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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake was trying not to look directly in Ryva's eyes as she said "That's alright, lad.I came tae apologize for being an ass at the cafe." He quickly responded "No no no it was my fault I deserved that comment.". Jake couldn't help but notice her pushing her hair behind her ear and as she did the light shined over her face and he almost lost hold of the door keeping him up.Then she asked to come in and Jake smacked himself in the forehead mostly for not inviting them in sooner but also to straighten himself up a bit as he spoke "Yes of course Im sorry what kind of host am I." After he led them to the living room he walked to the kitchen and with a slight smile and raising his voice so Ryva could hear him. "I'll get moose some water would you like something to drink I have a little bit of everything alcohol and non I promise not to make it a fashion statement this time" He rubbed the back of his neck as he finished his statement hoping it would brighten the mood.As he waits for a response he looks through the door ways to see Ryva and every time she pushes her hair behind her ear he looses his breathe.He lights up a cig as his mind starts up again. 'How do I always manage to fuck shit up?A beautiful girl shows up at my house and not just any girl the girl I dumped a White russian on and now I can't stop looking at her and they way she moves her hair.I hardly even know her all I know about her is she's got Irish blood,shes the leader in her band,her name is Ryva,and she's best friends with my best friend Arty.Plus Ive never owned my own house before let alone had guests what do I do?I offered a drink but is that even appropriate right now.'Sigh' Great job Jake always managing to be the asshole.What do I even say?Hi,How are you might as well just say 'want a white russian that's not a hat?'I always have an answer or something to say but this time I'm clueless lets just start with a drink maybe fruit punch or lemonade is that a normal 'Guest' drink?'He then just clears his mind smokes his cig as he waits to hear Ryva's response thinking maybe he'll have an idea where to go from there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"No no no it was my fault I deserved that comment." Ryva smiled, eyes laughing as he said that. "Yes of course Im sorry what kind of host am I." After he led her and Moose to the living room, he then walked to the kitchen."I'll get Moose some water, would you like something to drink? I have a little bit of everything alcohol and non. I promise not to make it a fashion statement this time."

Ryva laughed at his last comment and said, "Thank ye, Jake." she calls as she has Moose lay down. "But I'll just have water. I've already had too much caffeine this morinin' and I do no' want tae crash later." She walked around, eventually making her way into the kitchen where Jake was smoking a cigarette. "Ye have a really lovely home, lad. I wish I had one like it." She gave him a rueful smile.

"Me apartment isn't half as nice as this. Ye'd think I'd make a little more money tae buy me own place, being so good at what I do," she shook her head. "But nay. Ah, well." She gave him a smile.

What am I doing, she wondered to herself. I just keep talking and talking. That's not like me, I'm never this chatty, and I can't help it when I look at his bare chest and want to trace those scars. And even though smoking is a filthy habit, he's kinda sexy when he takes a drag out of that cigarette. Hell, I don't even know what he does for a living!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick was riding the tram and watching the backdrop of his beautiful home city fly past him as he looked out the window and smiled to himself, he checked his watch and realized it was approaching 3pm now and his craving for his radio show (and cherry bubble gum) had gotten the better of him, he moved to a part of the tram where he hoped nobody would hear his radio voice and went live.

Hey Shine City! how is everyone doing this afternoon? I'll tell you my inbox has been blowing up since noon, a lot of my fans want to know now if Jun and Jake are single and looking! looks like that track this morning really got them going :) Looks like Shou might have some competiton from now on for secret admirers at least! Hey but guys I gotta tell you there have been some very attractive people running around the city lately and I havent had a chance to meet all of them! theres a very attractive blonde in town called Roza Markov she might be fighting with a certain other blonde for the most attractive golden haired girl in the city HAHA we know you love the competetion. Also If I had green hair, Id be green with envy if I had to be compared to Lexi Carter she is looking super cute too! ahhh I'm daydreaming! its time for....Weston's Suggestions Hey guys this suggestion is more of a secret reveal, I've been given good information that the Dynamo Carnival is coming to Shine city in the week that's right! We have to take advantage of our last parts of summer to party like its 2012 again! Check out my website for updates on this unmissable event. Now I will have to leave you guys as Nick is going to be meeting some really cool people today and I cant be late! let this tune float you through the day! Signing out! Later x

Nick started snapping bubblegum as he checked through his texts....Awesome! both Shizuka and Nori responded, the shy student would be meeting him at the academy, so Nick decided to stay on the tram through Shine Junction as the academy was the last stop, He still had a while before meeting the sexy DJ Nori so he gave her a quick text back.

