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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Eyes in the Sky

It had been an ordinary day to start for Jeanne, a later start than usual, but a start nonetheless. Waking in the late parts of the morning with her hair in little more than a wild disaster of blonde hair, her bleary eyes greeted the sun as it poured through the wistful pale curtains that disguised her room from the outside. Rolling out of bed and casting the heavy blanket aside, her barefoot stride immediately lead to the shower as various articles of clothing fell to the ground.

Running her hands through the lengths of her golden hair, she frowned in a dissatisfied manner as she studied herself in the mirror. Rolling her eyes with a weary morning smile, Jeanne strode towards the shower and turned the knob smoothly. Not a moment after that, steam filled the room and fogged her mirror, all while the pleasant tone over her voice singing a favorite song lined the beginning of her day.

Today was supposed to be a day off for her, after all. A day without missions or danger, a day meant for leisure, sitting in the sill of her window and partaking in the comfortable warmth of the sun, all the while reading a good book. A high pitched squeak announced the end of her own shower, and after she wrapped the warmth of a soft towel about her figure. Tip-toeing back into her room, a sifting through drawers found a blue, thinly strapped summer dress for her to wear. Undergarments slipped on comfortably, and the dress soon after. Taking the time to run a brush through her hair, and even taking a moment to smell the citrus conditioner that she had infused it with, a serene smile crossed her lips.

Today was going to be a beautiful day.

Leaning to sit upon the windowsill, a book sat propped open upon her thigh. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea it was, one of the masterpieces written by Jules Verne. And while her blue eyes danced across the pages and her bottom lip was bitten in anticipation of the next fateful twist or turn, what she didn't notice at first was an intruder upon her impromptu sanctuary.

"Jeanne!" The lower ranking magi was forced to swallow hard as her pleasant expression suddenly turned into a disgruntled one, and a sharp glare was thrown in his direction. "We've got a SOS call from Augustine! You need to move, now!" SOS missions were something she had quite some experience in, and the S-Ranked woman sighed in spite, today was supposed to have given her a break, after all! Grumbling slightly as she rose to a stand and fitted a pair of sandals to her feet, Jeanne opened her window to the midday sun.

And from it she leapt.

Sprouting and swiftly growing from her shoulder blades grew a pair of magnificent and beautiful wings. As white as the purest ivory and shining like the sun, she darted across the sky akin to how a hummingbird darts from one flower to the next. With the maximum speed she possessed, it would not take long for her to reach the city of Augustine.

Nearing the city, even from a commendable distance she could tell that there was something wrong, horribly wrong. High in the sky expanded a cloud of petals and from them it all collapsed down upon the city. That was Hana's magic, it was one that she knew all too well. They were searching for someone, or something. Yet the trademark surge of her fellow S-Class Magi's form streaking across the sky caught her attention first.

Her hands slipped to her sides as her wings folded inward, and from high above the city, Jeanne descended through the falling petals. A few of them brushing her so that Hana would know about her coming. While at the same time as she fell, white fire coalesced in her grasp, a long sword made of the purely white flame that was her trademark magic. One she was at equal altitude with Hana however, the wings spread wide, and her Lamia Scale guild mates would be able to see her as she darted past the sun.

If she was here, it meant that the Guild Master of Lamia Scale had requested her interference on the matter. Catching up to Hana wasn't terribly much of an issue, and soon she was flying right beside the most powerful Magi in her guild. Glancing to her teammate from the corner of her eye, Jeanne spoke quite amicably, cheerfully, even though today was supposed to be a day off.

"Troubling times, yes? Who are we hunting?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

"A fine hello to you as well, Jeanne," Revan flew up from underneath the two, his aura somewhat stiffling as he came near on his wings of blackest knight. "As for those we're hunting:Silver hair, Pompadour, and Sairis, who appears to have been demonized." Revan grinned, his red eyes burning as the urge to kill grew inside of him. He needed to finish this quick, or else he wouldn't be able to control this form for long. After I take care of Sairis, hopefully without killing him, I'll switch over to Lucifer mode, as it's easier to control a better for prolonged battles. "If no one has any issues, I'll be handling him. Jeanne, you and Hana would do best to team up against any single foe, leaving the final one free to the rest. Once that's been settled, we'll deal with this so called Lucifer and the so called 'God' they have trapped in the ball." With his advice given, Revan played a low tune with a flute he conjured, causing a uprising of hydra's to rise up towards him, sliding over him and forming a cloak thqt slipped between his wings.

"Now then, Let the fun began!" Revan swopped down into the enemy at astounding speed, aiming to knock Sairis into another part of the city. If he succeedded, he'd follow the newly made demon where ever he landed and float above him. "Well then, guess it's time for that spar, Moaning Lamentation!" He exclaimed, launching the same attack he'd used on Lu.


Xavier stared at the horror around him with a strange expression on his face. His face read all the disgust and fear as can be expected, but his eyes were a mix of those emotions and a wanting expression of bloodlust. He could sense the intense power from his foes, and the fact that they were fighting Sairis didn't make this seem any easier, yet he felt inside of him an intense hungering for that very power.

'If I want power, I must take it.' He whispered to himself, an idea forming in his head as he felt knowledge of his power being whispered to him by Cassandra.

"Caroline, I'm going to try something," he turned to her, ignoring her partial-nudity in respect to the situation, "I'm going to need you to protect me as I do it, okay?" Xavier didn't wait for an answer, taking a knee as he focused his energy.

A black magic circle appeared underneath him, a demonicly-stylized crown in the center of it. "Demon King's Summons: Rook and Knight"

From the circle came two wisps of darkness, one settling around him, the other one forming into a shadowy suit of armor, a ethereal blue energy flowing out from it.

"King's Possession: Knight"

As soon as the words were said, his body went somewhat limp. The armor, however, jumped up as if shocked, the shadowed aura around him soon to be joined by a strange black and red ash. "Okay, this feels. . . strangely awesome." Xavier, now possesing the Knight he had summoned, looked down at his new body beford turning his attention to the enemy. "Now then, let's see if this works. . . Knightmare Rush." The armor seemed to glow extremely bright for a second, before flashing over to Renji, launching a high pressured blast of blistering hot ash, filled with tiny obsidian shards, before jumping back to summon bbsidian blades covered in that same blue energy and launched himself at the mage with a vicious barrage of attacks. Xavier didn't know the first thing about swordfighting, but being in the Knight gave him a battle prowess and experience he'd never even though possible. It might not be enough to stop his foe, but it should be enough to hold him down until someo e else took him down.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ajax Thera & Stacy Kaiser

Now that Oriel and Aiden were in the training clothes, Ajax walked towards the front door. The train at the station began to depart once Aiden's Ice Guardians finished retrieving the gear, leaving everyone at the facility. As it sped down the tunnel and vanished, Ajax opened the front doors. There was a long hall with several steel doors along it. It appeared almost like a sanitarium, though it was noticeably tidy and well-kept.

