Hidden 10 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Final Fantasy VIII: Tempus Veneficarum

Accepted Characters

Xerox Craft - Little_ninja

Jericho Joranis - Zarkun

Rachel Zoran - rivaan

Heloise O'Galla - Caits

Ashton Griffone - Silver Fox


Inactive Characters

Riella Pellax - paigesweetheart

Ein Kroth - FVGT

Charlotte Aurum - Hero

Jun Ri - dooly

Freya Solberg - Spectral Procreation

Karla Kortissia - Fabricant451

Ramses Quentin Reinholdt - Ogobrogo

Zereph Blightsoul - obitokizuke

Asa Fiore - Kissu

Syrus Cromwell - soren

Gracelyn Trinser - SwordfishKnight

Hector Thanos - Aerandir

Minerva Grants - Suku

Eika Munashii - Arisphadrel

Jake Firesong - akirashadow

GM - Lennon79

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spectral Procreation
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Spectral Procreation Memetic American Loli

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

**Name**: Freya Solberg **Age**: 19 **Gender**: Female **Appearance**: ![](http://i.imgur.com/uGV0mln.jpg) ![](http://i.imgur.com/fxrfT1M.png) Freya has long, dark brown hair that stays in a ponytail with the assistance of great orange bands. Her hair is haphazard from constant growth, and the only part of it that is trimmed, her bangs, are messy because she cuts them herself. She isn't picky about clothing and will wear whatever is most comfortable. She even lounges around in her SEED uniform on occasion because she can't spare the effort to change into something else. Freya's eyes are a lighter brown, and tend to bore into her subject of attention unflinchingly. She keeps a small bandage on her nose because she saw a famous boxer on television with one on and it looked cool, so she keeps a pack of them on her to replace it if it falls off. Her favorite colors are orange and black. **Nationality**: Balamb **Trained At**: Balamb Garden **Weapon/Combat Style:** Looking at how Freya fights, nobody would ever think she would be one to spout words like "honor" and "justice." She fights using whatever means are at her disposal, always making sure she either has the upper hand. She uses magic like Blind and Silence to debilitate the enemy, before strengthening her defenses with Protect and Shell. With the scales tipped heavily in her favor, she is free to rush in and pummel the hell out of the opposition. Her Guardian Force allows her to refine all the negative status effects she could want, but she has to rely on outside sources for magic like Protect and Shell. Therefore, she is incredibly stingy with them, and is only willing to cast them on herself. Although the Garden has forced martial arts training on her, she is much happier rushing in and punching things without regard to form or grace. She is perfectly fine brawling bare-knuckled, but for military operations she wears a pair of gauntlets with a large spike fixed to the wrists, allowing her blows to compete with armor. She likes to call these gauntlets her "pile drivers." **Limit Break**: Knockout Punch When she's overcome with no way out, Freya summons all the magic power she has and stomps the ground, disorienting the foe with a shockwave before running in and delivering one desperate, tremendous punch that smashes through any barriers or armor. **Personality**: With her focused, determined gaze, it might surprise some that Freya is incredibly whimsical. She likes speaking in a roundabout fashion and making vague, cryptic claims that can confuse others. Beneath her carefree exterior, her self-appointed goal is to fight for "justice," but she doesn't seem to know what that really means. She also has a tendency to lecture others for a lack of honor while showing absolutely none herself. Whenever she is confronted about her hypocrisy - or anything, really - she feigns innocence and dodges the subject. **Backstory**: Freya was born and raised in Balamb to a fisherman's family that was well-off in the town, so she didn't have to do much to earn others' approval. She has three brothers not too much older than she is, and learned to fight dirty from defending herself against them. After managing to turn the tables on her siblings, she found that she enjoyed fighting so much she took to the streets, roughing up any other children she found. Her bullying made her disliked by her family and the town as a whole, but there were some children who respected her and became her posse. Around this time, at the age of twelve, she realized that if she wanted to continue fighting, she should go to the nearby Garden. Her parents, surprised that she actually wanted to make something out of herself, instantly agreed. The instructors who conducted her review, noticing a high potential for close-quarters combat and a high compatibility with Guardian Forces, accepted her despite her quirks. At the Garden, she quickly came to idolize SEED, and knowing she was a bit late in coming to Garden, trained intensely to become a part of the world's elite mercenary force. She attempted the SEED exam as soon as she could, and after trying for four years to make it into SEED, she finally succeeded. However, after making it into SEED, the only non-mandatory training she's been doing is taking a trip down to Balamb every now and then - crushing any monsters that jump out at her - to beat up her siblings and her old running crew. As someone difficult to speak with, who insists on doing things at her own pace, she became very unpopular among her SEED superiors and ended up shipped out to Timber for a stealth mission in hopes that she wouldn't come back. **Additional Information**: Freya uses a strange round-about dialect she claims she picked up from the "shady parts" of Balamb, though anyone in Balamb would find it just as strange. She grows her hair out long because she is paranoid about blades, scissors of course falling under that category. She only cuts her bangs, and does so completely by herself, in a room, as a very delicate procedure. Pulling her hair is the easiest way to make her angry. She can sing well, but keeps it a secret. **GF**: Catoblepas **Appearance**: ![](http://i.imgur.com/4ASN8cm.jpg) This boar-like creature is a fearsome dark beast whose breath or gaze can turn flesh to stone. To those able to resist its red glare, it rushes in and attempts to ram and gore them. **Elemental Affinity**: Earth **Junctions**: Catoblepas allows the user to junction magic to their HP and their Status Attack, giving them the ability to last longer in battle and debilitate their foes without even casting a spell. Those who form an intense bond with the beast will become able to junction magic to their Strength, Status Defense, and Magic as well, boosting their resilience to status ailments from others while increasing the effectiveness of their own. **Abilities**: Focus allows the user of Catoblepas to charge their physical attacks with magical force before unleashing them, boosting their strength considerably at the cost of time spent charging. Refine Status Magic allows the user of Catoblepas to create status magic for themselves, such as Bio, Blind, Break, and others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Asa "Ace" Fiore

Age: 21.

Gender: 'Male'


This is Ace. Hair is short, messy and jet black, and possesses noticeabley boyish and youthful features. This has earned Ace the nickname 'Pretty Boy'' from peers, much to her disdain, although they dare not call her this to her face in fear of her sharp tongue. Body type is short but lithe, which can prove an advantage on the battlefield. The standard clothing at the start is the standard Galbaldian uniform, except in maroon, with an accompanying helmet when on the field. See here.For casual clothing, Ace prefers to wear a thick, black leather jacket with closed zip, ripped flare jeans, and brown boots with a low wedge heel.

Nationality: Galbadian. Hometown: Winhill

Trained At: Galbadia Garden. Graduated at 17.

Weapon/Combat Style: With the standard Sword and Para-magic combo in the beginning. Ace shows a skill in swordsmanship that stands out from the other soldiers. She favours heavy, two handed swords for impact and physical power, although this has the disadvantage of making her attack slower. Her skills in Para-Magic are balanced, which means that she doesn't have any particular strengths or weakness in any area. At this current stage she has stocked a fair amount of -'ara' spells, and the occassional magic debuff. She particularly favours stocking offensive spells over support ones (such as Shell etc), preferring to rely on her own strength.

Limit Break: Ace uses her environment to her advantage by drawing the elements around her into her sword (such as a field, beach, snowfield, or desert), before striking an elemental blow with a particular side effect. When she is an enemy of SeeD, she will always and only use Terra Break when she is down to low health.

When Ace upgrades her weapons, she will be able to combine her attacks to create more devastating ones.

**Terra Break-** Ace will strike her sword into the ground, causing the earth to split open underneath the enemy with a violent tremble. The ground then starts to shake more and more, until either the earth finally swallows its (single) prey (50% chance), or causes sustainable damage to a group of enemies from the shock pulses (50%, 100% in boss fights)

Personality: On the outside, Ace is aloof, distant, cold to everyone she meets, and a bad enemy to make due to her unwavering determination in a fight. She is a difficult person to befriend, not because she doesn't want to to be close to people, but rather that she *can't*, in fear of exposing her secret. For this reason, she feels deeply lonely, but she won't admit this to anyone, not even herself.
There is also another side to Ace, one that she keeps well hidden from most people: her temper. Due to the events in her past, she has grown up deeply resentful of Esthar and Sorceresses, and in her pursuit for revenge, she can be perceived as reckless and begrudging where either are involved.
Ace's femininity is something that's she's struggled with for nearly all of her life, having been forced to live as a male. It's a subject that she finds unsettling and frightening, but luckily for her, few people have ever discovered her secret.

