Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Red_massa
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Red_massa Chocobo Handler!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lasair gave the trainer who introduced himself as Cody a gentle slap on the back. It's okay, I'm 18 and I still miss my mom too but shush don't tell anyone he said with a smile. I think i am going to head over to Rowans, and get my pokedex. Rowan said that he would hook me up if I made it over here. I might also see if i can fix up some poké snacks if I am allowed, you can have some too if you like! He decided to leave it up to Cody as to what he wanted to do, so he decided just to saunter over to Rowans place Hey Growlithe come on !! Thank you Fletch ! He pulled out his pokeball and returned Fletchinder to it. Lasair picking up Growlithe and opened the door to Professors Rowans building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chad33


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Cody gathered up his pokemon, and had them returned to their balls, before making his way to professor Rowan's lab. He figured the professor would want to check his pokedex for all the pokemon he had seen since he left Sinnoh, and if anything had happened recently concerning pokemon that Rowan could tell him. He went in and took a seat to wait for the others to get done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So hey, what are you gonna do now? I think I'll go visit Professor Rowan and show him the Eevee he gave me, who is now this guy here," Arc said to Ross as they got off the boat, tilting her chin to point at the Jolteon who was running around the fresh land with Mareep. Her Electabuzz was walking alongside her, stretching its arms. Arc breathed in the Sandgem Town air, and smiled. "It's nice to be back in Sinnoh again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Well, I have to meet Professor Rowan myself," Ross commented, following the girl off the boat. Being anxious and paranoid as it was, Ross never fancied himself much of a traveler, especially by boat. So much could go wrong and with shaky legs, it was great to be on solid ground again. "Being an assistant apparently requires me to be a messenger boy," he sighed, pulling gently on the strap attached to his bag. His Absol walked beside him, curiosity filling her dark eyes. Ross shared this feeling. "Tell me now," he put his hands in his pockets, "Are you a Sinnoh local?"
Andi watched the boy walk off towards the Pokemon center with his Riolu. She leaned against the white fence of someone's property, almost glaring at him as he walked away. "He won't be using that Riolu, that's for sure," she said aloud, her Lucario grabbing some of the wild flowers growing down the pathway. It was evident he wasn't listening. And it was also evident that she didn't care. "I guess it'll be you and Heracross," she said with a firm nod, before heading down the path, letting out a sneeze. "Jeez! Don't be grabbing people's flowers!" She scolded and the Lucario crossed its arms, still holding the flowers. Almost immediately, her eyes soften, "N-Nevermind, let's just...go fight that kid and win."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sam got inside the pokecenter. It wasn't very busy, so he walked straight to the counter. "Hello and welcome to the pokecenter, what can I do for you?" The nurse behind the counter said. "Hello," Sam responded, "I wish to have a room to sleep in for the night." "Sure, give me your pokedex and I'll book a room for you." Sam handed over his pokedex. As most beginning trainers did not know, the pokedex was not only a source of information about pokemon, it was also your personal traveling passport and proof that you were an official trainer. "Okay, your room is registered to you. I hope you have a pleasant stay!" the nurse said while she gave back his pokedex. "I hope so as well," Sam joked. He slowly walked away from the counter, and looked on his town map. It looked like there was a battle area just behind the pokecenter. He walked up to the girl he met on the ship. "Looks like there is a battle area right behind the pokecenter. Wanna head there now or is there something else you need to do?