At the end of the hallway was a steel ladder going straight up, presumably to a hatch leading to the surface. "The second door on the left is the barracks," Ajax pointed out, before moving his finger to point at the door across the hallway. "Across is the gymnasium, where there is exercise and weight training equipment." Now he pointed at the closest door on the left. "That is the main office, where I will be staying at night." The final door on the right. "And that is the cafeteria, and by extension the kitchen and storage."

Almost perfectly on queue, Stacy opened the cafeteria door and strolled out into the hallway, leaving it open for everyone to travel through. The cafeteria itself was rather small, only having two tables with six seats each. There was a door leading to the kitchen, which was connected to the cafeteria by a half-wall serving as a type of bar. Next to that door was another open door, leading to an empty storage room with several shelves and crates. "Place is spotless," Stacy updated, before noticing Aiden's Ice Guardians.

"Ice..." she mumbled, before a grin formed on her face. "A fire and ice couple, how cute." Without waiting for Aiden or Oriel to defend themselves, the pale girl turned to Ajax. "Should I just wait outside?" He nodded quietly and she departed as such. After climbing the ladder, she left the hatch open, creating a square spot of sunlight on the hallway's floor at the base of the ladder. Now Ajax turned to Aiden and Oriel again. "Organize the supplies. Keep the food separate from the water and make sure the clothes and other gear go on the shelves. Once you two are finished, place your personal belongings on any of the bunks in the barracks and meet me outside."

The big man casually walked over to the ladder himself and ascended, leaving Aiden and Oriel to their chore. Once they finish and make their way outside, they would find that Ajax didn't exaggerate about the environment. The land above the facility was desolate and empty. Not a single sprout of vegetation to be seen. Not even a bird in the sky, or even a cloud for that matter. The desert heat would be felt from the ladder, but standing outside just made it worse. While Ajax, despite wearing thick, dark, armored clothes didn't seem to be bothered, Stacy Kaiser was visibly bothered by the heat.

Once the recruits got to the surface, Ajax continued explaining their situation. "When I said this was a hostile environment, I wasn't joking," he said first, surprisingly devoid of smartassery. "There is no water within a hundred miles and us four are the only living things here. Well..." Now Stacy spoke up. "There's a local monster that shows up every once in a while," she explained, wiping some sweat from her brow. "Annoying bastard. Thing only eats dirt... I think... it still attacks if you get too close."

The Wizard Saint nodded in agreement. "I believe it's called a Gravedigger. It isn't too much of a problem so long as you don't pick a fight with it. Actually a gentle creature..." After shrugging his shoulders, Ajax continued. "The point is you have no reason to not hold yourselves back out here. From this day forward you will push yourselves to your limit. You don't have to worry about damaging anything or hurting others out here. And the only way to get stronger is to find your limits and break through."

Stacy jolted upright now, already detecting what was about to come. She took several steps away from Ajax as he raised his palm towards Aiden and Oriel. Slowly and calmly, he rotated his hand so the back of it was facing them, before gesturing for the pair to come at him. "I need to see what you two are capable of. So come, demonstrate your power. I want to see your maximum output." His eyes narrowed as his body shifted slightly. This was the sign that he was prepared for combat. While the pale girl backed further away from the group, Ajax maintained his position. "Show me what you can do."

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

The pink-haired samurai slowed down slightly when Jeanne and Revan caught up with her, so she could hear them better over the wind. The situation had gotten worse, for the most part. The illusion was lifted, which was nice as Hana could now instantly identify enemies. But there was more enemies, and seemed stronger than simple tricksters. Being that one was blatantly being demonized and another had managed to change the entire landscape of Augustine.

"My..." Hana spoke to herself, taking in what Revan suggested. Apparently it was Sairis that had become particularly nasty and not an enemy, so it made sense for Revan to handle him. Hana's skills weren't well suited to holding back, after all. After the Vyper flew away to focus on his target, Hana stopped entirely and turned turned to Jeanne. "This is becoming a disaster," Hana spoke, her voice as calm and soothing as always.

Her hand noticeably clutched the spear tighter now, though her expression didn't change. "We cannot allow this to go any further... our honor depends on it." Now her gaze shifted, looking all around. The various new structures were ominous and imposing. Hana didn't like them one bit. "I will defeat the man responsible for this," she said, her voice and expression suddenly taking an uncharacteristically steely resolve. The pink-haired samurai faced away from Jeanne now, toward the direction of the shrine.

"My last encounter with evil was humiliating," she confessed, still facing away from Jeanne. "I will not let these people have their way... They will be given no mercy and they will not escape from me." The spear in her hand began to grow white as Hana used her requip magic. Now in her hands was her infamous white blade, still in its sheathe. "Please do be careful," Hana spoke, facing her comrade with a smile. "And show these Vypers and Harpies what Lamia Scale can do."

With a final wink, Hana faced towards the distant shrine again and placed her free hand on the hilt of her blade. A look of concentration appeared on her face, though given her general appearance she appeared more cute than fierce. A brief but powerful gust of wind blasted from Hana, though it seemed nothing happened. She didn't even seem to have moved an inch. After a second or two, all the spires and structures around Augustine town received a clean slice completely through them, about halfway up. The bisected upper halves slowly began to slide, all at the same time, before crashing to the ground with simultaneous impacts.

Hana looked forward, not even sparing a glance at the damage her attack caused. She knew she didn't hit anyone, but she couldn't account for the falling debris. The thought wasn't even in her mind at this point. The Last Samurai leaped forward, seemingly vanishing in a blur of motion. She had chosen her opponent, and now she was closing in. A blur of pink, followed by a trail of cherry blossoms, pointed towards the demonic shrine in the distance.

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

The sniper looked around at her new surroundings, instinctively going back-to-back with the nearby Nigel in case there was an immediate ambush. She couldn't understand everything that was going on, but it seemed that a whole new group of people was thrown into Augustine Town. And not all of them were allies. "Well at least there's stuff to shoot at now," Piper spoke through gritted teeth, though she sounded more irritated than excited.

The shotgun in her hand began to glow. "Requip! Bazooka!" In her hands was now a much larger, more tubular weapon. Unlike her mistake earlier with Xavier, Piper was able to understand that Sairis was not the enemy, despite the fact he looked like one presently and seemed to be acting like one. Instead she decided to focus on the people she didn't know, as they were certainly enemies.

