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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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@GingerBoi123 Kyato started to cry too, but immediately turned his back to them and then finally turned back around to them to at least try to control this situation "It's okay Akkina, he's in a better place now, no need to worry about him" Kyato suggested and then looked at Randy sympathetically towards The Junker, almost bursting out in tears in front of him..

Akkina looked up at Randy weakly as much as she could, and then she gripped Durandal tightly, wanting to kill the guy who spoke to soon, She wanted to rip out his heart, She tried to get out of Randys grip, and struggled against his grip, She then attempted to push off Randy as strongly as she could, but in this state, She had no chance of doing that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


JG looked at Titan fiddle with his arm keyboard with curiosity. Someone had once tried to explain the difference between magic and technology to her, but they seemed pretty similar to her. Essentially the only difference was real magic could sometimes be performed without physical objects, while technology definitely needed something physical. Through reasoning she guessed he was not a magician then. Most mages she had come across avoided did not wear armoured clothing nor weapons. She balanced on her toes and leaned in to have a closer look at the girl with pink hair. She tilted her head to one side and smiled mischievously when he turned down the opportunity to pursue his targets. What sort of bounty hunter let such easy prey go? Perhaps the girl or wolf were more dangerous than they seemed. Maybe he had even encountered them before and failed to capture them, which would explain his reluctance now. She was also amused to consider how much this man misunderstood her. It seemed he thought her a frail child, when in reality she had slain many and lusted to fight the way most people lusted for romance. She looked down and shook her head slowly, smiling to herself. She was enjoying this man's company, for now, and was willing to continue travelling with him a bit longer rather than jump into a fight un-prepared.

"Us? What am I, your new accomplice?" she mocked. He probably thought to include her to hide the fact he was trying to keep her out of danger, rather than considering her as an equal. She rolled her eyes, knowing it might be somewhat rude. Well he had been rude too, whether he realised it or not.

"If you're looking for a way out, perhaps...up...is the best way to go. Although it doesn't look like you can climb." she said, half ending in a question. She frowned, trying to imagine him attempt to climb up a building.

"Alternatively, we could just follow the crowd. If the bounty's strategy was to make a run for it, they would have done it by now. I suspect they are going to try to make a stand for it, so the fighting zone is likely to remain static. That said it could expand as the fighting intensifies, or they could decide they're losing...". Her attitude had changed greatly since he had handed her the blade. For her, it was a greater sign of trust than a hand-shake. Now relaxed in his presence, she wasn't the jittery girl she had been when they had first met. In such a short amount of time, she had grown in confidence and almost appeared nonchalant despite the proximity of danger.

The crowd was starting to disperse now, as they recovered from the shock and excitement of a spectacle and realised they were in danger. They started pushing and shoving, though no one dared approach the Titan which JG conveniently stood behind. If they waited a few minutes they would probably have clear passage out of the market.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Dennis followed the man eyeing the materials that moved around inside his shop. "...in gods name was that?" He asked rhetorically staying close to the man. Well not close to were he was up against his back but close enough to fill comfortable. Dennis would of ditched this dumb if it wasn't for the old guy having a silencer. He was even thinking about giving the guy a little extra since it was quite tough for him to find one in the first place. When the elderish man came to a hult Dennis quickly did the same reverting his attention back to him and not the robotic like creatures scurring around the place. "I'll give up comfort." Dennis answered. "Being comfortable is not really that great when your accuracy will end up being a bit off either way so that's why I'm gonna focus on accuracy!" He stated pulling out a small bag filled with gold. "How much will that be exactly?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Dennis followed the man eyeing the materials that moved around inside his shop. "...in gods name was that?" He asked rhetorically staying close to the man. Well not close to were he was up against his back but close enough to fill comfortable. Dennis would of ditched this dumb if it wasn't for the old guy having a silencer. He was even thinking about giving the guy a little extra since it was quite tough for him to find one in the first place. When the elderish man came to a hult Dennis quickly did the same reverting his attention back to him and not the robotic like creatures scurring around the place. "I'll give up comfort." Dennis answered. "Being comfortable is not really that great when your accuracy will end up being a bit off either way so that's why I'm gonna focus on accuracy!" He stated pulling out a small bag filled with gold. "How much will that be exactly?"