Biography: Asa was born in Winhill to two hard-working parents, both of whom owned the Flower Restaurant. The first few years of her life were uneventful, until the Sorceress War came. Young girls were plucked and torn away from their homes as potential successors to Sorceress Adel, and in a desperate bid to protect their daughter from the Esthar soldiers, they told her to hide in a closet and not to come out, no matter what happened. Asa obeyed, but in doing so, she was forced to bear witness to her parents' slaughter, dark memories which haunt her to this very day.
After this event, Asa was forced into hiding whilst the soldiers ravaged her hometown. The flower shop owner found her in the fields one day, dirty and starved, and took her in temporarily. The shop owner advised her that the world was no longer safe for little girls, and in order to survive and resist Sorceress Adel, she needed to disguise herself as a boy so that the Sorceress wouldn't come looking for her. The owner cut her hair and gave her boyish clothes, and Asa then became known as 'Ace'.
It wasn't long before Ace was enrolled at Galbadia Garden, where most orphans seemed to end up, thanks to the war. Ace's heart was filled with bitter regret and rage at what the Estharians had done to her family, and she held even greater contempt for Sorceresses, seeing them as evil, corrupt witches and little more. She decided to keep her male persona as an armour for both herself and the people around her, so that she would never have to relive her past, or feel like the helpless girl who watched her parents die.
Ace proved to be an impressive student, and at 17 she was honoured with the title of one of the best swordsmen in G-Garden. Shortly after, she was finally accepted into the Galbadian Army, and she has since rose through the ranks to Lieutenant. Whilst her combat experience is to be admired, her leadership skills are still unrefined, and she often struggles with the dilemma of what is more important; the lives of the people she calls comrades, or the mission.
Most recently, she was assigned with the task of repairing the communications tower in Dollet. However, due to SeeD's interference, the mission was ultimately a failure, leaving Ace in a state of frustration at both failing her goal, and losing her men in the process.

GF: N/A. Like Irvine, she doesn't start out with a GF. Therefore, her memories are completely intact. Later on in the story, I imagine she'll receive one but we'll wait and see.

Appearance: N/A.

Elemental Affinity: Earth.

Junctions: N/A

Abilities: To be continued...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 27 days ago

Name: Syrus Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance:![enter image description here](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTH8HfNETLRRbquTx3eID03MDxlQBq-x0CJxaOmm1GV90ZxF9qJ "enter image title here") ![enter image description here](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/056/6/8/post_apocalyptic_trench_coat_by_spiked_fox-d5w88p8.png "enter image title here") He is a tall male about 5’11” with normal cut flame red hair. His eyes are an unnatural emerald green and he hides much of his self inside a black trench coat with gold trim that is coupled with black boots and pants. His shirt is red with gold trim as well. He also always seems to have a tooth pick in his mouth. Nationality: Esthar. Trained At: Trabia, and Balamb Weapon/Combat Style: Since he has had to fend for himself most of his life he has wielded many weapons until they have broken. One day he happened across a set of rare gunblades and began to train with them. Ever since he has dual wielded these gunblades and hopes that one day he will be able to upgrade the parts to make them even better. Limit Break: Lock, Load, and Slash: this limit break works a lot like squalls Renzokuken as in it has finishing moves along with the initial damage and trigger actions. The first finishing move is blast twister. Syrus tucks both blades in close and energizes them. He begins to spin like a twister, flying off into the enemies firing off energy while slashing up the enemies. Personality: At first he seems anti-social, but as he works with people he will become close to them as he has never had a family or any friends because he has been on the run. He also talks to himself or fire whenever he thinks he is alone but has been caught several times. Little does anyone know that he revieces the other end of the conversation. Biography: ((To the party he is Syrus, but before he was Syrus his name was Hyperion.)) To start Syrus (Hyperion) has been an expirenment of Dr. Odine’s since he was born. His mother died and there was no father that they could find within the city of Esthar but no one dare venture into the outside world to find him if he did exist. Dr. Odine called him the first of the sorcerers. Just like with the sorcereress’ he could wield magic with ease, even though he never likes to most of the time. Odine tested him as much as he could until finally the boy Syrus (Hyperion) couldn’t handle anymore. One night he ran using his magic to escape, Odine never bothered to lock him up properly because he did not see the boy as a threat. Bypassing all security and getting out quietly he managed to get out and head towards Trabia garden. There he was taken in and trained. He did not reveal his nature to anyone and hid his natural abilities well. He had picked up the gunblades before coming to the Trabia garden and was taught well until he turned sixteen. A squad of men came looking for him. He realized who they were, even though they had disgused themselves. He then ran leading them away. He managed to get to the ocean and faught a couple of them before jumping in and swimming away. He faked drowing when he was far enough out and the men thought he was lost to the sea. Stuck out in the water, no one around and with night upon him he tried to swim back to shore but shivering from the cold he actually did start to drown. Shortly after he blacked out and thought to himself that he was dieing. Suddenly he heard a voice. The voice told him that he would be delivered from this place and to somewhere he would be safe. He then felt himself rise and be pushed from the water onto the sand. Catching glimpses of a serpent in he again blacked out in the sand. He was later found by a couple from the near by town and was taken to the Garden for care as they thought he came from there due to his weapons. The nurse brought him back from the brink and then he meet with Headmaster Cid. In his office they discussed a great many things like how he had symbols of Trabia garden and was found of the beach here. He finally gave up and found only one answer to his problems. He showed Headmaster Cid what he could do and Cid was stunned. He then took the boy under his wing and helped him hide with in his new home of the Balamb Garden. From hence forth he was no longer Hyperion he was instead Syrus and Cid enrolled him right away. Now in present time when he has just turned nineteen Syrus is preparing for the final exam in which he must finish the written part of the exam. Syrus had already taken the GF part of the exam in which Cid took him to a special area in the fire cavern where he fought the GF Phoenix and won. Additional information: GF: Phoenix Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://pamansazz.deviantart.com/art/Regis-Phoenix-134784315 "enter image title here") Elemental Affinity: Water and Fire Junctions: He junctions to his health and strength. Also damage from fire and water are slightly decreased. Abilities: Scan, Card, fire , restorative magic refine, and finally card mod.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Xerox Craft Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: ![](http://i60.tinypic.com/8xlw6w.jpg) No tie, no cardigan. A lab coat on top of the jacket. Nationality: Trabian Trained At: Trabia Weapon/Combat Style: A toolbox/giant spanner. Xerox carries a toolbox which has a giant spanner. Usually using a giant spanner to fight, there are times he will use the toolbox itself or other tools normally found in a toolbox. If given enough time, he will use items he picks up in the environment or from enemies, to temporarily upgrade his spanner or his allies weapons. He may, create an assist robotic turret that flies around and assists in the battle as well. They are quick to break (for now) and may take a hit for Xerox. Limit Break: Rise of the Machines Xerox will on the field make a number of machines. Making turrets, battle armaments, upgrade weapons, and make battle suits. Sometimes making battle suits with turrets inbuilt or superior robot turrets. Depending on the amount of time he has, he will make more and more machines. Minimally, his limit break will run for 20 seconds. It can run for up to a minute. (6 machines in 20 seconds for now) Personality: Xerox is a nice guy who is quite analytical. He likes being in groups, and likes talking. If someone brings up an idea for something that has the potential to be useful, Xerox will jump on the idea. A creative mind, with incentive, he will try to make anything. Successfully he has been known for upgrading and creating items. His inventions have been known to be a little ... excessive. However, he has good intentions. Most things don't bother him, however, do not say anything bad about his inventions, or call anything junk in front of him. Such things will make enrage him greatly. Biography: Abandoned at a very young age, Xerox does not know anything about his family, or how he came to be in Trabia. Raised by the Shumi in Shumi Village, he didn't have much to do there. It was a nice and peaceful time for him, and he liked it there. There was a Moomba, Rue, who was his best friend, and they would play together all the time. One day, Xerox found some scraps of metal and other junk. Thinking about what they are, he put them together, and after some time, bolting, screwing, unscrewing and etc. Xerox was surprised by what he had made. It was small robot. It was walking around. Rue took up an interest in Xerox's ability, so he went and found lots more material for Xerox. At first, all he could make was robots. But as he started to understand more, and learn about more things, he made things like a reheat gun, a super cooling refrigerator and other items. They were all purposeful, and had great use, except the fact they were made more powerful than necessary. The reheat needed only a second to reheat food to 140 degrees Celsius, and the super cooling fridge would cool boiling water to 4 degrees Celsius in a second. If they were used too long, the food would melt or the water becomes so cold, objects near it start to freeze. Of course it is not to say everything was like this. There were a few useful things like a jet-pack. As he made more items, he started to invent new things quicker and more efficiently in terms of material used One day, he made a cleaning robot, which got a little out of control and ended up exploding. The Shumi in the village were enraged. Xerox was getting older, although they loved him, they could not deal with him at this point. They requested that Trabia Garden to take care of him and let him become a part of SeeD. Without his consent, he was sent to Trabia Garden, but Xerox was excited. For the first time he would meet other humans. Rue decided to tag along, and actually sticks close to him. In Trabia Garden, he has learned to fight, and decided to use a giant spanner, since some of his inventions required one of that size. He keeps a toolbox for various other tools with him. He has upgraded and/or modified various weapons as well, and has learned how to use his hands so quickly that he is capable of doing these on the field. Very many know of his slightly eccentric behavior and inventions. One of his most proudest inventions is his teleportation gates. Additional information: GF: Varvadoss Appearance: ![](http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/203/1/4/giratina_gijinka_distortion_world__commission__by_namh-d6ekt27.jpg) When summoned, Varvadoss distorts the space of the area. It can leave enemies missing body parts, or apply a different set of physics to the field. It may give an elemental affect to the field as well, which will return to normal over time. Elemental Affinity: Dark/Space/None (Unsure if first two are allowed as elemental affinity.) Junctions: - Boost - Status Attack - Hit-J - Luck-J - Eva-J - Eva +30% Abilities: - Magic - Draw - GF - Item - Passive/Support Extra Spatial Storage - Passive/Support Rare Item - Gravitation (Similar to Demi) - Spatial Distortion
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Name: Jericho Joranis

