Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Age: Note that the minimum age for a Junior Detective is 15. Younger folk will have to make-do with Apprentice.
History: Doesn't need to be lengthy or in-depth.
Region: The area you're based in.
Rank: Nothing above Junior, for the moment.
Team: Maximum of three for Junior/Apprentices.

Optional sheet for your team itself:

Nickname: If any.
Strengths/weaknesses: Aside from the obvious typing stuff, what can your specific Pokemon do or not do as well as similar Pokemon?

Accepted Characters

Norman Valentine
Chloe Renaud
Cort Rossini
Ray Mustang
Jonathon Summer
Yvette Belle
Sephie Mahojira
Gabrielle Lévesque
Hidden 10 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Chloe Renaud Age: 18 Appearance: Chloe has chestnut colored hair, and deep brown eyes. She is quite pale, and usually dresses in warm clothes all year. She is fairly tall for a girl her age standing at a solid 5'7", and unlikely to grow any taller. Most would consider her extremely attractive, and she owns it to the best of her abilities. Fairly fit as well, even if she's not one to exercise much. Personality: Most would describe Chloe as a people person. Well liked by both people and pokemon usually, and she does her best to get a long with everyone. She's fairly fluent in several languages, and often times she tends to speak a variation of them, though her favorite is mixing her native language in Kalos with others. That said, she has a bit of a mischievous streak in her she has yet to grow out of, and likely never will. She loves playing pranks on people, and often times you can blame her for any practical jokes. She tends to be a bit overconfident in her abilities, no matter what she's doing and can often lead her to making poor decisions that she can 'handle the evil guys herself'. Sticks her nose into other peoples business and other places where it doesn't belong either. History: A Kalos native, Chloe grew up in the center of the country, Lumiose. She had a pretty comfy childhood, since her mother was a fairly successful fashion designer. She spent most of her childhood being a spoiled brat, along with Lori her Espurr. As she got older, she began channeling her energy to other things. Like getting in trouble and in fights. Messing with people and sticking her nose where she shouldn't was a favorite pastime of hers as a teenager, and more often than not it got her in trouble with the authorities and other people. Deciding to try and help her channel her energy to something more productive, a detective took her under his wing as an apprentice. While she may not have liked it at first, she realized after a few months, she could legally stick her nose into things and not get in trouble. After helping him for the better part of two years, she was promoted to Junior Detective just a few months ago, and gave her a Houndour, a recently hatched egg from his own Houndoom. Region: Kalos Rank: Junior Detective
Pokemon: Meowstic (female) Nickname: Lori Personality: A bit of a Diva, she doesn't care that much for people other than Chloe. Where they are similar, is their love for messing with people and being too nosy for their own good. However, where Chloe would be flashy about it, Lori would take a more subtle approach. Tends to gloat and show off a bit when they succeed at something though. Strengths: Good at sneaking and remaining undetected. Very good control over her psychic abilities, could easily Infiltrate some place without being seen. Weaknesses: Not very good physically. Pure power isn't her strong suit. Subtlety and trickery are. Pokemon: Luxio (Male) Nickname: Leal Personality: A serious, but Incredibly loyal pokemon. He would do anything to ensure the capture of a criminal. Doesn't like it when he loses someone or to another pokemon. Often, he'll grab onto a suspect and will not let go until ordered. Tries to impress both Chloe and Rena Strengths: Strength, speed, and his ability to just physically blunder through most obstacles with a show of power. Eager to please Chloe, and earn her approval even if he has already been showered in tons of affection. (basically, he likes being spoiled and being told 'good job') Weaknesses: His attempts to impress can go a bit awry. Not incredibly clever either, but will immediately follow any order given to him. Fighting alone isn't something he's good at. Pokemon: Houndour (female) Nickname: Rena Personality: This little houndour is often unsure of herself. More often than not, causing her to mess up continually despite her best efforts. Tends to brood over her mistakes a lot, and is rather quiet. Doesn't like being the center of attention, nor actiony stuff. In all, she's not a pokemon that one would really consider good for catching bad guys. She often hides behind Chloe's legs. Strengths: She has an incredibly strong sense of smell and can track things easily. Quite speedy as well, and despite her timid nature is quite curious about the world. Weaknesses: Doesn't like conflict, tends to run rather than fight and get nervous easily, especially when surrounded by others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 7 days ago

