combative Skills

~Boxing: At a young age, Racheli learned the basics about the art of boxing. To say she mastered it is impossible as that would imply she can't improve, a fact which isn't true, so her levels haven't peaked fully. Before she was forced to give it all up, her experience level lie within what her gym classed as a Prospect and a Journeymen in the sport. She had the talent, footwork and drive, but her experience lacked heavily and that was a factor which hurt her more then the rest. Even a poor athlete could be a decent boxer if they had the experience of a champ. Her skill level now resides in Tomato Cans level though it wouldn't take her long to raise to the level of Prospect or beyond with a reason and hard training, her body fully able to recall the rhythms, strikes, and more instinctively.

Range- CQC
Other- She's extremely rusty so it will take time for her to get back into shape.


Telepathy: The virus that inhabits Rachelis’ body is able to share and communicate with her and others using Telepathy. It can project an image of its current chosen form, her father, into the outside world as long as she is conscious and aware. Beyond that, the organism hasn't shown any ability to affect the outside other than choose who will share its image and conversation with. So if it wanted to make her seem crazy, it is well within the being's ability to do so. Should any Telepathic being, magic, meta or others, attempt to read or influence Racheli’s mind (not senses) then they will be met by resistance due to the Alien’s paranoid nature. It would be like hitting a solid wall.

Range- Namely the farther away from Racheli, the weaker the power is.
Other- This ability might adapt in the future or the virus’ image will likely evolve into something outside her father's image. Only time will tell.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human-10 tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human- 20 MPH.

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours.

Agility: Normal Human- 5x human rate.

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained (Rusty if you count boxing)

Resources: Minimal

Nothing since the Riots.


Still Humanly Flawed

Despite her abilities and physical changes, she's just as kill able as normal human. She hasn’t any defense against poisons (unless they are metal based), neuro-toxins, being stabbed or shot, should they manage to get past her abilities’ defense. Any massive damage will take normal time to mend and heal unless sped along by an outside source or magic since she hasn’t any super-accelerated healing factor like some metas have. Hitting or massively damaging any major organ will have the same result as it does a human, through depending on the organ the survival rate will vary.

Slow/ Fast Progression

At the rp's start, Rach starts off as a normal, average human in the arc and will progress over IC. Depending on how often her abilities are used will affect how rapidly they grow which can vary from hours to months, even years. Unlike most heroes, she will not be fully able to use her abilities until she’s trained and gained experience in controlling which can make her a danger to herself and others when they manifest abruptly before she’s ready to handle them. Some powers will immediately come to fruition faster than she counted on causing them to cripple her rather than aid her within the moment.

Blood Wrath/Lust

Through it’s hard to fully note, Rach is always fighting an inner demon she gained from her childhood. Through the event was minor and locked away, she had developed quite a temper when riled up as well as an enjoyment for violence and blood shedding. When fully enrage Rach loses control over herself and all she can think about is beating the living shit out of the source, be it an object or a living creature. In this state she engages only in offensive and aggressive attacks rather than teamwork and control making her a danger not only to herself, but others as well. Unless she’s restrained and calmed, it’s highly possible she could kill someone one day. A thought that might very well destroy her mentally.

Ashes to Ashes

The Alien’s DNA and structure has a weakness to light and heat when outside its host, the black blood showing this by instantly combusting and evaporating when exposed to both or either of these two elements. When it bonded with Racheli, the symbiote gained a resistance to light and certain amount of heat tolerance that enable it to survive, but won’t prevent it from going back in hibernation at some levels. Depending on the Alien’s progression and how mentally Synced it is with Rach’s mental state, the temperature to put it back to stage one varies. With no sync at all, the lowest possible temperatures need to be around 200 degrees or higher. This would make Rach as powerful as a normal human, though the physical changes like black blood and colder temperatures are unable to be erased. Her abilities will be temporarily locked until the virus awakens again and infest the body, bring her powers gradually back into exist and to the power level they originally were within a few hours.

However, extreme tempers reaching thermite level will destroy the Alien as well as its host completely.

Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):

Will add as the RP goes on, though here's a few.

~Garret Shepherd: A friend from the other side of Maine and he was the one that set up Racheli's living arrangements, suggested this crazy idea as he contacted his cousin. Though Racheli was bitter about the help yet seeing no other option, she was forced to agree and keep an eye on her future roommate for him. She's currently on a plane to Lost Haven where said cousin is located and supposed to meet her at a local cafe called 'The Cozy Spot'.

~Icarus: A superhero that wears a machine suit with some serious heat, which sadly wrecked their apartment leaving Justine and herself homeless for a time. Despite the aftermath, he was critical in getting Racheli to the CDC and finally saving her life by aiding in her mind to sync up with the virus.

~Justine Shepherd: Garret’s cousin and her current roomie before the apartment incident, thankfully she got out safely. Currently both of them are trying to determine how to proceed from here.

~Mysterious woman with the sword: There’s something… familiar about her. Racheli can’t quite place it but it’s like she knows her, despite never have met her before.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Yes, do I get a treat now?!? :P

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

“Hello? Anyone there?”

Racheli felt her voice echo back, the words filled with caution and uncertainty, before she opened the door farther. It made a loud, protesting creak at her push and heightened her awareness to full blown paranoia. Something wasn't right. She could easily tell that much when she edged farther in, instinctively keeping her hand still on the door while she moved deeper into the room. It took seconds to sense something or someone watching her enter while her eyes jerked upright. The green irises scanned the shadows, struggling to locate them and causing her to glare back, peeved who ever stood silently in the darkness didn't bother to make its presence known. Turning from corner to the next, nothing moved to her human eyes.

Seconds turned into minutes, and shortly the stillness of the place was making the fine hairs along her neck back rise in alarm. Like a frighten, her breath becoming shallower as died down in volume, a faint hope it would be enough to hide her presence. It was a ridiculous thought she realize when noting the only light source came from the door right behind her. The light spotlighted her and drowned her in its pure, cold light. In her mind's assumption, it seemed to scream for her to stay within the colorless patch. It kept her calm and safe. However it also felt...wrong, almost pure cold. No warmth or heat, nothing to make it anything else but ice. Deep in her core, it was a fact that disturbed her. The reason why though escaped Racheli, her eyes fixed by the instinct to darkness, desperate to identify what frightened her. What was there? Her mind screamed at her, blaming her for her shortcomings as well as cursed the thing's existence.

“Show yourself, damn it.” She mumbled under her breath. Already her hands tightened into fists and body hunched into a defensive posture, her eyes glared about at where the lurker might've been. The light's chill sent frozen razors into her flesh and seemed to pierce her insides, almost completely freezing inside her. This wasn't right. Her mind seemed to scream again and demanding, in an impossible way, for her to make it right somehow.

A child like giggle shattered the silence.

Immediately Racheli's body twisted, facing one side toward the direction and braced with her opposite. Her feet balanced on her balls, immediately giving her more mobility while she tried to balance. It was like clockwork because the moment her body lifted, her fists had came up in a familiar boxing stance ready to jab the living daylights out the thing fucking with her. Ba-bump..ba-bump...her heart leaped into her throat, settling there, as her eyes flickered back and forth. The darkness still again. She knew it was out there, sitting and waiting, unable to convince herself there was nothing there. Something, her instinct or whatever, told her something was there and no force in heaven or hell could convince her otherwise. Seconds seemed to turn into minutes, drifting into what felt like hours while her body stayed rigid in her stance. It didn't take long for her muscle to start aching and her figure to loosen a bit, unable to take it much longer.

“This is getting ridiculous...”Racheli muttered under her breath, cursing her twitchy nerves when slowly released her ready stance.

“You shouldn't be so quick to relax.”

Racheli's head whipped around late when the color silver flashed, darting at her middle. Her body tensed when a sharp pain erupted, her lips trickled blood causing her to look down. A knife, sharp and deadly, had nailed her between the ribs. The handle lightened by the light still pouring through the open door and seemed to dull all her senses, killing her off with its numbness. Racheli's fear clawed within her when she realized her couldn't feel anything. Her eyes pulled up and peered at her attacker, her right hand clasped over the embedded weapon while the other rested on the assailant's shoulder. All color drained from her face on seeing herself looking back. The eyes dark and crazed, tainted with a greed she knew well.