I expect that you wont dress too sexy today, I know thats how most pretty girls have been beating me at street battler 2, I hope you will fight fair! I'm pretty good on my own merit, I may not be DJ Dangermouse but I'm pretty nimble with my hands :P :P :P See you soon Nori x

Nick laughed at his own Triple Entendre and simply closed his eyes as he pulled into Shine city Academy after a few games of Jewel quest on his phone. After walking through the stunning gates of the mostly empty academy he sent Shizuka a text to let her know where he was. Nick swapped his cherry bubble gum and started gnashing on a lime flavour.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

[Between noon and 3:00PM]

After leaving campus, Shizuka headed to the Shining Kettle for the lunch shift. She got into her maid uniform and started waiting tables. It was another slow day though; the Mochavine was drawing a lot more business. Close to the end of her shift, she was serving two young men who were using the coffee table to play a collectible card game. Shizuka found herself curiously drawn to the match, though the two seemed to be arguing about something. One of them saw Shizuka lingering near their table and called to her, "Hey, sorry to bother you, but can you do us a favor?"

"Yes, how may I help you?" Shizuka asked.

"Well my friend here's kind of a jerk, an elitist, really, who thinks that this game 'isn't for everyone'," he said amid protests from his friend, "I, on the other hand, think that this is none of those 'easy to learn, hard to master' situations. Anyways, we sort of made a bet, and if it's not too troublesome, I'd like you to play match with my friend."

"I see," Shizuka said. At first she wanted to refuse, but she was curious about the game, and her shift was practically over. "Why not?"

"Great," the man said, scooting over to let Shizuka sit down. "You'll be using my deck. My friend is familiar with it, so he can't say I cheated and made it easier for you or anything. Let me know if you have any questions."

Shizuka took the deck and looked over the cards, while the man explained the core gameplay and basic rules. Shizuka could see from the card descriptions that the man had put some effort into optimizing his deck and taking advantage of the specific mechanics of the cards. Giving the cards another once over, Shizuka declared that she was ready.

The first few turns were fairly uneventful, mostly both sides farming power, and laying some defensive groundwork with the occasional preemptive strike. However, Shizuka's opponent began throwing down some very effective card combinations, while making some newbie mistakes herself. However, Shizuka was able to recover and even to push back. Then Shizuka got a devastating card combination that worked well with the groundwork that she had already laid down and won a surprising victory.

"I can't believe this!" the man's friend said, though he was more surprised than angry.

"Ha! Cough up the money!" the man said, "That was incredible, you learned really quickly, and adapted really well. How did you like it though?"

"I thought...it was pretty fun," Shizuka said, feeling a little embarrassed.

"You wanna get into the game?" the man asked.

"Perhaps..." Shizuka asked, unsure what was required.

"Great! Hey, meet us at the Lancom Arcade alter, we'll get you started."

"S-sure," Shizuka replied. Heading to the back, Shizuka changed back to her normal clothes and checked her phone to see Nick's message.

[After 3:00PM]

Shizuka arrived at the fountain where she said she would meet Nick. Looking around, she saw him, looking like the pictures on his online profile, or at least his most recent picture, given how often he changed his hair color. She approached cautiously. "H-hello? Are you Mr. Weston?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I...work, yes." Shou bit his words down hard. Would it lower himself as a professor in his students' eyes to tell them he was out, gambling and drinking the night away? It most definitely would. Word got around fast, anyway. Despite his ability, he still felt paranoid: As if dangling on a thin line with his career. He spoke no more of the matter, though his eyes met Shizuka's with more behind them than he could say in just that moment. One part of what she said did stick with him, though.
"...yes. I think I'll try to take better care of myself indeed."

