Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fenros Dragonbourne
(The Dragon of Death)
Ex Knight Commander





He stands at 5'10 at about 300 lbs, trained since a child to be a warrior his body is covered in scars from countless battles. His presence alone is intimitating, not including his eyes that seem to almost have a wildness to them. He is the the poster child of The Order of Knights.


-in-human Strength/Endurance- Hectors family is known for their inhuman strength , quite nessisary to use the family blade. But he is strong enough to lift boulders with ease.

-Dragon Fire Magic- This magic is passed down for generations, given to his ancestor from a dragon. The ability to control fire to his will, including not being harmed by it, to even able breathing/sucking in fire. Trained since 6 to wield this magic and cannot be taught outside of the family because no one else can survive the training due to a spell that help prep their bodies that is passed down genetically. Also it takes years to master it with out the aid of the Sword. Only those who are roughly 50 and older can retain the power they achieved with the sword. Fenros is no different, though he is ahead of his time.

He rarely follows the orders of those above him in battle. Often doing his own thing, often getting caught up in the moment. Not so much he doesn't care about those around him, as he does look to keep his men alive. But he can get carried away sometimes. Often charging armies alone for the thrill of the battle.

With out his families sword, it takes a lot more out of him to use the Dragon fire magic. If he is not careful he can kill himself by over using it. Where he is stil immune to it, he cannot create it as well as he did with his sword in hand. He can bend already made fire to his will though.

Personality: Hector is a man of Honor, he only gives respect to men or women who have a sense of honor as well. He holds himself to the Knights creed long before the current order of Knights came to be. He will defend the weak, and help those in need. Despite his appearance of a brute, he is a caring man. And will defend his friends to the death. He does not agree with the Empire of Sentrail that discriminate against people who can't use magic, because of this belief he has ruffled many feathers but mostly had gotten away with it because of his asset to the Order.

Fenros was born to the Dragonbourne family, one of the oldest noble families in the Sentrial. As soon as he was able to, he was trained in the arts of war. Due to the power ancient magic placed upon his ancestor, all the children born from that one descendant have in-human strength and invulnerability to fire, as thus, their children are trained earlier than others, and harder than most. This has made almost every Dragonbourne in the Order of Knight's great in their own name. Fenros was no different.

At the age of 16, he Graduated the Academy and became a knight, in two short years and after a battle with another empire protecting a strategic Fortress was where he made the name for himself. Against overwhelming odds and almost at the point being forced to retreat, Fenros held the final bridge by himself, as he waited for reinforcements. By the time they arrived he managed to push them back enough to the fortress walls. He pushed himself to his limit and was barely standing at the end. If the Reinforcements were just a few minutes later he would have died. Because of this he was raised to the rank of Knight Commander at Age 18, the one of the youngest Knight Commanders at the time.

During the final battle he received many wounds, including losing his right eye. But even worse than that he was stabbed in the stomach and knocked over a cliff. Presumed dead he wasn't searched for. But he survived with the help of a woman named Selena. After he regained strength, he decided to live as a Mercenary.

His Massive family sword, the Dragon's Talon. (Pictured above) Twice as thick and dense as normal swords, and as tall as Hector this weapon was forged under a dragons flame and in its blood and can easily cut through non enchanted swords and armor like paper. It enhances the Fire Dragon Magic by lowering the strain on the user because of the Dragons blood infused with it. This Legendary weapon is the one of few Dragon forged weapon known to the world.

He has taken on the name Dragon of Death due to his feats in defeating entire bands of bandits single handedly
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Varrik Frost

Age: 29

Gender: Male


Height: 1.78 meters
Weight: 146 pounds
Eye color: Red
Hair Color: Grey
Skin Tone: Pale
Dress: Varrik wears thick animal skin pants and jacket with a layer of bear fur on the inside to keep him warm at all times. His pants and jacket are a dyed grey color with his wool shirt being a light green color mimicking the color of pine trees. Over this attire is a large black hooded cloak that buttons up in the front and covers from his knees to a high necked collar so that when the hood is pulled over his head only his eyes are revealed.
Markings: Engraved into both palms with magic is the rune for ice

-Powerful mage

Type of Magic:
-Ice Destruction: Varrik is able to freeze the moister in the air to freeze large areas of land as well as create ice shards and other objects out of the ice. He is able to control the movement of these ice creations from a distance and when at full power with the focus of his weapon.