Cort Rossini
Age: 18 Appearance: Cort's hair, a chocolate brown shade, is more often than not styled in such a way as to have a thin ponytail resting on the shoulder or else left to drop below the neck. Cort's eyes are a steely blue that match the constant expression of seriousness - or is that annoyance or anger - always stuck on her face. Cort is tall, standing at a resting height of just under 6'2", with a fit, lithe frame befitting a sprinter moreso than someone involved in detective work. Rarely is the time when Cort is not attired in fancy attire, from the brown trench coat to the collared shirt and tie and dress slacks, Cort dresses the part of a professional. After all, dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Personality: Abrasive, to put a single word on it. Cort is not interested in making 'friends' or 'partnering up' though she will do the latter only if it means solving a case that much faster. Her patience is thin, and her temper thinner to the point where it often seems as if she's bad at the investigation part of the job, as searching tirelessly for small clues or waiting around for dodgy witnesses to spit out their testimonies often serves only to make her annoyed. With a blunt tongue, Cort doesn't mince words with anyone, as that would just be a waste of time; time better spent on the individual case at hand. While that would seem an ill-fit for a detective, where Cort shines, apart from her devotion to a case and her own sense of morality that everyone ought follow, is in her abstract thinking. In a career where often there are riddles or unusual clues, Cort's mind and appreciation for puzzles can be helpful in certain cases. Plus, she's handy to have in a rousing game of Good Cop, Bad Cop. History: Cort's interest wasn't actually to be part of the detective forces but rather to be internationally known as a star in the world of Pokemon films. That was a dream that didn't much last once she realized the true stars of those studio pictures were the Pokemon, not the trainers. She didn't fit the glitz and glamour lifestyle anyway and opted instead to focus her interests elsewhere, eventually deciding on training for Pokeathlon events. Her and her Pokemon were noted for their performances in the speed related events, such as the relay and the hurdle. It was during one of the warm up events that she was approached and first heard about the police force, apart from seeing uniformed officers of course. Cort never considered that a possible career path but, being bored enough one day, decided to come out for the trial process. She had expected to simply become a uniformed beat officer, so that she was chosen for the detective line of work is still an adjustment she is making. Region: Unova Rank: Junior Detective
Pokemon: Glaceon Personality: Much like Cort, Glaceon cares little for others other than Cort and will not hesitate to bare fangs if someone gets too close to either. A bit smug, Glaceon has been known to gloat whenever Cort or she does well at something, be it a hurdle event or something involving a case. Strengths/weaknesses: What she lacks in speed she makes up for with ferocity and a good vertical game. Her strong sense of pride often leads to her wanting to bite off more than she can chew. Or spew ice beams at. Pokemon: Sneasel Personality: A prankster who tries even Cort's patience. Sneasel enjoys having fun at the expense of anyone who he can get his clawy hands on. This has, on an occasion, cost Cort a relay race event as Sneasel was much more focused on tripping up the competition. Literally. Strengths/Weaknesses: His trickster nature is often a hindrance when trying to do actual detective work, but his speed is useful in pursuit, especially when it comes to apprehending someone. Pokemon: Snorunt Personality: As the newest member of Cort's team of specific types, Snorunt is still getting used to Cort and the others, but she is taking a bit long on that and while she admires Cort and Glaceon, she is still untrusting of Sneasel and would prefer simply to be around Cort than anyone else. Strengths/Weaknesses So eager to impress that she follows orders to the letter. So inexperienced that often her attempts to impress go totally wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Yvette Belle Age: 15 Appearance: "I'll be top detective for sure!" She is 4'9, rather short. Personality: Yvette is a prodigy and proud of it. She entertained herself even before managing to get to be an apprentice by solving minor mysteries, and indeed she has this image of being some kind of fantastic international detective. Naturally, this leads to frustration at her current situation. For as proud, confident, and intelligent she is, she is also intensely impatient. Yvette hates the "Junior" part of Junior Detective, and omits it whenever she can to make herself seem like a regular detective. She demands she is not looked down upon in spite of being just old enough to join the ranks of the Junior Detectives, in spite of frequently looking down upon the others in the organization. Yvette is liable to mock and deride others while asserting that she is, obviously, the best detective out of all of them. She does back this up with intelligence, but that doesn't make it any better given she often refuses to acknowledge that anyone else could be on her level. She is also likely to complain and yell at others for perceived stupidity, and refuses to show any affection towards other people, attempting to bury it under insults and claims that it doesn't matter. In spite of her poor attitude and penchant for mocking others, Yvette's genuine desire is to help people through her mystery-solving. Well, as long as it's not something like "where did I put my left sock?" She also cares for her Pokemon quite well. Finally, Yvette feels a deep jealousy towards those who are taller and more mature then her, though she tries not to acknowledge it. History: Yvette was born to the rich Belle family. From childhood she displayed high levels of intelligence and a deep interest in mystery, raised on a diet of detective novels from a family that made their fortune through solving mysteries. Needless to say, this gave the girl some expectations even if she hadn't been something of a prodigy. It didn't help that her family raised her in a rather pampered fashion and in general she got whatever she wanted. By the time she became an Apprentice, well, she had tremendously high expectations for herself. Which lead to immediate frustrations when the Apprentices, well... didn't exactly get to go out and solve cases. However, now that she is finally a junior detective, well... she's still annoyed about the whole "Junior" thing. In Yvette's mind, she doesn't understand why she's being lumped in with the amateurs. She's got plenty of practice already. Region: Kalos Rank: Junior Detective Team: Pokemon: Linoone Nickname: Lily Personality: Lily is rather affectionate and friendly... though also liable to run off with small items for herself. Yvette admonishes her for such behavior, asserting that a detective cannot have a thief as her assistant and making her return the items. Strengths/weaknesses: Lily is pretty good in a fight and is plenty speedy, but she's not the most durable Pokemon. Like most Linoone, she also has a hard time turning when moving at top speed. She is also lacking in indirect options when fighting. Pokemon: Teddiursa Nickname: Tessa Personality: Tessa is rather unfriendly and standoffish. She does not like company that is not Lily or Yvette, and tends to look at everything with varying levels of disapproval. Strengths/weaknesses: Tessa can hit quite hard for her size, but like Lily is not particularly tough when it comes to taking damage. She is also slower.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SephietheEvil
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SephietheEvil A Murderous Artist Witch, Fond of Cats :3

