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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Lucy took off, not that anyone could notice. She noticed one girl on a roof, and the groups were still talking. No one had started fighting yet. She got the feeling that they were all coming for their team for some reason. Lucy also saw those rings, she told herself to remember that, it was probably important.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus sighed. What was the point of activating his ability, if he didn't even know what she was going to do. He deactivated the black holes, and sat down. Fire, and Water began to emerge from Deus's body. In a second's notice the Fire covered his whole body, just like a Human Torch. The water enveloped his feet and fists. His eyes became as Red as the red moon. He looked at Liz. "Liz! Release the barriers please." Deus said.


Cornelia began running forward, seeing as how Deus wouldn't need anymore help. She didn't plan on giving him help. She lunged at Liz, knowing that she was on her team. She wanted to piss Deus off more. Being careful, seeing as how must things would have just gone through her, she Summoned a lighting rod, using her Subjective Reality ability: Omnificence. As she struck her she quickly retreated. Seeing as how this was a battle, she guessed that injuries would be counted as an accident.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza walked backwards alongside Agni keeping up the conversation, "That seems kind of silly, besides I don't even think you know how to get to Hell. No one i've meet does anyway." she said and then began thinking about it a little harder, "Hmmmm, I wonder if theres like a map or something..." Elza said letting the sentence trail off as she put some actul thought into while she walked alongside Agni.

Sol warped the room closed and looked towards town suspicously, some serious magic was being preped, it felt suspicously.... Meruiny. He walked into the school and was about to walk out when he noticed two poeple standing around akwardly talking, he called out, "Hey, feels like there's going to a pretty sweet lightshow in town in not to much longer, care to come up with me?" he asked the two standing right before the stairway to the top of the building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 11 mos ago

Liz nodded "Sure thing De..GAAAH" She shouted out in pain as the electrcity ran through her water body shocking to her very soul, destroying her water body without any quick signs of it reforming which could possibly be inferred that the blow had killed her off unable to reform a body anymore. Though just like Liz was trying to do before she was attacked the barriers all fell down leaving Deus able to do his attack now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Charlie puts his own ring on then nods and then kneels down and calls forth a wolf "here we go.. this big boy will help track" he says as he pets the wolf then calls a few more rings putting them on "got to love magical items" he chuckles, each of the rings his put on have different uses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus was caught off guard by the sudden combustion of Liz's water like body. "What the Fuck!" He turned towards Cornilea with a really obvious pissed expression on his face. "You done fucked up know!!!!" He shouted quickly chasing down Liz. His eyes began to glow light blue and his fist began to glow. "Cornilea!!!!! Why!!!!!" He shouted smashing lockers and anything that got in his way. Hopefully no students got in the way. They'd be trampled in seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Town Center

While analyzing the surroundings, Cruz felt something powerful. He wasn't able to recognize the power though, but its levels were pretty high. "This is bad...! There's someone conjuring some crazy magic...", he said. Through their own powers, Lynda and Pamela felt that same energy. "Woah... that's intense...", she commented, while holding her microphone. "Dude, she isn't kidding. I don't know who's conjuring this, but its enough to affect the entire town center...", Lyn replied, adding information to Pamela and Cruz's commentary.

Cruz's Main Theme: Night Walker

The 4 floating figures that composed the powerful Wing Drive Weapon surrounded Cruz. He kept doing an analysis of the surroundings. "Proceding with analysis of vicinity. Levels of external magic really high. Possible interference with space: calculated at 98%. 2% of failure in magic execution discarded.", he kept spouting as more and more panels kept appearing, all of them with the symbols. "Wow... what are all those things passing by?", she asked, curious. Lynda just kept looking at Cruz while he kept speaking. "Positions calculated. Area detemined. Proceeding with magic barrier setting. Wing Drive Weapon pods in position. Executing command.", he kept speaking. The pods started to float around him, Pamela, Lyn and Arcadius. As their speed increased, a spherical barrier made of Data was created around them. But even so, he warned. "The barrier isn't failproof. Surely it'll break, but it may resist a little. Be ready for anything that happens.", he said. The two girls nodded as Cruz still kept his analysis. If that finished by the time this magic will happen, he would have a detail of the vicinity, at the very least.