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jericho keeps his hair swept backto allow him to see better and has a scar across his forehead from running into a low-hanging tree branch while running. Stands about six foot two.

Nationality: Galbadia

Trained At: Trabia

Weapon/Combat Style: Scythe Jericho specializes in combat using a scythe and martial arts in tandem with one another. Using them in such a way allows him to close with an enemy quickly and deliver either a series of punishing slashes and kicks. Is trained in the use of pistols as well, but prefers his scythe over firearms.

Limit Break: Shadow of the Reaper- When pushed to the very brink, Jericho's inherent magic ability, his speed especially, is boosted to incredible heights, letting him move across the battlefield at high speeds, like a shadow. This is the first form. (Lasts thirty seconds.)

Personality: Jericho is a bit of a lone wolf type, preferring to train and study on his own rather than in groups, but he isn't adverse to working with his fellow students on anything. Comes across as aloof and uncaring, but the truth of the matter is he simply would only have to worry about himself than others and when the deaths of enemy soldiers are discussed, will make references to the Reaper. Can also be rebellious if someone attempts to force him to do something, but will follow orders, if in his own way.

Biography: Jericho was born and grew up in Winhill with two parents who wouldn't ever let the young man out of their sight, him being their only child, always telling him to be careful and not to touch this or that or he'd get hurt or mess something up. This resulted in him being extremely rebellious, taking martial arts classes behind his parents backs, along with other crazy things he knew they would disapprove of. This included downhill races, picking fights, even trying new foods that his parents wouldn't let him try simply because they hadn't tried it before. This trend continued as he grew up, taking the opportunities that were presented him during his parents work hours to do his crazy things.

Eventually, he became old enough to join the Garden and become a SeeD and when he approached his parents with the idea, they vehemently disagreed, resulting to names to show their disapproval. Over the next week, he'd spend hours arguing with his parents to get them to let him join up, telling them he wanted to do something other than become a grocer like his father or a diner worker like his mother. After nearly a week and a half of arguing, debating and general butting heads with his parents, he joined Garden anyways. Getting a transfer to the Balamb Garden from the start, but was told he couldn't get the transfer, so he accepted the acceptance to Trabia, he returned home and ignored his parents as they yelled and screamed at him for doing what they forbid, packing the things he'd need and then walking out the front door. The last words his father said to him were that if he continued on to become a SeeD, he could never return home.

Jericho paused and looked back, locking his eyes on his father's. "That's fine with me." Closing the door, he continued on to the train station and boarded the train for Trabia Garden, spending the last year training diligently to pass all the tests to become a SeeD. Upon graduation, he was placed as a low ranked SeeD and transferred to Balamb to assist in combat operations from there.

Additional information:

GF: Glaciem

Elemental Affinity: Ice

Junctions: Increases Jericho's speed and strength , sharing those traits with herself when attacking.