"Boost me onto one of these rooftops," she barked at Nigel. She pointed towards one of the nearby demonic structures. "If you can get me on top of that, I'll have the perfect position to-..." She stopped speaking mid-sentence as the structure she desired suddenly was cut in half horizontally. She only watched silently as the upper half collapsed, noticing quickly that the same thing happened to the other demonic things all over the town. "Okay, that building will do decently," Piper corrected, pointing at a new building that wasn't as tall but had the benefit of not being destroyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nigel Ballard

Confused. That was the one word that could describe Nigel right then. He ignored Piper and her question, watching as the town went from a sunny, filled with laughter place to a dark, hostile environment. He watched the townspeople turn into crazy cultists and what's more, space itself started warping. The ground shaked, spikes and spirals started shooting from the ground and buildings that could only be described as demonic emerged from beneath Augustine town's buildings, destroying them in the process.

Nigel looked up and saw a man hovering above everyone. "You all have done wonderfully. Your mettle shall be tested. You've come to be fed the beast known as Walpurgisnacht and I, Lucifer, shall harbor to your death." That man, Lucifer as he called himself, seemed to be the one responsible for all the destruction. We will be fed? Walpurgisnacht? There were a million questions filling Nigel's mind but it seemed they weren't going to be answered any time soon. He looked around and to his surprice, saw that everyone who was at the S-Class camp had, somehow, been teleported to Augustine as well. Must be Lucifer's work.. Nigel figured.

Nigel cleared his mind, trying to organise his thoughts. If he was to formulate a plan of action, he would have to be calm, collected and above all, concentrated on the task at hand. That's when Piper shouted at him, "Boost me onto one of these rooftops, if you can get me on top of that, I'll have the perfect position to-..." she was cut off as the building she had been pointing at was sliced in half. "Okay, that building will do decently," she corrected herself, pointing at a different building. Nigel looked at the building and then back at Piper and nodded in agreement before he stated transforming. When he was finished, Nigel no longer looked like a human but more like an advanced launching pad. A face appeared at the side of the strange contraption, "Hurry and step in" he told Piper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki:

'Well...this certainly escalated quickly.' Sage looked around to see carnage everywhere, the once blue skied town was nothing more than ruins, floating building that were suspended had bit falling down, making it very difficult to stay in one place.

'Whoa!' he jumped out of a falling house that was near millimetres to crushing him 'Wow, i that guy who did this: I would like to learn his magic- Scratch that: It sucks'

"This place is awfully like home in the underworld." Bakuko peered thought the vision of his host. "But seeing so much demons: it makes my black blood boil with the mere though we thinking my teeth into their flesh."

'Easy there sensei, you'll get your feed after this is said and down.' Sage sidestepped a pillar.

'Huh....It seems that all mana-signature have gone to one spot.' Sage face fell.

'They are all the way up there. And yet.'

'Why the bloody hell am i still on the ground!?'

It was true, while everyone was above ground level: nearly 869 meters of the ground. Sage Ruzuzaki stood at ground zero: where all the action wasn't at. Grunting in defeat he kicked a stone towards a ruin house.

"Boost me onto one of these rooftops"," Sage heard a female voice giving orders to someone. Turning towards the sound he saw a girl with long black hair, some parts of it where covered by a beanie, that same colour as her slit cut sweater. "If you can get me on top of that, I'll have the perfect position to-..." Another building structure fell near her, this time making her smile.

"Okay, that building will do decently,"

This was happening 100 meters above her and her companion.

“hu…it seem there are multiple floating layers” Bakuko spotted “Let me take control of your left eye” Suddenly sage spot multiple building in a red hue. Each one of them at Mana signatures. “As you having the worst luck- is stuck on ground zero.

‘Please don’t remind me about that’ Sage looked around, multiple hostile emerged from the ground and building ‘Right….townspeople are being brainwashed….’ He took a whiff and clinched ‘Oh yeah….it’s has demon all over it.’

‘So what are you going to do?’ the beast asked.

(Insert Music: Bravely Default: Evil one)

‘What do you think sensei?’ Sage smirked as he split his railgun into two, turning back into katanas. ‘We ‘stun them': I’ve practice my bushido enough to know kill them’

‘Whatever, it’s not like I want to kill them’ the beast shook his head before looking back in his host’s eyes. ‘Go for it!’

Sage hopped on one foot to another before positioning himself to fight.

‘Alright then: Show me what you got’

He waited from most of the possessed civilian to come close to him before exhaling.

‘Hollow Bark!’ his eye flashed red and blue as he appeared before the clothed man, cutting him enough to render him unconscious before kicking hard into the crowd behind him. All of a sudden the slow walking member of Augustine town soon ran after him. Licking his lips he got ready before closed his eyes again.

‘Firefly!’ a group of men and woman where soon freed from whatever that was controlling them, as well as their clothes as the feel to the ground.

‘Lotus!’ reacting without hesitation Sage grabbed the face of a man and was about to attack his blind spot before cutting down in a flash. ‘Lotus Evolution: Black Lilies!’ Sage’s right blade shimmer with black light and he crouched hard before taking off in a flash on blinding speed.

It wasn’t fast like Hana, but it was fast to him. It was enough to sweep and crowd of 50 townspeople of their feet and into the dream time.

As Sage continued to cut down the people before him. The beast inside was sleeping.

‘IF I need to play apart in his fight when he calls me: then I need all the power I can gain.’

Jumping of the chest of someone, Sage jumped high into the air and pointed his blades downwards.

‘I’m confident in my own strength! Training five years in the underworld doesn’t mind shit if I can’t beat everyone that stand before me!” Sage super-kicked a man in the face ‘I want more power!’

Sage gave shouted silent snarl as he grabbed a fist full of an innocent man dress and hurled high into the air, before hatching a mischievous idea. After throwing him, he start throwing everyone he could grab his hand on and threw them all into the air.

‘Beanie Girl, think of this as a Hello present!’ he smirked before elbowing a girl in the face.

This lasted for a few moments before Sage knocked on the last possessed Civilian out cold. He was still unsatisfied with the fight. ‘Where are the demons!?’

“………” the black beast was fast asleep.

Before Sage could say anything. He spotted something – or someone buried underneath a nearby house. Quickly sheathing his sword he ran towards the house and removed that rubble and froze.


She had Black hair.

She was also naked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The sudden transition had Lu looking out towards the new realm with intrigue. The entirety of the S Class wizards were now among a crowd of new faces, all of them seemingly just as lost if not even more so than they were. The God Soul wizard smiled at the confusion, it was the perfect environment for Yunin's transformation, the chaos and deprave scenery would make him at home once he awoke.

In the meantime though, I guess I'll follow that masked man's orders. He and Yunin must have some understanding that we don't know about. It irks me but I guess I don't have a choice.

He just barely registered the new ally that had joined the fray but was unsure of how Yunin would react to Obinari's body being dined upon. Either way, it wasn't his problem at the moment, his only duty was to hold off the insects crawling around his King's cocoon. He cracked his neck, standing on one of the pillars floating a few stories over the crowd of legal wizards.