The woman's words shifted in a male voice, the very one that haunted her since she was a child. “You're daddy's little girl after, aren't you?”

Racheli's eyes snapped open.

Her skin was drenched in sweat and head throbbing, her flesh the color of curled milk, from the nightmare. A shaky hand reached up to touch her temple while trying to cease the trembling. Hazily, her mind tried to recall her surroundings rapidly before she did something uncalled for. The first thing that came to mind was jumping out of her seat and bolting for the nearest exit, forgetting in an instant why she was here originally. Her heart jabbed her rib cage with each rapid beat and for a moment, she thought it was going to tear right out her chest and never calm down. The dream had been so vivid and real, her mind rattled just thinking about it. It had been a few years since she had that dream, explaining why it had scared the shit out of her. Her heart seemed ready to make a break for after the shock to her system and made her chest throb. Between her chest and head, something was bound to give as her fingers rubbing her temple for a bit. It took several minutes before the ache started to fade from her focus though, after finally realizing she was on a plane to Lost Haven, it didn't help the passenger in the side seemed to chainsawing down trees with deafening snores. She hoped this trip was going to be a freaking short one.


Jacqueline Freeman

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marik
Avatar of Marik

Marik Spam Scrublord

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character you have created: Ashley “Ash” Bailey

Alias: Krimson

Speech Color: Crimson, what else?

Character Alignment: Villain

Identity: Known

Character Personality: At this point, Ashley is deceiving herself that her actions so far have been justified, that she needed to do so to survive. While she might be a good person deep down (and she really is) it still shows that the demon Leviathan has planted his seed of corruption. Most of her morals stay untouched, as Ashley won’t kill if it can be avoided, unless it’s someone she absolutely hates. Otherwise the girl would much rather make jokes in the expense of her enemies, and loves acting snarky and sarcastic. With a loner attitude Ashley finds it difficult to trust somebody she hasn’t had a past relationship with, considering Lamar to be her one and only ally. All in all, Krimson’s just a juvenile delinquent, and her actions will most likely lead to an untimely demise.

Uniform/costume: Normally, and while out causing crimes, Ashley can be seen in street clothes. She only really becomes Krimson once her blood is drawn, at which point her skin gets covered with a fine layer of thick blood. It tends to go everywhere except the hair, but only covers her face by the eyes like a mask would. If you were to look at this blood outfit, it would be reminiscent of a ninja garb.

Origin Info/Details: Ashley Bailey was born in Miami, Florida to Allan Bailey and Linette Jones sometime in the mid to late 90’s. Two years after their first born the couple would have a baby girl named Anne, and a year after that would be the birth of their second son, Steve. Allan would work an honest living doing what he loved, building racecars, and while it didn’t bring in very much, the family was able to procure a small suburban home in Miami Beach. As a child, Ash was fairly sheltered, mostly because of his mother’s upbringing. The end result was a shy, still childish individual in a world where all the other kids had to act cool to make friends. That isn’t to say he didn’t have any; ever since the fourth grade Ash’s been tight with one other person, Lamar Williams. These two seemed like they had been separated at birth with the amount of time they spent together and their similar interests. From that moment on it was long sleepover weekends staying up all night playing video games and watching anime, their social lives be damned.

In his teens Ash would grow more jaded, going from a promising young academic to a promising young slacker. He maintained the minimal grades he needed to get booted ahead through school, and was even moved to a slow class once even though he didn’t really belong there. The faculty found him to be a pain, and his peers barely even knew he was there. It probably all came down to his bad attitude, that he was just some nobody geek. It didn’t help that this was around the time he found out that he was transgendered either, unbeknownst to the world. Punk rock and rap music would be his crutch, and Ash would either be zoning out to some rhymes or catching Z’s in class. He would still have those weekend sleepovers with Lamar, and the itinerary was still the same, only now marijuana was added to the equation.

It was around this time that Ash became involved with a group of gothic kids that always hung out in the hallways during lunch. Seeing that Ash was alone most of the time, he was approached by their leader, Vance Hunter. With nothing better to do, Ash went along with their lunchtime loitering. While he couldn’t really call these people friends, they all seemed chill enough. After months of this, Vance invited Ash over to his place for a gathering. When he arrived, the group was prepping for a satanic ritual by drawing a pentagram on the floor. Finding this hilarious, Ash decided to humor them and go along with it, only really questioning his decisions when Vance asked for his blood. Fearing his safety Ash attempted to leave, but was quickly rushed down and had his hand slashed over the pentagram. The end result was the summoning of a large Snake demon named Leviathan. Thankful for his release from hell, Leviathan would “reward” Ash by cursing his blood and leaving the other teens with nothing. He never hung out with Victor and his gang after that, and continued life normally even though he had no idea what the demon did to him.

In his later years of high school, Ash would experience the moment that would bring forth his latent powers. The trigger would be one James Kell. James was an elitist snob that made sure the whole world revolved around him. This snide rich kid had been on Ash’s case since day one. The point was, they didn’t like each other, only Kell was more upfront about it. He made a habit of throwing insults at Ash, and when Ash actually grew the balls to throw a few back, things got a bit physical, resulting in James getting a kick to the balls and both ending up in after school detention. James didn’t really like that, and decided that after they got out, he would beat the living shit out of Ash, or worse, pulling a knife and slashing Ash’s arm. Luckily Lamar had been waiting for his friend and came to aid him when he heard the shouting. They promptly beat him down, but a terrible bloodlust came over Ash, his hand’s strangely coated in the blood from his cut. Lamar wouldn’t be able to stop Ash from beating James’ body into a bloody mess, leaving Ash soaked in red that almost seemed to give his hands beastly claws. With Kell surely dead, his blood was absorbed through Ash’s wound, rejuvenating him.

Lamar could only watch in a wondrous horror, this was some type of Meta Human feat. The two laid low for a few days, and all the while Ash was afraid of bringing whatever it was that killed James out. It was about now when the voices started, telling Ash that what he did wasn’t so bad, that it was only self-defense, and maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if he did it again. Fearing the safety of his family, and quite positive that the police would find out it was them that killed James, Ash and Lamar went on the run. With little to no work experience and even less money, they would soon be homeless. In the months to pass the demonic influence coupled with disparity made the teens turn to robbing convenience stores, and while originally Ash never wanted to draw his own blood again, a few accidents would lead to the deaths of various homeless people and soon Ash found that he didn’t quite mind using his blood to get what he wanted.

Eventually the two went on a crime spree up the east coast robbing blood banks to satiate Ash’s hunger, and pharmacies for female hormones to fix his issues with his body image. Now going by she and seeing the recent demon scourge in Lost Haven, Ashley’s gained a newfound purpose to track down Leviathan and destroy him by whatever means necessary. In the meantime, the two would rent out a small apartment in Lost Haven, planning their next move.

Hero Type: Some sort of strange cross between an elemental blood bender and supernatural vampire.

Power Level: Street Level

Powers (Be Specific): So, Ashley’s blood is alive. More than that even, it’s sentient. It thinks, it feels, it speaks to her, it hungers. The increased iron in it only makes it more durable, so when it covers her body completely, it’s almost as if Ashley’s wearing some sort of armor. Not only that, but it cooperates with Ashley, tending to do whatever she says as long as she supplies more blood. If she were to make a gash on her palm she could shoot it like a whip or bullet, make her hands into claws or craft some sort of weapon out of blood, her favorite being a sword, like her signature blood katana. Constructions like her weapons and clothes can only keep their advanced shapes when in contact with Ashley, and everything else would be just be a random mass. If she ever gets banged up too much, her blood gives her some sort of accelerated healing. This can be increased somewhat by absorbing a deceased individual’s blood, and this very act even keeps Ashley young, virtually stopping the aging process is she can get enough blood.


Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: Considering Ashley’s power is connected to her blood, it doesn’t end well for her if she draws too much and it can’t get back into her body, growing constantly weaker as time goes on and eventually dying. Any blood outside of Ashley’s body would die after an hour, losing its demonic properties. Even with her accelerated healing, she would still be killed if shot enough, stabbed enough, pulverized, burned to ashes, so on and so forth. She can only absorb a person’s blood if that person has died, or if it has been separated from the body for long periods of time. Ashley is now considered some sort of demonic entity, and can fall victim to all types of holy rituals. On top of that, she can’t walk in churches, but that’s fine, she didn’t want to anyway. If Ashley doesn’t at least take in new blood on a regular basis, it may not be inclined to do her bidding, operating on a more bestial nature of survival, prone to attack blindly to quench its thirst. Also, if you keep the girl from bleeding all together, then she’s only as powerful as a normal human.

Supporting Characters: Allan Bailey (Father), Linette Jones (Mother), Anne Bailey (Younger Sister), Steve Bailey (Younger Brother), Lamar Williams (Best Friend), Vance Hunter (Gothic Gang Leader), Leviathan (Demon), James Kell (Deceased Bully)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:
“Come on man, I’ve been at the wheel all day! You know we’re only about an hour from the hospital, right? If we’re gonna be hitting that place up, you don’t want me drowsy. The least you can do is let me switch places with your hell-spawn @$$, or whatever the f&%k you said that weird blood s#!t was.” Ashley gave a good five second laugh under her breath, shaking her head back and forth as if Lamar couldn’t be any more confused than he was now, and like this wasn’t the fifth time they’ve been over this.

“Yeah no, you’re right. I’m the demon here.” She belted in an exaggerated tone, pointing a piece of red liquorish at her face before shoving the whole thing in her mouth. Between muffled chewing, the young adult continued. “Yeah, it’s not like I summoned one of the seven princes of hell and he damned my everlasting soul, corrupting my blood and having it whisper murderous thoughts to me.” Lamar’s pishaw was audible over the loud rumblings of the old two seater careening down the highway. It was clear he had no intention of believing that Ash and those goth kids were actually successful in their satanic ritual.

“I don’t know what you’ve been smoking... Look, there’s no such thing as demons, alright? Maybe that @$$hole Vance did something to you, maybe this whole blood situation you’ve got has just been there this whole time. But you can’t look me in the eyes and truthfully tell me that a sea snake appeared out of a drawing on the ground, drank your blood, and then barfed it all back inside you.” This wasn’t even funny anymore, just depressing. Ashley could only gaze out the window at the reminder of her harrowing encounter with Leviathan, and the “reward” he gave her.

“So you’re telling me that you’ll see Meta Humans on the news every day doing all sorts of fantastical s#!t, but my case isn’t valid?” Hearing some hint of seriousness in his friend’s voice, Lamar reeled back on the jokes. Seeing a chance to stop, he pulled into a roadside diner. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll see that slimy f&%k one of these days. Right now though, we’re bringing in the money. If we keep this up we’ll have enough to make Kell spin in his grave.” This elected a laugh between the two, if there was anything that would have followed Bailey from Florida, she was glad it was her friendship with Lamar. “Hey, you want a burger before we head out?” Lamar just smiled and pulled a ski mask over his face. “Yeah, let’s eat.”

Within the hour the pair rolled up to Cumberland Hospital, the bright sign bearing large blocky blue letters proclaiming it so. “How do you want to do this? Run in, guns blazing?” Lamar shook his head disapprovingly. “Where do you think they keep the blood in this place? If we do that, we’ll have cops on us before we even get what we want. Think, we’re at a hospital. Let’s say one of us needed service… you get what I’m saying?”

A bloodied Ashley slumped over Lamar’s shoulder burst through the glass double doors. Attendants rushed over to the screaming teen, stretcher at the ready. As they stumbled through the lobby they left a red trail behind them, which contrasted with the stark white environment. “You gotta help my friend! S-she’s hurt really bad, some psycho with a knife tried to kill her!” Ashley was quickly carted down the hallways of the hospital, and with all the commotion Lamar would be able to slip away, hurrying to where the facility stored the blood. By the time he arrived doctors were working quickly to help the supposed stab victim. Blood bags were loaded into a large backpack as cuts were stitched; even though blood seeped from her flesh, Ashley would gain more tenfold.

“Hey… Isn’t that…” One of the nurses peered into the room that Ashley was being stitched up in. “That’s Krimson! Call security, that’s Krimson!” Ah, of course somebody would recognize the “Blood Bandit”. With their doings plastered on the news it was practically a given. “Well s#!t...The jig’s up!” Like a geyser blood spewed from Ashley’s torso, knocking back the doctors that surrounded the table. In a crimson afterimage the red trail followed its master when she ran down the hallways back to the entrance. “We’ve been found out, high tail it back to the car!”

“Rodger that!” Lamar quickly hung up the call and slung his pack over his shoulder. Back in the white lobby the two crossed paths, the only thing standing between them and sweet freedom being the two security guards on duty at this late hour. A pistol was leveled at each of the robbers, albeit shaky at the sight of a Meta Human. “Freeze scum! Drop the bag, put your hands up and get on the ground!” Confused, Ashley asked , “Wait, you want us to stand still and get on the ground at the same time? How does that make any sense?” This only enraged the guards more, and it also made them more unaware of the thick liquid crawling up their legs. “Stand down! Get on the ground! G-get on the ground now!”

“Alright, I’m putting my hands up. Don’t shoot. I’m just gonna put my hands up… now.” With the movement, the blood oozing up each of them sprung to their guns, knocking the weapons to the ground, followed by the guards as they tried to catch their equipment. Ashley and Lamar ran at the chance, peeling off the property with their plentiful bounty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
Avatar of EnterTheHero

EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 8 days ago

Character you have created: Dr. Gabriel Cole
Alias: Icarus

Speech Color: Teal

Character Alignment: Hero

Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Gabriel is determined to a fault- if he sets a goal for himself, he will run himself ragged trying to meet said goal, even to the exclusion of all else. In fact, Gabriel is often distracted by his various "projects," to the point where he might not even notice someone else is there. Gabriel is a shy, reserved, humble individual, who is generally uncomfortable being in the spotlight. Thus, his initial foray into heroism will be somewhat awkward, though his confidence will grow as his conviction in his cause grows stronger. Gabriel genuinely believes in using his powers for a greater purpose, and such conviction will begin to show as he gains experience in the field.


Origin Info/Details: Gabriel's life was already headed for greatness, much as the very idea made him uncomfortable. A genius in the fields of physics and engineering, Gabriel was on the fast track, with a double major already under his belt and a doctorate on the way, all at the tender age of 24. But even geniuses need downtime, and one night, as Gabriel participated in his favorite pastime of stargazing far outside the city limits, something happened that would change his life forever.

A strange, glowing green meteor struck outside of Lost Haven, close to where Gabriel was trying to relax. When he went to investigate, he found a dense sphere of black metal, cold to the touch despite its reentry, covered in glowing green lines. Soon after he came into contact with the sphere, it activated, seemingly attacking the young scientist, clinging and covering him completely, until... he woke up in his apartment the next morning. Dismissing the "hostile" sphere attack as a mere dream, he went off to his classes, but something had changed. Everything seemed... slower somehow. Answers to questions in fields he'd never studied came unbidden into his mind. He walked with a new, strange balance, his movements sharper, more precise. As the days went on, the sensations grew more pronounced, until Gabriel could no longer deny that something had happened to him that night.

Determined to find the cause of his strange transformation, Gabriel found a way to confront the source- the sphere itself. Over a long period of trial and error, Gabriel grew to be aware of a second presence in his mind, that of the sphere. It introduced itself as Phylactery Device 006, a device created to acquire knowledge of different civilizations and cultures by finding a host body from amongst whatever species it landed in, and experiencing the subject's life alongside them. As time went on, and Gabriel communicated further with the Phylactery- which he dubbed Daedalus- he was amazed at the sheer depth of the knowledge that the sphere had already acquired, though due to some unknown circumstances, it carried no knowledge of who had created it, or for what purpose beyond being a store of information.