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The People! Name: Sephie Mahojira Age: 15 Appearance: Sephie is a petite girl at 5-foot-3 with brown hair flowing a bit past her shoulders, and brown eyes that shine with creativity and determination! Her usual outfit consists of a t-shirt, jeans, and a black button-up coat. She also, oddly enough, always wears a blue or green scarf, regardless of the weather, and a purple and black striped witch hat that droops behind her head. Yeah, she knows it doesn't exactly look professional...but, hey, she's gotta stand out somehow! Someday, everyone in the pokemon will know that witch hat, and know the amount of justice it holds within! As a side note, Sephie is almost always seen with a sketchbook, and art tools crammed into her pockets. She aspires towards being a Detective, but also wishes to become known for her artistic talent. Personality: Sephie is generally very kind and outgoing towards everyone, always doing what she can to help. Though she's not strong physically in the least, she makes up for it with mental strength. She's a quick thinker, being surprisingly sharp for her age. Sephie is a typically gentle person most times, but if you get her into a battle, that'll change pretty fast with a mischievous grin, almost truly fitting that of a tricky witch. At any rate, Sephie can be counted upon to get her tasks completed, and to complete them with the utmost efficiency as well. Nothing will stop her from bringing about justice! History: Sephie grew up in Sinnoh, making friends with some of her very first Pokemon there, and learning the ropes of being a trainer, along with a few friends. At the age of 12, she was devastated when she was forced, by her family's change of jobs, to move all the way to Kalos, and away from her friends. She did manage to get her first actual Pokemon, an Eevee, out of it from her sympathetic mother, however, and that same Eevee became a Sylveon just a couple moths later in Kalos, and was dubbed "Euphoria". After learning to truly train and use this pokemon in battle, she went on a couple years later, at 14, to claim a "starter" Pokemon from Professor Sycamore's lab. It was a little Fennekin, and immediately, the two formed a bond. Sephie named him Pipley, after a wizard character of hers, and started wearing a witch hat to further add the "magic" effect of it all. Just a month or so later, Sephie decided she would try her hand at actually catching her own Pokemon to add to her team, and started searching the route closest to her hometown. She was surprised to find a Dunsparce fairly quick, as she'd heard they were rare, but she was determined now more than ever to catch it. The battle almost ended with this one Dunsparce managing to faint both Pipley and Euphoria, but Sephie just barely managed to catch him. She named him Awesome, because of his truly awesome power. Having assembled her team, Sephie went off to try and take on the gym challenges. She got pretty far, but something caught her eye before she could go on. She witnessed the robbery of someone's Pokemon, right in the middle of the street. Sephie's care for others and desire to help turned into a flame within her, and she sent her Pokemon after the perpetrator. After a minute of pursuit and a short battle, Sephie emerged victorious. From then on, she decided to make her name not by becoming the champion, but becoming someone who truly did help people all the time as a job: a Detective! Region: Kalos Rank: Junior Detective Team: Sylveon, Dunsparce, Braixen --------------- The Pokemon! Pokemon: Sylveon Nickname: Euphoria Gender: Female Personality: Split, to say the least. Euphoria can be very sweet, bubbly, and kind, just as you'd expect any other Sylveon or fairy-type Pokemon to be...but, when she senses a foe, that changes incredibly fast, with her sweet smile being replaced by a savage grin in anticipation of battle and victory. Sephie manages to keep her from doing too much damage....most of the time... Strengths: Euphoria isn't incredibly fast, but her tolerance for special attacks, and the ones she gives in return, are something to be reckoned with. Her signature move is a Hyper Voice, powered up by her ability, Pixilate. Weaknesses: When Euphoria gets into battle mode, she's usually thinking of nothing but attacking the enemy. That's it. So she can get easily caught off guard when focusing so much on dealing damage, unfortunately... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pokemon: Dunsparce Nickname: Awesome Gender: Male Personality: Silent. Seriously, Awesome hardly ever makes any noise or does anything, normally. He's just sort of...there. Mostly unresponsive, but there, kind of like a vegetable. In battle, however...he can be a surprisingly formidable adversary. It's a little scary, honestly. Even to Sephie. Strengths: He often catches people off guard with his behavior and appearance before a battle starts, which ends up giving him the upper hand right off the bat in most cases. Weaknesses: He's pretty slow, and usually has to wait for opponents to come to him, which can end up getting him stuck in bad situations during battle, for sure.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pokemon: Braixen Nickname: Pipley Gender: Male Personality: Pipley is quite gentlemanly and peaceful. Like Sephie, he enjoys being able to help others. However, in the face of an enemy, Pipley won't hold back on using his fiery magic tricks to ensnare victory, for justice! Strengths: Very agile and cunning in wit, with a well-placed focus in special attacks. He's got an affinity for magic tricks, which makes his fire attacks slightly more unusual, and a little more unpredictable. Weaknesses: Overthinks things sometimes....which ends up overall in failure in whatever he's overthinking about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: Gabrielle Lévesque
Age: 24
Appearance: It's a very long, ruffled dress despite its revealing top. Do not take Mr. Teddy. Though it would probably take a bit of work, as she's fairly enormous, at 6'4. She can just hold him out of most people's reach.
Personality: Despite her background having included a substantial measure of education on social etiquette, it all seems to have drained away after spending so much time on the road. She's both touchy and often tactless, but nice enough that her actions overall make up for saying the wrong thing occasionally.
Her disturbing fascination and enjoyment of the macabre is probably the main reason she ended up picking the detectives as her career of choice, since she's easily distracted and doesn't focus well. Despite this, it's clear she can be competent enough if given time and practice--the teddy bear she's always carrying around has long since lost its original eyes, buttons, and similar. The result? She used her badges as replacements, sewing them in place. Both eyes, the buttons on both shoulders, a row of three down his chest, and even the poor thing's nose.
Not that she has the Pokemon to prove it...
History: Gabrielle comes from a family both equal measure rich and eccentric. Thus, her childhood was marked by a complete lack of monetary worries--but she didn't have too many childhood friends, because a seemingly-dilapidated countryside manor with several dozen ghost and dark-type Pokemon is far from the most welcoming place you could visit. On the plus side, having half a dozen older siblings and all the Pokemon means no shortage of other people around. There were plenty of social visits to other houses, too.
She was the first of her parents' children to take after her father's desire to be a trainer, rather than her mother's preference for breeding and looking after Pokemon, and at the appropriate age left home with an Absol from her parent's aborted attempt at becoming a champion. Her trip, long as it was, collected enough badges to have gotten into the league... and then she decided to go home. Her badges, after all, had been won through patience and spending thirteen years on it, along with her starting advantage. Though there's no telling how much was lost to having no sense of direction.
In the end, she returned home with her father's Absol, her own Pangoro, and a surprisingly large amount of weak and young pokemon that fit with her home's environment. Her journey back had been delayed by trading most of her team to those more likely to use them doing what they enjoyed for ghosts and the like native to other regions.
Then, having grown restive after spending so long in one place after her long journey, Gabrielle chose to find some sort of active job and started helping out the detectives. She's not much good at the detective side of things, yet, though.
Region: Kalos
Rank: Apprentice
Team: Pangoro