He laughed confidently and softly from above them. "Are you all comfortable? its where you all belong. Beneath u-."

While he spoke he felt a sudden slide of motion. Noticing the taller columns being cut in half, he used a rather useful spell and summoned vines from the dormant soil from ground that was transported with them, and fixed them onto the sliced halves before latching back into place. He turned his gaze on a quick blur that flew pass Renji, the dormant and hidden Yunin, and himself.

They don't know where he is. That's good.

Before they could react wholly, Lu--with a clear sight of them all--summoned his vines to fight the majority of the wizards. Overwhelming numbers of powerful and thick vines shot up from the earth in numbers that seemed endless, even with their destruction, five more would sprout in turn and lash out with demonic barbs towards his opponent. It costed him magic and concentration but if he could just hold them off long enough for The Savage God to awaken than victory was all but assured.

On a different column though notably close to Lu, Renji gazed down at the Wizards with a obvious but stern disdain. He had no words for them but he knew he what the mission required of him. And that was a sound soul and absolute conviction. No one would get past him, he'd ensure that Lu could concentrate on his supreme distraction by dealing with anyone that got pass them. He was Isvan's hero soldier for no other reason than his indomitable spirit.

Without tearing his gaze from the others, Renji formed his spirit blade into a wide greatsword and blocked the stranger's initial attack. His speed was nothing compared to the warriors from the S-Class camps. He was weak and amazingly ignorant of his place on the battlefield. With a flick of his wrist Renji swung his spirit blade through the air between them. A immensely powerful and concentrated shockwave shot towards the youth before he could dive headlong into battle against him. He supposed he was still on a high from his battle with Sairis but that guy just seemed pitiful in comparison.

He awaited for the next opponent to try and get passed them.

Sable Rhodroth
Red flames poured off him as he trudged through powerful high winds. He didn't understand how he got separated from the others but he had. He narrowed his eyes as he held together what little bit of knowledge he could pull from the situation. Which wasn't much at all. They had been transported somewhere...hellish. He had been tossed out from the others and now new players were on the field.

He tensed his jaw as he continued to climb even further up the steep cliff. Telling Gwen that he'd take down the mastermind with his Dragon Slayer magic was still fresh in his head. He knew the others could handle themselves, he didn't have a doubt about that. But the asshole that was orchestrating all of this would have to answer to him. The man was endangering his Guildmates and that was unforgivable.

"I'll get that bastard!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 2 days ago

Xavier: Knight Possession

Renji's attack hit dead on, blasting the knight into scattered pieces of scrap metal, only or them to reform behind with in a split second, stabbing a blade into the ground. The ground underneath him began to glow a deep red glow, before the ground beneath him exploded outward, a powerful rush of molten ash rushing forward at insane speeds, covering a large area with the substance. If inhaled, it would begin to clog, shred, and burn the lungs, the only one being able to safely breathe inside of it being Xavier. After that attack, he'd charge again, this time creating a large greatsword made of a majority of that blue energy with an obsidian handle and grip.

As he clashed with Renji, the Isvan would notice that the longer that the Knight fought, the better it seemed to fight, seeming to get used to his fighting style at an incredible high rate. Within a few minutes, his base fighting skills, if not his overall power, would be on level with Renji, able to clash evenly with the Isvan's mage. This was the ability of the Knight, Hyper-Adaptation, which allowed him to match the base physical fighting skills of any opponent stronger than himself. This doesn't apply magic or any non-natural boosts to physical abilities.




Aiden went with his guardians to accomplish the tasks assigned to him, choosing not to respond to Stacy's comment, in no small part because he wasn't even sure if they were, if his recent thoughts were any indication. Once he had put everything away and put down his dragon scale gauntlets, greaves, and boots on a bunk closer to the entrance. He had considered using them for the training, but he decided that he should only use his base abilities for this training, so any unneeded items would go unused until needed. That being said, he was a little hesitant to leave some of his most prized possessions all alone like that, but he took comfort in the fact that nobody else would be here, so if they were taken, he had a very small list of suspects.

When he climbed up the ladder, his expression went from calm and collected, to extreme discomfort and distaste, the heat making him feel like he'd stepped on the surface of the sun. He covered himself in a thin film of cool water to ease the heat, steam rising from his body as it began to evaporate just as soon as the water formed. When Ajax told them about what they were going to do here, as well as how he wanted to see their maximum ability, Aiden nodded, his legion of Ice Guardians leaping out of the hole to charge at the Wizard Saint, all of them carrying an assortment of weapons. He made sure to cast Fallen Grace on them, so as the heat of the area would cause them to melt into little puddles with in minutes.

Aiden himself, however, took a moment to focus before going into True Dragon slayer mode, which differed slightly due to his training and new element. The wings and tail of Ice he had were now mixed with water, making them much more manueverable than before. He also had water coursing along the top of his skin, only visible on his face due to the suit he wore, that formed flowing lies that shifted occasionally in accordance with his mood.

Ready as ever, he launched himself skyward with a down beat of his wings, looking down at Ajax from above, clawed hands outstretched. "Weiss Dragon's Freezing Pulse." He called out, forming a disk of water that he launched at the saint. Where ever the water hit, a thick layer of ice would soon form. Aiden would perform this attack 3 more times from various direction, before charging up another attack. "Fluid-Ice Make: Dragonic Ascension" Aiden charged this spell for a few minutes longer than needed, before launch a battalion of dragonic birds at the Wizard Saint, casting Fallen Grace over them as well.

After that, Aiden waited in the sky above, waiting to see what the man would do. Aiden's ability to reuse ice would be very limited in this scorching heat, plus the aridity of the air made the use his Water Dragon magic also something to be careful of. This environment was a hundred percent against him in every single way . . . that made him all the more determined to beat this training. His dragonic eyes, as well as the scale marks along his face and arms, began to glow a mix of light and dark blue as he grew even more excited, a growl escaping his throat. "Let's see how far we can push a Wizard Saint!"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Caroline stood by and watched Xavier, or what she assumed was Xavier, fighting with the enemy. She watched his movements as they advanced, becoming smoother, faster, stronger, and glanced back at the unconscious body of her guildmate. "I hope you know what you're doing, Xavier."

Suddenly, vines sprouted from between her feet, forcing her to back up. Putting her hands together, she started forming the sign for Ice Make, but changed her mind and shifted to Artifact Make. "False Requip, Magmolten Lash!"

A long, black whip formed in her hand, and as she drew it up and snapped it back down on the vines, it lit itself ablaze, burning the vines. As more vines sprouted in their place, Caroline kept attacking, never taking a step away from Xavier. "Come on," She muttered, glancing furtively at her companion.


"Don't blink," Said a voice behind Lu, just before Nathan brought his fist down with more force and speed than almost anybody could hope to stop. If it didn't hit it's target, it would surely impact the pillar below him, shattering it into shards.