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After Pidgeotto received a berry from this other trainer it looked confused. Now that it has some food it regained its sense and realized that Kite was nowhere to be found. The pokemon then realized the nuisance it had been to everyone because it wandered off instead of telling its trainer that it wanted some food. "Pidgeee" The pokemon said in disapointment as it started to rest on the ground and look down. As this was happening Kite decided that his pokemon went to far to keep seaching in the forest. With that Kite returned Skarmory to its pokemball and begun to search. "Pidg!" He cried out as he walked by. If his pokemon had heard his voice then he was sure it would want to come back to him. But the question at hand was why did it run off like it did. Then Kite realized he was starting to get hungry. "That's it! Pidg must have went to look for food because he was hungry." Kite explained to Swab and Win. With that thought Kite started to run in the direction of Sandgem Town. He knew it was the closet place with a market from where he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Giovanni Blackheart Region: Sinnoh Location: Veilstone City
He already walked for a while. Had arrived into the region of Sinnoh by boat. Of course, he wasn't noticed by anyone, like if he was an actual ghost. Everything seemed to be uninteresting, battles and more battles in that ship, alongside people asking autographs and admiring their idols. Nothing like admiration mattered for him, it was all a big illusion to hide whatever that person had in mind. He learned that by experience. It was hard, but one could be able to catch a glimpse of him for the very least. Giovanni always forced other people to ignore him, so he would enjoy his solitude in peace. Then, his closest companion started to float at the front of his face. "How can I forget? You ate little to nothing on the boat. Yami, you shouldn't ignore your hunger instincs.", he said to his Yamask, nicknamed Yami. "Yamask...", the little creature said. Giovanni gave a little laughter, while taking out an Oran berry and giving it to him. Yamask seemed happy, as he ate all of it. "*gulp*. Yamask!", he said cheerful. Giovanni petted him and smiled. He only smiled to Yami and to his sister. "Now that you're full, let's hurry to Sandgem town. I need the Sinnoh Pokédex before everything.", he said. Yami nodded and kept floating around him, while he leaved Veilstone and its rocky formation.
Rafaella Blackheart Region: Sinnoh Location: Canalave City
The boat she took left a little later. Rafaella was a little disappointed, but she arrived at Sinnoh. "Geez, I took too long to come here... this is really bad! Big Bro might be already away at this time!", she complained alone. After that, she reminded of her Pokémon and took Cottonee, which she nicknamed as Fluffie, out of her Pokéball. "Cotto!!", Fluffie expressed her happiness once she was out. "Aww, my dear, little and cute Fluffie~! I hope you weren't waiting too much to get out.", she said, smiling widely. Fluffie was her first Pokémon and her best friend. She looked at the city then, while thinking on her destination. Umm... I don't think that it's here. The name of the city was Sandgem and it was near to the beach. I mean, there's water here, but no sign of sand at all., she thought. Rafaella picked up a Mago berry and gave it to Fluffie. The little Cottonee ate it and looked thoroughly satisfied. "Alright, there's no time to lose! If we want to find Big Bro, then let's pick up the pace and get to Professor Rowan!", she exclaimed. Cottonee nodded and the two of them left Canalave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Andi was idling waiting around, her arms crossed behind her back as she leaned, watching her Lucario pick more flowers. She saw the boy with the Riolu approach her once again. Damn, he sure was eager. Standing up straight, she held the Pokeball containing her Heracross in hand, "I was waiting for you," she responded as he got closer, only to ask her if there was anything she needed to do. Yeah, she needed to battle. Sure, she was a little hungry and needed somewhere to bunk for the night, but that could wait. For now, she just needed to just stretch and move around. Being confined on that damn boat for days was killer. "No, I'm ready," she responded coolly, eying the boy. Okay, the question was: what Pokemon did he intend on using? "Where to then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Apparently, I am. Do you need help getting somewhere?" she questioned Ross, noticing that her Mareep and Jolteon had turned a corner to the forests, out of her sight. Arc turned her head to look at her Electabuzz, and saw that it was staring at her with a knowing expression. It seems it was thinking what she was. Arc nodded to her pokemon, which made the Electabuzz dash off after the other two. "Or are you tired and sick after that long boat ride? Well, then you know the drill, ask for a room in the poke