Pokemon: Pangoro
Nickname: Mr. Teddy (This can get confusing)
Personality: The first pokemon that Gabrielle caught for herself, it's had a long time for its trainer's passive demeanour to rub off on it, and is considerably calmer than a normal Pangoro. It's immensely protective of Gabrielle, too.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Considerably more thoughtful in a fight than 'berserker rage', Mr. Teddy can also punch ghosts, which probably annoys the hell out of them. On the down side, he's somehow even slower than a normal Pangoro, and the tendency to not rush in seems to have made him a lot easier to bring down as he doesn't just shrug it off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jerome Calhoun



-Stands at 5'10"

He's honest ,takes responsibility for all of his actions, he's adaptable and compatible ,he has the drive to keep going no matter what problems that comes his way, has compassion and understanding for others, he's really patience and has the courage to do what’s right in tough situations and is loyal to his friends and loved ones.

Jerome had a normal life growing up in the winter city of Snowbelle. He's well know around the city due him helping the citizens without asking for anything in return. As he grew older he became fond of water type Pokemon and acquired his first Pokemon, Froakie. Being the helpful guy he is decided to apply as a detective to protect his lovely city. When he turned 22, he received a Oshawott as gift from the citizens. Know he continues his job as a detective and works towards spreading his services through all of Kalos.



Greninja and Oshawott

Pokemon: Oshawott (female)
Nickname: Bella
Personality: Shy and often frightened by bigger Pokemon. Kind hearted and very loyal.
Shell Armor- Opponent’s moves cannot Critical Hit.
Oddly Bella could be easily surprised or caught off guard.

Pokemon: Geninja (Male)
Nickname: Gin
Personality: high spirited , cunning , rough , slight attitude , strict , confident and a little bit cocky.
Protean: Before Gin uses a move, he becomes a pure Pokémon of that type.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Claude Martel
Age: 20

Claude has light skin with brown hair that he keeps short and styled. He has a short beard of the same color which he also keeps short and well-trimmed. He stands at roughly 5'6", somewhat short for his age. He swears he's still growing though. Despite that he is quite stocky, having a broad chest and shoulders earned through a strict fitness regimen. His manner of dress is clean and neat. He tries to be professional when necessary. His pants and shirt are clean and pressed and his shoes always shiny. He wears a blazer over his shirt, even if he'll have to replace it with a lab coat the moment he gets to work or take it off and roll up his sleeves out in the field. He refuses to wear a tie though. No matter what, he hates those things. There is often a yellow fuzzy spot on his person, about four inches in diameter. Upon closer inspection, one can see that it's actually his Joltik.

Claude is, before anything else, clean and organized. In his life there is a place for everything and everything is in it's place. This idea applies to many things in his life, from his daily schedule, to his workspace, to his home. What once made him a control freak and perfectionist, he has slowly learned to channel into controlled order. He has a rigid schedule of important things he sticks to. Despite this rigid principle, there is a large empty space in this schedule devote to anything and everything that doesn't interfere with the important parts. As long as everything is more or less in order, he is a calm and friendly young man. However, he can get flustered and irate when outside circumstances or his own failings cause him to lose his organized mindset. He's always been curious, and has a fondness for the new and different. As such, he has a bit of skill with inventing. He could sit for hours taking apart machines, observing chemical reactions, trying to find out how everything works, putting it together in new ways... if there was time. He has a particular interest in poisons and technology. He has a strong sense of justice, and believes that every crime deserves an equal punishment. No exceptions. He likes to whistle while he works, which can grate on the nerves of the others.


Claude was born in Unova to ordinary parents. They had steady jobs as a cameraman and teacher, and they did not lack for money nor have an excess. Claude was always curious and took an interest in Pokemon early in his life. He was astounded by how they existed and had such strange abilities.

As he got into the habit of watching the news with his father, he would always perk up when a Pokemon was featured in the news. It was not always positive however. He unfortunately had to learn that many people out in the world used their Pokemon for crime and to hurt others. This would be what sparked a desire to do good using Pokemon that would eventually lead to his joining the Pokemon International Police Force. As he continued to grow older, he developed a love for various sciences. Chemistry, physics, Pokemon biology. A topic that held his interest longer than many others was the poison of poison-type Pokemon. This interest led him to borrow the neighbor's Pokemon to go out and catch a Roselia.

After lots of study, and a very short-lived attempt at adventuring with his Pokemon, Claude found his place at the PIPF. In his few years there, he has grown adept at using his knowledge and experience to answer many questions about materials and objects relevant to investigations.