"Or else you might miss me." He finished, disappearing again. He phased into existence about three meters away, waiting for a reaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Oriel followed up the instructions given to her to a T, something that may have seemed really strange given her usual behavior, but she seemed pretty diligent now that she had to train to become a mage hunter, or whatever it is called. She just wondered, how come she was selected to be one? It's not like she had been for a long while in the guild, to be honest, and this Ajax guy seemed to have just gotten to know both Aiden and her, so what brought up the recruitment bit? Maybe that just showed how friggin' awesome she was, or at least that's what she thought. Having gone into the guild just a bit ago and alraedy having her abilities recognized by the big shot like that, it was truly something to be proud of.

After getting the supplies and everything else to the place Ajax told her to, Oriel got ready for the next part of their training. She took her tonfas and got ready to rumble, going up the stairs just below Aiden. Once on the outside, she whistled with amazement. Rather than hostile it seemed.... desolated. And that same thing made it dangerous. There was about nothing around in an incredible radius all around the facility. "Seems dandy for a picnic, don't you think guys?" Oriel said, smiling a bit.

Then again, the next thing that came out from Ajax mind did come out as a surprise for Oriel. Ajax said that they needed to fight him at their fullest, but that was definitely not possible. If Oriel went all out on the fuy, Wizard Saint or not, Dragon Slayer or not, he'd burn to a crisp without a doubt. Not to say anything about how Oriel would end up, with barely any strength to stand. Ajax would have to make do with Oriel's maximum output without raising her trump card. "Okay! But don't come crying to us when you get your ass kicked, Jaxxy!" With Ajax's newly acquired nickname on him, she snapped her fingers and made her tonfas ignite.

She decided to let Aiden have the first strike, and she saw him being serious for the first time. That dragon whatever mode he had looked really dangerous. After Aiden finished up his attack and said that they should see how far they can push him, a huge smirk came to Oriel's face. "I'm on it!" It was now Oriel's turn, and she took a running start, ready to strike at Ajax.

She jumped and aimed a kick at Ajax's head, making sure she didn't get in the way of Aiden's attack, hoping a two pronged attack would do the work. He did say that he wanted them to come at him with all they had, even if it meant that both of them attacked him at once, or at least, so Oriel thought. "This kick ain't got no fancy name, but it does hurt like hell!" She said. Of course, she wasn't sure of whether or not the kick would connect, but regardless of the outcome, she'd roll away from him and wait for him to make his move. She was reckless as fuck, but she didn't plan on dying anytime soon, and something told her that messing too much with this guy would end up in just that. So, they had to finish things up quickly, or face the consequences.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jeanne - The Archangel

"Good day to you as well, Revan. Pleasant, is it not?" Jeanne quipped amusingly as the two caught up with Hana. With the illusion long gone, and the true scale of the desolation in plain view, it was truly a saddening sight to see. What was just as troubling, if not more was the way by which Hana spoke. Even for an S-Rank Magi, it seemed as if she were going to be acting far too reckless for the situation.

She could sense it, pulsing in the depths beneath the travesty that lay before them. A true monstrosity, a wielder of power beyond her own imagining lay in the deep, simply waiting to be reborn.

Beyond anything, even at the cost of her own life, it must absolutely be stopped. Yet this concern did not display itself upon her complexion in the least, as she glanced to Revan as Hana left in a blur of speed and reckless abandon. With a sigh of resignation, the Angelic Magi looked to the Demonic.

"Well, it seems as if I'll be indisposed for awhile. Do take care, Revan." She uttered softly, reaching over as she drifted through the air for second to caress his cheek. With a radiant smile to him, she furled her wings inward to drop towards the earth, only spreading her wings wider yet at the last moment and turning towards the direction by which Hana had sprinted off. Using the speed gained by the fall, she arrived only a few seconds after that of her comrade.

With a gust of wind that announced her arrival, her toes lightly touched the ground first as she arrived and descended slowly. To Hana, she would hear but a singular phrase. "Fret not dear Hana. I believe we can depend on our other teammates to hold off a little while longer. Let us work together here and expedite this, shall we?"

Casting her hand to the side, a flash of glistening light signified the creation of several dozen swords of pure white fire to appear in the air. Five dozen of which cast themselves into the sky around Augustine. Two dozen of them stayed with Jeanne. While the towers attempted to collapse but failed in taking so many with them, the swords poured in not moments later and claimed just as many if not more. Hewing many an adversary into two separate halves while righteous judgment rained from the sky. After crippling what little weakened defense might have remained, the blades continually rained divine punishment upon those that would do evil. The numerous vines that had been summoned would easily find themselves suddenly rend asunder by Jeanne's vengeance.

It were almost as if it could sense them, and if it did, it would hunt each monstrosity down with zealotry comparable to the inquisition chasing heretics in the days of old.

For those who served the darkness, no longer was there a place that was safe. There was only death, and it came swiftly.

Hana then recklessly rushed in, and Jeanne calmly proceeded in behind her. Walking, instead of running. With a maelstrom of holy fire swirling about her.

Any evil that dared attack herself or Hana would be either cut to ribbons, or promptly turned to ash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Niti Laevis

“Things are getting a bit shitty,” Niti muttered under his breath as his sunny environment quickly dissolved into one that is filled with blood, ruins, and hooded cultists. There wasn’t much to worry though. Sure, there were more enemies who popped out of nowhere and claimed that everybody will feast on the flesh of some beast called Walpurgisnacht (whatever that is), but the upside is that back-up came in the sudden appearance of S-Classed wizards. If he were to look off into the distance, he could see some of the Harpies and Bolt Vypers already in action.

“Welp, better not disappoint my team. Can’t let them have all the fun.” The Soap Mage pocketed the note that had smacked him from behind, and turned to Mamba with a playful wink. “Still need that barrier, Dreamboat?” Without waiting to hear an answer, Niti raised his arms as he close his eyes. He concentrated his magic and took steady breaths, preparing for what’s to come. Above his head, a green magic circle appeared. Materializing an armada of bubbles, they rapidly fired into the sky in one giant column of shimmering orbs. They soon began to stack on top of each other and started to surround the town with its vast numbers.

“Bubble Barrier!” With a flick of his wrist, the bubbles merged into one smooth surface.

The whole town was soon inside a giant translucent dome with walls more durable then it seems and capable of doing one noticeable feat. If an attack or person attack the barrier’s with enough power, numerous bubbles would emerge from its surface and wraps itself against the strike, either immobilizing the person or cushioning enough of its power to cancel out the attack.