center, which is right there," she continued, gesturing to the building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Diego looked around but nobody seemed to be looking to claim the Pokemon, yet the way it acted it clearly was not wild. "Well, I guess we can hang out here for a while. We're in no hurry, are?" He looked down at his Pokemon. While Lombre seemed like it wanted to get going, it shrugged reluctantly. Eevee meanwhile was glad to spend more time with its new friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"It's just over here," Sam said. He walked over to a small path next to the pokecenter, following it. They ended up directly behind the pokecenter, where a square area with no grass on it was. As they came closer, they could identify the battle area in the grassless spot. Sam slowly walked towards the far side of it, turned around, and got two small pokeballs out of his bag. He pressed the buttons on them to enlarge them, than threw them up in the air. "Honedge, Metang, I need you." The pokemon came out of their respective pokeballs, honedge to the right of Metang. Honedge was still in its sheath. Sam whaited for the other girl to throw out her pokemon, and then said: "Ladies go first." He patiently whaited for the moves she was going to use, but she would be in for a surprise anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stepping off the ship with a light thud to the ground beneath him, the plague doctor looking fellow stretched his back until it popped and a muffled moan of releif waved over him. The ride had taken a tool on him but now he was her, his dream come true. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't refrain from dallying any longer. Such a beautiful place will not explore and uncover itself!" He boasted bravely to the town before giving a cheery step to the market and looking for flowers. His odd look seemed to strike fear into many, but his cheerful attitude was a very contrasting and happy audition to the character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jadaria Brookes
Jade let Leo, who had been cooped up for the entire boat ride, run around in whichever direction pleased him. Happy to be out of his pokeball, the Charizard pranced around the town like a kid, sniffing at anything that smelled remotely like food. As they neared the PokeMart, Jade slid off Leo's back and landed with a gentle thud, motioning for him to stay close to the building. Nodding his response, Leo continued prancing up and down the street, earning a few concerned looks from quite a few people. She scanned the shelves nonchalantly, picking up a few water bottles and a map of the area to keep in her emergency supplies. As she exited the store she was met with a face full of hot air, Leo huffing at her for taking too long in the building. Shaking her head she began walking around on foot, deciding to take a little time admiring the town before she took off to explore the rest of the region.
Abel Marks
Abel had already been already been in the Sinnoh region for about a week, challenging travelers on the road and contemplating earning more gym badges before moving on to another region. With his trusty Pokémon resting in their pokeballs, Abel followed the dirt path that eventually deposited him in Sandgem Town. Not so far from him, the boat sounded its final horn, alerting those nearby that it was unloading its passengers. Abel watched with silent excitement as many different kinds of people disembarked, a few he immediately picked out as being trainers. It didn't matter what region you went to, trainers always had the same feel. He hoped that he'd get to battle some of the new arrivals, though he wondered if they'd all be worn out from their trips. Hope at bay but confidence high, Abel began wandering the town in search of something interesting to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Giovanni Blackheart Region: Sinnoh Location: Sandgem Town
The town wasn't the biggest. It looked like a rural portion of Sinnoh to him. Icirrus was cold as always, but it was big. But here was hot and small. Something that he could be used to... if it didn't had too many people around. They seemed really festive, something he truly despised. People are always using a mask to hide what they really feel for each other. That kind of ridiculous, unworthy, disgusting smile that they put on their faces... how idiotic has human race been since I finally faced its true face., he thought to himself. Since he couldn't appear out of nowhere, Giovanni stopped his ability to force people to ignore him as he walked towards Professor Rowan's lab.