Abilities: Offensive magic refine-Ice, Card, Mug
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Jake Firesong Age: 19 (SeeD from the age of 18) Gender:Male Appearance: ![](http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx170/Pizzapiea_Riley/Anime/Brown%20and%20White%20Anime/BrackenAnime.jpg) Jake does not typically have a very tidy appearance, shirts not fully buttoned, ties worn loosely. He has messy medium brown hair (as per the picture) and cat-like green eyes. His usual attire is similar to that pictured a scruffy suit under which is thin patches of leather to act as armour. Nationality: Galbadian (Adopted) Trained At: Galbadia Weapon/Combat Style: Jake considers his fighting style a somewhat Jack-of-all-trades, even though to call him that would be a compliment. He has experience in using long swords, daggers and crossbows. Jake didn't adapt well with the evolution of weaponry and never got to grips with likes of gun-blades and rifles. Which weapon he takes on a mission would usually determine his style though he favours speed and accuracy over power and defensiveness. His lack of having a training partner is clearly reflected when fighting humanoid opponents as he lacks the ability to read his enemy, something he has grown adapted to whilst fighting monsters alone. Biography: When Jake was sent to be enrolled and Boarded at Galbadia Garden it was a wake up call, he was sent there after being a persisting problem for the family that adopted him in order to 'teach' him 'to respect authority'. Beginning his studies at the age of 10 he showed average academic performance at best and was in no way seen as being a 'Star Pupil'. It was only when he started his training that he started to show a glimmer of hope and a spark of natural talent, his ability to strike targets with near-perfect (for his age) accuracy was a sight that was unexpected by the staff of Galbadia. His academics were adjusted accordingly and Jake spent more time training and studying combat and weapons allowing him to finally excel at something. His attitude towards had taken some work but they'd eventually got it out of him there was only one problem that persisted for years, Jake was unable to form a bond, or pact with a Guardian Force. This was troubling for staff as it was seen almost a necessity for anyone seeking to go for SeeD candidacy. So they continued to try, and they continued to fail to find a Guardian Force that would bond with Jake. Thus came about a unique event that lead to Jake's first success summoning. Jake once had a training partner and due to his natural talent his partner was an older candidate, they were renowned for being well matched allowing them to go at it with their full potentials knowing when to draw the line. Just like the training arena in Balamb however, this too housed wild monsters and whilst training deep within the grounds to avoid alarming younger classmates the pair were ambushed. The older student was unable to hold everything back with his powers alone so without the aid of magic, or a GF to protect him Jake stood his ground. Two weeks later, Jake regained stable conciousness, by the next day he was summoned to the headmaster office where he was 'de-briefed'. The official report would claim that Jake was badly injured in the fight and his training partner had taken him to the safety of the infirmary for treatment, this injury was sustained whilst training due to 'poor judgement'. Officially, Jake's training partner would be blamed but so long as he 'stayed silent' he'd remain on the SeeD candidacy to which he had agreed. They informed Jake that the injuries he sustained from the monsters had put him on the brink of conciousness when 'a cloaked figure appeared and cut down the creatures one by one before disappearing' Jake had been found in a comatose state following from it. Apparently this was a Guardian Force but, it hadn't bonded to Jake... more it had latched itself onto him. Jake was told that 'officially' he would still be classed as unable to use a Guardian Force due to this particular ones nature. When Jake turned 17 he was recommended for SeeD candidacy which caused uproar amongst some students due to his inability to bond with a GF. The staff acknowledged their comments and advised that Jake was being put forward due to combat prowess and knowledge. Most students disagreed, and this didn't help Jake in making any friends in his run up to be a SeeD, he had no training partner and no one wanted to work with him. During the test Jake was forced to call on his GF to aid his squads withdrawal, when students made claims of what they saw it was met with strong denial from Galbadia Garden staff where they were reminded that Jake was unable to use one... (I'd write more but I have to stop somewhere, otherwise I'll just keep going >.<) Personality: Jake began to come out of his shell when he attended Galbadia Garden, but quickly returned to his anti-social ways and he refuses to talk about his ability / inability to use a GF. Jake treats his friends in a strange manner in that if he feels a relationship is getting close he will push the other person away. He prefers to work alone and usually requests solo assignments, or assignments with minimal support members. Although he respects other SeeD's and the Garden Staff he has a general lack of appreciation for any other type of authority GF: Kensei Appearance: ![](http://0.static.wix.com/media/3bb9b1_9117e255fb31ba0463433205638239a5.jpg_1024) Kensei is very much humanoid in appearance a heavy long robe hangs over a figure, the opening in the hood where there'd usually be a face is nought but a hollow void. The cloak is very similar to the picture shown, but white in colour. Kensei wields a two handed blade but swings the weapon at a surprising flourished speed. Elemental Affinity: Kensei is non-elemental and darkness affinity. Additional information: Unlike traditional GF's Kensei does not diminish a persons memory over time. Instead Kensei takes payment in the form of the casters life force making them weaker dependent on how much power they wish for him to use. This dangerous effect is why Galbadia Garden works to keep its existence hidden. Not only is it a valuable asset but in the wrong hands could be used as a devastating weapon. Limit Break: Jake has two limit breaks both of which are GF related. The unique qualities of his particular Guardian Force dictates whether he has access to both or only one. In health critical situations Jake is able to weaken his Guardian Force in order to strengthen himself this limit break is known as 'reimbursement' as it's the opposite effect to what the GF has which requires 'payment'. The second limit break is known as 'Payment waived'. Jake does not know much about the effects himself or what triggers it but Kensei, in these situations will act with great power without the requirement of any sort of payment. Jake theorises that this is likely linked to a desperate situation, but doesn't necessarily mean it will happen during a life or death scenario. Junctions: J-Atk, J-HP, AGI +20. Kensei's effects are determined by how much 'payment' he receives when called upon his nature is similar to that of a body guard in which, although harming them, his main focus is protecting the caster. Abilities: Aside from the normal abilities Jake can use Mug/Steal & Darkness (Self damaging move to deal heavy damage to an opponent).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Gracelyn Trinser Age: 17 Gender:Female Appearance:
Major difference- she’s bald Nationality: Balamb Trained At: Balamb Garden Weapon/Combat Style: Dual Sickle and Chain, Chains extend to 15 feet. The Sickle is located at the front of her hip, while the chains of both sickles are kept neatly looped around her backside. Limit Break: Gracelyn swings her sickles round and round, wrapping them around the enemy’s neck. She swings himself upwards, up until the extent of her chains, and uses gravity to slam herself down onto the opponent’s head/eye/whatever appendage. Personality: In two words, Gracelyn is lazy and sadistic. She always enjoys a little bit of torture towards her adversary, be it human or otherwise. However, she's so horribly lazy that she'll only attack if provoked first or ordered to. When confronted about her attitude, she just shrugs it off and ignores them. She will protect her friends and such, but only because she wants to kick them around instead. She rather enjoys her head being rubbed, and invites people to rub it, even if it creeps them out. Her lackadaisical attitude would make most studious people rather angry, as she takes everything rather not serious. Biography: Gracelyn had parents, sure. But did she think they were her parents? No. They didn’t care about her. Sure they spoiled her and gave her all she wanted, but that was to butter her up. To get her to become SeeD. To go to Balamb Garden. Sure she went. Didn't want to disappoint mommy or daddy now did she? But that changed when mommy and daddy died. No more care, no more love. She still believed they just wanted him to join SeeD and nothing more. She hated them both, even if she got all she wanted whenever he wanted. She didn't even want their hair color, so she decided to shave her head and never deal with that again. But when she received the note, from the mommy and daddy she hated so much, she changed her behavioral pattern ever so slightly. She actually might try to become SeeD and not just drop out. Additional information:None GF: Conquest Appearance:
Elemental Affinity: Wind Junctions: Conquest focuses on Agility and Strength boosts, striking hard and fast. Abilities: Return Damage, Cover
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Karla Kortissia Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: Karla is a woman who takes pride in knowing that no matter what room she enters she'll be the most elegant one within it. Whether or not people take notice of that is irrelevant next to her own sense of refinement. Her hair is a striking fair blonde that, when not left to simply flow down past her neck, is often put into a side ponytail and left to fall into rest upon her shoulder. Karla is fair skinned with muddy brown eyes and sharp facial features, notably in her jawline. When not out and about, as that would require more tactical attire, Karla is rarely seen in anything other than an outfit one typically associates with dinner parties or black tie events. In the field, however, she opts for more mobile outfit, maintaining her blue motif, while still managing to wear something eye-catching. The colors of her field outfit are a navy blue. Nationality: Galbadian Trained At: Galbadia Garden Weapon/Combat Style: Karla's weapon is a bit unconventional, mostly due to its inherent dangers, but there's a refinement to it that other weapons just simply don't have. She refers to it as 'Darling'. Her weapon of choice is an urumi, a longsword with a flexible, whip blade. She keeps Darling curled around her waist like a belt at all times, giving it a double use as a killer accessory. What the weapon lacks as far as cutting like a traditional blade, it makes up for with reach and swiftness, allowing her to lash out against more than one opponent at a time if the need arises. Darling extends a length and a half past her arm length, though at that distance she loses all sense of speed and finesse making it highly ineffective to fight at too long a range. Limit Break: Absolutely Darling Darling's blade splits into thin metal strips that coil and wrap around an opponent, holding them in a vice grip that would be painful enough with sharp metal digging into you. With an opponent firmly wrapped up tight, Karla snaps her fingers and Darling now acts as a lightning rod, a bolt of electricity travelling up the metal and giving whoever is wrapped up quite the shock. When she pulls Darling back, it reforms into its single bladed self and is returned to her waist. Personality: As evidenced by her attire as well in how she speaks and carries herself, Karla fancies herself as something of a wealthy aristocratic type. She might have to lower herself to associate with common riffraff, but that doesn't mean she will do so without making sure everyone is aware of where they stand in comparison to her. It's not uncommon for her to cover her mouth and let out a mocking laugh or speak with a certain condescension in her voice that tends to annoy others rather quickly. She speaks with a haughty tone that sounds natural even if it sometimes comes across as completely hollow and put-on. That she also carries an unorthodox weapon and has a tendency to laugh when using it has given others pause, but any attempt to delve further into her methods is just met with more of that haughty, condescending laughter. Biography: Karla calls Deling City home though whether she was truly born there remains unknown, and she's not one to go into any further detail on the matter. For all intents and purposes, Karla comes from Deling City which has given her an inflated view of the world, believing that people from other places are mere simpletons who lack elegance, sophistication, and grace. It's not an attitude shared by some of her peers, but it's one she holds to. Her father tended bar at Galbadia Hotel while her mother worked as a maid, caring for and cleaning after guests of certain note. It was in observing her parents serve and deal with wealthier sorts that Karla took a liking to the life, the fancy dresses, the wealth, the way in which they carried themselves, it was all so appealing to a young girl's mind. She was taken from the life of hotel duties to enroll in Galbadia Garden. Her motivation wasn't to better herself or even to become a SeeD, but purely out of selfish reasons that, as of yet, haven't come to fruition. At first, her fellow students gave her a week before she gave up and returned to her parents a quitter, but that week turned into a month which turned into a year, which eventually turned into her completing training. Karla wished to serve in the Galbadian Military specifically so she could get a posting in the Presidential Manor, where all the truly interesting and high class citizens flock to. The mercenary life of a SeeD was never her intent, and she finds the whole thing rather droll, but it's a necessary evil for lauching into a career with the Galbadian Military; because what good citizen of Deling City doesn't want the honor of serving their nation proudly and with distinction. And also possibly meeting a sharp minded military sort with a decent amount of gil stored away for a rainy day. Though clearly selfish in her desires, Karla is still a woman who holds to certain principals and though it might come with a scoff, she's not above getting her hands dirty in battle. She's from Galbadia after all. She has to do them proud. GF: Peisinoe Appearance:
Elemental Affinity: Water Junctions: Vit-J Spr-J Hit-J Elm Def-J, Water Spr +30% Abilities: Draw I Mag-RF Haggle Return Damage
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by obitokizuke
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obitokizuke Dat Sexy Potato

