Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 21 min ago


The Corrigan School for Advanced Learning and Development
~Home to the Spirit of Justice~
| GM: Lord Wraith | Genre: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy | Type: Linear, Sandbox |

~"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."~



[B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B]
[INDENT]-The name your parents gave you.[/INDENT]

[B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B]
[INDENT]-Your chosen crime fighting name, you may wish to hold off on naming yourself should you want an alias developed in the IC. Please note such if that's the case.[/INDENT]

[B]| [I]AGE:[/I] |[/B]
[INDENT]-As the RP is inspired by the Teen Titans, the characters should be of the age to attend highschool so preferably between the ages of 14 and 19 standard human years. Alien, mythical and magical characters excepted given reason.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]-This includes your super powers, learned talents and any weapons, armor or tools that are essential to your heroic identity.[/INDENT]

[INDENT]-Limitations are examples of the maximum weight you can life, top speeds etc where as weaknesses are exploitable like Superman's weakness to Kryptonite and Magic.[/INDENT]

[b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b]
[INDENT]-At minimum, two paragraphs showing your character in action and displaying their personality. This can be a portion of their backstory or just a random scene of your choosing.[/INDENT]

[b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b]
[indent]-Any notes you wish to add. Can be for the benefit of other players or simply reminders for yourself.[/indent]


[SUB][B][I]// [color=0072bc]Friend[/color] // [color=00a99d]Acquaintance[/color] // [color=f26522]Frenemy[/color] // [color=fff200]Rival[/color] // [color=ed1c24]Enemy[/color] // [color=ed145b]Crush[/color] //[/I][/B][/SUB][/CENTER]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT]
[INDENT][I]Short explanation of reasons behind the classification.[/I][/INDENT][/LIST][/INDENT]



Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 21 min ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 5 days ago

| NAME: |
Tanya Liberty Lamont

| ALIAS: |
Smoking Liberty, The Bird of Paradise

| AGE: |

The Bird of Paradise.
Tanya is the descendant of a long-line of mystical beasts that have roots in magic. The Birds of Paradise, beautiful creatures that control the winds as they move. Birds of Paradise are similar to Phoenixes. They spend their early lifecycle in human form for safety - until they unlock the ability to change forms at will. They are rare - In fact, Tanya is technically the last of them - but incredibly powerful. Known for their insane speed and grace. Tanya is part Bird of Paradise, she gets the best of both worlds, and when she transforms, she's half-human. To summarize, this power is basically Avian Physiology and Aerokinesis mashed together. Tanya has the ability to transform into a bird-human hybrid with an appearance similar to harpies. Meaning, primarily, her arms and legs will be transforming. Her arms will morph into fifteen-feet long wings, with massive feathers. Now, these won't be normal feathers - no, no. These feathers appear to be a glowing gaseous energy, like a fire, or a plasma. Primarily glowing a green color, with other colors shining in. When she flies, she leaves behind a trail of various colors. Her eyes will also glow a white color that leaves no trace of her original eyes. I should note that she won't have any hands in this state, but Tanya's wings will be flexible enough for her to grab things. Her legs will similarly be covered in variously colored feathers, but she'll have four large talons on her feet, and her legs will be covered in rough, black, keeled, scales. These talons are very strong, and capable of grabbing objects. A kick from her would not be great. Tanya has a tail, technically three long tail feathers that glow with the same energy as the rest of her body. There are feathers and scales in other parts of Tanya body.

Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. Tanya is capable of reaching Mach 1 speeds (That is 761.2 mph). That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored, they can give someone a nice cut.

A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips. Finally, Tanya can communicate with birds! Not outright control, but birds are more likely to listen to her, and she can command a bird far better than an experienced falconer. A neat trick she has is that she can perfectly replicate any sound a bird can make.

In terms of skills: Tanya's claim to fame is her immense talent in the musical department. Hell, some people would say that it was inherited from her parents. From a young age, Tanya played around with music and sound, both practicing singing when alone, and playing with her guitar. She advanced far above that point by practice, professional training, and, of course, experience. Tanya is a very talented musician, she can play the guitar super well, writes her own lyrics, and has an amazing singing voice worthy of mainstream success! And unlike you amateurs, she doesn't get stage fright. She's preformed live (in several dive bars, and hipster digs) with her whole band. Other than the good old music industry, Tanya plays Tennis from time to time. She isn't a professional, but she's certainly good enough to knock any beginner on their ass. Tanya is also a writer, she writes novels and such and such in her spare time. Nothing that'd ever get published, but it's something that helps her write lyrics. Working at a seafood restaurant has taught her how to cook. Naturally, she has a guitar. She joked about using a steel guitar to fight crime when she becomes a hero.

Tanya's power is connected to the feathers on her body. She'll be constantly losing feathers in her BoP form at a rate so slow that it won't really matter. However, once she starts using her aerokinesis, she'll start losing feathers at a fast rate (and the same goes for shooting them). The less feathers Tanya has, the weaker she gets, until she's so powerless that she might as well switch back to human form. It'll take her awhile to regenerate feathers, at least two hours. Tanya's bones are mighty brittle, both in and out of human form. While they won't shatter when hit by say, a punch by a fully grown man; they will break when hit by a baseball bat, or a super strong punch. The same goes for falling. Using her aerokinesis also causes breathing problems. The second she shoots a gust of wind, she's going to have a severe case of shortness of breath, and she'll need a moment or two to recover. Overuse will eventually cause her to suffocate, and die to death. Also, she doesn't have any extra bird senses, her senses will remain at human levels. So she's going to have a very hard time seeing while going at high speeds. This is obvious, but it'd be hard as hell for her to grab stuff.

The shiny feather reflected sunlight as Tanya examined it, casually. She was leaning back in her chair, with her feet kicked up onto the desk. Thank God the class room was empty, Mr. Winglington would shit if he saw her. Especially with her shoes off. She was wondering where did this unique feather come from. It just... fell off of her. This was truly unlike anything she's seen before. Well, it'd be pretty bitching glued to her guitar case! Holding onto the feather, Tanya pulled her feet off the table, and then put them onto the floor, sliding them into her sandals. She stood up, and looked down to pick up her guitar, lazily leaning up against the desk chair. She slung it over her shoulder by the strap, and slid the feather into the breast pocket of her dress shirt. She looked down and adjusted her black skirt, and began walking out of the room. Immediately being bombarded with the noise and chatter of the crowded hallway. She casually smirked as she pushed through the chaos without a single soul paying her any mind. They were busy, and so was she.... relatively speaking. She'd need to head over to the other side of the school to the dorms.

She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was looooong pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms.

A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. "Hey! Get back here!" Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say something to her.

"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?" Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. "I was just trying to catch this thing." She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. "Cool, isn't it?"

Their conversation went on from there.

| NOTES: |
  • There are so many things to know about the wonderful Tanya Lamont. Let's start with her Amazon Parrot, Kiwi! She had Kiwi for years, before she had even developed her power. Assisted by a background ability, Tanya can order Kiwi around, and give him complex orders, almost like he was smart as a corvid!
  • Daughter of two indie musicians from Jamaica. Tanya is, obviously, Jamaican herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

| NAME: |
-Kyle Lancaster

| ALIAS: |
-None at the moment. Will come later IC.

| AGE: |
- 14

-Electrical Disruption-
Kyle disrupts electrical systems; be it a living being, a machine, or a field of energy. Think of it as an electron travelling from point A to point B. Kyle interferes with the path of travel and the electron ends up at point C instead of B. Kyle does this through physical touch, not just his hands but any part of his body. The shorter the contact time the less damage is done.

Living things: Effects nervous systems in his victims. Causes the messages the body sends not only from cell to cell, but from the brain to everything, to go awry. This can result in immobilization, unconsciousness, or seizures. In worst case scenarios it can cause death.

Technology: Scrambles the system so it no longer functions properly. In the most mundane sense if causes malfunctions. Any device with electricity is effected. However if it is powered down (has no electricity) while Kyle is in physical contact nothing will happen. Effects can range from temporary static to a fried system depending on the piece of technology.

Energy fields: Disrupts the flow of energy either collapsing the field or creating empty spaces/ holes in the field.

Kyle speaks quite a few languages. Due to his abilities he couldn't do a lot of things other children could do. So his parents introduced him to learning languages. As of now Kyle can speak four languages fluently and knows three others and has varying reading, speaking and writing abilities.

Fluent in: Spanish, French, English and Chinese (Mandarin)
Okay in: German, Russian, and Arabic

Kyle writes music and also plays a wide array of instruments. His favorite are the flute, the harp and the trombone.

- Kyle's powers are uncontrollable at this point. He cannot choose when he uses them. It gets worse during times of stress. Any touch on any part of his body will cause the negation effect. It's even possible that it can happen through clothes.
- Due to his abilities Kyle doesn't have any friends. He was home schooled until he was accepted into Corrigan. Because of this he is very socially stunted.
- Kyle's a normal 14 year old boy with all the limitations and weaknesses that come with it.
- Technologically stupid. He's never bothered to learn/retain that knowledge since it's useless for him. After all everything just breaks when he uses it. Phones, computers, even the occasional TV has bitten the dust.

- Kyle bounced the soccer ball on his knee. His black eyes watched the people around him. No one looked at him, but he was used to that at this point in his life. It was better than the kids throwing stones at him. Over on the soccer field there was a game going on. How Kyle wished he could join, but he couldn't. Not unless he wanted to hurt someone.

Kyle switched the knee he was bouncing the ball on with a sigh. His parents insisted that he get outside and play. Mainly he thought it was because they were sick of him. Just because he was twelve didn't make him an idiot. Sure he could do somethings other normal people could. Like watch TV and movies. But that was pretty much the extent. His parents had to buy a special car that had minimal computers in it so he didn't always have to bike everywhere.

In the end it boiled down to his parents loved him, but feared him. He killed their cat. And a bird and almost killed a neighbor. His parents sent him outside when they just couldn't take it anymore. Kyle moved the ball to his head and bounced it there.

Hiding in his room didn't seem to help for long. In fact tended to make them angry. Just thinking about it made Kyle lose his concentration. The ball wen wild and flew off towards some of the kids. With a unanimous shriek the small group scattered and fled. Many of the adults grabbed their children and gave Kyle a dirty look. When everyone was even further away Kyle walked over to the ball, tucked it under his arm and left the park.