“No enemy will escape this town!” Niti announced with tired pride, his voice quivering slightly under the heavy use of magic required to cover the entire town plus any allies within his radius. Perspiration coated his form as his skin looked slightly paled. Nevertheless, he stood strong despite the mass amount of magic that seeped from his body and into the barrier to keep constant maintenance. He let out a small smile at the sight when radiant beams of light rain down from the skies of Augustine. Large quantities of debris that came from the destroyed towers and spires fell from the sky. Some of the wreckage hurdled toward the town only to bounce off the barrier harmlessly, leaving not even a scratch on the surface and maybe a few residues of bubbles.

“Well, at least, not if they wanna live.” He added, recognizing the destructive Magic that belongs to a certain guildmate. "Anyone else wanna help with the barrier?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Bristlebane looked around somewhat confusedly, a lot of stuff had started happening really fast. From what he could gather of the situation, a bunch of demons had showed up and everyone had started kicking butt. He looked around eagerly for an opponent only to find a barrage of vines headed towards him, he backed up incinerating them with his jetfire ring while retrieving his golden sword. To his frustration more of the vines appeared and to his distress it appeared they were surrounding him. Seeing a fellow guildmate in danger, Caroline something or another, he decided that it would be best to regroup. Bristlebane hurled his travel stone vanishing just as the vines around him attempted to smash him into dust.

He appeared next to Caroline his golden sword swinging in a shimmering path cutting through the vines behind her and clearing a small space around them. "Hey there need some help?" he asked cheerfully, the smile was wiped off his face however when he was upstaged by some angel chick summoning far to many large shiny swords of death. Show-off Bristlebane thought to himself grumpily as he looked at the vines suspiciously, it wasn't sure whether they would grow back or not after the beating the took.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Unconscious from the debris rather she was knocked out temporarily with no armors or anything but just herself. Gwen entrusted Sable to find the master mind and furthermore she can't find Caroline. Having to worry about what is happening. Gwen tries her best to remain calm. Though she and her teammates were near she is founded by Sage from the rubble. "I'm fine. More importantly let's head to the shrine. Don't ask why, fellow Lamia Scale member. Tell everyone to head to the shribe ." She detected the vast presence happening in the shrine with her bow. Naked. Gwen doesn't care though she is mentally exhausted.

Black Mamba

"Everyone alright? Kyuuten. Get Trisana to use her cards and enhance with a variant of your meteor. I have pinpointed the location of the culprit."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade

Sighing, Aria lowered her hands, witnessing the change in scenery. What a waste, she thought, as she felt the magical energy from her hands dissipating. She gave a low grunt, thinking that the whirlwind she created with such effort had been for naught. Looking around, she noted what she saw.

A hellish city. The same enemies. With Sairis as an additional one. Also, it seems that Harpy and Vyper members were present, too. Begrudgingly she stood at the same spot, unmoving, eyes wandering around to observe. However, she did cut down vines from Lu here and there before some white fire incinerated them. She took no action after that, seeing as it wasn't needed. Because of that, Aria took to finding more enemies, or maybe threats of the sort. Something she could do, at least, other than just standing around. She concentrated, sensing the energies of everything around her, starting from a small radius, then slowly expanding.

Nothing abnormal.
That is, until the now wide circle of range reached a certain spot, quite far from where she was. A large, demonic presence she wasn't familiar with. Frowning, she also detected Sable's energy not too far off it.

Aria made quick steps to its direction. Before she broke into a run though, she abruptly stopped, overhearing the naked Gwen who had been nearby. Thus she approached her and Sage, a Lamia Scale member she didn't really know well, while wearing her trademark scowl. Though she really didn't mean to.

"Shrine? North? Is that where the large presence is?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ajax Thera & Stacy Kaiser

The stoic Saint stood firm as Aiden and Oriel launched their attacks. The Ice Guardians were the first to close in for an attack, a clever tactic of Aiden to preserve his magic by using a spell he had already cast earlier. The first one closed in, swinging a sword down at Ajax but finding stiff resistance. Ajax blocked by simply grabbing the frozen sword with his bare hand, effortlessly stopping the Ice Guardian in its tracks. Before the rest of the small horde had a chance to get their attacks in they were all destroyed. Ajax swung the Ice Guardian by the sword, smashing all of them into frozen shards.

Despite the frosty effects of the spell, he appeared entirely unaffected and even unaware of any numbing from the contact. His yellow eyes focused next on Aiden's incoming water discs. Like with the Ice Guardians, Ajax made no attempt to dodge them. When he blocked the first disc with his left forearm, he seemed somewhat surprised by the attack freezing on contact, encasing his arm in ice. The following three attacks all hit him as well, almost fully enclosing the Wizard Saint in ice. This was brief, as the ice soon cracked and shattered, freeing Ajax.

He looked back at Aiden again now. "Dragon Force?" he wondered aloud, watching the Dragon Slayer charge up another attack. "... No, it's not." Ajax crossed his arms in front of his face in a defending position the moment he saw the barrage of ice birds flying at him. Though they pelted him like a machine gun, the occasional few missing and hitting the ground around him to cause dirt and dust to fly into the air. Once it settled down, Ajax was shown in the same position, completely unscathed. Before he could even relax out of his defending stance, Oriel came in for her attack.

Her foot went around his guard, as she struck from a different angle, and connected with the side of his head. The blow noticeably forced Ajax to tilt slightly, and for a second it seemed as if he had head trauma. But only for a second, as Ajax finished relaxing out of his stance surprisingly calmly while Oriel put distance between them to avoid a counterattack. Now standing upright with his hands to his sides it was easy to tell: Ajax had taken no damage from the attacks. "Hmmm..."

"I had hoped you two would be stronger," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. There was no insult intended, but his deadpan tone might've made his words even more hurtful than if it was a simple insult. Ajax looked to Oriel on the ground for a moment, looking her up and down, before turning his gaze to Aiden in the sky and doing the same. "Unless the two of you aren't taking this seriously." Ajax looked over to his right. Stacy had backed away from the fighting significantly, standing well out of their way. He nodded his head towards her before turning his gaze back to Aiden and Oriel. In response, Stacy jumped over to the hatch leading down to the facility, falling through the opening and closing the steel entrance behind her on the way down. A faint click could be heard, as the only way into the base was now locked.


Ajax notably adjust his position, standing with a wider and more balanced stance. He brought his elbows to his side and held his fists out. If the new stance wasn't proof enough, the intense magical pressure in the air made it clear that he was preparing an attack. The large man began taking a long, deep breath, inhaling the air around him and inflating his lungs. The ground beneath him began shaking slightly, sending tiny pebbles and yet-to-be-melted ice shards into a frenzy. Very quickly, both Aiden and Oriel could feel an intense heat radiating from Ajax, despite not being particularly close to him.

Now he began to lean back slightly, still sucking in air. After a few seconds of this he finally ceased. The shaking in the ground only grew stronger and the pressure in the air grew more intense. "Lava Dragon's..." he spoke rather quietly, just loud enough for Aiden and Oriel to hear. The split-second warning, aside from the time he took to charge his attack, was all they got. Ajax flung his upper body forward, setting his arms further out to keep his balance. "Roar!!" With his mouth wide open, the Wizard Saint aimed at the space between Aiden and Oriel, the perfect middle distance between them.