"Well, you loss I suppose. I don't have too many of these, so say, 113 gold peice, adding the fact I helped you choose one" He retorted with a bit of a smirk at the man's reaction to his robotic allies. They always had that sort of charm on people, and while at first it made him sad that he the majority of people where now afraid of him, he now found it amusing. Shuffling through the items under his desk, he looked behind his hitman friend before heaving to pull up a thick cylinder. It was black with a few divits and lines to help with silencing and who knows what. It was very clean and in decent condition, but the old man seemed to be rough with it.
"I'd advise you tell no one of where you aquired this...my permit is....nonexistant. If only those idoitic ballgrabbing cops realized a man with an eye for weapons from one with a permit...oh, but I'm not the dictator here....those damn deviants are" He began before shaking his head.
"Sorry, I digress, pay up and stay the hell away from he you goblin"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

At MJ Robotics, a store in East Market, Mary "M" Ludwig was cleaning some of the shelves where products were on display, the song Just Awake by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was playing on a jukebox behind the main counter. Jared "J" Ludwig came walking out of his workshop in the back giving a big yawn as he had just woken up from a nap. "Hey Mary! you all ready to open up shop?" Jared said as he looked towards Mary with a confident smile "Of course you all ready to go? You honestly still seem tired bro." Mary replied with a playful smirk. Jared walked up the the window and pulled the curtains apart to let the light in as he turned the light sign from 'closed' to 'open' he then walks behind the counter and sit's at his nearby workbench where he presses a button on a little robotic arm on wheels which rolls over to his workshop and grabs a mask connected to a bulky wrist mounted device by tubes and brings it to him as he put's on a pair of mechanical goggles that allow him to zoom in and out of the device and begins to work on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Dipping into an inner pocket, Titan pulled several Gears out which he then threw into the air above the mob. They came to life, floating out among the people. It seemed the girl was right, for many of the people were dispersing as the melee drew to its close. He may have been a bounty hunter, but when he saw no sign of Silas and a dead lycan, the man put the two bits of information together. He was a bounty hunter, but no monster, he'd allow his target time to grieve. But that body was worth more than his weight in gold and Titan would get his hands on it in due time.

JG seemed to have grown in confidence and restlessness after he had given her the blade. She held onto it with an experienced hand which told him more than her words ever would. Now she practically abuzz with energy and a willingness to battle. Akkina was a dangerous woman when not ruled by her emotions. She now had the Junker and Kyato as companions, powerful if not unlikely partners. He still felt a little anger towards the man, but that was neither here nor there. He had sufficient means to bring the man down. Even one bag of gold sent to the Financial Commissioner's would bring the business man down, counterfeits were highly frowned upon. Sure, Kyato could deny it, but Titan's proof was the bounty the man had set, and the completion notice. The case would be open and shut.

"No... just a companion. If there will be fighting, the remaining bounty won't be doing it. When her friends aren't watching her, as they frequently don't, I will snatch her then deliver her to Nasus." Titan informed her, watching the screens and not the crowd. One man fell directly into the giant and started to back up fearfully. To make an example, Titan struck him with a lazy backhand, sending the man some distance into another group of people. They were given decidedly more room after that.

"I plan to stay where I am and strike when it's least expected. But, that corpse has a bounty that I will be taking. The other hunters will most likely flee, seeing as the guard will be here to take order soon enough." He turned and pulled JG to his side, which was a safer place for the both of them. She may have trusted him, but until he could figure out her machinations, Titan was unsure of the girl he had set out to help. Nothing was ever as it seemed in this place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


She watched him throw the gears up into the air and was impressed to see them fly. How were they doing that, she wondered. She didn't bother asking; she likely wouldn't understand the answer. Raphael seemed to be contemplating something, so she waited patiently for him to make a decision, eyes scanning the crowd as she did so. She smiled when he called her a companion. Despite enjoying her independence, it was a comforting thing. Provided it did not infringe on her freedom.

