Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Place your Character Sheets here.

Only two characters per player*, please use hiders to save space and ease things to those using mobile devices.

Have fun!

*GMs are exempt from this rule in regards to NPCs
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Character Sheet

Character Name

Character Image (optional)

Inspirational Quote (optional)

"Your character's name."

"Your character's age (can be omitted)."

"Your character's gender (can be omitted)."

"Your character's race."

"Your character's height."

"Your character's weight."

"Your character's other names and, or titles (can be omitted)."

"Your character's appearance. Can be an anime like image, a text description or both."

"Your character's personality. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it."

"Your character's background. Can be as much or less detailed as you want it to, just be sure to leave at least a few guidelines for it."

"Your character's special powers, if they have any. Please, describe them in an understandable way and don't go too overboard with it. This part of the character sheet is subject to GM scrutiny."

"Your character's skills. Place everything worthy of note they can do that's not part of their powers or an effect from their equipment here."

"Your character's weapons list. Mention only the most important ones, please."

"Your character's equipment list. List only important (non weapon) items here."

"Anything not covered by the above."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reserved Post
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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NPC Portfolio
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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~Shiina Gamai~

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CallMeChaotix
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CallMeChaotix Professional Smartass.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takashi "Avian" Abe


"Let's Do This!"







"The Shadow, Knight Of The Moon, Black Flash"

"Avian has black hair, red eyes, and hides his ears under his hair. There is not much about him besides that."

"Avian is cool under pressure, he doesn't show his emotion much, only when he is angry or happy. He is very protective of his allies and if a enemy attacks them or him, he'll become furious.."

"Avian's mother, Yuki met a strange person named Hajime. He was mysterious, and she was into that. Yuki and Hajime became a couple, then one day they got married. then told her one day a secret, that he was half cat.. She still loved him and they had a baby, that baby was Avian. When Avian was five, his father and mother were killed, because his father was a half-youkai. Avian ran from the village that night, a Chaser found him one day and raised him to be a Chaser, and that's exactly what he has become."

"Avian can turn into a shadow and move fast, this power he has is called darkness."

"He us able to move faster in the dark."

"Avian carries a black sword around with him."

"Avian carries potions and other things like that"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character Sheet


“Tear out the soul!”

Rui-Ling Kazanari

"He stopped aging at around 17."


"Vessel of God"


"179 lbs"

Airgetlam, Spirit Hammer


Rui-Ling didn’t take immortality and eternal youth too well. For one, it killed his chances of getting it on with his high school crush, and two, all his personal identification was useless now, as even the most blockheaded police man would understand that a 17 year old who had a 50 year old passport probably was using a fake one. Needless to say, Rui-Ling is someone who’s far from happy. He’s bitter, cynical, and provocative, a person who goes out of his way to anger humans, who don’t understand the curse of immortality, and youkai, who don’t understand the joys of mortality. Nevertheless, being a miserable immortal doesn’t really make one’s life fun at all, and so, Rui-Ling is also generally rather depressed.

He’s a big-mouthed pessimist who has, over the years, seen a lot of shit and obtained a lot of experience. Rui-Ling laughs at the ideals and desires of others, but simultaneously wants to support them. As he’ll probably outlive his own children, if he’s even capable of having them the first place, he sees his path in life as that of a mentor, to make sure that the newbie Chasers don’t do stupid things that would either kill them or make them into the same type of monster that he is.

Of course, most Chasers just see a pissy, edgy kid who looks down on people.

A long time ago, Rui-Ling was an exchange student in Ireland, learning Irish-accented English and making friends with Europeans. His parents were globe-trotting members of Doctors Without Borders, and wanted to instill a sense of worldliness into their son early on in life. And yes, Rui-Ling did attain that. But he got that by accidentally slipping into the world of the Crimson Sky, almost dying while being chased by some sort of monster, before falling into a hole and breaking his arm in three separate places.

Essentially, it hurt like a bitch, and he promptly fell unconscious, right as the wolf-monster found him, its tongue lolling on the side of its canine mouth.

When he came to, he found himself on a small island. The grass was lush and green, while the ocean lapped at its beaches gently. The cold wind smelled of salt and brine, calming his mind. Rui-Ling was able to convince himself that he was perfectly fine, and that the Crimson Sky had just been a dream.

