Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jordy0403
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@Letter Bee

I tried for character development with Eviledd's character. Perhaps I didn't do it very well, but I did try.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee

I tried for character development with Eviledd's character. Perhaps I didn't do it very well, but I did try.

You could have chosen Hjalti's, or Marcus XVI's, or approached Shadowsaint's when the latter's PC went off to do his own thing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Combo move

Combo move

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Edit; working on my next post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Sorry about the inactivity. I've been busy and there is not much for my guy to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Combo move

Combo move

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I wonder if Katherine's shot will do its job! and sorry @Letter Bee for auto hitting generic unnamed NPC's that aren't crafted by me, let me know if I need to refrain from that in future posts. granted, that would take quite some time to work out a battle :/ However as seen in my post I do not auto-hit important NPC's and PC's!

I'm excited to see how @Lord Coake reacts to this :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Combo move, You can auto-hit generic unnamed NPCs...as long as you can come up with a good reason as to why you can kill them, and in this case, you have a good enough weapon and position to do so.

Basically, just don't roll over everything and allow yourself to miss a shot or get hit once in a while, and it'll be allowed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

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@shadowsaint007, @Marcus XVI, @Simple Unicycle, @jordy0403, @EvilEdd1984, @Trevor1001, @TheUnknowable, @Lord Coake, @Vulkan, @Hjalti, @Chronothesis, @Combo move, @Shadowman215.

Happy two-month anniversary!

Marcus, still here?

Also, been thinking of starting a new thread for the Commonwealth Arc.

I'm here! :D I have an idea for an Arc, also- ....I am slowly recovering from my two do illness XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Chronothesis, What's your idea, perhaps we can accomodate it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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I don't know what to post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

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@Chronothesis, What's your idea, perhaps we can accommodate it?

The creation of the G.E.C.K. was in the act, even though it's on a destiny to fail the GECK project was activated by the Institute in attempts to destroy the world as we know it to revive the world before the bombings in 2077. The Brotherhood hunts down any trace of high leveled technology within the Fallout world, the Brotherhood and maybe the enclave set out to destroy this world rendering machine and then hopes to recreate, fix the GECK without it destroying the world.

Sorry if this sounds dumb by the way, I don't know much about the Fallout Lore. @_@

( Of course, it will fail, it's just an attempt by the Institute to revive the world. The after their hard work the first version of GECK is destroyed and then is recreated successfully by an another group. I don't, know who though...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Eviledd1984, Join the mission against Old Man's Corner?

@Chronothesis, I don't think a GECK works that way in Canon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

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@Eviledd1984, Join the mission against Old Man's Corner?

@Chronothesis, I don't think a GECK works that way in Canon.

I knew it, Dx.

The Garden of Eden Creation Kit is a device capable of radically altering the Wasteland and transforming dead, irradiated soil into viable land suitable for farming; it is implied, though not confirmed, that this is the usual mode of operation for a GECK in Fallout 2. However, there is significant disagreement as to what a GECK actually does; the only time we see one properly in action (rather than merely the results) is in Fallout 3.

Since Each Vault got one except for some of the Vaults, I was thinking of some group to find out that there was a terraforming device called the GECK, expanding our destinations to the Commonwealth to find the creation Kit. It is also stated that GECK was given to the vaults, had, at least, two given to them.

Each Vault was presumably issued with two GECKs, except for Vaults 8, 13, 112, and 101; Vault 8's extra GECK got swapped (whether, by accident or some nefarious scheme, this is not known) with Vault 13's surplus water chips that had been ordered as backups. Vaults 112 and 101 were never issued GECKs because they were never intended to be re-opened; each was an experiment in permanent confinement.

I was thinking of an ARC that revolved around GECK. If possible. o-o
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Chronothesis, Hmm, I think it'll interfere with the general direction of the RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Chronothesis, Hmm, I think it'll interfere with the general direction of the RP.