Gabriel began to experiment with the new abilities that Daedalus granted him, creating many strange and wondrous things with the Device's assistance. Though most of his creations could only be used by him (for now), the sheer weight of the advances he had already discovered could change the world, spark a new age that would make the Industrial Revolution look like a grade school science project... were it not for the fact that he lived in Lost Haven. At the very heart of the new age of metahumans, both good and evil, Gabriel knew that, no matter what he created, no matter what gifts he gave to the world, he could not cause the change in the world he wished to see by simply expecting someone else to act. He would have to act, to be the example himself, not just for Lost Haven, but for all the world to see.

So beware, all those who use their power and influence to prey on the weak- Icarus is on the rise.

Hero Type: Grey Matter/Other (alien technology augmentation)

Power Level:
ARTEFACT-01-03, World
ARTEFACT-04 and above, Cosmic


Phylactery Device 006 (Daedalus)- A sphere of nano/biometal of unknown alien origin. The Device- dubbed Daedalus- has bonded to Gabriel's body, from his skin, to his organs, all the way down to his very cells. The result is an unprecedented hybrid of man and machine, as Gabriel has complete control over the biometal that Daedalus was constructed from, allowing him to create anything from armor to weapons to vehicles and more. The metal can even mimic the properties of cloth and other textiles, without any reduction in functionality or durability. Gabriel's bond with Daedalus has granted Gabriel the following abilities:
  • Metal Manipulation/Technopathy- Gabriel has the ability to control other metal and technology aside from the Phylactery Device.
  • Metabolic Override Protocols- Gabriel heals much faster by virtue of Daedalus repairing him from the inside out.
  • Plasma/Particle Manufacture- Gabriel can generate plasma or particle-based attacks at will.
  • Hex-Feather Modules- Gabriel has six floating devices that he can summon, shaped like elongated hexagons. The Modules have several functions, such as SENTRY (surrounds and protects Gabriel), BARRIER (creates a hexagonal shield that repels attacks), ARMOR (increases durability at the cost of maneuverability), ARTILLERY (optimized for heavy plasma attacks), SNIPER (optimized for long-range particle beam attacks), and more.
  • Flight- Gabriel is capable of self-sustained flight in ARTEFACT-01 and beyond.
  • Subspace Transfer- Gabriel can summon any components for his ARTEFACT modes through subspace gates to his location at will.

Enhanced Intellect- Gabriel was already intelligent, but Daedalus has expanded his knowledge and ability to process and retain information hundreds-fold. Gabriel can learn and process information at an incredibly accelerated rate, which has afforded him a mastery of the Phylactery Device unprecedented even by former hosts.

ARTEFACT Optimization Modes- Gabriel has devised several additional functions to the Phylactery Device, allowing him to expand his offensive and defensive capabilities far beyond what either Gabriel or Daedalus could do on their own. The ARTEFACT modes known are as follows:

  • Default ARTEFACT Mode. Gabriel forms a suit of armor around himself and activates the Hex-Feather Modules.
  • Activates Plasma/Particle Manufacture, Flight, and Subspace Transfer protocols. Amplifies Technopathic and Mental Processing protocols.
  • Enables use of other ARTEFACT Modes.

  • Gabriel has built a number of dummy ICARUS drones that he can summon and direct at will in this phase.
  • LEGION drones can be called from any location to Gabriel's side through Subspace Transfer.
  • LEGION drones have similar abilities to the main ICARUS unit, though they are not as powerful or durable. Still not to be trifled with.
  • Gabriel can expand his awareness through any or all of his active LEGION drones, giving him unparalleled battlefield control.
  • Severely damaged or otherwise incapacitated drones are returned to Gabriel's base of operations for repairs and re-fabrication.

  • Summons and sleeves into an additional flight harness, resembling a massive six-winged draconic humanoid, which increases his flight capabilities far beyond default ICARUS capabilities.
  • Amplified "Heavy" Hex-Feather Modules available in this Mode, optimized for ARMOR, ARTILLERY, BARRIER, and SENTRY functions.
  • Heavy Hex-Feather Modules somewhat less responsive than default model, due to being optimized for more cumbersome functions.
  • Somewhat cumbersome on the ground- optimal for continued, sustained flight.

  • Flash-fabrication of four additional arms (resulting in six total) for the purposes of load-bearing, combat maneuvers, and other such strategies.
  • Ability limiters disengaged, dramatically increasing power output and ARTEFACT functionality.
  • Dramatic increase to speed, strength, agility, and energy/plasma/particle manufacture capabilities.
  • Durability beyond ARMOR Hex-Feather function.
  • Limited Hex-Feather capabilities while ARTEFACT-04 is active.
  • Sustained use of ARTEFACT-04 can lead to strain or injury due to limiter disengage.

  • ...
  • .........
  • ...........................
  • ERROR: No information available on function ARTEFACT-05: BEAST


Strength Level:
-ARTEFACT-01-02, 25 tons
-ARTEFACT-03, 70-80 tons
-ARTEFACT-04, 100+ tons
-ARTEFACT-05, capabilities unknown
Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
-ARTEFACT-01-02, 100+ MPH
-ARTEFACT-03-04, Supersonic/possible relativistic capabilities
-ARTEFACT-05, capabilities unknown
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort:
-ARTEFACT-01-03, 5+ hours
-ARTEFACT-04, <1 hour
-ARTEFACT-05, capabilities unknown
-ARTEFACT-01-02 10X Human Level
-ARTEFACT-03-04, 20X Human level.
-ARTEFACT-05, capabilities unknown
Intelligence: Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Large


Gabriel is loath to use any of Daedalus' functions aside from those offered by ARTEFACT-01, due to the severe risk of collateral damage and civilian casualties. Expect him to use higher functionality only in situations where such risks are greatly diminished or eliminated, or if the threat he faces is so great as to require it of him.

Gabriel's greatest weakness is his laboratory/factory/base of operations, known as The Forge. It is here that all of Gabriel's devices and components related to higher ARTEFACT functions are stored. It has only come to be due to a concentrated effort over the past year toward dedicating resources to the Daedalus nanites that were constructing The Forge. Were this location to be destroyed or otherwise compromised, it would be a crippling blow to Gabriel's effectiveness as a hero. Thankfully, its location is well-secured.

Gabriel also has a glaring weakness to magic, as he does not understand it well, nor can he use it himself.

Supporting Characters:
  • Racheli Desdemona- A newly-born Hybrid that Gabriel met during the Riots. Gabriel is helping her to control her newfound powers, one step at a time.
  • Justine Shepherd- A metahuman friend of Racheli's, Gabriel is assisting her in ensuring Rach's safety.
  • Director Noah- A mysterious individual who has his eye on Gabriel for unknown purposes. Has yet to reveal himself in-story (CS soon to come)
  • More to be added depending on how the story progresses.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post:

From the journal of Dr. Gabriel Cole

What an eventful year it's been. Graduated with honors, found a prestigious job at a good university, got an alien superweapon grafted to my cells. A banner year, in my opinion.

Heh. Daedalus always dislikes it when I call him a weapon. He says he only manufactures weapons, not that he is one. I'm inclined to agree, but it's more fun to rile him up sometimes. He's still too much of a machine for his own good.

I still find it a little odd that I've begun to think of him as... well, a him. When we first bonded together, he barely had a consciousness, let alone an identity that would, in his words, "accept a designation." Perhaps the program develops a personality as it maintains contact with another consciousness? I'll posit the theory to him later, though I don't think I'll get much of anywhere- he doesn't remember much about what created him or for what purpose. Enough to know what he is, but not why he is, if you will. Still, it couldn't hurt to try.

On another note, The Forge is finally running at full operational capacity. I've got a decent handle on all of the ARTEFACT modes, though I don't think I'll find anything too far beyond what ICARUS or, if necessary, LEGION are capable of. We'll just have to see, though. I didn't make 03 and 04 to sit there and look pretty. Or 05, for that matter, though that one needs... further testing, before I decide to field it. Even Daedalus isn't certain just what it is we've created in making it.

...I feel like I should be more afraid of what it is I'm doing. What it is I'm going to do. It's not every day that someone decides to be a superhero, though you wouldn't know it living here. Moreover, there are certain implications in my work that concern me greatly. It started when I was constructing 02, but it wasn't until 05 was almost finished that a thought hit me.

