Popped in to check on the rp - Holy shit, guys.
For those current players who don't know, I'm Warden, the guy who first tossed the rough information up on the old RPGuild website for Tiien and its world. Since then I've abandoned the world a few times, promised to come back, failed that, promised to come up with a new timeline for Tiien, nearly finished that, then gave up again.
It's been several years - Lucius, Rtron, Fallen, all of the others who've stuck with the RP this long and taken on the responsibilities of GMing it, I salute you.
You've all done far more for it than I ever would, or could. I just really wanted to thank you folks for doing what you do and taking the great world I brainstormed up and turning it into something...
bigger. I can't describe how proud I am of you guys, how proud I am to be the one that birthed a world which has been developed into something way larger than I imagined when I first posted the interest thread.
Just wow.
Thank you guys for your hard work and dedication. Fuck, thanks for staying through all the shit that came up between its creation and now. You guys are awesome.