Aw, alrighty!

I'll post in a few. ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

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((Collab Post between Letter Bee and Simple Unicycle))

Note: The primary conceit of this piece is that this is set in an Alternate Universe where Fallout: New York is a TV Show and all the characters are actors. Also, yes, Bethesda produces TV Shows now.

Suddenly, in a cloud of black smoke, the scene changes into a stage. Three men, two of them viewers and cast of the show would recognize as Albert and Lawrence, walked out and sat in chairs in the center of said stage. The third man was... Seth Rogen? Oh yeah, Seth Rogen, he voices Tim the robot... Because everyone knew that.

All three of the men were dressed in suits, Albert and Seth both wearing glasses and Lawrence having nothing else of note. Then, Albert proclaims: "Hello, audience! I'm Bruce Hutchinson, but you might know me as Albert from Fallout: New York. We're here for the second monthly mailbag!" Bruce/Albert pauses for a second, and some trumpets sound and there's weak applause. "Not what I expected... *ahem*, Well, we'll allow Par to open the first letter. Par?" Bruce asks, before gesturing to a trap door at the trio's feet.

The trapdoor opened, and Par walked out, still in his Grey T-Shirt and Camoflague pants, as well as shoes. His shades were gone, though, revealing his grey eyes. He wore a Santa Hat, and most importantly, he carried a bag of letters over his shoulder.

After setting himself down on the remaining chair, Par then took out a letter at random and opened it.

Dear Fallout Tv Show Crew, why cannot we see Vor Shinse naked? We want to see Vor Shinse naked! Love, SomePerv.

"Well," Seth said, "the 15-year-old in me wants to see her naked, too, but the 33-year-old in me knows that that's really, REALLY screwed up. So no, you'll never see her naked now."

"Well, I've seen her naked on several occasions..." Bruce/Albert chuckles, his charisma making his lie believable, "But no. For God knows what reason, Bethesda and HBO won't let us show people naked on the show... Also, in that first scene with me and that chick in bed, I was wearing underwear. Sorry, ladies!"

"First, my name's Nathan Smith, I'm Lawrence," Nathan/Lawrence says, "and second, no. As Bruce stated, we can't show naked people on he-"

"But we showed Par naked a while ago!" Seth butts in, "why the hell can't we show other naked people!" The three go quiet.

"Difference is, we didn't actually see any of his naughty bits. He wore underwear the whole scene, and we never saw his lower body." Bruce/Albert says.

"Ah, that makes sense... So, go ahead Par." Seth replies, before gesturing to Par to answer the question.

"Well, considering that HBO was willing to show full nudity in its Rome series, I really can't understand why they and Bethesda weren't willing to show any nudity in Fallout: New York - perhaps because it's based on a 'kiddy'," Par made air-quotes, "video game?"

"Calling Fallout 'kiddy' is like calling that torture scene in Reservoir Dogs not violent." Nathan/Lawrence replies. "Anyway, next letter."

Par grinned, before reading out:

Dear Fallout Crew, if your characters are sorted into Hogwarts Houses, what House would you select? Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff?

"Hufflepuff!" Bruce/Albert declares, "They're the best."
"Eh, never watched the movies. No opinion." Seth replies.
"How could you not watch the... Nevermind, I'd go with Ravenclaw." Nathan/Lawrence adds.

"Gryffindor or Slytherin are my own choices," said Par, "hmm...Gryffindor. Anyway, Bruce, want to read the next letter?" Par handed him the envelope.

"Will do." Bruce says, and with that he opens the next letter.

Dear Fallout Crew, why did Jinx and Greg die? They were my favorite characters! Please bring that back, pleeeeeeeeease!

"*ahem* Yeaaaaah, the actors died in a car crash last week. Sorry kids, no chance for Jinx or Greg to come back, they're dead for good." Nathan/Lawrence says.
"Never liked 'em in the first place..." Seth chuckles.
"It was hard losing those guys, but we moved on. Par?" Bruce says, before gesturing to Par to address the letter.

