@DracheWell, Red Dragons prefer hot places to live , so I'd imagine you begin from one of the many volcanoes Faerun offers, or living in one of the many underground caves. Since you're a halfbreed, I imagine you can't be from *too far* away (though 200 years is a lot of time to get anywhere). Since you're a half breed, you're likely to have lived somewhere where you wouldn't be immediately exiled or attacked(dragons tend to not like half breeds either). I can think of Thay as being a somewhat suitable place(might want to try and avoid being too friendly with the Red Wizards). Damara and Vaasa both welcome such great assets as half dragons, though you'd be viewed with suspicion.
Any mountainous area would be a good place for you to live, though I'd avoid the ice cold north mountains since you're a Red (the antithesis of Ice). Look at the Firesteap mountains to the south south west of Two stars.
Volcanoes can be found in a few places, though almost none are active these days:
You'll note that all of those also tend to be good places for red dragons.
As wars go, all the major ones have died out in the last 200 years, but we can't ignore the Kingdom of Many Arrows and its history, describes in great detail in RA Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt series. It, along with the Drow's war of Darkness (The Spider Queen's attempt to kill Drizzt) could be classed as a 'major' war in the last hundred years, and it took place between hundreds of thousands of Orcs, dwarves, drow, humans and elves, and took place in the Silver Marches (NW on the map above). Being a dragon such as yourself is a rather high profile position, so if you do want to be part of that war, feel free to write yourself in as a somewhat minor role that could have been missed by the books.
Other examples of minor wars(look from 1353, as it's 1486 now):
I suggest keeping your involvement in either of those as being a major to minor role, but not a key one.
My apologies if I'm not exhaustive on this topic, but 'I'd like to be in a volcaneous area' and 'involved in a war' are so broad that I could probably fill a novel with the information that overlaps with both of those. Faerun's history is massive.