Region: Unova
Rank: Forensic Scientist


Pokemon: Joltik (F)
Nickname: Joy
Personality: Joy is a curious little thing. Claude leaves her out of her Pokeball so she can observe the world as she wishes. She keeps eyes on everything Claude does. She is rather shy, and scurries away or onto Claude's back whenever a stranger approaches. Once she's grown used to someone, she can be comfortable in their presence, but there are few of Claude's friends and coworkers that she is actually friendly with.
Strengths/weaknesses: Not very good at battling, even by tiny Pokemon standards. However she is very agile and a good jumper. She has high intelligence for her kind and is very observant, often catching things Claude doesn't.

Pokemon: Roselia (M)
Nickname: Thorn
Personality: Despite his name, Thorn is an amicable Pokemon. He enjoys the company of others. The sweet scent of his flowers complements his disposition and ensures that others enjoy his company as well. He is also quite lazy and loves nothing more than to sit around, eat, and just have fun.
Strengths/weaknesses: While a decent battler, he is just uninterested. Most battles he's forced to go into, he does so half-heartedly. Rarely is there such a good reason for battle that he really puts everything into it. Though those seem to be more common these days in this line of work. However, he has a particularly potent and fast-acting poison. If he can manage to get his opponent just right, the poison can incapacitate it much quicker than that of most Pokemon. Claude actually carries around an antidote for... accidents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Professor Olive
  • Age: 25
  • Appearance: "W-wah!" Pretty short for her age.
  • Personality: Olive is very good with Pokemon. She loves Pokemon, and she loves spending time with them and looking after them. She's never more bubbly than when she is getting to know a new Pokemon. In fact, she tends to think all Pokemon are adorable, even the ones that... Aren't quite so cute as others; her favourites all tend to be Bug-type, though. People, on the other hand... Olive is not good with people. Not at all. Her first reaction to meeting someone new is to freeze up and stutter incoherently, and that's if she doesn't just hide under the table or in a cupboard. Even with people she's used to, she can't help but stutter, shiver and generally be rather anxious around them. ...And really, she's not very good at anything other than her job. She's clumsy, disorganized, often forgets to eat if she isn't reminded and can barely dress herself properly (let alone buy the right sizes of clothes). Were it up to her, she would never leave the lab.
  • History: Due to her social anxiety, Olive was homeschooled from a young age, and eventually gained her degree as part of a correspondence course. For a while, she interned under Professor Juniper, mostly sticking to labwork and looking after any Pokemon they were researching at the time. Juniper, however, was concerned about Olive, and requested for her to be transferred in the hope that she would get to meet new people and learn to socialize a bit better.
  • Region: Unova
  • Rank: Day-Carer/Breeder
  • Team: Swadloon and Joltik

  • Pokemon: Swadloon
  • Nickname: Kalamata
  • Personality: Lazy and lethargic, Kalamata would rather just sit around the lab rather than actually doing anything. She's Olive's oldest Pokemon, though, and the two love each other very much. The easiest way to get Kalamata to do something would be to convince her that Olive would be happier if she did.
  • Strengths/weaknesses: As stated about, Kalamata is incredibly lazy and hard to motivate. Despite Olive not battling much, Kalamata is her strongest Pokemon, even if she's still not all that powerful.

  • Pokemon: Joltik
  • Nickname: Alfonso
  • Personality: Like a child who sees Olive as his mother. Alfonso will try to cling to her as much as possible, prefering to just sit on her head whenever he's been sent out, and will start to spark in anger if anyone gets too close to her.
  • Strengths/weaknesses: Well... He's tiny, for one thing. And since Olive doesn't battle much (since that would involve talking to people), he's not very strong or skilled either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Here's my Janitor, tell me if anything's wrong with it. I usually find some stuff later anyway. Also, I need a picture but I can't find one right now. Someone please help me with that.

Name: John Etoré

Age: 29

Appearance: John has few defining features and is mostly described as a brown haired guy with a careless expression. He’s around 5’7. He really doesn’t have many other distinctive features, and is well suited to disappear into the background.

Region: Kalos

Rank: ‘Special’ janitor. He cleans the base normally, but his real job is to clean up the crime scene. He usually handles the preservation of the scene as well as handling evidence safely and cleanly. At the end of the case, he tends to be the one to sweep up the remains, like broken glass and the like. When there isn't a crime scene, though, he just cleans up the base and that's pretty much his day job.

Team: Wartortle, Swallot, Kadabra

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