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Zereph Blightsoul Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: (Standard/ usually what is worn) (Face) When Zereph is not wearing any armor he is wearing a black body suit that encases all but his head , sprinting shoes (which is worn inside of his armored boots). The body suit is durable and light weight , having padding along vital regions of his body and a fabric that grips easily onto items along his fingers and palm. Nationality: Balambian (honestly unsure of what to put here) Trained At: Balamb Weapon/Combat Style: Zereph typically fights with his sword , his strikes while not frequent , are effectively timed and used to provide maximum effect. Limit Breaker Style: Upon 'limit break' activation he attacks rapidly and frequently without mercy , ignoring his previous tactics for pure offence and frequency. He is known to attack the one who forced him into this state even after killing. Limit Break: Upon limit break Zereph releases a loud roar of pain and anger as he allows his rage to consume him. His armor breaks off of him leaving him in his body suit and sprinting shoes. His rather large long sword also seems to get thinner and slightly longer becoming more aerodynamic.This set up makes him extremely light weight however more prone to being injured/damage if he is hit. Personality: Zereph is highly anti-social. He tends to stick to himself and even when around a group of would-be-friends or associates he makes little to no comments, preferring to observe and take note instead of partaking in the events around him. He sees activities not directly associated with his goals as a waste of time. Biography: Like most students of Balamb trying to become a SeeD Zereph was an orphan. He had no recollection of his child hood and of course his parents. When he six he was found under a burning car after a large scale car crash which involved about seven other vehicles. This is when he lost both memories and his parents. He was strangely found unharmed, not a scratch on his body , not even a drop of blood. He was seen as the lucky one to some and the spawn of the devil to others by this strange fact. After investigations occurred and a few days in a hospital to be safe Zereph was put in a foster home. In that home he went by the name Jacob , the same name his original parents gave him. Yet , for some reason he felt no connection with this name. As time grew on he learned of the tragedy that had befallen he and his parents , yet even so still lacked any emotional conflict. He was a person with seemingly no heart to many due to this. This made people fear him , despite the fact he never did anything to harm anyone or give plausible reason to fear him. With time he joined the school in Balmb wanting to become a SeeD so that he could hopefully find some form of purpose in his life. On the day he was to write his name on his application , something whispered to him , it whispered a name : Zereph... This word more so than a name , struck him to be more fitting and serviceable than his birth name of 'Jacob'. He wrote that very name down and decided that would be his name forever more. Additional information: GF: Lucifer Appearance: Elemental Affinity: Dark Junctions: Enhances physical capabilities and provides minor physical support (occasionally attacks, mainly buffs.) Abilities: Souleater
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Eika Munashii
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Black hair flows to a crimson at the tips, traversing down her waist and reaching just above her knees in total length. Crimson eyes gaze out over the opposition before her -- the entirety of her life as a whole. This is Eika. She has fair skin, the average complextion one could receive from spending a chunk of time outside each day for training. Her attire when not being forced into the official uniform of Balamb Garden is that of a festival-like yukata/dress decorated with blossoming flowers. Stopping at the knees, she wears black lace-up boots with red stockings underneath-- mostly in order to try and up her 5'6'' height to a 5'10'' to the best of her capabilities. Her hair is tied back with both a ribbon and a tie consisting of light and dark red beads as a good luck charm.
Nationality: Hails from Dollet
Trained At: Balamb
Weapon/Combat Style:
Orb Junctioner Specialist: Eika uses a quartet of junctioned orbs that she is able to channel magic through. She has a minor lack in physical combat, and thus makes up for it with range. These orbs also enable her to junction magic into beams in order to concentrate their power (and element) into specific areas, rather than rendering them wild attacks. Should magic be unavailable to her, she is able to manipulate this quartet of orbs in order to provide blunt damage in order to keep enemies away from her.

Limit Break: Paranoia - Upon reaching a state of Crisis, Eika enters a "Calm Time", rather than inducing panic into herself in a negative fashion. Raising three of her orbs up behind her, she forms a triangle with them that junctions and ceases time around her for a series of moments. During this time, she consciously shatters her fourth orb to release the pent-up magic in it in order to induce major damage to surrounding enemies and inflict "Hexes" onto them, alternatively placing them on allies.

Depending on what the element of her last attack used, the Hex she casts has a different effect:

Damaging/Negative-based Hexes are applied to enemies.
Curse of Rage - Fire-based. Inflicts targets with Berserk and Blindness.
Curse of Drowning - Ice-based. Inflicts targets with Slow and Silence.
Curse of Terror - Thunder-based. Inflicts targets with Stop.
Curse of Gaspless - Wind-based. Negates buffs currently present and pierces through wind defenses/reflect.
Curse of Boundaries - Gravity-based. Negates flight and ground resistances by sending all targets around her into zero-gravity. Able to stop channel times as a result.

Positive-based Hexes
Soothing Voice - Cure-based. Begins to slowly Regen any damage that afflicted targets have suffered.
Cheering Voice - Speed-based. Casts Haste on all allies.
Worried Voice - Defense-based. Casts Protect/Shell on all allies.
Cleansing Voice - Remedy-based. Removes debuffs from all allies.
God's Voice - Applicable at any time. Reawakens KO'd allies.

Pride is a factor in regards to her Specialization. As one who junctioned not one, but four magic-eating conceptual sources to herself. Eika is a girl that has the capacity to be a leader, but has two flaws that make her suffer from it: a terrible time talking to people in normal conversations and unconventional concepts of normality. As a result, she is rendered unable to lead a conversation -- nervous ticks including her hugging her Orbs or squeezing Nom-Nom in order to gain up the ability to speak on her own methods that she'd like to give a shot. Rarely is she provoked into outbursts, but it's considered to be quite scary when she is.

There's a defense mechanism that she developed because of this -- nervousness is overcome in combat situations or Garden-related activites by inducing a "Calm Time" into herself. This "Calm Time" is a method of literally wiping thoughts from her mind in order to act efficiently and without morals. While able to be snapped out of this, it's a bit...harder to do than one would think. Should she be snapped out of this, she will to the job to the best of her abilities, but she becomes much more "cautious" -- careful, despite the fact that some would call it cowadice.

Outside of that, she is actually quite protective of her fellow classmates, even if most use her little "guru" occupation within the school for details of their love lives. ...She doesn't mind it. She likes having the ability to talk to someone in those instances without being afraid that her words will be judged too terribly.

Born in Dollet Town, Eika was raised in a family of people that believed moreso in spiritual concepts than technology. Her life was simplistic. Her time was spent reading of the many scriptures, books, files, notes that her mother and her father wrote. It was a humble little existence in a humble home with a humble atmosphere. Of course it changed. Of course it was aggravated by the pitiful excuses of human beings that came from the woodworks and did their deeds.
A terrible thing, isn't it? To wave goodbye to the father that raised you in the morning, and hold to the disappointing news that he had been assaulted -- nearly lynched to a point -- for the unconventional beliefs that he held. Technophiliacs, obsessed with the ideal that technology could and would sustain the world, held contempt for the man and his family that believed that spiritualism and greater powers would inevitably be the cause for humans to advance in the world.

It was because of this that Eika joined the Garden. Because she grew up ridiculed for what she was taught, for the pains her father went through, and for the pity that she felt for her parents for having to live in fear of what would happen to her if they were harmed. She couldn't stand being coddled for her own safety -- being trapped in her home in order to keep her away from the bad people that disliked her family's old-fashioned ideals. So she joined Balamb Garden, only to find her first year rather disheveling. So much technology around, her inability to find a Specialization of her own, the general lack of friends from not being able to speak to anyone out of lack of experience in associating with others...It was a lonely year, to say the least.

But...there was one instance that made it better for her. A complex amalgamation was found -- a singular Sphere that was kept contained for a time due to its strange nature of junctioning any Draw Points found on the campus or from students unaware. Most left it alone -- technology unable to explain it for the life of what it could be -- and she begged, and she begged, until her pleas bounced from instructor to instructor to allow her to see it. Knowledge of her own culture taken into account, the Headmaster allowed it for the sake of not wanting to crush the poor girl's desires. And that is what made the connection between her and this inexplicable existence that the Garden had found.

A single touch -- her hand placed on the surface of the Sphere -- Junctioned it to her and her alone. The Sphere broke into four pieces when it hit the floor, reforging into four orbs that circulated around her body at the mere gesture of her hand or the thought of where she wanted it to go. Yes, like a Guardian Force, the orb acted. It was a condensed physical manifestation of the magic that every student in the Garden was able to draw from natural resources, yet for her...It functioned with actual purpose. Through them, she could draw magic, condense it into a more powerful form, and release it faster, quicker, more efficiently than mere normal Junctions were allowed. And thus, she became the first Orb Specialist, with this new "weapon" taken into account. It was a blessing in the strangest of ways, at that.