Kyle's backyard was still outside right?

| NOTES: |
- Kyle's usually pretty unhappy. Since physical contact's a huge No for him he get grumpy when he sees people touch.
- Kyle is also a prolific writer. He keeps a vast library of journals he has filled with his works.
- I plan as the story progresses to have Kyle gain friends and become less mood and more happy. Also to gain control over his powers.
- Pepsi is better than Coke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tyler
Avatar of Tyler

Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

| NAME: |
- Frederick 'Freddie' James Michael Blackwell

| ALIAS: |
- Tempest

| AGE: |
- 17

- Meteorokinesis (Weather manipulation)
Freddie has the ability to control the weather. Using his mind, he can summon rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, fog and any other naturally occurring weather phenomena, as well as being able to banish these effects and allow the sun to shine. The process is rather swift and he is able to completely shift the weather within mere moments. With enough practice, Fred might develop the ability to fly by manipulating wind currents. He is also capable of learning to bring weather indoors, allowing him to release blasts of lightning from his hands, or conjure concentrated rainclouds for example. (Currently, he is only able to summon winds and fogs indoors.)

- Other skills
Aside from his powers, Freddie is a rather intelligent individual as far as logical-thinking and common sense go, but this isn't shown in his academic performance. He has a creative mind and is a brilliant problem-solver, but struggles with mathematical and scientific concepts. He's a good verbal communicator, making him an asset in teamwork as he is able to share his ideas with the group. Fred is a painter and all-round crafty person, and loves nothing more than working on artistic projects whilst listening to music. During his time at school, he was the top of the class in French due to his parents ownership of a chateaux in Cannes. He was also a fierce actor and was usually picked for the starring role of the school's productions.

- Meteorokinesis (Weather manipulation)
The main weakness of Freddie's meteorokinesis is the psychic nature of his abilities: Fred is a highly emotional person, and finds that he often subconsciously influences the weather if he lets his emotions get the better of him. For example, accidentally causing storms when he is angry, or rain when he is sad. This stems from a lack of control, and with intensive training Ben should find himself able to better manipulate his powers, rather than simply invoking them and hoping for the best. His abilities are currently rather limited when he is indoors (although he can still affect the outside from within a building, this isn't often useful inside.) He has a rather large area of effect, able to influence the weather over a one mile radius with relative ease; and up to two or three times that with effort. He also has to be present within the area he wishes to influence; he cannot effect areas by looking at a photograph of video stream, for example. Furthermore, he is not exempt from the effects of his conjured weather: rain will wet him, winds will blow him away, lightning will burn him and he cannot see through fog. He must manipulate the elements to his advantage (i.e. directing lightning away from him, changing the direction of wind etc.). The relationship between his emotions and the weather works both ways: as well as his emotions affecting the weather, it is also common for the weather to affect his feelings.

- Other weaknesses
Freddie is not trained in physical combat nor is he particularly strong; he is rather slender and has never visited a gym in his life, making him quite easily overpowered in physical confrontation. He is a highly emotional person, which is something he has always struggled with as when he gets emotional he finds it difficult to see things from other perspectives. It is even more difficult since his powers manifested. Whilst he is good at sharing his opinions, his listening skills are lacking and he tends to think that he is always right. He's very stubborn and struggles to admit his errors, which can sometimes cause conflict. Having lived a privileged life, Freddie is not familiar with the 'real world' and tends not to consider the value of money.

- Freddie's slender fingers scratched at the fur beneath Winston's collar as the fat ginger cat practically grinned in appreciation, purring away contentedly in Freddie's lap. The pair were surrounded by luggage; large, black suitcases containing most of Freddie's worldly goods assembled like soldiers in his large bedroom. Freddie sighed dejectedly.

"Oh Winnie," he said, addressing the cat in a forlorn manner only a teenager could muster. "I really wish I could stay. Lord knows what this school might be like," he said, his thick British accent evident in the turn of phrase. "America, huh? I bet it's simply ghastly..." he sighed once more. "But of course, you don't care," he said, grabbing the cat beneath its front legs and pulling him up so that they were face-to-face. "Do you, my friend?" he said, smiling playfully. The confused look on the fat Persian's face suggested that Freddie was correct. He chuckled to himself, planting a kiss on the cat's nose before setting him down on the bed and beginning to place a few final personal items into a large Louis Vuitton bag. Winston curled up on the pillow and watched half-heartedly.

When he was done, he swung the brown designer bag over his shoulder and scratched the cat's head affectionately. "Well, I guess this is it, old chum." he said, heading over to the door. As he stood in the doorframe, he turned back to survey his room one final time. "Now, one of the help will be up shortly to collect my things," he said, summoning his theatrical experience as he addressed the cat. "You keep them in line for me, Winnie," he said, winking as he fought the sadness within him. The cat was almost as old as he was, and he knew that by the time he'd finished his studies there was likely to be a large, Winston-sized hole in the house he'd grown up in. "And make sure they don't scrimp on the tuna, you fat sod." he said, turning to leave the room as a single salty bead slipped down his cheek.

As he made his way down the large, spiral staircase, he heard a faint tapping on the many windows of the house. Before he reached the bottom of the steps, his father rushed into the marble hallway from outside, his fine coat sodden with water.

"Do hurry up, Freddie boy," his father said. "It's raining."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

| NAME: |
Julian Augustus Luthor.
Alexander Luthor Jr.

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |
9 Since creation.
18 Physically and mentally.

Superioer Genetic Structure:
Julian holds the utmost best genetic material he is a duplication of the same DNA sequence that the most brilliant mind on earth hold - Lex Luthor. And his DNA has been further modified through biological engineering to give him the best possible setup in life. Thus, he is biologically superior to other humans - he's faster, stronger and smarter by nature.

Rigorous Training:
Julian has spent most of his life in a lab, being taught science, math and history by the best professors money can buy. He's holds several PHD's and could rival most of the brilliant minds in the world. He's partaken in exercise that has put his body in the utmost peak physical condition a man of his age and build could be.

Genius Intellect:
Julian's intellect is unmatched, his reaction time and problem solving skills are all off the charts and borderline on superhuman, making him a fantastic scientist, engineer and tactician. His forte is mechanical engineering and quantum physics - while being a expert at most other fields of science, he's not as obsessed with biology as his 'father'.

Martial Arts:
Julian is a expert boxer and a immediate user of Judo. He's far from a martial artist, but he thinks himself capable enough to win a fight against many foes.

Mechanical limb:
Julian lost his left arm over a year ago and since then he learned how to live with one arm, while working on a prostethic when the doctors couldn't. He wears a mechanically enhanced arm that responds 99.6% the same way his real arm would to electrical impulses from his brain. The arm is ten times as strong as it's counterpart on his other shoulder and holds many technological tools while still being able to do such things as type on a keyboard, write a letter or fidget with circuitry. He uses several different versions of his arms, designed for heavier workloads of different combat situations.

Tools included in his regular arm are:
Low caliber laser for welding
Electric chargers for defibrillation.
Pulse canon capable of a generating over 10 ton of force
First Aid Kit
Diagnostics tool
Fire extinguishing foam
Small Radius Energy Shield.
High Speed Satellite access to internet.
Holographic projection.

Tools and Weapons Included in Heavy Duty Arm:
Servomotors allowing him to perform 100 times as efficiently as a flesh arm, allowing him to lift over 30 ton with it.
High Powered Pulse and Ion Canons.
Full Body Force Field generation.
High Powered Laser Cutter.

Julian builds new gadgets constantly making it almost impossible to catalog all of them. He's been known to use small drones - some for offense, and some for defense armed with force field generators and automatic means of fire. As well as diverse technical tools in a fight. He uses a biological serum that temporarily increases his healing factor after sustaining serious injury - which is how he healed from his sever burns after his accident - sadly, his arm could not be saved.

Julian was created to be a replacement for Lex - Either for Luthor to use as spare parts, and should Lex pass, Julian would have been indoctrinated with Lex's ideals and carried on his will. He has gone through countless trauma and it has left it's traces in his psyche. He carries the potential for bursts of anger, just like his father, but he keeps a close lid on his emotions - thus seeming a little shallow and hard to connect with. While being among the smartest people of the human race, Julian lacks context for what he knows, thus he may be unable to use his knowledge efficiently at all times. He was not raised around people, thus he lacks many social cues and does not grasp most social concepts that aren't obvious.

In a fight, Julian's assets are his tech and his mind, his arm might be powerful, but the rest of him is human and thus quite able to be abused.

Screw the rules.

Snippet from the "Titans East" Roleplay.
Julian was sitting in his quarters tinkering with a piece of tech he himself had constructed, he was a pocket sized forcefield, so he wouldn't have to always don his full combat gear whenever he needed a decent shield. In his hand he held the screwdriver, holding the piece of tech on a remodeled selfie stick with his teeth. He would use his robotic arm, but it was currently being repaired by his micro drones after a previous malfunction with the laser. Turning the screwdriver he let out a happy sigh, putting down the tool he took the stick out of his mouth and held the gadget in his hand, pressing a button in the middle, putting it down in front of him. He leaned backwards, up on the shelf he sat next to, getting out a little metal piece. Dragging his fingers on the metal piece it was revealed to be a butterfly knife.

With masterful grace he turned the knife upside down in his hand, making the edge point down towards the floor. With force he jammed the knife to the machine, but before it collided with the machine it was blocked by a blue energy field. Julian pushed harder, and while it held for several moments, the shield finally broke and the knife almost hit the machine until he stopped his hand. A light grunt was heard. He had to come up with a better power source, for the gadgets and for his arm, he figured.

Standing up he put away the knife, taking off the protective shirt he wore that prevented him from getting electrecuted or burnt, he headed to his wardrobe where he hung the shirt up and got a dress shirt out instead. He was wearing fine dress pants but bare feet. Getting out a pair of black leather converse, he put the shoes on and then the shirt, being asymetrical wasn't so bad if it wasn't for buttoning, it had been really hard the first few months with that, but now he could do it with finesse. Looking himself in the mirror he made sure to tuck his right sleeve up almost all the way up to the end of his arm, making sure it still covered the stump he had left from his arm.

Hearing the telecom with Mal's voice made him let out a groan. He was gonna have to change again, wasn't he?
Luckily, it was a false alarm. Leaning over the mirror he had he got into the drawer under the sink, where he put regenerative cream on his face, over the scars he had since his accident, the cream was supposed to help the scars heal, but they were still as red as ever. With a grin he looked over himself, his hair was getting longer, soon he'd have to get styling gel, he figured. The thought amused him.

Heading for the door the door slid open, letting him outside. He headed to the main hall where Duncan was. "You enjoying yourself, Mal?" Julian asked. "Like you wouldn't believe, Cobalt. I've got minesweeper and everything over here." he retorted sarcastically. "So, would you fancy a game of chess, then? I always find the challenge refreshing." Julian asked, where as Mal chuckled. "Find someone else to hustle, Brainiac." Julian smirked. He would head for the elevator and up into the tower, traveling out of the bunker and to the top floor, where the kitchen was. He wanted something to eat.