Rafaella Blackheart Region: Sinnoh Location: Celestic Town
It was like a game of chase, but Rafaella was losing to a countless valor X zero. No matter where she passed, all that she was able to see was glimpses of her brother. She passed through Floaroma, Solaceon and reached Celestic by following a mere illusion in her way to Sandgem. She sat in a bench and looked at the sky. The clouds passing and the sun's radiance was a beautiful view, but all that she thought was abut her lost brother. Her hurry to rescue him from the darkness of his own heart was really high. But her actual hope was diminishing at every second that passed and that is passing. It seemed almost impossible. She had even asked the people from the twons, but no one seemed to even see him or anything related. Why...? Why must it be so hard? It's just my brother, someone that I know from the day I was born. If I know so much about him... is there some reason for me to be losing in this little hide-and-seek?, she asked herself. Fluffie looked around her with a worried face. While catching her breath, Rafaella gave her little Cottonee a smile as she looked at a photo she was holding. It had her and her brother together in the beautiful snows of Icirrus. Some tears started to fall, but she dried them up and got up. As she looked around, she saw the small shrine in the center of the city. Her beliefs weren't that strong, but she was going to risk everything to find him. Getting near the shrine, she offered some coins and started to pray. "Please, whoever it may be... listen to my wish I just want to find my brother... I miss him so much. His smile... his white hair... the times we had together... I want all of that back...", she prayed. As she was doing her prayers, the photo flew away. "Oh no... my photo!!", she said while going after it. "Cottonee!!", Fluffie said, flying after it. They ran a little, but a woman got the photo. "Huff... Haaa... thank you...", she said. "Oh, how beautiful... is he your boyfriend, dear?", the woman asked. 'Huh? Oh, no, no, no. He's my brother. He came here to Sinnoh and I'm looking for him.", she said. The woman looked at the photo once again. "Oh, I saw him. He went that way, to Sandgem Town.", the woman responded. Upon hearing that and after receiving her photo back, Rafaella rushed towards the route that took to Sandgem Town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Abel Marks
Abel wandered the town in silent contemplation, trying to judge the skills of those he passed. Many that he walked by didn't seem like worthy opponents, while others looked worn out from battles they had already encountered. Sighing with his disappointment, Abel rounded the corner and paused thoughtfully. Before him was a stranger, assumingly fresh off the boat, that others on the street stepped around almost nervously. He wasn't doing anything weird but his attire was a little off-putting. "Perfect." He mumbled to himself, approaching the character calmly and full of confidence. "Greetings there, new to the region?" He asked politely, an air of excitement surrounding the boy. Unlike some of the pushier trainers he didn't jump people and demand a battle right off the bat, instead he eased into the question with small talk before hand. "The name is Abel Marks, I'm an Ace Trainer just passing through." Abel offered his hand to shake, hoping the stranger would accept the gesture rather than blowing him off as others have before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Abel Marks
Abel wandered the town in silent contemplation, trying to judge the skills of those he passed. Many that he walked by didn't seem like worthy opponents, while others looked worn out from battles they had already encountered. Sighing with his disappointment, Abel rounded the corner and paused thoughtfully. Before him was a stranger, assumingly fresh off the boat, that others on the street stepped around almost nervously. He wasn't doing anything weird but his attire was a little off-putting. "Perfect." He mumbled to himself, approaching the character calmly and full of confidence. "Greetings there, new to the region?" He asked politely, an air of excitement surrounding the boy. Unlike some of the pushier trainers he didn't jump people and demand a battle right off the bat, instead he eased into the question with small talk before hand. "The name is Abel Marks, I'm an Ace Trainer just passing through." Abel offered his hand to shake, hoping the stranger would accept the gesture rather than blowing him off as others have before.