A way to defend herself.

A way to prove that her beliefs were not something to be tossed aside.

If technology could not explain and control the existence of such, yet her capacity to Junction it into four separate entities and turn it into something combat-able, the spiritualism she held dear to the heart moreso than most had some kind of basis to it, did it not?

Her goal as of then on was to become a SeeD -- to graduate from Balamb Garden and become a high-standing figure in order to show her family back in Dollet Town that there would be no need to fear anymore. To not call her beliefs idiocy. Quite literally so, to have what her life had grown on be something that others could accept as a potential reality.

Additional information:
- Owns a Pupu voodoo doll named Nom-Nom that was junctioned to her. He is able to carry a single item on him that can be used on Eika in the event that she's too busy. She loves him very much.
- Has a fascination with Chocobos.
- Suffers from a combination of nerve disassociation with her skin (at times rendering her unable to feel) and hypersensitive skin.
- Many people believe she's some sort of "voodoo priest" or "shaman" and ask for her to tell them their fortunes in life. Her payment comes in the form of either gil or junctioning over magic into her orbs. The catch is that she's always right.

GF: Visionary

Elemental Affinity: Non-Elemental; Status Ailment: Silence
Junctions: Visionary offers Magic-related benefits and gives it's user better resistances to status ailments. When Summoned, Visionary's eyes act as a "basilisk's" gaze, causing damage to enemies and attempting to Petrify them. While Visionary is summoned, Eika is immune to being Blinded or Silenced.
Extraction - Allows Eika to Junction from four enemies at once, rather than being limited towards one. She is able to Junction four times as much against a single target, twice on two targets, etc.
Mid Mag-RF - Used to make mid-level magic from low-level magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Member Seen 12 days ago

Name: Ramses Quentin Reinholdt
Age: 20
Gender: Male

Large and in charge, Ramses Q. Reinholdt towers over many at a whopping 200cm and 100kg (6’5ish and 220lbs). The burly man’s in great shape, rather muscular, healthy; all because of the job. He’s not a fisherman, he’s a soldier. Might as well look the part.

With a shaved head and a not-so-shaved chin, Ramses strives for a somewhat intimidating look. His sunglasses, which he does love to sport, do not exactly help that image. As far as clothing goes, when in the field, he tends to slant toward efficient clothing. Dull colors, many pockets, steel-toed boots. If it’s green or brown, he’s down. On his personal time, however, he’s much less picky. A tee-shirt and pair of khaki pants will do him just fine.

Nationality: Fisherman’s Horizon

Trained At: Balamb

Weapon/Combat Style: Firearms. While being competent with most guns/rifles, Ramses is an excellent marksman. Cool under pressure, excellent aim, attributes that lend well to his preferred weapon: the sniper rifle. It’s the unlucky man that lands in Reinholdt’s sights. It’s the unluckier man that ends up close.

Should an encounter draw too near, the marksmen becomes a gunslinger. Disturbingly quick on the draw, Ramses is a menace with his revolver. Primarily, he’ll just carry the one, resting in the holster resting on his left hip. If he’s expecting a lot of trouble, he’ll carry another in a shoulder holster under his left shoulder.

Interesting to note, Reinholdt is terrible with magic. All magic. “But who needs fireballs when ya got good ole fashioned firepower?” And while his bulk does make him a touch more durable, his speed suffers for it. Add in the heavy equipment he carries and one can see why he tends to be a more “static” combatant.

Limit Break: Scorched Earth: When pushed just a little too far, Ramses likes to get some space and cool down. To do so, the burly man quickly retreats, pulling pins on a few of his grenades and dropping them along his path. At the end, he lobs one final grenade at his foe, shooting it to set it off.

Personality: As cliche as it sounds, Ramses truly is cool, calm, and collected. Not one to be overly emotional, nor frighten easily, the man tries to be a beacon of courage for those around him. But he’s only human. He has fears and insecurities just as much as the next guy. Ramses just has a better poker face. But when it comes to the mission, the objective comes first. Succeed at any cost. Death in victory is preferable to life in defeat. That being said, he does quite strongly value human life. He prefers to incapacitate over kill whenever possible, most likely due to his pacifist hometown.

Outside of “work”, Ramses is a pretty easy guy to get along with. Not too loud, not too quiet. If he has a chance, he’s probably trying to fish, but he’s willing to talk about anything and patient enough to work with less sociable people. He’s a strong believer in teamwork. “A team will always trump the individual.” This is something he has taken to heart, thus he attempts to bond with whoever his team happens to be.

Biography: Raised in the quiet, peaceful haven of Fisherman’s Horizon, Ramses never really showed any interest in violence. That honor belonged to his older brother, Norman. Ramses was content with just spending his days fishing with his father, but ole Norm wanted a more exciting life. He used to talk about running off to join Garden, to become a SeeD and live the adventures that were spoken of in excited, hushed whispers by FH’s youth (talk the adultfolk would not much approve of). Every night he would fill Ramses’ head with images of swords, magic, and dragons.

But those whispered dreams were never to become a reality. Norman, while playing one day, fell in the water. No one was around to see him. No one knew that Norman Reinholdt was robbed of his life. Not until Ramses accidently found his body, his clothing having caught Ramses’ hook one faithful day.

It took Ramses a while to accept what had happened. But times heals all wounds. The pain was still there, but Ramses dealt with it the only way he knew how. He decided to take up Norman’s dream, to experience the adventures that his brother now couldn’t. His parents disapproved, but allowed it nonetheless.

And so, Ramses ended up at Balamb Garden. He trained. And trained. And studied. And trained some more. He was about average in everything, only slightly above with his shooting skills. So he focused on that, determined to become outstanding. He had too. Norm would be disappointed if he didn’t give 120% or more.

And so he trained. Again. And again. And again again.

At the age of eighteen, Ramses was accepted as a SeeD. Since then, he hasn’t done anything really of note, mainly due to a lack of any large assignments. But he continues forward. Eager to get his chance. To explore the world, and finally see what it was that had possessed his brother.

Additional information: Ramses is horribly terrified of spiders and heights. While he doesn’t immediately shut down, it is best if he gets away from these triggers as soon as possible.

GF: Halwyss

From the depths of nowhere emerges Halwyss. A gargantuan spider made of bark, with a back of dried leaves and in the place of a head, a woman donned in pink. Pink dress, pink hair, pink eye. Around her head is a crown of twigs. Her hair covers the left half of her face, upon which multiple eyes roll in search of their next prey.

Elemental Affinity: None
Luck +50%
Spd +20%

Upon summoning, Halwyss traps nearby enemies in her web, slowing enemies further away and downright stopping nearby foes in their tracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Hector Thanos
Age: 19 (Seed Since 17)
Gender: male

Nationality: Balamb

Trained at: Balamb

Weapon/Combat Style:

Modified revolver 12 gauge Gunblade. The blade is essentially the same design of original Revolver, how ever... unlike the original, his blade had a barrel installed in the spine of the blade, reinforced and tempered to take a beating just in case. Also instead of the normal ammo for the vibration blade it was replaced with buck shot 12 gauge ammo. technically it is a new and more literal gunblade. Also instead of the Lion design engraved on the blade it now has a fox design.

Limit Break: Man with the shotgun - http://youtu.be/FzU_tVm0iug when crap hits the fan he runs in head first with an agility as a fox he unloads his revolver three times into a specific target or multiple if they are weak enough.

Personality: Laid back and calm, often to the point where he seems lazy, often taking naps in random locations. But when it comes to fighting, he takes it very seriously, Being the top of his Graduating class.

Biography: Hector grew up in Balamb town, his father is a weapon smith, and supplies the Garden with many of it's students weapons. So growing up he was often in the shop with his father designing and creating new weapons. This is where he and his father designed his Gunblade. His father and mother were SeeD's as well before they met, his mother from Balamb and his father From Galbadia. Ever since he found out his parents were SeeD's He wanted to become one as well. So his father and mother decided to enroll him at the Garden. And while he was at home he received extra training from his parents, and thus excelled during his years in the Garden.
When he was seventeen years old his father gave him his favorite GF, Shaddow Fox. A day before his SeeD exam. Shadow Fox is a rare GF that doesn't disappear, it only shrinks into a normal size for a fox, which Hector never knew Shaddow Fox was a GF until his father gave ownership to Hector, only thinking it was his fathers pet.

