Final Fantasy VIII: Tempus Veneficarum
Accepted Characters
Duncan Lerwick

Duncan's hair is a dark grey, the odd white hair poking out here and there. He wears a perpetual dull smile, as if he is only half paying attention. It is very rare to see him in his SeeD uniform, preferring instead to just wear an old military shirt and jeans. His combat kit includes a number of bits salvaged on the battlefield, including a set of Galbadian infantryman's armour, stripped from the blue uniform and worn over his normal clothes without the helmet.
Trained At
Balamb Garden
Weapon/Combat Style
Duncan fights with an assault rifle with attached bayonet, though he tries not to get close enough to use it. Instead he uses Vinzer, his pet Bitebug who he raised from an egg and bound to his service with expensive magic, to distract the enemy while he takes pot shots. Duncan specialises in using support magic to help others and isn't great at aiming attack magic.
Limit Break
Once pushed beyond a certain threshold, Duncan gives himself over to his magical abilities. By casting protective and supportive spells on himself over and over, he temporarily gains ridiculous speed and strength and launches a do or die bayonet charge on the enemy. With the speed he moves at coupled with the extra strength from his magic, Duncan hits the target with extreme force, impaling most normal enemies outright. He often adds a good burst of fire on the impaled enemy, more as a way of adding insult to injury than anything else.
Duncan is, to put it bluntly, lazy. If he can get away with it he'll foist his work on others; to be fair he does reward those who do help him, earning Duncan a bit of a reputation as the 'Quest Giving Instructor' of Balamb Garden. While avoiding work is his primary concern, Duncan is still a SeeD instructor and he takes pride in his profession. His students are fond of him for his lenient but instructive teaching style, as well as the way he sees himself as just another one of the lads outside the classroom. Over the years, Duncan has become attached to his students and will gladly kill any man who threatens their safety.
Born in Deling City to a rich military family, Duncan was at a young age given the choice between joining the Galbadian Army and going to Garden. In all honestly, he didn't much fancy either; his youthful dreams consisted of lazing around the bedroom, playing on his computer and chatting over the internet. Duncan Lerwick, scion of one of Galbadia's great military dynasties, wanted nothing more than to be a NEET. After weighing up his options carefully, he chose to attend Garden, reasoning that he would just have to chug along unspectacularly until graduation, a whole decade of chilling out away from the trappings of military life.
By and large, his plan worked out. Duncan never did particularly well in his studies or training, occupying that comfortable middle band in the social hierarchy where he wasn't worth the hassle to bully and noone really bothered getting along with him. He managed to scrape through the combat portion by expending all of his considerable savings on an Odine brand paramagic device, one that allowed him to wipe a monster's mind clean and build it up again from scratch. It took a few years, but Duncan managed to acquire a number of Bitebug eggs and hatch them. There were failures of course, many of them, but eventually he was... more or less successful in rewriting the monster's behaviour, creating a loyal servant he dubbed Vinzer, after Galbadia's, ahem beloved President. With Vinzer at his side and an emphasis on ranged combat in his training, Duncan was able to pass his combat courses with a reasonable mark.
At the age of nineteen, after failing the field test three years in a row, Duncan Lerwick was admitted into SeeD, albeit at a very low rank. After a year of missions, he decided that fieldwork was not his cup of tea and went about greasing palms and bending arms until he was awarded his Instructor's License at 20. Since then he had barely left the Garden, barely even left the classroom if he can avoid it. Unfortunately this year's field test has just come up and Duncan's class is the only one ready for it...
Additional Information
Owns a pet Bitebug named Vinzer. During the mind-rewrite process, Duncan accidentally crossed over a house cat's DNA with the monster's, resulting in Vinzer, well... thinking he is a cat. Most of the time this isn't a problem, as the bug just sits on Duncan's shoulder attempting to lick itself; it is when he tries to nibble your ear that you need to watch out.

Worshipped by some as a goddess of vitality and strength, Artio takes the form of a giant ephemeral bear covered in swirling tribal markings. For the most part, she fights in a typically ursine manner; by battering the opposition to the ground. Occasionally she casts support magic when summoned, mainly Shell and Protect, while strengthening the resolve of the summoner.
Elemental Affinity
With Vitality and Spirit junctions, Artio is excellent at boosting up her user's ability to absorb damage.
Support Magic Refine