A powerful cyclone of orange and black lava burst forth like an erupting volcano. The dust and small rocks along the ground were all blown back instantaneously from the force of the spell. The sheer size of the roar attack was frightening, being almost wide enough to hit both Aiden and Oriel though not quite. Even if they stood still it wouldn't hit them directly. But it wouldn't take a genius to deduce that even being close to the spell was very dangerous. The ground underneath it, despite not being in contact, was instantly scorched along its flight path. The powerful wave of lava blasted far into the distance, eventually disappearing into the horizon.

In the aftermath of the attack, the barren ground around the mages was now surprisingly clean, what with all the dust and debris blown away. A single, large black mark was stretched across the ground, showing the path from Ajax that his spell had taken. The Wizard Saint himself stood upright completely now, getting out of his attacking stance and surveying the condition Aiden and Oriel were in. He intentionally aimed between them so as to not directly hit either, for he knew best what the results of a direct hit would be. But even still they were in incredible danger and may have sustained injuries even with successful dodges. "I hope you two are more willing to go all out now," Ajax finally spoke, surprisingly calmly.

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot

Much to Piper's pleasure, Nigel complied with her demand and actually prepared to give her a boost. "If only all men were as intelligent as you, Nigel," Piper said, serving as her version of a compliment. She gave a light hop onto Nigel's back, or what she assumed was his back given he appeared more like a trampoline than a human right now. "Time to kick some ass!" The young woman held her bazooka in one hand and placed her other on Nigel to help balance her crouching position. She got as low as possible in order to control herself better once launched.

After Nigel flung her skywards, Piper performed an unnecessary flip and landed with surprising grace on the building she had targeted. A smirk formed on her face as she took her weapon in both hands. "Freeze Shot." Before she could decide what to shoot at, the Lamia Scale mage, Sage Ruzuzaki, began tossing the demonized civilians into the air. "Might as well..." Piper spoke to herself with a grin, taking aim at the centermost target amid the airborne cluster.

After squeezing the trigger, a fast but large magical ball flew out of the bazooka, hitting the man in the air. Immediately upon contact, ice began expanding from him, encasing all of the airborne civilians in a glacier large enough to not break once it crashed to the earth. The devilish grin of success was soon wiped off Piper's face as many thick vines climbed up the sides of the building she was on and homed in on her. "The hell?" The bazooka in her hands glowed white as she used her requip magic.

Instead of one weapon in her hands, she now had one in each hand. Two automatic pistols. "Flame Shot." With precise aim, Piper began firing at the vines. Each squeeze of the trigger resulted in a red magical bullet hitting a vine, exploding into fire and burning through it. To her dismay, every time she shot through one it would only grow back and continue advancing. No matter the quantity of bullets she could put out, the vines closed in.

Piper was forced to retreat from the rooftop. Taking a risk and jumping off the side, away from the vines, Piper began planning her next course of action. She was not equipped to handle the vines directly, that much was certain. The source of them, however, was likely within her scope of ability. Using her keen magical sense, Piper looked towards Lu in the distance. He was the one controlling them. Despite the great distance between them, Piper aimed one of her pistols and fired a single shot as she fell. The little red bullet flew across Augustine Town, likely barely noticed due to the small size and lack of noise, arcing through the air on a direct path to Lu's forehead.

And Piper hoped it would do something to stop his magic, considering there were vines waiting for her on the ground as well as the vines chasing her from the rooftop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sage Ruzuzaki

Sage look at Gwen, but couldn't help by to notice that she was still naked. But another event brought his attention somewhere else.

A pink hue bubble as appeared around the town. SWmirking, Sage thanked Niti.

'Giving credit where it's due.' Sage nodded before looking back at Gwen.

"I'm fine. More importantly let's head to the shrine. Don't ask why, fellow Lamia Scale member. Tell everyone to head to the shrine ." Gwen spoke calmly, yet she looked like she was about to collapse again, make him worried.

'So there's a shrine in this madness huh, could be worthwhile to check it out.' he wondered before another voice called out.

"Shrine? North? Is that where the large presence is?" Sage turned around to meet her.

'So you're Aria Hunterblade...' sheathing his katanas he established a mental connection once again.


"I know kid, you want to know where that source of Demonic Power is coming from right?" Bakuko read his mind and yawned, rising from his sleep. He was brimmed with Magic "You and the other need to head southwest actually."

'ok then.'

"One more thing."




Sage instincts kicked in as he grabbed the waist of both girl and jumped out, on cue a dozen of sword came raining from the sky, piercing the ground like butter. Release them from his hold Sage dusted his hands.

'Those sword...' he scowled, just like Aria. 'I know one person who summoned swords like this.' breathing out he walked towards the burning sword. 'sensei.'

"On it."

Unknown to Aria and Gwen, Sage right hand turned black and red turning into a claw-like hand. He Grasped the sword, which tried to burn him, but he wouldn't have any of it. Yanking it out he assessed the blade.

'Not bad, i guess i can use this and the Railgun as well.' he practiced a few swings before getting out his notepad out and wrote something on it, he sent it playing to the girls.

'I'm ready to head to the shrine, shall we?' nodding at them he turned southwest and started jogging.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gwen Sniegow

"ICE MAKE: ROSEN KRONE!" Gwen casts a crown of roses which mows down the path of incoming demons, "Ice Make: Cherry Blossom Blizzard!" Using her signature attack, a hail storm of cherry blossomed ice clears down the group of demons. "Nice to see you here Aria." She put her arms over her somewhat an intimate like hug of friendship. God knows what's their relationship like where technically, viper and harpy are one guild for now and have had been staying in the same guild for 2 weeks and three days. Gwen need not worry about clothes right now; "We need to get to the shrine. By the way Aria, can I borrow some clothes along the way? Wouldn't want our guess to be distracted." She said. "That reminds me, Master Jat told me telepathically that you and I must come up with a unison raid just in case, I don't know why but whatever he is saying, let's just get onto it and try not to get uncomfy when I'm naked." She jokes on the last part.

Yuka the Wood Dragon Slayer

(Kiso in military service so yes I'll take control of her)

"Let's do that and we'll head to the shrine! Jeanne-tan is also coming. We're not gonna lose face to viper and harpy you know! All for Lyon-sama! Mokuryu no hoko!" Yuka releases her wood dragon's roar which added force to the soap bubble attack of her comrade. "Come on let's go!"