"First up," Par said, "do not be disrespectful to the dead, and two, Greg might - might - get a new actor; he'll have to wear bandages around his face, though, like the Burned Man. Either way, condolences have to be sent for their loss, not mockery. Next letter!" Par then opened the new one.

Dear Fallout Crew, I have to complain; Par and Gabe and Alex and Alan are Gary Stus, or at least a Spotlight Stealing Squad! I honestly don't get why they are so popular; maybe its because their audience is made up of teenyboppers. They merit seven Reys on the Rey Scale - Yes, I believe that Rey from The Force Awakens is a massive -

Par crumpled the letter.

"You may insult my character, but Rey is not a Mary Sue; Kylo Ren was wounded twice when she beat him, and she was clearly borderline tapping into the Dark Side. Also, a Mary Sue is someone who gets everything he or she wants without enough effort, like Bella Swan, who's an 'ordinary everygirl' who yet gets the attention of powerful, impossibly hot men who are also Gary Stus, or Ebratgon from Eragon who is loved by almost everyone even though he engages in psycopathic behavior such as torture."

"So shut up."

"That was a massive fucking rant." Bruce/Albert says, before Nathan/Lawrence and Seth nod in agreement. "Next letter!"

Dear Fallout Crew, not to be impolite, but Lawrence, Tim, and Albert suffer for a large case of Informed Ability! Lawrence is supposed to be badass, but we never see him do badass stuff! Tim is supposed to be funny, but he's more annoying than hilarious! And Albert's charisma only works when shown offscreen!

I still like them, though.

Bruce/Albert, Seth and Nathan/Lawrence just stare at the screen, and whoever's watching the show, be it the writer of the letter or just the rest of the viewers. "Tell the writers that they're fired. Get better ones so that we have more screen time." Seth says, in a serious tone. "Yeah, if we want to show how AWESOME all of our characters are, we need to have more screen time." Bruce/Albert replies, before Nathan/Lawrence says: "Expect to see more Lawrence, Albert and Tim! ... Or something."

Par chuckled, before saying:

"Last letter!" and opening a final envelope.

Dear Fallout Crew, why did you age up Marie Ashur to 20 instead of 10, and have her be 10 in the Fallout 3 era? I know this is an AU, but aren't you altering things willy-nilly now?

"Don't worry," Par said, "she'll be a fine character, or at least a challenging antagonist. And, as for why we changed the age, well, we needed a way for the Pitt and the Institute to have an alliance against the Brotherhood, and having Marie willingly use her unique DNA as a bargaining chip was one way of doing things."

"I... Never played The Pitt, so I have no clue who Marie Ashur is." Bruce/Albert adds, before Seth and Nathan/Lawrence say that they haven't even played a Fallout game and just took the part because it paid well. "... I feel like I just started a riot somewhere." Seth says, before clearing his throat. "So, that's the last letter! So, this is the end of..." Bruce/Albert, Seth and Nathan/Lawrence shout (together, of course): "FALLOUT NEW YORK MAILBAG!" The trumpet and applause from the beginning plays once more, and smoke appears yet again and then the scene is back to normal.

Another note: As of this post, I'll (Simple Unicycle) try to be more active. Might post another collab with Letter Bee IC to get me back into action.

@Chronothesis, @shadowsaint007, @Marcus XVI, @EvilEdd1984, @Trevor1001, @Lord Coake, @Vulkan, @Hjalti, @Combo move, @Shadowman215
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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How can i have Danny and Ahab join?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Member Seen 42 min ago

Danny: This show is stupid.

Ahab: I quite like this,It is like that movie with that actor who makes funny faces.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Go to meeting words, I'm sure that Bee would let you do one with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Shadowman215, I'll have to NPC your character again, I'm afraid.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Simple Unicycle Could i have a link to it?
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