Duncan's hair is a dark grey, the odd white hair poking out here and there. He wears a perpetual dull smile, as if he is only half paying attention. It is very rare to see him in his SeeD uniform, preferring instead to just wear an old military shirt and jeans. His combat kit includes a number of bits salvaged on the battlefield, including a set of Galbadian infantryman's armour, stripped from the blue uniform and worn over his normal clothes without the helmet.
Trained At
Balamb Garden
Weapon/Combat Style
Duncan fights with an assault rifle with attached bayonet, though he tries not to get close enough to use it. Instead he uses Vinzer, his pet Bitebug who he raised from an egg and bound to his service with expensive magic, to distract the enemy while he takes pot shots. Duncan specialises in using support magic to help others and isn't great at aiming attack magic.
Limit Break
Once pushed beyond a certain threshold, Duncan gives himself over to his magical abilities. By casting protective and supportive spells on himself over and over, he temporarily gains ridiculous speed and strength and launches a do or die bayonet charge on the enemy. With the speed he moves at coupled with the extra strength from his magic, Duncan hits the target with extreme force, impaling most normal enemies outright. He often adds a good burst of fire on the impaled enemy, more as a way of adding insult to injury than anything else.
Duncan is, to put it bluntly, lazy. If he can get away with it he'll foist his work on others; to be fair he does reward those who do help him, earning Duncan a bit of a reputation as the 'Quest Giving Instructor' of Balamb Garden. While avoiding work is his primary concern, Duncan is still a SeeD instructor and he takes pride in his profession. His students are fond of him for his lenient but instructive teaching style, as well as the way he sees himself as just another one of the lads outside the classroom. Over the years, Duncan has become attached to his students and will gladly kill any man who threatens their safety.
Born in Deling City to a rich military family, Duncan was at a young age given the choice between joining the Galbadian Army and going to Garden. In all honestly, he didn't much fancy either; his youthful dreams consisted of lazing around the bedroom, playing on his computer and chatting over the internet. Duncan Lerwick, scion of one of Galbadia's great military dynasties, wanted nothing more than to be a NEET. After weighing up his options carefully, he chose to attend Garden, reasoning that he would just have to chug along unspectacularly until graduation, a whole decade of chilling out away from the trappings of military life.
By and large, his plan worked out. Duncan never did particularly well in his studies or training, occupying that comfortable middle band in the social hierarchy where he wasn't worth the hassle to bully and noone really bothered getting along with him. He managed to scrape through the combat portion by expending all of his considerable savings on an Odine brand paramagic device, one that allowed him to wipe a monster's mind clean and build it up again from scratch. It took a few years, but Duncan managed to acquire a number of Bitebug eggs and hatch them. There were failures of course, many of them, but eventually he was... more or less successful in rewriting the monster's behaviour, creating a loyal servant he dubbed Vinzer, after Galbadia's, ahem beloved President. With Vinzer at his side and an emphasis on ranged combat in his training, Duncan was able to pass his combat courses with a reasonable mark.
At the age of nineteen, after failing the field test three years in a row, Duncan Lerwick was admitted into SeeD, albeit at a very low rank. After a year of missions, he decided that fieldwork was not his cup of tea and went about greasing palms and bending arms until he was awarded his Instructor's License at 20. Since then he had barely left the Garden, barely even left the classroom if he can avoid it. Unfortunately this year's field test has just come up and Duncan's class is the only one ready for it...
Additional Information
Owns a pet Bitebug named Vinzer. During the mind-rewrite process, Duncan accidentally crossed over a house cat's DNA with the monster's, resulting in Vinzer, well... thinking he is a cat. Most of the time this isn't a problem, as the bug just sits on Duncan's shoulder attempting to lick itself; it is when he tries to nibble your ear that you need to watch out.

Worshipped by some as a goddess of vitality and strength, Artio takes the form of a giant ephemeral bear covered in swirling tribal markings. For the most part, she fights in a typically ursine manner; by battering the opposition to the ground. Occasionally she casts support magic when summoned, mainly Shell and Protect, while strengthening the resolve of the summoner.
Elemental Affinity
With Vitality and Spirit junctions, Artio is excellent at boosting up her user's ability to absorb damage.
Support Magic Refine
Xerox Craft - Little_ninja
Jericho Joranis - Zarkun
Rachel Zoran - rivaan
Heloise O'Galla - Caits
Ashton Griffone - Silver Fox
Kein is about the most normal student in the class. His grades are average, he does reasonably well in all subjects and has a pleasant-looking girlfriend in Balamb. He rarely stands out, especially when compared to his more eccentric classmates. However he is a solid fighter, specialising in wind and healing magic with his GF Sachiel and wielding a great naginata. Kein also suffers from terrible luck and is often the first to be poisoned in battle.
The third most powerful man in Balamb Garden, Maithwaite Corvo is a decorated ex-Galbadian officer with a talent for corporate ruthlessness. Though his work Garden has become one of the most profitable ventures in history, with an annual turnover greater than some small countries. He is as feared as he is respected by Garden staff and those few students who know him; more than one rebellious instructor has found themselves assigned to a suicide mission days after crossing the Head Instructor.
Born and bred in Timber, Mei has grown up under the oppression of the Galbadian government. However, she has not allowed such matters to weigh her down, instead choosing to live life to the fullest with an unyielding optimism and a naive outlook on the world. She joined the Faction's cause at the tender age of 15, despite her family's wishes, determining to free them from the tyranny of the Galbadians once and for all. Although her combat skills leave little to be desired, she is often heavily involved in negotiations and developing strategies rather than field work, as her charming and happy-go-lucky demeanor proves to be a valuable weapon in itself.
A kind and gentle soul, Yoko is a recently graduated SeeD working as an Assistant Instructor at Balamb Garden. Her childhood sweetheart and boyfriend Kein is the most important person in the world to her and she harbours a deep love for him that borders on obsession. Fortunately he is equally enamoured with her, so the two are considered one of Balamb's few perfect couples. Yoko is unusual in that her training stressed strategy and logistics over combat, making her an ideal field adjutant.
Inactive Characters
Riella Pellax - paigesweetheart
Ein Kroth - FVGT
Charlotte Aurum - Hero
Jun Ri - dooly
Freya Solberg - Spectral Procreation
Karla Kortissia - Fabricant451
Ramses Quentin Reinholdt - Ogobrogo
Zereph Blightsoul - obitokizuke
Asa Fiore - Kissu
Syrus Cromwell - soren
Gracelyn Trinser - SwordfishKnight
Hector Thanos - Aerandir
Minerva Grants - Suku
Eika Munashii - Arisphadrel
Jake Firesong - akirashadow
GM - Lennon79