Additional information:
-Loves to take naps
-Shaddow fox is always by his side, and helps with fighting (Mostly distracts when in it's smaller form)

GF: Shaddow Fox

When not GF form

Elemental Affinity: fire

Junctions: Speed, Strength, Evade
Abilities: Steal, haste,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Will fix up any little mistakes soob Name: Heloise O'Galla
Age: 18
Gender: female

Trained At: Trabia
Weapon/Combat Style: Typically, with daggers.

Limit Break: Metal Rain When caught in a difficult situation, Heloise moves swiftly, she throws her daggers, using both her flexibility and size to do so swiftly, until she runs out of daggers

Personality: Heloise is a reserved kind of individual, preferring to stick to herself, then to interact and develop bonds with others. However, if someone bothers to get close to her, they find that she is a nice, caring person, if a bit of a control freak.

Biography: Heloise grew up with just her father, her mother, she learned, had left them when she was barely a toddler. Her father never healed from that, and as such, he kept Heloise at a distance, and yet, there were times when his love was shown, when he found her some of her favorite food, or other such things.

They didn't really live anywhere, forcing Kalinda to have a fine regard for her property, keeping it safe, neat, and cared for, which only made her angry when her father would treat it like trash, as they moved from one town to the next. Yet disaster struck when her father got sick. She was 14 at the time, and struggled to keep her father well, doing what she could to help him, but he continued to get sick.

When he died, Heloise was alone. She didn't know what to do, until one day, she reached Trabia's training grounds, and enrolled. She focused herself, and trained hard, studied hard, and worked hard, devoted her entire life to being accepted, and doing well in everything.

When she was accepted as SeeD, she seemed shocked, and a little lost as if she didn't know what to do.

GF: Solias

Elemental Affinity:
Junctions: Strength, agility, light.
Abilities: Recover
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Rachel Zoran
Age: 19 (Seed since 17)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Short black hair with green eyes. Usually has a serious expression on her face, but is otherwise friendly looking.

Nationality: Balamb
Trained At: Trabia Garden
Weapon/Combat Style: While her forte isn’t exactly close contact combat, Rachel utilizes a revolver with a blade attached to the barrel. That way she can use it to shoot at people from distance and stab and slash things when they get too close.

Limit Break: Boundary field of continued existence. – When pushed to the sheer limit along with her team, Rachel will unleash a small field around herself and her allies where she will use healing spell such as cura, curaga and life. Assuring the continued existence of her team so to say. It last for a few seconds and by the end her allies should be pretty much in perfect condition.
Personality: Overly serious most of the time and can’t take a joke. Generally prefers to follow her orders and leaves improvisation as a last resort. Still part of that comes from the fact that she is mostly support oriented and not the strongest front line fighter. That’s why she prefers to be behind her allies, aiding them in any way she can. From blinding and silencing the enemy to chugging recovery items at her team. As such she isn’t above shooting an enemy in the back if the mission calls for it.
Rachel likes to read books when she isn’t on a mission and to lazy around in bed wearing clothes that are comfortable to lazy around with… such as pajamas, huge baggy shirts etc… Additionally it’s easy to get on her good side by presenting her with a brib… I mean gift. Stuff like sweets and plushies work perfectly to make her forget if she is angry at you.
Biography: Rachel joined Trabia Garden at a very early age. Originally born in the town of Balamb, her family just couldn’t take care of her due the rough situation the family was at the time. Both the parents weren’t working at the time and they were starving. It was at that time that Rachel showed unusual affinity for working with medicine. She was helping a store keeper at Balamb by cleaning the place and arranging the inventory. It wasn’t much, but with the small amount of money she got, her family could at least have some food on the table. Eventually her parent’s couldn’t bare the fact that they couldn’t give their child a good living. At that time Rachel was already old enough to enter Garden. Problem was that at present they were told it wasn’t possible for Rachel to join Balamb Garden, so they send her to Trabia Garden instead. At Trabia Rachel used every chance to learn about medicine from the Garden’s doctor. Additionally while it turned out she lacked the body of a martial fighter, Rachel appeared to have been a natural shooter as she had steady hands and good eyesight. She passed the training for firearms and while she has the skill to fire rifles, she still prefers her old trusty revolver. At present she has no news from her family and she isn’t planning on searching them any time soon as she has almost forgotten them entirely. She doesn’t even remember their faces anymore.
The only person she remembers from Balamb is Hector Thanos with whom they knew each other as children and later met again as Seeds during a mission. They immediately clashed due their personalities, but pretty much made up again a few minutes afterwards as Hector knows the way to deal with her when she is angry. Still since then they are known to be friends, but some people make the joke they are like an old married couple. Fighting at one moment and completely forgetting what the fight was the next moment and making up right away.
Additional information: Rachel has a reputation of : Cold Angel. As she appears angelic when she goes to aid her team with her healing abilities, but then proceeds to coldly critique and lecture them about the mistakes they made.

GF: Castanica
Appearance: When summoned, a crack appears in the space in front of the summoner. From that crack, multiple hand like things rush though, widening it enough to allow Castanica to appear through. Castanica herself looks rather humanoid if not the fact she is completely covered in darkness and wrapped in what appears to be some kind of black chains and cloth. While there exist other more monstrous GFs, Castanica is quite disturbing in the way she acts. Bound by those chains, she shakes violently as if trying to escape, while shouting through the things blocking her mouth. To most it appears as if the GF is cursing everything around her. There have been speculations that that’s not it’s original form and that Castanica originally wasn’t bound by the darkness and may in fact have been some form of light GF as proven by the life magic refine she gives. What has transpired to drive that GF into the madness and be bound forever by the chain of darkness is unclear.

Rachel calls the summoning: Madman’s prayers. As once summoned, Castanica would start shouting in a language long forgotten, causing enemies around to suffer negative afflictions such as silence, blindness, berserk, confusion, sleep and slow, while doing some amount of damage as her shouts cause the head's of the enemies to hurt.
Elemental Affinity: Darkness.
Junctions: Castanica allows Rachel to junction magic to both status attack and status defense.
Abilities: Status recovery magic refine and Life magic refine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ashton Griffone
Age: 18 (SeeD since 15)
Gender: Female

Ash stands around 7'0 and is a lean skinny and almost lanky figure with light tanned skin. Short dirty blonde messy hair with her bangs covering her eyes a lot of the times, though she does push them to the side when using her sniper rifle. Has teallike colored eyes. She had a nasty scar on her face of what looks like a claw Mark from her right temple to her left side of the cheekbone, one going from the right cheekbone to the middle of the left cheek, and the last going from the middle of the right cheek to the left of the jaw. Is usually wearing baggy clothes, but almost always has her black coat with white fluff trimming. Usually wearing a grey tank top and beige cargo pants and black combat boots and black fingerless gloves. A red cloth around her left bicep with a golden symbol shaping a Griffon.

Nationality: Balamb
Trained At: Balamb Garden
Weapon/Combat Style: Ash's most favored weapon is the sniper rifle. Having hawk for eyes, she can lock on targets from far away with ease. Her aiming always on the mark, she grew the name of being a master marksman. A deadly long ranger, but she isn't so well off when it comes to close range and usually ends up having to rely on retreating or others for a distraction. Her only defense when it comes to close range is her knowledge of judo. So she can somewhat defend herself by throwing opponents and pinning them, using their own body against them. Or use it to simply allow her to escape a safe distance.
Limit Break: Ash's limit break is mostly support. Unleashing a large area effect circle on allies that gives allies fire affinity magic to their attacks and greatly increases their accuracy.

Personality: Ash is a very silent indivual, hardly ever speaking. Now that's not to say she's the lone wolf type, though it comes across that way. She's actually quite friendly, and is always willing to help others. Naively so. She'll just about do anything others asks of her as long as its within her moral code. But otherwise, it usually doesn't matter who they are, she's friendly towards just about everyone in her own way. A bit tomboyish, she dosnt really care about her appearance. Loyal to her comrades and friends, she'd do just about anything for them. Despite her sharp eyes, the rest of her is a bit klutzy and is usually the one either running straight into a walls to just falling offs the deck or down the stairs. Maybe because she can be a bit of a space cadet.