Opening the fridge he found a powerbar that he gladly took for himself, sitting down he found a book to read, was a recently published physics book by Ray Palmer.

| NOTES: |
He loves playing board games and reading scientific papers. He dislikes most TV-shows but he frequently watches Seinfeld on Netflix.
His Gameboy Advanced is one of his most priced possession, and he will kill anyone who dares tocuh his Final Fantasy Four cartridge.
Really. He might, he's a Luthor, after all.
He's ginger with medium length hair, scruffy facial hair and emerald eyes.
He finds himself craving 40 year old Scotch, which he has only ever drank once, but he figured it's a genetics thing.

Julian Luthor's Thoughts On You Peasants.

// Friend // Acquaintance // Frenemy // Rival // Enemy // Crush //

[*]Tanya Lamon:
I don't talk a lot to Tanya, she doesn't like me. Sins of the father, and all that. She's a fan of animals and music, two fields I would like to understand better, and thus, I'm not against getting to know her.

[*]Kyle Lancaster :
Shy Kyle. He's been alone his entire life and felt like an outcast I can relate – yet never understand completely. I like to be his friend, and I try to help him when I can.

[*]Frederick Blackwell:
Obnoxious asshole who's never wanted anything but others misfortune his entire life. His powers are stupid, too. “Look at me, I can control the weather” Big whoop, so could a middle aged man with half my IQ do two decades ago when he created a device that looked a lot more like a sextoy than a weapon. Give me a Samsung Z7 and a lunch break and I'll whoop up a thunderstorm. My day would be a lot better if he could just turn invisible so I didn't have to see his face.

[*]Jack Kyle :
Me and Jack are similar in many ways – we're both the child of villains, and we're both looked down for it here at the school. Unlike me, Jack is unreliable and a thief. I don't hate the guy, I just don't trust him. He's stolen my wallet and my lunch money several times – I'm starting to consider the possibility that I have a high school bully. That would be cool.

[*]Valtina Noelani :
Val seems like a nice, sweet and kind girl, that's not really the case, as she's known to have quite the temper. She's smart and she's dedicated. Not the kind of girl people would expect me, a 18 year old who's richer than god to be interested in. We haven't talked a lot, but what little conversation we've had, I've enjoyed immensely.

[*]Fenris Murray :
I don't know Fen, but from what I've heard, he's nothing short of a real life Disney Prince. Provided that teenager's hallway gossip is reliable source to base a thesis on someone's meta human abilities on – it's not.

[*]S'tann S'tonn :
Stan the Martian Man. We're not friends – we're jut roommates. We have our spats, and all our conversation are filled with – what I've been taught is called 'banter'. I think that behind his asshole persona he's a pretty guy who would lay down his life for his friends.. Shame he doesn't seem to have many.

[*]Kieran Kent :
Lex had known for years and kept it quiet, but when you realize that the newest member of the Kryptonian family's name is Kieran Kent, any idiot puzzled together that the star reporter of The Daily Planet is the man in blue. Which is why the school has such high powered security measures. Me and Kieran are friends, despite our family history. We practice boxing and play a lot of chess, he's one of the pew people who have beaten me in the boardgame – super-sped brain does that, I suppose. He appointed himself my “Pop Culture Guru” and handed me his Netflix account and a selection of shows and movies for me to watch to 'become a real boy' which I've understood is from Pinocchio.
Kieran also helps me test my arm when I've installed new updates to them, as it's a lot harder to hurt a Kryptonian than a human during a handshake.

[*]Richard Dowle
He uses Magic, I can't prove what it is, I don't like it. The kid is probably an all right guy.

[*]Mariand'r Grayson:
[INDENT]Mar'i is trouble, she's the offspring of one of the most dangerous men on the planet, and a fierce interstellar warrior princess. Her abilities are dangerous, but her unpredictable nature is far more dangerous. And to make matters worse, she's pretty damn cute. [/IN
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| NAME: |
-Jack Kyle

| ALIAS: |
-None yet

| AGE: |

-Skilled Thief: Jack was trained by his mother to be a master thief. He can sneak into just about anywhere he wants. However he is still training and is not a master yet. He is stealthy but he still messes up sometimes.
-Trained Acrobat: Again his mother started to teach him her way of moving. He inherited her gift of grace and moves almost like a cat.
-Trained in hand to hand Combat: His mother sent him to a local boxing gym, The Wildcat Gym, to learn how to fight. The owner was an old friend who had trained his mother and now her son. Jack excelled in fighting and can handle himself in a fight. His style focuses mainly on boxing and jiu jitsu for the most part.

Enhanced powers:
His mother used to say that he took after his father when she saw his "gifts" He is almost like a cat but without the fur.

-Enhanced Strength: Stronger than the average human
-Enhanced Agility: More nimble that your average person and some metahumans.
-Enhanced Speed: He can move quickly. Much like a cat
-Enhanced Senses: His hearing is more sensitive than it really should be.

Weapons: His Whip: Most of his suit is a modified version of his mother's suit so he got the whip. He prefers to use it to help him climb instead of fight. His fists are easier than the whip.

Armor: The skintight costume features retractable razor-sharp claws in his gloves and spring-action climbing pitons in his boots. His costume is designed to give him maximum flexibility and movement while providing him some anonymity, and stealth. His mask covers his features, keeping him from instant recognition in his civilian identity. The material is a thick insulating cloth, protecting him from cold and wet, while being fire retardant. He uses his claws to help him climb.

Tools: He has a belt of valuable thief gear. He keeps a lock pick kit, a retinal and hand print scanner, and an electronic lock breaker (It can try to guess the pass code for a lock or unlock a door if given time.)

-He is still a human with human weaknesses. He does not have any superpowers. He usually looks out for number one since that was how he was raised. His strength is that of the peak condition for a regular human.
-He is still relatively young at only 17 years old.
-He is also attracted to shiny things over everything else.

It was a wonderful night in Gotham. Honestly, it always was a good day if there was a new exhibit in the Gotham Museum of Art. It was even better that the exhibit was called Jewels of Southeast Asia. It should have been called The Kyle Family Retirement Donation because Jack was on his way to break in. He was in a terrible mood right now and the best way to let off some steam would be to steal a pair of sapphire earrings. Usually he would not steal something so basic but stealing things was his idea of a calming activity. Most people would be stressed to break into a museum but Jack needed some fun right now.

His mother had just informed him that he was going to The Corrigan School to try and make him more respectable. Jack truly did not want to go. He did not want to be a hero. He was a Kyle and that meant he was a thief first. It was in his blood to steal from people. His mother had argued that he needed to be around more people his own age. Jack had disagreed and stormed away. Before they could talk again, Jack was out the door in his suit. He did not really like to talk after a fight. He was originally going to the Wildcat Gym to hit something but he figured stealing something shiny would make him feel better. Maybe jewelry would change his mother's mind.

It was not even funny how easy it was to get into the museum. This was not even his first time breaking in alone. He had stolen a small marble figurine from the museum when he was 15. He had a set pattern to break in. Usually the side door was not guarded at all. It was the supply door so none cared about guarding it. So Jack jimmied the door open with his lock pick kit. The door swung open as he went it.

Getting the earrings was almost two easy. The museum could not use laser wires until the main exhibit area since there were a few sensitive pieces there. He got to the hall and sprayed a spray all over so he could see the lasers. Jack pulled his goggles down and turned them on. The lasers lit up like a Christmas tree. So Jack quickly moved around the lasers until he got to his prize. With deft hands he removed them and put a cat statue in it's place to not set off the pressure alarms. Before he could leave he turned and saw his mother sitting on one of the taller display cases. Even though she was getting older, she still could break in just about anywhere. She seemd angry at him but also proud that he had manged to get in here. She must have come in through the roof. Jack sighed as he put back his prize. He knew that he was in for a lecture for this.

| NOTES: |
-He has no idea who his father is. His mother never told him.
-This one is important. HE NEVER KEEPS WHAT HE STEALS. Unless he was stealing from a truly vicious person. Or drug dealers. Or the mob. Basically anyone with blood on their hands. Yet he gets blamed for just about everything that goes missing.
-He inherited his mother's knack for hitting on anyone. Regardless of gender.HOWEVER he has limits. He will back off if there is nothing.
-He loves to drink hot chocolate oddly enough.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OneWayOut

OneWayOut Sarcastic Fuck

Member Seen 12 mos ago

| NAME: |
-Valtina 'Val' Noelani

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |
Age Appearance: 12-13
Actual Age: 19

  • Spontaneous Regeneration: Valtina has the capabilities of rapidly healing herself and others. Her body does this automatically, without her doing anything. If she is wounded or injured, she can recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, also slowing her body's natural aging process and increasing her life span. The rate and amount of healing varies depending on the injury. It can take her a few seconds to recover from a stab or a gunshot wound, but up to an hour to regrow lost limbs or such unless she reattaches it and the tissues connect from there. This also applies when she heals others and is accomplished by speeding up the rate at which the person's cells divide.
  • Limited Self Sustenance: Due to her powers, Valtina has a reduced need for things regular people require daily in order to survive. She requires things like food, water, sleep and oxygen intake much less than others and can go on for months with limited access to these necessities.
  • Disease/Contaminant Immunity: Valtina's immune, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced far beyond a normal humans due to her power. Because of this she is essentially 'immune' to any disease caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Her body's advanced healing capabilities grants her the power to neutralize all existing detrimental contaminants in her body.
  • Pain Suppression: This gives Valtina the ability to neutralize someone's sensitivity to pain, making them unable to feel it for a short period of time. This ability being how she got her Alias as Morphine.
  • Knowledge of Human Anatomy and Physiology: Valtina knows how the body works... extensively. Perhaps more than she should for her age, but with curiosity as a driving force, she has acquired a wealth of knowledge about the different systems of the body, remedies for nearly everything, and how to help people suffering from different injuries. She can somehow sense the quality of health someone has just by looking at them.
  • Combat Skills: Valtina has no advanced combat skills. She knows basic self defence fighting techniques and is skilled in kickboxing. Other than that, she has no additional enhanced strength or stamina abilities.
  • Tools/Weapons: When going out, Valtina typically wears an all white outfit with a long trench that resembles one of a scientist or doctor. She prefers white and clothes that are breathable and allow her to move about freely. Strapped around her waist is a white pouch filled with medical supplies like needles, bandages and ointment. She can easily reach back and grab what she needs, and the heavy sack is typically hidden by the long coat she wears. She carries no weapons on her other than a pair of studded brass knuckles she keeps in her pockets in case she needs them.