"Who's Nasus? Is she worth the same dead or alive?" she asked, as casually as if they were talking of the weather.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a member of the public get a little too close for comfort, and wondered whether he would look to where he was running in time to realise his obstacle. He did not. In fact he fell head first into Titan, who swatted him like a fly. JG stifled a laugh as she saw the horror in the man's face realising who he was messing with. Though she was mostly safe from the flow of the crowd due to her strategic position next to Titan, he decided to pull her in closer which immediately made her tense again. If he was paying attention, he might realise the man-handling as well as the invasion of personal space would have set her on edge. So much for that new-found confidence, she thought. She could feel her heart rate increase at the stress of the situation, and zoned out a little as she tried to calm down. That she hadn't moved away showed that she still trusted him, but she certainly wasn't at ease right now. Finally, she drew a deep breath and straightened her back. Her face resolved and serious, quashing any feelings of anxiety with sheer will power.

"Are you taking the body now, or waiting for the guards to disperse the fight?" she asked, nothing in her voice betraying her brief emotional roller-coaster.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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@The Slenderman

Randy looked at Akkina sincerely. "Let's go." He said, he then looked at Kyato. "I'm not going to say I was wrong, but you're not all bad I suppose." He said, offering a handshake. "I'm sure, as businessmen, we can get over this." He half joked when he said businessmen.

Raven stumbled up. "I'm not risking my life over this contract. I got better shit to be doing right now." He said as he ran out of the Kyato Corps courtyard.

Soon enough, he stumbled upon a group of people, that seemed like respectable bounty hunters (Titan, JG, Raphael and co.). Raven got onto the roof of a house and called down. "Oi! You lot looking for Akkina?" He asked. "I'll help ya out." He casually continued as he reloaded his PPSH. "I mean, her "friends" are proving more difficult for any of us alone. Why don't we team up, split the bounty, whaddya say guys?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Before Titan answered her question, he noted an increase in her breathing rate, an alarming one. He subtly took a half step away from her to assuage JG's sudden panic. A few more feeds showed on his Interface's holographic monitor screen, the only thing that would allow him to simultaneously watch the feeds without having to shuffle through his Gears' channels. He watched as Raven left the scene and the only ones left would be the only ones that might refuse to let him take away the body. Sighing, he resigned himself to wait until at least Randy and Akkina departed from the area. "Nasus is the issuer of the bounty. Akkina is the only one worth more alive, the reason for which was not include. And yes, I can climb, but only on very strong roofs." Titan chuckled at his last statement.

He was about to answer her second question when a voice called out to him from above. He turned to JG so that the man would not see his gesture, putting a forefinger over his mouth. This man was a telepath, as his Gears had found out. Tapping away at his computer, he closed the monitor feed and activated a device in his hat. Within its brim was a gadget that let out an EM field, disrupting psychic attempts to invade his mind and a small area around him, protecting JG in the process. "I think you have the wrong idea about us, friend! Me and my daughter," at this, he nudged JG in the side discreetly, "are simply touring the marketplace, looking for a good place to dine! I have no idea of the people you speak of!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yeah uh sure." FM had wandered away from the fight he happened to be walking past Titan when he overheard what he said,"I mean you two look so much alike I could hardly tell you two apart." His voice dripped in sarcasm,"So I'm gonna take a stab here and guess that you sir are a bounty hunter after crazy bat winged chick and dead werewolf, am I right of course I'm right because it seems to me that everyone I've run into today seems to a bounty hunter, so before I start throwing fireballs at people I wanna know. Why the hell does this place have so many damn bounty hunters?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Raven looked at the new comer before jumping down. "Because that's where the money's at buddy." He said as he patted his shoulder in a friendly manner. He then looked at the big guy. "And don't bullshit me, I know my way around this town and I know my way 'round bounty hunters."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123"I figured that, and just for the record next time you touch me, I will kill you." FM brushes Ravens hand off of his shoulder, and a soft blue light forms around him making it impossible for Raven to touch him again, that is unless Raven tries to attack him then Raven would be able to touch him, but seeing as Raven seemed rather passive at the moment, the aura would make it impossible for Raven to touch FM again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Raven held up his hands. "All right, I'm sorry. But hey, if you can do shit like that, try your hand at a bit of bounty hunting." He said, pointing at him after saying that. "You might like it." He said. He then turned back to the tall guy and the girl. "So, what do you say?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123"Yeah, I'll look into it." FM pulls out a sandwich from his coat pocket, pulls down his bandana and begins to eat,"Anyone else want a sandwich I got a few more, they have bacon, brisket, cheese, steak,lettuce, and some nice gravy. They are very good." he says after chewing and swallowing his first bite, he then continues to eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JG


