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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuddle Pot
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Cuddle Pot

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First Name: Dr. Stanley

Last Name: Name

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dresses in a lab coat, black slacks, and sandals when relaxing at the inn or his lab. Old and haggard has messy grey hair and slate grey eyes.

Nickname: "doc" or "Name"

Race: Vampire (born human)

Powers: (can fill out over time) Analytic mind and fast reflexes, though weaker then most normal humans due to blood hunger, vast knowledge of anatomy both human and supernatural.

Personally: Kind and nurturing like a father or grandfather, though sometimes forlorn and erratic and jittery when testing new "cure" or when stuck in the past.

Backstory: Became a vamp. when attacked and robbed by a blood crazed vampire. Since then he lost his clinic, job, home, and what was left of his family. Since then he has been stuffed up in the inn researching and testing a cure for his affliction without any success. Talks openly about his research and life, but clams up at mention of his life before vampirism. (refuses to drink blood and leaves him haggard and starving)

Other: Drinks large amount of coffee, and acts like a father figure to younger inn residents. (sometimes against their wishes)

Theme Song:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


First Name: Spinel

Last Name: Flux

Nickname: Spen, Flux

Age: 212 (currently appears to be 19-ish)

Gender: Male

Race: Phoenix

Powers: Flight (wings), fire invulnerability, limited telepathy (To be completed.)

Backstory: A bit fuzzy from the rebirth process. (TBR)

Personality: Often off in his own world, but generally quick to disagree to plans that would cause harm to others. He's a bit lazy and passive aggressive sometimes as well, and very much enjoys sleeping. His idea of a good time is to make a "nest" of comfortable objects, never mind where they came from, and stay there for up to several hours at a time. He can be bribed out with sweets, but he will often try to return as soon as possible even then.

Outfit: Changes from day to day, but he generally either likes to stay comfortable, or dress to the nines (when he actually decides to go do something). He has no in-between, it seems.

Theme Song: I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy

Other: Has an odd addiction to candy, especially spicy candies. He often seems to have a fireball or something cinnamon flavored on him, though he enjoys other sweets as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 3 mos ago


First Name: Charles

Last Name: McCloud

Nickname: Charlie

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Race: Dragon

Summoning - Can summon forth Creatures, Spirits, Demons, Weapons, Armor, Etc... (doesn't have full control since is young)

Combine - Can combine with his summons such as the spirits which will allow him to use other magics such as fire and etc.. though he has to have knowledge of the element to use it. while other creatures would transform into special armor and weapons

Fuse - He fully fuses with one of his summoned beings for a limited time, their minds becoming one, their powers becoming one, taking on an entirely new form dependent on what he fuses with. Becomes a lot more power than he is himself, or his summon is by itself.

And of course being able to shift between his human and dragon form partial or full, and the regular bonuses(can't control them well)

Backstory: His parents was slain when he was very young, he was raised in the human world for most of his childhood. But when his foster parents, who was farmers, found out what he was they tried to kill him. That was when his summoning power awakened as a demonic element of fire emerged from his power, a creature that was named Ifrit. Who protected Charles by turning the entire home into a bonfire, while protecting him. Ifrit along with other beings who slowly arrived over time wished for him to live and be without fear, so they have been guiding and protecting him ever sense he was 6.

Personality: Sweet, Kind, Shy, tends to get scared easy. Somewhat naive to things sense he doesn't know much.

Theme Song: (in combat) Let the sparks fly - Thousand Foot Krutch (otherwise) TBA

Other: His power tends to activate when he or one he cares for is in danger more than his own want.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sentele
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Sentele Master of Comedy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First Name

Last Name

Cello, Sana, She-Beast

18 or 19, roughly



Basic abilities of any normal werewolf, being able to control herself well whenever she shifts. Inhuman strength and agility in her wolf form, favouring to be like a very large and living battering ram at times. She has some manner of skill wielding weapons, specifically knifes, more specifically her machete.

"....I get the feeling telling someone like you of my tale would be worthless."

She comes across as very independent and as a loner, of such. She tends to be very watchful of something, if it catches her curiosity. She holds an odd sense of humour, one that is mostly used to belittle others. She has her vulnerable moments, which she takes a carefully crafted mask to hide from outsiders. Once comfortable with someone, she isn't a completely changed person, but she makes a note to acknowledge them is needed. When shifting, she tends to be slightly more aggressive in general, as her senses are heightened which in turn makes her more on-edge.

Her simple outfit is the one found in her photo. Her shoes are high combat boots, almost pitch black.