  • Limitations: When it comes to physical strength, Valtina doesn't have any more than an average girl her age would. Her healing abilities are limited in that she cannot: cure diseases of others by simply healing (only reduce pain, close wounds, and lessen symptom effects), nor can she bring the dead back to life. (Unless the fatal wound was inflicted no more than 3 minutes prior to her attempting to heal them.)
  • Weaknesses: Valtina's healing abilities are hindered when her body is in some kind of extreme condition such as intense heat or cold. Anything above 80F and below 40F and her body slowly loses its ability to heal itself. She is unsure why this is and is yet to figure out what it is. In addition to this, Valtina has an extremely low tolerance for pain. In fact, her body seems to have three times the amount of nerves than a normal person and thus even small things like a high five or poke on the shoulder can cause her an intense pain. Walking, brushing her hair, and even holding things in her hands all cause her pain to do. As a result, it's safe to say that she is in pain every waking moment of the day.

Val stood silently before the counter, staring in through the glass at the various cookies, cakes, and pastries that were displayed before her like a treasure trove of sweet goodness. Her blue eyes danced back and forth between two pastries, one that appeared to be a kind of fruit tart, and another that had some kind of chocolate filling that was oozing out the side. She could hear the complaints of the others around her, but she paid them little mind, as in this moment, the most important thing was deciding which would be a suitable choice for breakfast.

Her lips parted and she raised a hand, using her small index finger to lightly tap the glass near the fruit tart, speaking in her naturally soft tone. "I want that one." she told the woman behind the counter, who had been nervously watching Val the entire time. The woman quickly opened the counter on her end and reached in with a gloved hand to retrieve the small tart for Val, and a small smile tugged at the corner of the girl's lips. "Wait... give me all of them." she would add a moment later, her voice still quiet and almost inaudible within the noise of the small shop.

As the woman would fulfill her order, Val would reach into her pockets and pull out the crumpled up pieces of cash that were inside, smoothing them out with her small fingers before placing them onto the counter. Based on the labeled price of $2.66 and her knowledge that the tray had exactly twenty tarts on it, she was able to calculate the price of about $53 dollars in her head. When the woman was done placing them all in a large, brown, paper bag, she told Val the price and disregarded the 2 cents short she was. After bidding goodbye to the woman, she proceeded to use both arms to hug the large bag close to her small frame and proudly walk out of the shop after holding up the line for quite some time.

As she went around the surrounding blocks of the bakery, Val would occasionally stop in small, dark alleyways and under bridges or park benches, finding the resident homeless people and giving them each a small fruit tart for breakfast. Though she didn't have to, and was certainly capable of eating them all herself, Val was in a good mood today. That meant no evil glares to people she walked past, and the dozen or so homeless that lived in the area were going to have a yummy breakfast that morning.

When she was finished being a good samaritan, Val decided it was time for her to enjoy her own food for the day. She found a small park bench that sat beneath a tree and proceeded to eat, kicking her feet back and forth as they swung over the side of the bench. Boredly, she sat there, munching the remaining tarts and watching the people walk by as they walked their dogs, followed along on their jogging trails, or were trying to catch the local train to work. As she was thinking of what she could do next, she heard a voice next to her.

"Mind if I sit here?" the voice said, one that belonged to a man, and upon glancing over, it was a handsome looking one at that. She gave him a once over before sighing.

"If you say so." she said softly with a roll of her eyes as she scooted to the far end of the bench. She heard him mumble a thanks and felt the bench move as he sat down. Val stole a glance over to him as she heard the crinkling of a paper bag, and her eyes widened slightly as she saw he too was eating something from the bakery she had been in earlier. In fact, he had eaten the pastry she'd given up in order to get the fruit tart.

"What? Do you want some?" he suddenly asked her, and she realized she had been staring. With a cross of her arms, Val looked away and shook her head. The man chuckled. "You sure? I have more than one... We can trade if you like?"

"Well, if you insist." she said, sounding bored, she would reach into her bag and take out one of the wrapped fruit tarts and hold it out to him. The two exchanged pastries and Val couldn;t help the happy grin she had on her face as she took a bite.

"Hey, should you be in school, kid?" he asked her, suddenly sounding surprised or something. Val raised a brow at him as she chewed the chocolate cream filled pastry.

"I'm not in school, if you must know." she mumbled.

"Yeah, so what, you home schooled or something? Kid your age should be in some kind of school." he prodded.

"I'm not a kid!" she told the man, glaring at him.

"Right, right. Young adult." he said, raising his hands in a defensive manner as he laughed.

Sighing, Val stood up from the bench and pushed her bag of tarts towards him. "Whatever. There is someplace I need to be. Later."

Pocketing her hands into her pants, Val would storm off away from the man on the bench, a small pout on her face. "I swear I'll kill the next person that calls me a kid." she grumbled as she continued on towards the center of the city.

| NOTES: |
  • Height: Valtina stands at a height of 5 feet tall
  • Weight: She weighs in at about 99 pounds
  • Likes: Baking sweet foods, being alone, and playing the piano. Nothing else in particular.
  • Dislikes: Animals, insects, anything that breathes really...
  • School Status: Returning Student. Has studied at the Academy for some years now.
  • Parents: Unknown. She was raised in a foster home for most of her life.
  • We are both very fond of Apple Cider.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ArtifactCreator
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ArtifactCreator The Artificer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago

| NAME: |
Kor-El or Kieran Kent

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |

  • Superhuman Strength: Kieran, like other Kryptonians, has super strength when exposed to the yellow sun's solar radiation. His strength however is more limited compared to the others due to how low his exposure has been and the fact that his powers are still developing. He has so far shown to be able to lift up to fifty tons with some effort, but his average is around twenty-five. His striking power is of course different.
  • Superhuman Speed: Kieran also has super speed. So far he's only been able to run up to the speed of sound. He continues to try and push himself further the most with this power feeling that the faster he is the more it'll benefit him and others.
  • Superhuman Durability: Kieran doesn't believe himself to be as invulnerable as the other members of the House of El, but he does know that he doesn't die easily. He rather not push himself to the point of finding out how much he can take though. His durability stems from his dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his bio-electric aura. The latter provides extra protection and can be extended to prevent destroying the things he lifts and those that he carries when he travels.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Kieran has the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for a long time. This comes in handy for those long nights... of studying.
  • Longevity: Kieran live a long time if he isn't killed. How long? No one really knows.
  • Superhuman Senses: His abilities to hear and smell are on a considerably higher level than that of humans. He's also able to control what he focuses on hearing which is fortunate because he'd otherwise be overwhelmed with the noise.
  • Self-Sustenance: Kieran doesn't need to eat or sleep, but does the latter to have a sense of normalcy. He eats because he just loves the food on this planet.
  • Super Visions: Kieran has the potential to use an assortment of different types of vision. As of now he's only unlocked two types of "super" vision. The first one being X-Ray vision which allows him to see through anything except for lead. His last form of vision is Heat Vision which allows him to fire intense beams of heat from his eyes. With enough training he'd also be able to make the beams invisible.
  • Super Breath: Since his lungs are still developing this power isn't as strong as it could be. He is at the moment only able to create strong gusts of wind and breathe in a good amount of gas, but it takes a lot out of him to do so.
  • Healing Factor: He heals his wounds much faster than a normal human, but since his powers are still developing the larger and more intense the wound the longer it takes to heal.
  • Super Jumps: As of now he isn't able to fly, but he is able to jump or leap higher than tall buildings and over large distances. He also calls this ability pseudo-flight because he's able to hover in the air a bit longer before falling.
  • Genius Level Intellect: He's been noted to have a high level of intelligence despite forgetting a lot before he was found by Superman. Now he's able to retain the knowledge that he gains and is able to process things a lot faster. Because of this he's a quick learner and can master a lot of things with relative ease.
  • Bilingual: Kieran can speak, read, and write both Kryptonian and English fluently. If he wanted to he could learn other languages.

  • Underdeveloped: Due to his young age and late exposure to solar radiation he isn't able to absorb as much as an adult Kryptonian or was unable to absorb a lot prior to developing his powers. He still constantly absorbs solar radiation and pushes himself to get stronger. He also notes this as a possible reason for his inability to fly.
  • Lack of Experience: When it came to fighting training Superman only taught him how to defend himself against others as well as to take down enemies without killing. He however hasn't been able to use any of this in a real battle.
  • Nightmares: He tends to suffer from nightmares, but they're not as frequent as they used to be. He still finds himself falling asleep feeling that it's normal to have both good and bad dreams.
  • Adrenaline: When it comes to fighting he finds it hard to hold back on his super strength due to an increased rush of adrenaline. In a school setting it should be easier, but the bigger the challenge the harder it is to control.
  • Vulnerability to Kryptonite: He is vulnerable to the Kryptonite found on this Universe. Due to his young age, lack of exposure, and full Kryptonian biology it's safe to assume that it affects him more compared to the others.
  • Vulnerability to Magic: Kieran is able to be affected by magic, but he has no fear of magic or those who wield it.
  • Lead: He cannot see through lead with his X-Ray vision.
  • Locked Abilities: Going back to his underdevelopment there's still some powers that he hasn't unlocked yet. Those are Flight, Freeze Breath, Telescopic Vision, Microscopic Vision, and EM Spectrum Vision, and Infrared Vision.

Kieran was fifteen now. It had been three years to this day since Clark had found him. He was walking through the Fortress's zoo. He enjoyed walking through there and looking at all of the different species that Superman had saved. It was his favorite place to be. It was also why he spent a lot of time here instead of in Metropolis or Smallville. Metropolis tended to be too noisy and Smallville was too boring. One might consider the Fortress of Solitude was boring, but Kieran didn't. It fascinated him and it was the best place for him to train and use his powers. It's why Clark didn't fully object to him spending a lot of time here. Kieran knew that he needed to absorb more of the sun's radiation, but he didn't very much like the world around him. It was too new to him. Too... different.

He decided to leave the zoo for a while so that he wouldn't get bored of it either. He started walking towards the center of the Fortress where the statues of Jor-El and Lara stood. Well, stood wouldn't be the right word. They were floating and holding a miniature Krypton. He didn't remember what Krypton was like or know if he even knew what it was like. Kieran's thoughts were then immediately interrupted by the sound of a large crash and before he could fully turn around he was knocked into the base of the statue.

His eyes slowly opened to see the figure of a man walking towards him. He was holding an axe that he obviously planned to use on him. He stumbled to his feet and tried to get a good look at the man's face. He couldn't make it out. It was dark... and blank? No, that couldn't be right. Whoever this man was he was clearly strong and had an axe to grind with him.