Nodding in approval, glossy black cylinders he had for eyes shone against the sun like rhinestones. He accepted the handshake with gusto before letting his leathery glove slither away. "I.. I am Haboko, perhaps you have heard of me? Envious I am sure, but you need be so, as it is all but foreplay to the real me, pretending to be the great conqueror of gyms. It's all a lie... but you have taken it upon yourself to remove sheepishness from your veins and encounter myself in the streets, wht might that be"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kite and his party of pokemon wandered back into Sandgem town. It was the most logical place because he was just here and his pokemon could have seen food here. Then he wandered near the market area because it as surely a good place for food. That was when Kite noticed a Pidgeotto with a another trainer hanging out in the market. It could be a different pokemon if it didn't have Pidg's markings. He could see a scar above the pokemon's eye hidden under its feathers. You couldn't really see it unless you knew where to look. Then the odd shape of its wings from all the times his pokemon has crashed. Kite knew that was his pokemon "Hey Pidg!" He called out as the pokemon flew to him. "I thought that was you." He pat the bird on its head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nodding in approval, glossy black cylinders he had for eyes shone against the sun like rhinestones. He accepted the handshake with gusto before letting his leathery glove slither away. "I.. I am Haboko, perhaps you have heard of me? Envious I am sure, but you need be so, as it is all but foreplay to the real me, pretending to be the great conqueror of gyms. It's all a lie... but you have taken it upon yourself to remove sheepishness from your veins and encounter myself in the streets, wht might that be"
A bit confused by the stranger, Abel stood in silence for a moment while he racked through his brain for an answer. "Haboko you said? Hmmm." Shaking his head Abel continued on with an apologetic frown. "Sorry, I can't say that the name rings any bells. But you seem rather confident in yourself, to say the least... I'll get down to business then." A fire ignited in his eyes, his blood pumping from anticipation. "You looked like an interesting guy so I thought I'd come over and challenge you to a battle. So what do you say, one traveler against another?" Abel sincerely hoped the man would accept, seeing how different he was from other trainers he had faced. Most were fairly confident, as would anyone on a winning streak, but this guy was different. He was strange, in a mysterious way, but from what Abel could tell, he didn't seem all that bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nodding in approval, glossy black cylinders he had for eyes shone against the sun like rhinestones. He accepted the handshake with gusto before letting his leathery glove slither away. "I.. I am Haboko, perhaps you have heard of me? Envious I am sure, but you need be so, as it is all but foreplay to the real me, pretending to be the great conqueror of gyms. It's all a lie... but you have taken it upon yourself to remove sheepishness from your veins and encounter myself in the streets, wht might that be"
A bit confused by the stranger, Abel stood in silence for a moment while he racked through his brain for an answer. "Haboko you said? Hmmm." Shaking his head Abel continued on with an apologetic frown. "Sorry, I can't say that the name rings any bells. But you seem rather confident in yourself, to say the least... I'll get down to business then." A fire ignited in his eyes, his blood pumping from anticipation. "You looked like an interesting guy so I thought I'd come over and challenge you to a battle. So what do you say, one traveler against another?" Abel sincerely hoped the man would accept, seeing how different he was from other trainers he had faced. Most were fairly confident, as would anyone on a winning streak, but this guy was different. He was strange, in a mysterious way, but from what Abel could tell, he didn't seem all that bad.
Seemingly turning into a statue the glass eyes glared down at abel with no real touch to the, a sudden burst of energy flung from the masked man as he scooped a pokeball and with lightening speed the thick black cape swiveles in the background as the left foot fell behind. "A match would be invoicing to me, so I accept" Hakobo mummbles in a foreboading manor. Still he was distressed that his name was not known.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seemingly turning into a statue the glass eyes glared down at abel with no real touch to the, a sudden burst of energy flung from the masked man as he scooped a pokeball and with lightening speed the thick black cape swiveles in the background as the left foot fell behind. "A match would be invoicing to me, so I accept" Hakobo mummbles in a foreboading manor. Still he was distressed that his name was not known.
Bouncing backwards on his toes, Abel plucked a marble sized Pokeball from a pouch on his belt. Clicking the object to full size he grinned challengingly. "Glad to hear it." With a nod, Abel's face turned serious, his finger poised to release his partner at any moment. "One pokemon, no switching out. First pokemon to faint loses, a withdrawal counts as a loss and the winner pays for lunch. Sound fair?" Having lost quite a few battles in his short time, Abel liked to treat those he beat to food to boost their spirits. That and if he lost he still technically won.
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