Theme Song
Blue Lips - Regina Spektor

Has a like for sweet, green tea and rain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire Cat
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Cheshire Cat Corporal / Bot Killer Squad

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


First Name: Alaric

Last Name (Optional): Kapral

Nickname(Optional): Al, Ala, Alar, Lar, Kap.

Age: 104, though appears to be 17.

Gender: Male

Race: Vampire

Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time): Enhanced speed (though not much faster than most humans), is able to blend in almost perfectly with shadows (though this could just be his sneaky nature), faster reflexes and heightened hearing and smell.

Backstory (Optional): Alaric was born as a vampire though kind of differs in his usual personality. He did however develop his fathers sadistic nature which certainly shows through, which is why he tries to hide it. All that is known for sure is that he hates his father but he won't say why. (The rest TBR)

Personality (Optional): Typically could be called a prankster and gets a good laugh at even the most simple of pranks or jumping out of the shadows to scare people. He generally tries not to actually hurt people but he's not exactly opposed to it and has a bit of a sadistic side. He will respect those he sees are stronger than him but will see others as "prey" of sorts for his jokes. Oddly tries to refrain from drinking blood though will when he gets really hungry

Outfit (Optional): In picture.

Theme Song (Optional): Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Set It Off

Other: Has learned to play the electric guitar. Has the sword in his picture but keeps it hidden in his "spare guitar case."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


First Name:Lou

Last Name (Optional):Soung

Nickname(Optional): The fearful demon

Age: 87

Gender: Male

Race: hopping vampire

Powers: beside being able to do what any vampire can do, drain people of energy and or blood, Lou has more abilities that than. Being a hopping vampire, he can barely bend his feet, and because of so must hop, but can float if needed. Now only this, but he has the strength of a very strong man.

Backstory (Optional): Tbr

Personality: I will add this later

Outfit (Optional):As seen above

Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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@Cuddle Pot@YamiCuoreLaroux@Eviledd1984@olcharlieboi@manapool1
You all are good since you're transfers/I've already accepted Charlie.

@Sentele@Cheshire Cat
You guys are accepted!
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I suppose I can kill a bit of time with a drink."
- He stands a 6'2", weighs 185 pounds, and has dark grey eyes
- His height increases to just a bit under 6'7" and his weight increases to 213 pounds

First Name: Jacque

Last Name (Optional): Marrow

Nickname(Optional): Mister Wolfe

Age: 67 (appears to be in his late twenties/early thirties)

Gender: Male

Race: Werewolf (bitten)

Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time): Biological immortality (does not die of age), increased longevity (physically ages incredibly slow), enhanced senses, peak human fitness, werewolf transformation (increases physical attributes to beyond human levels)

Backstory (Optional): Prior to his infection Jacque made his living working for a private contracting company, which is just a fancy way of saying that he was a mercenary. Despite the title Jacque's particular job wasn't to move from one war zone to the next to shoot whomever he was told to, rather it was to simply provide security in certain locations on a company or government payroll when it wasn't considered a politically sound to send actual soldiers to protect certain interests. He saw a few skirmishes every now and then and even received a few wounds for his troubles, but he was never in a full on fire fight. His infection came about when he was stationed at a village in Mozambique where he and a few colleagues were to provide security for a diamond mine: a few locals came to him and his team with complaints of what they assumed to be a rabid hyena harassing livestock every few nights. Most of his team refused to help, however Jacque saw an opportunity to strengthen relationships with the locals. He took a bit of time during his night patrols to search for the hyena until one night he found the culprit. After taking a few shots at the beast Jacque found himself mauled to a bloody pulp and left for dead. He was eventually found by one of his team when he failed to report for a shift change, and was driven to the nearest hospital were he made a miraculous recovery over the week. After getting out, Jacque took his near death as a sign to quit doing overseas work and start focusing on doing jobs on home soil. He took the money he saved to open his own security company.
Things were great until he started waking up some mornings to find himself in the middle of the woods with some sort of dead animal or another next to him. First he called a therapist, thinking it was PTSD, then he turned to a psychic when the therapy failed. When the psychic told him about lycanthropy he thought she was just a quack, right up until she lightly pricked him with a silver pin and he hit the floor screaming like he'd been shot. Jacque ended up leaving his company in the care of a friend and isolating himself for several years until he could get control of what he was. He eventually gained a semblance of control, however before he knew it the years had turned to decades and most of the people he knew were either old, retired with families, or dead. With quite a bit of money still saved from his contracting and security days, Jacque picked up shop and moved halfway across the country to live his life in leisure, occasionally still picking up the odd job or two whenever he felt he was getting rusty. He comes and goes to the inn as he pleases, considering the company of monsters instead of humans to be his new normal.