-Weaponless: He is only able to control ice within a six foot radius and can not manipulate the ice into constructs unless they are simple. Examples: Shield or ice shards

Weapon: Five foot tall blue steel staff with a round end housing a Frost Giant's eye.

Personality: Varrik is a friendly person who tries to be nice to everyone that he meets, but this nice side of his is just a front for his true self who has not trusted anyone since he went into hiding from the Order. He knows the only people he can trust in the world are the remaining members of Revival who he counts as his only friends left in the world.

-Drinking Problem
-Lack of Hand to Hand combat


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Name: Angelo Calithildir
battlefield nickname: lightning mirror
ranking:ex guardian class
Age:90? (not sure about the age limit here but he will look 20)
Gender: Male
While he stands at 6ft tall which is pretty normal for an elf he has silver hair and slightly pale skin. The only thing abnormal about him may be considered his white eyes that sparkle like moonlight hence the reason for his surname Calithildir which means moon light.

Type of Magic: Illusions

Other: Maria gave Angelo a necklace before she died and he has never taken it off. he will go mad without it
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Kayla White

The White Wind

Cat Human (Cursed)

Kayla is of average height, standing at roughly five foot and two inches, weighing only around hundred and four pounds. Her frame is both somewhat petite and toned, giving off the definition of muscles and a smaller bust size. Though that is certainly not what makes her stand out among her peers. Her skin is an almost milky color and with the few scars being practically invisible, it defines a near picture perfect view of healthy and vibrant skin. Her eyes sparkle behind the blue-silver color, making them almost seem like a perfect reflection of a frozen lake, and her body seems to be built for acute grace in it's form. Of course the most notable part of her appearance is her snow white hair that sprout out to form cat-like ears, with her wildly playful tail matching in the same color. Though Kayla is likely seen more as cute, her beauty is hard to pass over as well.

• Master hand-to-hand combatant: Having trained all her life in the arts of various styles, she's even been able to form her own unique techniques. She has not lost even a little of her edge in past seven years.
• High Reflexes: Due to both her cat-nature and intensive training, Kayla's reflexes have reached a point where dodging a fireball without a singe is routine for her.
• Expert Acrobatic: Though combined with some strength training, Kayla can do most, if not all, acrobatics. This includes many fancy battle movements meant to escape without getting hit. Her (un)natural cat-nature compliments this.
• Iron Will: Deceptively, Kayla has a very strong will and resolve. This can assist both in resisting magics and simply keeping her focused on the task at hand.

Type of Magic
Curse: Kayla is cursed in a very strange light and while some are noticeable advantages such as heightened senses, reflexes, and agility, it does give her a social disadvantage in particular because of her mutations. Beyond this, it's unknown how much else the curse affects her.
Whispering Wind Magic: A very rare subform of wind magic, this type ends up actually augmenting the user and is less focused on direct attacks and more so on passive abilities. Usually this manifests by enhancing speed, reflexes, and agility as well as leg strength. Kayla is an expert in this type of rare magic.

However without the needed weapon, the augmentations are mild. She's still a very hard opponent to hit despite this, but not nearly on the same level as she would be with her given weapon.

An ice blue fingerless glove that went over her right hand.

Kayla is a tad more playful than other fighters or warriors, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she will give anyone a chance. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her.

Personality with the Others
With the other heroes, she can be a bit more open because they understand her situation. However she still feels like a bit of an outcast because she is non-human now and also happens to be one of the younger knights - though this feeling may just be an illusion of her own doing. Still, she has fierce loyalty to group and isn't likely to turn down the chance to help any of them (within good moral standards).

No Weaponry: Though she has potential, none of her training has included weaponry. So if her fists are not enough, she might be in trouble.
No Armor: Kayla doesn't wear armor and if she does, her skills would suffer a huge penalty because her freedom of movement would be severely reduced.
Curse: Though there isn't any apparent disadvantages beyond social situations, there is no telling how the curse might affect her in the future.

As cliche as it could get, Kayla grew up as an orphan within the city walls. To this day she still doesn't know if her parents had been killed or if they had given her up and even though she's moved passed it - the thought can be lonely sometimes. Instead of falling in line with the other orphans as trouble makers however, she found herself oddly drawn to one of the barracks where they would train in hand-to-hand combat. It was strange indeed for she was small and quiet and may have made a better thief than warrior.