Once, my greatest wish was that one day, the world might know peace long enough for me to share this technology with the world. Right now, that's impractical, as most of what I've made is... weapons. There are some practical applications, sure- LEGION and CHARIOT in particular. But even those are hindered by certain factors. First of all, until I can figure out how to disengage Daedalus' genetic key, I am the only one who can use this technology, until I find a way to reverse-engineer or otherwise make it available. But even if I do, I'm not sure anyone but me- or someone like me- could use it. Even something as innocuous as CHARIOT wouldn't be of any use to a normal human, as they don't have the kind of durability I have to be able to use it. LEGION is even worse. Even if someone could survive having their mind stretched so thin across all of LEGION's platforms without snapping, the resulting sensory overload would fry their brain in their skulls.

A normal human is incapable of using these gifts I've wrought. So why is it that I can use them?

"because you're not human. not anymore."


That's what Daedalus told me when I asked him that question. The implications are... unsettling. For now, it's a moot point, but someday, that day of peace I once so desired will come. The question is whether or not I want it to anymore. I'm less sure now. My creations can only be used by me, or someone like me. If I really want to share my "gifts" with the world, I will have to make the world like me. I will have to make them... more than human. Some might say that wouldn't be such a bad thing. I am fit, strong, capable. My awareness of the world is beyond superhuman, and unimaginable power dances at my fingertips. My body is resistant to disease, injury... I'm not even sure if I age anymore. Some might say that the world deserves to have that power. That everyone deserves to change, "for the better."

Ultimately, the question is whether or not I have the right to decide that everyone should change. When the time comes, and I have not just the power, but the opportunity to change the world... should I?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Loud Angry Dead
Avatar of Loud Angry Dead

Loud Angry Dead The Rebelliously Law-Abiding Citizen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character you have created: Exekiel Law
Alias: Predator
Speech Color:
Human Form
Demon Form

Character Alignment: Walking the Line

Identity: Secret

Character Personality:
Exekiel is very much an inconspicuous individual. He participates rather actively in his community and tends to hang around many different circles of people. Despite this he is pretty much a background character in most situations. Honestly, he only appears to be an active and involved member society and lacks any real close relationships to those around him. Exekiel seemingly exudes an aura of unobtrusiveness that allow even long time neighbors to easily bypass him on the street without recognition. He has a penchant for being very passive and lets most slights go with an almost graceful apathy as he views most conflicts to be due to miscommunication or not worth the effort. Humble and modest, he avoids the spotlight and strives almost exclusively to be just under extraordinary. This partly due to his character and partly due to his nature as a half demon of the Envy sub-type. Doomed to constantly envy others for their gifts and be endlessly overshadowed by their achievements.

In high stress situations, Exekiel will shed his passivity as his survival instincts will often kick in. While he will not take the lead, he will often take the best course of action that will allow him to walk out of the situation alive. However, it is when he goes into his demon form, Predator, that he will become aggressive and almost primal in nature. He relies more on instinct born of experience. While not cruel or malicious, Predator's reaction to force and intimidation is explosively violent and ruthless. He will often turn the tables on his enemies through use of fear and cunning as he switches from being the hunted to the hunter. Even in this form his top priority is survival and adaptation. If he is losing a battle, Predator does not see it as cowardly to escape and return later with a better plan. He may choose to extend mercy if he comes out victorious over his prey, but he is just as likely to kill them if he deems them too much of a threat to live.

Exekiel, and therefore Predator, walks the razor's edge of right and wrong. He strives to avoid too much publicity while staking out territory around the darker paths of Lost Haven and letting rumors float about of a monster that hunts for the evil in the night. Though he does not identify himself as a good guy, he does not agree with the criminal element nor does he care for those who seek to harm needlessly. As a result of these many factors, Exekiel lives a rather solitary life and is often consumed with loneliness. He accepts this painful disconnect from others as a necessary consequence.

Predator has no costume or uniform. In fact most people would never see him in all his terrible majesty. His form is rather malleable and his evolutions often will lead to additions of features. Overall, his current form has him standing about 7 feet 8 inches when he straightens up completely. He has a shaggy platinum mane the reaches from his crown to midway down his back. His eyes burn red and seem to seethe with barely contained rage. Predator's face is distinctly reptilian with obviously draconian features. He has several rows of sharp teeth contained within powerful jaws. His scales cover him from head to toe and seem to blend into shadowy darkness.

Predator's two powerful long arms terminate in five wicked talons each with corded muscle winding up to his broad massive shoulders. A deep, wide chest narrows down to the waist sharply with clearly defined musculature. Two large spikes erupt out of his shoulder blades and curve out above his head on either side. Thick thighs just out from his pelvis and turn into inverted knees with 6 inch curved talons coming out from the backs of them. Wide sturdy toes terminate into yet more razor sharp talons that allow him to grip the ground firmly. Finally, he usually sports a thick tail that is usually about half as long as he is tall.

Origin Info/Details:
Exekiel was born of an unfortunate union between his unknown demonic father and his human mother, Aria Law. There was clearly no love in the relationship as the circumstances leading to his conception was not consensual. Aria was actually volunteered as a sacrifice to summon said demon by her own cultist father and mother at the sweet age of 17. It ended up in catastrophic bloodbath as the summoned demon was rather irate at being called forth yet again by cultists. It only spared the sacrificial girl because it saw an opportunity to sow discord and chaos through an avatar of sorts. The demon forced her to carry to term upon threatening to not only kill off her friends but using them as vessels instead if she didn't cooperate.

At first, Aria resented the half hell-spawn being carried by her, but she changed her mind once an extremely normal looking beautiful baby boy was born. He had her chocolate brown hair and her verdant green eyes and none of the demonic features she feared would be present. She knew that she could not allow her child to be corrupted by her demon captor. A rather quiet and obedient child even as a babe, not a sound was made as Aria escaped from her prison while a rather convenient confrontation occurred between a demon hunter, who had caught wind of the cultist massacre, and her captor,

Several years were spent on the run as Aria did her best to raise her child while looking for work to provide basic necessities. Despite her best efforts it was all for naught. The demon had found them when Exekiel was a mere 10 years of age. She died valiantly shielding her child from the infernal father. To an extent, Exekiel knew of his half blooded state because Aria though it best that he grew up knowing the burden that he naturally carries due to his father's influence. She wanted to prepare him for the eventuality in which is demonic heritage would manifest.

Exekiel's father would take over in educating the young boy on his heritage as well as his assumed destiny. The lessons were as harsh as they were intuitive. He found out that he was an Envy type demon; a sort of super soldier breed created to strengthen hell's army. Envy type demons were among the weakest breeds starting out, but would quickly surpass other types by leaps and bounds if given the opportunity. Resentment and vengeance kept Exekiel sharp and ready to strike his father when he least expected it. Though he couldn't kill his father since he was immortal, Exekiel weakened his father's physical form enough to force his banishment to hell.

Alone completely in a world that did not want him nor acknowledged his existence as real at times, Exekiel rebuilt some semblance of a life in Lost Haven. He chose to keep himself active in the world but separate from it still. He created Exekiel Law from various obscure official records that his mother gathered for his benefit. Ironically, his demon father also provided a hefty nest egg for him to draw on to build his pseudo life. Once his human life was set up, Exekiel started working on mastering his demonic powers. He would not allow something so banal as blood heritage to control his destiny. He would definitely wreak havoc on the world, but it would be on his terms and to those of his choosing.

Seeing the unfortunate difficulties that his mother had to suffer through in the poorer places around town, Exekiel determined that he would reign in the darkness around town. He would make the underworld quake in fear for their lives. For the monsters that stalked and hunted the downtrodden people would soon find that they are no longer the apex predators. Hell itself will open for the criminal element and consume them. As a hunter once said, "Even monsters can be made to fear."

Hero Type:

Power Level:
B. City Level

Shape-shifting - Predator can adjust his height, weight, mass, and physical characteristics to anything up to 3 times larger or smaller than him. This includes inanimate objects as well as living beings. However, if he wishes to function as said inanimate object, he needs an in-depth understanding of it. For example, Predator can appear in the likeness of a gun, but without proper understanding of the mechanisms that allow the gun to function, some random person couldn't pick him up and fire him as such. This is not applicable to humans but extraterrestrials as well as relatively obscure or unknown creatures will also suffer this lack of detail. This skill can also be used to add limbs and appendages as needed; such as wings, a tail, horns, etc.