Agni Blackheart
Location: Town Center

Agni's Main Theme: The Piano for Agni

That comment she said about ot being able to go to Hell... it wasn't something he accepted easily. "... Comment about that again and I'll show you personally.", he said, looking directly at Elza. He looked forward and still kept speaking. "... You find joy into bugging the hell out of me, don't you? I'm sure you're expecting that I will comment something about my life being a pain... but I'm sorry, I'm not gonna give you what you want.", he said, cold and direct as he ever was. He walked a little forward and then looked at the roofs of the buildings above him. "... Also, if you're that dense and dumb, I'll explain into words that you can understand. Don't follow me. I don't want to stay near you. Neither from any person in this school.", he said. Having learned that by his usual days with Cerberus, Agni gave a high jump and reached the roof. He started to run and jump through buildings, so that he could finally be alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Cornelia put up a wide grin. She guided the Knives to go towards Marcus, attempting to slash his tibia, making him unable to move. While she was slashing, she began to supercharge the knives with electricity. She began to slowly move forward, with a psychopathic smile on her face. "Once I'm done with you, I'll kill Deus once and for all. Hahaha"


Deus began, no, he already was angry. He walked to Liz. Once he got there he sat next to her. "Healing Aura..I'm sorry for this Liz...I'll Heal you now.." A Green Aura covered Liz's body until she was completely healed. After healing her, he walked towards Cornelia and Marcus slowly, A Dark Aura was emanating from Deus's body. With every step, there would be a crack under his foot, he was using Dark Aura Manipulation. "It's just too much. You've taken too much from me! Now, now, no more mercy. Now I will kill you!" Deus lunged forward. His fists sharpened as sharp as a dagger, but that was temporary, it was to cut the wires.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 27 days ago

Meruin inhaled and exhaled calmly. No interruptions so far. That was good. She was nearly tempted to smile.

As the spell neared its completion, the sky grew dark as her magic began wrecking havoc on the atmosphere - that was just a side-effect though. The real purpose was something else. Something much worse really.

Eight pillars made of magma and steel rose from the ground all around the area, each nearby a different team. They were thirty meters or so in length and half that in width. Slowly but surely limbs began to form, and a sleeping face emerged from withing each pillar.




Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Magic Doesn't affect me girly!" Marcus shouted counting to chase her down at a moderate speed. Be could easily catch her but he needed to safe his energy for future oppenets that'll be tough to fight. As the knifes bounced of his nullifying barrier that covered his body. Marcus grabbed a ricocheting knife and hurdled it at Cornilea's legs. "Why don't you stop and fight be like an honorable person!! Coward!!!!" He clentched his fist which snapped the second knife that ricocheted off of him in half. Marcus was pretty pissed. Hopefully the gauntlets will protect Cornilea's body before Marcus gets to her and possibly rips her into pieces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza still didn't think he knew how to get to Hell but she would find out later, she still had stuff to do here after all. "Silly kid, you're not getting away that easy." Elza called out as he jumped away. Elza closed her eyes and tracked his shadow for a good ten seconds before popping out of it and appearing next to him, still keeping up, "Hehe, being a hermit is harder than it looks right? It's only fun until someone doesn't catch on to the act and just keeps bothering you. You can't keep up that icy exterior forever no matter how hard you try and when it comes down I'll be here waiting." Elza said grinning happily, next he was probally going to get angry and lash out at her. She wondered how he would attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 27 days ago

The pillars of fire and steel began changing. Arms and legs burst forth from them and a loud war cry that shook the soul echoed throughout the area. The earth shook violently as this occurred, and lighting crashed in protest to the wrecking of everything sacred.

It was nearly time.



Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris stared at the pillars as they rose from the ground and the features started appearing, "this must be that mage is cooking up, though it shouldn't be a problem" eris said as she jumped down from the roof holding her hand with the ring on it and walked back to the rest of the team "guys we need to move NOW!" She said and started to walk quickly in the opposite direction of the pillar that had sprung up close to her team then stopped and turned back casting a quick spell that would disguise their power "I've hidden you for a bit so go". Eris took off down the street in the direction of the tallest building Running at speeds fast enough for the others to not be able to keep up with keep up with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 27 days ago

With aloud roar, a titan covered in steel and with a body of magma erupted from the pillar. The eruption caused an explosion that would be felt by anyone nearby!

They had horns larger than a fully grown man, and drips of hot magma fell from the sides of their armor. A thick coat of magic of a mysterious origin surrounded them like a barrier; low level spells would never penetrate it. Hearing Meruin's call, the Children of the Scorched Earth began seeking out their respective targets . . .

@Slendy @BranchOfSin @Dash375

The Child roared as it neared Cornelia, Liz, Deus and Marcus, interrupting their fight. It breathed out a wide and large jet of searing hot flame towards them and a black, noxious gas spread from its back. It contained a heavy dose of poisonous gases that would be dangerous if inhaled in large amounts.