The man walked closer while scraping the axe against the ground. The sound it made was beyond irritating, but he didn't seem to be bothered. Instead he started to talk. "Look at you... wearing that crest on your chest as if you're one of them. You've grown too comfortable in your position."

"What? I have no---." He interrupted himself by charging forward ready to take on this intruder. The robots must have been deactivated because they weren't coming to help and Superman wasn't here. Right now it was up to him to protect the Fortress. He sent a strike towards the man's chest while finishing his original sentence. "Idea what you're talking about!" The fist connected, but it did nothing. The man didn't even look like he felt it.

Kieran was sure that the man would have been smiling if he had a face. Instead he used his left hand to grab the young Kryptonian by the head before slamming him into the ground and lifting him back up. Kieran could already tell that he was defeated. His body wouldn't even register the pain that he was feeling right now. He was bleeding from his lip and wanted to counter somehow, but couldn't. He was tossed back into the statue this time landing on Jor-El's floating feet and in his legs.

He spit out blood and looked up at the miniature Krypton before realizing that the man was already in front of him. "You honestly think you're one of them? A child of El? A Super? Someone with meaning? Someone with their own destiny?"

Kieran tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come. His voice was gone and the axe was coming. All he could do now was close his eyes.

He opened them again and this time he was in his bed. It was just another nightmare. It's one that he had before, but he had almost forgotten it. His mind didn't seem to want him to forget it. Kieran reached to his shirt and grabbed the Crest of El in the center of his chest. He wanted to call out for Superman, but he knew that he wasn't there. That part wasn't a dream. He was alone and for the first time he now felt like the Fortress of Solitude lived up to its name.

| NOTES: |
Suffers from Amnesia or Brain Wiping
Does not recall his original family house
First Year Student
Is Adopted
Watches a lot of Netflix
I love me some Strawberry Fanta

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
Avatar of FacePunch

FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| NAME: |
S'tann S'tonn

| ALIAS: |
Legacy/Martian Boy

| AGE: |
Varies, but usually appears around 15

Super-Strength: S'tann's Martian strength gives him the ability to lift upwards of 35 tons with difficultly. If he were to punch a normal human at full power, his fist would cause the person's chest cavity to explode open in a violent spray of blood and gore. While that may sound fine and dandy to some, it makes picking up a glass of lemonade rather difficult.

Super-Speed/Flight: Legacy is able to travel at speeds around 350 miles per hour while in the upper atmosphere. However, S'tann's lack of connection to something like the speed force means that he is rarely able to travel near his top speeds without risking major collateral damage to individuals around him. Legacy's reflexes are much faster than the average human.

Invulnerability: Martian Boy's natural invulnerability allows him to tank blows from foes with Superboy-level strength for a short period of time. He can also increase his invulnerability by altering his density to become super dense. His invulnerability protects him from the harsh environments of space and also re-entry into the earth's atmosphere. His skin can also repel light gunfire.

Regeneration: Legacy can quickly recover from almost any injury. He is able to reconstitute his body even when severed into several pieces. His regenerative abilities have allowed him to reconstitute his body from even an extremely small mass in only a matter of minutes, and his uncle J'onn has even grown a new body from a severed arm.

Shape-shifting: The Martian Boy has shown vast shape shifting abilities stemming from a Martian's complete control of his or her molecular structure. He is able to take on any shape he pleases, often taking the human guise of Stan Stone, average teenage boy. He can form shapes of objects or organisms alive, extinct, or imagined, and he has often shown to grow an extra pair of arms to supplement his fighting abilities and his strength. He can become as stiff and unmovable or as flexible and malleable as he pleases. He can also alter his size or the size and length of his limbs. S'tann's body naturally converts the energy around him into mass whenever he shapeshifts, and expels unwanted mass as energy when becoming intangible.

Telepathy: S'tann is one of the most powerful telepathy on the planet, only a few steps behind his fellow Martians. He can communicate across vast distances with numerous individuals simultaneously. Legacy is able to read the thoughts of hundreds of people at once within a one mile radius of himself, requiring no prior telepathic contact or mental preparation. With relative concentration, S'tann's telepathic abilities also allow him to create realistic illusions, telepathically trace and locate people, shut down people's minds, brain blast, mental shield, influence thoughts, mind control people, manipulate memory,induce sleep, reprogram or reorder minds and transfer information directly into people's brains.

Intangibility: By greatly lowering the density of his own mass, Legacy is able to become intangible. He has used this power often during combat to protect himself from his enemy's attacks and to pass through walls and other structures to travel. Another use of this power is phasing opponents into solid objects, as J'onn as Fernus was able to do to Superman. A Martian can concentrate their density control to such levels that light cannot reflect off their surface, rendering them completely invisible.

Extrasensory Input: Martians have nine senses as opposed to a human's five senses, which grants the Martian more numerable and clearer perceptions.

Longevity: Martians possess naturally longer lifespans than human beings. J'onn has lived for at least one hundred years and is still not at old age. S'tann is not yet considered an adult by Martian standards.

Can only lift up to 35 tons.
Can only fly around 350 mph in the sky; moves at near automobile speeds while low to the ground.
Complex telepathic feats require the utmost concentration.
S'tann can only shapeshift if their is energy nearby.
Not accustomed to human social cues.
Fire is his Kryptonite. Even the smallest of flames can cause a Martian pain, with much larger infernos rendering them unconscious or in extreme pain.
Disliked for intruding on people's personal thoughts.
He's kind of a massive jerk with no regard for others, especially metas with similar power levels to himself.

"You want to pick fights, human? Fight me. I have more power than you could possibly imagine." S'tann's elongated arm shot forward once more, striking the downed teen on the jaw. "Alien piece of shit." S'tann didn't know his opponent's name; he hadn't bothered to learn it before getting involved. He had witnessed the much larger homo-sapien physically dominating another of his own species, who appeared to have inferior combat abilities to his attacker. From what S'tann had telepathically gathered in the past two seconds, the perpetrator's name was Jack Harper. He was a metahuman possessing superhuman strength that enjoyed using his abilities to bully more intelligent students into doing his school work.

Typical. Humans were always taking advantage of each other, the brutes that they are.

"Your insults are as meaningless as your existence." A smile formed on S'tann's green lips. The gesture only seemed to antagonize Jack further, who by now had jumped to his feet and attempted to tackle Legacy to the ground. Martian Boy responded instantly, reducing his atomic density to the point of intangibility. Jack passed through the green alien like he wasn't even there, slamming face first into the concrete sidewalk and cracking it. The tactical advantage was now S'tann's and he would not put it to waste. Legacy wrapped his expanding fingers around the back of Jack's skull, his grip more powerful than a viper's. He twisted his body around, using the extra momentum to fling Jack into the air and over the nearby dorms. Seconds later, a large splash announced that S'tann had successfully landed his target inside the pool. the Martian stood still, staring stoically off into the distance as he contemplated where he should get lunch.

"Umm, excuse me?" A voice called from behind Legacy. S'tann sighed silently. Why did everyone insist on talking so much? He turned around and faced the boy who had addressed him; the same student who had been Jack's previous target. "T-Thanks. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't showed up." The kid said. A cursory mental glance revealed his name to be Walter. He was a new student at Corrigan School for Nerds and Inferior Beings. "You would have had to do whatever he wanted. He would've also taken your lunch money, coincidentally." Walter gave the Martian a confused look before continuing. "You'd think a school for superheroes would have better security." S'tann shrugged. "I doubt it would be required, considering the majority of the student body are a bunch of self-righteous pricks with messiah complexes." S'tann's skin pigmentation shifted from a dark green to a pale white. His bald head was soon covered in shaggy brown hair. His Martian Bio-Suit was quickly replaced by his usual street clothes. Walter looked even more bewildered. "You can shape shift too? That's so cool!" S'tann frowned at the boy's enthusiasm. He found other's excitement annoying and grating.

"Yes. Quite 'cool.' Now hurry to class; I have places to be." Legacy abruptly ended the exchange, floating into the air and leaving Walter alone. "I'll see you around!" Walter called loudly. "Moron." S'tann muttered to the clouds.

| NOTES: |
-Nephew to Martian Manhunter and cousin to Miss Martian.
-Doesn't take much of anything seriously.
-Hates everyone for various reasons.
-5'7 and 124 pounds in his standard form. 6'5 and 263 pounds in his standard Martian form.
-I wanted to play a Deathstroke or Wildcat related character, but the current roster suggests a developing Too Many Robins syndrome. So I went for a character that could be considered more versatile.
-He loves Root Beer and so do I.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 2 days ago

| NAME: |
Richard Dowle

| ALIAS: |
Still unchosen

| AGE: |

Natural Magical Ability: Richard is a Homo Magi, and thus has a predisposition to magical talent. He can cast spells via incantation, perform basic magical acts such as levitation and card tricks, or use things like sigils, runes, or magical artifacts to boost his abilities.

Precognition: Though not common, Richard has shown the ability to perceive events before they happen, typically through dreams. His biggest issue with this ability so far, is that he can't yet tell if something is a dream or a vision, which hinders the usefulness of this power.
Spellbook Collection: He has a fairly large library of books that he's gathered through a variety of means. Some he's found on the Internet, obscure occult forums littered with dark, evil things, others from flee markets with people who had no idea what they had. Many of his books are in old, archaic languages, that need to be translated to modern English, and though some can be translated with ease by using the proper spell or artifact, others need to be done by hand, which he is still unable to do.

Magic Wand: He uses a long, oak wand with a decorative metal plated handle, covered in sigils from languages from a long time ago. He uses this to channel and strengthen his powers. He needs this for most spells that require an incantation.

Richard is mostly limited by the vast amount that he does not know. He's still but a neophyte, with barely any practical experience under his belt. While he has the potential to become something great, it will require great dedication and study in order to ascend to higher levels. It should also be noted that he's very reliant on his wand, as without it, he's limited to mere parlor tricks. Cold Iron, or warding done by another magic user, can also disrupt or disable his magical abilities.

Richard sighed as he entered his room and let the door swing shut behind him. He had a hot cup of tea held close to his chest that he stared down at, taking a deep breath in and basking in the strong and relaxing aroma of peppermint. It had been a long day, and he was looking forward to spending the next few hours burying himself in a book he picked up the day prior. Eager to move on to this, he placed the cup down on his desk and sauntered over to a dark black Ikea bookshelf, stuffed full of dusty old books, stacks of paper, and topped with his wand. Grabbing a little black journal, a sheet of paper, his wand, and a thick, rebonded book that looked to be on it's last legs.