The focus shifted to the animals in the cage, curious and so blissfully unaware they were the topic of conversation. In a way, Shou almost envied their lifestyle of ease.
Or not...
"Injured in a trial, you say? Poor little guys." Shou's shoulders slumped as he examined the hamsters a little closer. You wouldn't be able to tell on first inspection, but there was definitely something off, as if the lingerings of a past injury. Maybe it was the way they moved, the limp in their scurry. But it was all but invisible. Shizuka really was doing an amazing job with them.
...something about them being in her care was soothing to Shou. Out of all his students in her batch, though he wouldn't admit it to her personally without going hot and embarrassed, he was happy she was taking care of them. Her quiet, attentive nature seemed surefire to do them only the best.

He stood up now, almost a whole foot taller than Shizuka's 5'5. He pondered her statement about grading papers for the moment. There really was nothing, and Shou knew she knew, and there was no point in lying through it, perhaps even to just meet her in his office again.
"There's nothing I'm aware of, no." he smirked here, his age being lost for a younger man, in his early 20s, to surface, even if just for a second. It was something about the playful way he teased her.
"You're too good to me, Miss Otonashi. Wouldn't say I won't be jealous if you take as good care of your lover as you do those hamsters."

It was accompanied by a fond ruffling of the girl's hair. At this point, it wouldn't have even been considered weird. Shou had known Shizuka for the entirety of his teaching career at Shine Academy, and she'd always been such a help. Though she was quiet, her presence had a way of reassuring anyone - Shou was sure - that everything was going to be just fine.
Even if the girl herself was a little unsure of herself time and time again. And in Shou's opinion, she had no reason to be.

Moving away from her finally, with the hints of pink creeping to his pale cheeks at being so close to her, and alone in his office otherwise, he went back to the desk and gathered the papers into his shoulder bag. Noticing his coffee had now gone cold, or whatever was left of it, made him sigh as he threw the coffee-to-go cup in the bin just under his desk. Though it was a shame, it certainly woke him up plenty.
Fetching a cigarette from his shoulder bag, he popped it between his lips, unlit for the moment. He gave Shizuka a final smile before walking to the door, holding it open for her to walk through. As she passed, since their paths would turn different directions from that point on, he used the opportunity to say something softly to her, a parting note. Though he was smiling, his eyes remained oddly...melancholy?

"Good luck, Miss Otonashi. I look forward to hearing all about how the recovery process went when the hamsters are better. I have no doubt they'll be right as rain in just a couple more days in your care."


Shou Matsuoka

Errands, errands, errands. There were always errands to run on a Sunday. Grocery shopping took priority, though, and Shou pondered the thought of where to leave his car. Perhaps he'd leave it at the Mochavine, and come back after grocery shopping and walking the dogs, to grab a coffee and go home? That sounded like a better idea.
So, after driving home to drop off the books in the shoulder bag, and just fetching some essentials, and one very impatient Jinxie, he soon found himself settling the Ford into a snug little parking at the otherwise very busy Mochavine. Living out of the city had both its advantages and disadvantages, Shou thought.

Oh well...

The park fell somewhere odd in the city, so that the large supermarket was on one end and the smaller shops and cafés did better on the other end. Among the shops near the supermarket were higher end clothing stores and even an outdoor market sometimes for fresh produce when it was in season. All in all, Shine City was charming, even during the daytime.

