First Name: Wyvern (Real Name: Rachel)
Last Name (Optional): Ivor (Real Last Name: Isaac)
Nickname(Optional): Wy (Real Nickname: Rach)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Dhampir
Powers: She's a major Empath and can easily change her emotions to try and help others but tends to keep her Empath side bottled up. Like all Dhampirs she is immune to the sun and is able to eat normal foods and doesn't have to drink blood. Though she does have enhanced speed and hearing her eye sight and strength suffers majorly for it. She has one or two more powers but refuses to tell them.
Backstory (Optional): She refuses to tell, scared of what people will think of her. She's also scared that her past may come back to haunt her.
She never actually met her father though she does know the name he gave her before she was born, Rachel Isaac. Growing up her mother, Lisa Ivor, raised her as Wyvern. Wy knew that she was a Dhampir from a young age. When her father showed up late one night when she was seven he killed her mother. Wy ran for her life and ended up in front of the inn, crying and cold. She was taken in there and has spent the years researching her father and trying to make sure he doesn't harm anyone else.
Personality (Optional): Wy tends to be quiet but don't let her quietness fool you. Underneath she's a churning mess of emotions that's waiting to blow. She's become a hermit over the years, trying not to get to close to anyone incase her father finds her again. She's only told a few people about her father and how much she fears him.
Outfit (Optional): In photo
Theme Song (Optional): New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco
Other: She rarely sleeps. Sacrificing it to try and find her father and stop him.

First Name:
She doesn't have any.
No one knows.
She is very mysterious and quiet. She's also a traitor to everyone in the inn
In photo
The person who tells Kinder everything that happens in the inn.

First Name:
Last Name:
He doesn't have one
His exact age is unknown (though he is ancient) he looks to be mid to late twenties
Can turn humans into vampires if he wants to.
Blood Control-
He can control a human or Dhampir using their blood. (Doesn't use this unless he really wants to control the person)
He doesn't care to tell most of his life. However, eighteen years ago, Kinder met a young women by the name of Lisa Ivor. After one night with her he left the women alone. Nine months later he found her again and learned she had given birth to a baby girl, his daughter who he named Rachel, hoping that maybe one day he could control her for his own purposes. Seven years later he went to do just so. However, the girl—now called Wyvern—escaped and he spent years using his pawn—Reaver—to track her down to use her powers for his own evil deeds.
Sometime in this time he turned a young man into a vampire (aka Dr. Name)
Kinder is cruel and sadistic. He doesn't care who he has to kill or turn into his pawn to get to his goal of eventually controlling all of humanity and the supernaturals. He's very scary but is fearful about how strong his daughter may become if he cannot find her in time to keep her from using her powers against hime.
In photo
Theme Song:
Big Bad Wolf by In This Moment
Wyvern's father.