And then, he realized that his left arm was missing, and that a cloaked individual was standing before him. The stranger towered over him, and a silver arm reached out from the shadows of the cloak, piercing his chest and grabbing his heart. Silver was pumped into his veins, countless metallic threads jutting out of the torn seams of his shoulder. They wove together to form an arm, and with that, the figure was gone.

Rui-Ling fell back into darkness.

When he awoke a second time, what laid before him was the werewolf, dead from internal injuries. The blood that bled from the wounds on his body were of silver, and, as he watched, they sealed up before his eyes. It was clear to him that now, he wasn’t really human.

Rui-Ling worked alone when he went out in the Crimson Sky. He lived his normal, human life for as long as possible, graduating from high school and starting two years of a degree in biology, before deciding that his parents would realize that his appearance never changed, and faking his death. From there on, he attended his own funeral, before moving to another country by swimming from one shore to another. With a perfect immortality and boundless vigor, even border patrols couldn’t stop him, and eventually, Rui-Ling made it to Mongolia, where he spent most of the rest of his life.

After a few decades working as a monster-buster there, he realized that he wasn’t making as much money as he wanted, and took to walking to China, before swimming to Japan and, after a few misadventures, eventually settling in Sonomachi.


Airgetlam, Silver Arm of the King of Gods – The silver left arm of Rui-Ling, Airgetlam could be considered a spiritual weapon, capable of piercing through both the physical and the magical. It can touch the very soul of a being, and, in the same vein, has the ability to tear or beat them out. However, this intangibility only lasts up until his left shoulder, and, outside of being an indestructible, intangible soul-stealing arm…that’s it.

A certain amount of physical force is required in order to dislodge a soul from its body, but after that happens, the body is put into a comatose state that can’t reverted until the soul is put back into the body. In a way, one can almost think of Airgetlam as the strongest non-lethal weapon in existence, capable of stopping any spiritual being without harming their physical vessel.

Claimoh Solais, The Soul’s Piercing Light – The ‘power’ that resides in Rui-Ling’s right hand, Claimoh Solais isn’t actually an artifact. Instead, it’s just a spell that Rui-Ling created and named after the Sword of Light because it worked well, thematically. Utilizing Airgetlam’s soul-taking abilities, Claimoh Solais is a spell that uses those souls as ammunition, creating powerful beam blasts that are rather effective against any physical or magical obstacle. Despite this, however, Claimoh Solais is a spell that is largely ineffective against living beings, making it an offensive spell used more for removing obstacles while Rui-Ling is running towards someone with the intention of punching out their soul.

Originally, it was meant solely as a way of destroying souls, because some people deserve to die for real.

The Legacy of the Tuatha De Dannan – As a vessel of a dormant god, Rui-Ling is, essentially, an immortal with eternal youth and vigor. He doesn’t need to sleep or eat, and he can push past the boundaries of ordinary humans, performing superhuman feats. However, this immortality of his is a big pain in the ass, in that, unless he dies, it doesn’t really reveal itself at all. Rui-Ling, once he sustains injuries, can only heal if he kills himself or falls asleep. A broken bone, for example, would not heal until he stabs himself in the throat and his whole body resets itself.

Essentially, it’s a real pain in the ass whenever he fights a merciful, gentle opponent, because then there’s no way he can properly take advantage of his immortality without having to kill himself. At least he's used to the pain now?

Suicide - He knows exactly how to kill himself with his bare hands…though generally, he prefers a less hands-on approach.
Martial Arts - With a black belt in Muay Thai, Aikido, Karate, and Wu Shu.
Card Games - He has a wicked Vermillion Ulith deck.
Mathematics - He’s half-Chinese.
Exploring – He’s a veteran in the Crimson Sky.

"A bottle of souls.
A very sharp stiletto.
A handgun with a clip of six bullets.
Various fast-acting poison pills."

His cellphone. A Samsung Galaxy that he plays games on.
An extra set of clothes in a small backpack, usually to replace his dirty ones if he has to kill himself to resurrect.
A bottle of sleeping pills, as a gentler way of healing from his injuries.

Rui-Ling could, funnily enough, be considered a glass cannon. In the end, his body is still limited to the utmost capabilities of a human. A gun is still a very viable weapon to use against him…at least until he starts slashing his throat and instantly resurrecting himself. Then, it’s like a horror movie.

Claimoh Solais destroys all non-living things. Against a human or a youkai, it’s basically a stripping beam. Against a robot or an cyborg, however, it’s a death sentence. Both those things has gotten him into trouble in the past.