@Bleu Chess
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 17 hrs ago


The man twirled his mustache as the fool wizards fought against one another. With the Isvan warriors handling their opponents, and Sairis handling two more, Lucifer was more then pleased. He knew that he'd have to get his hands dirty in this all. There were still some that felt the need to go beyond and fight harder or even go for the shrine. In his mind they would never make it. Lucifer raised his hands, sweeping them through the air with a green glow radiating. Winds slowly rotated in a raising nature till they reached the very sky before rotating fiercely. Tornadoes with the force of an F5 formulated all around the battlefield with intent of destroying and rupturing the forces opposed him. Whilst there was only three tornadoes, they were moving erratically, in and out of the battlefield.

"I will wipe you from the face of reality." Lucifer spoke clear as day, forming magical hand signs. "FLAMES OF THE FALTENE!" Green magic sigil appeared above everyone, flames igniting in the shape of meteors. They rained down upon everoyone that fought that day. It didn't matter who it was, Lucifer just intended to massacre them all.

Aran just stared at the chaos all around. She wanted to help the best that she could. Instantly a shield formed in front of her and anyone close, blocking two of the green flamed meteors. "Nigel, I'm going to help Gwen. Keep everyone safe." Her eyes moved to the closest tornado, "But first...I'll handle this." Her leg strength cracked the very earth below as she ascended into the very tornado that threatened the few near her. It sucked her to the middle of the raging winds, her building feeling the great force that assaulted the area. "UUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Aran screamed as she unleashed bright purple magic from her body in an explosion. The energy intensified till it was so huge that it dissipated the tornado and left Aran at full power. A burst of energy echoed from her feet, shooting her forward to the ground near Gwen and Aria. "I'm backing you up. Let's get that bastard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The guy didn't even seem scratched after the two pronged attack from the two mages. Oriel clicked her tongue after putting quite some distance between the two of them. They had to come up with a definite strategy against this guy, it would be a really one sided fight. And then, he didn't seem to have any intention of letting them rest even for a bit. When he prepared his attack, Oriel was sure it was going to be some kind of Dragon Slayer attack, but what kind? After he started swallowing up air to power up his attack, it was obvious what kind of attack it was. A roar. What she didn't expect, though, was the gigantic lava roar that came out of him.

Whether or not lava was stronger than fire in any way was not something to ponder on right now. The gigantic lava stream coming directly at them was much more preoccupying. Oriel rolled to her side to evade the attack, having no time to think about whether or not Aiden would be able to evade the attack as well. This time, she was indeed a bit too busy trying to save her own ass to think about other people. "FUCK!" She let out, as the quick lava attack grazed her leg. She hadn't gotten out of it unscathed, but it wasn't anything major, nor was it something Oriel couldn't cop with. She had gotten burnt lots of times before. Now, there was only one question in her mind. Her leg had a horrible burn on it, but she could still move without a worry, thanks to her having burnt herself several times before.

"Ne, Jaxxy.... You are a lava Dragon Slayer, no? So, you eat lava, but what about fire? I'm guessing it is a bit out there, huh?" Oriel didn't really know whether or not Ajax was vulnerable to fire, maybe he was unaffected, maybe it didid the same to him as to any other person. Lava and Fire are both similar elements, but whether or not they are similar enough for a dragon slayer of either element to be able to eat both is another story. Oriel just had to finish this one up and expect the best. She put both of her hands up, to the sides of her head, and she put her right leg a little back, taking up a stance for her next attack. She hadn't been forced to use her Krav Maga in a while, so it should be fun.

Oriel dashed forward yet again and cut the distance between them in a matter of seconds. "Fly." She threw her right hand back, making her hand into a fist, before throwing her hand full power at Ajax again. Still, she did something that Ajax might or might have not expected. Oriel was actually trying to hit him full force with the blunt side of her tonfa right on the chin, with enough force to send just about anyone flying into the sky. If it was succesful, Oriel would turn to Aiden and nod at him, as if to tell him to go at it right there. If she didn't succeed, though, she'd follow up with an overhead strike with both of her arms directed right at Ajax's neck, to throw him off balance and be able to put some distance between them again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Renji bounded from the ash and poison, lashing his hand out and grabbing the youth with a scowl on his brutish face. As he did the hazardous material moved from around him, being pushed aside by his aura which clung to him like a second skin. He grabbed the youth's sword wrist before noticing a blur move from Lu's vineyard and make it to him on top of the black spire.

A sharp tsk left him. He had no time nor desire to play babysitter with the kid. Before the battle could even begin good--within a blinking moment of viewing everything--Renji poured a bulk energy from his sword into his body and with it enhanced his speed and strength tremendously. A quick, untraceable chop to the neck was sent towards Xavier, one specifically design to crush bone and crush muscle like clay. The minutes he would need to match Renji's already overshadowing strength and speed was never met, for he increased five fold in the span of a second.

Before the column could begin to crumble he was already making his way to Lu's position.

Lu bit the inside of his jaw as coy threats were whispered in his ear. He had forgotten a few of those mages were S-Rank individuals. Stuck in a stance with his palm raised in the air, he cursed Renji for not doing his job. On top of which, a rather expansive attack had charred his vines wholly and announced the presence of another soldier fly. With no other choice, he cut the feed of magic to the vines so that he could use his instant vine duplicate technique.

Just as expected the blow crashed into the vines, giving Lu the moment he need to escape from the impact; and unknowingly dodge a bullet. Part of the column shattered, leaving the mage's comrades to deal with the massive pieces crashing and tumbling towards those unfortunate to be beneath them.

Renji appeared next to him, his spirit blade raised and growing into an impregnable sphere from the meteors suddenly falling from the sky, peppering the hell realm with devilish fireballs. "This really has turned into a living hell," Lu commented with exhaustion. He smiled though, feeling one of his thorns on the male that decided to so recklessly attack him. "Don't think you've gone unnoticed. Instant Impalement, Punishment!" And with that several wire-thin thorns miraculously grew from the remnant on his arm and attempted to pierce through the skin and muscle down the appendage.

"Yunin is close to re-birth. I can feel him calling us," said Renji unexpectedly.

Lu didn't spare his master's location a glance, for fear that one of the vermin would notice. "Good, he'll exterminate all of these useless bastards!" he screamed out angrily and tired.

Sable Rhodroth
"What a shitty place to be at right now," muttered Sable as he crouched beside a still flaming meteor, munching on the fire to pump himself up for the upcoming battle.

Standing up, he gripped the porcelain scarf, stopping it from whipping about like joyous tails against the fierce winds. He looked at the other battlefields, massive rocks were falling, those vines had at least halted but in its place were searing white flames. A crooked, fangy smirk lifted his lips. "Looks like Vyper Bolts doing there thing! I guess I should start doing my job as well."

He glared up at the magical green circle overhead. That was where his opponent was, this magic had his stink all over it. Without a second glanced towards his comrades, he made his way up the craggy columns and towards Lucifer: the magician behind this personal hell.
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