@The ghost in black @JelDARE @olcharlieboi @Vec

Eris was fast, but the Child made up for it by being big. Because she had disguised the others, she had revealed herself, and now the raging avatar of steal and magma focused all its attention on her. It chased after her, flinging magma left and right and its oppressive heat actually began burning a few of the buildings. Due to its sheer size it was beginning to catch up to Eris . . .


The Child that burst forth from its pillar immediately rushed towards Pamela, and the others. It was a bit farther away from them, so it would be a few seconds before it was close enough to do damage, however, even from a distance the heat from its body could be felt.

@Eklispe, @ScorpionLantern & MagusDream

Fire boiled the air as the Child that was targeting Agni, Elza and Mithrail jumped into the air with a roar, intending to crash down on them and envelop them in the fiery hell that was its embrace.

* * *

Meruin sighed as she finished the spell. Of course, this was Meruin; just this much wasn't enough. While the other teams were busy dealing with her summons, she immediately started chanting off another spell. "Keep guard, Tony, Ryan," she cautioned before doing so.

The small mage closed her eyes and once again began muttering a long aria. She was far from done with them. After all, the game had just begun.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Eklispe Rayne then looked at Sol, with a cold, death like glare. "I don't care much for light," she replied, in a gloomy, monotone voice. "but if you insist, I guess I can give it a go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Slick ran down the street, trying to keep up. He engulfed his legs in fire and used the propulsion to keep up with Eris.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris dodged the flaming balls of magma with room to spare all the while keeping her speed up high. As she neared the building she had a pillar of light appear underneath her feet and propelled herself into the air and having the pillar rush out and aim straight for the giant's chest area. As the pillar shot out she rushed up the side of the building and stood at the top of the 7 story building channeling her magic into a spell that should at least take out the behemoth below her. She created a wall and dropped it down on top of the giant hoping to slow it down. As Eris focused the sky began to cloud and swirl over the monster the light visably bending

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ito had just gotten to the city, barely having any time to look around before noticing the large fight raging on, as giant beings emerged out of large pillars and were attacking several of the fighters he dove for cover, hiding behind some debris and throwing his arms over his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tony saw the utter chaos around him and smirked, magic was so fun. Tony summoned the dragon he had called upon in Meruin's illusion. With Tony on his back, the dragon hovered over Meruin. Lucy left guarding Meruin to Tony as she decided to work behind enemy lines. She was physically buffed and invisible and untraceable, this was going to be fun. Tony activated a defensive spell over Meruin, that would protect her from projectiles and light attacks. It was just for people who would be able to use speed to try and get to her. Tony activated his own physical buffs, just in case Marcus tried to attack. "Ryan right now would be a great time to attack."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alex Faulkner

Alex was casually talking to the other three when the magical power in the air intensified even more. Then, with a rumbling sound, pillars of fire and rock emerged from the ground and features started appearing from the ground between them. Alex had trouble discerning what it was in the beginning but slowly he realised a giant Titan was being formed between the pillars. When the body of the monster was created, arms and legs shot forward from the pillars and attached to the Titan who then rose from its position and started walking towards the group, surely intending to attack them.

"guys we need to move NOW!" He heard Eris shout before she started running away from the Titan but stopped and casted a spell on the group to make them invisible. "She's endangering herself to help us escape! Guys, go help her and I'll take care of whoever summoned this monster. I'm sure that if we take out the source, the summoning will be undone as well" he quickly told the two.

"Good luck" he shouted and bolted towards the opposite direction, towards the Titan. "Archimedes' Box!" he shouted and a green, cubical force-field surrounded him, protecting him from the falling lava and rock as he passed beneath the giant behemoth. When he had distanced himself enough from the Titan, who was conveniently chasing after Eris and Slick, Alex stopped and closed his eyes. Not many people know this, but the human body emits a small electromagnetic force field, generated by the electricity that passes though the neurons. That force field is different in each human being, it's like the scientific version of a fingerprint. Alex had learned from a small age how to tell who was where by sensing that force field. He hadn't missed his chance and had already registered in his mind the force fields for everyone in their class.

Suddenly, Alex's eyes opened I found you...! he thought. He calculated the coordinates and then activated the formula that would teleport him to where Meruin's group was located. He had made sure to teleport a dozen meters away from the group, not wanting to let them find him just yet. When he arrived at the location, Alex scanned his surroundings for the enemy mage. The last thing he expected to find though was a huge dragon protecting her, "This is going to be difficult.." he mumbled.
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