As his abilities stem from his ‘divinity’, they technically cannot be classified as a supernatural power. After all, a soul is a very natural thing, even if it's fired at people like a stripping beam...

Due to his countless years of death experiences, Rui-Ling's reflexes and instinct are top-notch when it comes to evading danger.. He also might have become a masochist.

The best way to picture Rui-Ling is that of an angry old man in the body of a good-looking young adult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko Kurosawa Hunter





150 lbs


Eiko stands at the height of 5'5 and weighs around 150lbs, she has almost abnormally pale white skin with a stitch scar going over her right eye, she has dark sapphire colored irises, on her head she has long raven colored hair and with part of it tied into a pony tail stopping down the mid section of her back and the rest done into a bob hair cut, on the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks she has pale freckles. Eiko is very petite and sports a muscular ectomorph build with a small bosom, along her body she has dozens of scars from her mother and other enemies that she encountered, on her right shoulder she has a sleek black colored robotic arm and on her left kneecap she has a similar colored robotic leg grafted onto her body, over her spine she has a visible augmentation to make her stronger.

Eiko wears what ever can really fit her small muscular build, but what she wears the most is a long dark blue coat that stops at her thighs with the right sleeve rolled up to show her robotic forearm, under her coat she has an over-sized button-up shirt with a black tie around her neck, on her legs she wears wears a pair of easy to move in suit pants that doesn't hinder her movement, on her right feet she wears a pair of comfortable shoes.

Eiko has herself split from her emotions to become stronger, she maintains an almost tired like stoic emotionless expression on her face with an occasional glare at someone when they annoys her, shes cool, shes rational, and can be very blunt towards others not holding back the truth or her opinion.

he stoic girl has a tendency to make what she does sound a little poetic in a way and reminisce about her upbringing, unlike most others she doesn't have a fear of dying in anyway knowing that shes bound to one day, but she wouldn't ever lay down and die even on her last legs, she would still try to take out her enemies or enemy.

Eiko can be a very serious person not liking people who beat around the bush too much, her emotionless attitude and and lack of fear of death make people believe that she is either a revenant, or has Cotard's syndrome, in moments of intense stress or panic Eiko manages to stay calm and level headed while others may be prone to lose their mind in the moment of crazyness.

Unlike others Eiko handles most of her problems with deadly proficiency and professionalism, she doesn't care about ending a problem with or without violence. But along with her blunt and emotionless like attitude Eiko does have moments of acting silly and making a joke about certain things but with a straight face


When she was younger Eiko was left in a war raging country, when her mother left her behind during their vacation tourism, called war tourism, the second she was by herself Eiko began crying feeling afraid of what would happen to her, she was soon found by one of the sides, sadly she was on the side that was using child soldiers, and she was forced to fight against soldiers along with other children.

But before she could ever fight with along side the older troopers, she met the other children that were forced to fight and befriended the other children, and had fun hanging out and playing with them. The second Eiko and the children were deployed into combat with older troops, the enemy couldn't fight back and they won the battle they were in, but it soon turned sour when a drone took the battle into it's own hands and fired on the entire squad killing nearly everyone with a machine gun and small rocket.

The explosion knocked Eiko out and when she came too she was covered in the blood of her allies and under one of the older soldiers, she managed to get herself from under the heavy soldier, waking up covered in the blood of the people she called her friends almost traumatized her but she knew that she couldn't let their deaths get to her, she held her emotions in not wanting to cry anymore nor feel scared.

When Eiko pulled tended to her injuries she then managed to do what the other soldiers couldn't she found out where the enemy soldiers' main base was, little Eiko waited for nightfall and when she approached the base a sandstorm rolled in and she slaughtered all of the enemy soldiers before the sand cloud left the area and took out the enemy soldier's commander and leader when they noticed all of their soldiers were killed.

When the war ended, Eiko was a hardened warrior, a teenager, and use to fighting in battles across the world, she tried to go home, but she wasn't welcomed home like she'd thought she would be, her mother moved from their home and Eiko couldn't find her mother. The stoic girl went to the empty home squatting there and tried to go to school like a normal person but some part of her knew that she couldn't be like the girls in her school worrying about extra homework or getting a test, her body ached for a fight, to fire a gun, to spill blood like she did before.