He placed his gathered materials down next to his tea, and opened up his new book. He glanced down at the books first few pages, and muttered to himself, "Looks like Greek, but it's mixed in with Phonetician characters." He reached for his tea, and took a careful sip, making sure not to burn himself. He reached for his black notebook, and swallowed his tea as he flipped through it, and started work on translating the first page of the book. A few minutes went by, punctuated only by the scratched of his pen on the paper, and the flipping of pages through his journal. Soon, he stopped, and placed his pen down in triumph. The page was translated, and it seemed to have a spell on it.

He picked up his wand, and glanced down at the piece of paper. Making a circular motion with his wand, he intoned, "Hagalaz" and was met with a half second of silence, before flinching as a crack echoed though the room, and his mug shattered, causing tea to pour out and onto his journal and his newest spell book. " Shit shit shit" He said quickly, and hurried to save his journal from the torrent of peppermint scented destruction that threated to set him back by at least a month. He took his book and shuddered as he realized that the book was ruined, as it was now soaked and rendered useless. Disheartened, he looked over to his spellbook, expecting it to be destroyed as well, only to see that it had managed to remain in perfect condition, even though it was practically an island among a peppermint lake. Curiously, he reached for it, and flipped through it. Thinking on his feet, he flipped to the back page of the book, and saw what looked to be an encircled and inverted "G". Richard quickly realized that this must be a ward of some kind, and picked up his pen, and copied it onto the back of his journal. He watched in amazement as the book dried almost instantaneously. Giving a sigh of relief, he placed his journal and spellbook back onto his bookshelf, and got to cleaning up the mess he made, vowing to be safer with his possessions in the future.

| NOTES: |
-Richard has become very dependent upon magic to take care of his daily needs. He's basically automated the processes of food preparation, cleaning his teeth, and even tying his shoes. Aside from that, he has very limited physical prowess, so if he were to be in a situation where he couldn't use magic, he would find it to be very hard to go about his daily life.
-He's a by-the-book kind of guy, so he expects to be able to do most things just by studying them. He thinks if he understands the theory, he can put it into practice, even though this very well may not always hold true.
-His studies in the magical arts have taught him to pay great attention to detail, which he applies to most other aspects of his life. He often applies this to breaking down situations to figure out how to go about dealing with them.
-Seriously, Chocolate milk for the win.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Rick Allen

| ALIAS: |
Undecided - after all, there's already a Kid Flash.

| AGE: |

POWERS - Superspeed
Like his unbiological father, Barry, Rick is gifted with the power of superspeed. It isn't as fast as Barry's, but has still allowed Rick to get around faster than the usual human. However, there is a chance that he will break the sound barrier at age 20, although this might just be speculation. Whether he will eventually break the light barrier is unknown.

Rick's increased speed also augments his reaction time, giving him faster reflexes than any human. However, it's yet again not as fast as Barry's, with the fastest him being able to catch is an arrow during archery that almost hit him in the chest. (Whether it was intended or not is still unknown to this day.)

Rapid Cellular Regeneration
The third power of Barry's, Rick has dramatically heightened healing capacities. This is caused by his body's molecules moving at accelerated rates, causing the chemical reactions responsible for metabolism to mend and even restore any damages much quicker and efficiently than regular humans. It's roughly the same speed of Barry's, with it taking three hours to recover fully from a broken wrist, and roughly a couple of days for a broken leg or arm. This also means he tends to lose colds as quickly as he got them, much to most people's annoyance.

Another effect of this is that Rick's aging is decreased, meaning he'll probably still look 17 at age 23.

Accelerated Perception
The fourth and final power gained from Barry's DNA, Rick's speed also extends to his senses and mental capacities, making him able to take in information and process it just as fast. This allows him to see the world as if it is in slow motion, which combined with his physical speed lets him think, perform actions and react to events, long before a normal human could even perceive them.

Increased Intelligence
Though it isn't known from whom (or what) he gained this power, Rick has increased intelligence and an IQ level of 197, being classed as profoundly gifted. This also means he is a quick learner, and can zoom through an exam in at least 10 minutes.

Impenetrable Mind
Thanks to Rick's... "birth", he is incredibly strong-willed, and mental torture just floats through him. His mind is like that of ten zen buddhists, allowing him to clear it in an instant. This would aid him greatly if he were ever to be interrogated or questioned, and allows him peaceful sleep.

NORMAL SKILLS - Parkourist
Like most ordinary human teenagers, Rick has ordinary hobbies. His main one is parkour. Being the quick learner he is, Rick was able to train in the field of parkour in a matter of days, and now shows his skills to whoever's willing to watch. And these days? Not many people, really.

Another hobby Rick is passionate about is photography. He owns a pretty high-quality Nikon camera, and can often be found taking pictures of nature in and around campus. Most of his spare time consists of doing just that, and posting it to his social media pages.

Rick's final hobby is skateboarding. He enjoys doing this a lot, as it allows him to get around at just the right speed for him, instead of walking slowly or zooming about everywhere.

  • While moving at accelerated speeds, Rick burns calories much faster than a normal person. This requires him to consume large amounts of nutrients to maintain his peak physical performance & condition. If he continues to use his super speed without enough calories and nutrients make him disoriented and weak before ultimately passing out. Also, because of his accelerated healing, he is unable to be given painkillers, sedatives, or anesthetics, as his body's metabolism burns through them too quickly for them to have any effect.
  • Because speed is produced by a build-up of heat in the target's atoms, Rick is vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures. Under these conditions, his speed will be greatly reduced. Also, direct exposure to such cold will temporarily restrict his healing capacities.
  • Rick's body produces massive amounts of electricity, which charges his molecules to allow for his accelerated movements. Should he be drained of said electricity, he will lose his powers. However, as his powers are merged with his DNA, he can potentially regain his speed by using more electricity to jumpstart it.
  • A drawback of Rick's super speed is that he has no control over it. It can often go off at random times, sometimes dubbing him as quite the troublemaker on campus. This has caused him to go missing in the past, before it was discovered that he passed out in a bush because of prolonged running without enough nutrients.

You know, you'd think a guy with super speed wouldn't be the one to get picked on? According to these guys, he does. Sorry, bad introduction there, huh? My name's Rick Allen, unbiological son of the fastest man alive, Barry Allen. "Unbiological?", I hear you ask. Let's just say I'm adopted. But shhh, you can find out all about that later. For now, let's focus on the topic at hand - me being chased through busy school corridors by a bunch of asshats who think it'd be fun to attempt to hang me up on a tree. Did they succeed? Find out in the next episode, same bat-time, same bat-channel!

Nah, just kidding. Here's the story:

Another Monday morning, another chase through the corridors. That was life for Rick Allen. Though, it didn't really help matters when he had to get around on a skateboard, or risk the chance of faceplanting into a wall, when the school corridors were this busy.

Lunch?! He screamed in his mind. Out of all the times to play pin-the-Rick-on-the-tree, and they pick LUNCH?!?

Right now, Rick was feeling quite relieved that he'd eaten that massive English breakfast that morning, otherwise he'd be starved by now. He had a feeling that he wasn't gonna be able to eat for a while. Oh, if only that were true. But no, instead he had this stupid goddamn super speed. Sure, it was cool and all being able to zoom around faster than a leopard, but it was so damn temperamental! And the nutrients, all the nutrients! Exercise bars tasted like crap!

Rick was snapped out of his monologue-style ranting as his fears came true - he faceplanted straight into a wall.

"Ugh... fuck..." He groaned, as four grinning faces came into view, picking him up and carrying him out of the door.



Rick landed with a thud on the grass.

Ow! Why's it so hard? It's mud!

He got up, rubbing his head and reaching round to the bottom of his back. Just as he'd suspected. Well, that was shirt number fourteen ripped by a branch, only six more to go and he'd have to buy a new set of shirts. Only problem was, he had no money.

Oh well, He thought as he walked back to class. that's future Rick's problem.

If only he knew how close he was to being future Rick.

| NOTES: |
  • Rick actually leaves behind a white and gold trail, unlike Barry's red and yellow one.
  • Dr. Pepper all the way, baby.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

| NAME: |
- Mailsi "Molly" Kelly

| ALIAS: |
- Silver Banshee

| AGE: |
- 18

-Banshee Wail
Much like the legendary Canary Cry, Mailsi's wails can destroy anything within a four foot radius. And can damage objects within a seven foot radius after that. She cannot kill people even if she stands right next to them due to the Supernatural origin of her powers. Like her mother death can only be caused within a certain range as long as she can see her victim and knows their secret true name. Victims are usually reduced to desiccated husks. However she can cause permanent damage including deafness when they stand too close.

Mailsi is able to use her sound/sonic-based abilities to teleport via sound waves. This forces her body to change into something resembling the very sound waves she travels upon.

-Enhanced Strength
Unlike her mother, Mailsi, doesn't have Superhuman strength. However it is by far greater than a normal person's strength. At her peak strength she can maybe lift, over her head, a ton. Which is nearly double what the strongest man alive can lift (.5 tons.) When pushing or pulling dead weight she can do about 4 tons. More if she uses science.

-Enhanced Agility
Mailsi is nimble and quick. She would make many gymnasts cry in pure jealously at the things she can do without any training or practice. Not only is she physical agile. So too is she mentally. Lots of things come easily to her, philosophy, math, sciences and puzzle solving. However she's never really had any appreciation for the arts.

-Enhanced Speed
Mailsi can sprint almost twice as fast as the fastest recorded speed, which is about 50 mph. However she cannot keep up this speed for very long and tends to get really tired.

-Enhanced Endurance
To keep up with her other skills Mailsi also has greater endurance. She can run longer, lift things longer, etc.

-Enhanced resistance to physical and energy-based attacks
Mailsi has a better resistance to things like blunt force trauma and even energy based trauma.

Mailsi can learn, and speak fluently, any language almost immediately, simply by hearing a small portion of the language. She can do this for anything from the Kryptonian language, to the cooing of a dove.

-Banshee Wail
The Wail is almost always non-fatal. Which could be seen as a strength rather than a weakness. But with a family like Mailsi's this is definitely considered a weakness. Not of skill, but of personality. Mailsi's wail also has a very limited range. Though it will continue improving as she ages and practices.
She also cannot aim her wail. Rather if you hear it, you're affected.

Since her ability to teleport is based on sound waves. She is also constrained by those same waves. If the wave doesn't go in a certain direction, she cannot go that way. Travelling by this way is also incredibly exhausting. Even with the enhanced body to maintain this sort of travel.

-Enhanced Strength, Agility, Speed, Endurance and Resistance
All of these are Enchanced, not Superhuman. She cannot stand toe-to-toe with a Kryptonian or a Martian.