One day though, a teenager had caught the nine year old watching them train through the window and approached, forcing Kayla to shy away. The girl seemed unphased by Kayla's actions and introduced herself as Desini and gently guided the young shy thing to the barracks. From then on, Kayla came to the barracks every day and after a couple months, the instructor there even agreed to start teaching Kayla some of the art.

Fast forward seven years (Kayla, age 16) and both Desini and Kayla were quickly becoming journeymen in the arts of hand-to-hand combat. They were the best of friends and though they had hardly been apart, Kayla not dare tell her friend that she actually fancied her - afraid it might ruin the friendship they had so tightly woven together. However it wasn't long before the Magical Knight Academy picked Desini up for her intensely strong earth magics and before Kayla could really grasp what was going, it was like one day her best friend was there and then the next ... it felt as if the barracks were completely void of life.

It wouldn't be until six months later that Kayla herself would experience a sudden outburst of magic and it wasn't hard to spot for the instructor - it had been wind magic, but of the rare kind, often referred to whispering wind for the most famous user of this magic was so fast that they were like a whisper in the wind. This quickly ascended her into the academy after and it wasn't long before the two best friends found each other.

Together, the two burned to heights in the academy that it was easy to see their true potential and within only five years (Kayla, age 21), the two had worked their way tirelessly to the top officially earning their titles as Knight Commanders. Kayla had been one of the youngest to join, while Desini was roughly five years older than her friend, and they enjoy the responsibility and freedom as commanders.

Luck would have it, during this time that they encountered an evil magic user on the outskirts of the kingdom that had been cursing many of the local populace and while the royal family didn't care so much for commoners without magic, they didn't like to be challenged either. However the fight went horribly wrong. In the witch's last moments as she fell towards the ground, she muttered a curse towards Desini and just as it fired off, Kayla caught the act and lunged in front of her friend - however strangely enough, so did the witch's familiar cat (one would guess to stop Kayla) and the curse formed around both them.

The screams of pain filled the air and made Desini's eyes widen in horror as she watched what happened. There wasn't much said after Kayla had been treated and given rest, for she wasn't human anymore - sporting cat ears, a tail, and snow white hair. However Desini broke the silence by saying her new appearance was the cutest thing she had ever seen. The response had surprised Kayla so much that she said an even crazier thing to her friend - that she had been attracted all this time.

The weeks after were awkward for all of them, for the other knights, the tension between the two, and especially for Kayla herself. However, those of of more awareness started to notice that Desini was visiting Kayla more and so day after day, Kayla would seem happier and happier. It became obvious to the members that would later make up the Revival - Desini and Kayla were gentle souls and neither cared for the appearances of someone and so when called to action by the others, they accepted.

However in that last battle, one could only imagine how much pain and sorrow Kayla felt as Desini risked her life to save the cat woman. There was little time to mourn or question her emotions as her friend was the second to last to die during that rebellion and since then, everyone had been disbanded and spread across the lands. There's no telling how Kayla feels about Desini... or about herself anymore.

Fun Facts
• She always had a cat-like personality, so loves to curls into the laps of loved ones.
• Her curse damaged her ovaries, so she doesn't have periods or experience heat.
• She loves tuna, maybe a bit more than she should.
• Kayla actually has the ability to purr.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Constantine
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Constantine Clockwork Heart

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Lumière Delacroix
Alias: Witch-Hunter
Age: 32
Gender: Female

Grace – With a combination of natural dexterity and agility, Lumière is a highly mobile fighter who focuses on overwhelming opponents with rapid, accurate attacks. As the name suggests she focuses on evasion as opposed to defence when dealing with physical attacks. Magic is a different matter altogether.
Adaptability – Lumière is able to adapt quickly to changing combat conditions, most notably in her ability to switch between weapons during combat to suit the situation, thus keeping her opponents off guard and on the defensive.

MagicDemonic Armaments – A form of conjuration magic that specialises in the summoning of otherworldly energies with the intent of forming weapons that can be wielded in the physical plane. This conjured energy forms weapons with properties that make them ideal for combating a wide variety of entities, especially those whose existence is based around magic due to the Demonic Armaments tendency to disrupt and dissipate magical energy on contact. As such Demonic Armaments, aside from their namesake are also very potent when it comes to hunting mages and other magic users. Shield type Demonic Armaments possess this anti-magic quality to a much higher degree, allowing them to stop very powerful magic’s.