As the German Shepherd cross jumped out of the boot of the car, and Shou carried the Jack Russel and placed her onto the cobblestone pathway before she'd hurt herself, he couldn't help but glance through the large glass windows of the Mochavine.
There he saw many people, but by far the oddest, or the most standing-out, were a pair sitting at a table. A girl with bright blue hair and a man with re-
Shou recognised him! It was Arty. From the cooking class!
He couldn't see their expressions from where he was, but huh...were they on a date?
Must have been.
Shou let out a low whistle with a chuckle to himself, which made Romeo blink up at his master with a rather curious glance, tail thumping against the ground.
If that was Arty's girlfriend, he sure was a lucky guy.
And before he passed the Mochavine, he even noticed a green haired girl going to sit with the duo. Red, blue and green. They could have been a superhero trio.

Also, curiously enough, sitting right by the window, Shou noticed one Junichi Hirose, all by himself. With Romeo and Jinxie in tow, he moved to where the boy was and tapped on the glass to get his attention. His former cigarette had been swapped for a lollipop for now. He smirked at the boy, even giving him a wink after noticing one very pretty blonde sitting not too far over. Shou mouthed a quiet "get some" before replacing the green apple lollipop between his lips.

Just before he left though, it was unmistakable. He couldn't have mistaken that flash of pink hair anywhere else. Though obscured by tables and customers at the busy Mochavine, it was undeniable that April was among the people there. She seemed to be breathless, you could see it in her cheeks. Was she overworking herself?
Shou didn't know that her shift had just, just started.

He found himself gazing at her with a rather entranced smile as she waited table after table. Though, eye-contact was inevitable, it still caught Shou off guard. He'd almost choked on his lollipop!
Giving her as suave a smile he could manage, he pointed at his watch, signifying he'd be around later. Though it was a vague sign, and a hurried one as he briskwalked out of her line of sight, he hoped it would suffice.

On the way to the park, there were many stores indeed. Shou could think about just a few things, courtesy of meeting April being one of the major ones at the forefront of his mind. And like clockwork, he happened upon a florist.
The Enchanted Florist, to be specific.
Hesitating for just a second, he swallowed his breath hard and walked through the doors with the two dogs, a little bell just above the door chiming to indicate someone had entered.

...but there seemed to be nobody there. Perhaps they were just busy? But the sign did say open. So someone must have been there...
Not noticing the young lady fetching a watering can at the very back of the room in his slightly jumpy state, Shou busied himself with admiring the flowers. There were so many kinds, he wondered just kind of flowers April would like.
...though he himself was enchanted indeed by the orchids, and especially the lines of blue that stood out and shone among the white and the pink.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo relaxed a little. She was relived that Arty seemed to understand. He probably had to deal with that sort of thing often at the club. Wow, he has a really nice smile. Kame was lost in thought just looking at him. She thought about how nice he was being and how the light reflected off of his already colorful hair. Just then the waitress came by with her cake, saving her from what she had just realized could have been a disaster. Kameyo thanked the waitress and took her cake.

"Y-yeah. But only if you can! Not to say I don't think you could, because you uh certainly appear fit. Not that I've been checking you out or anything! Not that I wouldn't, it's just that I wasn't and...oh geez." Kame sighed and took a bite of her cake. Slow down and think before you talk would you? " I meant to say as long as it's not inconvenient for you. I only need help because I can't seem to move the bed by myself. There aren't many boxes, so I can handle those myself." She took another bite, if nothing but to shut herself up. Kame has always loved the cakes here. In fact she was enjoying her cake so much she nearly jumped out of her skin when the green haired girl arrived at their table.

I'M NOT PREPARED FOR THIS! It was a rare occasion for Kame that random people approach her. Usually when it DID happen it was only to ask where something was or if she was alright. She often gets emotional when she is sketching out sad scenes for her manga. She's probably here because Arty is here. That made much more sense. He was much more approachable than her ad he probably has girls coming up to talk to him all the time. She had no idea what to think of the green haired girl. That was probably for the best since Kameyo preferred not to just assume things. Unsure of what to actually say Kameyo nodded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake poured moose some water in a bowl and Ryva a glass and as he was making himself some sweet milk Ryva walked into the kitchen.He then turned around taking a puff off his cig and as he was puting honey back in the fridge his gaze went to her eyes and the spoon he used to mix his drink (that was currently in his mouth) almost fell to the floor.He quickly closed the fridge and took the spoon out of his mouth as his cheeks took on a pink tint."Thanks I was just tired of people thinking I was a bum and trying to give me money especialy when they can't afford it it makes me feel like a peice of shit cause money is the last thing I need more of and those kinda people deserve to be given money not giving it away you know?I just hate how bad financial issues are geting these days people are geting payed less and prices are going up I just don't want to see others going through what I had to.By the way you have your own band and your really good why hasn't someone signed you up yet they'd be stupid not too." Jake rambled as he handed the glass of water to Ryva trying hard not to look at her eyes for too long at a time.