-Sound Manipulation
Unlike her mother Mailsi never gained the ability to manipulate sounds waves. She cannot do simple things like manipulate/amplify her own voice. Or even to produce different sound waves.

-Dual Formed
Due to the supernatural original of Mailsi' powers, she can only access her powers (The Wail, Teleportation) when she changes into her Silver Banshee form. Mailsi's appearance as the Silver Banshee is nearly identical except that her mother has longer hair than Mailsi. Outside of her Banshee form she still has the enhanced skills and multilingualism.

It's complicated. Those just aren't words for Facebook. They were for Mailsi's life. Of course they didn't even begin to describe the weirdness. The teen round housed kicked one of the various thugs near her. The hefty man staggered back but remained standing. His white eyes never focused and told Mailsi that he was dead, or magicked or both.

Magic was one of the causes of her weirdness in life. Her mother, the original Silver Banshee, had been the epicenter of all of it. Which was the reason why Mailsi was out at Stupid Early fighting a magicked thug over a really old piece of art. That in Mailsi's opinion was hideous.

"<Really?>" Mailsi chattered in Gallic. "<You came all this way to steal from the National Museum and you steal that painting. Are you blind?>"

Mailsi ducked a fist and retaliated with a punch of her own. As it connected she could feel it slam into the guy's side. The force of the hit reverberated back up her arm as there was no give.

"<Oh wait sorry. You are.>" Mailsi chuckled even as she danced back from another blow. "<Blind and dumb.>"

At this the thug grunted and renewed his efforts to hit the teen. Mailsi, thanks to her mother's gifts, was able to dodge with ease. Unfortunately she couldn't unleash her Wail because that would destroy a lot of priceless artifacts seeing as they were having a WWE hit fest in the middle of the previous mentioned museum.

Instead Mailsi continued to dodge and try to lead the thug somewhere less costly is she damaged anything. Of course that meant leaving the other robbers alone, but beggars can't be choosers. Plus, her mother was on the scene. The original Banshee was nothing to take lightly.

"<Seriously. Did you mommy drop you on your head one too many times?>" Mailsi continued to taunt him. The eerie white eyes never left her face. Yet he allowed himself to be lead outside. Cop cars had blocked the street, for Dublin never slept, casting flicking shadows on the building walls. Mailsi kept up her stream of words, leading him down the steps and into the vacant street. The police were nice enough to give her room.

"<Drop the painting and fight me like a man or are you chicken?>" Mailsi tried to get him to drop the painting before she Wailed. Luck was in her favor because at her words the Thug dropped the painting and charged her.

Mailsi stood her ground unstil she deamed the man far enough away then she let loose with her Wail. Her silver hair whipped out around her head as the scream permeated the air. When she closed her mouth the charging man face planted into the concrete.

Mailsi looked around to make sure there wasn't too much damage. One of the cop cars looked like it had a cracked windshield, but other than that all was good.

"<Damn.>" Mailsi put her hands on her hips as the cops surged forwards to restain the fallen robber. "<I'm good.>" She smiled up as she watched her mother emerge from the museum dragging the rest of the robbers after her.

*All words in <> are translated from their original language into English for the reader's convenience (and mine).

| NOTES: |
-Mailsi's family tree: (Because this just got complicated)

- The red dot means they're legally dead.
- Her mother got powers from The Crone. Messed her up good. Her brother, Thomas, also got the same powers. It ended up killing him. With Kara's help Mailsi's mother was able to fight off her father (who was evil/AKA the Black Banshee) and not become totally evil herself. She passed her powers down to Mailsi without supernatural help from The Crone.
- Siobhan and Kara are still good friends. Mailsi considers Kara an Aunt.
- Also, Mailsi is 100% Irish. Even though she lives in America.
- Likes the word Feminazi, but doesn't consider herself a radical.
- There is never enough chai tea in the world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

| NAME: |
Rita "Rei" Rexen

| ALIAS: |
N/A yet.

| AGE: |

Super Strength:
Rita's a meta human with superhuman physical attributes. Notably her strength. She's strong enough to be considered in the same strength league as Superboy or the Martian Manhunter. She's been able to lift over a hundred ton with medium stress on her body. Due to the increased strength in her muscles Rita doesn't get exhausted unless put under incredible stress.

Nothing short of a Shotgun shell at point-blank phases her. Bullets bounces off her skin and she's able to handle extreme temperatures such as being lit on fire, or frozen. She seems to also be largely resistant to radiation and energy based assaults.

While she is strong and virtually indestructible, she lacks many of the 'options' other super-strong heroes have, giving her less wiggle room to perform certain tasks, as all problems can't be solved by hitting them, only most. She's reckless and dangerous, her ability to control her strength is based on her emotional state. She's a hothead who'll always fight instead of running, even when it is obvious that she is outclassed.
She doesn't get along with most other heroes too well, on the grounds that she finds them all to be too weak - too fragile. As a result of this, she's prone to putting herself in danger to 'protect' others.
Lacking any real combat skill, Rei is a liability in a fight and have lost a fight to superior human foes, such as Jason Todd and Black Canary.

She was sitting on the bench, drinking her milkshake from the local fast food place - strawberry banana. As a the police gathered outside of the bank on the other side of the street, twenty meters away from her. She looked lazily over, as they commanded the robber to let the hostages go and surrender. Of course, this was Metropolis, and no bank robber had surrendered to the cops for the last 30 years. Not since He came into the picture. The door blew open and out stepped a hulking being, surely over ten feet tall. His clothes were ripped, his muscles so large that they had torn through his skin, showing bleeding wounds on the torso as he walked out of the door, roaring at the police whom fired their guns.

The behemoth didn't pay any mind, walking towards them and smashing their cruisers, prompting Metropolis's finest to run away - awaiting backup. Rei walked away from her bench, slowly heading towards the bank. People were screaming and running around her, one of them brushing against her leather jacket. She gritted her teeth as she heard his roar. She was far too hungover for this shit. Walking onto the crossover between the two sidewalks, she came up right in front of the escaping mutant. She stopped, looking at him from behind her shades, sipping at her milkshake while doing so. The beast stopped for a moment. "Out of my way!" He shouted, she shook her head. "DIE!" He roared as his gigantic fist came crashing down towards her. His hand was stopped by hers, her leather-gloved hand grasping at the top of his. She didn't move a muscle in her face, while he pushed as hard as he could.

She grinned, dropping the empty cup to the ground as she put her other hand towards the grunting criminal's face. Flicking her fingers, the beast was sent flying several meters, skidding on the asphalt, tearing it up as he did. She walked towards him, looking over at the police, she gritted. "Fuck off, I got this." She spoke, as the police quietly nodded, obviously having had enough of these crazy 'superheroes' over the years.

The beast jumped into the air, coming down on her with both of his arms swinging downwards towards her head. She put up both of her hands and blocked his assasult, as his feet hit the ground and their arms collided, a shockwave was let out. Rei's the two's strength made them tremble, and Rei pulled back, dragging the hulking man over her, as she grabbed him by the ribs suplexed him into the ground behind her. Rolling onto her feet, the man cursed spitting every venomous word he could think off. She walked towards him, and he surpsised her by pulling her leg, and punching her in the face, sending her into the ground hard enough to bounce off of the asphalt and into the glass window of the shop. Getting up, Rita's aviator shades had broken, the right side frame had been twisted out of shape. Throwing her shades on the ground, she grunted, the hulking man coming towards her. Cracking her knuckles, she looked at him. "That all you fucking got?!" Jumping at him from the window a downwards jab from the air was blocked and the two traded a couple of blows. He chopped at her, she blocked and lunged at him, her boots stepping on his thigh as she quickly climbed the bigger fighter, a hard downward jab into his forehead sent him into the ground, she grabbed him by the ankle and spun him around, tossing him into a empty truck. She jumped into the truck after him, landing on his chest she kept hitting his face for several moments, till he eventually recouperated and sent her flying with a uppercut, rolling out of the truck she grinned.

"You hit like a girl!"

He jumped at her, she stepped to the side threw a uppercut as hard as she could - sending the beast soaring into the sky a good 100 meters. As he came down she spun around and hammered him in the chest, forcing his body into the ground, generating a crater as she did. Water pipes had broken and thus water poured up from the hole where the unconcious criminal laid. She walked away, cursing about the fact that she would have to get a new jacket and new glasses.

| NOTES: |
She likes Fanta Kiwi and Strawberry.
And Tequila.
Her attires are all taken out of the "Axl Rose"- collection.
She got her powers after a blood transfusion when she was 12 years old.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Casey Harper, He refuses to use the name given to him at birth.

| ALIAS: |
Puck, Referred to by some as the King of the Fairies. They're not too far off.

| AGE: |
Appears around 16

Faerie Physiology:
Like the rest of the fair folk, Casey has pointed “elf-like” ears, black eyes with no pupils, and a mass of brightly coloured hair atop his head; in Casey’s case, this is mint green. Casey also appears extremely light on his feet, with him able to move from place to quickly and quietly, as if he is flying.

Magical Potential:
Due to his ancestry, Casey has a strong capacity to manipulate mystical energy, which he often uses to perform a whole of spells or enchantments. Casey regularly makes use of sleeping spellings, something which is his speciality.

While Casey, most likely due to his faerie physiology, has a seemingly mystical connection to the plant world through a force called the Green. While he isn’t able to manipulate and animate plants, Casey can speak to them, as well as “encourage” them to grow.

Hallucinogenic Dust:
Unknown to simply be a feature of his faerie physiology or due to his magical abilities, with a wiggle of his fingers, Casey can produces spores which if inhaled or taken in through skin-contact can cause powerful visual and auditory hallucinations.

Like most faeries, Casey is immortal. He is immune to the effects of aging and will cease to continue aging once he reaches adulthood.

Casey can speak, read, and write both English and Fey, the ancient language of his people, fluently.

Probably due to his chlorokinesis abilities, Casey has always loved plants. Because of this, he decided to look into the field in his spare time.

Whereas the mighty Superman’s one true weakness is Kryptonite, Casey’s weakness, shared with the rest of the fair folk is cold iron. A blow from a weapon made out of it could possibly weaken Casey enough to nearly kill him. Numerous other well-known methods of warding off faeries also have a considerable affect against him, which makes his life quite problematic sometimes. These include; wearing clothing inside out, church bells, four-leaf clovers and even bread embarrassingly. Casey doesn’t know why but he just feels faint around the stuff.

Casey needs to be able to speak to perform a large number of his enchantments due to having to chant the necessary incantation. This means that if he can’t speak, then he can’t use any of his spells. This doesn’t apply to his hallucinogenic dust however, nor his chlorokinesis.