The specific form taken by the Demonic Armaments is dictated purely by the desire of the user, requiring that the user be able to form a clear and stable image in their mind. Beyond that the types of weaponry that can be summoned must follow two strict requirements. Firstly they must have no chemical or complicated mechanical components, as these cannot be formed through energy manipulation alone. Secondly the user must possess enough magic to complete the conjuration. If sufficient magic is lacking the conjuration will fail, usually at the cost of all of the users remaining magic. If the cost greatly exceeds the user’s magic then life energy will also be taken. With this in mind it has become common practise to offer blood in partial payment to reduce the magical burden imposed.

Aside from the already mentioned inherent nature of the Demonic Armaments they possess one final quality that is somewhat of a double-edged sword. As conjured weapons their physical existence is maintained by the will of the user. Or more precisely the image that they project in their minds. Because of this the weapons have an unyielding physical appearance. That is to say that its appearance cannot change unless the user wills it so. Because of this the Demonic Armaments do not suffer damage in the conventional sense of the word. To maintain the image the destructive power of any force great enough to ‘damage’ the Demonic Armaments is negated through the sacrifice of sufficient magical energy, thereby negating the damage that would have been done.

Known Demonic Armaments – Swords, Daggers, Knifes, Polearms, Bows, Axes, Hammers, Scythes, Quarterstaffs, Chains and Shields
Forbidden Demonic Armaments – Crossbows, Black-powder weapons, Explosives

Lost WeaponArtefact of Authority, Aggression – An object of otherworldly origin that was acquired by The Order centuries past, resembling a clawed metal gauntlet that changes in size to suit the hand of the user. A pact of ownership requiring the user’s blood binds them together, preventing the glove being used by another while the owner still lives. Without the Artefact any summoned weapons are pale imitations of true Demonic Armaments, though they still possess the same inherent qualities, though heavily reduced and limited in form. Lumière is currently limited to the summoning of a longsword and shield only. It should be noted that there are other such Artefacts at large in the world, each hosting similar demon bound magic’s.

Artefact of Authority, Protection – Works along similar lines to that of Aggression, allowing the summoning of the Demonic Armours.
Artefact of Authority, Magic – Allows the bearer to cast powerful Demonic magic, as well as the summoning of high level demonic servants.
Artefact of Authority, Power – Grants the bearer a body possessing demonic qualities, such as enhanced strength, speed, endurance without any inherent demonic weaknesses. Useless on its own this Artefact requires that the bearer also be in possession of one of the other three Artefacts. The effect of the other Artefacts is cumulative, with all three Artefacts granting the most power.

Personality: Lumière was born a member of the nobility and was raised to believe in the purity and superiority of her humanity. Like many in her position she believed fervently in the superiority of her species and in its dominion over the other races. Not that anyone was aware of this as she was polite and if not slightly aloof when it came to the lesser races. Unlike many in her position she was not openly hostile toward those she considered beneath her.Her attitude changed drastically when that same humanity was tainted by the very magic given to her by The Order, leaving her a demon-touched human, one of those same lesser races that she had always looked down on. She has mellowed significantly over time, now possessing a very open-minded perspective of the world. Her demon-touched nature has eroded her sanity over time, causing her to often talk in the third person, as well as an unnatural cheer that can be quite disconcerting.

Back to the Wall – For all of her speed and grace Lumière lacks the raw brute strength of many of her compatriots, her attacks carrying far less weight blow for blow. Despite possessing a shield it is used primarily for deflecting magic and other long ranged attacks rather than melee attacks. As such she will suffer greatly if forced onto the defensive, especially if cornered and unable to maintain her mobility.
Outsider – Lumière is now strictly speaking a demon-touched human, a race of mortal that is under the influence of demonic forces. As such she bears the taint of that other world. This means that she can be affected by the same types of magic and rituals used to banish and injure demons and their ilk. As she is not a full demon she cannot be banished, however such rituals still inflict a great deal of pain and unpleasantness.