But then she got lucky and someone came to help her with her problem, her father that stayed out of her life found her squatting her mother's house during the winter with a big coat on, Eiko's father was a mercenary that traveled around like a nomad fighting in battles across the globe, he took Eiko from the cold home gave her a warm meal, then took her under his wing, he taught her how to fight someone with only a knife, and how to properly fire a rifle, after teaching her a couple skills he took Eiko out on a number of missions.

It was easy to say that the missions that the two went on were successful and Eiko's aching disappeared as if she was cured of a virus that was effecting her, but then the two both gotten a job that seemed a little too good, Eiko didn't like the offer but they both needed the money that they were being offered. Like she thought the job didn't go well as planned, it ended in a horrible failure, it sent knocked Eiko into a heavy coma and took off two of her limbs and she awoken in a couple months.

Her father on the other hand was in a deeper coma with shrapnel sticking out of his body from almost every point of his body, but still alive, Eiko had her limbs replaced with Bionics to move around and operate like normal person, it took her a while to get back to how she use to be. But she was soon able to get back into the field with the robotic limbs and fought almost better than how she use to, when she gotten a message about her father waking up, a pale blood moon filled the sky and she was attacked by a large monster.

Eiko fought against the monster putting almost all of her ammunition into the creature and when it fell at Eiko's feet, the sky changed back to a normal color, and the pale blood moon changed back to it's usual white color. When everything went back to normal Eiko noticed that she wasn't in the Japan that she knew, well she was in Japan still, but the year was different and she didn't know anyone.

Eiko was soon found by the chasers when she stopped another monster from mauling a number of people, ever since they found her Eiko used her skills to battle against the monsters that she faced from time to time along side her cohorts, wondering if she will be able to return home through the Crimson sky or if she was thrown back in time really.


Powers & Skills

-Near superhuman speed, agility, and strength

-Master marksmen

-Proficient in knife combat

-Enhanced durability

-Horribly deadly cooking

-Enhanced Senses


-Robotic arm: Eiko can fire her right forearm off like a small rocket that explodes on contact, and deliver a mean right hook

-Two 44.Magnums

-P90 smg




Theme since everyone else has one:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Augmented
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Augmented Shotgun Surgeon

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Sheridan Black

"If you're still afraid while fighting for your life then you're not fighting hard enough."

Sheridan Black

21 years living and 208 dead





"The Spiced Reaper"


Being dead has given Sheridan a much more jovial outlook on 'life' than she had ever had while living. In life she was angry an violent but since her death she has wiped the slate clean and given her a much more positive outlook. A century of life has shown her how much larger the world is than just what she experiences and it is now her goal to enjoy as much of it as she can.

Her attempts at being optimistic often fail. Her existence is a lonely one, friendships few and brief. Sometimes she thinks she might welcome an end but fears in death the end that she never did in life.

A lifetime of practicing her craft ended for Sheridan Black with several long inches of cold steel run through her chest after she was (rightly) accused of witchcraft. As her heart stopped beating she whispered a death curse tore out and killed her attacker where he stood, robbing him of the rest of his life. In return she survived as an undead but cut off from her former power. Sheridan continues her existence by stealing the remaining life from those about to die.

Her mission now is the same as it was in life.She uses whatever means she has access to to help people and to hunt the supernatural things that plague them. Her long lifespan has given her access to great financial means in order to further her goals.

Sheridan is dead in the clinical sense. She doesn't eat, breath or sleep. Her body also doesn't decay nor heal, it retains the characteristics of a fresh corpse. Her muscles are as tireless as she is and are unnaturally strong.

She repairs any damage that her body takes with needle and thread, often taking pieces from fresh corpses that are reanimated with the same power that keeps her body moving.

Her continued existence is fueled by the life force that she takes from the dying, stealing from them the life that sickness or injury otherwise would.

Guns - A lack of heartbeat and fatigue make her a formidable marksman. Her aim never wavers and her arms never tire of holding her weapon. A lack of fatigue also means her mind if always focused on the task at hand.

Swords - While not technically proficient with a blade she is competent enough for her endless stamina to outlast most opponents as long as they don't vastly outclass her in skill or strength.

Assault rifle - She sees modern weaponry as excessive when compared to what was available in her own time but that doesn't mean that she won't make use of it.

Sword - A slender straight sword that matches its user.