His mind was going crazy 'So what I don't know what to say so I just ramble I look like an idiot mixing honey and milk with a spoon sticking out of my mouth which I almost dropped on the floor when she walked through the doorway and when she fixes her hair I've gotta relearn balance.What's gonna happen if she flips her hair am I gonna need to relearn the english language?!I go from hardley being able to talk to rambling on and on when it comes to her what is wrong with me?'
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Thanks. I was just tired of people thinking I was a bum and trying to give me money, especially when they can't afford it. It makes me feel like a piece of shit, cause money is the last thing I need more of, and those kinda people deserve to be given money-not giving it away, you know? I just hate how bad financial issues are getting these days. People are getting paid less, prices are going up and I just don't want to see others going through what I had to.”

“By the way, you have your own band and you're really good. Why hasn't someone signed you up yet? They'd be stupid not to." Jake said as he handed the glass of water to Ryva.

Ryva took it and nodded, her face serious as she tucked her hair behind her ear again. "Aye, I know what ye mean, Jake. The economy keeps going downhill and the government is no' really doin' anything to help it. Did ye know that in America, their government is spending the money that the working class's children haven't even made yet? They are making it so that their children are up to their necks in debt."

She shook her head in distaste. "Makes me mad.” Then she smiled. “I do no’ know why someone hasn’t signed us up yet. I guess it’s because none of us have connections in the recording business.” Then she brightened. “Hey, Jake,” she looked at him with hopeful blue eyes. “Do ye have any guitars, or maybe a keyboard?” There was so much she wanted to say to him-about everything-but she was afraid that if she tried, she screw up and somehow end up being an ass again, somehow. Her stomach fluttered nervously with butterflies, and she mentally swore at herself.

What is wrong with you? Seriously, get a grip, Ry. She felt her cheeks heat up, and knew that they had to be just a little pink. I guess I’m a sucker for someone who looks sexy while smoking and has scars that tell you the shit he’s gone through, and still survived.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arty was able to manage a small smile as he listened to Kameyo's response, he found it reassuring that he wasn't the only one that had problems speaking when they were nervous. He set his mug down after he finally finished off the coffee in it, that and he didn't really find himself wanting to hide behind it anymore. "Don't worry 'bout it lass, I am 'appy to lend a 'and. Besides you save me from waiting around all day until my next shift." He said in that warm tone of his as he gave Kameyo a small grin. It was nice that the awkwardness was starting to fade away, it made talking so much easier at least for Arty that is. "Oh don't expect me not to 'elp out with the boxes lass, can't let myself be too lazy. Uh but just to ask do you have a car or somethin' to move all this, because I don't." Arty said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I really need to get myself a car." He thought to himself for a moment as he waited for the blue haired girl's reply. Before Kameyo could answer Arty heard a small voice speak up. Looking over Arty spotted what seemed like a familiar face. "Where do I know her from..." He pondered for a moment before he snapped back to reality. "Oh uh sure lass, the more the merrier." He said with a smile, things were finally starting to seem like they were going to smooth out for Arty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lexi looked to Arty as he spoke, her nails clinking against her mug as she tried to form words "Oh....t-thank you." She decided that was enough and sat down beside him, glancing at him slightly, admiring his physique and looks. She quickly turned her head back to her mug and took a sip, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible. She took in the smell and taste of the coffee, enjoying every bit of it. It was only when the taste ran out that she had realised she had downed the whole cup in one go. Looking slightly confused and disappointed, she placed the cup back on the table and began humming one of the songs she was trying to produce on her own. She tapped lightly on the table as if she were playing a piano or keyboard, going along with the song she was humming. She then opened her eyes, realising that yes, there was in fact people here and she wasn't exactly being her inconspicuous and quiet self, to which she promptly stopped and pulled her hood up, hiding behind her hair.