Background: The Artefacts of Authority, numbering four in all are links to the demonic planes of existence, conduits as it were that allow their wearers to draw power directly from this otherworldly source. Once conjured into the physical plane these energies can be manipulated so as to invoke specific abilities, each unique to its corresponding Artefact. As to the origin of these Artefacts none can say for certain. Some believe they are relics from a time when magic was wild and uncontrolled, created by those who wished to shackle the very demons themselves. Others would claim the opposite, that the Artefacts were created for the express purpose of combating the very fiends that reside within these planes, using their own power against them. Whatever the ultimate truth the reality is that for many generations The Order has made use of those Artefacts that it possesses for the betterment of mankind. At least that was what Lumière believed.

Like all knights Lumière was taught to use magic upon joining The Order, aided by specially designed weapons that strengthen and reinforce magic, granting greater control over their power. In Lumière's case she began as a simple conjurer, learning to create simple shapes from magical energy, aided by a dagger that acted as the core of any such manifestation. In line with such an adaptable magic Lumiere acted as an agent for The Order, a gatherer of information who spent a great deal of her time in foreign lands protecting the interests of the kingdom. Specifically those related to magic. Even more specifically the use of magic outside of the watchful eye of The Order. Though these knights had no official title they were often referred to as ‘Witch Hunters’.

Upon attaining the rank of Knight Guardian Lumière was given the opportunity to gain access to a far more power variation on her magic. The Demonic Armaments. Lumiere, along with other suitable candidates took part in a ritual designed to bind the Artefacts of Authority to their new master, a ritual that was bound in blood. Through their blood the Artefact would determine those with the will and potential to wield it, denying those who could not. It was a moment that was to change her fate, in more ways than she could possibly imagine.

First came the voices, then the visions of the other side and finally the loss of her purity as a human. The Artefact had changed her. It forced her to change the way that she saw the world. It was darker now, grittier, things that she had always taken for granted to be good and virtuous now lacked that clarity. For a time she suffered with uncertainty. Revival and its founder gave her direction and purpose again. And in that final battle she lost more than just her Artefact, she lost a friend.

In the aftermath of Revivals defeat Lumière was forced to flee the kingdom along with a great many other survivors, pursued by The Order with unrelenting determination. Pursued by her former comrades Lumière had no choice but to fight back, even without her Demonic Armaments. But to do that she first had to survive. To that end she disappeared into the wilderness, reinventing herself as the so-called ‘Witch Hunter’, a mercenary of sorts who specialized in hunting down rogue and dangerous magical elements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Bane Thronshield
Age: 62
Gender: Male

Appearance: Scraggly, not well kept up. Light skinned with a large body mass, with muscles from years of work and fighting (although it’s not as obvious now, having sat in a barrel of wine for seven years).. About 5’8. Blue eyes and looks like he always has a scowl on his face (that’s just normal, though). He is very rarely without armor, although now that armor looks as bad as he does.

-Strong fighter. He can use a variety of weapons well, although axes (and particularly his axe) are his preference. Very skilled, although he likes to also throw his body weight around when fighting (slamming into enemies, punching when the option is open, kicking, etc).

-Muscular. One good punch by this guy can floor a man in armor, although that effect is reduced when very drunk and slightly weakened over the years of simple bar-brawls.

-Coldly determined. His years in the Knights, especially in his youth, trained him to make sacrifices whenever they are necessary, and he will not shy from killing his foes.

Type of Magic:

-Aura of battle. He lives for war and makes a fearsome opponent, even more so when he is “activated” (ie, his power). He suffers less from minor wounds and can take more punishment than is usual, although anything fatal will immediately make this ability useless. The aura strikes fear into the hearts of lesser foes, although this is less effective against opponents with strong wills or equal in his battle ability.

Weapon: A one handed battle axe (although it can be used in both hands as well, although that’s a bit awkward given that the axe isn’t all that long). Roughly the size of a pickaxe, with a curved blade that has seen many enemies.


He cares not very much for emotions of other people. This makes him seem like a very dark and unforgiving person, but if someone does make friends with him, he sticks by then for a long time, particularly in battle. He’s useless with advice on relationships. He says what he thinks and has gotten in trouble for it.


His fighting style is more aimed to take on small groups of people, not large groups or individuals, so although he can hold off, say, a team of brigands, he isn’t quite as effective against a single skilled opponent.

He isn’t very agile and his age hasn’t helped with that.

Never give him a bow, or he would be more likely to shoot himself in the head than do anything else.