Clove spice - Sheridan uses the scent of cloves to mask the slight scent of decay that surrounds her. In recent years it is also a sure sign of impending doom for anything that might have cause to fear becoming her next target.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomori Hirasawa



Water elemental



None yet


Tomori has a shy personality, and can be easily amused. She has a reserved and emotionless disposition, rarely smiling even when happy, and she speaks in a flat monotone voice with polite grammar. She takes her work very seriously and gets annoyed when people act recklessly or loudly around her. Tomori doesn’t know the word self shame and mostly acts like nothing happens when she is in an awkward situation. Sometimes when Tomori is excited for something she can be somewhat more cheerful and act like she has more emotions than she usually shows.


Born in the deepest depths of the sea where no light could reach. Tomori was born from a great magical presence that had shapen life for the water elemental. Her water body was made from the compression of a huge amount of water that could easily fill an entire lake. Together with the magic power of the presence, she was born on this planet.

The first 10 years were spent in the depths of the deep blue sea. She came to an understanding of what she was and the sea she was living in. However living this long in one place was beginning to get very boring very quickly. Living with the fish wasn’t the most interesting thing that there was to do. Tomori for a change went to explore what was above her for once and quickly came to a conclusion. There were a vast majority of other creatures like sharks and whales and orca’s but not only that, it felt lighter. The light hurted her sensitive eyes and the lack of pressure made her body malfunction. Finally she hit the above world. The world with air and sunlight. She was startled by the sudden lack of H2o but it didn’t seem to make any difference to her body, It all felt very normal. Like this body was made for it. For the first time she also felt air and warmth and it all felt very normal and nice. She wanted to explore more but knew she would abandon her former home in the depths. Yet she didn’t care and only wanted more and more.

After several days out in the open Tomori had hit land and felt fascinated and thrilled to see what land was and how it acted. But there was a minor problem for the water girl. Once she was on the beach something strange was happening. She couldn’t move forwards nor backwards. It felt like she was stuck and she couldn’t move for several hours until she had a moment of breakthrough. She could control the water from the sea and take a large portion of it to let her body move over the land. It wasn’t much faster than everyday movement speed but it did well. She explored the lands and everything else and also came to know even more about herself.

Not much later she had come to knowledge of all new kinds of material and explored the cities discovering even more. There was a new sense she hadn’t used much before. Noise it sounded from everywhere, from the cars and people around her. Yet she found the city it didn’t take long for the people inside of it to want her out of their living place. The chasers soon went after her and fiercely started attacking without remorse. Tomori wasn’t good in combat or anything but didn’t want to get the pain she got from the people attacking her. She was driven back and fled through the city into the sewers.

Later Tomori was found again later. She had been living in the sewers for some time still curious on what was happening outside and around her. She had been learning new tricks and became faster and smarter. Tomori was found while she was trying to convert her own body into one of the creatures from above. Her body was half water elemental and half human. It was an ugly sight to see but the people that found her didn’t harm her any longer seeing how hard she tried. They chasers took her in and learned her all kinds of stuff. Her human form became proper and she learned how to use her body on land more efficiently. She also learned speaking and all sort of proper things.


Hydrokinesis - manipulate and control liquid and mold it into any desired shape or form.

Water Mimicry - Body is made up out of 100% liquid. The user can change their own body liquid to any other liquid.

Body manipulation - Can change body psyche and voice.

Human form - User can change their liquid body in human form.


Serving tables




Keys, old fold phone.


Powers can't turn clothes or any other items to liquid nor take them with the user while they are in liquid form.

Real body is a blue seethrough orb the size of bonce. The orb is hard to see and can’t be seen in the water at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TentacleLord
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TentacleLord Your Friendly Neighbourhood Eldritch Abomination

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Mia and the Rook

"We can all get along, right? Right?


She looks to be in her early twenties


Probably Human


143 lbs

The Forgotten, the Lost Girl


Clumsily kind, and naive to a fault. She craves physical contact, and has a deep-seated fear that she will repeatedly loose her memories if she stumbles upon why she forgot them in the first place. She is weak-willed and oftentimes mistaken or downright wrong about her assumptions.

Despite her faults, she's a genuinely pleasant(If a bit airheaded) girl.

The Rook doesn't have a traditionally classified personality, rather a impulse to murderate and pummel anything that it perceives as a threat to Mia.