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


JG hadn't noticed him step away to relieve her sudden Haphephobia, but she felt the effects of it subconsciously. She arched a doubtful eyebrow when he claimed he could climb, and wondered whether the market roofs could even support his weight...
She almost jumped with both feet when a voice suddenly appeared from above. Twisting her head up towards the sounds, she nearly gave herself whiplash and winced slightly at the pain in her neck. Recoiling slightly from her sore neck, she was able to see Raphael give her a warning sign to stay silent. She stood still as he replied to the stranger, and then acted along by stepping behind her 'father' and doing something completely against her nature; she stepped backwards and partially hid behind him, loosely grabbing a fold of his cloak. She looked up at the man above them with eyes as wide as saucers, trying to show worry in them. And then she waited. She had no idea whatsoever whether he would buy it or not. Perhaps even if he didn't believe their act, he might decide they clearly weren't interested and pass on by.

She almost dropped her façade when the newcomer bumped in, pointing out the obvious differences between Raphael and herself. There might still be hope though. So she held her pose and watched silently as the two strangers interacted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@GingerBoi123 Akkina stepped backwards as if to say no, and then frowned at Randy weakly then eventually nodded in agreement with him then began to walk with him and Kyato slowly " We can't just leave him, let's bring the body with us, please Randy.. please" She whispered softly and then looked at Randy sympathetically.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Titan was completely nonplussed by these men's behaviors. Even if they were competent bounty hunters, they had no sense of class! One even started eating, spraying the air with particles of his sandwich. It was positively disgusting. He silently applauded JG as she went along with the act, hiding behind his cloak convincingly. He reinforced this by turning slightly, putting an arm around her as if consoling her. He hoped it wouldn't have an opposite effect. So which of his identities would he use this time? They were right, someone that looked like Titan was often a bounty hunter, but he decided to go along a similar, but very different route. He rummaged about his inner pockets, before taking out a document. Some of the information had been changed for accuracy, but the document was genuine and would survive any type of inspection. He unfolded it carefully, not wanting to rip this parchment that had cost a small fortune. "Ah, no thank you. We like to eat... lean."

Coughing gently, he held up the document in front of him, so they could read and inspect its seals. "As this paper says, I'm a Captain in the Royal Army, as such legally permitted to carry my weapons wherever I so wish. As for the family resemblance," Titan glared at FM for a moment, "is none of your business and I'd politely ask the both of you to get out of my daughter and myself's way." After a more than sufficient time for the men to see the credibility of the document, he refolded it with the same hand that held it and deposited back into its pocket. Instead, his hand, almost lazily, alighted onto the pommel of his sword. "Now, good day to you two."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@The Slenderman

Randy nodded. He then walked back over to Silas's body. "Now how do we move this?" He asked himself. His gloves don't have the capability yet to give him super strength entirely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 27 days ago


Raven spread his arms open. "What? That's it? You're not even going to consider it? Well, just remember... "Captain". I got your number, you and your fake/real daughter." He said, pointing to the two of them. He then climbed up the building. "No thank you for the sandwich, I got some contacts and information digging to do." He announced before dashing off again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@WittyWolf"So you bought a legit document big deal I could do that, well at least I assume you bought that piece of paper." FM finishes eating his sandwich,he then attempts to read the big guys mind but finds himself unable to so he does the next best thing, before the document is moved out of his sight he changes a few things with a illusion spell,"Besides that paper you had called you a Major, not a Captain." He smirks hoping his bluff will pay out.
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