Drinking is a very big problem for him. It’s what gets him into fights the most and amplifies his weaknesses. 7 years of drinking is not easy to break, and he won’t be too good in RP combat until folks get him fully sober.


Bane started off in a family that was renowned for its bar brawls, in a small western town called Tarvanon. His father was a regular at the bar and the one to teach his son how to fight initially (he’s the one where the dirty fighting comes from). He started drinking at 8 years old. He didn’t have a mother (nothing is known as to what happened to her) and he lived with three brothers, all smaller than he was. All three brothers joined brigand groups and were, over time, taken out by Knights.

The guard recruited him at a young age. He went through all standard training quite well, and was accepted as a Squire. This was in a time of rebellions coming up more frequently, so he quickly advanced himself by swiftly eliminating rebellions, first with his team, and then smaller suspected ones in ambushes by himself. These “honorary duties” earned him the title of “Knight Commander” at the mere age of 36; a very rare occurrence.

His first doubts came when he had a special mission: take his team to exterminate a small village that had been a root of many rebellious people. He saw everything wrong with it; the vast majority of the villagers were innocent and included many women and children. He never was much for emotion, but this struck him as completely unnecessary.

Being a good soldier, he completed the mission with a team of knights and was praised for his honor. He made it clear, in no short words, to the Knight Supreme his disagreement with the decision.

A week later came his response - three knights, all from his old team, sent to kill him for treason. It was around the time that the Revival went to the King, and he had heard of the declarations that all of the Revival (some of whom were friends of his) were marked traitors. he regretfully disabled two of the knights and killed the third before running away.

Now fully disillusioned of the Order, he joined the Revival as an outcast and participated in its battles until the end, when he was overcome by the Knight Supreme. The sacrifice of the leader of the Revival gave him one opportunity for survival, and choking down his pride he took it.

Over seven years, he has frequented a bar as a regular. Once quite muscular, powerful, and proud, he lost all that to drink. His own friends wouldn’t even recognise what he has become.


In roleplay, his habit of drinking would have to be broken. Not nicely either; he actively pursues the bottle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FF_Fan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Adriane Guildheart

Age: 29

Gender: Female


Swordsmanship- Adriane and her family are the only ones in the Order of Knights that don't have any sort of Magic besides their ability to call dragons. So they focus on their swordplay to make up for it. They are the greatest swordsmen(woman) in the order and older generations of the Guildhearts teach the students in the academy it as well.

Type of Magic: Dragon Heart- The Guildhearts long ago saved the elder Dragon nest from destruction, and because of this earned the dragons trust. This dragon in turn granted the part of its heart, making it so that every dragon will come to the aid of the family when needed. Depending on heart of the person / Honor and works and the weapon they carry they can call for help from bigger Dragons. Adriane at the time she was a Knight Guardian she was able to call upon some that were as big as a small house. Her father when he served was able to call upon some as large as a Small fortress.

each dragon has different elemental ability.

Weapon: Sword of Kinship, this sword is another proof needed to summon more powerful dragons, sort of a crest of the elder dragon. With out it only small dragons can be summoned ( like in her Picture.)

Personality: very caring, she tries to find the good in all people. She tends to spend more time with dragons than she does with others.

Flaws: She doesn't like to kill. Which gets her in trouble a lot because of it. Often needing to be saved because of it. She tries to make it so she can defeat her opponent with out killing, which she has gotten Better at over the 7 years.

Background: The Gildheart family only other family besides the Dragonbourne family with ties to Dragons. The Guildhearts are stronger naturally than most people but not in near of degree as the Dragonbournes.

Adriane grew up wanting to be a Knight. Which was her luck because she was the one child who had the closest connection with Dragons, so chosen to be trained in the calling of Dragons.

During the academy she had a tough time fitting in because she cared for everyone, including non magic users. Also the fact that she didn't techically had a magic, she was often a focus of ridicule. That soon changed when Fenros helped her one day by putting her bully in the infermary.

Despite this she raised through the ranks and became a knight Guardian because of her good nature and heart... Which gave her the will power to call larger dragons which would battle for her.

When the final battle occurred she was distraught after the loss of her friends, five of them dead, (thinking Fenros is dead as well) she became a recluse and lived with the dragons. The only family and friends that she could be with now.

Other: because of their magic Guildheart and Dragonbourne family's know each other well, she grew up with Fenros as children, and are close friends since he understands Dragons as well.
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