Regeneration - Predator is rather difficult to injure at this point in his evolution. However, for the many possible occasions where someone or something proves capable of damaging him, he falls back on his regenerative capabilities. This particular aspect of his powers is still developing and is rather dependent on his Life Drain power currently.

Life Drain - Predator naturally absorbs life energy from the creatures around him. This can be reduced or even turned off in order to avoid harming those around him. This life drain is impartial to any life form. If they are alive or are emitting life-like energy, it will feed into Predator's power.This power is collected and then used to aid in his evolution to the next level. Predator may choose to consciously use this power to drain defeated opponents rapidly to force himself into the next evolutionary cycle. Though it is rarely lethal, Predator can literally suck the life out of a person if they are incapacitated and weak. This also feeds into his regeneration.

Enhanced Senses - Predator can see in the dark as if it were day and is particularly sharp like an eagle. His sense of smell is strong enough to track someone up to a mile away. His hearing is specially selective and allows him to filter out certain sounds in his brain as less imperative to process. The process is comparable to tuning a radio for certain frequencies. He additionally has an extra sense that allows him to notice when he is being watched or focused on.

Hellfire - Predator can conjure and use to extreme prejudice the mythical powers of his demonic heritage. Hellfire traditionally appears as a particularly ever-burning fire that cannot be extinguished by normal means. However, with some willpower and imagination, Hellfire can be manipulated into something more than a slightly more effective fireball or infernal flamethrower. As a result, Predator can create flame walls, flame fists, and even concentrate it into a deadly demonic beam of high energy.

Infernal Scales - Many demons have tough hides that deflect normal blades and mundane weapons. Predator's skin and subsequently his body toughens as he continues to adapt and evolve. Theoretically, his body can eventually evolve to the point where he would be able to withstand even a nuclear strike. That is if he manages to survive that long. At the moment, he can shrug off bombs and even magical attacks to some extent. Bullets, fire, and mundane weapons have no effect on him.

Evolution - Predator is an ever evolving and changing demon of the Envy sub-type. As he encounters new situations, he makes small adjustments to his form and skill set to adapt and survive. Every so often, he will enter a cocoon-like stasis where all of his experiences and knowledge gained since his last evolution will be accumulated and mixed with the power he gained through his successful conquests. From anywhere between a full day and several days, Predator's entire being will undergo vast improvements to better suit his future encounters. Once the metamorphosis is complete, he will emerge more powerful and superior to his old form. Though Predator prefers to not take too many unique traits from other beings, he may adapt or mimic certain powers he manages to gain an understanding of or research thoroughly. This won't let him master space time or cast magic or suddenly be able to use psychic powers, but he can gain new heightened senses or adapt to harsher environments. It would also allow him to develop resistances to new attacks.


Strength Level: 50 Tons

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 70 MPH

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 Hours

Agility: 10X

Intelligence: Genius

Fighting Skill: Untrained

Resources: Average

Weaknesses: Generally, artifacts designed to indiscriminately target demonic entities or have broad interpretations of evil tend to affect Predator. In his human form the effects are reduced to an extent but will still hold sway over him. Since he is half demon, he is mortal and subject to death. Time will eventually claim him if nothing else. All other weaknesses will only remain so until he evolves past them. Divine energies will always be the most effective method of attack against him even if he manages to somehow gain some resistance through evolution. Predator also experiences various degrees of discomfort near holy relics and sanctuaries.

Supporting Characters: Exekiel doesn't enjoy the luxury of having friends and family.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yes

Sample Post:

There was no reprieve tonight. Exekiel's soul was heavy with grief and weariness as he came across yet another casualty of the gang war that was raging across the streets. Turf wars were not unusual in this part of town and it wasn't uncommon for a bystander to get caught up in it by chance. This time it was a young boy.

"Can't have been more than 10 or 11 years old..." murmured Predator as his massive frame was hunched over the child's body.

The half demon did not deign to touch the corpse of that unfortunate extinguished life. He had no power over the dead and he could not heal the wounded. Even if the child somehow survived it was unlikely he'd receive medical help in the middle of a turf war this intense. Paramedics were brave not suicidal. Predator raised his massive head and inhaled the muggy night air deeply. His mind sorted the various scents that flooded his advance olfactory senses.

"Gun powder, blood, gasoline, wine, beer, excrement, urine..." thought out the demonic hunter as he cataloged each individual scent and determined roughly how far away they originated.

Predator took one last glance at the departed child and huffed in frustration. So called heroes fight their designated evil foes. The real evil was far more ephemeral and pervasive. It consumed good men and women and turned them into thugs and drug addicts. Tonight would be a long one and the next night after that. It was lucky that he required so little sleep and rest. Those he hunted would not be so lucky. He melted into the shadows and loped off after the nearest gun fight raging over a few blocks to the west. He wasn't interested in small prey this time. The street soldiers were expendable fodder in the greater scheme of things. He needed the Jefes. The Capos. They obviously chose to show up personally this time. He would make an example of them. The Monsters who hid amidst humans.

"It's time to expand my territory." declared Predator in his deep gravelly voice tinged with something otherworldly.

A soul chilling roar, filled with rage and a promise of great suffering, tore through the night like a jagged knife. Gangbangers dropped to the ground as they suddenly felt terror unlike anything they'd ever imagined rip through them. Hardened men who spent years in prison and killed men for trifles felt their blood run cold at the thought of meeting whatever managed to produce such a sound. The demon was out to reap souls in abundance this night. Monsters would be made to fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VATROU
Avatar of VATROU

VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character you have created: Eva ‘Mouse’ Walsh
Alias: None yet

Speech Color This

Character Alignment: Hero in training

Identity: Secret/Known Will be known later, to start it’s a secret.

Character Personality: Eva is a troublemaker, who likes to party. She has dropped out of Highschool and is active on the rave scene. She shirks her chores and has an estranged relationship with her parents. Now after a tremendous weight has been placed squarely on her shoulders she begins to question her life choices which marks a turning point in her life. She will soon learn that there is more to life than partying as she searches for clues regarding the identities of the Murderers who killed her friends, while she grieves over her loss.

Uniform/costume: Her current clothes are a hoodie and bikini underneath. But will change to hoodie, shirt and pants. I based the character somewhat off of this image. She is a normal seventeen year old girl, with dyed hair and piercings. Natural hair color is brown, blue eyes, and of average height.

Excalibur would look somewhat like this.

Origin Info/Details: After Breaking into the American Museum of Natural History, via a borrowed key card. Eva and her friends surprisingly had a easy time setting up for a Flash Rave something that would only last thirty or so minutes before the Police were able to mobilize. However the real reason the Museum was quiet was because Eva and her friends were not alone, masked thieves had already killed the guards and began stealing ancient artifacts. Eva who tried to protect herself reached for what appeared to be a fossilized relic. Upon blocking the attackers who had gotten what they came for fled, and the stone which entrapped the sword crumbled to the floor. Where a Ghostly figure revealed the sword to be the Legendary Excalibur.

Hero Type (Select one): Normal

Power Level (Select one below): It’s really a combination of the two. The sword is only as good as the wielder and although mystical the wielder is only human.

A. Street Level (Ex. Punisher, Daredevil)
B. City Level (Ex. Spider-Man, Cyclops)

Powers (Be Specific): The Sword Excalibur is endowed with a variety of powers, It can cut any man-made object barring any alien or otherworldly materials. It will blind foes upon it being drawn from it’s sheathe. It is nigh unbreakable by any weapon forged by man, with the exception of other mystical weapons and those not from earth. The sheathe itself has powers as well, giving the wielder the ability of temporarily invulnerability, the wielder can be injured but will not bleed from wounds, nor can they be dismembered. And in case the wielder needs to recall the sword it is magically linked to whomever owns the sword, both halves the blade and the sheathe are required for ownership and for the teleportation to work. Apart the blade will remain where is was laid.