Nearly a year ago, a girl without memories woke up in a pool of blood that didn't belong to her, confused and afraid, with a stalwart guardian made of interlocking plates of metal standing over her. She had no name, no age, no background, and no idea when or where she was. All she had to go on was the tags on her that stated MIA and the pinging notifications of danger that echoed around her head. But even through all of that, the pit of her stomach told her that she needed to hunt the things that had hurt her. The beasts that lurked in the shadows had done this.

Mia herself has displayed no physical powers save her magical connection to the Rook. The Rook, however, is a potently magical device, created as a fusion between high-technology and powerful artifacts. She can give it simple orders, either mentally or vocally, but the way it carries out said orders is up to whatever complex programming lurks beneath the hulking chassis. The Rook, however, places the safety of Mia at the top of whatever priorities it has, and will refuse to obey or even go directly against said orders if they will directly lead to that directive being violated.

Augmented senses - Mia and the Rook are intimately linked, and the guardian constantly provides information on possible threats or suspicious signals, giving the Lost Girl an ironic advantage that she'd never be truly lost. The Rook, for its part, harvests data pertaining to the wellbeing of Mia at all times, monitoring her for fear, pain, or situations where either is to arise.


The Rook, guardian and protector of Mia, is a twelve foot soldier of steel and ceramic plates, inexplicably linked to the girl's life via a complex spell that makes use of both technology and blood magic. Pitted and scarred from countless battles, the internal weapons systems have long since run dry. Instead, it relies on its default strength and the variety of melee weapons that don't require the ammunition it can no longer acquire. Primary amoungst these are the blades mounted in each of the Rook's forearms, created from a heat resistant alloy and reinforced with magic. In combat, they act as the heat sink for whatever reactor lurks deep within the monstrous guardian, making the combination of the herculean strength of the Rook and the devastating heat of its blades to be downright nasty.

Dogtags - Where Mia got her name. Thick metal plates attached to a steel chain, with the letters M.I.A. stamped on them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kazuki Hashimoto

"I've already calculated the odds of my victory. They are always in my favor."

Dr. Kazuki Hashimoto




6'3" / 1.9m

220 lbs / 99.8kg

Doctor Pain, The Medic, Kazu


Meticulous, methodical, and pragmatic. Kazuki is very level-headed, being a master of self-control and restraint. He radiates confidence and assertiveness, but is not overly so in either department. Though he won't miss any shot he has to be witty or sarcastic, for the most part he is straight-faced and calculating. He can and will relate most everything to mathematics or biology, though usually only does if it is actually relevant. Goal-oriented and as such seems heartless at times, but Kazuki makes up for this by treating most everyone with respect. At least until they disrespect him. While he may not be the most sociable or likable fellow around, he is certainly one of the most reliable and dependable.

Born to an unremarkable middle-class family, most of Kazuki's young life was equally unremarkable. He had no siblings, he suffered no trauma. At least not until he was older. But we aren't there yet. He was quickly recognized as an intelligent being even in his infancy, but it wasn't until he entered public schooling was it realized the extent of how smart he was. His teachers heralded him as a genius and he was transferred to a private school. It was at the age of eleven, when he was serving his final year of secondary school, that Kazuki discovered he had supernatural abilities.

This came in the form of an experiment gone wrong. When he was building a small-time generator for a school project he accidentally activated the generator without providing fuel and without properly constructing it. The result should've been his own electrocution, but not only did he somehow turn it on but the unrestricted arcs of electricity did nothing to him. The accident wasn't easily concealed, and his parents discovered his new powers as well. The family decided to keep it a secret, coming to the conclusion that public knowledge of Kazu having supernatural powers would put all of them in danger.

Entering university at twelve years old was a daunting experience. Intellectually superior but physically inferior, he was subject to torment from the teenage and adult classmates. An easy target to bully, being a nerdy kid in a world of grown-ups. However, Kazuki was no small child and began learning how to fight. At fourteen he began working out too. By the time he was fifteen he was no longer being bullied. For all the years to come Kazuki maintained his peak physical condition though focused more on his education. Originally geared to become an engineer and make a living in a corporation, as he grew healthier he found his interests changing and decided he wanted to become a pediatrician.

Considering his parents were paying for his education, he had to come to a compromise. It was agreed that he could get a doctorate in both fields, so long as he could come up with the money himself for all the extra classes. Kazuki briefly took up a job as a paid intern. Despite having to juggle a job, his fitness, and his education he managed to succeed in all aspects and obtain two doctorates by the time he was twenty.

