Name: Octavius Fault
Species: Purebred Vampire
Age: Around 950 years
Personality:Octavius has always been seen as a charitable and kind person, using his personal funds to benefit Octus, The Society, and all vampires in general. In reality, Octavius has the sort of self-rightous zeal and eccentricity only the crazy and rich could function with. He is at least somewhat self-aware, seeing his own superiority complex through his thin veneer of kindness and charm, though he seems to be completely comfortable with, and even takes solace in all of this. He also tends to be incredibly possessive, and not very polite to those who mess with his possessions.
Equipment: Octavius doesn't carry much on his person. Generally, he only has his cane sword (it would be the same sort of design as in the image), his phone, and his wallet.
Background: Octavius was born to a rich pair of pures during what was basically the beginnings of The Society. His parents helped convince others to follow the doctrine of The Society, constantly traveling across europe and asia for close to 100 years. They spent almost every hiding from, or fighting hunters, sometimes being forced to add them to their brood.
By the early 1400s, They had finally settled down in England, building a large manor to house them and their accumulated brood of turned vampires. The Society had spread to such a degree that Vampires were thought to have gone extinct, or to maybe have never existed. Over the next number of years, the Fault family began to amass a large fortune, and a massive amount of vampires looking to them for guidance, and generally considering them the new center of The Society. Up to that point, The Society was nothing more than a doctrine, a list of rules, and a general idea, though it seemed that people wanted a force to keep everything in check, and keep as many Vampires alive as was possible.
This led to the formation of the Octus council, a group of 8 purebred Vampires who were among the most powerful and wise of their kind. They kept their identities secret, as a protective measure against Society's detractors. Both of Octavius' parents had been members since it's inception, but people new that, and some weren't very happy about it.
By the mid 1600s, many had gotten sick of the policies that Octus had put forward by that point, either they did very little, or they restricted Vampires too much. All of this unrest reached a head when the council agreed to outlaw direct conflict of any sort, be it between vampire and human, or just between vampires. Octus was rather against conflict, but failed to recognize the place that it had among vampiric culture. By the end of 1660, all 8 members had been tracked down and killed by hunters who had been tipped off.
Octus was completely restructured, and 8 new members were put in place in a meeting of over 100 purebreds, who cast their votes in secret, and the 8 members were informed of their new role by the single person who was tasked with counting the votes, Octavius. Of course, Octavius only got onto the council because he ignored the votes for a certain individual he was not too fond of, but, he isn't important right now.
Octavius was now in a position of power, to succeed where his parents had failed. He revealed himself only days after he was elected to the council, with the sort of attitude that people loved after after murdering all of their old leaders; Kind and reassuring. He only wanted to see the cheers on the faces of those who, mere weeks prior, were calling for the death of his parents.
By the late 1700s, Octavius had become extremely popular with most vampires for supporting favorable policies that restricted people as little as possible, while still enforcing the protection and continued survival of both humans and vampires.
Many Vampires had chosen to move to colonies in America by this point, which lead to a large number of vampires participating in the revolution. Octavius stayed out of it, but by the 1800s, he had been dragged to America by the rest of Octus. In 1830, The United States was declared as the new haven for vampires.
By the time of the Civil War, most vampires were on the side of the North, where many had made their homes among the newly industrialized towns and cities. The 8th law of Octus resulted from this period, pushed by Octavius. Most of the other members felt it was pointless, though.
Octavius enjoyed drifting through the late 1800s, and most of the 1900s in luxary. He built large companies through his brood of turned, which included some of of the biggest businesses in history. Their names and faces were lost to history, and the glory of those companies were accredited to those who were simply business partners.
While Octavius still claims large sums of money from those companies, he prefers to make his money in underground affairs. What exactly he does, no one knows, but then again, very few really even know he deals in illegal activities.
Upon the revalation that there was an epidemic of feral vampires, Octavius knew that they had no chance on their own. Octavius did the unthinkable, and brought a hunter to a meeting of Octus, and convinced the other members to sign addendums 10-1 and 10-2 into law.
Extra: Octavius' brood is rather large, and he controls them reasonably well. He tends to keep aout 50-100 somehwere nearby for protection. There are only a select few in his brood that he actually associates himself with, though. (If you want a turned vampire that's a part of Octavius' brood, go ahead. If you want to do that, but be close to Octavius, I suggest asking)