“Oi, fairy boy! What the fuck you doing?”

“Is he actually talking to a tree? Is this for real.”

Casey groaned loudly from where he sat. The voices of The Corrigan School’s local lugheads; Gordon and Brett, prompted the pointed eared teenager to move his hand away from the great oak which he had been chatting with, instead laying them on the ground either side of him. Casey had had enough of these two. They had been bothering him all year since discovering what he was, with the two considering him to be "girly“ and a “pussy”. Casey didn’t really care about the nature of the insults. He himself was perfectly content with his masculinity, or his apparent lack of it. In fact, his “girly” nature was something he even embraced since arriving on Earth, resulting in him usually sporting a pair of short shorts which he had found in the women’s section at the local store. No, Casey didn’t care at all about being called girly. It was just the fact that these two could get away with it that bothered him. All because they were top of their respective classes.

However that would prove to be a good thing for Casey. Especially since that meant that the two would be graduating this year. Once the summer started, these two buffoons would be out of his unnaturally coloured hair and gone for good. The only thing that slightly worried him about the prospect of them graduating would be that they’d most likely be offered places as Teen Titans. Oh, Casey could barely imagine what a disaster that team would become with Gordon and Brett as members. If he recalled correctly, Brett had a knack for setting himself on fire with his powers by accident, while Gordon still hadn’t mastered his flight.

He tried to keep thinking about the positives though. Again, they’d be gone from his life. Although not soon enough, in his opinion. Speaking of which…

Casey sat up slightly, trying his best to seem like he wasn’t bothered by their comments. “Actually, you’re right. I was talking to this tree.” He spoke coolly, eyeing the two. “And if you must know, the ol’ oak here told you two to go fuck yourselves!”

That obviously angered the two points, with Gordon even raising his eyebrows slightly in surprise before scowling. The two darted forward, in what was probably an attempt at grabbing the young faerie, however their “attack” was interrupted at the sound of the school bell. As the two turned their heads at the sound of the ringing, Casey took his opportunity and made a break for it, scooping up his bag, scrambling to his feet and darting off towards the Academic Quadrangle.

Unfortunately the two bullies wouldn’t stay distracted for long, with the two of them giving chase. Casey wasn’t too worried though. All he could think about was how great it would be next year at the school without having to keep worrying about them. He honestly couldn’t wait.

| NOTES: |
  • Casey’s true parentage is not public knowledge.
  • Has daddy issues.
  • Regularly insists that faeries need more sleep than humans. He’s lying.
  • Tried a peppermint mocha at Starbucks once. He’s still obsessed with them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

He stands at 6.3 and weighs about 220 lbs. He is also missing the four front teeth of his upper jaw thanks to getting in a fight.

| NAME: |
Mars Balboa

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |

Alpha Zone: Mars is able to tap into a strange cosmic energy source known as the Alpha Zone, which grants him several abilities.

Alpha Body: His body is surrounded by a field of glowing red kinetic energy that increases his durability so he can take hits from opponents with super strength. Basically it grants him superhuman endurance and he can take a lot of punishment because of it. The amount of punishment he can withstand is like getting the crap beaten out of him by a superhuman with the strnegth to bend steel. It doesn't make him invincible and it will still hurt like hell, but it's his will that helps keep him going.

Alpha Fist: By channeling the Alpha Zone into into his fist he is able to create a blast of kinetic and concussive energy that makes his punches have more powerful and destructive impacts. With this power his fist can be powerful enough to punch through steel and blast apart concrete. It is not superhuman strnegth, but it imitates it in a way that has more destructive potential.

Alpha Speed: Mars is able have a big increase in speed and agility through the use of increasing his kinetic energy. His movement speed is around 200 MPH, but his max striking speed is mach 1.5.

Alpha Impact: This ability lets him use the Alpha Zone to hit opponents with his body with an incredible amount of force and smash through brick at maximum power. His main use of this for tackling and it works really well when a criminal tries to run.

Super Athletic
Excellent Boxer
Awesome football player

Equipment: Aside from his boxing gloves he has no other equipment

The Alpha Zone while strong is not perfect and will run out of energy if used too carelessly. Also Mars is has no range attacks, which makes him vulnerable to distance fighters.

Mars and the rest of the defense members of his football team were huddled together getting ready for the start of the second half of the game. His school was up against their rival Kingsly High, and this was the championship game. For the first two quarters the teams were neck and neck, one being able to hold of the other from taking the lead. The defenses were pretty evenly matched and so were the offenses, but with this second half it was time for them to kick into overdrive and clench a victory over their opponents.

"Remember! We got each other backs! From the last quarter! To the last minute! To the last man! We fight! We fight!!!" he shouted and they shouted along with him, getting pumped up for the start of the second half. It wasn't too long after that the refs gave the signal to start the second half and it would be Kingsly's ball. The punting team took the field and Mars was among the blockers ready to intercept the kick returner when he caught the ball.

Their punter took several steps back and ran into the punt the football. The ball sailed for many yards before landing in between the 1 and 10 yard line. By that time Mars and the rest of defense were on the move to intercept kick returner. Mars saw the runner headed his way and he acted upon instincts. He charged forward and met the player for a big impact. His opponent was knocked off his feet and hit the ground rather hard. It was good thing that football players used padding otherwise their injuries would be far more severe.

The refs blew the whistle to stop the play and the kick return team left the field for the offense to come onto the field. Mars took his position as Middle Linebacker and waited for the for snap. He word 'hike' and the line of scrimmage exploded with motion as the defensive linemen met head on with the offensive linemen. Mars' keen eyes spotted the Quarterback hand the ball off to the Running Back and try to break through the line of scrimmage. Mars moved in quickly and tackled the Running Back, taking the player hard into the ground.

He got up and helped the Running Back to his feet when the refs blew the whistle for the play to stop. His fellow defensive players gave him pats on the back as he had managed to only give Kingsly High a gain of two yards. And for the rest of the fourth quarter their defense never let up and the offense managed to put more points up on the board giving them victory. His team was in huge celebration and many viewed him as the hero of the defense, but Mars knew that it was team sport.

That game got them a lot of hot girls and they became the envy of many nerds at their school. This had happened months before his encounter with a strange meteor that had crashed not too far from his house glowing a red color and gave off weird radiation. That incident changed his life and saw him attaining superhuman abilities that benefited his talent for boxing and football. About a year after these powers got him the attention of the staff at The Corrigan School for Advanced Learning and Development.

Mars was reluctant to leave his school and friends as well as his team, but his parents thought that it would be best to learn how to control his powers first and Mars reluctantly agreed to go the school and his first year wasn't too bad, he got into a couple of near fights and some students pissed him off, but nothing too bad. He was going to train as hard as ever to keep up his boxing and maintain his football skills.

| NOTES: |
Likes: Boxing, Football, video games, cheeseburgers, fries, soda and athletics.

Dislike: most academics, math, veggies, thugs, punks and wimps. He also hates the Metropolis Meteors and the San Francisco 49ers.
Theme Song:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

| NAME: |
Raphael Luigi Linden

| ALIAS: |

| AGE: |

A black kevlar weave is sewn over a super-dense layer of insulation modeled after a polar bear that is so effective that it renders covered areas nearly invisible to thermal imaging methods. At the same time, his excess body heat is stored in a way that it can be channeled back to him when its needed. Over his heart is a florescant orange emblem consisting of crosshairs. A similar color is used on his utility belt and his bootlaces. Overall his outfit is sleek and functional. It does not shine in many places, save for the metals he carries. He wears a domino mask over his face styled exactly like many others.

While nowhere near the greatest marksman in the world, he has a level of skill with handguns surpassing ninety-five percent of all other gunowners. Also he has several years of experience of wrestling practice mediated by the public school system. He also has finesse like you wouldn't believe. He can deftly dive, tumble, and dance around an opponent all day long, assuming he isn't wearing his battle suit. He is a practiced traceur and BMX biker.

Keeping one for each hand, a pair of heavily customized pistols are his signature weapons. In an effort to avoid bloodshed, he uses a variety of specialized ammunitions (Rubber, Foam, Concussive, Incendiary, Jamming, etc.). He chooses to keep an intimidating buck knife on his belt in a sheath beside a grappling gun.

He has a unique and limited form of alchemy. By setting his fingers against a wooden object and concentrating, he can greatly strengthen the wood to the toughness of tempered steel. This extends to certain paper products, sawdust, and plantlife. Roots, stems, and nuts included.

Though he would spite you for using it as an excuse for fragility, he is only human. His body suit, because of its density, makes it difficult and somewhat tiresome to move in at times. Also, he has a finite supply of hefty specialized ammunition. His combat skills are far surpassing the average Joe, but not yet on par with a disciple of the bat.

He is incapable of reshaping, controlling, or even weakening woods. If he were to strengthen a tree, its fruits would not be super hard, and the growth process would not be interrupted. And if two plants are connected, only the organism physically touched would be affected. It does affect dead woods, slowing their decay though not improving their health.

The arms of the Black Canary twirled like a pinwheel, solidly smacking away every rushed strike Raphael could've dreampt of making. So he bent backwards, dropping all of his weight onto his left arm as he shot his toes at her face. But the Canary swooped below his kick and grabbed his wrist before slinging the teen ten feet to the side.

When his body bounced by the feet of Oliver Queen, the Emerald Archer smirked before scanning the legs wrapped in fishnets. He cocked his head before smirking at the blonde. He took in a breath, exhaling, "F-"

"Funny the Canary should send people flying!" From the floor, it was the Blue Bullet. Ollie's first sidekick not to use a bow.

Oliver had half a mind to kick the teen. He would've added insult to injury, but every time he tried to get a shot in, the boy turned the joke on its creator like some sick weapon.

"Too bad there's not a way to pulverize me where I don't come out looking like a cheetah with all these bruises," Raphael sighed before pushing up off the ground.

"Let's try again," the Black Canary urged him. "After all, what doesn't kill you makes you -"

"Stranger. It could debilitate you for life if it doesn't traumatize you the old fashioned way." With this in mind, he walked back up to the blonde bombshell, hugging the left side of his ribcage to gauge the pain. It wasn't the worst he'd ever felt. But that hardly meant he wanted seconds. He decided to put up with it anyways the moment he made another headstrong rush for the seasoned brawler.

| NOTES: |
-Was formerly known as the Blue Bullet
-Former protege of the Green Arrow
-In his spare time, Raphael paints in a surreal, impressionist inspired style
-He is the proud owner of a bass guitar that he has managed to learn to use as though it were a lead instrument
-I like Cherry Pepsi
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