Kazuki initially worked in a public hospital, using his skills and his supernatural powers to diagnose and treat patients. While he was initially accepting of the pay, after meeting with a particular patient he realized that he could have a much higher standard of living if he operated in a different location under his own supervision. The young doctor applied for a loan to start his own practice and succeeded, opening his own office by the edge of downtown, closest to the high-class neighborhood. After hiring an assistant, he was all set and began a successful business at the age of twenty-five.

It wasn't until he was thirty that he learned of the Chasers and the Crimson Sky. A strange, unworldly beast attacked Kazuki and his assistant as they walked to their cars late at night. He wasted no time in using his supernatural powers to defend them, electrifying the creature to death. Two Chasers appeared the very second he killed the beast, identifying Kazuki as a man of interest. But at this point he was also interested, having no prior knowledge of the world he had just entered. Ever since that day he has worked with the Chasers, assisting them in the field and treating them at his office at no cost.

Electricity Manipulation - Kazu's primary ability is the generation, conduction, and manipulation of electricity. The electricity is first generated, the time spent generating determines the charge, before being expelled and manipulate for precise or destructive results, pending desire. Given enough time, Kazu can generate massive amounts of electrical power for various but awe-inspiring effects. Electricity can be generated and manipulated simultaneously, which maintains the power of the electricity being used for continuous flow.

Electrical Immunity - One of the side effects of electrokinesis. Total immunity to electrical damage regardless of voltage. The stability of his nervous system is impossible to disrupt as well.

X-Ray Vision - One of the side effects of electrokinesis. The ability to see through most materials that aren't thick or particularly resilient to radiation. Can be precisely controlled, to see specific depths through something. Kazu uses this to examine a patient or target's body to identify problems or weaknesses, pending scenario.

Electromagnetic Perception - One of the side effects of electrokinesis. Kazu can not only "feel" electricity within his vicinity but he can also feel the electromagnetic forces. This allows him to sense the presence of anything that disrupts the magnetic field within a short distance around him. While he can detect most anything, he cannot detect things like magic or spiritual energy. The effective range of his perception is approximately a 30m sphere around him. Beyond that it would have to be a significant disruption for him to detect it.

Technology Manipulation - One of the side effects of electrokinesis. By using electricity in small quantities and with incredible precision, Kazu can manipulate technology to a certain degree, provided the device/machine he is attempting to work with isn't completely insulated from the outside. From something as small as charging the battery to as big as reprogramming a supercomputer can be done, provided Kazu can focus and/or has the time to do so.


  • Doctorate in both Biomedical Sciences and Engineering.
  • Genius by birth. Able to make complex mathematical calculations rapidly without external aid, for example.
  • Master pediatrician and surgeon, thanks to his intelligence and his supernatural abilities.
  • Master boxer, winning the National League Heavyweight Boxing Championship when he was 20.
  • Incredibly fit, having only 10% body fat and enough muscle to land in the Heavyweight division.
  • Professional, capable of maintaining self-control and courtesy at all times. Largely resilient to stress.
  • Proficient in Japanese, English, Spanish, French, and Chinese. Mediocre in Russian, Arabic, and Swahili.



  • 4G Smartphone for communication and Flappy Bird.
  • Eye patch to cover his glass eye.
  • Key chain, containing keys to his suburb house, BMW sedan, mailbox, office, etc.
  • First aid kit, for field dressing the injuries of his allies or himself.


  • Dislikes loud music, as sufficiently powerful sound waves can slightly affect the magnetic field and thus bother him. It would be the equivalent of a light but constant buzzing noise for normal humans.
  • As an actual doctor, Kazu is a self-employed and licensed practitioner that operates out of his own office in the downtown area. Though usually his work is pediatrics for the upper-class, he occasionally performs life-saving surgeries for criminals who do not wish to attend a public hospital. Regardless of the morality of his patients, Kazuki makes a lot of money and thus lives upper-middle class in the suburbs.
  • Kazu's role as a Chaser is something he considers "part-time work" or "a hobby". He has no problems with working with others as a team, in fact preferring to do so rather than operating solo, but occasionally he wishes to work by himself simply to test his abilities. When working as a team he maintains a supportive role, prioritizing the health and safety of his teammates over direct combat.
  • Theme Song, Doctor Pain is Punching In, and Maximum Power Generator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

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