She peeked through, her cheeks flushed red at the thought of having played air-piano in front of complete strangers, let alone reveal one of her songs. She had never shown anyone her work, not even her parents. She looked to the two once again, her face barely visible through her hair "...I'm sorry.....just...well, just practising I guess." She looked down, she could feel that her face was quite warm now, squeezing her hands tight and hoping she hadn't just killed her only chance at making a few friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kameyo watched as the other girl sat down next to Arty. She had just assumed this sort of thing happened to him all the time. Kame was actually rather impressed as she watched her down all of her coffee in one go like it was nothing. That girl must be really fond of coffee. Kame took a bite of her own cake. The instant it hit her tongue a huge grin spread across her face. Oh, yes. This is what going out in public was all about. The cake of course. If it weren't for her well trained self control, Kame could probably eat the whole stores supply of cake.

Arty was right though. She was going to need a car to move all of her thing. Walking would be ridiculous. Snapping her phone out she texted at an alarming rate. 'Hello Uncle, may I rent a car for the afternoon for moving purposes? I am at the Mochavine currently with some'...could she really call them friends? Kameyo hardly knew anything about them. 'acquaintances of mine. Please send a reply when most convenient for you.'

Kame glanced up from her phone to see the girl playing the piano on the table. Temporarily she was fascinated by the rhythm. In no time at all her cell phone lit up and vibrated. Kameyo had always been too embarrassed by the thought of having attention drawn to her to have an actual ring tone. 'Of course. I shall have someone drop a car off for you in ten minutes. Payment can be left with the driver, he will bring you the keys. He will pick up the car when you are finished.' She looked at Arty "All taken care of. I appreciate the help." Kame noticed the girl was hiding herself. "Of course, practice is important right?" Stupid! She probably feels uncomfortable because you haven't introduced yourself! How rude! Kame stuck out her hand awkwardly "U-um Hi! My name is Kameyo, nice to meet you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake listened as he took drinks from his sweet milk trying not to stare at her,her eyes were like the stars he watched everynight beautiful yet mysterious,but under the shine he saw pain and loss not like lost a kitten more relatable what was it he tried to think as she asked. "Do ye have any guitars, or maybe a keyboard?”

He couldnt help but look in her eyes as they lit up, it made his head spin and his knees weak.He regained his balance as he said. S,sorry I...didn't sleep last night and I'm..." He rubbed the back of his neck and gestured for her to follow "Y,yes I have plenty of guitars all but one are in my closet but I dont have a keyboard I have a piano and its in my guest room with my favorite guitar.Plus I think I can help you in the recording buisness." He said as he led her to the guest room where a piano sat caty cornered in the back corner next to his guitar leaning against it.

The guitar was old and worn but still in good condition.Jake sighed as he picked it up and said "This is maria Named after the first one I loved and the first one I lost my mother. He then leaned his head against it and closed his eyes stoping his eyes from leaking the liquid of the past then looking back up he heald it out to hand it to Ryva.Jake never let anyone else touch maria but Ryva was different he couldn't tell why he had never felt this way about someone before.

He thought to himself "What is about this girl thats different from the rest this feeling its like Ive known her my whole life,its hard to talk to her yet easy to let go of my pain at the same time,is it the way she fixes her hair,the way she speaks,or the way her eyes shine.He didnt know all he new was Ryva was the only one that has ever been able to make him feel weak and strong at the same time with just a simple glance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In Progress.