Attributes (Select one at each category):

Strength Level: Normal Human

Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human

Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human

Agility: Normal Human

Intelligence: Below Average

Fighting Skill: Untrained - In training

Resources: Minimal

Weaknesses: She’s Human, although she is immune to dismemberment and bleeding. Fire will kill her, so too will poison, drowning et cetera.

Supporting Characters Her estranged parents Reuben and Amber Walsh, and her Aunt Briley Patton. And her diseased friends Julius ‘Rave Master’ Sloan, Leon Hurst, and Shari Conway.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yup.

Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines):

11:48 PM Museum of Natural History. “Come on, it’s just ahead.” Eva, Leon and Shari followed just behind Julius as they carried a number of amplifiers and boxes along with them. Julius’s plan was simple sneak in during the Guard shift set up quickly ahead of the partygoers who were on their way for a flash Rave, an idea Julius had. Get in a back door using a lifted keycard from one of his buddies party for thirty minutes or so then bug out. All the police would find was a trashed storeroom filled with uncatalogued artifacts and more plastic cups then they’ve ever seen before. He had it all planned out for a strung out druggie, and to Shari’s surprise it was far too easy.

“Were in, were in. We don’t have much time. Leon find an outlet, Shari keep an eye out on the door. Eva help me bring the rest of the boxes in. We need more cups, chips and booze.”

Leon rushed around checking the walls, while Shari nervously waited by the door. “Julius you sure this will work out? I mean this is a museum, a big one! You’d think there’d be more guards or cameras.”

Relax Shari.” Eva spoke calmly. “We’re here in between shifts, there’s no one watching the cameras.

“I.. I just don’t know Eva, there’s just something wrong about this. I can’t explain it.”

“Found the outlets!! Julius give me a hand with the equipment.”

“Eva bring in the rest of the stuff the party starts in five!”

As I nodded and ran back to the car, I stopped just for a moment as a sound caught my attention. Like footprints though not nearly as pronounced. No, nothing I thought as I opened the car trunk and reached inside grabbing a banana box filled with food. I tossed a few smaller ones on top before closing the trunk and heading back inside.

When I walked up to the door I spoke out.”Hey Shari give me a hand here will ya?” A second passed while I entered the room and looked about.”Shari, Leon, Julius!!? Come on guys it’s no time to be playing around.. We.. Oh. My. God!” The boxes I held dropped to the floor as bloodstains splattered the walls. The panic and fear gripped my voice as I called out again.”SHARI! LEON! JULIUS! Wher..

From behind me the door closed and a arm thick as a tree grabbed me by my hoodie and tossed me into a rack.

“Another unaccounted guest, this one will not hinder our work.” The hulking figure spoke as others came in from the shadows.

“Finish it quick, we need you to help the rest of us look.”

He turned his gaze back to me.”She won’t take long at all.”

I scrambled back into the metallic rack, covered in blood. My own, my friends? I.. I looked to see him stretched out to me hand poised to snap my neck. My hands reached back fumbling over vases and stone tools, until I grabbed what I thought was a stick or was it a club, it felt hard as if made of stone. I swung it at him hitting his shin.

He acted as if it hadn’t fazed him in the slightest. But I could feel it, his anger penetrated my soul, like his eyes burned right through me. He slammed down with his fist pounding the club into me and cracking the floor. I felt the wind leave my chest completely and my own eyes were so heavy, they were being pulled down against my will. I saw him in that moment smiling as he walked away, and a light flashed before me.

Next thing I knew I awoke and just in front of me a specter wearing old clothes and a crown was shaking my body.

Awaken! Awaken already!! Quickly now you must flee!!

I groggily looked about to see the room engulfed in flames. My bones felt as if they were glass, I was overcomed with fear, desperation. I wanted to scream at the sight of the Ghost, of the fire.

Young Miss! Young Miss! Eva!! Get a hold of yourself, you’ll burn. Take the sword, it will protect you. Do not let it leave your grasp!!

How do you know..

Eva! Now is not the time. Take the sword. And hurry!!

The Ghost confused me more than the fire, my assailants. This night just couldn’t be real none of it could. The Ghost spoke of a sword and as I looked about I saw no such thing. But clinched in my hand was no other than the sword he spoke of. I didn’t remember holding a sword. But it was there sure as day. I stood to my feet limping away, I could feel the heat liking my back. The pain felt unbearable, I shouldn’t be walking I must be dead, I have to be dead. The cracking of the flames tore the walls down to my left, my right and all around me.

You must hurry Eva! Before the flames consume you!

The door seemed so close now, the handle was just in reach. But I couldn’t lift my arm. It was then the door flew open as the Ghost blasted it aside. I fell to the ground as I lost all the feeling in my legs.

Just a little farther Eva. Crawl if you must.

Strange, I should be afraid of this Ghost. But his words were so familiar so comforting. The concrete tore my skin up I could see the flesh under my skin. But no blood, not a drop. As I managed to crawl to saftey. I looked up at the Specter. “Who, are you?

I shall answer my King. I am Arthur Pendragon. Former King of Camelot. And you who have broken the curse sealing my sword, your sword. Excalibur. Is the rightful King of England.

Kin...g” I said with my last breaths before everything went blank. The sounds and sights gone as I passed out.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Please note these details may change in the future as the RP advances. All the powers available to her are not necessarily known, but the ones listed are for sure known/available, even if she may not be aware of them yet.

Character you have created:
Name: Justine Shepherd
Alias: Myth/Mythica

Speech Color: B799CD|MediumPurple

Character Alignment: Hero
Identity: Secret

Character Personality:


This will of course include a mask, or possibly a black cloak and cowl.

Origin Info/Details:

Hero Type: Mystic/Supernatural - Magical Weapon

Power Level: 2 - City Level, currently. Could scale upward to World or Cosmic level, depending on the needs of the story.

Powers (Be Specific):
  • Almost all powers Justine has stem from the magical sword Edgewind, and require the transformation the sword brings on. A few may be used without transformation. One power is available to Justine even without her sword, or being transformed, so long as she is it's champion.
  • Edgewind
  • Teleportation:
  • Flight
  • Transformation
  • Superhuman Strength - When transformed by the power of Edgewind, Justine's power is significantly increased. She gains the ability to lift nine to ten tons and carry over five tons.
  • Enhanced Durability - The sword provides Justine with enhanced durability, able to soak up two to three times more punishment than compared to an average human. A bullet to the head, or a blade through the neck is still lethal, and she may be killed by any other normal means, but it simply takes more. When not transformed she does not enjoy as much vitality.
  • The Sight - Due to the magical attunements provided, and her perceptions aided by the sword, Justine gains the power to See the Invisible, this includes astral constructs, spirits, ghosts, beings rendered invisible by magic or psionics, or other powers, usually as a ghostly image with distinct outlines. This may function with or without the sword so long as she is it’s champion.
  • Healing Touch - The sword has the power to heal almost any wound, especially for average humans and may do so 10x per 24 hours. This is magical healing which means no scarring, bones are fixed immediately. Only wounds created by cosmic, divine, or magical attacks may leave scars and even then those are minor. May heal herself or others.
  • Invisiblity: Superior
  • Words of Truth
  • Lightning Stroke
  • Mystic Shield

Skills and Notable Abilities:
  • Gymnastics & Freerunning - Justine is a skilled gymnast and runner, and has gotten into the sport/hobby of free-running or parkour. Usually viewed as a boy's activity, she has found she rather enjoys the challenges and physical activity. It also gives her high agility when pursuing or fleeing from foes and allows her to handle falls and throws well, and gives her access to an array of acrobatic maneuvers.
    Martial Artist - Justine has been raised from a young age to not be a victim, learning in several different styles and methods of fighting, empty handed as well as with edged, impact, and flexible weapons.
  • Kickboxing
  • Fencing
  • Investigation & Research

  • Strength Level: Normal human (But upper limit of human capability. Can carry 600 lbs (briefly, using mostly her legs), and lift 1,200 lbs (briefly)) when not transformed. Can lift 10 tons and carry five when transformed.
  • Speed/Reaction Timing Level:
    • Reaction time: Approximately 2x faster than avg human, high nerve conduction velocity naturally (.07 seconds for basic, .15 sec for complex)
    • Speed: 22 mph running speed, natural & trained - bestowed with teleportation - 5 mile range, 24x per minute (about every 2.5 seconds), comes out to mach 7.5 roughly if traveling line of sight and measured over time, otherwise instant point-to-point
  • Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human/3 Hours
  • Agility: 3x to 5x more agile than normal human with physical body. Teleportation significantly increases this.
  • Intelligence: IQ of 150 - high average, low genius
  • Fighting Skill: Trained - Martial Artist, kickboxer and fencer/swordswoman (may rise to mastered over time)

Resources: Not sure how you want to gauge this.