Do to never speaking, Ashton often has a touchscreen blue tablet wrapped around her neck that she uses to write out words to communicate with others if she wants to. Much compare her to a large dog. Her strong moral code is to protect almost everyone. And despite being someone who isn't made to take a hit, she won't hesitate to leap in to someone's rescue. Refusing to leave anyone behind and has little care for her own safety as long she does her duty in helping and assisting others.
Biography: There isn't too much to say about Ashton. She honestly doesn't remember too much of it. She's been told she grew up in the orphanage in Balamb before joining Balamb Garden where she trained. Her life isn't exactly spectacular or interesting compared to many other stories. All she wanted was to be good at something she can be proud of and could help other people. What she discovered in her training, was using the sniper rifle. So she focused her skills on mastering it and to be the best there was.

Feeling as if, a sniper takes a lot of skill and patience and excellent eye coordination. A class that was a rare thing to master. And she was able to. So she wanted to be one of those rare ones that could be able to wield it and be able to become a Seed Member. So she can be able to protect every person she can.

Additional information:
She's deathly afraid of tonberries.
She named her Sniper Rifle Levi.

GF: Firana

Elemental Affinity: Fire
Junctions: Firana has the ability of Hawkeyes, which makes a magical conncection to increase accuracy.
Abilities: Status effect Accuracy 20%, Agility 20%
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Minerva Grants
Age: 18
Minerva stands at slightly below average height wearing a dark navy blue dress that cuts away largely at her legs. She wear a small sleeved shawl over her shoulders that is held in place with a steel plate. Both her arms are armored with a long glove underneath. She wears long thigh high socks the same color as her dress with silver plated armored heels. Her stomach and flanks are armored as well leaving her chest exposed. A large cloak rest over her shoulders with a white cloth around the collar. A thin rapier type blade is strapped lightly to her side. She has long blond hair thats tied into a long braid ending with a large black ribbon. On her brow rests a metal covering.

Nationality: Galbadia, Timber

Trained At: Galbadia Garden

Weapon/Combat Style: She fights with a spear using its reach and length to attack at a distance and keep enemies at bay. She also carries a rapier styled blade at her side in which she can release quick attacks with should enemies come to close. Her Fighting style is a mix between standard spear attacks and a quick sword strikes though she does end up favoring

Limit Break:
Dragoons Ascent
She first spins her spear in front of her counterclockwise, blowing the enemy away. Afterward, she tosses her weapon in the sky and then leaps to catch it. Minerva then descends onto the enemy, crashing through the ground and using it as a pole to perform a spin kicking the enemies.

Dragoons Descent
She first releases multiple frontal stabs with her rapier before sheathing it and kicking the enemy while they are staggered she trips them with her spear. Continuing with the assault she releases a few more attacks with her spear using it as a life to pick up enemies before slamming them down once more.

Personality: Minerva is a proud person in terms of her skills. She is not satisfied with the term "average", as she aims to be perfect in mastering her skills. Her perfectionism caused many of the others to dislike her, believing that she looked down on them. It is odd to many people who know her that she is somewhat clumsy outside of fighting and has easy going personality. She has a hard time respecting Galbadian soldiers due to some events from her past which lead to her actively disobeying orders when having to aid them.

Biography: Minerva grew up to loving parents in Timber but despite this she was never really happy. With military occupation of Timber it was hard on her growing up with the resistance fighters and the galbadian military it made things hectic to say the least. Despite this Minerva grew up while somewhat clumsy she tried her hardest though nothing stays the same. A bit later when she was 9 her parents was killed for "aiding the resistance."

A bit after that she was adopted by some "galbadian" supporters who quickly tried to quell any thoughts of uprising from her. Their methods ranged from telling about how great the galbardian military was to training her somewhat so that she could one day join the military as well in some shape or form. Despite her misgivings towards the galbadian military and her "new" parents she perservered through the training and was eventually sent to the Galbadian garden for further study when she was 11. While there she flourished under the training showing that despite her clumsy nature she was in her "zone" when fighting.

Training for her was easy she truly was a near prodigy with fighting. She was really a star in the making as most teachers called her. Though one thing she always avoided was the contract to a Guardian Force. which while nessecary to be a SeeD she pushed back when possible. This however changed one day when she recieved a certain item. A ring which was said to contain a powerful GF. Despite this she left it alone till one day she when she moving around items she tripped and fell and her luck did not hold through as she landed she ended up activating the ring. It was their she came face to face with Asterius who called itself the "forbidden". Despite anythiing and being prepared for a fight Asterius found it self intruiged by the girl and and made a pact to be her GF. Despite all of this Minerva bided her time waiting and preparing for a time to really "strike". One thing remained with her and that was the death of her parents it was when she vowed she would make sure one day Galbadia military would leave Timber and pay for their actions.
Additional information:

GF: Asterius

Appearance: A large bull like creature whose body is consumed by the inky darkness it arives from. Despite that its body is heavilly chained making it where only the head and part of its hand is able to be shown. Its horns are broken lacking a point but rather has flames spewing from it. It is armored in a unknown material around its neck which has a extended collar and its hands. Beyond that it constantly fights the chains that drag it down making it a hard for the GF to stay long. There are legends and myths stating that the asterius was chained to contain is power and or stop its rampage. Though as most myths and legends go it is hard to know which is fact or not. Asterius while chained can still show off its considerable strength in the form of punches. Speculation has it Asterius was a fire based GF before it was chained as evident by the large fire coming from its horns and mouth. Though the state it is in now makes it hard to tell as it never showed any fire based skills or capabilities.

Elemental Affinity: None

Junctions: Focuses on Attack and Vitality
Abilities: Str+20%
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arisphadrel
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Arisphadrel The First Dream

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadowman215
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Shadowman215 The Necrotic Nerd

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Alexander Sauguston

Nickname(s): Alex, Shadow, Lex, Al


Sex: Male

The Shadow Duelist, the name assigned to him after evaluated by SeeD

Abilities: Using magic, he makes shadow replicas of himself to counter foes during combat, making him an excellent combatant at close quarters with his shotgun-revolver and longsword at the ready, the two make him lethal if the enemy is too close. Also, with his magic, he can move at blinding speeds, able to close the gap ensuring he can keep the fight where he needs it to be.

Nationality: Unknown (Raised in Balamb)

Trained at: Balamb Garden

Limit Break: When you push Alex to the brink, he becomes consumed by the killing instinct imbued in him by his Guardian Force, with multiple (Up to four) of his shadow clones replicating his attacks, or parrying blows. He locks onto the target that dealt him the most harm, and pursues them relentlessly. A flurry of blades and buckshot heading their way.

Personality: Alex is a ruthless warrior, focused and determined to win in any instance. When outside of battle however, somewhat to the contrary of his Guardian Force he has a kind personality, and is a loyal friend to those who find themselves as his companions.

Biography: Alexander was found nineteen years ago in the capital city of Balamb, his real parents, who ever they were had abandoned him at birth to a cathedral in Balamb which took him in, and taught him. Raising him to be a good child and determined to succeed from an early age. His ambitious nature leading to a quick growth as a person.

At least his until powers manifested and his Guardian Force manifested. They were manifestations of shadows, of a deeper seated need to find him family, though he never summoned his Guardian Force early on, the dark appearance of his magic alone had him banished from the cathedral that raised him, labeling him as tainted, corrupted, and several other things too vile to put into words, at least in his eyes. So he wandered the land homeless, doing small time jobs to scrape some money together and make a low grade living until he was twelve, being a street urchin at so young, he earned a reputation. Though most of it led to food vendors giving him a free apple or piece of salmon to make sure he was fed, or some others were cruel and threatened his life. There really was no in-between it seemed from his experiences with the people. Though after awhile, SeeD got ahold of him, saying they could help him understand what happened to him.

Which they did, though now at age fifteen, after his first 3 years of training, he wished they hadn’t. His Guardian Force was a sort of…”Fragment” of the entity Death, called a Reaper. It was made to kill those whose time had come, but for some reason it was residing in Alexander. That they could not explain to him at all. Even though he had an answer he was still mortified, why was it there? Why did it chose a young street urchin? None of these were answered as he grew in skill under SeeD training, slowly gaining reputation for dueling students one on one who tried beating him down.

As time went on and on he was revered for his skills as a duelist, and his dislike of his instructor. the two just disagreed on everything, and came to blows nearly every time they were at the garden.

Guardian Force: Reaper


Attribute: Dark

Junction: Increases Alex’s Attack Speed by replicating his attacks with high density shadow clones, also gives him a 360 defensive screen, blocking an enemy who’d attack him from the rear. Sadly, the weakness of his Guardian Force is that it does not buff allies, only Alex.
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