Jake rubbed the back of his neck and gestured for her to follow "Y,yes I have plenty of guitars. All but one are in my closet and I don't have a keyboard, I have a piano and it's in my guest room with my favorite guitar. Plus, I think I can help you in the recording business." Ryva smiled and followed him, Snapping her fingers to get Moose's attention. Once she had it, she snapped her fingers and told him to stay. He led her to the guest room where a piano sat in the back corner next to a guitar that was old and worn but still in good condition. Jake sighed as he picked it up and said, "This is Maria, Named after the first one I loved and the first one I lost my mother. He then leaned his head against it and closed his eyes, then looked back up and held it out to Ryva.

Ryva took it gently, cradling it in her arms as she closed her eyes and strummed a few cords. She could feel the importance of this guitar, the memories it held, and knew she had to be careful. For a man like Jake to let her touch such a treasure was more than just friendliness. it meant that he trusted her, and she wasn't about to destroy that. She handed it back and went to the piano, running her fingers over the keys before sitting down and beginning to play.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ChaoticFox
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ChaoticFox The Fabulous Fox

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lexi’s heart raced. What the hell was coming over her, she was usually fine with people. She brushed a lock of her hair aside, looking at Kameyo and nodding to her. She perked up as Kameyo introduced herself, smirking lightly as she hadn’t screwed up her first impression. “Oh...ummm hi….I...I’m Alexa….well...c-call me Lexi.” She looked down again, her fingers tapping idly on the table. She couldn’t get her song out of her head. To be fair, it was only three days until the launch of her first single on uTunes and she was still perfecting the rhythm and sound. She looked back up to Kameyo, wanting to explain her behaviour “...I was just trying to get the rhythm to sound right. It...it needs something, I think. Maybe not.” Lexi pondered for a moment, wondering whether it was the tone of the lyrics she had messed up or the sound of the melody.

She reached to her pocket, bringing out her phone, scrolling until she found the latest edit of her song “What do you think?” she said, hitting the play button below the album cover, which had "FyaFoxx" written on it, most likely her stage name. Her heart began to race again. She’d never shown a stranger her music, not before release. She mentally crossed her fingers, hoping Kameyo liked it.

((Editted @Roecoon ))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Amaya's eyelids fluttered open. After glancing at the clock, the blond decided that 2 PM was a good time to actually get up. As she lifted her torso from the bed, the muscles in her arms gave in. Yesterday's workout had been pushing Amaya's limits and now she was feeling the repercussions. Stiffly, the thin girl got to her feet, wincing in pain along the way. She went to the bathroom and turned on a warm shower.
The water rained down on her sore body, soaking into her skin. Amaya's busy and late night hadn't gone very well, but hey, what can you do? Suddenly, the door to the bathroom slammed wide open. The nude female shrieked, covering what she could.
"Amaya!" Rachel yelled, not caring about her roommate's decency. The startled girl relaxed when she realized who it was.
"What do you want?" Amaya asked slightly annoyed at the cold air seeping in from the wide open door.
"You HAVE to stay in the dorm today!" The brunette exclaimed.
"What? Why?" Came the other girl's response.
"Because I said so. If you dare get out of your room today, I'm gonna break your laptop." The usually preppy girl threatened.
"Um, okay?" Amaya said doubtfully. She was unsure what was going on, but she didn't want to risk her expensive laptop.
"Great, thanks!" And with that the energetic female left as quickly as she came. Sighing, Amaya finished her shower and dried off. Unable to leave her room, the confined female was left with only with the internet as a source of entertainment. Not that she really minded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The large, rather goofy, grin that usually called Arty's face home slowly started to return as the giant Irishman listen to the two girls he was seated with exchange greetings. "Bless the stars, things are startin' to get back to normal." He thought to himself with a slight sigh of relief. Arty snapped his meaty fingers together when the green haired young lady who had just sat next to him gave her name. "I knew I recognized yo' from somewhere, yo' work at club LUSH right? Yeah, yer one of the dancers that that ol'blockhead Bearegard hires." Arty said, having to resist the urge to facepalm himself for not making the connection earlier. "I'm Arty by the way lass, I work the door over at the club." He continued, mentally patting himself on the shoulder for being able to put a name to a face. The living Irish mountain was able to pull himself away from his detective work long enough to catch that Kameyo had just hired her, and to a extension himself, a moving truck to get all of her stuff to her new place. "Wow, this lass can get a car faster than I ever could." He thought, more than a little impressed before he looked back to Lexi and hear her talk about a song she had stuck in her head. "Sounds pretty good if yo' ask me, but who am I to judge. I'm no music expert, trust I know quite a few of those types to know I'm not one." Arty said with a slight chuckle at his own expense, all the awkwardness that had come over him mere moments ago seemed to have been completely washed away from him as if it was never there in the first place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So her name is Lexi. See, introducing yourself did the trick. Try and remember your manners next time will you? Kameyo politely listened as she finished off her cake. Her head bobbed slightly to the beat. She closed her eyes and it drowned out the noises of the cafe. The song itself was intense, but she found it oddly relaxing. The singing was beautiful, and the beat was strong but not overwhelming. Kame listened to Arty as she took her last bite and scooted her plate to the end of the table.