Personality (Optional): A bit standoffish in appearance, but a fairly decent and laid back guy once you get to know him. Jacque has spent many years learning to bottle up his more negative emotions to prevent his more animalistic urges from getting out of hand. often greeting most situations with a soft smile and politeness at best, and stoic professionalism at worst. Despite this there are a few times where this facade slips and he becomes more himself. Jacque tries not to show it, but he's a tired fellow; somewhat depressed by the fact that he has spent his youth in the company of friends and family that he thinks he can never see again due to the fact that they've either died from one cause or another, forgotten him, or would probably oust him as a monster and reject him. During the days when the full moon will be out Jacque becomes more paranoid and aggressive, preferring to become reclusive until the moon is in it's waning stage.

Outfit (Optional): Jacque's choices in clothing are mostly dress casual, however his attire changes based upon situation at hand: More formal events will be met with professional or dress casual attire, less formal events like a social get together will be met with a short or longsleeve shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and outdoor events like hiking will be met with t-shirts/tank tops, cargo pants, and boots. Jackets and coats also vary. He has a thing for bottle cap opener rings.

Theme Song (Optional): Hop, skip, & jump, by Pete Rock

Other: Jacque's transformations happen regardless of his will when he's exposed to the full moon or feels intense negative emotions. He lacks mastery over his bestial side despite his training, though he's gained enough control to avoid tearing apart everything in sight unless he's extremely pissed, usually he'll "aim" himself at something in particular and vent his urges and energy in the appropriate manner, such as running on a treadmill all night to avoid chasing down people, or hunting the rabbits and moles he's grown a vegetable garden in his backyard specifically for. Jacque is a bit of an alcoholic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted. He'll be added to the list when I'm home
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She's good!
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

First Name:

Last Name (Optional):

L.R. (a self given nickname that's short for Lord Reese, something that he hopes others would call him)

If asked he'd state he's 20 years old though that his truely super far from the truth. Reese won't reveal his true age but it is hinted to be at least 300.



Powers (Optional, Can Fill out over Time):
War Manipulation
Unlike his uncle, Ares, Reese only inherited the ability to be naturally, extremely skilled in all form of fighting, weapons and both strategy and tactics. Sadly he didn't inherit the skill of weappnary of this aspect. Though being a Demi-God he automatically receives inhuman strength, speed, etc.

Flight & Advanced healing

Not many gods have weaknesses but being the offspring of a lesser God rewards you with more of these defaults. One of them can cause Reese to go completely numb or unconscious if spoken.
Simple say....The spear and swan of the Goddess's image has disowned its offspring and their privilege.

Having ties to someone, like friend ship or loving another can cause him to become weaker by the second. Hurting said people or someone will have a serious opposite effect and will fuel Reese with more power.

Backstory (Optional):
Born the illegitimate child of Enyo, the lesser Goddess of War, Reese faced many problems. Not because he had to occasionally live up to his grandfathers name(Zues) but had to over come the harsh powers of his inherited power. He'd often cause people to fight or kill each other without him even trying. This caused him to be a nomadic god and roam until his abilities couldn't effect anyone anymore. His human blood and mortal body bound him to earth so unable to go to heaven he searched for a place to call home and came across the Supernatural inn.

Personality (Optional):
Prideful and gives off a serious attitude. He's a nice guy but has a hard time opening up to people since he could either cause them to gain hate for someone or weakening him by forming a bond with another. On some occasions he'll give someone an unconscious cold stare without him knowing. Reese tries his best to avoid any situations that causes him to revert to combat. This doesn't mean he'll turn down a challenge though doing this is probably the most effective way of getting Reese to agree to use his abilities in combat. That and to defend who he believes needs his defensive skills.

Outfit (Optional):
Wears baggy clothes that look like they was torn from a garbage bag and shaped to look like clothes. He usually wears shorts and shirtsleeve outfits. No matter what he wears he always wears his helmet. The way he dresses is a reference to his mother. How she goes into battle wearing only a helmet and her weapon by her side.

Theme Song (Optional):
Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab

Reese is 5'7", close to a century ago his left arm was ripped of by a beast of the heavens. Even though he reattached his limb scars for heavenly beast can't become completely undone. Thus the bite marks off said beast still remains on his arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KawaiiRainbowz
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KawaiiRainbowz am i kawaii yet?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Slendy@Song Book
You guys are accepted!

Sorry I cannot accept. There is only one dragon allowed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KawaiiRainbowz
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KawaiiRainbowz am i kawaii yet?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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No you cannot. I will not accept robots.
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