Weaknesses: None, per se, other than typical human frailties. May be ageless and immortal while possessing the sword, and championing the cause of light (unknown).

Supporting Characters: (Also see contacts listed in Resources)

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: I already did, didn't I?


Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by nitemare shape
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nitemare shape GM of Create A Hero and Star Wars: Legacies

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Screen Name:Nitemare Shape

Character you have created:Forsaken

Alias: none Speech Color: N/A

Character Alignment: Villain Identity: Secret

Character Personality: Cold and calculating, Forsaken by nature is always cool and calm, yet just under the surface boils an undeniable anger. He expects the very best from those who serve under him, and nothing less will suffice. He uses his intimidating stature to coerce people into doing what he wants, yet is not afraid to get his hands dirty, in fact, he rather relishes the chance to take someone's life. Believes in victory through overwhelming force, will use anything at his disposal to completely overpower a foe. Does have a desire to rule over the weak, and is willing do whatever it takes to accomplish his goals.
Uniform/Costume: See Below

Origin Info/Details:The man known only as Forsaken wasn't always a bad guy, like everyone else, he was simply trying to make his way in the world. But that all changed when a secret society known only as The Coven chose to use him as their pawn in what they felt was an inevitable war. Looking to create the perfect weapon, The Coven abducted him, genetically altering him and giving him powers that he could not even imagine. Although the experiments were for the most part a success, while he did become proficient with his new found power and became masterful fighter, able to hold his own with the best that the Coven had to offer, the toll that the experiments took on his body as well as his mind were quite unfortunate, though not entirely unexpected. He was severely deformed, and as a result, he chose to hide those deformities behind a mask. His mind was also fractured, and for several years suffered hallucinations that could only be described as living nightmares. Because of this, he was locked away in a sensory deprivation chamber which essentially held him in a form of suspended animation. However, he was strong willed and was able to overcome his psychosis during his imprisonment. At first he was embittered by his circumstances and felt the need to get retribution. However, eventually he came to the realization that the best way to take his revenge was by taking control of The Coven, and using it for his own ends. He developed a plan, and knew that it was only a matter of time before he would be implementing it. Eventually, the man now known only as Forsaken was able to escape from his confines, and immediately went to work in exacting his revenge. He was able to hunt down and exterminate the leadership of The Coven. When they were dead, he gave the remaining Coven members a choice- Join him, or die. With an army of his own, Forsaken reorganized The Coven into the mysterious organization known only by a few as The Crimson Talon. From there he returned to his ancestral homeland of Charonia, where he and the Crimson Talon took control of the small nation. After assassinating the Charonian Prime Minister and executing the nation's Senate, he alone was left to rule the country, as well as it's vast reserve of the volatile and rare metal Chromanium.

Power Level: World

Powers: Enhanced strength and agility. Telekinesis (able to move objects with his mind, even able to mimic flight with this ability), Pyrokinesis, energy reflection and has shown traces of psychic ability, is also able to form weapons of pure psionic energy which most commonly manifests as a sword or battle axe, but is not limited to those forms.He is able to withstand high amounts of damage.

Strength Level: undisclosed
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 10x's normal human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours
Agility: 10x's normal human
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Large

Weaknesses: Can be distracted and lose focus. In the heat of battle he can sometimes allow his anger to overwhelm him and lose control. Also can be arrogant and can underestimate his foes. And though he is able to withstand high amounts of damage, he is not invulnerable and is able to be wounded, and even killed.

Supporting Characters:

Allura- High ranking member of the Crimson Talon, consort to Forsaken. One of the inner circle of the Crimson Talon

Helos- A living android. Able to access most computer networks with just a thought, this powerful cybernetic lifeform is as deadly as it is cunning.

Shani- One of Forsaken's most trusted associates. Beautiful and deadly, one of the world's elite assassins

Omnus- The general of Forsaken's vast army. Possesses tactical expertise that is unmatched. Because of this uncanny knack for strategy and knowing his enemy, some of those under his command have come to believe that his abilities are of a supernatural variety. One of the inner circle of the Crimson Talon. The father of Allura.

Eternity- Rumored to have lived for over 1,000 years, though other rumors claim he is much older. Forsaken's most trusted advisor. One of the inner circle of the Crimson Talon.

Forsaken also commands an elite unit of shock troopers that are made up of former Charonian Republic Guards as well as elite Crimson Talon soldiers.

Various underlings and foes who will be described when introduced

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:

Sample Post: The man known only as The Forsaken stood at the balcony that overlooked the cavernous subterranean headquarters of the Crimson Talon. He watched as his Elite Guard; a squadron of his very best soldiers, each man fiercely loyal to him almost to a fanatical level, each willing to give his life for their leader, went through drills to sharpen their already impecable skills. As he watched his men, the slightest of smiles formed beneath his mask. He knew that these men were feverishly devoted to him, and would make the necessary sacrifices to ensure that his goals were attained. He knew that he needed such devotion. From the very beginning, Crimson Talon had been a secretive organization. One that had been thought to be little more than an urban legend by most, and spoken about in hushed tones by those that knew better. For years, Forsaken was content to stay hidden, to quietly consolidate his power from the shadows. However, in recent months things had changed. Events had taken place that would soon force him, and the entire Crimson Talon into the light. Other organizations had come into power and interfered with his plans, organizations like the accursed CHIMERA, as well as an organization that has managed to stay as deep within the shadows as Crimson Talon had. Soon, very soon, he would lead Crimson Talon into the light, and nothing would ever be the same again. As Forsaken continued to watch his troopers perform their drills, he suddenly became aware that he was no longer alone. By the sounds of the footfalls that hesitantly approached him, he knew that Diedrich, one of his most trusted advisors was making his way toward him. The man feared him, and rightfully so. Forsaken had proven to his men time after time that he was a man to be feared. And he used that fear to his advantage. There was a time, soon after he had taken control of The Coven, and had gone about reorganizing it into the Crimson Talon that he was not truly feared. He had is detractors, those who did not think that he was capable of leading such an ambitious enterprise, and had hoped to turn his forces against him. Obviously, their plans had failed. He had dealt with them swiftly, and harshly- eliminating them in the most gruesome manners imaginable. Some of the men he was forced to terminate were some of the best men in his organization, and it had set him back slightly in the short term, but their failed coup had given him something far more valuable than anything else they could have contributed to his organization. Fear. His men feared him, above all else...and he wouldn't have it any other way. Fear was a great motivator, and it kept those under him in line. It forced anyone foolish enough to even entertain the thought of another attempted coup to reconsider even before the seeds for action had been planted. However, he found that on occasion, they needed a reminder. "My lord, I bring you...less than good news." Diedrich said, carefully choosing his words as not to draw the ire of his commander. "Indeed?" Forsaken asked, his patience growing suddenly thin. "I'm afraid so, my lord. It seems that the ship carrying the armaments we had recently purchased was boarded off of the American coast. The ship and her cargo were confiscated and her crew were...detained." "I see." Forsaken said evenly as he processed the information. "And that isn't the worst of it. It would appear that some of the men are questioning......" Diedrich suddenly fell silent as pain gripped his insides. He looked up at his master, fear etched across his face as he silently pleads for his master's aid. Aid which he never receives. Within seconds, he is set ablaze. The flames burn him from the inside, a funeral pyre so hot that he is completely incinerated, reduced to mere ash in seconds. Forsake steps away from the balcony and begins making his way toward his chambers when he pauses only to look over his shoulder at the scorched ground which marked where his advisor had once stood. "Nobody questions me Diedrich. Nobody."
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