Kame smiled and said "It's pretty amazing, your song will probably sell really well!" Arty seems to be connected to everyone. I mean what are the chances? She supposed it is better to know your co-workers though. Kameyo only knew her editor though, since she worked from home. Thinking of home she saw the moving truck pull into the parking lot. She flagged down a waitress and requested a check. "Is there anything else you guys would like before we leave." Kameyo highly doubted she could handle being alone with Arty again right now, plus she would feel guilty to just leave Lexi here alone. "U-um hey. Arty and I were planning on moving some things, would you maybe want to come with? Oh! but you wouldn't have to help or anything, you could just tag along and only if you wanted to!"

Gah I am such a dork! What if she already had plans! For all you know she could have been waiting on her friends, how rude could you be thinking she was going to be all by herself! "Unless of course if you had things to do! I wouldn't want to get in your way!" She avoided eye contact as she paid the check.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KRAZY J
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jake grabbed the guitar as it was handed back to him and sat it back down by the piano as Ryva walked over and ran her hand on the keys looking like she was about to play.Jake sat on the edge of the piaona whilst Ryva tickled the ivorys,just listening to it relaxed him and he felt as though he was at peace for the first time in his life for even his own music didnt bring him peace it just released stress and pain from his past in lyrical form.

As soon as the melody was done Jake looked at Ryva with a slight smile on his face and said "How long have you been playing piano?I've been playing piano for 4 years and I have never heard an electronic melody adapted and made so ellegant."

Jake couldnt help but grab his guitar and say "You played me a song so I'll play one for you." He put his pick down and strummed his guitar to tune check and thought to himself 'What should I play I cannot come close to the masterfull tune Ryva had aced but I must do my best.I could play I'm yours by Jason Moraz....no no no no no no no no I can say I do feel a connection with Ryva but I can't say if she does and it would make me look like even more of an ass then I've already been to her and thats the last thing I wish to do.How about something about past present and future something?I can only think of one off the top of my head so I go with it'

Jake puts down his guitar carefully then sits next to Ryva on the bench and gets kinda nervous siting close to her but the nervousness goes away when his fingers touch the keys.Jake closes his eyes with his hands on the keys and smiles then he starts playing and singing
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When she was done, Ryva glanced over her shoulder to see melody was done Jake look at her with a slight smile on his face as he said "How long have you been playing piano? I've been playing piano for 4 years and I have never heard an electronic melody adapted and made so elegant." She blushed slightly and pushed her hair behind her ear for seemed like the millionth time that day.

"I've been playing since I was a wee lass in fifth grade," she replied.

"You played me a song so I'll play one for you." Jake puts down his guitar carefully then sits next to Ryva on the bench and his fingers touch the keys. He closes his eyes with his hands on the keys and smiles then he starts playing and singing.

When he's done, Ryva smiles. "That was beautiful."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

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